60-day FRN

0648-0759 60day 85 FR 74694_20201123.pdf

North Pacific Observer Safety and Security Survey

60-day FRN

OMB: 0648-0759

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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 226 / Monday, November 23, 2020 / Notices

for Apl Apollo Tubes Ltd., Asian Contec
Ltd., Bhandari Foils & Tubes Ltd.,
Bhushan Steel Ltd., Blue Moon Logistics
Pvt. Ltd., CH Robinson Worldwide, EssKay Engineers, Garg Tube Export LLP,
GCL Private Limited, Goodluck India
Ltd., GVN Fuels Ltd., Fiber Tech
Composite Pvt. Ltd., Hydromatik, Jindal
Quality Tubular Ltd., KLT Automatic &
Tubular Products Ltd., Lloyds Line
Pipes Ltd., Manushi Enterprise,
MARINEtrans India Private Ltd., Nishi
Boring Corporation, Patton International
Ltd., Raajratna Ventures Ltd., Ratnamani
Metals & Tubes Ltd., SAR Transport
Systems Pvt. Ltd., Surya Global Steel
Tubes Ltd., Surya Roshni Ltd.,
Vallourec Heat Exchanger Tubes Ltd.,
Welspun India Ltd., Zenith Birla (India)
Ltd., Zenith Birla Steels Private Ltd.,
and Zenith Dyeintermediates Ltd.3
Rescission of Administrative Review
Pursuant to 19 CFR 351.213(d)(1),
Commerce will rescind an
administrative review ‘‘in whole or in
part, if a party that requested a review
withdraws the request within 90 days of
the date of publication of notice of
initiation of the requested review.’’
Because Nucor withdrew its request for
review within the 90-day time limit,4
and because we received no other
requests for review of the companies for
which the review request was
withdrawn, we are rescinding the
administrative review of the order on
pipes and tubes from India, in its
Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs
and Border Protection (CBP) to assess
antidumping duties on all appropriate
entries. For all respondents,
antidumping duties shall be assessed at
the rate equal to the cash deposit of
estimated antidumping duties required
at the time of entry, or withdrawal from
warehouse, for consumption, in
accordance with 19 CFR
351.212(c)(1)(i). Commerce intends to
issue appropriate assessment
instructions to CBP 15 days after
publication of this notice in the Federal
Notification to Importers
This notice serves as a final reminder
to importers of their responsibility
under 19 CFR 351.402(f)(2) to file a
certificate regarding the reimbursement
of antidumping duties prior to
3 See Nucor’s Letter, ‘‘Certain Welded Carbon
Steel Standard Pipes and Tubes from India:
Withdrawal of Request for Administrative Review,’’
dated October 8, 2020.
4 The 90-day period ended on Thursday, October
8, 2020.

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17:07 Nov 20, 2020

Jkt 253001

liquidation of the relevant entries
during this review period. Failure to
comply with this requirement could
result in Commerce’s presumption that
reimbursement of antidumping duties
occurred and the subsequent assessment
of doubled antidumping duties.
Notification Regarding Administrative
Protective Order
This notice also serves as a reminder
to parties subject to administrative
protective order (APO) of their
responsibility concerning the
disposition of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR 351.305(a)(3). Timely
written notification of the return or
destruction of APO materials or
conversion to judicial protective order is
hereby requested. Failure to comply
with the regulations and the terms of an
APO is a sanctionable violation.
Notification to Interested Parties
This notice is issued and published in
accordance with sections 751(a)(1) and
777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR
Dated: November 17, 2020.
James Maeder,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping
and Countervailing Duty Operations.
[FR Doc. 2020–25813 Filed 11–20–20; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
Review and Approval; Comment
Request; North Pacific Observer Safety
National Oceanic &
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),


Notice of information collection,
request for comment.


The Department of
Commerce, in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to comment on
proposed, and continuing information
collections, which helps us assess the
impact of our information collection
requirements and minimize the public’s
reporting burden. The purpose of this
notice is to allow for 60 days of public
comment preceding submission of the
collection to OMB.


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To ensure consideration,
comments regarding this proposed
information collection must be received
on or before January 22, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments to
Adrienne Thomas, NOAA PRA Officer,
at Adrienne.thomas@noaa.gov. Please
reference OMB Control Number 0648–
0759 in the subject line of your
comments. Do not submit Confidential
Business Information or otherwise
sensitive or protected information.
Requests for additional information or
specific questions related to collection
activities should be directed to Special
Agent Jaclyn Smith, NOAA Fisheries
Office of Law Enforcement, 222 W 7th
Ave. #10, Anchorage, AK 99513, 907–
271–1869, or Jaclyn.Smith@noaa.gov.

I. Abstract
This is a request for extension of a
currently approved information
NMFS certified observers are a vital
part of fisheries management. Observers
are deployed to collect fisheries data in
the field; observers often deploy to
vessels and work alongside fishers for
weeks and months at a time. The work
environment observers find themselves
in can be challenging, especially if the
observer finds themselves a target for
victim type violations such as sexual
harassment, intimidation, or even
assault. NOAA Fisheries’ Office of Law
Enforcement prioritizes investigations
into allegations of sexual harassment,
hostile work environment, assault and
other complaints which may affect
observers individually. However, it is
difficult for a person to disclose if they
have been a victim of a crime, and law
enforcement cannot respond if no
complaint is submitted. The true
number of observers who have
experienced victim type crimes is
unknown, and the reasons why they do
not report is also unclear. More
information is needed to understand
how many observers per year
experience victim type crimes, and why
they chose not to report to law
The Office of Law Enforcement,
Alaska Division, is conducting a survey
of North Pacific Observers to determine
the number of observers who
experienced victimizing behavior
during deployments. This survey will be
launched on an annual basis. The
survey will also investigate the reasons
that prevented observers from reporting
these violations. The results of the
survey will provide the Office of Law



Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 226 / Monday, November 23, 2020 / Notices
Enforcement a better understanding of
how often observers are victimized,
which will enable them to reallocate
resources as needed, conduct more
training for observers to ensure they
know how to report, conduct training to
ensure people understand what
constitutes a victim crime, and to
increase awareness of potential
victimizations. Additionally, the survey
results will help law enforcement
understand the barriers to disclosure, so
enforcement may begin to address these
impediments so they no longer prevent
observers from disclosure.
II. Method of Collection
Data will be collected on a voluntary
basis, via an electronic survey to ensure
anonymity. The survey will be offered
to all observers who deployed in 2020
in the North Pacific Observer Program.
Individual data will not be released for
public use.
III. Data

Sheleen Dumas,
Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of
the Chief Information Officer, Commerce
[FR Doc. 2020–25765 Filed 11–20–20; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XA656]

OMB Control Number: 0648–0759.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Review: Regular (extension of
a current information collection).
Affected Public: Individuals.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time per Response: 10
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 50 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to
Public: $0 in recordkeeping/reporting
Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary.
Legal Authority: U.S. Code: 16 U.S.C.
1801 et seq., Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act.
IV. Request for Comments
We are soliciting public comments to
permit the Department/Bureau to: (a)
Evaluate whether the proposed
information collection is necessary for
the proper functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) Evaluate the
accuracy of our estimate of the time and
cost burden for this proposed collection,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
Evaluate ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (d) Minimize the
reporting burden on those who are to
respond, including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of
public record. We will include or
summarize each comment in our request
to OMB to approve this ICR. Before

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including your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you may ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.

17:07 Nov 20, 2020

Jkt 253001

New England Fishery Management
Council; Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; public meeting.

The New England Fishery
Management Council (Council) is
scheduling a public meeting of its
Scallop Advisory Panel via webinar to
consider actions affecting New England
fisheries in the exclusive economic zone
(EEZ). Recommendations from this
group will be brought to the full Council
for formal consideration and action, if
DATES: This meeting will be held on
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 9 a.m.
ADDRESSES: All meeting participants
and interested parties can register to
join the webinar at https://
Council address: New England
Fishery Management Council, 50 Water
Street, Mill 2, Newburyport, MA 01950.
Thomas A. Nies, Executive Director,
New England Fishery Management
Council; telephone: (978) 465–0492.

The Scallop Advisory Panel will
discuss Framework Adjustment 33 and
receive an update on a range of potential
allocations for the 2021 and 2022
fishing years. The primary focus of this
meeting will be to develop input a range

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of specification alternatives and
management measures for FY 2021 and
FY 2022 that will be included in
Framework Adjustment 33. Framework
Adjustment 33 will set specifications
including ABC/ACLs, days-at-sea,
access area allocations, total allowable
catch for the Northern Gulf of Maine
(NGOM) management area, targets for
General Category incidental catch,
General Category access area trips and
trip accounting, and set-asides for the
observer and research programs for
fishing year 2021 and default
specifications for fishing year 2022.
Other business may be discussed, as
Although non-emergency issues not
contained in this agenda may come
before this group for discussion, those
issues may not be the subject of formal
action during this meeting. Action will
be restricted to those issues specifically
listed in this notice and any issues
arising after publication of this notice
that require emergency action under
section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens
Act, provided the public has been
notified of the Council’s intent to take
final action to address the emergency.
Special Accommodations
This meeting is physically accessible
to people with disabilities. Requests for
sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to
Thomas A. Nies, Executive Director, at
(978) 465–0492, at least 5 days prior to
the meeting date. Consistent with 16
U.S.C. 1852, a copy of the recording is
available upon request.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: November 17, 2020.
Rey Israel Marquez,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2020–25734 Filed 11–20–20; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XA657]

New England Fishery Management
Council; Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; public meeting.

The New England Fishery
Management Council (Council) is
scheduling a public meeting of its




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File Modified2020-11-21
File Created2020-11-21

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