Lender Narrative – Section 232/241(a) Supplemental Loan |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Residential Care Facilities |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0605 |
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 73 hour(s). This includes the time for collecting, reviewing, and reporting the data. The information is being collected to obtain the supportive documentation which must be submitted to HUD for approval, and is necessary to ensure that viable projects are developed and maintained. The Department will use this information to determine if properties meet HUD requirements with respect to development, operation and/or asset management, as well as ensuring the continued marketability of the properties. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Warning: Any person who knowingly presents a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or claim in a matter within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is subject to criminal penalties, civil liability, and administrative sanctions.
The narrative is a document critical to the Lean Underwriting process. Each section of the narrative and all questions need to be completed and answered. If the lender’s underwriter disagrees and modifies any third-party report conclusions, sufficient detail to justify the changes must be provided. This narrative is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the transactions and demonstrate how the weaknesses are mitigated by the underwriting.
Charts: The charts contained in this document have been created with versatility in mind; however they will not be able to accommodate all situations. For this reason, you are allowed to alter the charts as the situation demands. Be sure to state how you have altered the charts along with your justification. Include all the information the form calls for. Charts that include blue text indicate names that should be modified by the lender as the situation dictates.
Applicability: If a section is not applicable, state so in that section and provide a reason. Do not delete a section heading that is not applicable. The narrative will be checked to make certain all sections are provided. If a major section is not applicable, add “ – Not Applicable” to the heading and provide the reason. For instance:
Parent of the Operator – Not Applicable
This section is not applicable because there is no operator.
The rest of the subsections under the inapplicable section can then be deleted. This instruction page may also be deleted.
Format: In addition to submitting the PDF version of the Lender Narrative to HUD, please also submit an electronic Word version.
Instead of pasting large portions of text from third-party reports into the narrative, it is preferred that the lender simply reference the page number and the report. The focus of this document is for lender conclusions, analyses, and summaries.
Italicized text found between these characters <<EXAMPLE>> is instructional in nature, and may be deleted from the lender’s final version. Please use the gray shaded areas (e.g., ) for your response. Double click on a check box and then change the default value to mark selection (e.g., ).
<<Insert Project Photo>>
Special or Atypical Underwriting Considerations 11
Licensing/Certificate of Need/Keys Amendment 17
Lender’s Loan Committee Process 20
Obsolescence/Depreciation and Remaining Economic Life 25
Construction Progress Schedule 27
Construction Costs (Form HUD-2328) 29
Other Fees – General Contractor 30
Bond Premium/Assurance of Completion 31
Schedule of Other Fees to be Paid by Borrower 31
Underwritten Reserve for Replacement 33
Hypothetical Conditions and Extraordinary Assumptions 34
Competitive Environment (Supply) 36
Income Capitalization Approach – As Is 36
Comparable Expense Data – As Is 50
Net Operating Income – As Is 53
Sales Comparison Approach – As Is 56
Effective Gross Income Multiplier (EGIM) – As Is 57
Lender Modifications – As Is 59
Income Capitalization Approach – As Proposed 59
Net Operating Income – As Proposed 72
Capitalization Rate – As Proposed 74
Sales Comparison Approach – As Proposed 76
Price per Unit/Bed – As Proposed 76
Effective Gross Income Multiplier (EGIM) – As Proposed 76
Cost Approach – As Proposed 77
Reconciliation – As Proposed 77
Lender Modifications – As Proposed 77
ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey 80
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 83
Other Potential Environmental Concerns 86
State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Clearance 91
Borrower Entity and Principals of the Borrower 93
Management Agent (if applicable) 96
Management Agreement (as applicable) 97
Lease Payment – During Construction 106
Lease Payment – During Lease Up 106
Lease Payment Analysis – As Proposed 106
Accounts Receivable (A/R) Financing 108
Professional Liability Coverage 108
Fidelity Bond/Employee Dishonesty Coverage 114
Relocation Plan and Budget During Construction 114
Mortgage Loan Determinants 114
Criterion C: Amount Based on Replacement Cost 115
Criterion D: Amount Based on Loan-to-Value 115
Criterion E: Amount Based on Debt Service Coverage 115
Criterion I: Amount Based on Total Indebtedness 115
Criterion L: Deduction of Grants, Loans, and Gifts 115
Sources & Uses – Copied From HUD 92264a-ORCF 116
Circumstances that May Require Additional Information 117
FHA number: |
Project name: |
Project location: |
<<street address, city, county, and state>> |
Lender’s name: |
Lender’s UW: |
UW trainee: |
Borrower: |
Is the Borrower A Non-Profit? Yes No |
Operator: |
Parent of operator: |
Management agent: |
General contractor: |
License holder: |
Borrower Operator Management agent |
Residents will contract with: |
<<Entity with whom residents will contract for services>> |
Section 38 of the Regulatory Agreement shall apply to the following individuals and/or entities (list name(s)): |
Purpose of loan: |
<<description of purpose of loan (e.g., add an addition, complete repairs, etc.)>> |
Type of Facility: As-Is
Licensed |
Operating |
Licensed |
Operating |
Skilled Nursing (SNF): |
beds |
units |
Assisted Living (AL): |
beds |
units |
Memory Care (AL): |
beds |
units |
Board & Care (B&C): |
beds |
units |
Independent Living (IL): |
beds |
units |
Total: |
units |
Type of Facility: As-Proposed
Licensed |
Operating |
Licensed |
Operating |
Skilled Nursing (SNF): |
beds |
units |
Assisted Living (AL): |
beds |
units |
Board & Care (B&C): |
beds |
units |
Dementia Care: |
beds |
units |
Independent Living (IL): |
beds |
units |
Total: |
units |
Mortgage Criteria: |
Debt Service Coverage Ratio for Both Loans with Existing Achieved NOI:
Criterion A: Requested loan amount: |
$ |
Debt Service Coverage Ratio for Both Loans with Existing Achieved NOI+Additional NOI:
Debt Service Coverage Ratio for Both Loans with Existing Achieved EGI – Proposed Expenses:
Criterion C: Amount based on replacement cost: |
$ |
Criterion D: Amount based on loan-to-value: |
$ |
Criterion E: Amount based on debt service coverage: |
$ |
Criterion I: Amount based on total indebtedness: |
$ |
Criterion L: Amount based on deduction of grant(s), loan(s), LIHTCs, and gift(s) for mortgageable items: |
$ |
As-Is Sensitivity Analysis:
A 1.0 debt service coverage is still realized if:
Average rental drops $ per month.
Occupancy rate decreases %.
Operating expenses increase % per year.
Annual net operating income (NOI) decreases $ or %.
Medicaid Rate decreases $ or %.
Medicaid Census decreases %.
As-Proposed Sensitivity Analysis:
A 1.0 debt service coverage is still realized if:
Average rental drops $ per month.
Occupancy rate decreases %.
Operating expenses increase % per year.
Annual net operating income (NOI) decreases $ or %.
Medicaid Rate decreases $ or %.
Medicaid Census decreases %.
UW Gross income: |
$ |
UW occupancy rate: |
% |
UW Effective gross income: |
$ |
UW Expenses per bed/unit*: |
$ |
UW Expenses & repl. res.: |
$ |
UW Expense ratio: |
% |
UW Net operating income: |
$ |
*Use per bed for SNF, or facilities with multiple care types (e.g., SNF/AL). Use per unit for ALF only.
**UW EGI, Expenses and NOI should be consistent with the HUD-92264A-ORCF, Criterion E.
As-Proposed Totals:
UW Gross income: |
$ |
UW occupancy rate: |
% |
UW Effective gross income: |
$ |
UW Expenses per bed/unit*: |
$ |
UW Expenses & repl. res.: |
$ |
UW Expense ratio: |
% |
UW Net operating income: |
$ |
*Use per bed for SNF, or facilities with multiple care types (e.g., SNF/AL). Use per unit for ALF only.
**UW EGI, Expenses and NOI should be consistent with the HUD-92264A-ORCF, Criterion E.
Initial Operating Deficit: |
No. Preleased units: |
Absorption rate/no. units per month: |
No. months to cover shortfalls: |
Breakeven Occupancy %: |
Working Capital: |
$ |
Cash Investment: |
$ |
Debt Service Reserve Escrow: |
$ |
No. months of principal & interest payments: |
Offsite Escrow: |
$ |
Minor Movable Equipment Escrow: |
$ |
Demolition: |
$ |
Other: |
$ |
TOTAL Equity Without Land: |
$ |
of total |
TOTAL Equity With Land: |
$ |
of total |
*Total project cost is the total uses on the Form HUD-92264a-ORCF. |
Land Equity (Calculation of Warranted Price of Land): <<Describe whether land is currently owned or will be acquired, purchase price, date of purchase, part of larger parcel or planned unit development, etc.>> |
Front Money Escrow (Total Cash Requirement minus Escrows): |
Cash requirement will be met by: |
<<pre-paids, letter of credit, sponsor, etc. Example: “Borrower’s cash and letters of credit.”>> |
Based on a review of the principals <<identify principal(s)>> their net worth is estimated at $ ; their liquidity meets/exceeds $ . |
Construction contract: |
$ |
Offsites |
$ |
Demolition |
$ |
Total construction costs: As reported on Form HUD-92328-ORCF, Line 53 plus Offsites and Demolition Costs |
$ |
Major Movable Equipment (added as part of 241a) |
$ |
Construction Period: |
# of months: |
Architectural contract: |
$ |
Multiple AIA Agreements |
Year |
FTE’s As reported on Form HUD-91125-ORCF |
Operating Revenues |
SWB As reported on Form HUD-91125-ORCF |
Operations – base year (year before construction) |
$ |
$ |
Operations - post construction (first year of stabilized occupancy) |
$ |
$ |
Yes |
No |
Comments: |
Secondary Financing: |
(If yes, provide details.) |
A/R Financing: |
(If yes, provide details.) |
Master Lease: |
(If yes, provide details.) |
Commercial Space |
(If yes, provide details.) |
Waivers: |
(If yes, provide details.) |
There are NO special or atypical underwriting considerations. |
The following are unique characteristics, key deal points, special, or atypical underwriting |
considerations: << Examples:
This section should not be a lengthy restatement of the rest of the narrative. It is merely to highlight key points.>> |
Third-party reports provided:
Market Study (if required) |
Conclusion is: |
Accepted as is. |
Modified by underwriter. |
Appraisal |
Conclusion is: |
Accepted as is. |
Modified by underwriter. |
Draft 4128 |
Conclusion is: |
Accepted as is. |
Modified by underwriter. |
Architecture/Cost Review |
Conclusion is: |
Accepted as is. |
Modified by underwriter. |
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, Chapter 2.8D. |
Wage Decision: |
Type: |
Residential Building (commercial) N/A (commercial) |
Number: |
No. of buildings: |
Modification date: |
No. of stories: |
Modification number: |
No. of units: |
No. of self-contained units*: |
*Self-contained means that the units contain both a kitchen/kitchenette and a bathroom. This criterion, in addition to the number of stories, affects whether the construction type will be “residential” or “building.” |
Lenders Pre-Construction Conference Coordinator Information:
Name: |
Email: |
Phone: |
Mailing address: |
General Overview
<<Provide narrative of rationale for selection of Wage Decision specified.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, this facility is not eligible under this program. >>
*Exception: The floodway and coastal high hazard area prohibitions do not apply if only an incidental portion of the project is in the 100-year floodplain, or for critical actions, the 500-year floodplain, and certain conditions are met in accordance with 24 CFR 55.12(c)(7).
Select ALL that apply:
Nursing Home |
Consists of at least 20 beds. |
Considered a “Skilled Nursing Facility” by Department of Health & Human Services. |
Intermediate Care Facility |
Consists of at least 20 beds. |
Considered an “Intermediate Care Facility” by Department of Health & Human Services. |
Board and Care |
Consists of at least 20 accommodations. |
Provides “Continuous Protective Oversight.” |
Provides areas for central dining. |
Offers three meals per day to each resident. |
Resident must take at least one meal a day. |
Regulated by the state in accordance with Section 1616(e) of the Social Security Act (Keys Amendment) |
Assisted Living |
Consists of at least 20 units. |
Provides “Continuous Protective Oversight.” |
Provides areas for central dining. |
Offers three meals per day to each resident. |
Resident must take at least one meal a day. |
Caters to frail elderly persons (62 years and older) who need assistance with 3 or more activities of daily living (ADLs). |
Other - Requires explanation. <<describe here>> |
<<NOTE: The above reflect HUD’s definitions of facility or care types. Those definitions may not align with state licensing definitions.>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, 2.5.F.
Select all applicable statements:
There will be NO unlicensed/independent beds at the subject. |
There will be unlicensed/independent beds at the subject; however, the total does not exceed 25% of the total beds at the facility.
Independent Units: As-Proposed |
Select all applicable statements:
There will be NO unlicensed/independent beds at the subject. |
Number of Beds to be Licensed:
Lender has verified that the beds or units in operation are in compliance with the State licensing agency.
<<Provide affirmative statement along the lines of: “The facility is licensed by the State of {State}’s Department of Health and Welfare as a {Type of Facility} for {X} beds. The license is issued to {Name of Entity on License}. It is effective {date}, through {date}. The license covers {number of beds}.”>>
<<Provide affirmative statement along the lines of: “There is no Certificate of Need (CON) requirement in {State} for {Type of Facility}.” – OR – “A Certificate of Need (CON), dated {XXX} was issued by the State of {State} authorizing XX beds…”>>
<<(Applicable on projects with new construction or added units/beds.) If a new/updated CON is required by the local regulatory authorities, it is to be issued to the current license holder. Provide affirmative statement along the lines of: “There is no Certificate of Need (CON) requirement in {State} for {Type of Facility}.” – OR – “A Certificate of Need (CON), dated {XXX} was issued by the State of {State} authorizing the addition of XX beds…”>>
<<(Applicable to B&C’s.) Provide affirmative statement along the lines of: “The State of {State} has certified its compliance with Section 1616(e) of the Social Security Act (Keys Amendment). Discuss documentation provided in the application that shows that the state where the facility is located is in compliance with Section 1616(e) of the Social Security Act (Keys Amendment) AND that the facility itself is regulated by the state pursuant to Section 1616e. Note on this last point that the requirement is not only that the facility be regulated, but that it be regulated specifically pursuant to 1616e. >>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion regarding the topic. As applicable, describe the risk and how it will be mitigated. For example: The borrower and operator are related parties – John Doe has ownership in both entities. No other identities of interest are disclosed.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
If you answer “yes” to question 1, the narrative discussion should include an analysis of the following: 1. The long-term viability of funding sources for this client group; 2. The facility’s ability to maintain stabilized occupancy over the long term, and/or the ability to fill the beds occupied by residents with the special use diagnosis, should the funding source cease; this analysis should include a demonstration that a market exists for increasing reliance on a more “traditional” SNF resident; 3. The extent of the successful experience of the operator in dealing with the contemplated population; 4. How the principals of this facility address the higher risk associated with the targeted population (e.g. higher Professional Liability Insurance, etc.); 5. The facility’s capacity to continue servicing the debt in the event that market/provider payment changes dictate that alternative/modified uses of the subject portion of the facility be pursued; and 6. Risk Mitigation.
If you answer “yes” to question 3, the narrative discussion should include a discussion of any of the state’s efforts above that might have an impact on the subject facility and what efforts the owner and/or operator will take to respond to these impacts. Be sure to reference the state’s strategy for moving the following populations: the elderly from skilled nursing facilities, individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (ID/DD) from ICFs, the physically disabled, non-elderly from skilled nursing facilities or the mentally ill from psychiatric facilities or other facilities, as appropriate.
If you answer “yes to question 4, the narrative discussion should include a discussion of the facility’s compliance with the HCBS Settings requirements. The discussion might include State’s progress in implementing the HCBS Settings Rule, references to the Statewide Transition Plan, CMS responses to or approval of the Plan, State Regulatory language, or State Medicaid Agency input. If it appears that the facility will not, or will not be able, to comply with the Rule, the Lender should provide a Sensitivity Analysis showing the project’s ability to operate without these residents.
Other Risk Factors Identified by Lender
Additionally, the lender has identified the following risk factors:
<<Provide discussion on other risk factors identified by the lender and how they are mitigated.>>
<<Provide discussion of the strengths of the transaction.>>
Name: |
Underwriter: |
Underwriter trainee: |
Lender #: |
Site inspection date: |
Inspecting underwriter: |
Lender’s Underwriter
<<Brief description of qualifications. The inspecting underwriter must be underwriter of record that is assigned to the project. >>
Underwriter Trainee (if applicable)
<<Brief description of qualifications.>>
Inspecting Underwriter (if applicable)
<<Brief description of qualifications. The Lean-approved Section 232 Underwriter of record for the project, employed by the lender, must visit the site AND sign this narrative. In rare circumstances this may be infeasible, in which case either the Underwriter Trainee assigned to that particular project, or another Lean-approved underwriter in that firm, may conduct the inspection. If the lender has an employee who is a licensed appraiser (not a third-party contractor), ORCF will consider approving that individual to do a site inspection on a transaction-by-transaction basis. In any instance where, consistent with this policy, the inspection is conducted by an individual other than the underwriter of record, the underwriter of record must certify the site inspection. >>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, 2.5N |
Date of loan committee: |
Loan committee process: |
Loan committee conditions: |
<<Provide brief narrative summary of loan committee, including: information provided; any pertinent requirements/conditions of the loan committee to gain the committee’s recommendation.>>
<<Based on analysis and underwriting, XXXXX recommends that HUD issue a firm commitment to insure the proposed mortgage for the subject transaction, subject to the terms and conditions identified in this narrative and the accompanying application exhibits.>>
Key Questions – Architectural Reviewer
Yes |
No |
Key Questions – Cost Analyst
Yes |
No |
Key Questions – Environmental Consultant(s)
Yes |
No |
Key Questions – Market Analyst
Yes |
No |
Key Questions - Appraiser
Yes |
No |
NOTE: If you answer “no” to any of the questions above, the appraiser does not meet HUD requirements. The appraiser must be a Certified General Appraiser under the appraiser certification requirements of the state that the subject property is located, as of the effective date of the appraisal (temporary certifications are permissible) and must meet all requirements of the Competency Rule of the USPAP. Lender verification of an appraiser’s current standing can be done at http://www.asc.gov.
<<Brief narrative description about nearby hospitals and services. >>
<<Brief narrative description about site—“as-is” and “as-proposed”—to include location, topography, size, frontage, access, etc. >>
<<Brief narrative description about neighborhood area to include major cross streets and access routes; distance to services, hospitals, etc.; adjacent property uses; predominant character or neighborhood; etc.>>
Legal Conforming |
Legal Non-Conforming |
Other |
<<Narrative description: identify local jurisdiction; zoning designation; results of Zoning Letter provided in application submission; and discuss any variances, conditional uses, non-conformance or other pertinent issues affecting zoning. If the building is not a legal conforming use, discuss the adequacy of the zoning ordinance insurance coverage and/or recommend a condition to mitigate this risk.>>
<<Narrative description - Identify utilities in use at site. Discuss any limitations in service and any other issues that would affect the operation of the facility. Also clearly identify the utilities to be paid by the residents.>>
<< Identify whether emergency call system proposed is included in construction contract, major movable equipment and/or borrower other fees.>>
<< Identify whether these systems proposed are included in construction contract, major movable equipment and/or borrower other fees.>>
<<Narrative description of the planned improvements. The description should be sufficiently detailed to provide the HUD underwriter and the HUD review appraiser a reasonable understanding of the work involved to assess the impact on underwriting and value concerns.>>
<<Provide narrative description to include “as-is” and “as-proposed”: number of buildings; construction types; floor area; describe common areas; etc.>>
<<Provide narrative description about the proposed landscaping.>>
<<Provide narrative description about the proposed parking including the number of spaces, compliance with accessibility, adequacy of the parking, and any parking easements. Also, discuss any zoning or marketability issues.>>
<<Provide an “as-is” and “as-proposed” table or provide equivalent detail.>>
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
Living Unit Description
<<Provide narrative description of “as-is” and “as-proposed” units, including: appliances, flooring, included furnishings, hook-ups, patios, bathrooms, etc.>>
<<There are three categories that need to be addressed. Each should be discussed in terms of the as-is and as-proposed improvements.>>
Functional Obsolescence
<<How the physical plant compares to an optimally configured project and how does that impact income potential? (Discuss for example, 3- and/or 4-bed wards; unusual design issues).>>
External Obsolescence
<<How do the market, economic environment, and location impact the income potential of the project? >>
Remaining Economic Life
<<The appraiser has estimated the economic life of the property at XX years. The appraiser has estimated the effective age of the property at XX years. Therefore, the remaining economic life is XX years. Explain the basis for this estimate. Discuss any physical depreciation associated with any improvements that are not new construction. >>
<<Narrative description of “as-is” and “as-proposed” services provided. Identify which services are included in rent and which services are available for extra charges, as applicable.>>
Date of report: |
Review firm: |
Reviewer: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, please address below. For example, Item 1 – Fire sprinkler system engineering will be completed by XXX, Item 3 – The completed plans and specifications will be submitted prior to closing. The architectural reviewer’s inspector has identified minor revisions to the plans and specifications that will be completed and submitted to HUD prior to closing. A list of the minor revisions includes XXX. The contractor has provided confirmation acknowledging the required revisions and confirms that they do not result in changes to the costs reflected on the HUD 92328-ORCF submitted with this application package. We (the lender) recommend a Special Condition to the Firm Commitment requiring that completed acceptable plans and specifications will be submitted prior to closing.
Item 4 – There is an identity of interest between the design architect and the borrower. The design architect is a principal of the borrower entity. Therefore, to meet HUD requirements, a separate AIA B108 is submitted with this package for an unrelated architect to provide the supervision services. Provide narrative describing the supervising architect’s name, experience, etc. >>
<<Provide narrative describing the architectural reviewers report and conclusions and if the lender’s underwriter concurs with the conclusions. Identify any modifications to the report conclusions and provide justification. Confirm if the review complies with the statement of work. Identify deliverables included in the application package. Include a narrative concerning key elements of the reviews, the appropriate HUD forms, and their correspondence with the design architect.>>
<<Provide narrative discussion of the construction period as projected by the general contractor and project architect. Indicate if architectural reviewer agrees. Typically, an updated Construction Progress Schedule that accurately reflects the month and date of construction start and completion will be needed prior to closing.>>
<<Indicate if the review architect has appropriately addressed all architectural aspects of the development and the firm commitment application.>>
Date of report: |
Review firm: |
Cost analyst: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative explanation and justification regarding the topic.>>
the cost reviewer performed the cost review pursuant to Section 232
standards. The deliverables in the application package include a
narrative concerning the cost analysis, the appropriate HUD forms,
and cost data. For example, “The cost analyst performed
a comparison analysis and compared them to the contractor’s
final schedules of values (forms
HUD-92328-ORCF). The cost analyst ultimately concludes to the
contractor’s schedule of values. The underwriter concurs.”>>
<<Discuss the cost analyst’s review of the final forms HUD-92328-ORCF supplied by the contractor and owner after completing an independent cost analysis. Confirm the analyst found no front-loading in the final costs reflected in the HUD-92328-ORCF submitted. Indicate the analyst completed the HUD 9236 in accordance with HUD guidelines and those forms are included in the appropriate section of the application package.
Provide a breakdown of the costs from the form HUD-92328-ORCF, Contractor’s and/or Borrower’s Cost Breakdown, included in the application package. The form totals $XXX and is summarized as follows (complete the following table or provide equivalent detail):
Description |
Cost |
Structures |
Accessory structures |
Land improvements |
General requirements |
Builder’s overhead |
Builder’s profit |
Other fees |
Bond premium |
Total construction contract |
Construction Contract Type: |
Cost Plus |
Lump Sum |
<<The contractor’s estimate of general requirements totals $XXX. The cost analyst has determined that the proposed cost of the general requirements and the sub-items included in it are reasonable. The underwriter concurs.>>
The form HUD-92328-ORCF includes other fees to be paid the general contractor totaling $ . The other fees to be paid by the general contractor include the following:
Schedule of Other Fees included in Construction Contract
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<The cost analyst has reviewed the schedule of other fees and determined the items and the total cost to be reasonable. The underwriter concurs.>>
<<Provide narrative discussion of either construction bond (bonding company, contractor’s bond capacity, etc.) or the Assurance of Completion escrow (15% or 25% of contract, cash or letter of credit, etc. Also, address whether the surety is listed on the Treasury Circular and is authorized to issue bonds in the state for the required amount.>>
<<Describe unusual site improvements and applicable costs, if any.>>
Program Guidance: In situations where there are multiple architects, submit each B108 as a separate exhibit in the firm application that corresponds to the below table (a, b, c, etc.).
Architect Name |
Function (Design, Supervision, Other) |
Amount of Fee |
Percent of Total Architect’s Fees |
Exhibit Number (a, b, c, etc.) |
Confirm there is not an identity of interest between the borrower and the architect or if there is, discuss the separate supervising architect and his/her B108. Confirm if the cost analyst and underwriter find the architectural fees to be reasonable in total and for the cost of design/supervision.>>
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<The cost analyst has reviewed the schedule of other fees to be paid by the borrower and determined the items and the total cost to be reasonable. The underwriter concurs.>>
<<Describe any off-site work to be accomplished and who will be performing the work. If the general contractor is responsible, describe the cost attributed to it and the cost reviewer’s conclusions about the work and the cost. If the city will be performing the work, describe any cost or hookup fee related.>>.
<<Describe any demolition that may apply; discuss costs and any other requirements or issues.>>
The borrower has provided a major movable list and budget totaling: |
$ |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “no” answer above, provide a narrative explanation and justification regarding the topic.>>
<<Provide lender’s conclusions and wrap up of the cost review. Reiterate if any of the cost analyst’s conclusions were modified and justified in the lender’s underwriting.>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, Chapter 2.8. |
Annual Replacement Reserve Deposit Summary |
Annually |
Per Unit |
Existing deposit to the reserve for replacement |
$ |
$ |
Additional reserve for replacement proposed: |
$ |
$ |
Total |
$ |
$ |
Initial Replacement Reserve Deposit Summary |
Per Unit |
Existing reserve for replacement balance |
$ |
$ |
initial deposit to reserve for |
$ |
$ |
Total balance at initial closing |
$ |
$ |
<<Provide narrative discussion regarding how the above amounts were determined.>>
Date of valuation: |
Date of report: |
Appraisal firm: |
Appraiser: |
License no./State: |
The report was prepared to comply with the reporting requirement outlined under the USPAP as a self-contained report. The report also complies with the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics of the Appraisal Institute and the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA), Title XI Regulations.
The report was prepared in accordance with the ORCF Appraisal Guidelines.
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion regarding the topic. For example, Item 3, Real Estate Tax Abatement – The borrower will be receiving an abatement of real estate taxes for at least two years after opening the facility. The abatement is to be 70% of the taxes due. We have not assumed the abatement for valuation purposes. The underwriter has, however, excluded 70% of the underwritten taxes from the debt service calculation and from the initial operating deficit calculation.>>
Hypothetical Conditions
<<Identify any conditions that are contrary to what exists but are supposed for the purpose of analysis. For example, “The appraisal assumes that the proposed/required repairs are completed. There are no other hypothetical conditions.”>>
Extraordinary Assumptions
<<Identify any assumptions specific to this assignment that if found to be false, could alter the appraiser’s opinions or conclusions. For example, “The appraisal assumes the subject project meets the state licensing requirements and that the facility is constructed as planned. There are no other extraordinary assumptions.>>
Jurisdictional Exceptions
<<These are rare and should be discussed with HUD before invoking. >>
<<The Market Study may be an integral part of the appraisal and need not appear under separate cover. If under separate cover, the Market Study should have the same author as the appraisal, so the valuation is consistent with the market conclusions.>>
Date of analysis: |
Market analysis firm: |
Market analyst: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion regarding the topic, describing the risk and how it is mitigated. For example, “Oversupply: The projected oversupply is specifically addressed in the Risk Factors section of this narrative.”>>
<<Provide an overview of the market analysis, including general growth and population information, barriers to entry, unique market influences, etc. Please be brief in this section and refrain from pasting large sections from the market study here.>>
<<Describe primary market area and method of selection (e.g., distance, zip codes, etc.). When making your conclusions about the size of the PMA, pay close attention to where the existing competitors are drawing their tenants from.>>
<<Describe age, income, and type of resident (i.e., assisted living, independent, dementia, etc.) and acuity of care.>>
<<Describe age, income, and type of resident (i.e., assisted living, independent, dementia, etc.) and acuity of care of the target population. Describe target population demographics and demand factors.>>
<<Describe and identify competing facilities, planned facilities, facilities under construction, and other supply factors that compete with the subject facility. Description of supply should include types of facilities, acuity, and occupancy. Discuss recent and/or historic absorption of competitive units. Discuss any perceived changes to competitive environment.>>
<<Provide conclusion of market analysis: summarize demand, market saturation, continued health of market, negative and positive factors impacting the continued demand for the subject’s units/beds.>>
An analysis of the subject and market comparable census mix is provided below.
Census Mix – Market Comparables
(% of beds not revenue)
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<Indicate if the percentages quoted represent a single day survey, or are a year-over average. Provide narrative discussion of conclusion. For continuum of care facilities (e.g., skilled and assisted living), it may be appropriate to provide the above analysis for each care type. An equivalent analysis of the information provided above is required. Additional analysis can be provided at the Lender’s option to support its conclusion, as appropriate.>>
A summary of the subject’s occupancy is provided below.
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<Provide a brief narrative discussion the occupancy of conclusions. Address any significant shifts in occupancy. >>
Effective Gross Income
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<< Above you are asked to report the number of resident days, not occupied units. Although Assisted Living is typically reported on an occupied unit basis, we ask that you convert that number to resident days. Do not enter potential gross incomes here, but rather effective gross income, wherein vacancy has already been accounted for.>>
<<Provide narrative discussion and support for each other income category as appropriate
A few examples follow:
Additional Personal Care Fees
The project bases additional care fees on levels of care needed as determined by the initial assessment and subsequent assessments as needed. The appraiser concludes to a net amount of $X annually based on his analysis of comparable data <<insert comparable data as appropriate. Identify any modification from the appraiser’s concluded fees and provide justification.>>
Second Occupant Income
The appraiser has included a net annual projection of X second occupants at $X per month. Competitive facilities in the market place report second occupant charges ranging between $X and $X with a range of X to X second occupants. Based on the market, the underwriter concurs with the appraiser’s conclusion for a net annual income of $X. Identify any modification from the appraiser’s concluded fees and provide justification.
Miscellaneous Income <<delete paragraph if not applicable>>
In addition to room rents, additional care, and second occupant income, the project will receive miscellaneous income from <<list miscellaneous>>. The appraiser has included a net annual projection of $X. Typically, miscellaneous income is between x and x percent of effective income. The appraiser’s conclusion is x. The underwriter has concluded to a net $X per annum (calculation shown). Identify any modification from the appraiser’s concluded fees and provide justification.>>
The rent schedule is currently as follows:
<<Insert a summary chart of the rent schedule here that shows rents, number of units, and room/service types.>>
<<Discuss the subject rent schedule. For skilled nursing and other facilities, a daily rate may be more appropriate than a monthly conclusion. For continuum of care facilities (e.g., skilled and assisted living), it may be appropriate to provide a separate schedule for each care type.>>
<<Instructions: Each type of care should have its own subsection below discussing the payor source identified in the rent schedule, as demonstrated below. You may delete the sections (Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, and Independent Living) that do not apply to your subject.>>
Private Pay
The appraiser and underwriter analyzed the private pay rates at XXX comparable facilities. A summary of their analysis is provided below.
Rent Comparability Analysis
(Rent per resident day)
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<Provide narrative discussion of private pay rate conclusion. Discuss how the rate conclusion compares to the achieved rents shown on the rent roll. Expand or shorten the table above as needed to accommodate the types of rooms or the number of comparables used. Additional analysis can be provided at the lender’s option to support its conclusion, as appropriate. Identify any modification from the appraiser’s concluded rent and provide justification.>>
Daily rate – Underwriting: |
$ |
Appraisal: |
$ |
Subject’s historical average RUG Rate: |
$ |
Time period of quoted average: |
<<Identify any anticipated changes to the reimbursement rate. Provide narrative discussion of conclusion. For example: “The appraiser provided a detailed Resource Utilization Group (RUG) rate analysis of the facility’s operation over the last 12-month operating period. The analysis concluded a weighted average Medicare rate of $XX PRD. The RUG Rates used to determine the average rate are based on the <<DATE>> rates. The underwriter concurs with the appraiser’s conclusion.”>>
Daily Rate – Underwriting: |
$ |
Appraisal: |
$ |
Published Rate: |
$ |
Date of Rate |
<<Provide narrative discussion of the state’s reimbursement system and how the subject’s or tenant’s rate is determined. If rate is facility specific, discuss evidence of current or prospective rate. If rate is based on resident care requirements, provide an analysis of the last 12-months of rates for this payor source, as appropriate. Identify and discuss any other sources or copayments that are required, e.g., Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Identify any anticipated changes to the reimbursement rate, such as when rates are tied to depreciating capital components .>>
Veteran’s Administration (VA)
Daily Rate – Underwriting: |
$ |
Appraisal: |
$ |
<<If applicable, provide narrative discussion of how the rate is determined. Discuss review of evidence (e.g., rate letter) or historical precedent for the underwritten rate. >>
HMO or Other Private Insurance
Daily Rate – Underwriting: |
$ |
Appraisal: |
$ |
<<If applicable, provide narrative discussion of how the rate is determined. Discuss review of evidence (e.g., rate letter) or historical precedent for the underwritten rate. >>
<<If applicable, provide narrative discussion of other types of payor sources. Describe source and how the rate is determined. Discuss review of evidence (e.g., rate letter) or historical precedent for the underwritten rate. >>
Private Pay
The appraiser and underwriter analyzed the assisted living rents at XXX comparable facilities. A summary of their analysis is provided below.
Rent Comparability Analysis
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<Provide narrative discussion of conclusion. An equivalent analysis of the information provided above is required. Additional analysis can be provided at the lender’s option to support its conclusion, as appropriate. Identify any modification from the appraiser’s concluded rent and provide justification.>>
<<If applicable, provide narrative discussion of state’s reimbursement system and how the subject’s or tenant’s rate is determined. If rate is facility specific, discuss evidence of prospective rate. If rate is based on resident care requirements, provide an analysis of how the concluded rent was determined. Identify and discuss any other sources or copayments that are required (e.g., SSI). Identify any modification from the appraiser’s concluded rent and provide justification.>>
The appraiser and underwriter analyzed the independent living rents at XXX comparable facilities. A summary of their analysis is provided below.
Rent Comparability Analysis
(Rent per unit)
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<Provide narrative discussion of conclusion. An equivalent analysis of the information provided above is required. Identify any modification from the appraiser’s concluded rent and provide justification.>>
Comparable Expense Data
Expense Analysis –Comparables
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<Provide narrative discussion of comparable information. The appraiser should trend the expense comparables to the effective date of the appraisal. An explanation of the adjustments should be included here. Explain any other adjustments made to the comparables such as for normalization of reserves, management fee, taxes, etc., required to put the comparables on the same footing as the subject. For skilled nursing and other facilities, resident days are more appropriate than occupied units. For continuum of care facilities (e.g., skilled and assisted living), it may be appropriate to provide a separate schedule for each care type.>>
<<The selection of the capitalization rate should be primarily based on recent sales rather than from investment models. Ideally, these rates would come from the Building Sales Comparables. However, these are often chosen by location before sale date. Recent cap rate data should be included every time, even if an additional set of cap rate comps or a survey needs to be introduced. In the table below, please add columns or duplicate the table as needed to accommodate additional comps.>>
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<Provide narrative discussion as necessary. An equivalent analysis of the information provided above is required. For continuum of care facilities (e.g., skilled and assisted living), it may be appropriate to provide a separate schedule for each care type. Additional analysis can be provided at the lender’s option to support its conclusion, as appropriate.>>
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<Provide narrative discussion. An equivalent analysis of the information provided above is required. For continuum of care facilities (e.g., skilled and assisted living), it may be appropriate to provide a separate analysis for each care type. Include a general discussion of adjustments made to the sales and which comparables best represent the subject facility. Additional analysis can be provided at the lender’s option to support its conclusion, as appropriate.>>
<<Provide narrative discussion. An equivalent analysis of the information provided above is required. For continuum of care facilities (e.g., skilled and assisted living), it may be appropriate to provide a separate analysis for each care type. Additional analysis can be provided at the lender’s option to support its conclusion, as appropriate.>>
<<Provide narrative discussion. This section is a place for the lender to summarize the cost conclusions of the appraisal. The costs in this section will be different than those in the Cost Review Section. This section will focus on market costs, as opposed to the Cost Reviewer Section that is geared toward HUD-specific costs, such as Davis-Bacon wages.>>
<<With new construction, this typically does not apply. However, if the appraiser concludes there is external obsolescence or depreciation associated with a preexisting structure, it should be discussed here.>>
<<Provide narrative discussion of assumptions and conclusion. Address discrepancies between appraiser and cost analyst. Additionally, address ownership of the major movable equipment (e.g., borrower or operator).>>
<<Provide narrative discussion of assumptions and conclusion. Include an analysis of the comparable data.>>
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
<<Provide narrative discussion of how the value approaches were reconciled to reach the final conclusions. The statement may be simple. For example, “As demonstrated in the Appraisal Overview section above, the underwritten value conclusion is based on the income approach to value.” If the value conclusion is based on weighting multiple approaches provide an explanation of the rationale.>>
<<State if the lender concurs or not with the appraiser’s value conclusion. When there is a disagreement, summarize the valuation modifications made by the lender underwriter. Insert a pro forma to highlight the differences in conclusions as needed. View the appraisal as a tool to do your underwriting and loan sizing correctly. Lenders should not use a value they disagree with and are allowed to use a lower value/NOI for loan sizing purposes. If lenders feel they are prohibited from doing this, they should cite the FIRREA rule at issue in the narrative.>>
Note that existing operations may be considered in the prelease.
<< Use form 91128-ORCF to calculate the Initial Operating Deficit. Enter a summary above and a narrative explanation below as needed below.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<< If yes, please explain the modifications made and provide justification for these changes.>>
Date: |
Firm: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
If you answer “no” to all of the above questions, copies of the most recent signed and certified “as-built” survey, accepted by HUD, must be provided (originals are not required). No further review is needed. If copies are not available, a current “as-built” survey, confirming to the HUD Survey Instructions & Owner’s Certification may be required and the ALTA/ASCM Land Title Survey addendum must be attached to this narrative. If a current “as-built” survey is submitted, COMPLETE THE KEY QUESTIONS BELOW.>>
<<If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, a current “as-built” survey, confirming to the HUD Survey Instructions & Owner’s Certification is required. COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS BELOW.>>
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated and the effect on value or the marketability of the project. For example, “Encroachments: The survey indicates an encroachment of the adjoining property fence on the easterly portion of the property. An encroachment endorsement will be received at closing. There is no impact on the value or marketability of the project.>>
Yes |
No |
Date of search: |
Firm: |
File number: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
Date/Time: |
Firm: |
Policy Number: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion regarding the topic. For example, “Additional Endorsements: As described in the Risk Factors section of the narrative, the XXXX does not conform to the past or current zoning requirements. The lender recommends…>>
It is the lender’s responsibility to review the Phase I and all other environmental review documentation to ensure that all environmental requirements are met.
Assistance Prior to Application Submission: Many Federal agencies require contact directly from HUD. This list includes, but is not limited to, State Coastal Zone Management councils, U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, and local/regional Native American tribes. In this instance, please contact LeanThinking@hud.gov in advance of the application submission.
Date of inspection: |
Firm: |
Consultant: |
Key Questions |
Yes |
A reconnaissance of the subject site and the immediate surrounding area, a review of regulatory agency information, a survey of local geological and topographical maps, a review of aerial photographic studies, a survey of water sources, and a review of historical information. |
<<Explain any “no” answer above. >>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II, Production, Chapter 7.8. Section 241(a) projects should follow the Substantial Rehabilitation guidance for the existing portion of the building and any addition should follow the New Construction guidance.
Date of Testing: |
Firm: |
Radon Professional: |
Certification/License Information: |
EPA Radon Zone: |
Key Questions—Existing Building
Yes |
No |
<<Provide narrative discussion of radon risk applicable to the subject project.>>
Key Questions—New Construction Portion of the Project
Yes |
No |
<<Provide narrative discussion of radon risk applicable to the subject project.>>
<<Provide a brief summary of comments made by underwriter. If none, state none.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, 7.5.
If the project includes any ground disturbance, contact LeanThinking@hud.gov in advance of application submission so that ORCF may initiate agency to agency contact. Include a project description including type of project, purpose of the project, the proposed activities/site work, and the current condition of the site (what is on the site now) as well as a location map, aerial view map, site layout map and a topographic map in your request to Lean Thinking.
Examples of ground disturbance include, but are not limited to, tree removal, burying a tank, new parking, changes in building footprint, adding a new fence, etc. If there is uncertainty regarding what may constitute ground disturbance, contact LeanThinking@hud.gov in advance of application submission.
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<Provide relevant narrative for above questions.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<Provide relevant narrative for above questions.>>
Program Guidance: Routine maintenance definition: For SHPO review purposes, HUD has a specific definition of routine maintenance that may differ from other definitions. See Notice CPD-16-02 for HUD’s definition.
Note, if the answer to Key Questions 4 or 5 is yes, then the SHPO must be contacted. The lender may submit a Section 106 request to SHPO in order to expedite the process.
<<Provide narrative description indicating whether or not SHPO has been contacted, information sent to SHPO, and any response received. For example: “Since we are not making changes to the exterior of the building, and internal repairs are limited to routine maintenance as defined in Notice CPD-16-02 there is no impact on any historical property.”>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<As applicable, for each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic. For example: “We have received a letter from the XXXX State Historic Preservation Office, dated XXXX. It was determined that the site is of no historical or suspected cultural significance. No additional investigation was recommended by the State.” Please indicate if a response has not been received. If the SHPO concluded that the project will have an adverse effect, please explain how this will be mitigated .>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, Chapter 7.
In situations where the SHPO was contacted, provide a description of the Area of Potential Effects (APE) that was included in the correspondence that was sent to the SHPO.
<<Provide a narrative discussion on the Area of Potential Effects. For example: “The subject is located in the X Historic District, so we have determined that the APE is the entire Historic District.” Or, “The subject is not located near any properties that are on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, so the APE is only the subject site., etc. >>
NFIP Map Panel #: |
Date: |
Flood Zone: |
<< When in Zone X, indicate whether it is designated as X “(shaded)” or “(unshaded)”. When the site is located in multiple flood zones, identify each zone designation. For example: “X (unshaded), X (shaded), AE”.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<Provide a narrative discussion evaluating the floodplain exhibits.>>
Name: |
State of organization: |
Date formed: |
Termination date: |
Fiscal year-end date: |
Ownership Start Date in this Project: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<As applicable, for each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, Chapter 6.1.D, Foreign National and Corporate Entity Participation
<<Provide organization chart and narrative, as applicable. At a minimum, all principals of the borrower should be identified.>>
<< Provide narrative description of principal’s experience with development, lease-up and operations of facilities similar to the proposed project in resident type, regulatory environment, size and complexity of project. Discussion should highlight direct experience and involvement in other transactions. Provide key operating metrics from initial lease-up to stabilization, including fill pace, occupancy and net operating income.>>
Report Date: |
<<within 60 days of submission>> |
Reporting Firm: |
Score: |
<<Provide an explanation of the credit score in terms of risk level (i.e., low, medium, or high). Also, if the score is evaluated numerically, explain what value the credit agency places on the score.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
The application includes the following Borrower financial statements:
Balance Sheet as of: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
General Review
<<Provide Narrative and analysis of financial statements as appropriate. In addition to the Key Questions above, working capital should be discussed along with the general financial stability and position of the entity.>>
<<Provide narrative discussion of underwriter’s conclusion and recommendation. For example, “The borrower is a single-asset entity registered in the state of XXX on {date}. It was formed solely to own and operate the subject project. The organizational documents have been reviewed by counsel and comply with HUD requirements in order to participate as an acceptable borrower in this transaction.”>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated. >>
<<Not applicable to individuals. If the principal is an entity, provide the following:>>
Name: |
State of organization: |
Date formed: |
Termination date: |
<<As applicable, please provide organization chart and narrative discussion.>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, Chapter 2.5FF.
<<Provide narrative description of principal’s experience with development, lease-up and operations of facilities similar to the proposed project in resident type, regulatory environment, size and complexity of project. Discussion should highlight direct experience and involvement in other transactions. Provide key operating metrics from initial lease-up to stabilization, including fill pace, occupancy and net operating income.>>
Report date: |
<<within 60 days of submission>> |
Reporting firm: |
Score: |
<<Provide an explanation of the credit score in terms of risk level (i.e., low, medium, or high). Also, if the score is evaluated numerically, explain what value the credit agency places on the score. >>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
Other Business Concerns/232 Applications
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<As applicable, a “yes” answer requires a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
Credit Reports for Other Business Concerns:
<<Provide narrative discussion on other business concerns. For example, “XXX identified XX other business concerns. The underwriter reviewed Dunn and Bradstreet credit reports for XX other business concerns identified by XXXX. {Discuss each report}. No reports indicated derogatory information that would prohibit XXXXX from participation in this loan transaction.>>
Name of Entity |
Report Type (Commercial, etc.) |
Report Date |
Comments |
Financial Statements – For Party(ies) Responsible for Financial Requirements for Closing and Beyond – <<enter name(s) of responsible party(ies) here>>
<<Complete this section if the borrower entity does not have sufficient financial capacity.>>
Year to date: |
<<dates for start and end of period>> |
Fiscal year ending: |
<<date – end of period>> |
Fiscal year ending: |
<<date – end of period>> |
Fiscal year ending: |
<<date – end of period>> |
<<Include a discussion on the borrower’s financial capacity. Include the percentage of owner’s equity into the project. The discussion must address: (1) the borrower’s net worth; (2) liquidity; (3) the borrower’s ability to meet the cash requirements of the project; and (4) the borrower’s ability to meet the financial obligations of the project for the long term.>>
<<If Form HUD-92417-ORCF is included, provide discussion on the individual’s financial capacity, net worth and liquidity.>>
Effective date (of HUD-92417) |
Total assets |
Total liquidity (cash available) |
$ |
$ |
$ |
<<Provide narrative discussion of underwriter’s conclusion and recommendation. For example, “XXXXX has demonstrated an acceptable credit history and sufficient experience owning and operating other facilities. The underwriter recommends this principal as an acceptable participant in this transaction.”>>
Name: |
State of Organization: |
Date Formed: |
Termination Date: |
FYE Date: |
<<Provide organization chart and narrative, as applicable.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
Name: |
Relation to borrower: |
<<Owner Managed/IOI Entity/Independent/Other>> |
Principals/officers: |
<<Provide a brief narrative discussion on the existing or proposed management agent, if applicable.>>
<<Briefly describe the management agent’s duties and responsibilities (i.e., will the management agent control the operating accounts; contract for services; recruit, select or train employees; take responsibility for the management of the functional operation of the facility or the execution of the day-to-day policies of the facility; etc.). Also describe the nature of the management agent’s compensation and how it was calculated.>>
<<Provide an explanation of the experience of the management agent. For projects that contain a lease-up component, include a detailed description of lease-up experience. Discussion should highlight direct experience and involvement in other HUD transactions. This section should clearly demonstrate the expertise to successfully manage the facility and meet the obligations of the management agreement.>> >>
Date of agreement: |
Agreement expires: |
Management fee: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<If you answer “no” to any of the above questions, identify the risk factor and how it is mitigated below.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.
Project Name |
Project City |
Project |
Type of Facility |
Report Date: |
<<within 60 days of submission>> |
Reporting Firm: |
Score: |
<<Provide an explanation of the credit score in terms of risk level (i.e., low, medium, or high). Also, if the score is evaluated numerically, explain what value the credit agency places on the score. >>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated. Example: Other Facilities: XXXXX identified XX other facilities it owns, operates, or manages in addition to the subject facility.>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, 8.8. |
Indicator |
Findings |
Billing |
<<acceptable>> |
Controlling operating expenses |
Vacancy rates |
Resident turnover |
Rent collection and accounts receivable |
Physical security |
Physical condition and maintenance |
Resident relations |
<<Provide narrative support for review and finding. For example: “Based on interviews with the principals of the borrower and management agent, as well as a review of the management policies and procedures, the underwriter has concluded that the management agent has demonstrated acceptable past and current performance with regard to all of the above indicators.”>>
<<Provide narrative review. For example: “The form HUD-9839-ORCF, Management Agent Certification, provided in the application package indicates a management fee of XX percent of the residential, commercial and miscellaneous income collected, which is in line with industry standards for projects of this size. The term of the agreement is for XX-years. The stated fee and term match those stated in the management agreement. The fee calculations on page 4 are coordinated with the underwriting conclusions.”>>
<<Provide narrative discussion of underwriter’s conclusion and recommendation. For example: “The management agent has demonstrated an acceptable credit history and has the experience to continue to successfully manage this facility. The underwriter recommends this management agent for approval as an acceptable participant in this transaction.”>>
Name: |
State of organization: |
License number/state: |
Surety: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, identify the risk factor and how it is mitigated below.>>
<<Provide narrative description of general contractor’s experience and qualifications. Discussion should highlight the contractor’s experience constructing similar type and size projects. It should discuss the architectural and cost reviewer’s analysis of the contractor’s experience, bonding capacity, financial capacity, etc.>>
Report date: |
<<within 60 days of submission>> |
Reporting firm: |
Score: |
<<Provide an explanation of the credit score in terms of risk level (i.e., low, medium, or high). Also, if the score is evaluated numerically, explain what value the credit agency places on the score.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, identify the risk factor and how it is mitigated below.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<As applicable, a “yes” answer requires a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
Credit Reports for Other Business Concerns:
<<Provide narrative discussion on other business concerns. For example, “XXX identified XX other business concerns. The underwriter reviewed Dunn and Bradstreet credit reports for XX other business concerns identified by XXXX. {Discuss each report}. No reports indicated derogatory information that would prohibit XXXXX from participation in this loan transaction.>>
Name of Entity |
Report Type (Commercial, etc.) |
Report Date |
Comments |
The application includes the following General Contractor financial statements:
Year to date: |
<<dates for start and end of period>> |
Fiscal year ending: |
<<date – end of period>> |
Fiscal year ending: |
<<date – end of period>> |
Fiscal year ending: |
<<date – end of period>> |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, identify the risk factor and how it is mitigated below. For example, Item 7 – Contractor has less than 5% working capital. Contractor may hypothecate fixed assets. The contractor has a sale pending on another building that they have constructed. Lender will provide evidence prior to closing that funds are available to meet the 5% working capital.”>>
General Review
<<Provide narrative and analysis of financial statements as appropriate. In addition to the Key Questions above, net working capital should be discussed along with the general financial stability and strength of the entity.>>
<<Provide narrative and analysis of contractor’s working capital. Analysis should discuss appropriate adjustments to current assets and liabilities; how you account for work-in-progress; lines-of-credit; verifications of deposit; etc.
Example: XXXX current balance sheet is summarized below.
Financial |
Working |
Statement |
Capital |
Analysis |
Current Assets |
Cash Accounts |
$ 1,200,000 |
$ 1,200,000 |
Retainage Receivable |
3,600,000 |
3,600,000 |
Accounts Receivable |
4,900,000 |
4,700,000 |
Accounts Receivable - Employees |
110,000 |
- |
Accounts Receivable - RELATED |
5,000 |
- |
Accounts Receivable - RELATED |
25,000 |
- |
Cost & Profit in Excess of Bill |
650,000 |
650,000 |
Prepaid Insurance |
150,000 |
- |
Total Current Assets |
$ 10,640,000 |
$ 10,150,000 |
Current Liabilities |
Retainage Payable |
$ 2,680,000 |
$ 2,680,000 |
Accounts Payable |
4,720,000 |
4,720,000 |
Profit Sharing Payable |
- |
- |
Current Portion of Notes Payable |
66,000 |
66,000 |
Accrued Payables |
445,000 |
445,000 |
Total Current Liabilities |
$ 7,911,000 |
$ 7,911,000 |
The underwriter has made the following modification for the working capital analysis:
Only used accounts receivable less than 90 days old
Did not use accounts receivable from related parties.
Did not include prepaid expenses.
The underwriter’s analysis of Work in Progress is as follows:
Job |
Contract Amount |
% Complete |
Contract Balance |
Used for Work In Progress |
Project A |
$ 309,875 |
87.0% |
$ 40,284 |
$ 40,284 |
Project B |
25,790,007 |
92.6% |
1,908,461 |
- |
Project C |
11,050,619 |
99.6% |
44,202 |
- |
Project D |
1,673,600 |
66.5% |
560,656 |
560,656 |
Project E |
5,935,000 |
77.0% |
1,365,050 |
1,365,050 |
: |
8,807,800 |
61.0% |
3,435,042 |
3,435,042 |
: |
196,200 |
42.2% |
113,404 |
113,404 |
: |
244,429 |
39.2% |
148,613 |
148,613 |
: |
833,806 |
98.0% |
16,676 |
- |
: |
100,164 |
16.8% |
83,336 |
83,336 |
: |
2,063,500 |
4.6% |
1,968,579 |
1,968,579 |
: |
74,434 |
36.5% |
47,266 |
47,266 |
: |
922,400 |
25.7% |
685,343 |
685,343 |
$ 58,001,834 |
$ 10,416,912 |
$ 8,447,572 |
5% of Work in Progress |
= |
422,379 |
The underwriter calculated the working capital necessary for the work in progress as 5% of the contract balances for all work that was less than 90% complete. The working capital for the planned sister facility in XXXXX is 5% of the contract amount of $6,356,426. The working capital for the subject is 5% of the contract amount of $6,502,743.
Based on the above adjustments and analysis, the underwriter concludes to the following working capital analysis:
Current Assets |
10,150,000 |
Current Liabilities |
(7,911,000) |
Working Capital |
$ 2,239,000 |
Working Capital for Other Work in Progress |
(422,379) |
Working Capital for planned SISTER Facility |
(317,821) |
Working Capital for Subject |
(325,137) |
Excess Working Capital |
$ 1,173,663 |
The contractor clearly demonstrates sufficient working capital for the current work in progress and the planned sister facility and the subject facility. In addition to the above working capital, the contractor also has a $XXXXM revolving line of credit that currently has no balance. The line of credit is available to supplement the above working capital, if necessary, during construction. >>
<<Provide narrative discussion of underwriter’s conclusion and recommendation. For example, “The general contractor has demonstrated an acceptable financial and credit history. The general contractor has the experience to complete the construction. The underwriter recommends this General Contractor for approval as an acceptable participant in this transaction.”>>
Name: |
Employed by: |
<<Name of entity who employs/pays administrator>> |
Facility Start Date: |
<<Date started at this facility as Administrator>> |
<<Narrative description of experience and qualifications - For example, “{Administrator} has been a licensed administrator since XXXX. Her current Residential Care Administrator’s license No. XXXXXXX expires XXXXX. It was issued by XXXXXX in the State of XXXX. Her experience includes… Since arriving at the facility, XXXX has helped to increase the revenues and profitability of the project, as evidenced by the increasing effective gross income and net operating income (NOI). XXXXX is well qualified and has demonstrated her ability to act as Administrator for the subject facility.”>>
The application includes the following state surveys issued on the following dates over the last three (3) years of operations: (State when the survey was conducted and when the project was found in compliance.)
3 Years of Survey Inspections
Date of survey/inspection |
Date state issued letter approving POC |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated. Example: General Review and Findings: Provide narrative description of review. For example: “The {date} state survey inspection letter indicates that there were X deficiencies. The deficiencies constitute a pattern of findings, or repetitive findings from survey to survey, resulting in repeat deficiencies and civil money penalties of $XXX”>>
Program Guidance: See Risk Management Program grid on the Section 232 program website for additional guidance. Note that the below tier descriptions are general descriptions and HUD retains discretion to require additional risk management measures, as warranted, on a case by case basis.
Risk Management Tier General Descriptions:
Tier 1 Baseline: For most assisted living and low-risk skilled nursing projects with no more than one incident of actual harm/immediate jeopardy in the past three years. In these instances, the risk management program may be administered internally or by a third party provided the party administering the program is qualified.
Tier 2 Elevated Risk: Higher risk projects with two more incidents of actual harm/immediate jeopardy within the past three years. In these instances the risk management program should be administered by a third party.
Tier 1 Baseline |
Internally Administered Risk Management Program |
Tier 2 Elevated Risk |
External 3rd Party Administered Risk Management Program |
Describe the Risk Management Program and how it meets the following requirements
Real-time incident reporting and tracking that informs senior management:
Experience of Staff:
Continuous Improvement:
<<If a third party is involved, describe the contractual arrangement, what company has been contracted, what the contract provides for, when the contract was entered into, when it expires, what results have been seen thus far if the contract has been in place, etc.>>
<<Provide narrative description of review. For example, “The appraiser and underwriter have reviewed the proposed staffing to be charged to the facility and found it to be acceptable and within reason.”>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, 8.6. |
Date of agreement: |
Current lease term expires: |
Description of renewals: |
Current lease payment: |
Major movable equipment ownership: |
<<borrower/operator>> |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<<For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion on the topic describing the risk and how it will be mitigated.>>
<<Provide narrative explaining the terms of the lease and the payments to be made during the construction and/or rehabilitation.>>
<<Provide narrative explaining the terms of the lease and the payments to be made while the project is in lease-up.>>
The lease payments must be sufficient to (1) enable the borrower to meet debt service and impound requirements and (2) enable the operator to properly maintain the project and cover operating expenses. The minimum annual lease payment must be at least 1.05 times the sum of the annual principal, interest, mortgage insurance premium, reserve for replacement deposit, property insurance and property taxes.
The underwriter has prepared an analysis demonstrating the minimum annual lease payment.
a. |
Annual principal and interest |
$ |
b. |
Annual mortgage insurance premium |
c. |
Annual replacement reserves |
d. |
Annual property insurance |
e. |
Annual real estate taxes |
f. |
Total debt service and impounds |
$ |
h. |
Minimum annual lease payment |
$ |
<<Compare the minimum annual lease payment to the current lease payment. If the lease payment needs to increase, add the following language: “The lease payment must be increased to $XX per year ($XX per month). The underwriter has included a special condition to the firm commitment requiring the lease payment be revised to meet or exceed this minimum.” If the lease payment does not need to increase, add the following language: “The current lease payment is sufficient. The recommended annual lease payment also provides the operator with an acceptable profit margin.”>>
<<Provide a description of the responsibilities of the lessor and lessee under the terms of the lease with regard to the following: payment of real estate taxes, maintenance of building, capital improvements, replacement of equipment, property insurance, etc.>>
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
AR Lender: |
AR Borrower: |
Maximum Loan Amount: |
Interest Rate: |
Current Balance: |
Current Maturity Date: |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
<< For each “yes” answer above, provide a narrative discussion regarding the topic. For projects being added to an existing HUD-Insured AR line, provide specific information on when the AR line was originated (date), when documents were reviewed/approved by HUD, which HUD OGC field office performed he review, and provide a listing of projects participating in the line (project name, FHA#).>>
Describe the borrowing base formula (e.g., XX% of AR borrower’s accounts receivable up to 120 days):
Describe term and renewal options:
Describe the rate applied to the used and unused portions of the AR loan:
Describe other fees (i.e., financing fees, late payment fees, etc.):
Mechanisms for operator receipts, disbursements, and control of operator funds:
<<Describe the flow of all funds, into and out of accounts. Describe how deposit accounts are controlled (e.g., number of controlled accounts, hard or springing lockbox, daily sweeps, etc.). Attach cash flow chart.>>
<<Provide narrative description of the AR lender’s collateral/security. Explain any unsecured AR financing.>>
<<Provide descriptions of the permitted uses of the AR loan funds in order of priority. For example: (1) debt service incurred in connection with the AR loan; (2) operating costs; and (3) distributions to the operator’s shareholders.>>
Calculations as of: (Date of AR aging report submitted with application)
Borrowing Base Analysis
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
Historical AR Loan Costs
<<If there is an existing AR loan that is not yet approved by HUD, provide a financial analysis that explains how the cost of the AR loan has been factored into the NOI calculation. Complete the Historical AR Loan Costs table.>>
Historical AR Loan Costs
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
Proposed AR Loan Costs
<<If the AR borrower is obtaining AR financing for the first time, provide a financial analysis that demonstrates that the AR borrower has sufficient financial capacity to pay all projected operating expenses, AR financing costs and loan payments, and all rent or debt service payments. The analysis must assume the maximum AR loan amount to stress test the AR financing based on the lesser of the operator’s 12-month trailing operating statements or the underwritten NOI. Calculate the impact on the borrower’s debt coverage after payment of the AR loan expenses and payments.>>
Assuming the $ maximum AR loan limit, an annual interest rate of %, and that the entire amount is outstanding for the year, the maximum annual interest expense would be $ . In addition to the interest, the other associated fees are the fees <<list types of fees>>, which total $ per year for the same assumed balance. An analysis of the operator’s 12 month trailing financial statement (Month 20XX – Month 20XX) is below:
Trailing 12-Month Operating History |
Operating revenue |
$ |
Less: Operating expenses |
Net Operating Income (NOI) |
$ |
Annual P&I + MIP |
$ |
AR fee: Interest |
AR fee: Other |
Total annual mortgage and AR debt service |
$ |
DSCR including AR |
The underwriting assumed an NOI of $ . The 12-month trailing NOI is $ . The annual debt service including the MIP amount is $ per year. Adding the AR fees equates to a total mortgage and AR debt service expense of $ per year. This equates to prospective debt service coverage.
<<If multiple HUD-insured facilities have access to the AR loan, repeat the analysis above with the consolidated revenues and expenses for all those facilities.>>
<<The lender recommends approval of the AR loan.>>
Program Guidance: Handbook 4232.1, Section II Production, Appendix 14.1. |
Name(s) of Insured: |
Insurance Company: |
Rating: |
Rater: |
Insurance company is licensed in the United States: |
Yes No |
Statute of limitations: |
Current coverage: |
Per occurrence: |
Aggregate: |
Deductible: |
OR |
Self insurance retention: |
Policy Basis: |
Per occurrence Claims made |
Current Expiration: |
Retroactive Date: |
Policy Premium: |
Summary of Six-Year Loss History for Operator or its Parent of Operator |
Year |
Total claims paid under this policy (dollars) |
Total claims paid under this policy (no. of claims) |
Total bed count covered under the policy |
Dollars paid in claims per bed |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Total/average |
Key Questions
Yes |
No |
If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, please address here. Examples:
Multiple properties: The underwriter notes that the professional liability policy is a “blanket” policy covering XXX facilities, including the subject… {Address potential impact of other facilities on the subject’s coverage}
Less than 6-year loss history: The claims history reports were examined for the period XX through XX. The underwriter determined that there were no professional liability XX claims during that period…{address claims and sufficiency of coverage, etc. based on history}.
Claims made coverage: The project’s previous professional liability insurance coverage was a “claims made” form policy with XXXX, which expired XXXX, when the current policy was put in place. In XXXX, the borrower purchased a “nose coverage” policy, which is the coverage needed when going from a “claims made” form of insurance to a “per occurrence” form of insurance. The premium for this “nose” coverage liability was a one-time charge and was paid in XXX. Because of that additional insurance coverage, the insurance expense for XXXX was substantially higher than the current expense. The current “per occurrence basis” insurance policy covers the entire statute of limitations. The project’s professional liability insurance is in compliance with HUD’s requirements.>>
<<Identify all potential or expected professional liability insurance (PLI) claims in excess of $35,000 that have been or may be filed for all periods within the statute of limitations for the state where the claim occurred. Identify any reserves held for potential claims. Discuss the risk associate with each potential PLI claim. Discuss how that risk is mitigated. Describe the circumstances, identify the potential award amount, provide evidence and analysis showing that the suits are covered by PLI insurance, and if the insurance is not sufficient, does the insured demonstrate adequate funds to cover the potential excess? Describe any other information that mitigates the risk.
As applicable, discuss other types of lawsuits (non-PLI) and describe the potential risk related to the party’s participation in the proposed project. Discuss how that risk is mitigated. If the suit is closed, does it contribute to a pattern? Does it materially affect the party’s ability to participate in the project? If not closed, describe the circumstances, identify the potential award amount, provide evidence and analysis showing that the suits are covered by insurance (general liability), and if the insurance is not sufficient, do they demonstrate adequate funds to cover the potential excess? Describe any other information that mitigates the risk.>>
<<Provide narrative discussion of policy coverage for bodily injury, property damage and personal injury. For example: General liability insurance will be provided by XX. The underwriter has confirmed estimates of the cost and coverage for underwriting and will re-verify this information prior to closing. The insurance coverage will comply with HUD requirements prior to closing.>>
<<Provide narrative discussion of policy coverages as applicable, including property damage, ordinance and law coverage, and boiler and machinery/equipment breakdown insurance. . For example: “Property insurance will be provided by XX. The underwriter has confirmed estimates of the cost and coverage for underwriting and will re-verify this information prior to closing. The insurance coverage will comply with HUD requirements prior to closing.”>>
<<Provide narrative discussion of fidelity bond/crime insurance coverage. For example: “The current insurance policy reflects fidelity (crime) insurance with the limit of $XX and $XX deductible. The HUD requirement for at least two months potential gross income receipts would total $XX. The current level of coverage is sufficient for this project.” If not sufficient, recommend commitment condition.
<<Provide details on the relocation plan (if applicable) and the budget for such relocation plan.>>
The mortgage criteria shown on the form HUD-92264a-ORCF are summarized as follows:
Requested amount: |
$ |
Amount based on replacement cost: |
$ |
Amount based on loan to value: |
$ |
Amount based on debt service coverage: |
$ |
Amount based on total indebtedness: |
$ |
Amount based on deduction of loans, grant(s), loan(s), LIHTCs, and gift(s) for mortgageable items: |
$ |
The proposed mortgage is $ and is constrained by .
The underwriter concluded to a mortgage term of years.
The type of financing available to the borrower upon issuance of the commitment will likely be in the form of .
The amount based on replacement cost limit is $ . This is based on 90% of the replacement cost of the improvements of $ .
The $ value of improvement limit was calculated in accordance with HUD guidelines. This is based on 90% of the underwriter’s value of improvements $ (as-proposed value minus as-is value).
The $ debt service limit was calculated using HUD’s guidelines.
The underwriter’s NOI for the project after improvement is $ <<indicate if this amount differs from the appraiser’s NOI for the project after improvement>>. Annual debt service payments on outstanding indebtedness related to the property is $ . There is no annual ground rent or annual special assessments on the property. Therefore, the NOI available for the supplemental loan is $ . There is an interest rate of % and an assumed remaining term of months.
(Double click inside the Excel Table to add information)
The $ total indebtedness limit was calculated in accordance with HUD guidelines. The “as proposed” value is $ . The total outstanding indebtedness relating to the property is $ . Multiply “as proposed” value by 90%, then subtract from the product 100% of the total outstanding indebtedness related to the property.
The limit was calculated in accordance with HUD guidelines as follows:
$ |
(2) Tax credits |
(3) Value of leased fee |
(4) Excess unusual land improvement cost |
(5) Unpaid balance of special assessment |
(6) Sum of lines (1) through (5) |
$ |
$ |
The secondary sources are discussed in detail below in the Sources & Uses section of the narrative.
<<Provide a statement of Sources and Uses of actual estimated cost at closing. Include all eligible and ineligible costs.>>
<<List and discuss all secondary sources, including terms and conditions of each. Secondary sources include surplus cash notes, grants/loans, tax credits, and the like.>>
<<Discuss any uses not previously discussed in this narrative.>>
In addition to the information required in this narrative, depending upon the facility for which mortgage insurance is to be provided, the mortgagor, operator, management agent and such other parties involved in the operation of the facility, current economic conditions, or other factors or conditions as identified by HUD, HUD may require additional information from the lender to accurately determine the strengths and weaknesses of the transaction. If additional information is required, the questions will be included in an appendix that accompanies the narrative.
<<List any recommended special conditions. If none, state “None.”>>
<<Provide narrative conclusion and recommendation.>>
Lender hereby certifies that the statements and representations of fact contained in this instrument and all documents submitted and executed by lender in connection with this transaction are, to the best of lender’s knowledge, true, accurate, and complete. This instrument has been made, presented, and delivered for the purpose of influencing an official action of HUD in insuring the loan and may be relied upon by HUD as a true statement of the facts contained therein.
Lender: |
HUD Mortgagee/Lender No.: |
This report was prepared by:
Date |
This report was reviewed by:
Date |
<<Name>> <<Title>> <<Phone>> <<Email>> |
<<Name>> <<Title>> <<Phone>> <<Email>> |
This report was reviewed and the site inspected by:
Date |
<<Name>> <<Title>> <<Phone>> <<Email>> |
versions obsolete Page
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | H22192;Rita.J.Dockery@hud.gov |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-07-15 |