0920-21BL Annual OD2A TA Survey

Evaluation of the Overdose Data to Action Technical Assistance Hub

Att 4. Annual OD2A TA Survey

OMB: 0920-1355

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Division of Overdose Prevention Technical Assistance Hub

Attachment 4. Annual OD2A Technical Assistance Survey

Form Approved

OMB No. 0920-XXXX

Exp. Date: XX-XX-XXXX

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 13 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; Attn: OMB-PRA (0920-New)

overdose data to action (OD2A) ANNUAL Technical Assistance (TA) Survey


ICF, under contract with the Center for Disease Control (CDC), manages and evaluates the Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) technical assistance (TA).This survey is intended to gather your feedback regarding the perceived quality and effectiveness of different types of TA offered through the DOP OD2A TA program. Our goal is to understand which types of assistance best support your work. The data collected by this survey will help inform CDC decisions related to the types of support OD2A recipients.

The survey has been pre-populated to reflect the activities and other resources your organization has accessed during the last 18 months (Date to Date). The survey should reflect the organization—for example, if you did not attend a particular TA activity, but a colleague at your organization did participate, multiple respondents may contribute to the survey. The survey is designed to take approximately 13 minutes to complete.

INformed Consent

  • Your participation is voluntary. You may refuse to answer any questions.

  • ICF will maintain your responses in a secure system. ICF will have access to your contact information when you complete this survey. However, ICF will aggregate and de-identify responses when reporting to CDC. ICF will not link your name with your individual responses in any reports to CDC. ICF will maintain your responses in a secure manner.

  • There are no right or wrong answers or ideas—we want to hear your experiences and opinions.

  • There are no risks to you or your organization for participating in this survey. The survey data will be used to inform subsequent training and TA efforts.

  • If you have questions about the survey or Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, contact Megan Brooks at megan.brooks@icf.com.

I have read the information above and agree to participate

  • Agree, continue to the survey

Please indicate the OD2A recipient organization you are affiliated with:

Create drop down list of organizations

Alabama Department of Public Health

Georgia Department of Public Health

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

Alaska Department of Health & Social Services

Hamilton County General Health District (OH)

Ohio Department of Health

Allegheny County Health Department (PA)

Harris County (TX)

Oklahoma State Department of Health

Arizona Department of Health Services

Hawaii State Department of Health-Behavioral Health Administration

Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division

Arkansas Department of Health

Health Research, Inc. (New York State Department of Health)

Pennsylvania Department of Health

Baltimore County Government (MD)

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PA)

California Department of Public Health

Illinois Department of Public Health

Puerto Rico Department of Health

City of Chicago, Department of Public Health

Indiana State Department of Health

Rhode Island Department of Health

Colorado Dept of Public Health & Environment

Iowa Department of Public Health

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation (Northern Marianna Islands)

Kansas Department of Health and Environment

South Dakota Department of Health

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Louisiana Office of Public Health

Southern Nevada Health District (Clark County, NV )

Connecticut Department of Public Health

Maine Department of Health and Human Services

Tennessee Department of Health

County of Riverside Department of Public Health (CA)

Maricopa County (AZ)

Thomes E Dobbs (Mississippi State Department of Health)

County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency

Maryland Department of Health

University of Kentucky Research Foundation

Cuyahoga County Board of Health (OH)

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Utah Department of Health

Delaware Department of Health and Social Services

Minnesota Department of Health

Vermont State Agency of Human Services

District of Columbia Department of Health

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Virginia Department of Health

Florida Department of Health

Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services

Washington State Department of Health

Florida Department of Health in Broward County (FL)

Nebraska Dept of Health and Human Services

West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources

Florida Department of Health in Duval County

Nevada Department of Health and Human Services

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Florida Department of Health, Palm Beach County (FL)

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services


Franklin County Board of Commissioners/Public Health (OH)

New Jersey Department of Health


Fund for Public Health in New York, Inc. (NYC Health)

New Mexico Department of Health


TA overall

Thinking about the TA you accessed in the last 18 months (e.g., webinars, one-on-one consultation, peer-to-peer, trainings, electronic resources, site visits), please rate your agreement with the following statements.

Dimensions to be assessed

Strongly disagree




Strongly agree

No opinion/not applicable

I understand the purpose of TA

Technology was used appropriately to support TA delivery

Lines of communication related to TA were clear

TA was provided in a timely manner

TA providers were responsive to my needs

TA supported implementation of our OD2A project

TA providers were professional and courteous

TA was aligned to my needs

TA was aligned with my organization’s capacity

It was helpful to hear about examples from other jurisdictions

I was aware of the technical assistance options

For each of the following strategies and activities, please indicate your agreement with the following statement: The TA I received helped me implement my work plan related to this strategy.

Strategy for Assessment

Strongly disagree




Strongly agree

No opinion/not applicable

Strategy 1. Collect and disseminate timeline emergency department data on suspected all drug, all opioid, heroin and all stimulant overdoses

Strategy 2. Collect and disseminate descriptions of drug overdose death circumstances using death certificates and medical examiner/coroner data

Strategy 3. Implement innovative surveillance to support NOFO interventions

Strategy 4. Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs

Strategy 5. Integration of State and Local Prevention and Response Efforts

Strategy 6. Establishing Linkages to Care

Strategy 7. Providers and Health Systems Support

Strategy 8. Partnerships with Public Safety and First responders

Strategy 9. Empowering Individuals

Strategy 10. Prevention Innovation Project


Please rate the following TA modalities on their importance in helping achieve your OD2A work plan objectives: (Check one in each column).


Very Important


Fairly Important

Slightly Important

Not at all Important

Not applicable

One-on-one virtual technical assistance

Conference calls

Webinars/ virtual training

Peer-to-peer exchanges

Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

In-person group training event

E-library (resources)


TA Providers

Please rate the following TA providers on their importance in helping achieve your OD2A work plan objectives: (Check one in each column).


Very Important


Fairly Important

Slightly Important

Not at all Important

Not applicable

CDC State Support Team

Other CDC experts

CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

Other experts external to CDC

For each of the following strategies and activities, please indicate which modality and which provider was most helpful, and least helpful, to implement your workplan.

Strategy for Assessment

MOST helpful

(Select one modality and one provider per strategy)

LEAST helpful

(Select one modality and one provider per strategy)

Strategy 1. Collect and disseminate timeline emergency department data on suspected all drug, all opioid, heroin and all stimulant overdoses

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

Strategy 2. Collect and disseminate descriptions of drug overdose death circumstances using death certificates and medical examiner/coroner data

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

Strategy 3. Implement innovative surveillance to support NOFO interventions

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

Strategy 4. Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

Strategy 5. Integration of State and Local Prevention and Response Efforts

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

Strategy 6. Establishing Linkages to Care

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

Strategy 7. Providers and Health Systems Support

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

Strategy 8. Partnerships with Public Safety and First responders

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

Strategy 9. Empowering Individuals

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

Strategy 10. Prevention Innovation Project

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • One-on-one virtual TA

  • Conference calls

  • Webinars/virtual training

  • Peer to peer exchanges

  • Site visits or in-person one-on-one technical assistance

  • In-person group training events

  • E-library

  • Helpdesk

  • Not applicable

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

  • CDC State Support Team

  • Other CDC experts

  • CDC’s partners (NACCHO, ASTHO, CSTE)

  • Other experts external to CDC

What is your preferred way to receive technical assistance? [INSERT drop down with delivery modality]


Thinking about the last 18 months of OD2A support, please indicate if your jurisdiction experienced any of the following challenges accessing or participating in TA. [Drop down will be provided.]

Barriers and Challenges to Access and Participation

Topics were not relevant to my work

Scheduling issues

Lack of adequate notice for upcoming events

Competing priorities limited my TA participation

While the topics were relevant, the specific speakers were not interesting or appealing

No staff availability to attend

The TA was overly burdensome

Content level seemed too low for our organization

Content level seemed too high for our organization




  1. Please tell us how the TA received has impacted your agency or organization.

  1. What suggestions do you have for improving TA?

  1. What additional TA needs do you or your organization have?

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