(grantees from fiscal years 2016, 2017, or 2018)
Introduction and Instructions
The National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance within the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the U.S. Department of Education has contracted with Mathematica to conduct a study of the Promise Neighborhoods grant program which includes all current and previous Promise Neighborhood implementation grantees. The study is collecting information on the services implemented by Promise Neighborhood grantees during their 5-year grant period, as well as any challenges related to implementing grant activities.
We would like you to think about the Promise Neighborhood grant you received in Fiscal Year 2016, Fiscal Year 2017, or Fiscal Year 2018 when responding to data collection materials. Please exclude any planning grants you may have received when responding. Focus only on your experiences during the 5‑year implementation grant.
Select your desired response to each question in this Word document. Type your responses if applicable.
Some of the information we are asking for may be hard to recall or obtain. Please provide your best guess or estimate. We ask that you try to provide a response to each question in the survey. Some questions have a box you can mark if you are unable to provide a response. If you are unsure of how to answer a question you can contact the study team.
You may complete the survey with the input and contributions of other staff affiliated with the Promise Neighborhood.
We estimate that the survey and associated Excel workbook will take 75 minutes to complete, including time to locate information and talk with others at your organization.
We would like you to know the following:
Findings will be aggregated and incorporated into a public report. Your answers will be completely confidential and are protected from disclosure per the policies and procedures required by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, Title I, Part E, Section 183. We will not report information that identifies you, your organization, or your Promise Neighborhood to anyone outside the study team except if required by law. Your responses will be used only for statistical purposes. The reports prepared for this study will summarize findings across the sample and will not associate responses with a specific grantee, organization, Promise Neighborhood, or person. Any willful disclosure of such information for nonstatistical purposes, without your consent, is a class E felony.
Your answers to questions will not affect your job or any hiring decisions now or in the future and will only be shared with the study team (they will not be shared with anyone from your organization or Promise Neighborhood).
Participation in this survey does not pose any special risks to you. The study has safeguards in place to ensure respondents’ confidentiality, including restricted access to survey data and separating identifying information such as staff and organization names from survey responses. All members of the study team sign a confidentiality pledge, and all staff with access to identifiable study data have received clearance from the U.S. Department of Education and are subject to severe legal consequences for any breach of confidentiality. Any data that identifies you will be destroyed at the end of the study. If you have any questions about your rights as a research volunteer, contact HML IRB toll free at 202-246-8504 and reference IRB number 918MATH21.
☐ I have read and I understand the above statements and agree to participate in the survey.
Key terms
Term |
Definition |
Your Promise Neighborhood |
The entire initiative undertaken by your organization and the organizations you partnered with, as supported by the federal Promise Neighborhoods grant and other funding sources, to improve the educational and developmental outcomes of children and youth in a particular geographical area. |
Promise Neighborhood footprint |
The geographical area served by a Promise Neighborhood. This is also known as the catchment area. |
Grantee organization |
The organization that received a 5-year federal Promise Neighborhood implementation grant. |
Partner or partner organization |
An organization that partnered with the grantee organization to help implement the Promise Neighborhood and/or provide Promise Neighborhood services. |
Promise Neighborhood target schools |
The schools named in your application as target schools for coordination and implementation of Promise Neighborhood services. |
Promise Neighborhood programs |
This includes distinct programs, solutions, or other offerings provided to children, families, teachers, and community members by the Promise Neighborhood. Programs are often delivered through services, which can be provided by or with partner organizations. For example, a Promise Neighborhood might provide a wellness program focused on improving physical activity. They might deliver this program through several services, such as running clubs, walking clubs, dance classes, and student fitness classes. For the purposes of the survey, please include current programs, solutions, or other offerings as well as those previously provided during the 5-year grant period. |
Promise Neighborhood services |
Services are the method that providers use to directly deliver programs and solutions to children, families, teachers, and community members. For example, a Promise Neighborhood might provide a wellness program focused on improving physical activity. They might deliver this program through several services, such as running clubs, walking clubs, dance classes, and student fitness classes. |
Cradle-to-career pipeline |
A coordinated set of services to support success at every stage of a young person’s life. The pipeline includes education programs, solutions, and services across four stages: (1) programs during the early childhood years, (2) programs during grades K-12, (3) programs aimed at college and career success, and (4) family and community programs and services such as parenting support, housing assistance, health/nutrition services, workforce development, and community engagement. |
Early childhood pipeline stage |
Early learning policies, systems, programs, and services for children from birth through Kindergarten entry. |
K-12 pipeline stage |
Educational reforms, policies, systems, programs, and services for children and youth in Kindergarten through 12th grade. |
College and career readiness pipeline stage |
Policies, systems, programs, and services that prepare students for and help students persist in college and a career. |
Family and community supports pipeline stage |
Policies, systems, programs, and services that support families and the community, including health programs and services, safety programs and services, community stability programs and services, and family and community engagement programs and services. |
SECTION A: PROGRAMS and SERVICES PROVIDED by your promise Neighborhood
The first set of questions asks about the programs and services your Promise Neighborhood is currently providing or has provided during your grant period. This includes programs and services that are provided (or partially provided) by partner organizations.
A1. In the space provided below, please enter the total number of distinct programs your Promise Neighborhood is providing, or has provided, during your grant period. This number can be found in column A of the “counts for survey” tab in the Excel spreadsheet.
Programs include distinct solutions or other offerings provided to children, families, teachers, and community members.
Programs are often delivered through services, which can be provided by or with partner organizations. For example, a Promise Neighborhood might provide a wellness program focused on improving physical activity. They might deliver this program through several services, such as running clubs, walking clubs, dance classes, and student fitness classes
Please count each program only once for this question, even if it is (or was) provided through multiple services, at multiple times throughout the grant period, or in multiple locations.
Please count all programs provided during the grant period, even if the program began or ended before or after the grant period.
Please include all programs provided during the grant period, even if they were funded by sources other than the Promise Neighborhood grant.
A2. Now think about the extent of these needs among the students and families served by your Promise Neighborhood during your grant period.
In column A, indicate the extent of each need for your Promise Neighborhood. Your answer does not need to correspond with the number of services provided; for example, the extent of need might be high even if few services focus on the need.
In column B, mark the top 3 needs for your Promise Neighborhood during the grant period by adding an X on three rows.
A |
B |
EXTENT OF NEED DURING GRANT PERIOD (Mark one option per cell) |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
1 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
2 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
3 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
5 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
6 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
7 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
8 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
9 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
10 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
11 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
12 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
13 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
14 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
15 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
16 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
17 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
18 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
19 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
20 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
21 ☐ |
0 ☐ None 1 ☐ Low 2 ☐ Moderate 3 ☐ High |
22 ☐ |
A3. We are interested in the extent to which services available to neighborhood residents changed from the three year period before the grant period to during the grant period.
In the grid below, please provide this information by pipeline stage, as defined in the Notice Inviting Applications for Promise Neighborhood grants (see the Key Terms table at the beginning of the survey for definitions of each pipeline stage).
a. Early childhood |
1 ☐ Fewer services were provided before grant 2 ☐ More services were provided before grant 3 ☐ There was no change in the number of services DK ☐ Don’t know |
b. K-12 education |
1 ☐ Fewer services were provided before grant 2 ☐ More services were provided before grant 3 ☐ There was no change in the number of services DK ☐ Don’t know |
c. College and career readiness |
1 ☐ Fewer services were provided before grant 2 ☐ More services were provided before grant 3 ☐ There was no change in the number of services DK ☐ Don’t know |
d. Family and community supports |
1 ☐ Fewer services were provided before grant 2 ☐ More services were provided before grant 3 ☐ There was no change in the number of services DK ☐ Don’t know |
We are also interested in understanding how services that existed before the Promise Neighborhoods grant changed during the current grant period. In the questions below, please indicate how services in each pipeline stage changed during the Promise Neighborhoods grant period, by comparing them to the three year period before the grant.
If services were not provided in a pipeline stage in the three year period before the grant, please select the box above that grid and skip to the next question.
A4. Changes in services provided in the early childhood pipeline stage
N ☐ Services were not provided in the early childhood pipeline stage before the grant. GO TO A5.
During the grant period, do you: Mark one option per cell
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
A5. Changes in services provided in the K-12 education pipeline stage
N ☐ Services were not provided in the K-12 education pipeline stage before the grant. GO TO A6.
During the grant period, do you: Mark one option per cell
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
A6. Changes in services provided in the college and career readiness pipeline stage
N ☐ Services were not provided in the college and career readiness pipeline stage before the grant. GO TO A7.
During the grant period, do you: Mark one option per cell
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
A7. Changes in services provided in the family and community supports pipeline stage
N ☐ Services were not provided in the family and community supports pipeline stage before the grant. GO TO A8.
During the grant period, do you: Mark one option per cell
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
1 ☐ Yes for all services 2 ☐ Yes for most services 3 ☐ Yes for some services 4 ☐ No |
A8. We are also interested in learning about how the needs and services provided by your Promise Neighborhood may have changed due to COVID-19.
In the box below, please briefly summarize any needs that emerged, or services that were added or expanded due to COVID-19. A few high-level bullets are adequate.
SECTION b: STUDENTS AND SCHOOLS served by your promise neighborhood
The next set of questions asks about the students and schools served by your Promise Neighborhood during your grant period.
B1. During the grant period, of the children living in your Promise Neighborhood’s footprint, what percentage has received or currently receives at least one service provided by the Promise Neighborhood? Your best estimate is fine.
1 ☐ Less than 10% of children
2 ☐ 11-25% of children
3 ☐ 26-50% of children
4 ☐ 51%-75% of children
5 ☐ 76%-90% of children
6 ☐ Over 90% of children GO TO B3
B2. Which of the factors listed below make it difficult to provide at least one service to 90 percent of the children living in your Promise Neighborhood’s footprint?
In column A, mark all of the factors that make it difficult to serve children living in your Promise Neighborhood.
In column B, mark the top three factors that make it difficult to serve children.
A |
B |
1 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
5 ☐ |
5 ☐ |
6 ☐ |
6 ☐ |
7 ☐ |
7 ☐ |
8 ☐ |
8 ☐ |
9 ☐ |
9 ☐ |
10 ☐ |
10 ☐ |
11 ☐ |
11 ☐ |
12 ☐ |
12 ☐ |
13 ☐ |
13 ☐ |
14 ☐ |
14 ☐ |
B3. Thinking about the services provided by your Promise Neighborhood during your grant period, on average, what proportion of recipients received the intended dosage (or close to the intended dosage) for the types of services listed below? In other words, how many recipients completed the program or participated in the service for the intended time and duration? Your best estimate is fine.
INTENDED DOSAGE (Mark one option per cell) |
1 ☐ 0-25% of recipients received the intended dosage 2 ☐ 26-50% of recipients received the intended dosage 3 ☐ 51-75% of recipients received the intended dosage 4 ☐ 76-100% of recipients received the intended dosage |
1 ☐ 0-25% of recipients received the intended dosage 2 ☐ 26-50% of recipients received the intended dosage 3 ☐ 51-75% of recipients received the intended dosage 4 ☐ 76-100% of recipients received the intended dosage |
1 ☐ 0-25% of recipients received the intended dosage 2 ☐ 26-50% of recipients received the intended dosage 3 ☐ 51-75% of recipients received the intended dosage 4 ☐ 76-100% of recipients received the intended dosage |
1 ☐ 0-25% of recipients received the intended dosage 2 ☐ 26-50% of recipients received the intended dosage 3 ☐ 51-75% of recipients received the intended dosage 4 ☐ 76-100% of recipients received the intended dosage |
1 ☐ 0-25% of recipients received the intended dosage 2 ☐ 26-50% of recipients received the intended dosage 3 ☐ 51-75% of recipients received the intended dosage 4 ☐ 76-100% of recipients received the intended dosage |
B4. If there are exceptions to the answers you selected for B3, or if you would like to provide more details, please use the space below.
B5. Thinking about the years of your grant:
On average, across all years of the grant, what percentage of children living in your Promise Neighborhood’s footprint have been enrolled in target schools? Your best guess is fine.
Percentage of children
DK ☐ I am unable to provide an estimate
On average, across all years of the grant, what percentage of children who attend target schools live outside your Promise Neighborhood’s footprint? Your best guess is fine.
Percentage of children
DK ☐ I am unable to provide an estimate
SECTION C: promise neighborhood funding
The next set of questions asks about the funding received by your Promise Neighborhood during your grant period.
C1a. How much funding—including in-kind contributions—have you received from sources other than your Promise Neighborhood grant to implement your Promise Neighborhood services across all years of your grant?
Please only count funding you have already received.
Please exclude any local, state, or federal funding related to COVID relief.
Your best estimate is fine.
C1b. How much funding—including in-kind contributions—do you expect to receive -- but have not yet received -- from sources other than your Promise Neighborhood grant to implement your Promise Neighborhood services across all years of your grant?
Please exclude funding that you have already received.
Please exclude and any local, state, or federal funding related to COVID relief.
Your best estimate is fine.
C2. We would like to know how resources are allocated across Promise Neighborhood activities. Please indicate what percentage of your total funding is spent on each budget category below. Your best estimates are fine, but your answers across all rows should sum to 100%.
![]() ![]()
% |
% |
% |
% |
C3. We are interested in learning how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced how you allocated Promise Neighborhood grant funds. In the box below, please briefly summarize whether you have needed to reallocate or divert funding within your Promise Neighborhood due to COVID. A few high-level bullets are adequate.
C4. We would like to know how resources are allocated across pipeline stages. Please rank the pipeline stages below, based on the amount of funding spent on each stage.
Record a 1 next to the pipeline stage that has used the highest amount of your funding. Record a 2 next to the stage that has used the second highest amount, and so on. The stage that has used the least amount of funding should be indicated with a 4.
a. Early childhood |
b. K-12 education |
c. College and career readiness |
d. Family and community supports |
C5. We would like to know how resources dedicated to services were used across pipeline stages. Please indicate whether funds were spent primarily to expand/improve existing services or to add new services.
PRIMARY USE OF FUNDING (Mark one option per cell) |
a. Early childhood |
1 ☐ Expand/improve existing services 2 ☐ Add new services |
b. K-12 education |
1 ☐ Expand/improve existing services 2 ☐ Add new services |
c. College and career readiness |
1 ☐ Expand/improve existing services 2 ☐ Add new services |
d. Family and community supports |
1 ☐ Expand/improve existing services 2 ☐ Add new services |
The questions in this section outline important tasks that can be used to achieve results through a Promise Neighborhoods cradle-to-career strategy.
Please indicate how challenging it has been for your Promise Neighborhood to accomplish each set of tasks while implementing your grant. For tasks that are currently a challenge, please indicate how challenging they are. For tasks that were a challenge at some point during the grant period, but are no longer a challenge, please indicate how challenging they were at the time.
D1. How challenging has it been to complete each of the following data use tasks during the grant period?
Mark one option per ROW |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
D2. How challenging was it to complete each of the following tasks related to strategic and accountable partnerships during the grant period?
Mark one option per ROW |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
D3. How challenging was it to complete each of the following community engagement tasks during the grant period?
Mark one option per ROW |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
D4. How challenging was it to complete each of the following sustainable financing tasks during the grant period?
Mark one option per ROW |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
D5. How challenging was it to complete each of the following organizational and strategic capacity tasks during the grant period?
Mark one option per ROW |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
NA ☐ |
D6. If you answered “somewhat challenging” or “very challenging” to any of the tasks in D1 through D5, what strategies have you used to address the challenges and which strategies were the most useful?
In column A, indicate whether you have used the strategy to address challenges.
In column B, indicate how useful the strategy is.
A |
B |
HAVE YOU USED THIS STRATEGY? (If you mark No, you can skip column B for that row) |
1 ☐ Yes 0 ☐ No
1 ☐ Always or almost always useful 2 ☐ Sometimes useful 3 ☐ Rarely useful 4 ☐ Never useful |
1 ☐ Yes 0 ☐ No
1 ☐ Always or almost always useful 2 ☐ Sometimes useful 3 ☐ Rarely useful 4 ☐ Never useful |
1 ☐ Yes 0 ☐ No
1 ☐ Always or almost always useful 2 ☐ Sometimes useful 3 ☐ Rarely useful 4 ☐ Never useful |
1 ☐ Yes 0 ☐ No
1 ☐ Always or almost always useful 2 ☐ Sometimes useful 3 ☐ Rarely useful 4 ☐ Never useful |
1 ☐ Yes 0 ☐ No
1 ☐ Always or almost always useful 2 ☐ Sometimes useful 3 ☐ Rarely useful 4 ☐ Never useful |
1 ☐ Yes 0 ☐ No
1 ☐ Always or almost always useful 2 ☐ Sometimes useful 3 ☐ Rarely useful 4 ☐ Never useful |
1 ☐ Yes 0 ☐ No
1 ☐ Always or almost always useful 2 ☐ Sometimes useful 3 ☐ Rarely useful 4 ☐ Never useful |
1 ☐ Yes 0 ☐ No
1 ☐ Always or almost always useful 2 ☐ Sometimes useful 3 ☐ Rarely useful 4 ☐ Never useful |
D7. We are interested in learning how the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to implementation challenges. In the box below, please briefly summarize how the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to implementation challenges. A few high-level bullets are adequate.
D8. During the implementation period for your Promise Neighborhood, how often have you accessed or participated in technical assistance provided by the U.S. Department of Education's Promise Neighborhoods team, local and national technical assistance providers, or anyone else?
1 ☐ Frequently (more than 5 times a year, on average)
2 ☐ Sometimes (3-5 times a year, on average)
3 ☐ Rarely (0-2 times a year)
4 ☐ Never GO TO D11
D9. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement about the support and technical assistance you have received?
During the Promise Neighborhood implementation period, we have received the amount of support and technical assistance that we need/ed.
1 ☐ Strongly agree
2 ☐ Agree
3 ☐ Disagree
4 ☐ Strongly Disagree
D10. During the implementation period for your Promise Neighborhood, how often was the support or technical assistance you received useful, meaning that it addressed your needs?
The support and technical assistance…
1 ☐ Always or almost always addressed our needs
2 ☐ Sometimes addressed our needs
3 ☐ Rarely addressed our needs
4 ☐ Never addressed our needs
D11. Has the level of district involvement posed any challenges for your Promise Neighborhood at any point during the grant period?
1 ☐ Yes, lack of district involvement made or currently makes it difficult to implement programming and services
2 ☐ Yes, lack of district involvement made or currently makes it difficult to access outcome data
3 ☐ Yes, lack of district involvement made or currently makes it difficult to communicate with students and families
4 ☐ Yes, the level of district involvement caused or currently causes some other challenge. Specify challenge:
5 ☐ No, the level of district involvement does not pose any challenges
D12. Has the level of school involvement posed any challenges for your Promise Neighborhood at any point during the grant period?
1 ☐ Yes, lack of school involvement makes it difficult to implement programming and services
2 ☐ Yes, lack of school involvement makes it difficult to access outcome data
3 ☐ Yes, lack of school involvement makes it difficult to communicate with students and families
4 ☐ Yes, the level of school involvement causes some other challenge. Specify challenge:
5 ☐ No, the level of school involvement does not pose any challenges
D13. To what extent has your Promise Neighborhood increased use of the following strategies during the grant implementation period, compared to the 3 years before the grant was received? These strategies may be used to align efforts, coordinate programs/services, and connect partners.
If your organization did not exist before the grant, please mark the bubble below this sentence. Please skip to E1.
N ☐ We did not exist before the Promise Neighborhood grant.
If your organization did exist before the grant, please select one answer in each row below. Please select “Not Applicable” for any activity below that was not relevant to your organization before the Promise Neighborhood grant.
Mark one option per ROW |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
4 ☐ |
![]() n. Other (specify):
1 ☐ |
2 ☐ |
3 ☐ |
SECTION E: Background
E1. As the primary respondent of the survey, what years have you worked at the organization that received the Promise Neighborhood grant?
0 ☐ 2010
1 ☐ 2011
2 ☐ 2012
3 ☐ 2013
4 ☐ 2014
5 ☐ 2015
6 ☐ 2016
7 ☐ 2017
8 ☐ 2018
9 ☐ 2019
10 ☐ 2020
11 ☐ 2021
E2. If you consulted or worked with other staff to complete this survey or the Excel workbook, what years have those staff worked at the organization that received the Promise Neighborhood grant?
0 ☐ 2010
1 ☐ 2011
2 ☐ 2012
3 ☐ 2013
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File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Jennifer Herard |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-10-05 |