Literature Review

Appendix B Resilience Funding Sources and Resources List_11_20_20.xlsx

A Coastal Management Needs Assessment and Market Analysis for Financing Resilience

Literature Review

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Funding Sources

Sheet 1: Resources

Resource Author(s) Organization(s) Year Description URL Notes
2017 Federal Financing Toolkit
LOCUS, Smart Growth America 2017 Guide to federal programs, resources, and financing for smart growth development (brownfields, community development, environment, housing, transportation, and rural development) $60 fee for non-LOCUS members
A Field Guide to Conservation Finance Story Clark N/A 2012 Guidance and framework for smaller land conservation organizations on achieving conservation goals using traditional and cutting-edge financial strategies. Includes information on how to raise money, borrowing money, and reducing the cost of transactions. Topics include transfer fees, voluntary surcharges, seller financing, revolving funds, and Project Related Investment programs (PRIs).
A Guide for Public-Sector Resilience Bond Sponsorship Shalini Vajhala, James Rhodes re:focus partners 2017 Framework for city, state, and federal government to align public-sector disaster risk reduction measures with private insurance using Resilience Bonds.
A Pocket Guide to Funding Resources: Reducing Coastal Flood Risk N/A FEMA, HUD, SBA, Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, Louisiana Office of Community Development 2014 Guide for homeowners, renters, and business owners on available funding sources (nationally applicable) for disaster preparedness and recovery
Adaptation and the $100 Billion Commitment: Why Private Investment Cannot Replace Public Finance in Critical Climate Adaptation Tracy Carty Oxfam 2013 Analysis of the appropriateness and role of private investment in adaptation and differences in perspective between the developed and developing world.
Adaptation Clearinghouse N/A Georgetown Climate Center Unspecified Comprehensive database of adaptation and resilience resources and of local, state, nonprofit, and federal funding for resilience
Adapting to Climate Change: A Planning Guide for State Coastal Managers N/A NOAA 2010 Resource for climate adaptation; contains information on potential federal funding sources
After Sandy: Advancing Strategies for Long-Term Resilience and Adaptability N/A Urban Land Institute 2013 Summary of consensus recommendations of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) panel on planning for the long-term resilience and preparedness of the New York - New Jersey region, including recommendations on finance, investment, and insurance.
Alaska Community Coastal Protection Project: Potential Sources of Resiliency Funding and Technical Assistance N/A Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 2016 Summary of federal, state, local, regional, and other funding opportunities available for coastal protection and resilience in Alaska (federal and other opportunities are relevant beyond Alaska).
Assistance Listings N/A General Services Administration Unspecified Searchable database with detailed descriptions of federal assistance listings available to State and local governments; tribes; territories; public, quasi- public, and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions; specialized groups, and individuals.
Being Prepared for Climate Change: A Workbook for Developing Risk-Based Adaptation Plans N/A EPA 2014 Strategies and guidelines for developing climate adaptation plans
Beyond the Basics: Best Practices in Local Mitigation Planning N/A UNC-Chapel Hill Unspecified Toolkit for local mitigation planning, designed to help local governments prepare a new, or update an existing, hazard mitigation plan. Task 9 module covers Funding and Assistance, including links to additional resources and funding programs. Based on and borrows from FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Handbook.
Bridging the Adaptation Gap: Approaches to Measurement of Physical Climate Risk and Examples of Investment in Climate Adaptation and Resilience Jay Koh Global Adaptation & Resilience Investment Working Group 2016 Report on working group discussions, including the need for an examples of investment in adaptation and resilience
Building Coastal Resilience for Greater U.S. Security Roger-Mark De Souza, Christopher Field, Alice Hill, Katharine Mach, Meaghan Parker Hoover Institution 2018 Document describing policy options for coastal resilience, including funding options and recommendations
Building Coastal Resilience Through Capital Improvements Planning N/A American Planning Association Unspecified Annotated bibliography of resources for an ongoing NOAA-funded project to help communities adapt to and mitigate coastal hazards.
Building Resilient States: A Framework for Agencies N/A Smart Growth America 2015 Framework for building state-level resilience plans, funding strategies, and state-level funding opportunities
CAKE Resources and Community N/A Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange Unspecified Portal for information, tools, networking, and funding opportunities for climate adaptation
Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Planning for New England Communities: First Steps and Next Steps Charles Colgan, Jack Kartez, Martha Sheils Middlebury Institute of International Studies, New England Environmental Finance Center 2016 Stepwise guide for vulnerability and risk assessment planning, taking action on adaptation, and funding adaptation.
Climate Adaptation Finance and Investment in California Jesse Keenan Routledge Focus (publisher) 2019 Guide for local governments and private enterprises on investment in climate change adaptation and resilience.
Climate Adaptation Finance Mechanisms: New Frontiers For Familiar Tools Jack Kartez, Samuel Merrill Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, Vol. 3, Issue 21, Article 4 2016 Evaluation of available finance mechanisms through the lens of timescale, local/public vs. market-based mechanisms, scale, etc. and opportunities for repurposing existing funding mechanisms for broader adaptation needs.
Climate Bonds Standard v. 2.1 N/A Climate Bonds Initiative 2017 Introduction to climate bonds standard and certification scheme, and other definitions and financial requirements associated with climate bonds.
Climate Resilience Funding Guide N/A Model Forest Policy Program Unspecified information on 34 climate adaptation-focused grant programs and available NOAA funding
Coastal Adaptation: A Framework for Governance and Funding to Address Climate Change N/A Regional Plan Association 2017 Key recommendations from the RPA's fourth regional plan for the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut metropolitan area, including challenges and opportunities for coastal adaptation funding.
Coastal Resilience Bonds and Tourist Fees to Finance Nature-Based Coastal Resilience Projects N/A UNC-Chapel Hill, Carolina Planning, and UNC Environmental Finance Center 2018 Presentation on coastal resilience bonds and tourist fees as financing options for costal resilience, and summary of challenges facing coastal communities
Coastal Resilience Program N/A Nature Conservancy Unspecified Portal for information, training, and mapping resources related to coastal resilience
Coming Home After Disaster: Multiple Dimensions of Housing Recovery Alka Sapat, Ann-Margaret Esnard (Eds.) N/A 2017 Book addressing approaches to post-disaster housing recovery, including the role of insurance and financial institutions
Community-Based Public Private Partnerships (CBP3s) and Alternative Market-Based Tools for Integrated Green Stormwater Infrastructure N/A EPA Region 3 2015 Guidance for communities on how to evaluate opportunities to develop a P3 program to help “close the gap” between current resources and the funding that will be required to meet stormwater regulatory commitments and community stormwater management needs, with a particular focus on the Chesapeake Bay region.
Community-Driven Climate Resilience Planning: A Framework Rosa Gonzalez National Association of Climate Resilience Planners 2017 Framework and recommendations for community-driven resilience planning, including approaches to building community partnerships to access funding, and resources and case study examples of local resilience funding approaches.
Conservation Finance - From Niche to Mainstream: The Building of an Institutional Asset Class
Credit Suisse, McKinsey Center for Business and Environment 2016 Overview of the growth of the conservation finance market and associate finance mechanisms, and proposal for a toolkit of ideas for investment in conservation
Conservation Finance Network Resources N/A Conservation Finance Network Unspecified Website includes articles and links to resources on spectrum of conservation finance mechanisms, topics, and related issues.
Creating and Expanding Funding Streams for Adaptation Planning and Implementation Lara Hansen, Sara Hoverter, and Jenita McGowan EcoAdapt, Georgetown Law Center, City of Cleveland 2013 Recorded webinar identifying existing adaptation funding streams and using existing resources and mandates to implement adaptation.
Disaster Impact and Unmet Needs Assessment Kit N/A HUD Unspecified Toolkit of resources, including funding opportunities, to mitigate disaster impact and unmet needs
Disaster Recovery Financing for Water and Wastewater Utilities N/A EPA 2016 Recorded webinar addressing financing approaches for water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities following a disaster.
Encouraging Investment in Coastal Conservation & Resilience Shannon Cunnif and Erik Meyers EDF and The Conservation Fund 2017 Presentation outlining the Systems Approach to Geomorphic Engineering (SAGE) community of practice and emerging financing tools for conservation and resilience
Evaluating the impact of climate change on US State and Local Issuers N/A Moody's Investor Service 2017 Overview of how Moody's assess credit impacts of climage change on state and local issuers.
Federal Funding and Financing Programs Post Disaster. In D. R. Gilmore & D. Standaert (Eds.), Building Community Resilience Post Disaster. Antoinette M. Jackson American Bar Association 2014
Overview of the federal disaster declaration process and federal funding programs and incentives.
Federal Funding for Water and Wastewater Utilities in Natural Disasters (FedFUNDS) N/A EPA Unspecified Overview of funding opportunities, decision tree for selecting funding, resources on disaster planning, recorded webinars, and other tools for water or wastewater infrastructure
Federal Funding Opportunities for Habitat Protection and Restoration in Maine N/A US FWS 2006 Description of federal grant programs supported through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Gulf of Maine Coastal Program for fee and easement acquisition and habitat restoration and other key grant programs regularly used in Maine that are available through other federal, state and/or non-government conservation partners. Many programs described are applicable to other states.
Federal Grants Wire N/A Federal Grants Wire Unspecified Database of federal grants organized by topic and funding agency
Fighting Fire with Finance: A Roadmap for Collective Action N/A Blue Forest Conservation, Encourage Capital 2017 Background on the Forest Resilience Bond and market for conservation finance, structure and use of FRBs, and risks and considerations for use of FRBs
Finance Guide for Resilient by Design Bay Area Challenge Teams N/A NHA Advisors 2017 Reporting strategic funding and financing options for developing hazard-ready infrastructure in California, applicable to decisionmakers and designers beyond the Bay Area/California. The report identifies funding and financing mechanisms from local and regional public revenue sources, state and local grants, federal grants, and alternative revenue sources for project finance -
Financing Alternatives Comparison Tool (FACT) N/A EPA Unspecified Financial analysis tool to identify the most cost-effective method to fund a wastewater or drinking water management project.
Financing for Climate Resilience N/A Marsh & McLennan Companies 2017 Information on financing options for resilience, including risk financing for flood protection, use of bonds, sustainable infrastructure, and more.
Financing Green Infrastructure: A Best Practices Guide for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund EPA EPA 2015 Examples of how states have used their CWSRF programs to provide incentives for investments in green infrastructure
Financing High-Performance Infrastructure N/A HUD Unspecified Funding for green infrastructure including information about obtaining and utilizing green bonds
Financing Natural Infrastructure for Coastal Flood Damage Reduction C.S. Colgan, M.W. Beck, S. Narayan Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Nature Conservancy, UC-Santa Cruz, Wildlife Conservation Society (funded by Lloyd's Tercentenary Research Foundation) 2017 Research summary of financial tools for investing in natural infrastructure to reduce current and future risks from flooding
Financing Options for Loss and Damage: A Review and Roadmap Alexis Durand, Victoria Hoffmeister, Romain Weikmans, Jonathan Gewirtzman, Sujay Natson, Saleemul Huq, J. Timmons Roberts, German Development Institute 2016 Paper defining financing loss and damage response, identifying innovative funding mechanisms, and evaluating the extent to which the mechanisms can be implemented.
Financing Resilience in Connecticut: Current Programs, National Models, and New Opportunities Rebecca A. French, Wayne W. Cobleigh, Jessica H. LeClair, Yi Shi Sea Grant Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 8:1 2017 Article designed to educate Connecticut municipalities, regulators, policymakers, and legislators on the need to collaborate on developing financing methods for resiliency, including innovative public-private partnership (P3) models and adapting existing public and private finance models for resiliency.
Financing Resilient and Sustainable Water Infrastructure N/A EPA 2015-2017 Linked presentations from 2015-2017 national forums on financing resilient and sustainable water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure
Financing Resilient Communities and Coastlines N/A Environmental Defense Fund, Quantified Ventures 2018 Evaluation of the feasibility of Environmental Impact Bonds to support wetland restoration in Louisiana and serve as a blueprint for financing other natural infrastructure projects that build coastal resiliency across the Gulf and beyond.
Financing Stormwater Retrofits in Philadelphia and Beyond Alisa Valderrama, Larry Levine NRDC 2012 Description of Philadelphia's innovative stormwater fee and credit structure and incentives, as a model for other communities.
Financing the Operation and Maintenance Costs of Hurricane Protection Infrastructure: Options for the State of Louisiana Trey Miller RAND 2012 Study intended to provide Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) and coastal zone levee districts with estimates of additional operating costs and options for potential future sources of revenue.
Financing the Resilient City: A Demand Driven Approach to Development, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Climate Adaptation Jeb Brugmann ICLEI 2011 White paper that outlines the case for "mainstreaming climate and disaster risk reduction to become factors in conventional planning processes, project design and development decision making, developing specialized financial instruments for the risk-oriented components of these projects that cannot be addressed via mainstreaming measures, and building local institutional capacity to prepare, structure and manage large scale redevelopment."
Financing Waterfront Resilience: State and Federal resources for communities N/A Hudson River Estuary Program 2016 Overview of federal and state (New York) assistance programs for waterfront resilience
For the Long Haul: Public-Private Partnerships for Long-Term Disaster Recovery N/A Southeast Disaster Recovery Partnership 2018 White paper evaluating the role of P3s in long-term disaster planning/recovery, including existing resources, case studies, and recommendations.
Funding Adaptation: Financing Resiliency Through Sea Level Derivatives Sevren Gourley Harvard Environmental Law Review 2017 Proposal for use of sea level default swaps and a nuisance flooding futures contracts to fund resiliency to sea level rise.
Funding Coastal Resilience: A Different Perspective Paul Mackie Suffolk Coastal & Waveney District Councils (UK) 2015 Presentation outlining challenges and alternative approaches to the current funding landscape for coastal resilience in the UK; principles are relevant to the US
Funding for Nature Based Solutions N/A Naturally Resilient Communities Unspecified Database of federal funding opportunities and informational resources about funding and budgeting green infrastructure and flood reduction projects
Funding Opportunities N/A Great Lakes Coastal Resilience Planning Guide Unspecified Great-Lakes specific information, networking, tools, and funding opportunities related to coastal resilience
Funding Opportunities N/A NOAA Office of Coastal Management Unspecified List of active funding opportunities offered by the NOAA Office of Coastal Management
Funding Opportunities N/A US Climate Resilience Toolkit Unspecified Database providing guidance and technical information related to vulnerability, resilience and adaptation and links to funding opportunities for a broad range of stakeholders
Getting to Green: Paying for Green Infrastructure N/A EPA 2014 Report outlining green infrastructure financing options and resources for local decision makers N/A Unspecified The unified portal for announcing federal funding opportunities, as well as submitting grant applications. Searchable by category, agency, eligibility, and funding instrument type,. Users can receive email notifications about new grants that fit specific criteria. Includes resources on eligibility, applying for grants, writing grant proposals, and managing grants.
Green Infrastructure Funding Tools Documents N/A EPA 2006-2009 Compilation of resources outlining funding mechanisms and programs available for stormwater
Green Infrastructure Municipal Handbook N/A EPA 2008 Comprehensive handbook on green infrastructure design, installation, and management, including chapters on funding options and incentive mechanisms
Guide to Public-Private Collaboration on City Climate Resilience Planning Ashley Lawson, Katy Maher, Janet Peace C2ES 2017 Recommendations for city leaders and planners on inviting and promoting public-private collaboration on city climate resilience planning in their communities.
Hedging Hurricanes: A Concise Guide to Reinsurance, Catastrophe Bonds, and Insurance Linked Funds Adam Alvarez N/A 2017 Introduction to investment in insurance linked funds.
Helping Coastal Communities Build Resilience to Climate Change & Minimize Flood Risk N/A RAND Unspecified Library of comprehensive coastal resilience-focused project summaries.
Homeowner Handbooks to Prepare for Coastal Hazards N/A Gulf of Mexico Alliance Unspecified Guidelines on enhancing individual resilience, including protecting property with insurance
How to Issue a Green Muni Bond: The Green Muni Bonds Playbook N/A Climate Bonds 2016 Information about green bonds, how to obtain them, different types, how to issue them
How to Pay for Coastal Resilience N/A Waterfront Alliance 2014 Multi-article resource on paying for coastal resilience, with links to relevant external resources
How to Pay for Green Infrastructure: Funding and Financing N/A Georgetown Climate Center - Green Infrastructure Toolkit Unspecified Toolkit of considerations, funding options and approaches (federal, state, local, government, and private), and guidance for green infrastructure projects
Hurricane Matthew Recovery N/A Coastal Resilience Center, UNC-Chapel Hill Unspecified Comprehensive reports and analysis of obstacles and opportunities to coastal North Carolina community recovery from Hurricane Matthew, including funding opportunities and obstacles for resilient housing and communities
Hurricane Sandy Mitigation/Resilience Projects Overview and Specific Project Example N/A USFWS 2014 Descriptions of resilience projects that received funding through the Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2013
Identify (information page) N/A Coastal Resilience Unspecified Description of CRS system and links to other resources
Impact Investments: An Emerging Asset Class Nick O'Donohoe, Christina Leijonhufvud, Yasemin Saltuk, Antony Bugg-Levine, Margot Brandenburg J.P. Morgan 2010 Evaluation of impact investing as an emerging asset class, and market opportunity
Innovative Finance for Resilience Coasts and Communities Andrew Duetz, Jan Kellett, Tenke Zoltani UNDP, The Nature Conservancy 2018 Report highlighting opportunities to protect coastal zones through emerging insurance mechanisms.
Innovative Finance for Resilient Infrastructure N/A Center for Global Disaster Protection, Lloyd's of London 2018 Overview of trends and emerging options for resilient infrastructure finance
Innovative financing for flood and coastal resilience Paul Mackie Coastal Partnership East Unspecified Presentation summarizing innovation in the financing landscape for coastal resilience
Innovative Financing for Green Infrastructure Jennifer Cotting, Deron Muehring, Lori Beary EPA 2014 Recorded webinar on innovative financing for green infrastructure.
Investing for Resilience Louise Pryor ClimateWise, University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership 2016 Analysis of the relationship between the insurance industry, its investment activities and its potential support for climate resilience.
Issue Brief: Saving by Mitigating N/A New England Environmental Finance Center, University of Louisville 2013 information on mitigation planning and list of funding opportunities
Land Conservation in a Changing Climate: Stewardship Science and Financing Bradford S. Gentry, Shelley Clark, Colin Kelly, Joshua Morse Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 2017 Report from 2016 Berkley Workshop, which explored in part emerging funding opportunities and mechanisms for land conservation in a changing climate.
Leading-Edge Stormwater Financing N/A EPA 2017-2018 Recorded webinar series on successful and leading-edge examples of how communities have financed stormwater programs.
Legal Considerations Surrounding Adaptation to the Threat of Sea Level Rise N/A City of Coral Gables, Florida 2016 White paper summarizing sea level rise adaptation options for the City, including options for financing adaptation that are nationally applicable.
Leveraging Catastrophe Bonds as a mechanism for resilient infrastructure project finance Shalini Vajhala, James Rhodes re:focus partners Unspecified Overview of an approach for systematically linking catastrophe bonds and conventional project finance to support large-scale resilience projects.
Local Government Stormwater Financing Manual: A Process for Program Reform Philip Favero University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center 2014 Manual for local government leaders on stormwater financing issues and opportunities, including reducing costs through performance-based financing, establishing stormwater credit and rebate programs, using markets and offsets in an urban environment, and maximizing stormwater benefits through the use of green infrastructure
Local Mitigation Planning Handbook N/A FEMA 2013 Guide for local governments to develop, update and implement local mitigation plans. Task 9 module covers Funding and Assistance, including links to additional resources and funding programs.
Methods and Strategies for Financing Green Infrastructure in the City and County of Durham, North Carolina Jeff Hughes UNC Environmental Finance Center 2014 Report identifying and defining the key components of financing mechanisms available to support green infrastructure investments in Durham County; concepts and mechanisms are more broadly applicable to other communities.
Money for Resilient Infrastructure: How to Finance America’s Climate Changed Future Joyce Coffee Climate Resilience Consulting 2018 Book outlining information on how to fund and finance infrastructure modernization and new infrastructure in the face of growing climate hazards.
National Flood Insurance Reform as a Tool for Municipal Climate Resilience Enhancement John Ryan-Henry Sea Grant Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 8:1 2017 Analysis of state of reform proposals in the policy literature from the perspective of municipal land use management, and assessment of the implications of various reform options on the ability of communities to enhance resilience
National Sea Grant Resilience Toolkit N/A NOAA 2015 Compilation of tools and resources developed by the Sea Grant Network to support community resilience.
Natural Infrastructure Sector Report N/A ReImagina Puerto Rico/Resilient Puerto Rico Advisory Commission 2018 Challenges and opportunities for enhancing resilience of natural infrastructure in Puerto Rico, including funding challenges and proposed actions and associated funding options
Paying for Climate Adaptation in California: A Primer for Practitioners N/A Resources Legacy Fund 2018 Information for local, state and regional practitioners in California on how to pay for the investments needed to prepare for the impacts of climate change.
Physical Infrastructure Sector Report N/A ReImagina Puerto Rico/Resilient Puerto Rico Advisory Commission 2018 Challenges and opportunities for enhancing resilience of physical infrastructure in Puerto Rico, including funding challenges and proposed actions and associated funding options
Port Resilience Index Lauren Morris, Tracie Sempier Gulf of Mexico Alliance 2016 Self-assessment tool for port resilience, including assessment component on finance/insurance
Preserving Assets in At-Risk Municipalities: Financial Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation N/A New England Environmental Finance Center 2009 Intended to help coastal municipalities identify a path forward to increasing their resilience in the face of sea level rise, storm surge, and tidal flooding. Focuses especially on financial resources that will need to be allocated toward the various strategies identified.
Principles for Implementing Flood and Coastal Resilience Funding Partnerships N/A Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK) 2012 Framework for implementing funding partnerships to address multi-project flood and coastal erosion risk management efforts in the UK
Resilience Mitigation Financing for Water and Wastewater Utilities N/A EPA 2016 Recorded webinar addressing tools and financing resources to conduct resilience planning and to mitigate impacts before a disaster strikes
Resilient Coasts: A Blueprint for Action N/A Heinz Center for Science, Ceres 2009 Information for coastal resilience planning, including recommendations on approaches to funding and financing
Resources and Opportunities N/A Florida Climate Institute Unspecified Comprehensive compilation of resources including publications, presentations, data sets, and more related to climate variability and change, and listing of current research grant and other funding opportunities.
Responding to the Effects of Coastal Climate Change: Results of a National Sea Grant Survey Neal McIntosh and Joe Cone Oregon Sea Grant 2014 Results of a national climate adaptation survey characterizing opinions, plans, and information needs of coastal resource professionals regarding climate adaptation
Restoring Flows: Financing the Next Generation of Water Systems Fay Augustyn, Sharlene Leurig, and Jeff Odefey American Rivers, Ceres 2012 Report outlining innovative approaches to sustainable financing for water systems, including "actions that environmentalists, economists, water utilities, water users, financial institutions, foundations, investors and labor groups to create opportunities can adopt to improve predictable, secure revenue streams, leverage funding and financing options, and create partnerships to build and operate water infrastructure."
Rethinking Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Funding in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey N/A Kinder Institute for Urban Research 2018 report about changes to disaster recovery and mitigation funding
Roadmap for Resilience N/A re:focus partners 2015 Summary of an 18-month predevelopment process with eight US cities and teams of leading private sector design, engineering, law, and finance experts, including recommendations on financing systems (cross-sector), rather than individual projects.
Sea Level Rise Adaptation: Funding Sources Abby Corbett, Jason Koslowe, Isabelle Lopez Environmental and Land Use Section, Florida Bar 2017 Traditional and emerging funding sources available to communities for adapting to sea level rise impacts
Standards and Finance to Support Community Resilience N/A OMB 2016 Report identifying opportunities for continued collaboration and help ensure that future investments will be climate smart from the start, that damaged communities build back smarter, and that both public and private sectors are poised to seize new opportunities to achieve resilience.
State of Private Investment in Conservation 2016 Kelley Hamrick Ecosystem Marketplace/Forest Trends 2016 Overview of the size, scope, and trends in new and increasing investments in sustainable forestry, agriculture, fisheries, habitat, and water.
Sustainable Working Waterfronts Toolkit N/A National Working Waterfronts Network 2013 Comprehensive toolkit on historical and current use of waterfront space, the economic value of working waterfronts, and legal, policy, and financing tools for preserving, enhancing, and protecting waterfront areas.
Tax Increment Financing Angelika Kuehn Land Use Law & Zoning Digest,37:5, 3-7 2011 Overview of tax increment financing as an approach to local redevelopment and extent of use across the US.
The Challenge of Mitigating Virginia's Flooding and Sea Level Rise Impacts Skip Stiles, Shannon Hulst Jarbeau, Shereen Hughes, Mary-Carson Stiff Wetlands Watch 2014 Summary of flooding and sea level rise challenges in Virginia and models for public and private financing to address outstanding needs
The Great American Adaptation Road Trip: Lessons learned about how hometowns across the United States are building their resilience to climate change Allie Goldstein, Kirsten Howard Georgetown Climate Center 2015 Lessons learned from resilience-building initiatives in communities across the country, including funding approaches and needs.
The Procurement of Public Infrastructure: Comparing P3 and Traditional Approaches P. Boothe, F. Boudreault, D. Hudson, D. Moloney, S. Octaviani Lawrence National Centre for Policy and Management, Western University 2015 Research report comparing the processes and incentive structures embedded in traditional and P3 approaches to public sector procurement.
The Role of States in Disaster Recovery, Video Training Guide Gavin Smith, Lea Sabbag, Ashton Rohmer Coastal Resilience Center, UNC-Chapel Hill Unspecified Video training unit and accompanying handbook for states on disaster recovery, including module on procuring state and federal funding
The Status of Climate Finance at COP20, Lima David Eckstein, Alpha Kaloga, Alix Mazounie, Sven Harmeling, Raju Chhetri, and Henriette Imelda Climate Finance Advisory Service 2014 Synopsis of climate finance discussions that occurred at COP20 in Lima, Peru.
Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide N/A University of Oregon Unspecified Searchable resource database of resources, grants, programs, and plans for tribes working to address the impacts of climate change
Understanding Climate Change Risk and U.S. Municipal Ratings N/A S&P Global Ratings 2017 FAQs on how S&P's analysis of climate change risks interacts with existing U.S. public finance criteria and rating definitations, and links to additional climate-related research published by S&P
Using Public-Private Partnerships to Carry Out Highway Projects N/A CBO 2012 Comparison of traditional and P3 approaches to highway project finance and analysis of the opportunities for, availability of, and examples of P3 financing of highway projects
Water Finance Clearinghouse N/A EPA Unspecified Searchable on-line database of information on funding programs and related resources for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure

Sheet 2: Funding Sources

Funder Program/Fund Name Funding Geography Type Eligibility Subawardee Intent Website Notes
Ayrshire Foundation Ayrshire Foundation Grants National - Preference for California and Petoskey/Harbor Springs, Michigan Grant Nonprofit
Focus on five areas: opportunities for youth; science and the environment; healthcare; services for the elderly and disabled; and community culture. Climate change is at the forefront of the environmental focus area. Two grant cycles per year; approximately $500,000 awarded per cycle.
Best Climate Solutions Best Climate Solutions Award - Communicating climate change threats and opportunities International Grant Unrestricted
Project theme varies annually. 2018 Awards are intended to showcase and promote the most creative and impactful initiatives designed to deliver engaging messages, raise awareness and trigger action in the audiences addressed, such as students, consumers, business or politicians.
BIA Tribal Resilience Program National Grant; technical assistance Tribes; Non-profits
Support tribes preparing for extreme events and harmful environmental trends that impact tribal treaty and trust resources, economies, infrastructure, and human health and safety.
Bloomberg Philanthropies Vibrant Oceans Initiative International Grant
Financial Assistance
Building on the successes of Phase I, Vibrant Oceans will focus on the following goals for Phase II: 1. Promote adoption of high-impact, science-based fisheries and marine protection policies in at least 10 countries. 2. Protect at least 50 reef geographies that are projected to be less vulnerable to long-term climate impacts and can repopulate other reefs over time.
3. Support at least 20 countries to achieve fishing activity transparency in their national waters.

Vibrant Oceans partners with coastal communities, nonprofit organizations, local and national governments, policy makers, and academic groups to advance evidence-based conservation practices and implement data-driven fisheries management policies around the world.
Bullitt Foundation Bullitt Foundation Grants Regional - Pacific Northwest Grant Nonprofit; municipal corporation; public agency; or Native American Tribe
Safeguard the natural environment by promoting responsible human activities and sustainable communities in the Pacific Northwest. The foundation's program areas include: Energy, Climate & Materials; Regional Ecosystem Health; Resilient Cities; Healthy Communities; Deep Green Buildings; and, Thought Leadership and Innovation. "The Foundation looks for high risk, high potential payoff opportunities to exert unusual leverage. It has a special interest in demonstrating innovative approaches that promise to solve multiple problems simultaneously."
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation: Environment Grants National - Environmental Program focus on Great Lakes region Grant Nonprofit
Program areas include Civil Society, Education, Environment, and Flint Area. Environmental initiatives include addressing the freshwater challenge, transforming development finance, advancing climate change solutions, and special initiatives. Except for Flint, MI-area, does not provide grants for local projects unless they are part of a Mott-planned national demonstration or network of grants, or grants for capital development, research, project replication or endowment unless these activities grow out of work already being funded by Mott.. No grants provided for projects that duplicate, or significantly overlap, the work of federal, state or local governmental agencies.
Chesapeake Bay Trust Environmental Education Regional - Chesapeake Bay communities Grant Local education agencies (LEAs), nonprofit organizations, government agencies, public and independent higher education institutions, community associations, faith-based organizations and more
Increase understanding and stewardship of the environment by building and/or expand pre-K through 12 environmental literacy programs using the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) model. The MWEE model consists of an investigation into a local environmental issue through a combination of learning in the classroom and outdoors which culminates in students addressing their issue through an action project in their school or community.
Chesapeake Bay Trust Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns (G3) Grant Program Regional - Chesapeake Bay communities Grant Local governments including municipalities and neighborhood/community associations, and non-profit organizations.
Help communities develop and implement plans that reduce stormwater runoff, increase the number and amount of green spaces in urban areas, improve the health of local streams and the Chesapeake Bay, and enhance quality of life and community livability.
Chesapeake Bay Trust Outreach and Restoration Grant Program Regional - Chesapeake Bay communities Grant Non-profit organizations, community associations, faith-based organizations and more.
Encourage outreach and community engagement activities that increase stewardship ethic of natural resources and on-the-ground restoration activities that demonstrate restoration techniques and engage Maryland citizens in the restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers.
Climate Resilience Fund Coordination and Collaboration Grants National Grant Nonprofit
Build upon, interconnect, and increase access to existing resources that support climate change adaptation and resilience activities and outcomes for communities and regions in the U.S. Applicants must be based in, or work in close partnership with, one or more organizations located within the US Atlantic coastal region stretching from New Jersey to Georgia. CRF encourages applications from nonprofit organizations, university-based institutions, or collaborations of public-private entities with an appropriate nonprofit fiscal agent.
David and Lucile Packard Foundation David and Lucile Packard Foundation: Impact Investing National; additional local grantmaking program focused on 5 California counties Grant Primarily nonprofit
[Threaded comment] Your version of Excel allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of Excel. Learn more: Comment: Unclear why we're distinguishing mission investing here, vs. specifying grants in the type column. What angle are we taking? Extensive scope of grantmaking targets in the areas of climate, oceans, land, science, organizational effectiveness, children, families, and communities, and more The Foundation also makes program-related investments through loans, loan guarantees, and equity investments (
Department of Transportation Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) National Grant State, local and tribal governments (including transit agencies, port authorities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other political subdivisions of state or local governments)
Support road, rail, transit, and port infrastructure projects across the country. Projects are evaluated for funding based on merit criteria including: safety, economic competitiveness, quality of life, environmental protection, state of good repair, innovation,
partnership, and additional non-Federal revenue for infrastructure investments.
DOE On-Request Technical Assistance National Technical assistance Federally recognized Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages; other organized tribal groups and communities—including Alaska Native regional and village corporations; tribal energy resource development organizations
Address a specific challenge or fulfill a need that is essential to a current project's successful implementation. The intended result of this technical assistance is a tangible product or specific deliverable designed to help move a project forward. The technical assistance provided is not intended to compete with industry by performing activities typically performed by consultants/contractors, nor is it intended to provide skills/job training or field general inquiries.
DOE State Energy Program (SEP) National Grant; technical assistance States
Develop state plans that advance energy solutions through regional networks, strategic energy planning, executive orders, legislation and local ordinances, management of local retrofits, and land-use plans.
DOE Office of Indian Energy - Technical Assistance National Technical assistance Tribes
Provide technical assistance to advance tribal energy projects at no cost. The goal is to address a specific challenge or fulfill a need that is essential to a current project's successful implementation. Funds are available in form of technical analysis, financial analysis and strategic energy planning.
DOE Weatherization Assistance Program National Grant; technical assistance States and tribes Community action agencies, local government, other not-for-profit organizations Perform weatherization services for low income families.
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Grants Regional - Tri-State Area, Northeast Grant Open
Enable communities to protect and manage wildlife habitat and create efficient built environments. Goal and strategy areas include: land conservation in an era of climate change; wildlife and energy development; environmental stewardship in the tri-state area; and, strengthening the conservation field.
DOI Discretionary Financial Assistance to the U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States Regional - Territories and islands Grant; technical assistance Territories and freely associated states
Undertake short-term, non-capital projects and are not meant to supplant local funding of routine operating expenses of an insular area government. TAP priorities include, but are not limited to projects which foster development of the insular areas in the following areas: accountability; financial management; economic development; education; energy production; management control initiatives; disaster assistance; natural and cultural resources; capacity building; public safety/emergencies; health initiatives; and invasive species management. Funding is available for the U.S. territories of Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, as well as three freely associated states (FAS); the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau
DOT Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) National Grant States and local agencies Portion of state's STBG allotment must be suballocated to urbanized areas with populations over 200,000, areas of the state with populations from 5,001 to 200,000, and areas of the state with population under 5,000 Preserve and improve the conditions and performance on any Federal-aid highway, bridge and tunnel projects on any public road, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and transit capital projects, including intercity bus terminals.
EDA EDA Public Works and Economic Development Assistance programs National Grant and cooperative agreement State, City or township, Public and State institutions of higher education, Non-profits, County, Native American tribal governments
Leverage regional assets to support the implementation of regional economic development strategies designed to create jobs, leverage private capital, encourage economic development, and strengthen America's ability to compete in the global marketplace. Develop initiatives that advance new ideas and creative approaches to address rapidly evolving economic conditions. EDA Programs include: Investment for Public Works and Economic Development Facilities; Economic Adjustment Assistance; Economic Development Disaster Supplemental Funding; Economic Development Support for Planning Organizations;
EPA Clean Water Act Section 319 Grants National Grant, Other States and tribes Watershed groups, non-profit and for-profit organizations, organizations, individuals, and federal, state and local agencies. Provide technical assistance, financial assistance, education, training, technology transfer, demonstration projects, and regulatory support. Funding allocated to states (based on an established national allocation formula) to provide competitive grant funding to subawardees for nonpoint source pollution reduction efforts.
EPA Clean Water State Revolving Fund National Loan, Other States Varies by project type. Includes nonprofits, municipality or intermunicipal, interstate, or State agencies, and more Provides communities a permanent, independent source of low-cost financing for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects. Eligible project categories include Centralized Wastewater Treatment, Energy Conservation, Water Conservation, Stormwater, Agricultural Best Management Practices, Decentralized Wastewater Treatment, Resource Extraction, Contaminated Sites, Landfills, Habitat Protection and Restoration, Silviculture, Desalination, Groundwater Protection and Restoration, Surface Water Protection and Restoration, Planning/Assessment.
EPA Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) National Loan States Privately and publicly owned community water systems and non-profit noncommunity water systems Facilitate compliance with national primary drinking water regulations or otherwise significantly advance the public health protection objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Set-aside funding for tribes administered by EPA; states can also set aside specified percentages of capitalization grants to administer their program, provide technical assistance, and other support. Some states restrict funding to privately owned water systems.
EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants Program National Grant Nonprofit, tribal government (including Alaska Native Villages), tribal organization
Support community-driven projects designed to engage, educate, and empower communities to better understand local environmental and public health issues and develop strategies for addressing those issues, building consensus in the community, and setting community priorities.
EPA Greening America's Communities National Other US cities
Help cities and towns develop an implementable vision of environmentally friendly neighborhoods that incorporate innovative green infrastructure and other sustainable design strategies. EPA provides design assistance to help support sustainable communities that protect the environment, economy, and public health and to inspire local and state leaders to expand this work elsewhere. EPA funds a team of designers to visit each community to produce schematic designs and exciting illustrations intended to catalyze or complement a larger planning process for the pilot neighborhood. Additionally, these pilots are often the testing ground for citywide actions, such as changes to local codes and ordinances to better support environmentally sustainable growth and green infrastructure. The design team and EPA, along with partners from other federal agencies, also help city staff develop specific implementation strategies.
EPA National Estuary Program Coastal Watersheds Grant National Grant State, interstate, and regional water pollution control agencies and entities; State coastal zone management agencies; interstate agencies; and other public and private nonprofit agencies, institutions, organizations, and individuals.
Support projects that address urgent and challenging issues that threaten the ecological and economic well-being of coastal and estuarine areas.
EPA Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) National Loan Local, state, tribal, and federal government entities, partnerships and joint ventures, corporations and trusts, Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) programs (non-profits eligible under corporations/partnerships categories).
Accelerates investment in the nation’s water infrastructure by providing long-term, low-cost supplemental loans for regionally and nationally significant projects. $20 million minimum project size for large communities. $5 million minimum project size for small communities (population of 25,000 or less). 49% maximum portion of eligible project costs that WIFIA can fund. Total federal assistance may not exceed 80% of a project’s eligible costs.
EPA Wetland Program Development Grants National Grant State, tribal, local government agencies and interstate/intertribal entities
Fund projects that promote research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys, and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of water pollution.
FEMA Community Assistance Program –State Support Services Element National Other State
Provide technical assistance to communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and to evaluate community performance in implementing NFIP floodplain management activities, with the goal of: ensuring that the flood loss reduction goals of the NFIP are met, building state and community floodplain management expertise and capability and leveraging state knowledge and expertise in working with their communities. FEMA Regional Offices and the designated state agency negotiate a CAP-SSSE Agreement that specifies activities and products to be completed by a state in return for CAP-SSSE funds. There is a 25 percent non-federal match for all states receiving CAP-SSSE funds.
FEMA Emergency Management Performance Grants National Grant States, tribes, local government
Provide a system of emergency preparedness for the protection of life and property in the United States from hazards and to vest responsibility for emergency preparedness jointly in the Federal Government and the states and their political subdivisions.
FEMA Fire Management Assistance Grants National Grant States, tribes, local government
Support mitigation, management, and control of fires on publicly or privately owned forests or grasslands, which threaten such destruction as would constitute a major disaster.
FEMA Flood Mitigation Assistance Program (FMA) National Grant States, tribes, local government Local governments/communities, individual homeowners, businesses, and private nonprofits Reduce or eliminate claims under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Individual homeowners, businesses, private nonprofits, local governments/communities must have applications sponsored by eligible applicant
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) National Grant States, tribes, and local communities Local governments can sponsor applications on behalf of individuals Help communities implement hazard mitigation measures following a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration in the areas of the state, tribe, or territory requested by the Governor or Tribal Executive, with the goal of enacting mitigation measures that reduce the risk of loss of life and property from future disasters.
FEMA Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) National Grant States Designated urban areas (Urban Area Security Initiative program);Tribes and county or equivalent local governments (Operation Stonegarden) Support the building, sustainment, and delivery of core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation. HSGP comprises three grant programs: State Homeland Security Program (SHSP), Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), and Operation Stonegarden (OPSG). These programs fund a range of preparedness activities, including planning, organization, equipment purchase, training, exercises, and management and administration across all core capabilities and mission areas.
FEMA National Dam Safety Program (NDSP) State Assistance Grants National Grant States
Provide financial assistance to states for strengthening their dam safety programs.
FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NIFP) National Other Property owners, renters, and businesses in communities that participate in the NFIP
Reduce the impact of flooding on private and public structures by providing affordable insurance to property owners, renters and businesses and by encouraging communities to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations. FEMA can also offer coverage for increased cost of compliance. Information is available at:
FEMA Port Security Grant Program National Grant Port authorities, facility operators, state and local government, and other entities subject to an Area Maritime Transportation Security Plan
Improve port-wide maritime security risk management; enhance maritime domain awareness; support maritime security training and exercises; and to maintain or reestablish maritime security mitigation protocols that support port recovery and resiliency capabilities.
FEMA Public Assistance Grant Program National Grant; technical assistance States, tribes, local government
Support emergency work, permanent work, or "special considerations" such as hazard mitigation.
FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) National Grant; technical assistance States, tribes, local government Local governments, individual homeowners Supports proactive investment in community resiliency and mitigation efforts in preparation for an extreme weather event Local governments are eligible Subapplicants and can sponsor applications on behalf of homeowners to submit to the Applicant.
FEMA Transit Security Grant Program National Grant Eligibility determined based upon daily unlinked passenger trips (ridership) and transit systems that serve historically eligible Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) jurisdictions.
Protect critical surface transportation infrastructure and the traveling public from acts of terrorism and to increase the resilience of transit infrastructure.
FEMA Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program National Grant Tribes
Provide tribes with the ability to develop and deliver core capabilities using the combined efforts of the whole community, rather than the exclusive effort of any single organization or level of government. FY 2018 T allowable costs support efforts of tribes to build and sustain core capabilities across the Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery mission areas. Specific eligibility requirements are included under 6 U.S.C. § 601(4)
HHS Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) National Grant States, tribes (including Alaska Native Villages) Households Assist households with low incomes, particularly those with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs
HUD Community Development Block Grant Program (multiple programs) National Grant; Loan guarantee States, entitled cities and counties, non-entitled Hawaii counties, insular areas, colonias, communities
Ensure decent affordable housing, to provide services to the most vulnerable in our communities, and to create jobs through the expansion and retention of businesses. Eligibility and purpose varies across CDBG program areas, which include: CDBG Entitlement Program for entitled cities and counties to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons; CDBG State Program, which allows States to award grants to smaller units of general local government that develop and preserve decent affordable housing, to provide services to the most vulnerable in our communities, and to create and retain jobs; CDBG HUD Administered Non-Entitled Counties in Hawaii Program provides annual grants on a formula basis to Hawaii, Kauai, and Maui counties to provide decent housing and a suitable living environment and expand economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons; CDBG Insular Area Program, which provides grants to American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to provide decent housing and a suitable living environment and expand economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons; CDBG Program Colonias Set-Aside, which requires border states including California and Texas to set aside a percentage of their annual State CDBG allocations for use in the Colonia to help meet the needs of the Colonias residents in relationship to the need for potable water, adequate sewer systems, or decent, safe and sanitary housing; Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program, which provides communities with a source of financing for economic development, housing rehabilitation, public facilities, and large-scale physical development projects. Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funding is provided following Presidential disaster declaration; no annual appropriation - authority provided via supplemental appropriation.
HUD Disaster Recovery Assistance National Other Individuals
Support disaster relief and recovery assistance in the form of special mortgage financing for rehabilitation of impacted homes.
Joyce Foundation Joyce Foundation Grants National Grant Nonprofit
The Joyce Foundation is addressing two of the region’s critical long-term environmental challenges: climate change and protecting the Great Lakes. Climate solutions goal is making the Great Lakes region a leader in fighting climate change by accelerating the transition to clean energy systems, including accelerating adoption of energy efficiency and renewable energy through state utility policies, developing and securing adoption of local and state policies to capture the benefits of advanced transportation technologies, and ensuring that people in highly impacted communities have a voice in policy decisions. Great Lakes goal is ensuring that the next generation in the region has healthy Great Lakes, including clean water from lake to tap, including addressing key threats (polluted runoff from cities and farms, aquatic invasive species, and surface water diversions), strengthening state and federal policies that restore the Great Lakes and improve the region's water infrastructure systems, ensuring that everyone has access to clean, safe, affordable drinking water, and including perspectives from communities impacted by water issues in policy decisions.
Kresge Foundation Various funding programs National Grants, operating support, program-related investments Academic, non-profit, governmental, or private sector (opportunity specific)
Environment-focused priorities include strengthening community resilience by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change; planning for the effects of climate change that are underway or anticipated; and fostering social cohesion and inclusion. Investment occurs under 3 focus areas, including building capacity and commitment, strengthening the evidence base and developing tools, and transforming key urban systems. Program-related investments may take the form of direct loans, guarantees that provide credit support to borrowers, linked deposits, or equity investments.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund: Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Program Regional - Chesapeake Bay Grant Nonprofits, agencies, institutions, and/or businesses, with a shared focus on water quality restoration and protection
Expand the collective knowledge on the most innovative, sustainable and cost-effective strategies, including market-based approaches, for reducing excess nutrient loads within specific tributaries to the Chesapeake Bay. Goals include targeting restoration actions in priority watersheds where opportunities exist to simultaneously improve water quality, restore fish and wildlife habitat, and recover species; advancing the use of green infrastructure in urban landscapes to treat stormwater runoff, enhance wildlife habitat, and
benefit local communities; and accelerating innovation on cross-cutting issues to drive down the cost of recovery and accelerate the pace of restoration. Funding awarded through two programs, the Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grant Program and the Small Watershed Grants Program​.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) National Coastal Resilience Fund National Grant Non-profit, states, tribes, local governments, municipal governments, academic, commercial (for profit) organizations
​Benefit coastal communities by: reducing the impact of coastal flooding and associated threats to property and key assets, such as hospitals and emergency routes; improving water quality and recreational opportunities; enhancing the ecological integrity and functionality of coastal and inland ecosystems
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Emergency Coastal Relief Fund Regional - coastal communities within counties that received federal disaster declaration Grant Local government; nonprofits; for-profit entities
Support conservation projects that strengthen natural systems at a scale that will protect coastal communities from the future impacts of storms, floods and other natural hazards.,The%20fund%20supports%20conservation%20projects%20that%20strengthen%20natural%20systems%20at,floods%20and%20other%20natural%20hazards.&text=The%20ECRF%20seeks%20to%20fund,in%20and%20around%20impacted%20areas. Partnership between NFWF and NOAA
National Rural Water Association (NRWA) Rural Water Loan Fund National Loan Public water/wastewater systems (municipalities, counties, special purpose districts, tribes, nonprofit corporations and cooperatives) serving up to 10,000 persons, or in rural areas with no population limits
Address the unique needs of small water and wastewater utilities by funding short-term repair costs, small capital projects, or pre-development costs associated with larger projects.
NOAA Bay-Watershed Education and Training Regional - California, Chesapeake Bay, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, New England, Pacific Northwest Grant K-12 public and independent schools and school systems; institutions of higher education; community-based and nonprofit organizations; regional, state or local government agencies; interstate agencies; and tribes.
Promote locally relevant, experiential learning in the K-12 environment. For-profit organizations, foreign organizations, and foreign public entities are not eligible to apply; however, for-profit and foreign organizations and foreign public entities may participate as a project partner with an eligible applicant. Federal agencies are not allowed to receive funds under this announcement but may serve as collaborative project partners and may contribute services in kind. Individuals are not eligible to apply.
NOAA Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI): Coastal and Ocean Climate Applications (COCA) National Grant Cannot access website for details due to shutdown
The program is designed to fund interdisciplinary teams of researchers in the development and transition of climate-related research and information to advance decision-making in coastal communities and coastal and marine ecosystems. Outcomes of COCA projects inform the response and coping capacity of decision-making and management communities to climate variability and change.
NOAA Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Grants National Grant Academic organizations, nonprofits, commercial (for profit) organizations, state, local government, tribes
Support restoration projects that use a habitat-based approach to rebuild productive and sustainable fisheries, contribute to the recovery and conservation of protected resources, promote healthy ecosystems, and yield community and economic benefits.
NOAA Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)’s Enhancement Program Projects of Special Merit National Grant State or territorial CMP approved by NOAA pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act
Off coastal management programs the opportunity to develop innovative projects that further their approved enhancement area strategies and focus on the following national enhancement area priorities: Hazards, and Ocean and Great Lakes Resources (with a focus on comprehensive planning).
NOAA Coastal Zone Management Program National Grant State and territory Coastal Zone Management Programs
The Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) provides federal funding and technical assistance to better manage our coastal resources.
NOAA Community-based Restoration Program Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Grants National Grant Academic organizations, nonprofits, commercial (for profit) organizations, state, local government, tribes
Support restoration projects that use a habitat-based approach to rebuild productive and sustainable fisheries, contribute to the recovery and conservation of protected resources, promote healthy ecosystems, and yield community and economic benefits.
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, Domestic Coral Reef Conservation Grants Regional - American Samoa, Guam, CNMI, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Florida, USVI, Gulf of Mexico Grant Academic organizations, other non-profits, local government, tribes, for-profit organizations
Support coral reef conservation projects in shallow water coral reef ecosystems, including reefs at mesophotic depths, in American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and coral dominated banks in the U.S. portions of the Gulf of Mexico. 1:1 match required. Projects may be proposed in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and the U.S. Pacific Remote Island Areas, but these locations are not considered geographic priorities.
NOAA Ecological Effects of Sea Level Rise Program National Grant Academic organizations, other non-profits, state, local, tribes, for-profit organizations
Improve adaptation and planning in response to regional and local effects of sea level rise and coastal inundation through targeted research on key technologies, natural and nature-based infrastructure, physical and biological processes, and model evaluation. The overall goal of EESLR is to facilitate informed adaptation planning and coastal management decisions through a multidisciplinary research program that results in integrated models and tools of dynamic physical and biological processes capable of evaluating vulnerability and resilience under multiple SLR, inundation, and management scenarios. Federal agencies that possess the statutory authority to receive transfers of funds are eligible to submit applications for intra- or interagency funds transfers through this competition.
NOAA Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Grants Regional - Great Lakes Grant Academic organizations, non-profits, commercial (for profit) organizations, foreign public entities and organizations, states, tribes, local governments
Support habitat restoration projects that meet NOAA's mission to restore coastal habitats and support the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative goal to protect and restore habitats to sustain healthy populations of native fish species in the eight U.S. Great Lakes states.
Open Space Institute Resilient Landscapes Funds National Grant, Loan Nonprofit
Acquire land or conservation easements that permanently protect places most likely to harbor the greatest species diversity as the climate changes. Grants are targeted to specific regions in the Northeast and Southeast, selected because of their ability to facilitate wildlife adaptation to climate change. The Fund provides capital grants and loans to qualified non-profits for the acquisition of land or conservation easements on climate-resilient lands, capitalized with a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Grants may be used to acquire permanent conservation easements and fee interest in land. In exceptional cases, grants may be applied to cover transactional costs, including cost of appraisals, surveys, title, and environmental assessments. The Fund may also provide short-term low-interest loans for projects that require bridge financing and that meet the grant criteria.
Pisces Foundation Multiple programs National Grant Nonprofit
Accelerate to a world where people and nature thrive together, through investments in three areas: climate and energy (reducing black carbon, methane, and hydrofluorocarbons), environmental education, and water.
Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) Water and Wastewater Revolving Loan Fund National Loan Nonprofit; local government
Enable rural communities to make the necessary repairs and improvements needed to maintain an uninterrupted supply of safe drinking water and wastewater disposal for their customers. Assistance provided through Communities Unlimited, RCAP's southern regional office.
SBA Disaster Loan Assistance National Loan Small for-profit business; nonprofit; homeowner; renter
Rebuild damaged facilities, with additional loans for mitigation assistance to prevent future loss of the same type.
Surdna Foundation Multiple programs National Grant Nonprofit
Foster sustainable communities guided by principles of social justice and distinguished by healthy environments, strong local economies, and thriving cultures.
The Nature Conservancy Conserving Nature’s Stage (CNS) Climate Resilience program Regional - Northwestern US Grant Land trusts, nonprofits, and research institutions doing work in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
Advance the practical application of climate resilience science to conservation. Funded projects are expected to focus on land protection planning and applied research guiding climate change resilient conservation efforts on the ground. This program encourages the use of an array of relevant climate science tools, with particular emphasis on the application of The Nature Conservancy’s terrestrial resilience and connectivity science.
USACE Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) National Grant Varies
Plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project specific congressional authorization. The purpose of the CAP is to plan and implement projects of limited size, cost, scope and complexity
USACE Emergency Operations: Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies National Technical assistance Varies
USACE is authorized to undertake activities including disaster preparedness, Advance Measures, emergency operations (Flood Response and Post Flood Response), rehabilitation of flood control works threatened or destroyed by flood, protection or repair of federally authorized shore protective works threatened or damaged by coastal storm, and provisions of emergency water due to drought or contaminated source.
USACE Flood Plain Management Services (FPMS) National Grant State, regional government, local government, tribe
Provide technical services and planning guidance needed to support effective flood plain management. General technical assistance efforts under this program includes determining: site-specific data on obstructions to flood flows, flood formation, and timing; flood depths, stages or floodwater velocities; the extent, duration, and frequency of flooding; information on natural and cultural flood plain resources; and flood loss potentials before and after the use of flood plain management measures.
USACE Flood Risk Management Program National Technical assistance State, local government
The Corps works with its state and local government partners to coordinate flood risk management within the context of shared responsibility. The Flood Risk
Management program aims to leverage resources and develop partnerships across levels of government.
USACE USACE Planning Assistance to States (PAS) National Grant State, regional government, local government, tribe
Prepare comprehensive plans for the development, utilization, and conservation of water and related land resources.
PAS assistance is cost shared on a 50 percent Federal and 50 percent non-Federal basis. The study sponsor has the option of providing in-kind services up to 100 percent of its share of the study cost.
USDA Rural Economic Development Loan & Grant Program National Grant; loan Former Rural Utilities Service borrower who borrowed, repaid or pre-paid an insured, direct, or guaranteed loan, nonprofit utilities that are eligible to receive assistance from the Rural Development Electric or Telecommunication Programs; or current Rural Development Electric or Telecommunication Programs borrowers Local businesses Create and retain employment in rural areas.
USDA Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants National Grant; loan Agricultural producers; for-profit small businesses in rural areas
Install renewable energy systems or make energy efficiency improvements. Agricultural producers may also apply for new energy efficient equipment and new system loans for agricultural production and processing.
USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Energy Audit & Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants National Grant States; tribes; rural electric cooperatives; land-grant college or university or other higher education institution; public power entity; instrumentality of state, local, or tribal government; Resource Conservation & Development Council Agricultural producers and rural small businesses Conduct energy audits, renewable energy technical assistance or site assessments.
USDA USDA Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program National Grant; loan Rural area public bodies, community-based nonprofits, tribes
Provide affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. Rural areas including cities, villages, townships and towns including Federally Recognized Tribal Lands with no more than 20,000 residents. Funding can be provided in the form of grants, low interest direct loans, or a combination of the two.
USDA USDA Community Facilities Guaranteed Loan Program National Loan guarantee Private lenders Eligible borrowers: public bodies, community-based nonprofits, tribes Provide loan guarantees to help build essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial or business undertakings. Examples include health care facilities, public facilities (e.g., town halls, courthouses, airport hangars, street improvements), community support services, public safety services, educational services, utility services, and local food systems
USDA USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Emergency Watershed Protection Program, Floodplain Easement National Other Landowners
As an alternative method to traditional EWP Program Recovery, this program is available landowners and others where acquiring an easement is the best approach (more economical and prudent) to reduce threat to life and/or property. A primary goal of the program is to restore the land, to the maximum extent possible, to its natural condition. Restoration techniques include the use of structural and non-structural practices to restore the flow and storage of floodwaters, control erosion, and to improve management of the easement. NRCS purchases surface and other rights from the landowner, including the authority to restore and enhance the floodplain's functions and values. Ownership of the land is retained by the original landowner until they decide to sell or transfer the property to another party. Once an easement has been purchased and closed, closed, the boundary configuration and terms of the agreement cannot be modified under any circumstances. As compensation for the rights purchased by the NRCS, the landowner will receive the lowest of three values: (1) The fair market value of the land. The fair market value may be determined through either of two methods: an area-wide market analysis or survey or an individual Uniform Standards for Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) appraisal.
(2) The geographic area rate cap (GARC). The GARC reflects the value the State Conservationist, with the advice of the State Technical Committee, determines to be fair compensation for the value of the easement. (3) A voluntary written offer by the landowner. When the landowner applies for the easements, he or she may voluntarily offer to accept less compensation than NRCS would offer. This may enhance the probability of the easement becoming enrolled. An offer to accept a lower compensation amount will be documented in writing on the ranking factors worksheet.
USDA USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Emergency Watershed Protection Program, Recovery National Grant; technical assistance Counties, towns, conservation districts, flood and water control districts, tribes, tribal organizations Public and private landowners Quickly address serious and long-lasting damages to infrastructure and to the land through funding for the following activities: debris removal from stream channels, road culverts and bridges; reshape and protect eroded streambanks; correct damaged drainage facilities; establish vegetative cover on critically eroding lands repair levees and structures; and repair conservation practices. Landowners apply via sponsor. NRCS can pay up to 75 percent of the cost for eligible emergency projects. Local sponsors must acquire the remaining 25 percent in cash or in-kind services.
USDA Emergency Conservation Program National Grant; technical assistance Agricultural producers
Repair damage to farmlands caused by natural disasters and to help put in place methods for water conservation during severe drought. FSA county committees determine land eligibility based on on-site inspections of damaged land and the type and extent of damage.
USDA Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) - Natural Disaster Recovery Assistance National Grant; technical assistance Landowners; agricultural producers
Support recovery from natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, wildfires, and drought. Repair and prevent excessive soil erosion caused or impacted by natural disasters to promote conservation practices to protect land from erosion, support disaster recovery and repair, and mitigate loss from future natural disasters. More information on land that qualifies for participation in EQIP is available at:,forest%2Drelated%20products%20are%20produced.
USDA Emergency Forest Restoration Program National Grant Owners of non-industrial private forests
Restore forest health damaged by natural disasters The FSA County Committee inspects the damage to determine if forest land is eligible for EFRP. 
Resources Conservation Service Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention
National Grant; technical assistance Publicly-sponsored watershed projects up to 250,000 acres that are directly related to agriculture, including rural communities, that are at least 20 percent of the total benefits of the project
Support projects related to soil conservation; flood prevention; conservation, development, utilization and disposal of water; and conservation and proper utilization of land.
USDA USDA Smith‐Lever Special Needs Funding National Grant Land-grant institution extension services in the 50 states, American Samoa, Guam, Micronesia, Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands for populations under 20,000
Enable families, communities, and businesses to successfully prepare for, respond to and cope with disaster losses and critical incidents. 100% match required
USDA Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program National Grant; loan States, local government, tribes, private nonprofits in eligible areas (rural areas and towns with populations of 10,000 or less, rural tribal lands, colonias)
Fund clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas that are not otherwise able to obtain commercial credit on reasonable terms. Funds provided in the form of long-term, low-interest loans, combined with grants if necessary to keep user costs reasonable.
USDA/USFS Volunteer Fire National Grant; technical assistance Local fire departments in rural communities
Train and equip fire departments in rural areas, defined as having a population of 10,000 or less
USFWS Coastal Program National Technical and financial assistance Local communities
Support implementation of projects that meet the following goals: creating coastal ecosystems that are resilient and adaptive to climate change impacts; using science-based conservation design at a landscape scale that supports habitat connectivity and ecological integrity; benefitting the conservation and recovery of federal trust species and other priority species; building conservation partnerships that leverage resources and promote community stewardship of fish and wildlife resources.
USFWS U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program National Grant States
Protect, restore and enhance coastal wetland ecosystems and associated uplands.
Wildlife Conservation Society Climate Adaptation Fund National Grant Nonprofit
Support implementation of science-driven, on-the-ground actions that assist wildlife and ecosystems to adapt to climate change at a landscape scale.
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