NOFO Template

1018-0100 NOFO Template w-Instructions 11022020.docx

Administrative Procedures for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Financial Assistance Programs

NOFO Template

OMB: 1018-0100

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GrantSolutions AM Competitive NOFO Template and Instructions

Updated 11/2/2020

Table 1: Document Change Log


Requested By

Change Description


Jean Kvasnicka

Change to Section D4 to add instructions and checkbox for SF 429. If checkbox is selected the following statement will be displayed in the NOFO: the SF-429, “Real Property Status Report (Cover Page)” and the SF-429-B, “Real Property Status Report Attachment B (Request to Acquire, Improve, or Furnish)”. These forms are required if the real property is acquired with Federal funds, with recipient cost share or matching funds, or as an in-kind contribution under the award. These forms may be found on



Regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act statement, the reason that is appearing twice is because one is on the cover page and the other is on the NOFO template. In order for a value to appear on the cover page, it must also be displayed in the full NOFO template.


Jose Ramierez

Increase character limit in A2 from 10,000 to 100,000. Can’t remove paperwork reduction act state in template section. It has to be included in the content section to display on the cover page.


Debbie/Jose Ramierez

GS V5. Jose brought up that the header was not appearing in the published version of the NOFO. He requested the title, a text field to link to the Program’s website along with adding the Fiscal Year, Funding Opportunity Number and Closing Date. Also, changes to section D2 to remove Project Summary header if the project summary was not required. Requested to add a text box in D6 under Funding restrictions.

Debbie did not agree with all changes in order to maintain consistency. The following changes were made:

  • Add the NOFO title to the cover page to be populated from the key attributes field “Title.”

  • Add the text “Fiscal Year” before the year populated the key attributes field “fiscal year.”

  • Add the NOFO number.

  • Add the Due Date for Applications to be populated from D4 in the NOFO content. Did not want to use “closing date” as this is not consistent with wording in NOFO.

  • Add the Program Name from the AM Organization. Did not agree to allow user to input this information as it would be inconsistent with AM Organization. Did not add program website link because it is included in Section D1.

  • Section D2, changed the author instruction text to include leaving the field blank if the project summary is not required. If no text is added the project summary field will not be displayed.

  • Section D6, the text box was already available but was not in the correct place. Moved the text box before “Indirect Cots: Individuals:”



Requested to change Conflict of Internet to Conflict of Interest



Added Change Log

Changed text under Performance reporting from “interim financial” to “interim performance.”

Added Title Page and Table of Contents

Title Page

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

FWS-AM Organization Name (from key attributes screen)

NOFO Name (from key attributes screen)

Fiscal Year: 20## (from key attributes screen)

NOFO Number (from key attributes screen)

Due Date for Applications: (from NOFO content)


OMB Control Number: 1018-0100, Expiration Date: 7/31/2021

We are collecting this information in accordance with the authorizing legislation identified above. Your response is required to obtain or retain a benefit. We will use the information you provide to conduct a competitive review and select projects for funding and, if awarded, to evaluate performance. We may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. We estimate that it will take you on average about 40 hours to complete an initial application, about 3 hours to revise the terms of an award, and about 8 hours per report to prepare and submit financial and performance reports, including time to maintain records and gather information. Actual time for these activities will vary depending on program-specific requirements. You may send comments on the burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803.

Table of Contents Page (will populate from NOFO contents)

Table of Contents

  1. Program Description 

  1. Program Description

Instructions: This section contains the full program description of the funding opportunity. It may be as long as needed to communicate to potential applicants the areas in which funding may be provided. It describes the Federal awarding agency's funding priorities or the technical or focus areas in which the Federal awarding agency intends to provide assistance. As appropriate, it may include any program history (e.g., whether this is a new program or a new or changed area of program emphasis). This section may communicate indicators of successful projects (e.g., if the program encourages collaborative efforts) and may include examples of projects that have been funded previously. This section also may include other information the Federal awarding agency deems necessary, and must include citations for authorizing statutes and regulations for the funding opportunity, at a minimum. Enter program specific text in the sub-headers of this section.

A1. Authority

Instructions: In the text box below, insert complete legislative authority citation(s) for the statute(s) that authorize the program to issue financial assistance awards for the purpose and activities described in this Funding Opportunity. The statues listed here must also appear in the program’s Assistance Listing (CFDA) profile (currently at If your program has a new authorizing statute that does not appear in the Assistance Listing (CFDA) profile, please contact the Bureau’s CFDA Coordinator.

Authority Text Field

Instructions: Select the program's CFDA. Select multiple CFDAs, as applicable.

15.631 (Populates from Key Attributes screen)

A2. Background, Purpose and Program Requirements

Instructions: In the text box below, provide a full programmatic description of the funding opportunity.  Describe program’s funding priorities or technical focus areas in which the program intends to provide assistance. As appropriate, include any relevant program history (e.g., whether this is a new program or a changed area of program emphasis). This section may communicate indicators of successful projects (e.g., if the program encourages collaborative efforts) and may include examples of projects that have been funded previously. All funding opportunities must specifically identify the Department of the Interior Secretarial Priorities addressed by the program or opportunity, and a brief description of how the program or opportunity meets each priority. The Department does not expect programs to meet all of the Department’s FA priorities; list only those clearly supported by the program or opportunity.

Background, Purpose and Program Requirement Text

  1. Federal Award Information

  1. Federal Award Information

Instructions: This section provides sufficient information to help an applicant make an informed decision about whether to submit a proposal.  Relevant information could include the total amount of funding that the Federal awarding agency expects to award through the announcement; the anticipated number of Federal awards; the expected amounts of individual Federal awards (which may be a range); the amount of funding per Federal award, on average, experienced in previous years; and the anticipated start dates and periods of performance for new Federal awards.  This section also should address whether applications for renewal or supplementation of existing projects are eligible to compete with applications for new Federal awards.

This section also must indicate the type(s) of assistance instrument (e.g., grant, cooperative agreement) that may be awarded if applications are successful.  If cooperative agreements may be awarded, this section either should describe the “substantial involvement” that the Federal awarding agency expects to have or should reference where the potential applicant can find that information (e.g., in the funding opportunity description in A. Program Description—Required or Federal award administration information in Section D. Application and Submission Information).  If procurement contracts also may be awarded, this must be stated.

Enter program specific text in the sub-headers of this section.

B1. Total Funding

Instructions: The program may include the estimated total amount of funding to be awarded through this announcement. This is an optional field. 


Estimated Total Funding 

B2. Expected Award Amount

Instructions: If the program has established maximum and/or minimum values for individual award amounts, enter those in the fields below. If either of these values does not apply, enter $0 in the corresponding field(s).

Maximum Award 

Minimum Award 

B3. Expected Award Funding and Anticipated Dates

Instructions: In the text field below enter information on the expected amounts of individual Federal awards (which may be a range); the amount of funding per Federal award, on average, experienced in previous years; and the anticipated start dates and periods of performance for new Federal awards. This section also should address whether applications for renewal or supplementation of existing projects are eligible to compete with applications for new Federal awards.

Expected Award Funding 

Expected Award Date 

Award Start date (text field)

B4. Number of Awards

Instructions: In the text field below enter information on the anticipated number of Federal awards. If the program has established minimum and maximum values for the anticipated total number of awards, enter those values in the maximum and minimum fields below. If either of these values does not apply, enter “0” in the corresponding field(s) and then enter an alternate description of the anticipated number of awards in the following text field.

Expected Number of Awards 

Number Of Awards (Text Field)

B5. Type of Award

Instructions: Select the Type of Award below by choosing the appropriate assistance instrument from the drop-down list. If the program is authorized to issue grants, cooperative agreements and procurement contracts, select the value that displays the appropriate instrument(s).

If you are awarding cooperative agreements, you must also enter text in the following text field to describe the substantial involvement the Service expects to have in the performance of the agreement, or reference where the potential applicant can find that information elsewhere in this document (e.g., in section I. Program Description above). For cooperative agreement awards, we must include a clear statement about the Service’s anticipated substantial involvement in those projects. Here is suggested text to use to begin the substantial involvement statement: “The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) will be substantially involved in projects under this funding opportunity. In particular, the Service will be responsible for the following: [insert list the specific project-related activities to be performed by Service staff.”

If the program may also award procurement contracts related to this announcement, you must state that and provide any available details on contract procedures and/or announcement(s) in the following text field.

Funding Instrument Type (Dropdown list: G-Grant, CA-Cooperative Agreement, O-Other, PC-Procurement Contract)

Funding Instrument (text field)

  1. Eligibility Information

  1. Eligibility Information

Instructions: This section addresses the considerations or factors that determine applicant or application eligibility. This includes the eligibility of particular types of applicant organizations, any factors affecting the eligibility of the principal investigator or project director, and any criteria that make particular projects ineligible. Federal agencies should make clear whether an applicant's failure to meet an eligibility criterion by the time of an application deadline will result in the Federal awarding agency returning the application without review or, even though an application may be reviewed, will preclude the Federal awarding agency from making a Federal award. Enter program specific text in the sub-headers of this section.

C1. Eligible Applicants

Instructions: Identify the types of entities that are eligible to apply by selecting the checkbox for the type of entity. Multiple checkboxes may be selected. If there are no restrictions on eligibility, you may simply indicate that all potential applicants are eligible. In the text box below the checkbox selection indicate if there are restrictions on eligibility. It is important to be clear about the specific types of entities that are eligible, not just the types that are ineligible. For example, if the program is limited to nonprofit organizations subject to 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) of the tax code (26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3)), the announcement should say so.

Similarly, it is better to state explicitly that Native American tribal organizations are eligible than to assume that they can unambiguously infer that from a statement that nonprofit organizations may apply. Programs may also express eligibility by exception (e.g., open to all types of domestic applicants other than individuals). In the textbox specifically reference any documentation applicants must submit to support an eligibility determination (e.g., if the program limits eligibility to only non-profits with a specific IRS status, state in the field below that proof of 501(c)(3) status as determined by the Internal Revenue Service or an authorizing tribal resolution is required). To the extent that any program funding restriction could affect the eligibility of an applicant or project, the announcement must either restate that restriction in the text box in this section or provide a cross-reference to its description as it appears elsewhere in this template.

If checkbox 25-Others is selected you must complete the text box, Additional Information on Eligibility for clarification.

Eligible Applicants


00 – State governments


01 – County governments


02 – City or township governments


04 – Special district governments


05 – Independent school districts


06 – Public and State controlled institutions of higher education


07 – Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)


08 – Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities


11 – Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)


12 – Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education


13 – Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education


20 – Private institutions of higher education


21 – Individuals


22 – For profit organization other than small businesses


23 – Small businesses


25 – Others (see text field entitled “Additional Information on Eligibility” for clarification)


99 – Unrestricted (i.e. open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in the text field entitled "Additional Information on

Additional Information on Eligibility 

Instructions: Explanation required if “Others” is selected.

Additional Information on Eligibility Text field

C2. Cost Sharing or Matching

Instructions: Select the appropriate value from the list to indicate if recipient cost sharing or matching is required. If the program has a cost sharing to match requirement, you must also enter a complete description of the cost sharing or matching requirement in the following text field. Required cost sharing may be a certain percentage or amount or may be in the form of contributions of specified items or activities (e.g., provision of equipment). It is important to be clear about any restrictions on the types of cost (e.g., in-kind contributions) that are acceptable as cost sharing or match. Cost sharing as an eligibility criterion includes requirements based in statute or regulation as described, in 2 CFR §200.306 or those imposed by administrative decision of the funding bureau or office. Include specific reference to the appropriate section(s) of this announcement stating any pre-award requirements for submission of letters or other documentation to verify commitments to meet cost-sharing requirements if a Federal award is made. Programs without a required cost sharing or matching requirement may enter clarifications regarding voluntary committed cost sharing or other related information in the following text field, as applicable.

Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement (Dropdown list: Yes, No)

Percentage of Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement 

Cost Sharing or Matching (text field)

C3. Other

Instructions: In the text box below, insert a description of any other criteria that have the effect of making an application or project ineligible for Federal awards, as applicable. If there are other eligibility criteria (i.e., criteria that have the effect of making an application or project ineligible for Federal awards, whether referred to as “responsiveness” criteria, “go-no go” criteria, “threshold” criteria, or in other ways), clearly state those in the following text field. Include reference(s) to the regulation of requirement that describes the restriction, as applicable. State any limit on the number of applications an applicant may submit under the announcement and make clear whether the limitation is on the submitting organization, individual investigator/program director, or both. Specify any eligibility criteria for beneficiaries or for program participants other than Federal award recipients.

Other Text Field

Foreign Entities or Projects: 

Instructions: Select the applicable option from the list of values to indicate if the program provides funding for entities or projects in foreign countries.

If option 2 is selected, the following text will display:

State Sponsors of Terrorism: This program will not fund projects in countries determined by the U.S. Department of State to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism and therefore are subject to sanctions restricting receipt of U.S. foreign assistance and other financial transactions.

Office of Foreign Assets Control Sanctions: This program will not fund projects in countries subject to comprehensive sanction programs administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign Asset Control without proper licenses.

In-Country Licenses, Permits, or Approvals: Entities conducting activities outside the U.S. are responsible for coordinating with appropriate U.S. and foreign government authorities as necessary to obtain all required licenses, permits, or approvals before undertaking project activities. The Service does not assume responsibility for recipient compliance with the laws, regulations, policies, or procedures of the foreign country in which they are conducting work.


This program does not provide funding to foreign entities or for projects conducted outside the United States.


This program may provide funding to foreign entities or for projects conducted outside the United States.

Excluded Parties: FWS conducts a review of the Exclusions database for all applicant entities and their key project personnel prior to award. The Bureau cannot award funds to entities or their key project personnel identified in the Exclusions database as ineligible, prohibited/restricted or otherwise excluded from receiving Federal contracts, certain subcontracts, and certain Federal assistance and benefits, as their ineligibility condition applies to this Federal program.

Excluded parties text field

D. Application and Submission Information

  1. Application and Submission Information

Instructions: This section informs potential applicants how to get application forms, kits, or other materials needed to apply. Enter program specific text in the sub-headers of this section.

D1. Address to Request Application Package

Instructions: In the following text field, specify if this funding opportunity contains everything needed or if applicants must go elsewhere to complete all documentation requirements. You may provide an Internet address where materials are available. However, high-speed Internet access is not yet universally available and applicants may have additional accessibility requirements; you should consider providing a way for potential applicants to request paper copies of materials, such as a U.S. Postal Service mailing address, telephone number, Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD), Text Telephone (TTY) number, and/or Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) number.

Address to Request Application Package text field

Program Website Link 

D2. Content and Form of Application Submission

SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance
Applicants must submit the appropriate Standard Form (SF)-424, Application for Federal Assistance. Individuals applying as a private citizen (i.e., unrelated to any business or nonprofit organization you may own or operate in your name), must complete the SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance-Individual form. All other applicants must complete the standard SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance. The required application forms are available with this announcement on The SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance must be complete, and signed and dated. Please note: Enter only the amount requested from this Federal program in the “Federal” funding box on the SF-424 Application form. Include any other Federal sources of funding in the “Other” box and provide details on those Federal source(s) and funding amount(s) in the required Budget Narrative (see the “Budget Narrative” section below).

Instructions: Authors may need to provide additional applicant instructions if multiple SF 424 forms are included in the application kit for different applicant types. Instructions should be entered in the program specific language in this section to require the appropriate SF 424 type required to be submitted by applicant type.

SF 424 Text field

Instructions: The following header will display if this checkbox is selected: SF 424B, Assurances for Non-Construction Programs.


Individuals applying for and receiving funds separate from a business or non-profit organization he/she may own or operate and any entity waived from the registration requirements by the funding bureau or office must submit the signed and dated SF-424B, Assurances for Non-Construction Programs form. The SF-424B, Assurances for Non-Construction Programs are available at

SF 424 B Text field

Instructions: The following header will display if this checkbox is selected: SF 424D, Assurances for Construction Programs.


Any applicant requesting support for a construction projects must submit as signed and dated SF-424D, Assurances for Construction Programs form. All required application forms are available with this announcement on

SF 424 D Text field

Instructions: In the following text field, enter instructions for applicants regarding the required content for their project summary. Indicate any restrictions on length, as applicable. If the program does not require a project summary leave the text field blank.

Project Summary Text field

Project Narrative 

Instructions: In this section provide the description of the program-specific requirements for project narrative statements. Indicate any restrictions on length, as applicable. Application narrative requirements may include:

  • Project title;

  • Description of entity(ies) undertaking the project;

  • Statement of need;

  • Goals and objectives;

  • Activities;

  • Methods;

  • Timetable or milestones;

  • Information to support environmental compliance review requirements.  Note: For projects on the high seas, the narrative should provide enough detail so that reviewers are able to determine project compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.  For projects outside the U.S. on any property on the UNESCO World Heritage List or the in-country equivalent of the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, the narrative should provide enough detail so that reviewers are able to determine project compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act;

  • Description of stakeholder coordination or involvement;

  • Required project monitoring and evaluation plan, including description of assessment tools to be used;

  • Information on key project personnel;

  • Anticipated future funding needs;

  • Details and supporting documentation on the project location; and

  • Other program- or project-specific narrative requirements.

Project Narrative Text field

Instructions: The following header will display if this checkbox is selected: SF-424A, Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs.


Applicants must submit the appropriate SF-424 Budget Information form and Budget Narrative. For non-construction programs or projects, applicants must complete and submit the SF-424A, “Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs” form. All of the required application forms are available with this announcement on Federal award recipients and subrecipients are subject to Federal award cost principles in 2 CFR 200. Applicants must show funds requested from this Federal program separately from any other Federal sources of funding. In the “Budget Summary” section of the appropriate SF-424 budget form, use the first row for funding requested from this Federal program. Use subsequent row(s) for funding requested from this Federal program. Use subsequent row(s) for other Federal funding. Enter each Federal program’s CFDA number(s) in the corresponding fields on the form. The CFDA number(s) for this program appears on the first page of this announcement.

SF-424A, Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs Text field

Instructions: The following header will display if this checkbox is selected: SF-424C, Budget Information for Construction Program.


Applicants must submit the appropriate SF-424 Budget Information form and Budget Narrative. For construction programs or projects, applicants must complete and submit the SF-424C, “Budget Information for Construction Programs”. All of the required application forms are available with this announcement on Federal award recipients and subrecipients are subject to Federal award cost principles in 2 CFR 200. Applicants must show funds requested from this Federal program separately from any other Federal sources of funding. In the “Budget Summary” section of the appropriate SF-424 budget form, use the first row for funding requested from this Federal program. Use subsequent row(s) for funding requested from this Federal program. Use subsequent row(s) for other Federal funding. Enter each Federal program’s CFDA number(s) in the corresponding fields on the form. The CFDA number(s) for this program appears on the first page of this announcement.

SF-424C, Budget Information for Constructions Programs (text field)

Instructions: The following header will display if this checkbox is selected: Request to Acquire, Improve, or Furnish Real Property.


Applicants seeking approval to acquire real property under an award must complete and submit the SF-429, “Real Property Status Report (Cover Page)” and the SF-429-B, “Real Property Status Report Attachment B (Request to Acquire, Improve, or Furnish)”. These forms are required if the real property is acquired with Federal funds, with recipient cost share or matching funds, or as an in-kind contribution under the award. These forms may be found on

Request to Acquire, Improve, or Furnish Real Property (text box)

Budget Narrative 

Instructions: In addition to the following standard statement, provide any additional program specific budget narrative instructions in the text field after the standard statement.

Describe and justify requested budget items and costs. Detail how the SF-424 Budget Information, Object Class Category totals were determined. For personnel salary costs, include the baseline salary figures and the estimates of time. Describe any item of cost that requires prior approval under the Federal cost principles. See 2 CFR 200.407 “Prior written approval (prior approval)” for more information. If equipment purchased previously with Federal funds is available for the project, provide a list of that equipment and identify the Federal funding source. Identify any cash or in-kind contributions that a partner or other entity will contribute to the project and describe how the contributions directly and substantively benefit completion of the project. For in-kind contributions, include the source, the amount, and the valuation methodology used to determine the total value. See 2 CFR 200.306 “Cost sharing or matching” for more information.

Budget Narrative Text

Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Per the Financial Assistance Interior Regulation (FAIR), 
2 CFR §1402.112,

applicants must state in their application if any actual or potential conflict of interest exists at the time of submission.

(a) Applicability.

(1) This section intends to ensure that non-Federal entities and their employees take appropriate steps to avoid conflicts of interest in their responsibilities under or with respect to Federal financial assistance agreements.

(2) In the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, and services by recipients and by sub recipients, the conflict of interest provisions in 2 CFR 200.318 apply.

(b) Notification.

(1) Non-Federal entities, including applicants for financial assistance awards, must disclose in writing any conflict of interest to the DOI awarding agency or pass-through entity in accordance with 2 CFR 200.112.

(2) Recipients must establish internal controls that include, at a minimum, procedures to identify, disclose, and mitigate or eliminate identified conflicts of interest. The recipient is responsible for notifying the Financial Assistance Officer in writing of any conflicts of interest that may arise during the life of the award, including those that have been reported by sub recipients.

(c) Restrictions on lobbying. Non-Federal entities are strictly prohibited from using funds under a grant or cooperative agreement for lobbying activities and must provide the required certifications and disclosures pursuant to 43 CFR part 18 and 31 U.S.C. 1352.

(d) Review procedures. The Financial Assistance Officer will examine each conflict of interest disclosure on the basis of its particular facts and the nature of the proposed grant or cooperative agreement, and will determine whether a significant potential conflict exists and, if it does, develop an appropriate means for resolving it.

(e) Enforcement. Failure to resolve conflicts of interest in a manner that satisfies the government may be cause for termination of the award. Failure to make required disclosures may result in any of the remedies described in 2 CFR 200.338, Remedies for noncompliance, including suspension or debarment (see also 2 CFR part 180

Single Audit Reporting Statement
All U.S. states, local governments, federally recognized Indian tribal governments, and non- profit organizations expending $750,000 USD or more in Federal award funds in the applicant’s fiscal year must submit a Single Audit report for that year through the 
Federal Audit Clearinghouse’s Internet Data Entry System. U.S. state, local government, federally recognized Indian tribal government, and non-profit applicants must state if your organization was or was not required to submit a Single Audit report for the most recently closed fiscal year. If your organization was required to submit a Single Audit report for the most recently closed fiscal year, provide the EIN associated with that report and state if it is available through the Federal Audit Clearinghouse website.

Single Auditing Report Statement (text Field)

Certification Regarding Lobbying
Applicants requesting more than $100,000 in Federal funding must certify to the statements in 
43 CFR Part 18, Appendix A-Certification Regarding Lobbying. If this application requests more than $100,000 in Federal funds, the Authorized Official’s signature on the appropriate SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance form also represents the entity’s certification of the statements in 43 CFR Part 18, Appendix A.

Certification Regarding Lobbying (text field)

Instructions: The following header will display if this checkbox is selected: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities.


Applicants and recipients must not use any federally appropriated funds (annually appropriated or continuing appropriations) or matching funds under a Federal award to pay any person for lobbying in connection with the award. Lobbying is influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any U.S. agency, a Member of the U.S. Congress, an officer or employee of the U.S. Congress, or an employee of a Member of the U.S. Congress connection with the award. Applicants and recipients must complete and submit the SF-LLL, “Disclosure of Lobbying Activities” form if the Federal share of the proposal or award is more than $100,000 and the applicant or recipient has made or has agreed to make any payment using non- appropriated funds for lobbying in connection with the application or award. The SF-LLL form is available with this Funding Opportunity on See 43 CFR, Subpart 18.100 for more information on when additional submission of this form is required.


Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (text field)

Overlap or Duplication of Effort Statement

Instructions: Programs issuing any awards using discretionary funds must collect overlap/duplication of effort statements from their applicants. Programs issuing mandatory funds are not required to collect these statements. Select the appropriate value from the list as applicable to this funding opportunity. Selection of the first option will automatically insert the following standard language in the text field.

Applicants must provide a statement indicating if there is any overlap between this Federal application and any other Federal application, or funded project, in regards to activities, costs, or time commitment of key personnel. If no such overlap or duplication exists, state, “There are no overlaps or duplication between this application and any of our other Federal applications or funded projects, including in regards to activities, costs, or time commitment of key personnel”. If any such overlap exists, provide a complete description of overlaps or duplications between this proposal and any other federally funded project or application in regards to activities, costs, and time commitment of key personnel, as applicable. Provide a copy of any overlapping or duplicative proposal submitted to any other potential funding entity and identify when that proposal was submitted, to whom (entity name and program), and when you anticipate being notified of their funding decision. When overlap exists, your statement must end with “We understand that if at any time we receive funding from another source that is duplicative of the funding we are requesting from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in this application, we will immediately notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service point of contact identified in this Funding Opportunity in writing.”

Overlap or Duplication of Effort Statement (text)

D3. Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM)

Identifier and System for Award Management ( Registration: This requirement does not apply to individuals applying for funds as individual (i.e., unrelated to any business or nonprofit organization you may own or operate) or any entity with an exception approved by the funding bureau or office in accordance with bureau or office policy. All other applicants are required to obtain a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number from Dun & Bradstreet and then register in prior to submitting a Federal award application. Federal award recipients must continue to maintain an active registration with current information through the life of their Federal award(s). See the “Submission Requirements” section of this document below for more information on registration. We may not make a Federal award to an applicant that has not completed the registration. If an applicant selected for funding has not completed their registration by the time the program is ready to make an award, the program may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award. The program can use that determination as a basis for making an award to another applicant. There is no cost to register with Dun & Bradstreet or There are third-party vendors who will charge a fee in exchange for registering entities with Dun & Bradstreet and; please be aware you can register and request help for free.

Obtain a DUNS Number

Request a DUNS Number through the Dun & Bradstreet website. For technical difficulties, send an email to the D&B SAM Help Desk. Please ensure that you are able to receive emails from The “Obtain a DUNS Number” webpage also provides detailed instructions. Once assigned a DUNS number, your organization must maintain up-to-date information with Dun & Bradstreet. Applicants must enter their DUNS number in the “Organizational DUNS” field on the SF-424, Application for Federal Assistance form.

Register with the System for Award Management (SAM)

Register on the website. “Help” tab on the website contains User Guides and other information to assist you with registration. The Register with SAM page also provides detailed instructions. You can also contact the supporting Federal Service Desk for help registering in SAM. Once registered in SAM, entities must renew and revalidate their SAM registration at least once every 12 months from the date previously registered. Entities are strongly encouraged to revalidate their registration as often as needed to ensure their information is up to date and reflects changes that may have been to the entity’s DUNS or IRS information.


Foreign entities who want to receive payment directly to a U.S. bank account must enter and maintain valid, current banking information in SAM

Instructions: Enter any program specific language regarding DUNS/SAM.

Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM) (text field)

D4. Submission Dates and Times

Instructions: Funding Opportunities must identify due dates and times for all submissions in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Appendix I, section D (4). Review and address all of the 2 CFR 200-Appendix I requirements in the following text field. We must clearly state deadlines in terms of date and local time (Please Note: uses Eastern Time); what the deadline means and if submission method affects it; and the effect of missing a deadline.

Format the information in this section so that it is easy to understand and use. A tabular format or checklist may be more helpful than narrative paragraphs.] This includes not only submission dates and times for full applications but also any preliminary submission requirements (e.g., letters of intent, white papers, or pre-applications). We must also describe any other submissions of information before Federal award that are separate from the full application. If the funding opportunity is a general Notice of Funding Opportunity that is open for a period of time with no specific due dates for applications, state that clearly in this section.

Due Date for Applications 

Application Due Date Explanation 

Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., ET, on the listed application due date.

D5. Intergovernmental Review

Prior to application submission, U.S. state and local government applicants should visit the OMB Office of Federal Financial Management website and view the “State Point of Contact (SPOC) List” to determine whether their application is subject to the state intergovernmental review process under Executive Order (E.O.) 12372 “Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.” States not on the list do not participate in the intergovernmental review process, and therefore do not have a SPOC. If you are located within a State that does not have a SPOC, you may send application materials directly to a Federal awarding agency. If your state is on the list, contact the designated entity for more information on the state’s prior review requirements for Federal assistance applications.

D6. Funding Restrictions

Instructions: You must include information on funding restrictions in order to allow an applicant to develop an application and budget consistent with program requirements.

Examples are whether construction is an allowable activity, if there are any limitations on direct costs such as foreign travel or equipment purchases, and if there are any legislatively authorized limits on indirect costs (or facilities and administrative costs). There may also be funding restrictions listed in the program’s Assistance Listing (CFDA) profile. You must also state if the award will or will not allow reimbursement of pre-Federal award costs.

Any program that anticipates issuing cooperative agreements to Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) Network partners that will qualify as CESU projects and therefore will be subject to the CESU indirect cost rate cap (currently 17.5%), MUST clearly state so in the Funding Opportunity. Programs cannot cap indirect costs to successful CESU partner university applicants if the Funding Opportunity does not explicitly state that awards to such universities will be subject to the CESU indirect cost rate cap.

In addition to program specific text for Funding Restrictions, the following text on Indirect Costs will be included on all NOFOs.

Indirect Costs: Individuals (text field)

Indirect Costs: Individuals
Individuals applying for and receiving funds separate from a business or non-profit organization he/she may operate are not eligible to charge indirect costs to their award. If you are an individual applying for funding, you must not include any indirect costs in your proposed budget. Individuals are not required to submit any of the following statements regarding indirect costs.

Indirect Costs: Organizations
The Federal awarding agency that provides the largest amount of direct funding to your organization is your cognizant agency for indirect costs, unless otherwise assigned by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB). If the Department of the Interior is your organization’s cognizant agency, the Interior Business Center will negotiate your indirect cost rate. Contact the Interior Business Center by phone 916-930-3803 or using the 
IBC Email Submission Form. See the IBC Website for more information.

Organizations must have an active Federal award before they can submit an indirect cost rate proposal to their cognizant agency. Failure to establish an approved rate during the award period renders all costs otherwise allocable as indirect costs unallowable under the award. Recipients must have prior written approval from the Service to use amounts budgeted for direct costs to satisfy cost-share or match requirements or to cover unallowable indirect costs. Recipients shall not shift unallowable indirect costs to another Federal award unless specifically authorized to do so by legislation.

Required Indirect Cost Statement to be submitted with Application
All organizations must include the applicable statement from the following list in their application, and attach to their application any documentation identified in the applicable statement:

We are:

  • A U.S. state or local government entity receiving more than $35 million in direct Federal funding each year with an indirect cost rate of [insert rate]. We submit our indirect cost rate proposals to our cognizant agency.  Attached is a copy of our most recently approved rate agreement/certification.

  • A U.S. state or local government entity receiving less than $35 million in direct Federal funding with an indirect cost rate of [insert rate]. We have prepared and will retain for audit an indirect cost rate proposal and related documentation.

  • A [insert your organization type; U.S. states and local governments, do not use this statement] that has previously negotiated or currently has an approved indirect cost rate with our cognizant agency.  Our indirect cost rate is [insert rate]. [Insert either: “Attached is a copy of our most recently approved but expired rate agreement. In the event an award is made, we will submit an indirect cost rate proposal to our cognizant agency within 90 calendar days after the award is made.” or “Attached is a copy of our current negotiated indirect cost rate agreement.”]

  • A [insert your organization type] that has never submitted an indirect cost rate proposal to our cognizant agency. Our indirect cost rate is [insert rate]. If we receive an award, we will submit an indirect cost rate proposal to our cognizant agency within 90 calendar days after the award date.

  • A [insert your organization type] that has never submitted an indirect cost rate proposal to our cognizant agency and has an indirect cost rate that is lower than 10%. Our indirect cost rate is [insert rate; must be lower than 10%]. However, if we receive an award we will not be able to meet the requirement to submit an indirect cost rate proposal to our cognizant agency within 90 calendar days after award. We request as a condition of award to charge a flat indirect cost rate of [insert rate; must be lower than 10%] against [insert a clear description of the direct cost base against which your rate is charged (e.g., salaries; salaries and fringe benefits; or modified total direct costs). However, please note that your organization cannot charge indirect costs in excess of the indirect costs that would be recovered if applied against modified total direct costs as defined in §2 CFR 200.68].  We understand that we must notify the Service in writing if we establish an approved rate with our cognizant agency at any point during the award period.

  • A [insert your organization type] that has never submitted an indirect cost rate proposal to our cognizant agency and has an indirect cost rate that is 10% or higher. Our indirect cost rate is [insert your organization’s indirect rate; must be 10% or higher]. However, if we receive an award we will not be able to meet the requirement to submit an indirect cost rate proposal to our cognizant agency within 90 calendar days after award. We request as a condition of award to charge a flat de minimis indirect cost rate of 10% to be charged against modified total direct project costs as defined in 2 CFR §200.68. We understand that we must notify the Service in writing if we establish a negotiated rate with our cognizant agency at any point during the award period. We understand that additional Federal funds may not be available to support an unexpected increase in indirect costs during the project period and that such changes are subject to review, negotiation, and prior approval by the Service.

  • A [insert your organization type] that is submitting this proposal for consideration under the [insert either “Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Program” or “Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Network”], which has a Department of the Interior-approved indirect cost rate cap of [insert program rate]. If we have an approved indirect cost rate with our cognizant agency, we understand that we must apply this reduced rate against the same direct cost base as identified in our approved indirect cost rate agreement per 2 CFR §1402.414. If we do not have an approved indirect cost rate with our cognizant agency, we understand that we must charge indirect costs against the modified total direct cost base defined in 2 CFR §200.68 “Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC)”. We understand that we must request prior approval from the Service to use the 2 CFR 200 MTDC base instead of the base identified in our approved indirect cost rate agreement. We understand that Service approval of such a request will be based on: 1) a determination that our approved base is only a subset of the MTDC (such as salaries and wages); and 2) that use of the MTDC base will still result in a reduction of the total indirect costs to be charged to the award. In accordance with 2 CFR §200.405, we understand that indirect costs not recovered due to a voluntary reduction to our federally negotiated rate are not allowable for recovery via any other means.

  • A [insert your organization type] that will charge all costs directly.

Required indirect cost field (text field)

D7. Other Submission Requirements

Instructions: You must provide detailed submission instructions, including the format of submission (i.e., paper or electronic), for each type of required submission. Do not require applicants to submit in more than one format. Indicate if applicants have more than one choice for how to submit an application and provide detailed instructions for each option, including where to send the application. For postal mail submissions, provide a complete mailing address. For electronic submissions, include the website URL or email address and detail if a password is required, if particular software or other capabilities are required, what to do in the event of system problems, and a point of contact in the event of technical difficulties. Describe how the receiving program determines timely submission, and whether, when, and in what form applications will be sent acknowledgement of receipt.  State if you are requiring the use of or GrantSolutions for submission of applications. If you are requiring the use of include the link to the How to Apply For Grants.

Other Submission Requirements (text field)

  1. Review and Selection Process

E. Application Review Information

Instructions: This section must address the criteria that the Federal awarding agency will use to evaluate applications. This includes the merit and other review criteria that evaluators will use to judge applications, including any statutory, regulatory, or other preferences (e.g., minority status or Native American tribal preferences) that will be applied in the review process.

E1. Criteria

Instructions: All competitive discretionary programs must design formal application evaluation and selection procedures before posting Notices of Funding Opportunity on Programs must document these procedures in writing and either describe them in full, or incorporate them by reference, in all Notices of Funding Opportunity. Describe all criteria and sub-criteria used to evaluate applications, including merit and other criteria used to judge applications. Include any statutory, regulatory, or other preferences applicable to the process and provide a detailed explanation of those and their effect (e.g., result in additional points). These criteria are different from eligibility criteria addressed before accepting an application for review and any program policy applied during selection after the review process is complete.  The intent is to be transparent about the process so all applicants have a fair opportunity to address those in their applications. If cost sharing will be considered in the review (as opposed to being treated as an eligibility criterion), specifically address how it will be considered (e.g., results in additional points, or to break ties between applicants with equivalent scores after evaluation of all other factors). Clearly state any restrictions on the types of costs that are acceptable as cost sharing. In the text fields below, clearly describe your criteria used to evaluate applications.

(Selecting the Edit Criteria button allows you to add as many criterion as needed and assign Maximum Points.)

E2. Review and Selection Process

Instructions: In the text field below, list any program policy or other factors or elements other than merit criteria that the selecting official may use in selecting applications for Federal award (e.g., geographical dispersion, program balance, or diversity). Include other details about the program’s review and selection process, as appropriate. For example, you may indicate who is responsible for evaluation against the merit criteria (e.g., peers external to the Federal awarding agency or Federal awarding agency personnel), or who makes the final award selections. If there is a multi-phase review process (e.g., an external panel advising internal Federal awarding agency personnel who make final recommendations to the deciding official), the announcement may describe the phases. It also may detail the number of individuals on evaluation panels, how the panel operates, the way the program qualifies and selects reviewers, and if the program permits applicants to nominate or suggest reviewers for their applications. Detail if, due to limited funding or for other reasons, the program routinely negotiates selected project scopes of work and budgets prior to award. If this is the case, make it clear here that those applicants will have to submit revised SF-424 forms and narratives prior to award. Programs must make awards based on final, approved applications that parallel their awards in scope and funding amount. Describe the timing, form, and content of notifications to unsuccessful applicants. In addition to program-specific text, the following standard text will be inserted in all funding opportunities.

Prior to award, the program will review any applicant statement regarding potential overlap or duplication between the project to be funded and any other funded or proposed project in terms of activities, funding, or time commitment of key personnel. Depending on the circumstances, the program may request modification to the application, other pending applications, or an active award, as needed to eliminate any duplication of effort, or the Bureau may choose not to fund the selected project.

The program may not make a Federal award to an applicant that has not completed the registration. If an applicant selected for funding has not completed their registration by the time the Bureau is ready to make an award, the program may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive an award. The program can use that determination as a basis for making an award to another applicant.

Prior to award, the program will evaluate the risk posed by applicants as required in 2 CFR 200.205. Programs document applicant risk evaluations using the Bureau’s “Financial Assistance Recipient Risk Assessment” form. Prior to approving awards for Federal funding in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold (currently $250,000), the Bureau is required to review and consider any information about or from the applicant found in the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System. The Bureau will consider this information when completing the risk review. The Bureau uses the results of the risk evaluation to establish monitoring plans, recipient reporting frequency requirements, and to determine if one or more of the specific award conditions in 2 CFR 200.207 should be applied to the award.

Review and Selection Process (text field)

E3. CFR-Regulatory Information

See the Service’s General Award Terms and Conditions for the general administrative and national policy requirements applicable to Service awards. The Service will communicate any other program- or project-specific special terms and conditions to recipients in their notices of award.

E4. Anticipated Announcement and Federal Award Dates

Anticipated Announcement and Federal Award Dates text field

  1. Federal Award Administration Information

F. Federal Award Administration Information

F1. Federal Award Notices

Instructions: In the text box below, provide details on what a successful applicant can expect to receive following selection. If the program will provide a selection notice to the entity before actually issuing the Federal award, this is the place to indicate that the letter is not an authorization to begin project performance (to the extent that the program allows charging of pre-award costs to the award at the entity’s own risk). This section should indicate that the signed notice of Federal award is the authorizing document and how the program delivers notices of award to recipients (e.g., postal mail, electronic means). This section may also address the timing, form, and content of notifications to unsuccessful applicants. See also §200.210 Information contained in a Federal award.

Federal Award Notices text field

F2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

Instructions: In the text field below, include the link to DOI Standard Terms and Conditions and any program- or project-specific terms or conditions that will apply to recipients under the program.


See the “DOI Standard Terms and Conditions” for the administrative and national policy requirements applicable to DOI awards.

Data Availability
Per the
 Financial Assistance Interior Regulation (FAIR), 2 CFR §1402.315:
(a) All data, methodology, factual inputs, models, analyses, technical information, reports, conclusions, valuation products or other scientific assessments in any medium or form, including textual, numerical, graphic, cartographic, narrative, or audiovisual, resulting from a financial assistance agreement is available for use by the Department of the Interior, including being available in a manner that is sufficient for independent verification.
(b)  The Federal Government has the right to:
(1) Obtain, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the data, methodology, factual inputs, models, analyses, technical information, reports, conclusions, or other scientific assessments, produced under a Federal award; and
(2) Authorize others to receive, reproduce, publish, or otherwise use such data, methodology, factual inputs, models, analyses, technical information, reports, conclusions, or other scientific assessments, for Federal purposes, including to allow for meaningful third-party evaluation.

See the 
Service’s General Award Terms and Conditions for the general administrative and national policy requirements applicable to Service awards. The Service will communicate any other program- or project-specific special terms and conditions to recipients in their notices of award.

Data Availability (text box)

F3. Reporting

Financial Reports 


Recipient specific reporting requirements, including the required reports, reporting frequency, and report due dates will be included in all Notices of Award, as applicable. Only interim financial reporting on awards to ASAP-waived entities using the SF-270/271 and requesting payment at least once annually throughout the entire award period of performance may be waived. In the text field below enter any program specific reporting requirements.

All recipients must use the SF-425, Federal Financial Report form for financial reporting. At a minimum, all recipients must submit a final financial report. Final reports are due no later than 90 calendar days after the award period of performance end date or termination date. For awards with periods of performance longer than 12 months, recipients are required to submit interim financial reports on the frequency established in the Notice of Award. The only exception to the interim financial reporting requirement is if the recipient is required to use the SF 270/271 to request payment and requests payment at least once annually through the entire award period of performance. We will describe all financial reporting requirements in the Notice of Award.

Financial Reports (text field)

Performance Reports 


In the text below reflect the program’s performance reporting requirements. For awards that include construction, onsite technical inspections and certified percentage of completion data may be relied on to monitor progress for construction.  Additional performance reports for construction activities may be required only when considered necessary. Awards that include both construction and non-construction activities should require performance reporting for the non-construction activities. See 2 CFR 200.328 for more information. We may only waive performance reporting for awards to individuals for which we have another way of assessing and documenting recipient performance at least annually.

Performance reports must contain a comparison of actual accomplishments with the established goals and objectives of the award; a description of reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate; and any other pertinent information relevant to the project results. Final reports are due no later than 90 calendar days after the award period of performance end date or termination date. For awards with periods of performance longer than 12 months, recipients are required to submit interim performance reports on the frequency established in the Notice of Award.

Performance Reports (text field)

Significant Development Reports
Events may occur between the scheduled performance reporting dates which have significant impact upon the supported activity. In such cases, recipients are required to notify the Bureau in writing as soon as the recipient becomes aware of any problems, delays, or adverse conditions that will materially impair the ability to meet the objective of the Federal award. This disclosure must include a statement of any corrective action(s) taken or contemplated, and any assistance needed to resolve the situation. The recipient should also notify the Service in writing of any favorable developments that enable meeting time schedules and objectives sooner or at less cost than anticipated or producing more or different beneficial results than originally planned.

Significant Development Reports (text field)

Real Property Reports

Recipients and subrecipients are required to submit status reports on the status of real property acquired under the award in which the Federal government retains an interest. The required frequency of these reports will depend on the anticipated length of the Federal interest period. The Bureau will include recipient-specific real property reporting requirements, including the required data elements, reporting frequency, and report due dates, in the Notice of Award when applicable.

Real Property Reports (text field)

Conflict of Internet Disclosures
Recipients must notify the program immediately in writing of any conflict of interest that arise during the life of their Federal award, including those reported to them by any subrecipient under the award. Recipients must notify the program in writing if any employees, including subrecipient and contractor personnel, are related to, married to, or have a close personal relationship with any Federal employee in the Federal funding program or who otherwise may have been involved in the review and selection of the award. The term employee means any individual engaged in the performance of work pursuant to the Federal award. Recipients may not have a former Federal employee as a key project official, or in any other substantial role related to their award, whose participation put them out of compliance with the legal authorities addressing post-Government employment restrictions. See the 
U.S. Office of Government Ethics website for more information on these restrictions. The Service will examine each conflict of interest disclosure based on its particular facts and the nature of the project and will determine if a significant potential conflict exists. If it does, the Service will work with the recipient to determine an appropriate resolution. Failure to disclose and resolve conflicts of interest in a manner that satisfies the Service may result in any of the remedies described in 2 CFR 200.338 Remedies for Noncompliance, including termination of the award.

Conflict of Internet Disclosures (text field)

Other Mandatory Disclosures
The Non-Federal entity or applicant for a Federal award must disclose, in a timely manner, in writing to the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity all violations of Federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the Federal award. Non-Federal entities that receive a Federal award including the terms and conditions outlined in 2 CFR 200, Appendix XII—Award Term and Condition for Recipient Integrity and Performance Matters are required to report certain civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings to SAM. Failure to make required disclosures can result in any of the remedies described in 2 CFR 200.338 Remedies for Noncompliance, including suspension or debarment.

Other Mandatory Disclosures (text field)

Reporting Matters Related to Recipient Integrity and Performance
If the total value of your currently active grants, cooperative agreements, and procurement contracts from all Federal awarding agencies exceeds $10,000,000 for any period of time during the period of performance of this Federal award, then you as the recipient during that period of time must maintain the currency of information reported to the System for Award Management (SAM) that is made available in the designated integrity and performance system (currently the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS)) about civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings in accordance with Appendix XII to 2 CFR 200.

Reporting Matters Related to Recipient Integrity and Performance (text field)

  1. Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s)

G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s)

Instructions: Provide point(s) of contact for answering technical questions or helping with problems while the funding opportunity is open. The intent is to be as helpful as possible to the public, so give points of contacts that can be reached in multiple ways or provide a fax or email address that multiple people monitor so that someone will respond even if others are absent during critical periods. If needed, provide different points of contact for distinct types of help, such as a contact for programmatic or technical questions and a second contact for administrative questions.

G1. Program Technical Contact

For programmatic technical assistance, contact:

First Name: 

Last Name: 




(text field)

G2. Program Administration

For program administration assistance, contact:

First Name: 

Last Name: 




(text field)

G3. Application System Technical Support

For technical registration and submission, downloading forms and application packages, contact:

Name: Customer Support




For GrantSolutions technical registration and submissions, downloading forms and application packages, contact:


GrantSolutions Customer Support




  1. Other Information

H. Other Information

Domestic recipients are required to register in and receive payment through the U.S. Treasury’s Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP), unless approved for a waiver by the Service program. Foreign recipients receiving funds to a final destination bank outside the U.S. are required to receive payment through the U.S. Treasury’s International Treasury Services (ITS) System. Foreign recipients receiving funds to a final destination bank in the U.S. are required to enter and maintain current banking details in their entity profile and receive payment through the Automated Clearing House network by electronic funds transfer (EFT). The Bureau will include recipient-specific instructions on how to request payment, including identification of any additional information required and where to submit payment requests, as applicable, in all Notices of Award.

 Instructions: In the text box below, insert any additional information that is relevant to your program.

(text field)


OMB Control Number: 1018-0100, Expiration Date: 7/31/2021

We are collecting this information in accordance with the authorizing legislation identified above. Your response is required to obtain or retain a benefit. We will use the information you provide to conduct a competitive review and select projects for funding and, if awarded, to evaluate performance. We may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. We estimate that it will take you on average about 40 hours to complete an initial application, about 3 hours to revise the terms of an award, and about 8 hours per report to prepare and submit financial and performance reports, including time to maintain records and gather information. Actual time for these activities will vary depending on program-specific requirements. You may send comments on the burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803.

Instructions: In the text box below, include any additional information for the Paperwork Reduction Act that is specific to your program.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement(text)


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorUnbehagen, Debbie
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-07-13

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