Q#15 Breakout

Q #15 - 5-11-2020 (X).xlsx

Vegetable and Specialty Crops

Q#15 Breakout

OMB: 0581-0178

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2020 Question 15 Break Out for 0581-0178

9552.22, 956.24, 958.22, 982.34, 984.37, 985.23, 989.30, 989.32 SC-8: Standardized Background Questionnaire (Public) (apprvd. Under OMB 0581-0177)SC-166, SC-220, SC-125, SC-139, SC-58, SC-175, & SC-115 (Justification apprvd.) Dec. in respondents 17.64 11.00 -6.64 ADJ
932.29, 945.25, 946.12, 948.58, 955.22, 956.24, 958.22. 959.27, 966.27, 981.34, 982.34, 984.39, 985.23, 987.25, 989.30. 993.26 SC-9: Standardized Background Questionnaire (Industry) (apprvd. Under OMB 0581-0177) SC-176, SC-177, SC-285, SC-150, SC-149, SC-165, SC-222, SC-219, SC-124, SC-52, SC-283, SC-32, SC-33, SC-133, SC-138, SC-90, SC-57, SC-174, SC-175, & SC-112 (Justification apprvd.) Inc. in respondents 0.66 0.75 0.09 ADJ


987.24 (987) CA. Dates Producer Ballot (no form #); Dec. in respondents 4.36 2.49 -1.87 ADJ
987.24 (987) CA. Dates Producer-Handler Ballot (no form #) Dec. in respondents 0.46 0.37 -0.09 ADJ
987.24 (987) CA. Dates Nomination for Membership (no form #) Dec. in respondents 0.46 0.37 -0.09 ADJ


900.14 SC-51A: (948) CO. Potatoes; Dec. in respondents 1.12 0.83 -0.29 ADJ


900.403, 900-402 SC-3 Standardized Producer Amendatory Ballots (M.O. 932, 945, 946, 955, 956, 958, 959, 966, 981, 982, 984, 985, & 987) Dec. in respondents 976.45 822.80 -153.65 ADJ
900.403, 989.91 SC-224 (989)-CA Raisins Producer Referendum Ballot. Dec. in respondents. 165.03 132.03 -33.00 ADJ


900.403 SC-60 NEW: Producer Continuance Referendum Ballot (M.O. 945, 946, 955, 956, 959, 981, 982, & 989) 0.00 822.80 822.80 ADJ
900.403, 945.83 SC-131: (945) ID/E.OR Potatoes Producer Referendum Ballot. DELETED 27.51 0.00 -27.51 ADJ
900.403, 946.63 SC-39 (946) Washington Potatoes Producer Referendum Ballot. DELETED 14.69 0.00 -14.69 ADJ
900.403, 948.84 SC-50 (948) CO. Potatoes Producer Referendum Ballot. DELETED 10.18 0.00 -10.18 ADJ
900.403, 955.71(d) SC-156: (955) Vidalia Onions Producer Referendum Ballot. DELETED 4.95 0.00 -4.95 ADJ
900.403, 956.85 SC-114 (956) Walla Walla Onions Producer Referendum Ballot. DELETED 1.93 0.00 -1.93 ADJ
900.403, 958.71 SC-30 (958) ID/E.OR Onions Producer Referendum Ballot. DELETED 13.75 0.00 -13.75 ADJ
900.403, 959.84 SC-94 (959) So. TX Onions 5.17 0.00 -5.17 ADJ
900.403, 966.92 SC-1 (966) FL. Tomatoes Producer Ballot 7.15 0.00 -7.15 ADJ
900.14, 981.92 SC-178 (981) CA. Almonds Producer Referendum. DELETED 172.60 0.00 -172.60 ADJ
900.403, 982.86 SC-136 (982) Hazelnuts Producer Referendum. DELETED 35.76 0.00 -35.76 ADJ
900.403, 984.90 SC-126 (984) CA. Walnuts - Continuation. DELETED 264.05 0.00 -264.05 ADJ
900.14, 985.72 SC-60: (985) Spearmint Oil Producers Referendum. DELETED 6.88 0.00 -6.88 ADJ
900.403, 987.82 SC-72 (987) CA. Dates 5.78 0.00 -5.78 ADJ
900.403, SC-60A NEW - Standardized Cooperative Referendum Ballot (M.O. 945, 946, 956, 981, 982 ) 0.00 0.33 0.33 ADJ
900.403, 945.83 SC-131A (945) ID/E.OR Potatoes Cooperateive Referendum Ballot. DELETED 0.11 0.00 -0.11 ADJ
900.403, 946.63 SC-39A: (946) WA. Potatoes Cooperative Referendum Ballot. DELETED 0.11 0.00 -0.11 ADJ
900.403, 948.84 SC-50A: (948) CO. Potatoes Cooperative Referendum Ballot. DELETED 0.11 0.00 -0.11 ADJ
900.403, 956.85 SC-114A: (956) Walla Walla Onions Cooperative Referendum Ballot. DELETED 0.06 0.00 -0.06 ADJ
900.403, 958.71 SC-30A: (958) ID./E.OR Onions Cooperative Referendum. DELETED 0.06 0.00 -0.06 ADJ
900.14, 981.92 SC-179 (981) CA. Almonds Cooperative Referendum. DELETED 0.03 0.00 -0.03 ADJ
900L403, 982.86 SC-136A: (982) Hazelnuts Cooperative Referendum. DELETED 0.11 0.00 -0.11 ADJ
900.14, 985.72 SC-60A (985) Spearmint Oil Cooperative Referendum. DELETED 0.06 0.00 -0.06 ADJ


948.24(1) (948) CO. Potatoes (Area III) (no form #) Dec. in respondents 1.35 0.75 -0.60 ADJ
959.122 (959) So. TX Onions (no form #); Dec. in respondents 2.16 1.99 -0.17 ADJ


948.386 (948) CO. Potatoes (Area II) (no form #) Consideration of Apprvl. As Canner, Freezer, etc.). Dec. in respondents 22.50 15.00 -7.50 ADJ
958.56, 958.328 SC-36: (958) ID/E. OR Onions Spec. Purpose Shipmt. Receiver Certification. Dec. in respondents 0.77 0.67 -0.10 ADJ


956.18 Form No. 2: (956) Walla Walla Sweet Onion Handler Registration Form. Dec. in respondents 3.75 2.25 -1.50 ADJ
959.103 (959) So. TX Onions (no form #); Dec. in respondents 3.15 2.49 -0.66 ADJ
966.113 FTC-102-75: FL. Tomatoes App. For Registration as Tomato Handler. Dec. in respondents. 6.23 3.07 -3.16 ADJ
966.56(a), 966.323(d) FTC-103: (966) FL. Tomatores App for Certified Tomato Repacker. Dec. in respondents 2.16 1.66 -0.50 ADJ
7 CFR (945) ID/E. OR. Potatoes

945.56 (no form #) Certificate of Privilege Shipmt. Summary (Handlers & Receivers) (2 separate forms but shared burden. Dec. in respondents 19.37 18.70 -0.67 ADJ
94556, 945.80, 945.341 No Form #: Application for Consideration of Approval as a Canner, Freezer, or other Processor or Preparer of Potato Products for Spec. Purpose Shipment Reports. Dec. in respondents 9.75 4.80 -4.95 ADJ

948.30, 948.130 No Form #: Application for Hardship Exemption (Area III) Dec. in respondents 1.05 0.75 -0.30 ADJ
948.3 No Form #: Handler Application for Waiver of Inspection (Area III). Dec. in respondents 1.35 0.75 -0.60 ADJ
948.3 No Form #: Waiver of Inspection - Weekly Shipment Rept. (Area III). Dec. in respondents 32.40 21.60 -10.80 ADJ
7 CFR (955) Vidalia Onions

955.6 SC-181 (955) Monthly Vidalia Onion Handler Rept. Dec. in respondents 89.64 24.90 -64.74 ADJ
7 CFR (956) Walla Walla Sweet Onions

956.80, 956.180 Form 1: Handler's Statement of Walla Walla Sweet Onion Shipments. Dec. in respondents 7.00 2.25 -4.75 ADJ
7 CFR (958) ID/E. OR Onions

958.42, 958.240 SC-38 Assessment Credit Rept. Dec. in respondents 93.31 66.65 -26.66 ADJ
7 CFR (981) CA. Almonds

981.32 ABC-30: Accepted User Plan NEW 0.00 48.00 48.00 ADJ
7 CFR (982) Hazelnuts

982.466 F/H Form 1: Rept. Of Hazelnut Certifications Shipments & Diversion Requirements. Dec. in respondents 31.25 21.25 -10.00 ADJ
982.466 FH/Form 1 (a) Domestic Inshell Shipments. Dec. in respondents 25.00 17.00 -8.00 ADJ
982.466 F/H Form 1(b) Export Inshell Shipments. Dec. in respondents 25.00 15.00 -10.00 ADJ
982.466 F/H Form 1c Kernels Certified. Dec. in respondents. 25.00 17.00 -8.00 ADJ
982.466 F/H Form 1(d) Restricted Inshell Certified. Dec. in respondents 25.00 17.00 -8.00 ADJ
982.466 F/H Form 1€ Kernel Shipments. Dec. in respondents 25.00 17.00 -8.00 ADJ
982.50, 982.450 F/H Form 4 Declaration of Inshell Hazelnuts. Dec. in respondents 33.00 22.44 -10.56 ADJ
982.65, 982.468 F/H Form 5: Rept. To Hazelnut Marketing Board of Handler Carryover. Dec. in respondents 8.25 5.61 -2.64 ADJ
982.65, 982.468 F/H Form 6 Hazelnuts Received, Disposed of or on-Hand. Dec. in respondents. 25.00 17.00 -8.00 ADJ
982.52, 982, 452 F/H Form A Export Agreement. Dec. in respondents 6.25 4.25 -2.00 ADJ
982.37 F/H Form Statement of Expense. Dec. in respondents 2.50 1.70 -0.80 ADJ
7 CFR (989) CA Raisins

989.173(b)(2) RAC-1 Weekly Rept. Of Standard Raisin Acquisitions. Dec. in respondents 520.00 320.00 -200.00 ADJ
989.173(b)(3) RAC-3: Weekly Rept. Of Standard Raisins Received for Memorandum Receipt or Warehousing. Dec. in respondents 78.00 42.00 -36.00 ADJ
989.158(A)1(II) RAC-5: Notification of Intention to Handle Raisins & Application for Inspection Point. Dec. in respondents. 2.16 1.33 -0.83 ADJ
959.173(d)(3) RAC-6 CO: Inter-Handler Transfers of Free Tonnage Organic Raisins. Dec. in respondents 1.00 0.83 -0.17 ADJ
989.166(a) RAC-7 Reserve Tonnage Generally - Stack Control Rept. Dec. in respondents 338.00 208.00 -130.00 ADJ
989.166(a) RAC-7A Field Summary of Raisins Held. Dec. in respondents 67.60 41.60 -26.00 ADJ
989.66 RAC-9 Reserve Raisins Bin Control Record. Dec. in respondents. 62.40 38.40 -24.00 ADJ
989.159(b)(2) RAC-15: Regulation of Handling of Raisins Subsequent to Acquisition Daily Packout Rept. Dec. in respondents 2,704.00 1,664.00 -1,040.00 ADJ
989.173 c RAC-20 Monthly Rept. Free Tonnage Raisin Disposition. Dec. in respondents 78.00 48.00 -30.00 ADJ
989.173 c(1) RAC-21: Monthly Exports by Country of Destination (Supplement to RAC-20). Dec. in respondents. 78.00 48.00 -30.00 ADJ
989.173(d)(3) RAC-21 CO: Monthly Free Tonnage Organic Exports by Country of Destination. Dec. in respondents 25.90 15.94 -9.96 ADJ
989.173(b)(5) RAC-30: Weekly Off-Grade Summary. Dec. in respondents 169.00 104.00 -65.00 ADJ
989.173c(2) RAC-32 Monthly Rept. Of Disposition of Off-Grade Raisins, Other Failing Raisins & Raisin Material. Dec. in respondents 78.00 48.00 -30.00 ADJ
989.173(b)(5) RAC-33 Weekly Rept. Disposition of Standard Raisins Recovered from Reconditioning of Off-Grade Raisins. Dec. in respondents 338.00 208.00 -130.00 ADJ
989.173(a) RAC-51: Inventory of Off-Grade Raisins on Hand. Dec. in respondents 2.16 1.33 -0.83 ADJ
989.173(f)(3) RAC-55: Rept. Of Weighted Average Price Paid to Producers for Free Tonnage Raisins. Dec. in respondents 2.16 1.33 -0.83 ADJ
989.158c(1) RAC-69: Application & Agreement for Dehydrator On-Premise Insp. Services Relating to Raisins. Dec. in respondents 1.49 1.33 -0.16 ADJ
989.67 RAC-70: Agreement for Voluntary Participation in RAC Export Prog. Dec. in respondents 31.20 19.20 -12.00 ADJ
989.66 RAC-71: RAC Storage Bin Agreement. Dec. in respondents 2.16 1.33 -0.83 ADJ
989.67 RAC-100: Disposal of Reserve Raisins - Export Replacement Prog. Application/Deposit (Raisin-back). Dec. in respondents 247.49 152.30 -95.19 ADJ
989.67 RAC-102: Export Raisin Back Release Order 40.30 24.80 -15.50 ADJ
989.67 RAC-102A:Release Order. Dec. in respondents. 33.80 20.80 -13.00 ADJ
989.158(a)(3) No Form #: Door Receipt or Weight Certification. Dec. in respondents 4,190.03 2,578.48 -1,611.55 ADJ
989.158(a(5), 989.158(h) SC-12: Request for Courtesy Inspec. Dec. in respondents 43.16 26.56 -16.60 ADJ
TOTAL 11,398.43 7,780.86 -3,617.57

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