Graduate Research Fellowship Program Administrative Guide for Fellows and Coordinating Officials


Grantee Reporting Requirements for the Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

Graduate Research Fellowship Program Administrative Guide for Fellows and Coordinating Officials

OMB: 3145-0223

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Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Administrative Guide for Fellows and
Coordinating Officials

Directorate for Education & Human Resources
Division of Graduate Education

NSF 16-104
(Replaces NSF 13-085)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by the National
Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 USC 1861-75). The Act states that the purpose of
the NSF is "to promote the progress of science; [and] to advance the national health, prosperity, and
welfare by supporting research and education in all fields of science and engineering."
The Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is NSF’s oldest program, dating to the
Foundation’s first fully funded year of 1952. Since then, GRFP has supported over 50,000 US
citizens, nationals, and permanent residents to pursue advanced degrees in science and engineering.
Among its alumni are over 40 Nobel laureates, over 450 members of the National Academy of
Sciences, thousands of science and engineering faculty, and many notable individuals in industry,
government, and the non-profit sector. Additional information on the program may be found at and
This guide outlines the administrative policies and procedures for Fellows and GRFP Institutions.
The Guide incorporates all policies, rules and regulations, and the Terms and Conditions found in
the Fellowship Offer Letter, the annual GRFP Program Solicitation, and the Notice of Grant
Award. The current Guide applies to the 2016-2017 Fellowship year forward, unless otherwise
noted or superseded by an updated version.
As a recipient of federal funds, Fellows are expected to fulfill the academic and fiscal obligations
of their Fellowship award, as outlined in the Guide. Failure on the part of a Fellow to observe all
of the Terms and Conditions of the GRFP fellowship award constitutes sufficient grounds for its
revocation by the Foundation.
Please note that the Fellowship Terms and Conditions are subject to change, and it is the
responsibility of the Fellow and the Grantee GRFP Institution to ensure compliance with current
Important updates in the Guide include:

The Fellowship is active for the five-year Fellowship Period, irrespective of status of
utilization of fellowship funding. Fellows will submit their plan to utilize the funding over
the five-year Fellowship Period at the start of their Fellowship. Fellows have the opportunity
to engage in the full range of professional development opportunities offered by GRFP
during the five-year Fellowship Period.


Professional development opportunities for Fellows are included (GROW and GRIP).


Reserve Status may be used to accept a one- or two-year non-NSF international fellowship
for study abroad only if the GRFP Institution approves the non-enrollment status and retains
the Fellow on the Grants Roster Report. The GRFP Institution certifies the Fellow is
actively engaged in appropriate full-time activities furthering graduate study and that the
Fellow is accepted by, and will be enrolled at, the GRFP Institution following the nonenrollment period.


Changes in the primary field of study within the first Fellowship year are not permitted.
Acceptance of a Fellowship award is an explicit agreement that the Fellow will be duly
enrolled in a graduate degree program consistent with the field of study indicated in their
application by the beginning of the following academic year.


The conditions for terminating the Fellowships of Fellows who have not complied with the
Fellowship Terms and Conditions are defined.


A reporting requirement for GRFP Institutions is re-instated: GRFP Institutions must submit
the Grants Roster Report annually to confirm the Fellowship status of all Fellows and to
certify compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the Fellowship award.


GRFP Institutions must submit the Completion Report annually certifying the completion
status of Fellows at the institution (e.g., in progress, completed, graduated, transferred,
withdrawn) and degree, if awarded.


The Fellows Abroad option has expired and is no longer included.

GRFP uses the GRFP FastLane Module ( as the official medium
for completing GRFP administrative transactions and approvals.


FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................. 2
DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 8
COMMON ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................ 10
NSF DOCUMENTS AND PUBLICATIONS .............................................................................. 11
WEBSITES ................................................................................................................................... 11
ANNUAL PROGRAM CYCLE ................................................................................................... 12
FELLOW RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................. 13
Fellowship Acceptance .............................................................................................................. 13
Fellowship Year ...................................................................................................................... 14
All Fellows .............................................................................................................................. 15
Satisfactory Academic Progress ................................................................................................ 15
Responsible Conduct of Research ............................................................................................. 16
Research Involving Human Subjects ......................................................................................... 16
Research Involving Vertebrate Animals .................................................................................... 16
Legal Rights to Intellectual Property ......................................................................................... 17
Acknowledgement of NSF Support and Disclaimer .................................................................. 17
Use of NSF Logo ....................................................................................................................... 17
NSF Fellowship Service Requirement ....................................................................................... 18
Reporting Requirements ............................................................................................................ 18
Submit Annual Activities Report ............................................................................................... 18
Annual Activities Report submitted upon Completion or Termination of the Fellowship........ 19
Fellowship Status Declaration ................................................................................................... 19


Change in Field of Study, Research Plan, or Degree Plan......................................................... 19
Communication .......................................................................................................................... 20
Whistleblower Protection........................................................................................................... 20
AFFILIATIION WITH GRFP INSTITUTION ............................................................................ 20
Change of Affiliated GRFP Institution ...................................................................................... 20
Before Starting the Fellowship .................................................................................................. 21
Between Fellowship Years ........................................................................................................ 21
During a Fellowship Year .......................................................................................................... 21
FELLOWSHIP STATUS OPTIONS ............................................................................................ 21
Non-Enrollment Periods ............................................................................................................ 22
Tenure Status ............................................................................................................................. 22
Reserve Status ............................................................................................................................ 23
Forfeit during Tenure Status ...................................................................................................... 23
Medical Deferral Status ............................................................................................................. 24
Medical Deferral for Fellows on Tenure: Paid Leave Option ................................................... 24
Military Deferral Status ............................................................................................................. 25
TENURE BEYOND MASTER’S DEGREE COMPLETION ..................................................... 25
FELLOWSHIP TERMINATION ................................................................................................. 26
FELLOWSHIP COMPLETION ................................................................................................... 26
Stipend Payment for Terminated and Completed Fellows ........................................................ 26
FELLOWSHIP DETAILS AND CONDITIONS ..................................................................... 27
Stipend ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Stipend Increase ......................................................................................................................... 27
Stipend Supplementation ........................................................................................................... 27
Income Tax ................................................................................................................................ 28

Cost-of-Education (COE) Allowance ........................................................................................ 28
Tuition and Fees ......................................................................................................................... 28
Required ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Optional/Refundable .................................................................................................................. 29
Living Expenses ......................................................................................................................... 29
Workman’s Compensation......................................................................................................... 29
Veterans Benefits ....................................................................................................................... 29
Future Employment ................................................................................................................... 29
Long-Term Fellow and GRFP Institution Responsibilities ....................................................... 29
FELLOWSHIP RESOURCES...................................................................................................... 30
XSEDE- Allocated Resources ................................................................................................... 30
Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities ........................................... 30
Career-Life Balance Initiative.................................................................................................... 30
GRFP Professional Development Opportunities ....................................................................... 30
INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................... 31
GRFP Institution Reporting Requirements: ............................................................................... 31
Grants Roster Report.................................................................................................................. 31
Program Expense Report ........................................................................................................... 31
Completion Report ..................................................................................................................... 31
Sponsored Project Officer (SPO) ............................................................................................... 32
Principal Investigator (PI) .......................................................................................................... 32
Coordinating Official(s) (CO).................................................................................................... 32
Financial Official (FO) .............................................................................................................. 33
Academic/Research Advisor ................................................................................................... 33
Fellowship Awards ................................................................................................................... 34

AWARD MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 34
Pre-Award Costs ........................................................................................................................ 34
ACM$ ....................................................................................................................................... 35
No-Cost Extension .................................................................................................................. 35
Grantee Approved No-Cost Extension ................................................................................ 35
NSF-Approved No-Cost Extension ...................................................................................... 35
APPENDIX I: Sample Fellowship Offer Letter .................................................................... 37
Certifications by Fellow ............................................................................................................. 40
APPENDIX II: GRF Program Solicitation Excerpts ............................................................. 42
Citizenship ............................................................................................................................... 42
GRFP Fields of Study............................................................................................................. 42
Ineligible Categories and Programs of Study ..................................................................... 45
CONFIRMATION FORM ....................................................................................................... 46
APPENDIX IV: CERTIFICATIONS BY FELLOW ................................................................... 47
APPENDIX V: XSEDE – ALLOCATED RESOURCES ................................................... 48
ENGINEERS WITH DISABILITIES (FASED) .................................................................. 48



Fellow within the five-year Fellowship Period; not Completed or Terminated


Cost-of-Education allowance; 1-5 (½ COE) or 6-12 (full COE) months on Tenure


Fellow who has graduated within the five-year Fellowship Period or who has
completed the five-year Fellowship Period before graduation


Report submitted by GRFP Institution certifying the completion status of Fellows
at the institution (e.g., in progress, completed, graduated, transferred, withdrawn)
and degree, if awarded


Active Fellow with remaining years within the five-year Fellowship Period,
certified by the GRFP Institution to be making satisfactory progress

Fellowship Status

Fellow uses the GRFP FastLane Module to declare Fellowship status for the next
Fellowship year (Tenure, Reserve, or Military/Medical Deferral)


Only for Military/Medical reasons– there is no other deferral of the Fellowship

Expense Report

Report submitted by the GRFP Institution for the previous Fellowship year,
certifying the Program Expense Report is in accordance with the Terms and
Conditions of the award to the institution


Active NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Fellow

Fellow ID

Fellow Identification Number (starts with award year); e.g., 2016123456

Fellowship Terms
and Conditions

Actions that must be completed by Fellows to maintain active Fellowship status
and by GRFP Institutions to receive funding


Months of stipend not utilized by Fellows on Tenure


Grants Roster

Report submitted by GRFP Institution certifying the status and progress
(Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory) of all Fellows at the institution, affirming
compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the Fellowship award

GRFP FastLane

Program website for all requests, administrative transactions, and approvals

GRFP Institution

Fellow’s graduate, degree-granting institution


14 or more days in a calendar month

New Fellow

Accepted Fellowship Offer and starting the first Fellowship year


Period of time approved by GRFP Institution when Fellow is actively engaged in
appropriate full-time activities furthering graduate study and is not enrolled

Program Office

NSF organizational unit responsible for GRFP program management and


Active Fellow not receiving GRFP financial support during the Fellowship year,
certified by the GRFP Institution to be making satisfactory progress


Defined and certified by GRFP Institution; includes Fellow compliance with
GRFP reporting requirements and Terms and Conditions of the Fellowship award


Fellowship status is either Active, Completed, or Terminated. Active Fellows
must be in one of the following statuses: Tenure, Reserve, Medical Deferral or
Military Deferral


Fellowship payment to Fellows on Tenure; prorated in whole-month increments


Active Fellow receiving GRFP financial support during the Fellowship year,
certified by the GRFP Institution to be making satisfactory progress



Fellowship revoked (by NSF) for failure to comply with the Terms and
Conditions of the Fellowship award or discontinued (by Fellow or GRFP
Institution) during the five-year Fellowship Period


Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment; Cyberinfrastructure


Coordinating Official(s)


Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities


Federal Financial Report


Financial Official


Graduate Research Fellowship Program


Graduate Research Internship Program


Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide


NSF GRFP Administrative Guide for Fellows and Coordinating


National Science Foundation


White House Office of Management and Budget



Principal Investigator


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics


Sponsored Project Officer

(please check NSF website for the most current documents)
Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide
GRFP Program Solicitation
Research Terms and Conditions, and associated NSF Agency Specific Requirements
AAG Other Post Award Requirements and Considerations (Copyrights):

National Science Foundation
GRFP Program
( and (
GRFP FastLane Module
The NSF Program Office administers the GRF Program and is assisted at each GRFP Institution by an
institutional representative designated as the Coordinating Official (CO). A directory of all GRFP
Officials is available on the GRFP FastLane Module website. The CO is the first point of contact for all
Fellowship questions. Unless otherwise noted in the Guide, a Fellow should consult the CO prior to emailing the NSF GRFP Office.


GRFP operates on an annual cycle. All administrative actions are performed in the GRFP FastLane
Module (actual deadlines will be communicated by the Program Office; the deadline time is always
11:59 PM, Eastern Time):
Before Fellowship Status Declaration period closes

Program Office

Open Fellowship Status Declaration Module for next Fellowship year

March/April Program Office
 Announce new Fellowships
Feb/May 1

New Fellow
1. Accept/Decline Fellowship Offer by May 1; failure to meet deadline results in
revocation of the Fellowship offer
2. Re-certify program eligibility
3. Verify contact information, GRFP Institution, and start date (summer/June 1 or
4. Submit annual Fellowship Status Declaration for the first Fellowship year and the
plan for the 5-year utilization of the Fellowship award
Continuing Fellow
1. Prepare Annual Activities Report
2. Obtain signed Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form
3. Re-certify program eligibility
4. Submit Annual Activities Report
5. Verify contact information
6. Submit annual Fellowship Status Declaration for next Fellowship year
Academic/Research Advisor

Verify satisfactory progress and sign Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form
(for continuing Fellows only)

After Fellowship Status Declaration period closes

Coordinating Official (CO)
1. Certify progress (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) of all Fellows (except new Fellows)
2. Submit Grants Roster Report, certifying status of all Fellows
Program Office
1. Approve Grants Roster Reports
2. Summer incremental funding of GRFP Institution Awards for all Fellows on Tenure


Financial Official (FO)

Submit Institution Program Expense Report

Coordinating Official (CO)

Submit Institution Completion Report

All Fellows

Submit Change Requests for Field-of-Study, GRFP Institution, Fellowship Status
Changes to Medical, Military, Forfeit, or Termination Statuses only

Program Office and COs

Review and approve/disapprove Fellow Change Status Requests
Update Completion Report

For GRFP professional development opportunities deadlines please refer to the current Dear Colleague
Letters for GROW and GRIP.

Fellowship Acceptance
All Fellows, from the start of their Fellowships, must be able to certify that they have read and
understood the Terms and Conditions in this Guide and that they are aware of the consequences of not
complying with the Terms and Conditions.
Awardees are sent a Fellowship Offer Letter by e-mail in late March/early April (Sample Letter;
APPENDIX I). Awardees must formally accept and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the award by
May 1. Awardees who accept the Fellowship offer become new Fellows. New Fellows must be duly

enrolled in a graduate degree program in the field of study indicated in their application by the
beginning of the following academic year, or they must be approved for non-enrollment status by their
GRFP Institution. Fellows must pursue graduate study that leads to a research-based master's or doctoral
degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education, as described
in the Program Solicitation (see APPENDIX II); major changes in scope (i.e., changes in primary field
of study) during the graduate career may be proposed after the first year of graduate study and require
NSF approval. Fellows from the date of Acceptance through Completion or Termination of the
Fellowship must be affiliated with a degree-granting institution accredited in, and having a campus
located in, the United States, its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that
offers graduate degrees in eligible STEM or in STEM education fields.
New Fellows must declare Fellowship status by May 1. New Fellows will submit their plan to utilize the
funding over the five-year Fellowship Period at the start of their Fellowships. Declaring Fellowship
Status means the Fellow uses the GRFP FastLane Module to indicate her or his intention to be on
Tenure, Reserve, Military Deferral, or Medical Deferral for each year of the five-year Fellowship
Period. New Fellows must certify that they meet all of the eligibility requirements (see APPENDIX II),
as described in the Program Solicitation and Program Certifications. Failure to comply with the
Fellowship Terms and Conditions will result in revocation of the Fellowship offer and render individuals
ineligible to re-apply. In cases where Fellows have misrepresented their eligibility, or have failed to
comply with the Fellowship Terms and Conditions, the Fellowship will be revoked, and the case may be
referred to the Office of the Inspector General for investigation. This action may result in requiring the
Fellow to repay Fellowship funds to the National Science Foundation.
Fellowship offers may not be accepted and deferred except for Medical or Military Deferrals (see
descriptions below).

Fellowship Year
Each Fellowship year is comprised of twelve months. The effective start date of the Fellowship is the
date on which a Fellow actually begins the Fellowship (summer/June 1 or fall/September 1), and the
Fellowship year is computed from that date. Upon accepting the Fellowship, the Fellow selects
summer/June 1 or fall/September 1 to coincide with the approximate graduate program start date (e.g.,
fall for Fellows starting graduate school in August/September/ October).
The Fellowship start date does not necessarily coincide with the formal summer or fall academic session
of the GRFP Institution, and Fellowship Tenure Status is not defined by the date on which a stipend
payment is issued. The exact start date of graduate study is mutually determined by the Fellow and the
Fellows are expected to be actively engaged in their graduate programs throughout the Fellowship year.
New Fellows may begin their Fellowship either during the summer (June 1) or the fall (September 1)
immediately following the Fellowship Offer, provided they are actively engaged in research or
coursework at the time of the Fellowship start. New Fellows who are between programs or not actively
engaged in a graduate program during the summer are only eligible for a fall start. GRFP Institutional


rules concerning enrollment apply; therefore, summer starts do not require summer enrollment per se,
but active engagement in the graduate program is required. Fellows should check with their COs
concerning enrollment requirements. The Fellowship may not be used retroactively.

All Fellows
All Fellows must declare Fellowship status by May 1 for the next Fellowship year. This task is
accomplished in the GRFP FastLane Module. Declaring Fellowship Status means the Fellow uses the
GRFP FastLane Module to indicate her or his intention to be on Tenure, Reserve, Military Deferral, or
Medical Deferral for the next Fellowship year. Fellows must certify that they continue to meet the
eligibility requirements, as described in the Program Solicitation and Program Certifications.
All Fellows from the date of Acceptance through Completion or Termination of the Fellowship must be
affiliated with a graduate degree-granting institution accredited in, and having a campus located in, the
United States, its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that offers researchbased degrees in eligible STEM or in STEM education fields.
Failure to comply with the Fellowship Terms and Conditions will result in revocation of the Fellowship.
In cases where Fellows have misrepresented their eligibility, or have failed to comply with the
Fellowship Terms and Conditions, the Fellowship will be revoked, and the case may be referred to the
Office of the Inspector General for investigation. This action may result in requiring the Fellow to repay
Fellowship funds to the National Science Foundation.
Fellows are not permitted to receive more than the equivalent of 12 months of GRFP stipend support
during a single Fellowship year, and no Fellow is eligible to receive more than 36 months cumulative
GRFP support. Only Fellows with Tenure Status are eligible to receive stipend payments. Fellows are
expected to be engaged in their graduate program and research, irrespective of their Fellowship status
(except if on Medical or Military Deferral Status).

Satisfactory Academic Progress
Fellows are required to make satisfactory academic progress towards completion of their graduate
degrees, except if on Medical or Military Deferral Status. Satisfactory progress is defined and certified
annually by the Fellow's GRFP Institution. A Fellow’s Academic/Research Advisor or designated
graduate program administrator is required to annually review the Fellow’s Annual Activities Report
and verify the Fellow’s eligibility and degree progress by signing the Academic/Research Advisor
Confirmation Form (APPENDIX III). The signed form is submitted by the Fellow as part of the Annual
Activities Report submission. After the Fellow completes these actions, the Coordinating Official (CO)
certifies satisfactory progress. The CO certifies unsatisfactory progress for Fellows who do not complete
the required reporting actions. These Fellows are subject to having their Fellowships revoked by NSF.
Fellows who are not rated by the CO will be allowed to continue their fellowships only through the
remainder of the current Fellowship year. If at any time during the year the GRFP Institution determines
that a Fellow is making unsatisfactory progress, the CO will notify the GRFP Program Office and the
Fellowship will be terminated.


Responsible Conduct of Research
It is the responsibility of the Fellow, in conjunction with the Grantee GRFP Institution, to ensure that all
academic and research activities carried out in or outside the US comply with the laws or regulations of
the US and/or of the foreign country in which the academic and/or research activities are conducted.
These include appropriate human subject, animal welfare, copyright and intellectual property protection,
and other regulations or laws, as appropriate. All academic and research activities should be coordinated
with the appropriate US and foreign government authorities, and necessary licenses, permits, or
approvals must be obtained prior to undertaking the proposed activities.
In response to the America Competes Act, (P.L. 110-69) all Fellows supported by NSF are required to
receive appropriate training and oversight in the Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research. Fellows
should check with the CO about the Responsible Conduct of Research training requirement.

Research Involving Human Subjects
Projects involving research with human subjects must ensure that subjects are protected from research
risks in conformance with the relevant federal policy known as the Common Rule (Federal Policy for
the Protection of Human Subjects, 45 CFR 690). All projects involving human subjects must either (1)
have approval from the organization's Institutional Review Board (IRB) or (2) must affirm that the IRB
or an appropriate knowledgeable authority previously designated by the organization (not the Fellow)
has declared the research exempt from IRB review, in accordance with the applicable subsection, as
established in section 101(b) of the Common Rule. Fellows are required to comply with this policy and
adhere to the organization's protocol for managing research involving human subjects.

Research Involving Vertebrate Animals
Any project proposing use of vertebrate animals for research or education shall comply with the Animal
Welfare Act [7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.] and the regulations promulgated thereunder by the Secretary of
Agriculture [9 CFR 1.1-4.11] pertaining to the humane care, handling, and treatment of vertebrate
animals held or used for research, teaching or other activities supported by federal awards. In
accordance with these requirements, proposed projects involving use of any vertebrate animal for
research or education must be approved by the submitting organization's Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee (IACUC). For this approval to be accepted by NSF, the organization must have a current
Public Health Service (PHS) Approved Assurance.
Projects involving the care or use of vertebrate animals at a foreign organization or foreign field site also
require approval of research protocols by the US grantee's IACUC. If the project is to be funded through
an award to a foreign organization or through an individual Fellowship award that will support activities
at a foreign organization, the NSF will require a statement of compliance that the activities will be
conducted in accordance with all applicable laws in the foreign country and that the International
Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals (see will be


Legal Rights to Intellectual Property
The National Science Foundation claims no rights to any inventions or writings that might result from its
fellowship grants. However, Fellows should be aware that the NSF, another federal agency, or some
private party may acquire such rights through other support for particular research. Also, Fellows should
note their obligation to include an Acknowledgment and Disclaimer in any publication.

Acknowledgement of NSF Support and Disclaimer
All publications, presentations, and creative works based on activities conducted during the Fellowship
must acknowledge NSF GRFP Support and provide a disclaimer by including the following statement in
the Acknowledgements or other appropriate section:
"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate
Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. (NSF grant number). Any opinions,
findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."
Fellows should obtain the NSF grant number from their CO.
For activities supported by the Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide initiative (GROW):
“This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. (NSF grant number) and an
international travel allowance through the Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide
(GROW). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Science Foundation.”
For activities supported by the Graduate Research Internship Program (GRIP):
“This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship Program under Grant No. (NSF grant number) and an
internship provided through the Graduate Research Internship Program (GRIP). Any
findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.”

Use of NSF Logo
NSF’s logo may be used by recipients of NSF support for the sole purpose of acknowledging that
The NSF’s logo may be used to link to an NSF website to acknowledge NSF’s assistance or affiliation.
The NSF logo guidelines provide information on what individuals may and may not do with the NSF
logo (

NSF Fellowship Service Requirement
NSF requires no formal service (time commitment) of Fellows, beyond the requirement that Fellows
meet Fellowship reporting requirements and maintain satisfactory progress in their graduate programs
throughout the five-year Fellowship Period at the GRFP Institution (except for Fellows on Medical
Deferral or Military Deferral).

Reporting Requirements
Regardless of Fellowship Status, all Continuing Fellows are required to complete two separate tasks by
May 1 via the GRFP FastLane Module: 1) submit the Annual Activities Report with the signed
Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form, and 2) declare Fellowship year status. A description of
each of these required tasks is provided below.
Submit Annual Activities Report
Fellows must complete the certifications on the E-signature page (APPENDIX IV) when the Annual
Activities Report is submitted.
The Annual Activities Report is reviewed and satisfactory progress verified by the faculty advisor or
designated graduate program administrator prior to submission to NSF. As explained in the NSF
Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide [PAPPG; NSF 16-1], Chapter I.D.3), NSF expects
strict adherence to the rules of proper scholarship and attribution. Authors other than the Fellow should
be named and acknowledged. Serious failure to adhere to such standards can result in findings of
research misconduct. NSF policies and rules on research misconduct are discussed in the AAG Chapter
VII.C, as well as 45 CFR Part 689.
Regardless of Fellowship status, all continuing Fellows are required to submit an Annual Activities
Report with the signed Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form by May 1, 11:59 PM Eastern
Time (ET), via the GRFP FastLane Module. The online Report includes information on research
accomplishments and activities related to broader impacts, presentations, publications, teaching and
research assistantships, awards and recognitions, and other scholarly and service accomplishments. To
complete this requirement, the Fellow provides a copy of the Annual Activities Report to her or his
Academic/Research Advisor for review and approval prior to submission, and well in advance of the
deadline. The Academic/Research Advisor (or designated graduate program administrator) signs the
Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form (APPENDIX III) to indicate that she or he has
reviewed the Activities Report, discussed it with the Fellow and that the Fellow is making satisfactory
progress towards the degree and remains eligible for active GRFP Fellowship status. The Fellow must
complete the Annual Activities Report and submit the Report with the attached Academic/Research
Advisor Confirmation Form (APPENDIX III) by May 1, 11:59 PM ET.
NSF would like to be informed of any major highlights such as publications, awards, and patents.
Fellows are invited to share their accomplishments by sending an e-mail to NSF (
Advance notification about important events or announcements, such as embargoed research
publications, is most useful.


Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID®) ( is an open, non-profit, communitydriven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method
of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. An ORCID identifier provides a persistent
digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key
research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you
and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. The ORCID Registry is available
free of charge to individuals, who may obtain an ORCID identifier, manage their record of activities,
and search for others in the registry. While NSF encourages Fellows to include an ORCID in their
fellow record, submission of the ORCID identifier is optional.
Annual Activities Report submitted upon Completion or Termination of the Fellowship
Fellows who graduate (Complete) or whose Fellowship is terminated are required to update the most
recent submitted Annual Activities Report or to submit the pending Annual Activities Report through
the GRFP FastLane module within 30 days of Completion/Termination.
Fellowship Status Declaration
Fellows must declare their Fellowship status for the next Fellowship year using the GRFP FastLane
module. Requests to Change Fellowship Status after the Fellowship year has begun are not permitted.
Failure to declare status by May 1, 11:59 PM ET will result in Fellows remaining in Undeclared Status
on the GRFP Grants Roster Report. Undeclared Fellows will be allowed to continue their Fellowships
only through the remainder of the current Fellowship year.

Change in Field of Study, Research Plan, or Degree Plan
Acceptance of the Fellowship award constitutes a commitment to pursue a research-based graduate
degree in STEM or in STEM education. A Fellow’s research and graduate study must both be in STEM
or in STEM education, and must meet the program eligibility requirements in the Program Solicitation
(see APPENDIX II). Fellows must enroll in a graduate degree program consistent with the relevant
field of study proposed in their application and to undertake a course of study leading to a researchbased Master’s or PhD. The Fellowships of ineligible Fellows (according to the eligibility requirements
in the Solicitation) are subject to revocation by NSF.
A major change in a Fellow’s graduate program field of study or research direction constitutes a “change
in scope” — one that alters the program to the extent that it is significantly different from that originally
submitted with and reviewed with the Fellowship application (e.g., a change in primary field of study;
see APPENDIX II for primary fields of study). Such changes require a written rationale, which must
receive the prior approval of the CO and NSF. Changes in the primary field of study within the first
Fellowship year are not permitted. Acceptance of a Fellowship award is an explicit agreement that the
Fellow will be duly enrolled in a graduate degree program consistent with the field of study indicated in
their application by the beginning of the following academic year.
The proposed field of study and/or graduate program resulting from a minor or major change must meet
the eligibility requirements detailed in the Program Solicitation (see APPENDIX II). Any questions
regarding program eligibility should be directed by e-mail to the Program Office. Using the GRFP

FastLane Module, Fellows must submit Change Requests for minor and major field-of-study changes
and include a brief description of the revised proposed plan of study and research. Additional
information may be required by NSF.
Fellows do not need to request NSF approval to change between master’s and doctoral degree programs
if there is no change in the field of study or institution. Fellows should update their profile in the GRFP
module to reflect the appropriate degree.

GRFP communications are conducted by e-mail. Therefore, it is the Fellow’s responsibility to keep the
Contact Information (especially e-mail addresses and phone numbers) up to date. Fellows completing
their Fellowships are required to update their contact information to allow the Program Office to contact
them. The Program Office uses e-mail addresses to contact Fellows for program assessment purposes,
and to measure the impact of the Fellowship on graduate school experiences and career outcomes.
To contact the Program Office, Fellows should e-mail and include a brief description of
the topic in the Subject line. They should include their full name, Fellow ID, and details of the issue or
request. Please ensure spam filters do not block messages from the NSF GRFP (e-mail address: and other e-mail addresses from The Program will follow up with Fellows, via
e-mail or phone, depending on the nature of the request.

Whistleblower Protection
Awardees are notified of the applicability of 41 U.S.C. § 4712, as amended by P.L. 112-239, providing
protection for whistleblowers.

All Fellows from the date of Acceptance through Completion or Termination of the Fellowship must be
affiliated with a degree-granting institution accredited in, and having a campus located in, the United
States, its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. When submitting the GRFP
Application, applicants must indicate a proposed GRFP Institution. Until a Change Request is submitted
by the Fellow and approved by the GRFP Institution CO, NSF assumes association with the originally
proposed GRFP Institution. It is the Fellow’s responsibility to arrange for admission to a graduate
program and to request approval from the CO and NSF, via the GRFP FastLane Module, for any
institutional changes. Because Fellowship Funding is made through an award to the GRFP Institution on
record, Fellows with incorrect institutional affiliations risk delay or forfeiture of stipend payments. It is
particularly important for new Fellows to confirm that their GRFP Record properly reflects their correct
graduate institution.

Change of Affiliated GRFP Institution
Fellows are permitted to change GRFP Institutions. When transitioning from one GRFP Institution to
another, Fellows should not plan to have a significant break in enrollment. Full-time engagement in a

graduate research program is expected; therefore, any break exceeding one month requires prior NSF
approval. Enrollment breaks between graduate programs or GRFP Institutions exceeding three or more
months are generally not approved, and if approved, may require forfeiture of stipend payments. See
specific scenarios below for more information on changing GRFP Institutions.
Before Starting the Fellowship
If a new Fellow wishes to study at a GRFP Institution other than the proposed GRFP Institution listed on
their Fellowship application, a Change Request must be submitted for NSF approval via the GRFP
FastLane Module before the May 1 deadline. This action must be completed by the Fellow by May 1
following the Fellowship Offer. The CO at the proposed new institution must approve the request before
the Fellowship year begins. Contact the Program Office ( if the Institution is not listed in
the GRFP Institution Directory available on FastLane.
Between Fellowship Years
Continuing Fellows who wish to transfer between GRFP Institutions between Fellowship years must
submit a Change Request, via the GRFP FastLane Module, during the Fellowship Status Declaration
Window. This action should be completed by May 1. If a Fellow wishes to change GRFP Institutions
after submitting the annual Fellowship Status Declaration and before starting the new Fellowship year, a
Change Request must be submitted to NSF for approval. COs at both the current and proposed GRFP
Institutions and NSF must approve the request.
During a Fellowship Year
If a Fellow wishes to transfer from one GRFP Institution to another during a Fellowship year, the Fellow
must submit a Change Request. The COs at both the current and proposed GRFP Institutions and NSF
must approve the request, upon confirmation that the Fellow’s work at the current GRFP Institution has
continued to be satisfactory. Upon approval, the Program Office adjusts the Fellow’s Fellowship status
records in the GRFP FastLane Module.

Fellows will submit their plan to utilize the funding over the five-year Fellowship Period at the start of
their Fellowship. During the five-year Fellowship Period, active Fellows must be in one of the following
four Fellowship Statuses: Tenure, Reserve, Medical Deferral, or Military Deferral. The Fellowship may
not be deferred for other reasons. Active Fellows have the opportunity to engage in the full range of
professional development opportunities offered by GRFP during the five-year Fellowship Period. Active
Fellows convert to non-active Fellows when they Complete or Terminate their Fellowships.
The Fellowship provides three Tenure Years of financial support (stipend and institutional Cost-ofEducation allowance) and two Reserve Years. Both Reserve and Tenure Statuses are only granted in 12month increments (summer or fall start). As noted above, Annual Activities Reports are required
irrespective of status. Portions of an unused year of Reserve or Tenure Status cannot be held for
later use (unless the Fellow status is changed to NSF-approved Medical or Military Deferral).

Tenure Status ensures that Fellows have the resources (time and financial support) to devote full-time
effort to their graduate program of study, and Reserve Status ensures that Fellows have the option and
flexibility to participate in other education and training opportunities. With the assistance of an
Academic/Research Advisor, Fellows should plan for the judicious use of GRFP resources at the
beginning of their Fellowship. Fellows will submit their plan to utilize the funding over the five-year
Fellowship Period at the start of their Fellowship.
Fellows not on NSF-approved Military or Medical Deferrals who have used two years of Reserve Status
must choose Tenure Status for subsequent years. A Fellow may change between statuses from one year
to the next during the Fellowship Status Declaration Period. When changing Fellowship status from
Reserve to Tenure, Fellows may change start time from fall to summer or vice versa. When such a
change in start time is made, NSF must be certain that no Fellow receives more than 36 months of
Fellowship support and that no Fellow is allowed more than five years from the start of the Fellowship
Period. Regardless, Fellows exercising this option must enter Tenure Status no later than the fall of the
year that their Reserve Status ends. Retroactive changes after the Fellowship year has begun are not
Within a given Fellowship year, duly authorized military service or training is permitted without penalty
to the Fellow with the approval of the CO and NSF, if the service does not compromise the Fellow’s
enrollment status and degree progress.

Non-Enrollment Periods
For Fellows who are pursuing activities where institutional enrollment is not required or permitted, the
non-enrollment period is subject to the approval of the CO. A non-enrolled Fellow must be on Tenure or
Reserve Status. This may include Reserve Status to accept a one- or two-year international fellowship
for study abroad. By retaining the Fellow on their Grants Roster, the GRFP Institution approves the
specific arrangement of non-enrollment status and certifies that the Fellow is accepted by, and will be
enrolled at, the GRFP Institution following the non-enrollment period. In all cases, the expectation is
that Fellows are engaged full-time in activities that further their education and completion of an eligible
research-based graduate degree.

Tenure Status
Fellows use Tenure Status for three years, in 12-month increments, during the five-year Fellowship
Period. During Tenure Years, Fellows actively utilize Fellowship support – receiving a stipend and/or
institutional COE. The Fellowship includes a maximum of three Tenure Years. This includes situations
where all or part of the support is forfeited (lost).
Tenure includes periods of full-time research and/or coursework under the direction of an
Academic/Research Advisor at the GRFP Institution, whether or not the GRFP Institution is in session,
as well as any normal, short vacation periods. Summer is not considered a “short vacation period,” and
to be eligible to receive stipend payments during the summer, Fellows are expected to be actively
engaged in their graduate program through coursework or research under the direction of an
Academic/Research Advisor, with summer enrollment status as required by the GRFP Institution.


Fellowship Tenure Status is granted in 12-month increments corresponding to a Fellowship year
(summer or fall start) and may not be broken into smaller units spread across more than one year, except
in cases of NSF-approved Medical or Military Deferral (see below).
Fellows on Tenure must be actively engaged in a research-based graduate degree program in STEM or
in STEM education at their GRFP Institution. Full-time status is established by each GRFP Institution
and may include reduced course load requirements, such as following admission to candidacy or
equivalent status. In cases where a Fellow on Tenure has a period of non-enrollment during the
academic year, the non-enrollment period is subject to the approval of the CO. Approval confirms that
the activities conducted are part of the Fellow’s graduate education program and normal degree
progress. These non-enrollment periods may include professional development opportunities provided
by GRFP (GROW and GRIP), field courses, extended workshops, and other activities as deemed
appropriate by the CO and the Fellow’s institution and conform to the terms in this Guide.

Reserve Status
Fellows use Reserve Status for two years, in 12-month increments, during the five-year Fellowship
The intent of Reserve Status is to allow Fellows the flexibility of incorporating professional
development opportunities (e.g., GROW, GRIP, research assistantships, teaching assistantships,
internships, etc.) into their graduate programs. Fellows on Reserve Status remain full-time students (as
defined by their GRFP Institution) and actively engage in research and/or coursework, leading to an
eligible graduate degree. Annual Activities Reports are required during Reserve Status.
Fellows on Reserve must be actively engaged in a research-based graduate degree program at their
GRFP Institution. Full-time status as established by each GRFP Institution may include reduced course
load requirements, such as following admission to candidacy or equivalent status. In cases where a
Fellow on Reserve has a period of non-enrollment during the academic year, the non-enrollment period
is subject to the approval of the CO. Approval confirms that activities conducted are part of the Fellow’s
graduate education program and normal degree progress. These non-enrollment periods may include
professional development opportunities provided by GRFP (GROW and GRIP), field courses, extended
workshops, internships and other activities deemed appropriate by the CO and the Fellow’s institution
that conform to the terms in this Guide.

Forfeit during Tenure Status
Funding not utilized during a Tenure year is forfeited (lost). Fellows in forfeit status during a Tenure
year must be actively engaged in research and/or coursework, leading to an eligible research-based
graduate degree. Annual Activities Reports are required during forfeit periods. Fellows must declare
Fellowship status annually by May 1; the forfeit period must be renewed if the forfeit period extends
into a new Fellowship year. Failure to renew Tenure Status with forfeit may result in termination of the
Fellowship if the Fellow remains in Undeclared Status. Fellows must submit a Change Request at the
end of their forfeited period to be placed back on Tenure or Reserve Status.


Medical Deferral Status
Medical Deferrals may be requested when an extended absence (more than one month) is necessary due
to medical (mental or physical health) or dependent-care (family leave) situations. If a Fellow or
immediate family member (spouse, child, dependent, sibling, or parent) experiences a serious illness or
other medical condition that prevents full-time Fellowship Activity for an extended period, the Fellow
may be granted a Medical Deferral for all or part of a Tenure or Reserve Year. NSF considers dependent
care to include child care, adoption, parental leave, elder care, and extended family illness. If dependent
care requires that a Fellow take leave from full-time Fellowship Activity for an extended period, a
Medical Deferral may be granted for all or part of a Tenure or Reserve Year. Medical Deferrals must be
in monthly increments, up to a maximum accumulation of two years or 24 months. The unused, deferred
months of Tenure or Reserve are available for use at a later date, and prevailing Fellowship Terms and
Conditions will apply. In cases of an NSF-approved Medical Deferral, active enrollment is not required;
however, the GRFP Institution must agree to keep the Fellow on their Grants Roster.
To request Medical Deferrals, Fellows should first contact their CO and secure an institutionally
approved medical or family leave based on the Institution’s graduate student leave policies. Using the
GRFP FastLane Module, Fellows must formally submit a Change Request for a Medical Deferral before
or within the first month of the Medical Deferral. The Request should provide an estimate of the length
of time (in whole months) approved for the Medical Deferral, and the time approved will be recorded for
the Medical Deferral. The nature of the medical or family leave situation need not be disclosed to NSF
in the Change Request. The Medical Deferral Request is approved by the CO and the GRFP Program
Office. The GRFP Institution retains relevant documentation indicating that the condition merits a
Medical Deferral. Fellows in Medical Deferral Status must submit an Annual Activities Report (stating
they are on medical deferral) and declare Fellowship status annually by May 1; the Medical Deferral
must be renewed if the Deferral extends into a new Fellowship year. Failure to renew a Medical Deferral
Status may result in termination of the Fellowship if the Fellow remains in Undeclared Status. While on
deferral, a Fellow’s clock stops, i.e., the remaining time available for Tenure or Reserve periods is not
affected. Fellows must submit a Change Request at the end of their Medical Deferral to be placed back
on Tenure or Reserve Status.
Medical Deferral for Fellows on Tenure: Paid Leave Option
For Fellows on Tenure with an NSF-approved Medical Deferral, there is a limited paid leave option: (1)
If the GRFP Institution’s graduate student leave policies allow for paid leave, those leave policies apply;
or (2) In the absence of paid graduate student leave policies at the GRFP Institution, Fellows may
continue to receive stipend payments for a period not to exceed three months total during the three
Tenure Years. The three months may be broken up into shorter, monthly time frames across multiple
Tenure Years (e.g., use of two months of Stipend under Medical Deferral in Tenure Year 1 and one
month in Tenure Year 3). Fellows must include the request for 1, 2, or 3 months paid Leave with the
Medical Deferral request submitted through the GRFP FastLane Module. Retroactive requests are not
approved. Fellows must specify in their Medical Deferral request that they are requesting to be placed
on paid medical deferral. The paid leave option utilizes existing stipend/tenure months and is not a
supplemental funding source (no Fellow is eligible to receive more than 36 months cumulative GRFP


GRFP supports NSF’s Career-Life Balance (CLB) Initiative (
GRFP Institutions may submit one or more CLB funding requests (NSF 13-099) as individual
supplement requests to the current GRFP institutional award to sustain the research of a Fellow who has
been granted an NSF-approved Medical Deferral for dependent-care (family leave) situations. This
gender neutral supplemental funding opportunity is in addition to the limited paid leave option for
Fellows on Tenure with an NSF-approved Medical Deferral. Retroactive requests are not approved.

Military Deferral Status
Military Deferral is intended for Fellows who must interrupt their graduate studies for Active Duty.
While on Military Deferral, a Fellow’s clock stops, i.e., the remaining time available for Tenure or
Reserve periods is not affected. The unused, deferred months of Tenure or Reserve are available for use
at a later date, and prevailing Fellowship Terms and Conditions will apply. Fellows must request
Military Deferrals via the GRFP FastLane Module, and submit a copy of their duty orders to the CO at
the GRFP Institution. Fellows in Military Deferral Status must submit an Annual Activities Report
(stating they are on military deferral) and declare Fellowship status annually by May 1; the Military
Deferral Status must be renewed if the Military Deferral Status extends into a new Fellowship year.
Failure to renew a Military Deferral Status may result in termination of the Fellowship if the Fellow
remains in Undeclared Status. Fellows must submit a Change Request at the end of their Military
Deferral Status to be placed back on Tenure or Reserve Status. In cases of an NSF-approved Military
Deferral, active enrollment is not required; however, the GRFP Institution must agree to keep the Fellow
on their Grants Roster.

Fellows who have not completed their five-year Fellowship Period and are completing a master’s degree
have the option of continuing their Fellowship by enrolling in an eligible research-based doctoral degree
program. To remain a Fellow:
1. The Fellow must be accepted into a doctoral program upon completion of the master’s degree;
pursuit of a second master’s degree is not permitted.
2. The transition period between degree programs may not exceed three months; and
3. The Fellow must request NSF approval and complete any required actions.
During the transition period, Fellows are eligible to receive GRFP financial support as long as they
maintain Tenure (on Tenure Fellows) or Reserve (on Reserve Fellows) Status. During the transition
period, Fellows must remain engaged full-time in activities that further their education and completion
of an eligible research-based graduate degree. Transition periods longer than three months are not
allowed. Requests for NSF approval and continued support during transition periods should be sent to


Should a Fellow find it necessary to discontinue their Fellowship before completion of the Fellowship,
the Fellow is required to initiate and submit a request to Terminate the Fellowship, via the GRFP
FastLane Module. The CO reviews and approves the Fellow’s Termination request prior to NSF
approval and action.
Failure to comply with the following Fellowship Terms and Conditions will result in termination of the
1. Maintain satisfactory progress towards an eligible research-based graduate degree.
2. Submit the Annual Activities Report with signed Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation
3. Declare Fellowship status by the established deadlines.
In addition, satisfactory progress must be certified by the CO. If at any time during the year the PI and
the CO determine that a Fellow is making unsatisfactory progress, the Fellowship will be terminated.
Fellows who are not rated by the CO will be allowed to continue their fellowships only through the
remainder of the current Fellowship year.
GRFP Institutions are provided the opportunity to take corrective action to address the status of Fellows
who have failed to declare Fellowship status and who have not been certified by the CO with respect to
eligibility and progress.
NSF will terminate the Fellowship after the GRFP Institution certifies that the Fellow did not comply
with the Fellowship Terms and Conditions, as reported on the Grants Roster Report.
Failure of GRFP Institutions to meet the established reporting deadlines will result in delay of funding.

Fellows who have completed their five-year Fellowship Period or have graduated are considered
Complete. Completed Fellows are required to submit the Annual Activities Report or to update the most
current Annual Activities Report through the GRFP FastLane module within 30 days of Completion.

Stipend Payment for Terminated and Completed Fellows
Terminated and Completed Fellows are entitled to stipend payments only for the months that the Fellow
is on Tenure at the GRFP Institution, provided all Fellowship Terms and Conditions were met during
these months. For stipend payment purposes, the last month of Tenure is defined as that month which
contained 14 or more days in a calendar month on Tenure at the GRFP Institution.


No Fellowship will be extended past the final academic term of graduate study leading to a graduate
degree, except as indicated above where a master’s degree leads to enrollment in a doctoral degree
program. There is no continued Fellowship support after the Fellow has completed all requirements for
the graduate degree, as determined by the GRFP Institution. Under no circumstance is the GRFP
Fellowship considered a Postdoctoral Fellowship or employment by NSF.

Starting with the 2011-2012 Fellowship year, GRFP Fellowships cannot be concurrently accepted or
combined with support from another federal graduate fellowship, irrespective of the Fellow’s status.
Federal graduate fellowships are defined as awards that are offered to individuals from the US
Government (e.g., Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency,
National Institutes of Health, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of
Agriculture, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to support the graduate education of

The annual, 12-month GRFP stipend amount is specified in each year’s Program Solicitation. The
stipend is pro-rated in monthly increments (e.g., completion of the final academic term of graduate study
after nine months of Tenure results in nine-twelfths of the annual stipend). No dependent, research, or
travel allowances are provided. Only Fellows on Tenure and compliant with all Fellowship Terms and
Conditions are eligible to receive stipend payments. If a Fellow does not conform to the Standards of
Conduct of the GRFP Institution and/or the NSF, NSF reserves the right to withhold a Fellow’s stipend
payments and to terminate a Fellowship.
Fellowship stipends are managed by the GRFP Institution. For disbursement procedures and schedules,
Fellows should check with the CO. Regardless of the exact stipend payment schedule, NSF requires that
the stipends be reported in no less than 1-month increments. 2 CFR §200.68 (OMB Uniform Guidance)
specifically excludes the costs of scholarships, fellowships, and other programs of student aid from
indirect cost rate recovery; therefore, GRFP Institutions should ensure that Stipend Payments are not
reduced by items that the GRFP Institution would normally consider indirect costs or fringe benefits.
Stipend Increase
Each Fellowship consists of three years of support usable over a five-year Fellowship Period. For each
year of support, NSF provides a stipend to the Fellow and a Cost-of-Education allowance to the GRFP
Institution. Any stipend increase approved for a Fellowship year will be provided to all Fellows on
Tenure that year. Fellows who have graduated or terminated their Fellowship are ineligible to receive
any retroactive stipend increase.
Stipend Supplementation
Each Fellow is expected to devote full time to advanced scientific study or work during the Fellowship
Period. However, because it is generally accepted that teaching or similar activity constitutes a valuable

part of the education and training of many graduate students and such opportunities may arise during a
Tenure year, a Fellow on Tenure may choose to undertake a reasonable amount of such activities
without NSF approval. It is expected that furtherance of the Fellow's educational objectives and the gain
of substantive teaching or other experience, not service to the institution as such, will govern these
activities. Compensation for such activities is determined by the GRFP Institution and is based on the
institution’s general employment policies. Fellows are required to check with their GRFP Institution
about specific policies pertaining to the GRFP Fellowship and paid activities.
Fellows are permitted to solicit and accept, from NSF or other federal and private sources, support for
research expenses, such as laboratory supplies, instrumentation usage fees, field-station usage fees,
travel expenses, conference/registration fees, workshop expenses, or subscription fees. For Fellows on
Tenure, support for living expenses associated with off-site research activities will require approval by
the CO. Fellows are required to check with their GRFP Institution about specific policies pertaining to
acceptance of any non-federal fellowships.
Income Tax
Stipends may be considered taxable income. Fellows may find it helpful to consult the US Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) Tax Topic 421: Scholarship and Fellowship Grants and Publication 970: Tax
Benefits for Education. These are available at Specific questions regarding the
taxation of Fellowship funding and personal tax liability should be referred to the IRS. As such, NSF
will not respond to questions regarding tax issues.
Fellows are not, in any sense, considered salaried employees of the NSF. NSF will not deduct funds
from the stipend or pay any additional amounts, such as Social Security Taxes. NSF also will not issue
W-2 or 1099 Forms. GRFP Institutional policies regarding the withholding of taxes from stipend
payments vary, and Fellows bear the responsibility of filing and paying any taxes due.

Cost-of-Education (COE) Allowance
The Fellowship provides a fixed COE allowance to the GRFP Institution, not to the Fellow. The COE
allowance is specified each year in the Program Solicitation. The actual use of the COE allowance is at
the discretion of the GRFP Institution. The COE allowance is without regard to the actual amount of
tuition and fees involved. While on Tenure, Fellows are exempt from paying required tuition and fees
normally charged to graduate students of similar academic standing. For Fellows in good standing on
Tenure for six months, the GRFP Institution is entitled to receive the full COE allowance. For Fellows
on Tenure for one to five months, the GRFP Institution is entitled to receive half of the COE allowance.

Tuition and Fees
While on Tenure, Fellows are exempt from paying required tuition and fees normally charged to
graduate students of similar academic standing.


While on Tenure, Fellows may be required to pay any fees or deposits that are refundable in whole or in
part, that are optional (e.g., non-required coursework or tuition at other institutions not considered part
of the Fellow’s principal program of study), or that were incurred prior to the actual start of Fellowship
(e.g., an admission application fee).

Living Expenses
All living expenses are the responsibility of the Fellow.

Workman’s Compensation
NSF Graduate Fellows are covered by applicable institutional policies for graduate students.

Veterans Benefits
Under Section 178(a) of Title 38, US Code, educational benefits from the Department of Veterans
Affairs may be received concurrently with Fellowship support. The receipt of educational benefits from
the Veterans Administration is allowed by NSF as payment supplementary to Fellowship support.

Future Employment
The Offer and Acceptance of this Fellowship does not obligate the Fellow, NSF, or the US Government,
in any way, with regard to future employment or service of any kind, except as noted here and/or in the
annual Program Solicitation.

Long-Term Fellow and GRFP Institution Responsibilities
The Division of Graduate Education (DGE) conducts evaluations to provide evidence on the impact of
the GRFP on individuals’ educational decisions, career preparations, aspirations and progress, as well as
professional productivity. The data provide information on whether the program policies are effective in
achieving the program goals. Additionally, it is highly desirable to have a structured means of tracking
Fellows beyond graduation to gauge the extent to which they follow a career path consistent with the
intent of the program and to assess the impact the Fellowship has had on their graduate education
experience. Accordingly, Fellows may be contacted during and after the completion of this Fellowship
for updates on various aspects of their employment history, professional activities and accomplishments,
participation in international research collaborations, and other information helpful in evaluating the
impact of the Program. Fellows and their GRFP Institutions agree to cooperate in GRFP Evaluations
conducted by the NSF and/or contracted evaluators. The 2014 GRFP evaluation is posted on the
"Evaluation Reports" Web page for NSF's Education and Human Resources Directorate:


XSEDE - Allocated Resources
Fellows and Honorable Mention Recipients may request cyberinfrastructure resources through to
XSEDE-allocated resources and services. Access to XSEDE resources is not automatic and requests
must be for cyberinfrastructure resources in support of research undertaken toward completion of the
graduate program of study. Details on resources available are described on the XSEDE website. See
APPENDIX V for additional details.

Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities
Fellows with disabilities are eligible for facilitation awards through the Facilitation Awards for
Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) Program. See APPENDIX VI for additional details.

Career-Life Balance Initiative
GRFP Institutions may submit supplemental funding requests to sustain the research of active NSF
Graduate Research Fellows who have been granted an NSF-approved Medical Deferral for dependentcare (family leave) situations (see NSF 13-099). This gender neutral supplemental funding opportunity
is in addition to the limited paid leave option for Fellows on Tenure with an NSF-approved Medical
Deferral. Retroactive requests are not approved.

GRFP Professional Development Opportunities
Over the course of the five-year Fellowship Period, Fellows are encouraged to take advantage of
additional opportunities to enhance their professional development offered through the GRFP; i.e., the
Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) initiative and the Graduate Research Internship
Program (GRIP). Fellows are also encouraged to join the NSF GRFP Fellows and Alumni Network on
LinkedIn to connect with members of the GRFP community and to receive and exchange career and
professional development information.
The Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) initiative (
provides Fellows with opportunities to engage in international collaborations with investigators in
partner countries around the world. Through GROW, Fellows benefit from partnerships developed by
NSF with counterpart funding organizations in other countries (see for a
current list of countries and partner organizations). GROW offers funding for international stays of 2-12
months, with the duration varying by country and partner organization. Details for each partner
organization, including eligible institutions and organizations, levels of in-country support, and any
restrictions on the duration of stays, are available through links to partner websites at
The Graduate Research Internship Program (GRIP) provides professional development to Fellows
through internships developed in partnership with federal agencies (see for a
current list of partner agencies). Through GRIP, Fellows participate in mission-related, collaborative
research under the guidance of host research mentors at federal facilities and national laboratories.

GRFP Institutions support and advise Fellows throughout their Fellowship Period, receive NSF awards
(grants) to financially support Fellows on Tenure, and report to the NSF on Fellow and award activities.
The primary GRFP Institution representatives are the Principal Investigator (PI), Coordinating Official
(CO), and Financial Official (FO). The Fellows’ Academic/Research Advisors are also integral to
ensuring Fellows are making satisfactory progress toward degree completion. A sample award letter to a
GRFP Institution is shown in APPENDIX VII.
Each institution, in accepting the funds, also certifies that the Fellows are eligible to receive the
Fellowship under the Terms and Conditions specified in the Guide. The institution has full responsibility
for the conduct of the project or activity supported under an NSF grant and for the results achieved.

GRFP Institution Reporting Requirements
Grants Roster Report
GRFP Institutions are required to submit the Grants Roster Report for the upcoming Fellowship year.
The Grants Roster Report lists the Fellowship status of all new and continuing Fellows at the institution.
The Coordinating Official submits the Grants Roster Report in the GRFP FastLane module. Through
submission of the Grants Roster Report, institutions formally acknowledge the status of all Fellows with
respect to reporting requirements and rating of progress, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of
the award.
GRFP Institutions are provided an opportunity for reconsideration to address the status of Fellows who
have failed to declare Fellowship status and who have not been certified by the CO with respect to
eligibility and progress by the deadlines. Such Fellows will be allowed to continue their Fellowships
only through the remainder of the current Fellowship year. All remaining years during the Fellowship
Period will be canceled. The Fellowships of Fellows remaining in Undeclared Fellowship Status on the
Grants Roster Report are terminated at the end of the current Fellowship year.
Program Expense Report
GRFP Institutions are required to submit the Program Expense Report for the previous Fellowship year.
GRFP will not issue an additional award to GRFP Institutions with unsubmitted Program Expense
Report(s). Only the designated GRFP Financial Official can submit the report in the GRFP FastLane
module. By submitting the GRFP Program Expense Report, institutions verify and certify that the
Program Expense Report is in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the award.
Completion Report
GRFP Institutions are required to submit the GRFP Completion Report annually. The Completion
Report allows GRFP Institutions to certify the current status of all GRFP Fellows at the institution. The
current status will identify a Fellow as: In Progress, Graduated, Transferred, or Withdrawn. For Fellows
who have graduated, the graduation date is a required reporting element.


A description of the role of each institutional representative is included below:

Sponsored Project Officer (SPO)
Each institution designates one individual from the research administration as the Sponsored Project
Officer (SPO). The SPO is charged with the initial FastLane access of a new GRFP Institution and with
entering required information about institutional GRFP Officials (including PI, CO, and FO). At an
established GRFP Institution, the SPO is responsible for keeping the information updated about
institutional GRFP Officials (including PI, CO, and FO) in the GRFP FastLane Module.

Principal Investigator (PI)
Each GRFP Institution is required to designate a Principal Investigator (PI) for the GRFP award. The
designated PI serves as the PI for all Fellows at the GRFP Institution. It is strongly recommended that
the dean of the graduate school (or equivalent) serve in this capacity. In addition to being able to submit
requests for supplemental funding, such as Career-Life Balance and FASED, advantages also include
direct access to regular award functions on FastLane and, such as requests for No-Cost
Extensions (NCE) to the award for the GRFP Institution. The PI also may serve as the CO or as an
alternate CO. In coordination with the CO and FO, the PI is responsible for ensuring that the GRFP
Grants Roster Report, the Program Expense Report, and the Completion Report are submitted by the
PI changes are handled through the standard NSF FastLane notification and request process – not via the
GRFP FastLane Module. For new GRFP Institutions or those without an active GRFP award, please
contact for instructions. The following information will be required: PI’s name, NSF
Biosketch, and Current and Pending Support information.

Coordinating Official(s) (CO)
The CO is designated by the GRFP Institution to serve as the primary and day-to-day point of contact
for Fellows and the Program Office. Typically, the CO is located in the graduate school or other
academic office that oversees fellowships and/or graduate student financial support. The CO is paired
with a representative from the Sponsored Projects Office (or equivalent organization), the Financial
Official (FO), who is responsible for the financial reporting requirements.
CO appointments and changes are handled through the standard NSF FastLane account management
process – not via the GRFP FastLane Module. To appoint a CO, the Sponsored Project Officer at the
GRFP Institution modifies the NSF FastLane User Profile of the prospective CO to include GRFP
Coordinating Official privileges. An Alternate CO is a secondary or additional CO. Once the NSF
FastLane User Profile is updated, the CO may access the GRFP FastLane Module.
The CO performs the following duties:
1. Advises Fellows on GRFP policies, procedures, Terms and Conditions, etc.;
2. Interprets GRFP policies in the context of the institutional procedures (e.g., stipend payment
schedules, enrollment requirements, etc.);

3. Reviews Fellow Change Requests in the GRFP FastLane Module and provides GRFP Institution
approval/disapproval of such requests, as appropriate;
4. Reviews information on New and Continuing Fellows for the GRFP Institution during the New
Fellowship Announcement and Fellowship Status Declaration Periods each spring;
5. Confirms the accuracy of the Fellows listed and their status for the next Fellowship year;
6. Certifies the progress of continuing Fellows;
7. Submits the GRFP Grants Roster Report and the Completion Report; and
8. Participates in the preparation and submission of the GRFP Program Expense Report in
coordination with the PI and FO.

Financial Official (FO)
The FO is the GRFP institutional representative from the Sponsored Projects Office (or equivalent
organization) responsible for financial oversight of NSF awards. In coordination with the PI and CO, the
FO is responsible for ensuring that the quarterly Federal Financial Reports (FFR) and the GRFP
Program Expense Report (due October 1 in the NSF GRFP FastLane Module) are submitted by the
established deadlines. The FO, or other Sponsored Projects Official, also is responsible for assisting the
PI/CO with NSF FastLane requests for supplemental funding, and notifications/ requests
for No-Cost Extensions (NCE), etc.
The FO, or other Sponsored Projects Official should have the authority to manage award functions in
NSF FastLane and To appoint an FO, the Sponsored Project Officer at the GRFP
Institution modifies the NSF FastLane User Profile of the prospective FO to include GRFP Financial
Official privileges. Once the NSF FastLane User Profile is updated, the FO may access the GRFP
FastLane Module.

Academic/Research Advisor
In coordination with the PI and CO, Fellows’ Academic/Research Advisors are responsible for the
1. Monitoring Fellows’ degree progress;
2. Reviewing Fellows’ Annual Activities Reports and signing the Academic/Research Advisor
Confirmation Form (APPENDIX III) verifying Fellows’ satisfactory progress by May 1 each
year; and
3. Recommending or approving, as appropriate, Fellows’ participation in activities that require the
Advisors’ support, such as the Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide Initiative
(GROW) or Graduate Research Internship Program (GRIP).


Academic/Research advisors are also strongly encouraged to participate in the judicious planning of
the Fellowship resources, such as Tenure versus Reserve years.

Fellowship Awards
Funds for all Fellows attending a GRFP Institution are made available through issuance of a
continuing award to the GRFP Institution. If required, funds thereafter are provided by awards,
amendments, and supplements. The following documents also are incorporated into each award
by reference:
 GRFP Program Solicitation;
 Research Terms and Conditions and associated NSF Agency Specific Requirements; and
 NSF Administrative Guide for Fellows and Coordinating Officials
Immediately following Fellow Declaration of Fellowship Status, the GRFP FastLane Module will
update the list of Fellows (the Grants Roster Report) at the GRFP Institution. The institution is
required to submit the Grants Roster Report. The new, annual obligation per Fellow will be based
on the stipend and COE allowance levels specified in the current Program Solicitation and listed in
the GRFP FastLane Module.

GRFP funding generally is provided incrementally on an annual basis upon fulfillment of
institutional reporting requirements. Each year, the surplus/deficit funding is taken into account
in determining the amount of the next award or amendment to an existing award. Therefore, in
the event of surplus funds remaining at the time of the award expiration, a No-Cost Extension
(NCE) request must be submitted electronically to drawdown against the award and/or any
amendments or supplements to the original award. In the event that there are no active Fellows
at the time of award expiration, it is prudent to still submit a NCE request because additional
Fellows may affiliate with the GRFP Institution in the near future. Funds on expiring awards
and/or award amendments or supplements that are not fully expended are forfeited by the
GRFP Institution in the absence of a NCE. Due to the timing of the GRFP awards with respect
to Fiscal Years, NSF cannot de-obligate excess award funds for GRFP Institutions. When there
are active Fellows, the amount of the forfeited funds becomes the responsibility of the GRFP
Institution and will not be replaced by the Foundation. Forfeited funds will be subtracted from
fellowship funding provided in the next new award.

Pre-Award Costs
Once an award is made, the effective date cannot be changed; however, awardees have the authority to
incur pre-award costs as outlined in AAG Chapter V.A.2.b.


(i) Grantees may incur allowable pre-award costs within the 90-day period immediately preceding
the effective date of the grant providing:
a. the approval of pre-award spending is made and documented in accordance with the grantee's
procedures; and
b. the advanced funding is necessary for the effective and economical conduct of the project.
(ii) Pre-award expenditures are made at the grantee's risk. Grantee authority to approve pre-award
costs does not impose an obligation on NSF: (1) in the absence of appropriations; (2) if an award
is not subsequently made; or (3) if an award is made for a lesser amount than the grantee
(iii) Requests for pre-award costs for periods exceeding 90 days must be submitted electronically via
use of the Notification and Request module in Pre-award expenditures prior to
funding of an increment within a continuing grant are not subject to this limitation or approval
requirement, but are subject to paragraph (ii) above.

On April 2013 NSF released and implemented the Award Cash Management $ervice (ACM$) to all
NSF awardee organizations. ACM$ is a new approach to award payments and post-award financial
processes. ACM$ is available via
NSF financially closes awards three months after the award expiration date and the award is
removed from the Award Cash Management Service (ACM$). Once an expired award is removed
from ACM$, the award is not available for payment processing. Expired awards with funds
available will not be able to complete a cash request.
NSF funds may not be expended subsequent to the expiration date of the grant except to liquidate valid
commitments that were made on or before the expiration date. The expiration date may be changed as a
result of approval of a request for a No-Cost Extension.

No-Cost Extension
Grantee Approved No-Cost Extension
A Grantee Approved No-Cost Extension notification does not require NSF approval and is
approved at the institution level. However, the notification must be submitted and approved at least
10 days prior to the expiration date via, or it will require NSF approval. This one-time
extension may not be exercised merely for the purpose of using the unliquidated balances. Grantees are
not authorized to extend an award that contains a zero balance.
NSF-Approved No-Cost Extension
(a) If additional time beyond the extension provided by the grantee is required and exceptional
circumstances warrant, a formal request must be submitted to NSF via The request must
be submitted to NSF at least 45 days prior to the expiration date of the grant. The request must explain
the need for the extension and include an estimate of the unobligated funds remaining and a plan for

their use. As indicated above, that unobligated funds may remain at the expiration of the grant is not in
itself sufficient justification for an extension. The plan must adhere to the previously approved
objectives of the project. All requests for NSF-approved extensions must be submitted via the system. Grantees are not authorized to extend an award that contains a zero balance. NSF
Program Officers are authorized to approve the first No-Cost extension request on current active awards.
(b) The first No-Cost Extension request will be subject to the approval of the cognizant Program Officer.
The Authorized Organizational Representative and the PI will be electronically notified of the
disposition of this request by the cognizant NSF Program Officer. The second No-Cost Extension will
be subject to the approval of an NSF Grants and Agreements Officer, and, if approved, will be in the
form of an amendment to the grant specifying a new expiration date. Grantees are cautioned not to make
new commitments or incur new expenditures after the expiration date in anticipation of a No-Cost



March XX, 2016

Application Number: APPLICANT ID
I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected to receive a 2016 National Science Foundation
(NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Fellowship. Your selection was based on your
demonstrated potential to contribute to strengthening the vitality of the US science and engineering
enterprise. Please read carefully and follow the instructions in the next pages for GRFP Fellowship
Terms and Conditions, your responsibilities, and how to formally accept your Fellowship, declare
Fellowship status, and view your rating sheets.
The stipend for 2016-17 is $34,000 per twelve-month Fellowship year, given in increments of $2,833
per month. The GRFP Fellowship Period is five years, or less if you graduate and complete the
Fellowship before the five-year period ends. Financial support is provided for a maximum of three
years. The financial support may be used in any three, 12-month units, starting in summer (June 1) or
fall (September 1) over the five-year period that begins in 2016 (your award year). Your institution will
receive a $12,000 Cost-of-Education Allowance in lieu of all required tuition and fees for each of the
three years you choose to utilize the Fellowship funding.
We encourage you to take advantage of professional development opportunities offered through the
GRFP; for example, the Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide ( and
the Graduate Research Internship Program ( E-mail notifications and “Dear
Colleague Letters” on the web site are the typical vehicle for communications of
this nature.
Your selection as an NSF Graduate Fellowship awardee is a significant accomplishment. We wish you
success in your graduate studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in
STEM education, and continued success in achieving your career aspirations. We look forward to
learning about your achievements and contributions during your graduate study and beyond.
Division Director
Division of Graduate Education


Dear Awardee,
Please read all of the information below and complete the required tasks before the deadline of May 1
(11:59 PM ET). On behalf of the Graduate Research Fellowship Program, we extend a warm welcome
to the NSF community.
GRFP Program Directors

You must formally accept the award and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Fellowship by
May 1, 2016 (11:59 PM ET). Visit the NSF GRFP FastLane website
( to review the eligibility requirements, certifications, Terms
and Conditions and to electronically accept or decline this Fellowship. Please note: failure to
meet the May 1 deadline to Accept/Decline the Offer will result in revocation of the Fellowship


The “Administrative Guide” link on the NSF GRFP FastLane website opens the NSF GRFP
Administrative Guide for Fellows & Coordinating Officials (Guide). This document includes the
Terms and Conditions that apply to your Fellowship, in addition to the eligibility requirements
and Certifications. You will need to complete the Certifications section on the GRFP FastLane
website (see below). These are the same certifications you have already attested to in the
application. Failure to comply with the Fellowship Terms and Conditions will result in
revocation of the Fellowship.


Acceptance of the Fellowship constitutes a commitment to pursue a research-based graduate
degree in an eligible science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in a STEM
education field, as described in the Program Solicitation. Acceptance of a Fellowship award is an
explicit acceptance of this commitment and assurance that you will be duly enrolled in a
graduate degree program consistent with the field of study proposed in your application by the
beginning of fall 2016.


All Fellows from the date of Acceptance through Completion or Termination of the Fellowship
must be affiliated with a graduate degree-granting institution accredited in, and having a campus
located in, the United States, its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
that grants degrees in a GRFP-supported field.


Familiarize yourself with the NSF GRFP FastLane website (accessed by logging in at:, as most GRFP actions and requests are handled through this
site. The Guide contains the administrative policies and procedures for Fellows and GRFP
Institutions. Please review it before contacting your Coordinating Official (CO) or the Program


You should contact the GRFP Coordinating Official at your intended institution of graduate
study to inform her/him that you have accepted an NSF GRFP Fellowship. The Institution
Directory is located at The CO will assist you in effectively

managing your Fellowship and should be your first point of contact in the event the Guide does
not answer your questions.

Following acceptance of the Fellowship you will need to declare your Fellowship status by May
1, 2016. Fellowship status is explained in the Guide. The Fellowship Status Declaration period is
open and will close May 1, 2016 11:59 PM ET (Note: The deadlines for accepting the
Fellowship and declaring your Fellowship status are the same, therefore plan accordingly).
Fellows are required to declare Fellowship status (Tenure or Reserve) for each Fellowship year
within the five-year GRFP Fellowship Period, unless they complete the graduate degree before
the five-year GRFP Fellowship Period ends. Fellows who have completed three years of funding
(Tenure) must declare Reserve Status for any years remaining in the five-year period. You will
need to declare your Fellowship status each year by May 1 of that year.


Fellows are expected to make satisfactory academic progress towards completion of their
graduate degrees, as defined and certified by the Fellow's GRFP Institution. Upon completion of
each year of your Fellowship, you are required to submit an Annual Activities Report that
documents your activities, accomplishments, progress, and productivity. All Fellows are required
to submit the Annual Activities Report by May 1, via the GRFP FastLane Module. Before May 1
of each year, your Annual Activities Report must be reviewed and approved by your
Academic/Research Advisor, who signs the Academic/Research Advisor Confirmation Form.
This Form is submitted as part of your Annual Activities Report. The Coordinating Official of
the GRFP Institution will then certify your eligibility and satisfactory progress, required for
Fellowship continuance.


In response to the America Competes Act, all Fellows are required to receive appropriate
training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research. Please check with the
campus CO about the Responsible Conduct of Research training requirement at your (intended)


Fellows are responsible for obtaining appropriate permissions and complying with all
institutional policies concerning human subjects, hazardous materials, vertebrate animals, or
endangered species and copyright and intellectual property.


All publications, presentations, and creative works based on activities conducted during the
Fellowship must acknowledge NSF GRFP Support and provide a disclaimer (see Guide).


Fellows are eligible to apply for supercomputing time through the NSF-supported Extreme
Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) and for Facilitation Awards for
Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED). These opportunities are described in the


GRFP Institutions may submit Career-Life Balance (CLB) supplemental funding requests (NSF
13-099) to sustain the research of active NSF Graduate Research Fellows who have been granted
an NSF-approved Medical Deferral for dependent-care (family leave) situations.



Please ensure that the following e-mail address, and other e-mail addresses from, are
not subject to a spam filter: The GRFP Office will send out notices and updates
using this address. Keep your contact information and e-mail addresses current, as NSF will use
your e-mail address to communicate with you on a regular basis about related opportunities (e.g.,


Your name is included in the Awardee List. The NSF publishes lists of Fellowship and
Honorable Mention recipients on the GRFP website at in April


You may consider becoming a member of the GRFP Fellows & Alumni Network on LinkedIn.

Applications were reviewed according to the NSF Merit Review Criteria of Intellectual Merit and
Broader Impacts. To view your application reviews, please navigate to the NSF GRFP FastLane website
and login using your FastLane GRFP login credentials.

Navigate to


Login with your FastLane GRFP Username and Password.


The “View/Print Application Reviews” link will be available in your Fellows Optional Task List
on the home page.


To view the Review Ratings sheets in a printable Adobe PDF version, click the “View PDF”

It is recommended that you print or save a copy of the reviews PDF for your records now, as these
will not be available after July 15, 2016.
If you have problems accessing your reviews, please send an e-mail to
Any other questions pertaining to the reviews should be directed to
Certifications by Fellow
You must read and agree to all the certifications and Terms and Conditions as indicated in the
information below before your award acceptance can be submitted.
There are five certifications which must be made before the National Science Foundation can authorize
funds for a Fellowship award. These concern: 1) controlled substances; 2) delinquency on federal debt;
3) debarment and suspension; 4) originality of the application; and 5) eligibility criteria.
I certify that:
1. I will not engage in unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a
controlled substance in the conduct of any activity with this Fellowship award.


2. I am not delinquent on repayment of any federal debt.
3. To the best of my knowledge and belief,
(a) I am not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or
voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency;
(b) I have not within a three-year period preceding my application been convicted of or had a
civil judgment rendered against me for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in
connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or
local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust
statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction
of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
(c) I am not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental
entity (federal, state or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in
paragraph (3) (b) of this certification;
(d) I have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public
transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default.
4. I certify that the two statements (Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement,
and Graduate Research Plan Statement) in my application are my own original work.
5. I have read the NSF GRFP eligibility criteria and I certify that to the best of my knowledge and
belief I am eligible for this Fellowship. [See Section IV of the Program Solicitation for eligibility
criteria (Fellows who are, or who will, enroll in a graduate degree program while on a leave of
absence from a professional degree program or professional degree-graduate degree joint
program are ineligible for a Graduate Research Fellowship)].
By electronically signing the request, I am certifying that (a) the statements made herein are true and
complete to the best of my knowledge; (b) I have not previously accepted an NSF Graduate Research or
Predoctoral Fellowship; and (c) I have read and agree to comply with NSF GRFP Fellowship Terms and
Conditions if the Fellowship offer is accepted. I understand that if I accept the offer, failure to comply
with the Fellowship Terms and Conditions will result in revocation of the Fellowship.
Willful provision of false information in this request and its supporting documents or in reports required
under an ensuing award is a criminal offense (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001).


Excerpts from the current Program Solicitation (NSF 16-588) are included here for convenience
only. Individuals should refer to the current Solicitation and/or contact the Program Office by
e-mail to fully address specific situations.

Applicants [and subsequent Fellows] must be US citizens or nationals, or permanent resident
aliens of the U.S. by the application deadline. The term "national" designates a native resident
of a commonwealth or territory of the United States, such as American Samoa, Guam, Puerto
Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, or the Northern Mariana Islands. It does not refer to a citizen of
another country who has applied for U.S. citizenship.

GRFP Fields of Study
Over the next few pages are the Primary (bolded, capitalized headings) and sub (listings under
each heading) Fields of Study. See the Program Solicitation or contact the Program Office for
more information.




Chemical Catalysis
Chemical Measurement and Imaging
Chemical Structure, Dynamics, and Mechanism
Chemical Synthesis
Chemical Theory, Models and Computational Methods
Chemistry of Life Processes
Environmental Chemical Systems
Macromolecular, Supramolecular, and
Sustainable Chemistry
Chemistry, other (specify)

Atmospheric Chemistry Biogeochemistry
Biological Oceanography
Chemical Oceanography
Climate and Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics
Magnetospheric Physics
Marine Biology
Marine Geology and Geophysics
Paleontology and Paleobiology
Physical and Dynamic Meteorology
Physical Oceanography
Sedimentary Geology
Solar Physics
Geosciences, other (specify)

Algorithms and Theoretical Foundations
Bioinformatics and other Informatics
Communication and Information Theory
Computational Science and Engineering
Computer Architecture
Computer Networks
Computer Security and Privacy
Computer Systems and Embedded Systems
Data Mining and Information Retrieval
Databases Formal Methods, Verification, and
Programming Languages
Graphics and Visualization
Human Computer Interaction
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Robotics and Computer Vision
Software Engineering
CISE, other (specify)

Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Energy Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Industrial Engineering & Operations Research
Materials Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Ocean Engineering
Optical Engineering
Polymer Engineering
Systems Engineering
Engineering, other (specify)

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Environmental Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Microbial Biology
Organismal Biology
Structural Biology
Systematics and Biodiversity
Systems and Molecular Biology
Life Sciences, other (specify)

Chemistry of Materials
Electronic Materials
Materials Theory

Computational Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Perception and Psychophysics
Personality and Individual Differences
Physiological Psychology
Quantitative Psychology
Social Psychology
Social/Affective Neuroscience
Psychology, other (specify)

Metallic Materials
Photonic Materials
Physics of Materials
Materials Research, other (specify)

Algebra, Number Theory, and Combinatorics
Applied Mathematics
Computational and Data-enabled Science
Computational Mathematics
Computational Statistics
Geometric Analysis
Logic or Foundations of Mathematics
Mathematical Biology
Mathematics, other (specify)

Biological Anthropology Communications
Cultural Anthropology
Decision Making and Risk Analysis
Economics (except Business Administration)
History and Philosophy of Science
International Relations
Law and Social Science Linguistic Anthropology
Medical Anthropology
Political Science
Public Policy
Science Policy
Sociology (except Social Work)
Urban and Regional Planning
Social Sciences, other (specify)

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Nuclear Physics
Particle Physics
Physics of Living Systems
Plasma Physics
Solid State Physics
Theoretical Physics
Physics, other (specify)



Engineering Education
Mathematics Education
Science Education
Technology Education
STEM Education and Learning Research, other (specify)

Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Psychology
Comparative Psychology


Ineligible Categories and Programs of Study
An individual's proposed research and graduate study must both be in science or engineering. Fellows
must enroll in a graduate degree program consistent with the relevant field of study proposed in their
application and undertake a course of study leading to a research-based Master’s or PhD.
The following programs, areas of graduate study and research are ineligible.

Individuals are not eligible to apply if they will be enrolled in a practice-oriented professional
degree program such as medical, dental, law, and public health at any time during the fellowship.
Examples of typically ineligible degree programs include MBA, MPH, MSW, JD, MD, and
DDS. Joint or combined professional degree-science programs (e.g., MD/PhD or JD/PhD) and
dual professional degree-science programs are also not eligible. Applicants who will be enrolled
in a graduate degree program while on a leave of absence from a professional degree program or
professional degree/graduate degree joint program are not eligible for a Graduate Research


Individuals are not eligible to apply if they will be enrolled in an area of graduate study focused
on clinical practice, for example, counseling, social work, as well as patient-oriented research,
epidemiological and medical behavioral studies, outcomes research and health services research.
Ineligible clinical studies include investigations to provide evidence leading to a scientific basis
for consideration of a change in health policy or standard of care, and includes pharmacologic,
non-pharmacologic, and behavioral interventions for disease prevention, prophylaxis, diagnosis,
or therapy. Graduate study focused on community and other population-based medical
intervention trials are also ineligible.


Individuals are not eligible to apply if they will conduct biomedical research for which the goals
are directly health-related, such as etiology, diagnosis or treatment of physical or mental disease,
abnormality, or malfunction in humans and other animals. Research activities using animal
models of disease, for developing or testing of drugs or other procedures for treatment of disease,
and statistical modeling for which the purpose is diagnosis or epidemiology also are not eligible
for support. There are areas of bioengineering research directed at medical use that are eligible.
These include research projects in bioengineering to aid persons with disabilities, or to diagnose
or treat human disease, provided they apply engineering principles to problems in medicine
while primarily advancing engineering knowledge. Applicants planning to study and conduct
research in these areas of bioengineering should select biomedical engineering as the field of


Fellow Name: __________________________
For the Fellow:
In accordance with the policy of the Graduate Research Fellowship Administrative Guide for Fellows
and Coordinating Officials, a Fellow’s Academic/Research Advisor is responsible for annually
reviewing the Fellow’s Annual Activities Report and verifying the Fellow’s eligibility and degree
The Faculty/Advisor form shown below must be signed by your Academic/Research Advisor and
uploaded to your Activities Report by May 1 of each year. You must complete this requirement in order
to comply with the terms of your NSF Graduate Fellowship. Failure to meet the established GRFP
deadlines will result in termination of the Fellowship.
Provide a copy of your Annual Activity Report and a copy of this sheet to your Academic/Research
Advisor for his/her signature. Once you obtain the signature, upload to your activities report no later
than May 1.

For the Academic/Research Advisor:
In accordance with the policy of the Graduate Research Fellowship Administrative Guide for Fellows
and Coordinating Officials, a Fellow’s Academic/Research Advisor is responsible for annually
reviewing the Fellow’s Annual Activities Report and verifying the Fellow’s eligibility and degree
progress. After your review of the Fellow’s Annual Activity Report, please verify the following by your
I am the primary academic advisor for________________________________. I confirm that:

I have reviewed the Fellow's Activity Report and discussed it with the Fellow.


This Fellow is making satisfactory academic progress towards the degree and remains eligible
for active GRFP Fellowship status.

Academic/Research Advisor Signature: _________________________________
Print Name: _______________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________


The system shall display the following certifications on the E-Signature Page:
There are four certifications which must be made by all Fellows, and a fifth certification that applies to
2012 GRFP Fellows and beyond, before the National Science Foundation can authorize funds for a
Fellowship award. These concern: 1) controlled substances; 2) delinquency on federal debt; 3)
debarment and suspension; 4) originality of the application; and 5) eligibility criteria.
I certify that:
1. I will not engage in unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a
controlled substance in the conduct of any activity with this Fellowship award.
2. I am not delinquent on repayment of any federal debt.
3. To the best of my knowledge and belief,
(a) I am not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or
voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency;
(b) I have not within a three-year period preceding my application been convicted of or had a
civil judgment rendered against me for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in
connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or
local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust
statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction
of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
(c) I am not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental
entity (federal, state or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in
paragraph (3) (b) of this certification;
(d) I have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public
transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default.
4. I certify that the two statements (Personal, Relevant Background and Future Goals Statement,
and Graduate Research Plan Statement) in my application are my own original work.
One additional certification applies to 2012 GRFP Fellows and beyond:
5. I have read the NSF GRFP eligibility criteria and I certify that to the best of my knowledge and
belief I am eligible for this Fellowship. [See Section IV of the Program Solicitation for eligibility
criteria. (Fellows who are, or who will, enroll in a graduate degree program while on a leave of
absence from a professional degree program or professional degree-graduate degree joint
program are ineligible for a Graduate Research Fellowship)].


By electronically signing the request, I am certifying that (a) the statements made herein are true and
complete to the best of my knowledge; (b) I have not previously accepted an NSF Graduate Research or
Predoctoral Fellowship; and (c) I have read and agree to comply with NSF GRFP Fellowship Terms and
Conditions if the Fellowship offer is accepted. I understand that if I accept the offer, failure to comply
with the Fellowship Terms and Conditions will result in revocation of the Fellowship.
Willful provision of false information in this request and its supporting documents or in reports required
under an ensuing award is a criminal offense (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001).

Access to XSEDE resources and services may be provided upon review of requests for
cyberinfrastructure resources in support of research undertaken toward completion of the graduate
program of study that occurs within the 5-year period of the fellowship award. Details of resources
available are described at Fellowship awardees and Honorable Mention
recipients must request for an XSEDE allocation using the XSEDE Allocation Request System called
via the XSEDE User Portal. Users set up an account and apply for an allocation. For further information
on how to request an allocation, training, and other resources available, visit the XSEDE User Portal

As part of its effort to promote full utilization of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and
engineers, and to develop scientific and technical talent, the Foundation has the following goals:

to reduce or remove barriers to participation in research and training by physically disabled
individuals by providing special equipment and assistance under awards made by NSF; and


to encourage disabled individuals to pursue careers in science and engineering by stimulating the
development and demonstration of special equipment that facilitates their work performance.

Fellows with disabilities are eligible for facilitation awards through the Facilitation Awards for
Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities (FASED) program (GPG Chapter II.D.4.). The GRFP
Program Officers will make decisions regarding what constitutes appropriate support on a case-by-case
basis. The specific nature, purpose, and need for equipment or assistance should be described in
sufficient detail in the proposal to permit evaluation by knowledgeable reviewers.
Funds may be requested to purchase special equipment, modify equipment or provide services required
specifically for the work to be undertaken. Requests for funds for equipment or assistance that
compensate in a general way for the disabling condition are not permitted. For example, funds may be
requested to provide: prosthetic devices to manipulate a particular apparatus; equipment to convert
sound to visual signals, or vice versa, for a particular experiment; access to a special site or to a mode of
transportation (except as defined below); a reader or interpreter with special technical competence

related to the project; or other special-purpose equipment or assistance needed to conduct a particular
project. Items, however, such as standard wheel chairs, prosthetics, hearing aids, TDD/text-phones, or
general readers for the blind would not be supported because the need for them is not specific to the
proposed project. Similarly, ramps, elevators, or other structural modifications of research facilities are
not eligible for direct support under this program.
Requests are made as a supplemental funding request to the NSF award to the GRFP Institution.
The PI is responsible for submitting the NSF proposal for a supplemental funding request to the existing
GRFP Institutional Award. Supplemental requests should be submitted electronically by using the
“Supplemental Funding Request” function in FastLane and should include a brief description of the
request, a budget, and a budget justification.
Requests must be submitted at least two months before funds are needed. Funding decisions will be
made on the basis of the justification and availability of program funds, with any resultant funding
provided through a formal amendment of the existing GRFP Institution Award.
Fellows are required to address how the FASED award facilitated their research in their Annual
Activities Reports (i.e., include a paragraph that begins with “FASED:” under the “Fellowship
Summary” section in the Activities Report).


Award Date:
Award No.
Proposal No.

March 31, 2016

University XXXXXXX
Dear Dr. XXXX:
The National Science Foundation hereby awards $XX,000 to University XXXX for support of the
project described below.
This project, under the direction of XXX XXX, is entitled:
"Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).”
This award starts April 1, 2016 and ends on March 31, 2021.
This grant is awarded pursuant to the authority of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as
amended (42 U.S.C. 1861-75) and is subject to Research Terms and Conditions (RTC, dated XXXX)
and the NSF RTC Agency-Specific Requirements (dated XXXX) are available at
The amount of this award is based on 12 months of tenure at $34,000 (taxable) per Fellow as a
maximum annual stipend and $12,000 per Fellow as a Cost-of-Education institutional allowance.
The provisions of the "Program Solicitation" (NSF 16-588) and "Graduate Research Fellowship
Program Administrative Guide for Fellows and Coordinating Officials" (NSF 16-104) available at and respectively, are applicable to this
Available grant balances may be used for any GRFP Fellow who is in compliance with applicable
program guidelines. Thus, funds from prior year grants may be used to support any NSF Graduate
Research Fellow duly enrolled at a GRFP Institution in an eligible advanced degree program in a field
supported by NSF (see the "Program Solicitation" and "Guide" for guidance).
Each institution, in accepting the funds, also certifies that the Fellows are eligible to receive the
Fellowship under these Terms and Conditions. The institution has full responsibility for the conduct of
the project or activity supported under an NSF grant and for the results achieved.


Funds from this award and/or any amendments to this award are expected to be fully expended in
support of the GRFP Fellows prior to expending funds from any newly issued GRFP award.
Contingent upon the availability of funds and the academic progress of the Fellow(s) affiliated with the
GRFP Institution, it is NSF's intent to provide additional funds for four additional years in amounts to be
determined at a later date.
Grants and Agreements Officer


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleNSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP) Program (nsf16104)
SubjectAdministrative Guide for Fellows and Coordinating Officials 2016
AuthorPDF prepared by K.D., IDB/DPS
File Modified2021-05-07
File Created2016-07-20

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