NCRMP Hawaii Survey 2019

Socioeconomics of Coral Reef Conservation

NCRMP Hawaii Survey 2019

OMB: 0648-0646

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U.S. Department of Commerce

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

Coral Reef Conservation Program Survey

OMB Control No. 0648-0646

National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP)

Resident Coral Reef Survey

Survey administered in: English

[ONLINE SCRIPT] Greetings! Welcome to the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program 2020 Hawaii Survey.

[TELEPHONE SCRIPT] Hello, my name is _________________ calling on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). We are interested in obtaining your opinions on some important issues related to coral reefs and the environment in Hawaiʻi. Your household has been selected to participate, and should have received recent mailings from us on how to complete the survey.

[TELEPHONE LANDLINE SCRIPT] – May I please speak to the adult over 18 in your household who had the most recent birthday

  1. Selected Person is individual on the phone CONTINUE

  2. Selected Person is not available SCHEDULE CALLBACK, WITH __________________


  1. New individual comes on to the phone – RE-READ INTRODUCTION AND CONTINUE TO S1

S1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Are you at least 18 years of age? [S1 in 2014 SURVEY]

  1. Yes

  2. No

IF “NO”, [ONLINE SCRIPT] – Please ask the person over 18 in your household who had the most recent birthday to complete this survey. Thank you.

[TELEPHONE SCRIPT] – Please ask the person over 18 in your household who had the most recent birthday to come to the phone. – RE-READ INTRODUCTION WITH NEW INDIVIDUAL OR SCHEDULE CALLBACK WITH THE SELECTED RESPONDENT


S1A. [TELEPHONE CELLULAR SAMPLE SCRIPT] Are you driving a car or doing anything else that requires your focused attention? (IF RESPONDENT SAYS “YES”, READ: Due to safety reasons we will need to call you back at a more convenient time. Thank you.)


2 No

[TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Your participation is voluntary and will be kept strictly confidential. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

[TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to Erica Towle, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, National Ocean Service, Coral Reef Conservation Program, 1305 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, USA.

S2. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Do you live at least 3 months of the year in Hawaiʻi? [S2 in 2014 SURVEY]

  1. Yes

  2. No


S3. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] What is your island of residence? [New question needed for sample weighting]

  1. Hawaiʻi

  2. Oʻahu

  3. Maui

  4. Kauai

  5. Other



  1. [ONLINE SCRIPT] How often do you participate in each of the following activities in Hawaiʻi? [Q1 in CORE MODULE; Q14 in Full Question Bank; Q1 in 2014 Survey]


Once a month or less

2-3 times a month

4 times a month or more

[TELEPHONE SCRIPT] First I’m going to ask you how often you participate in activities relating to fishing and gathering ocean resourcesINTERVIEWER – REPEAT SCALE AS NEEDED

[ONLINE VERSION] SUBCATEGORY HEADER OF “Activities related to fishing and gathering ocean resources”

Fishing from boat or shore using a pole, line, or net

Spearfishing (three-prong, spear gun)

Gathering of marine resources (seaweed, opihi,
sea urchins, etc.)

[TELEPHONE SCRIPT] Now please state how often you participate in the following ocean-activities, not for fishing or gathering resources – INTERVIEWER – REPEAT SCALE AS NEEDED

[ONLINE VERSION] SUBCATEGORY HEADER OF “Ocean activities not related to fishing and gathering ocean resources”



Diving for recreation (SCUBA, free diving)

Waterside/ Beach camping

Beach recreation (beach sports, picnics)

Boating (sail, motor)


Wave riding (surfing, kite surfing stand up paddle boarding, body boarding, bodysurfing)



  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How often do you fish for, harvest, or catch marine resources for each of the following reasons in Hawaiʻi? [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q2 in CORE MODULE; Q114 in Full Question Bank; Q2 in 2014 Survey]






To feed myself and my family/ household

To sell

To give to extended family members and/or friends

For fun

For special occasions and cultural events

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How often do you fish for, harvest, or catch the following in Hawaiʻi? [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q3 in CORE MODULE]






Surgeonfish (e.g., manini, palani, kala)

Parrotfish (e.g., uhu)

Jacks (e.g., papio, ulua)

Octopus (tako)

Limpets (opihi)

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How often do you or your family eat fish/seafood? Family is defined as all persons living under the same roof. [Q4 in CORE MODULE; Q122 in Full Question Bank; Q3 in 2014 Survey]

a. Every day

b. A few times a week

c. About once a week

d. 1-3 times a month

e. Less than once a month

f. Never


  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How often do you or your family eat locally-caught fish/seafood that is harvested from coral reefs? (For example, things like parrotfish, goatfish (kumu), surgeonfish, octopus, crab or opihi from nearby coral reefs)? [Q5 in CORE MODULE; Q123 in Full Question Bank; modified Q3 in 2014 Survey]

a. Every day

b. A few times a week

c. About once a week

d. 1-3 times a month

e. Less than once a month

f. Never

g. Not sure

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How often do you get your fish or seafood that your family eats from the following sources? [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Modified Q6 in CORE MODULE, Q124 in Full Question Bank, Q4 in 2014 Survey, but with formatting from Q2 in 2014 Survey]






Purchased by myself or someone in my household at a store or restaurant

Purchased by myself or someone in my household at a market or roadside vendor

Caught by myself or someone in my household

Caught by extended family members

Caught by friends or neighbors

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] To what extent are coral reef environments unimportant or important to you and your family’s cultural beliefs and practices? [Q16 in CORE MODULE; modified Q78 in Full Question Bank]

    1. Very unimportant

    2. Unimportant

    3. Neither unimportant nor important

    4. Important

    5. Very important

AWARENESS AND KNOWLEDGE OF CORAL REEFS – Threats including climate change

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Please state the extent to which you disagree or agree with each of the following statements. [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q10 in CORE MODULE; Q7 in Full Question Bank; Q8 in 2014 Survey]

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Not Sure

Coral reefs protect Hawaiʻi from erosion and natural disasters.

Coral reefs are only important to fishermen, divers and snorkelers.

Coral reefs in good condition attract tourists to Hawaiʻi.

Coral reefs in good condition provide food for coastal communities to eat

Coral reefs provide economic opportunities to coastal communities

Coral reefs are important to Hawaiʻi’s culture.

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How familiar are you with each of the following potential threats facing the coral reefs in Hawaiʻi? [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q11 in CORE MODULE; Q31 in Full Question Bank; Q9 in 2014 Survey; Scale modified]

Not at All





Climate change

Coral bleaching

Hurricanes and other natural disasters

Pollution (stormwater, wastewater, chemical runoff and trash/littering)

Coastal/urban development

Invasive species

Too much fishing and gathering

Damage from ships and boats

Damage to reefs from trampling, standing etc.

Ocean Acidification

Sunscreen and lotions with chemicals toxic to coral reefs


  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] In your opinion, how would you rate the current condition of each of the following marine resources in Hawaiʻi? Please tell me if you would rate each one as very bad, bad, neither bad nor good, good, or very good. [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q7 in CORE MODULE; Q49 in Full Question Bank; Q5 in 2014 Survey]

Very Bad


Neither Bad nor Good


Very Good

Not Sure

Ocean Water Quality (clean and clear)

Amount of Live Coral

Number of Fish

Variety of Fish

Crowding of Beaches

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How would you say the condition of each of those same marine resources has changed in the past 10 years in Hawaiʻi? Would you say the resource has gotten a lot worse, gotten somewhat worse, not changed, gotten somewhat better, or gotten a lot better? [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q8 in CORE MODULE; Q53 in Full Question Bank; Q6 in 2014 Survey]

A lot Worse

Somewhat Worse

No Change

Somewhat Better

A lot Better

Not Sure

Ocean Water Quality (clean and clear)

Amount of Live Coral

Number of Fish

Variety of Fish

Crowding of Beaches

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] In the next 10 years, do you think the condition of the marine resources overall in Hawaiʻi will get worse, stay the same or improve? [Q9 in CORE MODULE; Q54 in Full Question Bank; Q7 in 2014 Survey]

  1. Get worse

  2. Stay the same

  3. Improve

  4. Not sure


  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Have you heard about the State of Hawaii’s effort to improve management of nearshore marine waters by 2030 (the “30 by 30 Initiative”)? [Modified Q12 in CORE MODULE; Modified Q75 in Full Question Bank]

    1. Yes, I know about the effort

    2. I have heard about the effort, but I do not know much about it

    3. No, I have not heard about the effort

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Would you oppose or support a statewide effort led by the Division of Aquatic Resources in consultation with local communities to effectively manage 30% of Hawai‘i’s nearshore waters by 2030 to build and maintain healthy and abundant reefs and fisheries for Hawai‘i’s people? [Modified Q15 in CORE MODULE; modified Q105 in Full Question Bank; modified Q12 in 2014 Survey; follow up to Q13 above]

    1. Strongly oppose

    2. Oppose

    3. Neither support nor oppose

    4. Support

    5. Strongly support

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] A Marine managed area is an area of the ocean where human activity is typically restricted to protect living, non-living, cultural, and/or historic resources, such as Marine Life Conservation Districts and community based subsistence fishing areas in Hawaiʻi. How familiar are you with Marine managed areas? [Q13 in CORE MODULE; Q36 in Full Question Bank; Q11 in 2014 Survey; scale modified]

  1. Not at all

  2. Slightly

  3. Somewhat

  4. Moderately

  5. Extremely


  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Please describe the extent to which you disagree or agree with each of the following statements. [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q14 in CORE MODULE; Q44 in Full Question Bank]

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Sure

Marine managed areas protect coral reefs in Hawaiʻi

Marine managed areas increase the number of fish in Hawaiʻi

There should be more marine managed areas in Hawaiʻi

There has been economic benefit to Hawaiʻi from the establishment of marine managed areas

Fishermen’s livelihoods have been negatively impacted from the establishment of marine managed areas in Hawaiʻi

Marine managed areas increase tourism in Hawaiʻi

I generally support the establishment of marine managed areas in Hawaiʻi

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Next, please describe the extent to which you oppose or support each of the following strategies to improve the protection of coral reefs in Hawaiʻi. [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q15 in CORE MODULE; Q105 in Full Question Bank; Q12 in 2014 Survey]

Strongly Oppose


Neither Support nor Oppose


Strongly Support

Don’t Know

Limits per person for certain fish species (size and amount or by season)

Stricter control of sources of pollution to preserve water quality

Efforts to restore damaged coral reefs

Incorporate traditional Hawaiian practices into coral reef management

Improved law enforcement for existing rules/regulations

Establishment of a non-commercial fishing license

Inspection of coolers for violations of fishing or poaching regulations


  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How often do you participate in the following activities to protect the environment in Hawaiʻi? [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q17 in CORE MODULE; Q89 in Full Question Bank; modified Q13 in 2014 Survey]


Once a year or Less

Several times a year

At least once a month

Several Times a month or more


Teaching responsible fishing behavior to the next generation

Volunteering with environmental groups (e.g. beach clean-ups)

Donating to environmental causes

Using “reef-safe” forms of sun protection

  1. [INTERVIEWER READS or ONLINE INTERFACE DISPLAYS] Please carefully consider the following HYPOTHETICAL plan to protect coral reefs in Hawaiʻi:

There is a need to raise funds to improve management of coral reefs. IF the state government of Hawaiʻi was considering adding a “Reef Conservation Tax” to your income and property taxes to raise these funds, the funds generated from the “Reef Conservation Tax” would go directly to agencies involved in the conservation of coral reefs. The funds would pay for some of the management actions described in previous questions in this survey. These management activities would improve the amount of reef fish, reduce pollution from the land, and restore damaged coral reefs.

Suppose, in order to implement the new policy, Hawaiʻi had to call a statewide referendum where all residents over age 18 were asked to vote on the amount of the tax increase. If the majority of persons vote for the increase, then the tax would be implemented.

Please note, there is currently NO actual tax under consideration.

If the proposed hypothetical tax were to cause your household expenses to increase by $XX per year, or in other words, $Y extra per month,1 how would you vote? Please consider what decision you would make if you really had to spend the extra money, given your current budget.

(CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER) [Q18 in CORE MODULE; Q90 in Full Question Bank]



SKIP PATTERN-- If respondent answers “yes” to Q19, skip to #21.

  1. [Telephone and Online script] What are the main reasons you would vote “no” to the “Reef Conservation Tax”? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) [INTERVIEWER: READ LIST; RECORD ALL THAT APPLY] [modified Q19 in CORE MODULE; modified Q91 in Full Question Bank]

    1. This increased tax would be too expensive for me

    2. I don’t trust the government to give the money to the environmental agencies

    3. I don’t think the environmental agencies are effective

    4. I prefer to donate directly to environmental organizations

    5. I don’t believe in raising taxes on principle

    6. I think that current management is effective and doesn’t require more economic resources

    7. Other

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How often do you use each of the following sources of information to provide you accurate information on coral reefs and coral reef related topics in Hawaiʻi? [TELEPHONE – INTERVIEWER REPEATS SCALE AS NEEDED] [Q20 in CORE MODULE; Q111 in Full Question Bank; modified Q14 and Q15 in 2014 Survey]







Newspapers, magazines, other print publications



Online news sources/websites

Social Media

Friends and family

Community leaders

State Government

Federal government agencies (NOAA, EPA)

Non-profit organizations

Other, please specify


[TELEPHONE SCRIPT] I just have a few more questions that will help us to interpret our results. As a reminder, the information you provide is completely confidential.

[ONLINE SCRIPT] There are just a few more questions that will help us to interpret our results.

As a reminder, the information you provide is completely confidential.

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Are you male or female? [Q21 in CORE MODULE; Q127 in Full Question Bank; Q19 in 2014 Survey]

  1. Male

  2. Female

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] What is your year of birth? __________________ [Q22 in CORE MODULE; Q126 in Full Question Bank; Q20 in 2014 Survey]

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How long have you lived in Hawaiʻi? [Q23 in CORE MODULE; Q134 in Full Question Bank; Q21 in 2014 Survey]

  1. 1 year or less

  2. 2-5 years

  3. 6-10 years

  4. more than 10 years

  5. all my life

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] What is your ZIP code? ______________ [Q24 in CORE MODULE; Q133 in Full Question Bank]

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] What race/ethnicity do you consider yourself? [Q25 in CORE MODULE; Q136 in Full Question Bank; Q23 in 2014 Survey]

    1. Native Hawaiian

    2. White/Caucasian

    3. Asian

    4. Chinese

    5. Filipino

    6. Japanese

    7. Korean

    8. American Indian or Alaskan Native

    9. Black or African American

    10. Micronesian (e.g., Carolinian, Chamorro, Chuukese, Palauan)

    11. Samoan

    12. Thai

    13. Tongan

    14. Vietnamese

    15. Hispanic or Latino

    16. More than one race/ethnicity

    17. Other

    18. No response

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] What is the highest level of education you have completed [Q26 in CORE MODULE; Q128 in Full Question Bank; Q24 in 2014 Survey]

  1. 8th Grade or Less

  2. Some high school

  3. High School Graduate, GED

  4. Some college, community college or AA

  5. College Graduate

  6. Graduate School, Law School, Medical School

  7. No Response

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] What is your current employment status? [Q129 in Full Question Bank]

    1. Unemployed

    2. Student

    3. Employed full time

    4. Homemaker

    5. Employed part time

    6. Retired

    7. No Response

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Is your current or most recent occupation related to the marine environment/industry? [Modified Q27 in CORE MODULE; Q115 in Full Question Bank]

    1. Yes

    2. No


  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Please indicate the industry that best fits your current or most recent occupation. [Modified Q28 in CORE MODULE; Q116 in Full Question Bank]

    1. Commercial fishing

    2. Charter fishing

    3. Dive/snorkel operation

    4. Marina/boat operation

    5. Other watersports

    6. Eco-tour operation

    7. Ecological research

    8. Ocean/coastal management

    9. Artisan

    10. Education

    11. Other, please specify _____________________

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] How many adults aged 18 years or older live in your household, including yourself? _______ [Modified Q125 in Full Question Bank]

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Do you own a working cellphone, landline, or both? [New question; Needed for sample weighting]

    1. Cellphone

    2. Landline

    3. Both

  1. [TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] What is your annual household income? [Q132 in Full Question Bank]

  1. Under $10,000

  2. $10,000-19,999

  3. $20,000-29,999

  4. $30,000-39,999

  5. $40,000-49,999

  6. $50,000-59,999

  7. $60,000-74,999

  8. $75,000-99,999

  9. $100,000-149,999

  10. $150,000 or More

  11. No Response

[TELEPHONE AND ONLINE SCRIPT] Thank you for taking the time to provide your responses for the NOAA National Coral Reef Monitoring Program 2020 Hawai´i survey.

1 Bid range: $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, $500


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorPeter Edwards
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-05-31

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