Long Survey Small- and Medium-Sized Business Complex Event COVID-19 (Wave 3)

Small and Medium-Sized Business Complex Event COVID-19 Survey (Wave 3)


Long Survey Small- and Medium-Sized Business Complex Event COVID-19 (Wave 3)

OMB: 0693-0088

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Welcome and consent

OMB Control # 0693-XXXX Expiration XX/XX/XXXX

Thank you for responding to our previous surveys. The information learned was invaluable and was
developed into reports and suggested actions for businesses like yours and the institutions that serve
them. We understand that the COVID-19 pandemic may still be disrupting your business and your
larger community. Your continued participation in this study is invaluable for the development of
guidance on how businesses like yours are adapting to the current circumstances.
Please spend a few minutes filling out this follow-up short survey and Concept Mapping
Activity. In addition to the survey, there is a concept mapping activity that will allow you to
provide more detailed information about your experiences. Participation in both activities is
optional. We ask for no sensitive information and we will not identify you or your business. If your
business has more than one location, please answer for only one location. We’d like to learn about
practices taken that have helped reduce the impact of COVID-19 and factors that increased the
impacts, especially in the face of future hazard events. You may skip any questions or exit the survey
at any time.
Your time is valuable and you will be compensated for your participating. Please select

I opt to participate in the short survey and concept mapping activity (about 45 Minutes)
for $30 Gift Card
I opt to participate in only the short survey (about 15 Minutes) for $5 Gift Card
I decline to participate


You will receive an Amazon gift card for your time. Please enter a valid email address
below in order to receive the gift card.
First Name
ZIP Code of your business’ primary location

We’d like to follow-up with you on your responses and send a report of the findings for this wave of
data collection and request your participation in future data collections. You may opt to receive
aggregate results of this activity (at the end). Both your perspective and time are exceptionally
precious, especially during these uncertain times.
Thank you for your time and participation.
The research team at NIST and NOAA

Model Business Interruptions from COVID-19 (MM Task)

Concept Mapping Activity
OMB Control # 0693-0078 Expiration 07/31/2022

The purpose of this activity is for you to create a graphical concept map about
business interruptions from COVID-19 that represents your experience as a
business operator. You’re going to use the free online concept mapping app “Mental
Modeler” (www.mentalmodeler.org), developed by researchers at Michigan State

How to make your Concept Map
The Mental Modeler app allows you to use a simple drawing tool to create a graphical
concept map where you can define components (“concepts”) and the relationships
between them using boxes and arrows. This concept map represents your personal
viewpoint and understanding of the problem by defining three things:

1. Components or concepts, which are added as “boxes”
2. Relationships between the components, which are added as “arrows.” These
can be positive or negative relationships between the components
3. Degree of influence/impact that one component has on another, which are
added using weightings. (e.g., -1=Very strong negative; +1=Very strong positive
on a sliding scale)

Access Mental Modeler by clicking on this link: www.mentalmodeler.org
(If clicking doesn't work please open another tab or window and navigate to
www.mentalmodeler.org) You will toggle between these two windows.
Mental Modeler works best on either Google Chrome or Firefox. If you have trouble at any
point in this exercise, please STOP and contact us at SMEResearch@nist.gov. We will
connect with you for troubleshooting the next business day.
Q5. Please click on the “Software” tab at the top of the Mental Modeler page.

Q6. Now click on the “Use the Online Mental Modeler Suite” link.

When prompted, please enter the following information:
Username: mentalmodeler
Password: mentalmodeler


Once you have access, you will then build your model (concept
map) by defining and adding the following elements:
1- Add components that are relevant to the system (boxes):
Click on

and Enter the text to label the components.

2- Add the directional relationships between these components (arrows): Move the mouse

cursor on a box, the arrow icon will appear
3- To link a box to another box, Drag-&-Drop the arrow between them.

4-Use the slider bar to define the degree of positive or negative influence that one
component has on another.


Before you start to build your model (Optional):
Please watch the below videos. These videos provide a basic example to show you how
to use the Mental Modeler software.
Video 1 (How to access Mental Modeler)

How to use Mental Modeler online tool

Video 2 (How to make your model)
How to use Mental Modeler online tool

There are a few things to remember when you make your model:
Tip #1: “Defining Components”
Components (Boxes) need to include things that can increase or decrease in quality or
quantity. For example, components may include things like local economy, public health,
and business revenue. It is important that you define components that can increase or
decrease in level or quantity. The components should not be things like “policy” since
“policy” does not increase or decrease. You can add as many components as you think is
necessary to represent the problem, by clicking on the “add component” button at the top

of the modeling screen.
Tip #2: “Defining Relationships”
Arrows between components can either be positive or negative. For example, as the
amount of sunlight increases, the process of photosynthesis may also increase.
Therefore, you might draw a positive arrow from the component “sunlight” to the
component “photosynthesis”. On the other hand, as the amount of “sunlight” increases,
the surface “soil moisture” may decrease. Therefore, you might draw a negative arrow
from the component “sunlight” to the component “soil moisture”.

Tip #3: “Defining Degree of Influence”
The relative weightings you give to the positive or negative relationships is a numeric
number between -1 and +1 that you define between components and represent the
degree of influence. For example, a rain-storm may increase the amount of flooding
slightly (represented by a small positive relationship defined between these two
components), but a hurricane may increase the amount of flooding a great deal
(represented by a high positive relationship defined between these two components).


Model business interruptions from COVID-19

Please begin by thinking about how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the operation of a business
like yours. Please go to your model page and click on “ADD COMPONENT” button at the top of the
modeler window. Enter 'COVID-19" to label the box. When done, come back and click on



Go to your model page and do the following task:
Now, add new components that represent the impacts from COVID-19 on a business like yours.
Please enter text to label the boxes. You can drag a box to reposition it. Although the components
you add in your model will be up to you based on your experiences as a business operator, for
your convenience, we have created an optional list you can choose from. Feel free to add your own
components and/or choose from the following list. (Minimum 2 and maximum 5 new components
must be added in this step)

Stopped operation (Business closure),
Problems with supply chain,
Delivery issues,
Workforce safety,
Others that you self-define

Continue building your model by defining the relationships between the components you
added. When done, come back and click on "NEXT"


Go to your model page and do the following task:
Please add new components that represent socioeconomic conditions that could amplify/reduce
the impacts of COVID-19 on a business like yours. For your convenience, we have created an
optional list of components that you can choose from for this step. These include pre-existing
economic and social factors such as:
Access to funds,
Mandatory stay‐at‐home and business closure,
Local economy changes,
Market vulnerability,
Racial inequalities,
Disability (in)equities,
Social capital,
Familial and household responsibilities,
Stress in home life,
Others that you self-define

You can choose from this list and/or define your own components. (Minimum 2 and maximum 5
new components must be added in this step).
When you add a new component, consider the relationships it may have to all other components.
Define these relationships by adding arrows between them.

When done, come back and click on "NEXT"

Go to your model page and do the following task:
Please add new components that represent things a business like yours can do to offset (i.e., reduce)
the impacts from COVID-19, namely “coping or adaptation.” For your convenience, we have created
an optional list of components that you can choose from for this step:
Laying off some of the workforce
Salary changes
Employee training changes
Selling some of the business’ assets
Debt spending

Government assistance
Remote and Teleworking
Limited number of people allowed within the business space
Others that you self-define

You can choose from this list and/or define your own components. (Minimum 2 and maximum 5
new components must be added in this step).
When you add a new component, consider the relationships it may have to all other components.
Define these relationships by adding arrows between them.

When done, come back and click on "NEXT"
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (March 13, 2020) has your business
REQUESTED and/or RECEIVED government financial assistance?
NOT Requested
Requested and Received
Requested but NOT Received


Go to your model page and do the following task:
If not already done, and regardless of your response to the previous question, please add to your
model “Government assistance” as a new component.
Please also think about its relationships to the operation of a business like yours, the supply chains,
and all other relevant components, and define them accordingly by adding arrows between them.

When done, come back and click on "NEXT"

Q15. Please read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:
"In 2020, there were 22 natural disasters with losses exceeding $1 billion each in the U.S. (NOAA
NCEI, 2021). As COVID-19 conditions persist, the chances are high that populations around the US
and the world already have and will continue to experience natural disasters (e.g., heat waves, floods,
hurricanes, fire, and drought) during the period of virus transmission and into the period of recovery.”

Q16. What natural hazard(s) is/are of the greatest concern for your business’ location? (Select all
that apply) (These did not have to occur in 2020)
Coastal storms

Storm surge

Drought/water scarcity

Space weather



Extreme cold


Extreme heat/heat waves

Wildfire and Smoke


Winter storms (snow, frozen rain)


Other (please specify)

Q17. Please selected one of the following options to add to your model:

» Coastal storms
» Drought/water scarcity
» Earthquake
» Extreme cold
» Extreme heat/heat waves
» Flooding
» Hurricane
» Storm surge
» Space weather
» Tornado
» Tsunami
» Wildfire and Smoke
» Winter storms (snow, frozen rain)
» Other (please specify)

Q18. Go

to your model page and do the following task:

You have selected ${q://QID22/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} to use in your model. Please add
new component and enter the text "${q://QID22/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}" to label it. You
also need to think about how this natural disaster (when co-occurring with COVID-19) would or did
impact your business. Please add new components to your model (or use the existing ones) and
define the relationships between them to represent the impacts from the compound event of COVID19 and ${q://QID22/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} on a business like yours, should they happen

When done, come back and click on "NEXT"
Q19. Go

to your model page and do the following task:

You have selected ${q://QID21/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoicesTextEntry}. We ask you to use it in
your model. Please add new component and enter the text
"${q://QID21/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoicesTextEntry}" to label it. You also need to think about
how this natural disaster (when co-occurring with COVID-19) would or did impact your business.
Please add new components to your model (or use the existing ones) and define the relationships
between them to represent the impacts from the compound event of COVID-19
and ${q://QID21/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoicesTextEntry} on a business like yours, should they
happen concurrently.

When done, come back and click on "NEXT"

Go to your model page and do the following task:
Think about actions a business like yours could have taken before COVID-19 and in
preparation for any potential natural hazards. These so called “mitigation planning actions”

1. General mitigation activities that are applicable across hazard types (e.g., purchase disaster
insurance, back-up all important documents, etc.),

2. Emergency management planning (e.g., develop a written emergency plan/checklist, keep an
emergency fund, etc.),

3. And Physical mitigation (e.g., waterproof building using flood gates, back-up power generation,

You must add a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 new components to your model that
represent mitigation planning/ actions, specifically in preparation for potential natural hazards. Please
make sure that you think about how these components could also increase/decrease the impacts of
COVID-19 or the compound impacts of COVID-19 and natural disasters, should they happen
concurrently, and how they influence other components. Please define these relationships graphically
by adding arrows between the components.

When done, come back and click on "NEXT"

Check your model (Optional)
Once you feel comfortable with the components you have included and how they interact with each
other, please consider adding (additional) components from the following list, if they are not already
included in your model.
If added, please remember to define relationships between newly added components and the
Previous natural disaster or extreme weather event experience
Access to knowledge and information about disaster preparedness
Capacity of the business to withstand future disasters
Social networks and partnerships
Vulnerability of the market
Implementation challenges in disaster planning and action
Eligibility and success rates for government assistance
Time open (business duration)
Distance to urban center
Consumer diversity


SAVE Your Model (Required*)
While on Mental Modeler page, please click on the “save” button.
In some cases, a file may be automatically saved to your computer’s “download” folder as
"project.mmp" and in other cases it may ask you where you want to save it. Please email the

mmp file back to SMEResearch@nist.gov.
For more instructions about how to save your model, please watch the below video.

How to use Mental Modeler online tool

If you are having problems with saving your model, please take a screenshot or photo of the
model and email it to us.



I confirm that I've emailed my model to SMEResearch@nist.gov

Q23. Congratulations! You've completed the Concept Mapping Activity. You will receive a
confirmation email within a week including how to activate your Amazon Gift Card.
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements



disagree disagree Disagree disagree

I found Mental
Modeler activity
useful in organizing
my thoughts
I would use this
activity for future
I would suggest this
activity to other
business operators

Short Survey
Dept. of Commerce Small- and Medium-Sized Business Complex Event COVID-19 Recovery
OMB Control # 0693-0078 Expiration 07/31/2022

Q26. Does this business own or rent the building?
Business is run from a residential location
I don't know
Other (Please explain)

Q27. What is the current status of the business?
Fully open with the same products and services as pre-COVID-19
Open, but with fewer or different products or services as pre-COVID-19
Temporarily closed, but plan to reopen
Permanently closed
Other (Please explain)

How would you assess whether your business is FULLY RECOVERED after an interruption (e.g.,
from natural disaster impacts and/or COVID-19)? Select all that apply

Expected gross revenues achieved
Adequate number of employees achieved
Producing/selling at the same level as before the disruption
Full repair of property damages
Full building functionality achieved
Other (Please explain)

Based on how you would assess a FULL RECOVERY after COVID-19, how much time do you think
will pass from TODAY until your business returns to its pre-COVID-19 conditions?
Already there (Confirm when, an estimate date is OK)
1 month or less
2-3 months
4-6 months
6-12 months
12-18 months
more than 18 months
unlikely to resume operations at that level
unlikely to resume operations at all
Other (please explain)

Q30. Since MARCH 1, 2021 has any natural hazard or extreme weather event occurred at your
Yes, with severe negative impacts
Yes, with minor negative impacts
Yes, with no negative impacts
Does not apply

Q31. Was your business' response to this event impacted by COVID-19?
Does not apply to my business (Please provide details)

Q32. How did this natural hazard impact your business compared to similar events before COVID19?
Greater impact than in the past
Similar impact than in the past
Less impact than in the past
First time such an event impacted my business
Does not apply to my business

Q33. Was the impact greater than in the past because of the COVID-19?
Yes, COVID-19 increased the impact
No, the nature (strength) of the natural hazard increased the impact

Q34. Is any of the following a concern to your organization as you plan for the future? Select all
that apply
Natural hazards and extreme weather events
Subsequent wave of COVID-19
Business, financial, and market volatility (e.g., supply chain disruption, operational
Other public health issues

Workforce issues (e.g., workforce safety, workforce reduction, absenteeism,
retaining/rehiring staff)
Consumer-side issues (e.g., preferences for online shopping, reductions in foot traffic,
low holiday season sales)

Q35. Please drag-&-drop to rank the following concerns, 1 being the greatest concern to your

» Natural hazards and extreme weather events
» Subsequent wave of COVID-19
» Business, financial, and market volatility (e.g., supply chain disruption, operational

» Other public health issues
» Workforce issues (e.g., workforce safety, workforce reduction, absenteeism,
retaining/rehiring staff)

» Consumer-side issues (e.g., preferences for online shopping, reductions in foot traffic,
low holiday season sales)

Q36. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.



disagree disagree Disagree disagree


disagree disagree Disagree disagree

COVID-19 posed the
greatest risk yet to
my organization’s

The impacts of
COVID- 19 will leave
my organization
unable to cope with a
natural disaster,
should one occur, in
the next year

Q37. Would you be willing to divert a reasonable portion of your budget to certainly
safeguard your business against an event like COVID-19? (Assume that the chance of
having such an event next year is 1/100)

Q38. From which categories you would be willing to divert budget/resources to

cover this expense?
Definitely Probably might Probably Definitely


Natural hazards/extreme
weather preparation
Non-disaster insurance
"Green” sustainability efforts
Personal Savings
Other (Please explain)

Q39. Instead, would you be willing to put this portion of your budget/resources

to the following categories?
Definitely Probably might Probably Definitely



Definitely Probably might Probably Definitely


Natural hazards/extreme
weather preparation
Non-disaster insurance
"Green” sustainability efforts
Personal Savings
Other (Please explain)

What type of support have you received for your business during COVID-19? Select all that apply
Sharing resources/supply chain
In kind donations related to COVID-19 (e.g. PPE, signage, etc.)
Regulation changes
Environmental cleaning discounts/resources
Postponement in payment (rent, utilities, mortgage, etc.)
Maintaining memberships
Technical support (e.g. establishing new remote working requirements, etc.)
Other In kind donations (e.g. food, etc.)
Local shopping opportunities (e.g. gift card purchases, shop local website, etc.)
None of these apply
Other (please explain)

Q41. Who provided this support for your business during COVID-19? Select all that apply
Non-local businesses
Faith-based organizations
Federal government
Local government
Family and friends
Non-profit organizations
State government
Local businesses
Business associations/Chamber of Commerce
Other (Please specify)
None of the above

Who has your business supported/donated to during COVID-19? Select all that apply
Senior citizens (e.g., special hours/accommodations)
Healthcare workers/Essential workers
Non-local businesses
Non-local charities/Nonprofit Organizations (NGOs)
Local government (e.g. response efforts, making masks, providing feedback, etc.)
Local businesses
Your families
Customers (e.g., financial relief, delayed payments, etc.)
Students (e.g., support for virtual learning, desks, etc.)
Local charities/Nonprofit Organizations (NGOs)
None of the above

Other (Please explain)

Q43. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements


disagree disagree Disagree disagree


disagree disagree Disagree disagree


disagree disagree Disagree disagree

My business serves
more customers from
inside our geographic
community than outside
of our geographic

During hard times,
members of my
community and other
businesses can count
on my business to help
them out

During hard times, my
business can count on
members of my
community and other
local businesses to
help them out

Q44. Do you feel your COVID-19 experience has provided you with an increased flexibility to quickly
adjust your capacities and actions and adapt to changing conditions?

Definitely yes
Probably yes
Might or might not
Probably not
Definitely not
Unsure (Please explain)

Do you feel your COVID-19 experience has provided lessons for the future of your business?
Yes, these lessons will impact the actions our business takes
Yes, these lessons will impact the practices, norms, and policies of my business
Yes, these lessons will impact overall organizational rationale and context for planning
No, these lessons are worthwhile, but we do not have the resources
No, there were no worthwhile lessons
Unsure (Please explain)

Q46. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements



disagree disagree Disagree disagree


disagree disagree Disagree disagree

In my business
endeavors, I can
obtain outcomes that
are important to the
success of the

When my business
is faced with difficult
or uncertain tasks, I
am certain that I can
work to overcome

Q49. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Less than high school
High school graduate
Some college
2 year degree
4 year degree
Professional degree
Prefer not to say

Q50. Please indicate your ethnicity (You may skip this question if you prefer not to answer):
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino

Q51. Please indicate your race (Choose one or more)
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

Is there anything else you would like to share at this time?
You can explain about the role of big businesses in your region in the survival and recovery of small and medium businesses
like yours, or
how you can improve your business’ resilience (your capacity to absorb, withstand, and recover from disasters in general).

If there is anything you would like us to know, please feel free to follow-up with us
at SMEResearch@nist.gov
A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to,
nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with an information
collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the
information collection has a currently valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB
Control Number for this information collection is 0693 XXXX. Without this approval, we
could not conduct this survey/information collection. Public reporting for this information
collection is estimated to be approximately 15 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the
data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to
this information collection are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or
any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this
burden to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Attn: Dr. Jennifer
Helgeson, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, MS 8603, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1710, telephone
301-975-6133, or via email: jennifer.helgeson@nist.gov
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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2021-05-26
File Created2021-05-26

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