Using Data Module Storyboards

National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Version 5.0

Using Data Module Storyboards

OMB: 1660-0069

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Using NFIRS Data Module Storyboards

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



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Tutorial Menu

Using NFIRS Data Tutorial Menu

Task List

This section of the resource center presents information about Using NFIRS Data.

To learn more about Using NFIRS Data, click on a topic below or click on the Next arrow to view all topics in sequential order.

  • What Is Using NFIRS Data?

  • Why Is Using NFIRS Data Important?

  • How Do I Obtain and Use NFIRS Data?






Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

Design this as a menu screen with links to the following pages:

What Is Using NFIRS Data? - Screen 1.1

Why Is Using NFIRS Data Important? - Screen 1.8

How Do I Obtain and Use NFIRS Data? - Screen 1.9

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu

What Is Using NFIRS Data? (Screen 1 of 2)

Task List

Using NFIRS data includes the skills necessary to extract and utilize the data collected by NFIRS 5.0. These data include:






Roll your mouse over the topics above to learn more about these elements of NFIRS data.






Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

Each of the text boxes on this screen is a rollover object. Display the information shown below when the mouse is rolled over the rollover object.


NFIRS collects data about all of the people involved in the fire incident including those who responded to the fire, the owners or occupants of the property, the people who were injured, the arson suspects (if applicable), and more.


NFIRS collects data about what happened during the incident including the cause of the fire, the extent of the fire damage to property, the type of injuries that occurred, the type and amount of HazMat involvement, and more.


NFIRS collects data about when events relating to the fire incident occurred including the date and time of the alarm, the dispatch time of personnel and equipment, the time that personnel and equipment arrived at the scene, the time that additional personnel and equipment arrived at the scene, the time that EMS personnel first made contact with injured persons, the time injured persons were transported, the time personnel and equipment left the scene, and more.


NFIRS collects data about where the incident occurred including the location of the property involved in the fire, the place in that property where the fire started, the location of fire damage, the location where injuries occurred, and more.


NFIRS collects data about how the incident occurred including how the fire started, how the fire spread, how injuries occurred, how the fire was extinguished, and more.

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



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Tutorial Menu

What Is Using NFIRS Data? (Screen 2 of 2)

Task List

In order to benefit from the Who, What, When, Where, and How data collected by NFIRS, the data must be extracted from the system in a format can be used to:

  • Prepare annual reports.

  • Respond to information requests.

  • Forecast trends.

  • Justify budget expenditures.

Extracting the needed data from the system is the key to using NFIRS data.

Graphic showing NFIRS 5.0 as a box with Who, What, When, Where, and How flowing (arrows in) into the box from above and Reports, Statistics, $ Values, Times, Names flowing (arrows out) out of the box from the bottom.






Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



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Tutorial Menu

Why Is Using NFIRS Data Important?

Task List

Knowing how to extract data from NFIRS 5.0 and how to use that data are critically important to the NFIRS program manager. Once extracted, data can be used:

For statistical analysis

In PowerPoint presentations

In annual reports

For solving problems

In combination with other data collection systems

Roll your mouse over the topics above to learn more about how extracted data are used.






Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

Each of the text boxes on this screen is a rollover object. Display the information shown below when the mouse is rolled over the rollover object.

For statistical analysis

NFIRS program managers use data extracted from NFIRS to calculate average response times, total number of responses per day/month/year, numbers of incidents of various types, and more. Statistical analysis can be done manually or using the data analysis tools available in Excel spreadsheets.

In PowerPoint presentations

NFIRS program managers use data extracted from NFIRS in charts created within PowerPoint presentations. These pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs, and so forth graphically display the extracted data in an easily understood form. Charts created in Excel can also be imported into PowerPoint presentations.

In annual reports

Each year NFIRS program managers assemble multiple statistical analyses and a wide variety of charts into annual reports. These reports provide details about the organization in a comprehensive document that is used by the organization, other government agencies, and the public.

Using NFIRS Data



For solving problems

NFIRS program managers extract data from NFIRS to solve problems that may include finding arsonists, identifying the need for new equipment or facilities, justifying budget requests, and more. NFIRS program managers at all levels also receive information requests from students, the media, insurance companies, other government agencies, lobbyists, and private companies. Data extracted from NFIRS can provide the data necessary to answer these questions.

In combination with other data collection systems

NFIRS program managers use NFIRS data in conjunction with other database applications including Geographic Information System (GIS) systems, health department databases, and census tract data. Use of NFIRS data with these systems expands the relevance of the data collected by showing NFIRS data in relation to the other elements (e.g., geographic location, health department statistics, and census population statistics).

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu

How Do I Obtain and Use NFIRS Data? (Screen 1 of 7)

Task List

In order to gain the many benefits of NFIRS data collection, the NFIRS program manager must:

  1. Extract the Data From the System.

  • Develop a plan for data use.

  • Compile and analyze NFIRS data.

  • Combine with data from other databases.

  1. Use the Data Effectively.

  • Present the data.

  • Report the data.

  • Solve problems with data.






Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu

How Do I Obtain and Use NFIRS Data? (Screen 2 of 7)

Task List

Develop a Plan For NFIRS Data Use

The NFIRS program manager must plan for data use just as he/she must plan for managing, training, or marketing NFIRS.

The plan should include the details of how you will:

  • Extract the data from the system.

  • Use the data in presentations, reports, and problem solving.

  • Use data collected in previous versions of NFIRS.

  • Control access to the collected data.

Graphic: Photo of various planning documents including Managing NFIRS, Training for NFIRS, Marketing NFIRS, NFIRS Data Use.






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Programming Notes:

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



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Tutorial Menu

How Do I Obtain and Use NFIRS Data? (Screen 3 of 7)

Task List

Compile and Analyze NFIRS Data

Once the data have been extracted from the system, they can be analyzed using statistical methods and tools, including spreadsheets.

The raw data will be more effective when presented as:

  • Totals.

  • Averages.

  • Percentages.

  • A chart.

Graphic: Pie chart with each section of the chart a different color. Use chart shown on page SM-4-9 of the National Fire Incident Reporting System Program Management, Student Manual






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Programming Notes:

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu

How Do I Obtain and Use NFIRS Data? (Screen 4 of 7)

Task List

Combine With Data From Other Databases

NFIRS program managers should be aware that data collected in NFIRS 5.0 can be combined with data stored in other databases.

NFIRS program managers may want to consider using a Geographic Information System (GIS) along with NFIRS 5.0. A GIS provides a graphic display of fire incident data in a layer on top of a map.

Graphic: GIS map graphic taken from the USGS GIS page relating to emergency response planning:






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Programming Notes:

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu

How Do I Obtain and Use NFIRS Data? (Screen 5 of 7)

Task List

Present the Data

The data collected in NFIRS 5.0 can be of great use to NFIRS program managers and other staff members.

The raw data, however, need to be presented in a graphical format so that the information:

  • Is easy to understand.

  • Is more likely to be remembered.

  • Presents the message clearly.

Graphic: Photo of person delivering a presentation in front of a group of people. Photo should show pie chart or similar chart on screen if possible.






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Programming Notes:

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu

How Do I Obtain and Use NFIRS Data? (Screen 6 of 7)

Task List

Report the Data

Annual, biannual, monthly, and one-time-only reports need facts and figures to support them.

NFIRS data provide that support.

Data used in reports can be very detailed and should be presented in graphical format whenever possible.

Graphic: Stack of reports, some a few pages long, others bound volumes. Thick report should be labeled Annual Report.






Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu

How Do I Obtain and Use NFIRS Data? (Screen 7 of 7)

Task List

Solve Problems With the Data

NFIRS 5.0 program managers are likely to solve problems with NFIRS data on a regular basis.

Program managers may find that using an organized problem-solving process makes problem solving easier and more efficient.

Click on the Next arrow to go directly to the Task List, which will help you get started, or click on the buttons on the left side of this screen to access the other portions of the Using NFIRS Data section of the Toolkit.

Graphic: Program manager sitting in front of a computer with 1 hand on the keyboard, 1 hand writing on a piece of paper, and a phone held up to his ear with his shoulder.






Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu

Task List


Task List

Using NFIRS Data Task List

Use this Task List as a guide as you develop your ongoing Using NFIRS Data plan.

Extract the Data From the System
  • Develop a plan for NFIRS Data Use

  • Compile and Analyze NFIRS Data

  • Combine With Data From Other Databases

Use the Data Effectively
  • Present the Data

  • Report the Data

  • Solve Problems With the Data

Develop Data Use Policies and Procedures To Support the Data Use Plan

Budget For the Data Use Plan

You may scroll through the entire Task List or click on a topic above to go to the tasks related to that topic. Click on the hypertext links in the Task List to go directly to the online viewable version of the documents referenced in the Task List.

Extract the Data From the System

Develop a Plan For NFIRS Data Use

  • Determine how you will use NFIRS data.

  • Make a list of the information you expect to use in presentations for the next year.

  • Review the Detailed Description of NFIRS Modules, Sections, and Blocks to refresh your memory regarding exactly what data are collected.

  • Determine what information you need to extract to tell the story of your organization and how it performs. The information you extract might include:

  • Total number of incidents responded to by incident type.

  • Average incident response time for all units.

  • Average incident response time for individual units.






Using NFIRS Data



  • Total number of incidents responded to by volunteers.

  • The number of times individual pieces of apparatus were used.

  • The percentage of all residential fires in which residents were alerted by smoke detectors.

  • Make a list of the information you want to include in an annual report. (Check these links to see samples of typical annual reports: 1999 Fire in Minnesota, Oregon State Fire Marshal Fire Data Page, and the Caldwell, Idaho NFPA Reports.)

  • Make a list of the information you expect to need to solve problems during the next year. This might include:

  • Answers to questions you frequently receive from the media, students, the public, and other government agencies.

  • Potential organizational problems you may be asked to solve (e.g., locate new fire stations, eliminate fire stations, justify new equipment purchases, etc.).

  • Determine how you will extract needed data from NFIRS.

  • Using the Federal Client Tool. (Refer to the Federal Client Tool Reporting Options job aid in the Tools section of the Toolkit and the Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating Standard Reports in the Samples section of the Toolkit.

  • Use NFIRS 5.0 standard queries to generate reports in on-line mode.

  • Use NFIRS 5.0 custom queries to generate reports in on-line mode.

  • Use Microsoft Access or other database or report-generating application to generate reports from consolidated State, county, or department databases off-line.

  • Download State database Microsoft Access or other database application to generate custom queries and reports in off-line mode.

  • Using third-party software.

  • Standard reports.

  • List the standard reports available from the third-party software you plan to use.

  • Obtain printed copies of each standard report so that you can see exactly what information is included when the report is generated.

  • Do these reports meet all of your expected needs? If they do not, complete the tasks under the Custom reports section.

Using NFIRS Data



  • Custom reports.

  • Does the software provide a custom report capability within the tool?

  • How difficult is it to create a custom report or query?

  • Can custom reports or queries be saved for repeated use?

  • Does your vendor supply technical assistance for the creation of custom reports?

  • Is this assistance free or is there a charge?

  • What is the fee and what does the fee include?

  • If the standard and/or custom reports provided by your software do not fully meet your needs, explore the use of external report writers with your software.

  • Can external report writers be used with your software?

  • Which report writers can be used?

  • Crystal Report Writer

  • Matryx

  • MatryxAccess

  • R&R Report Writer


  • Other __________________

  • Determine how you will use data collected in previous versions of the Federal Client Tool.

  • Review the NFIRS Data Conversion Tables in the Tools section of the Toolkit to see which fields are affected when data are converted from version 4.1 to version 5.0.

  • Review NFIRS 5.0 Data Conversion Matrix for Reports in the Tools section of the Toolkit for reporting options to consider.

  • Select the reporting option you will use:

  • Do not use the historical data from version 4.1 at all.

  • Keep the data in the two systems separate and do queries in each system when data are needed.

  • Combine the data from the two systems into the 5.0 database and then do separate queries in 5.0 on 4.1 data and on 5.0 data.

  • State program manager must write State data use policies and procedures. (Refer to the Step-by-Step Instructions for Setting NFIRS Access Permissions in the Samples section of the Toolkit.) Those permissions may include:

Using NFIRS Data



  • Set permissions for individuals to have access to State partition of the national database.

  • County or department NFIRS program managers.

  • Other State government agency staff members.

  • NFIRS program managers from other States and metropolitan areas.

  • Grant permission for identified individuals to view and/or generate reports.

  • Permission to view existing reports:

  • All State data.

  • Specific counties or departments.

  • Permission to generate reports:

  • All State data.

  • Specific counties or departments.

  • Establish a tree structure with a folder for each county or department within the State.

Back to Top

Compile and Analyze NFIRS Data

  • Review Chapter 4 of the Fire Data Analysis Handbook to learn about basic statistics and how to use them.

  • Review Chapter 3 of the Fire Data Analysis Handbook to learn about the different type of charts and graphs and how to use them.

  • Review Unit 4 of the National Fire Incident Reporting System Program Management, Student Manual for a detailed discussion of the use of data for problem solving, charting techniques, and the fire data analysis process.

  • Follow the Compiling and Analyzing Data Links in the Links section of the Toolkit to learn more about statistics, data analysis, and fire data analysis techniques and tools.

  • Extract data from the NFIRS database using standard reports and/or custom queries. (Refer to the NFIRS 5.0 Data Conversion Matrix for Reports in the Tools section of the Toolkit.)

  • Input raw data into a spreadsheet. Use the spreadsheet to:

  • Find totals.

  • Calculate averages.

  • Identify trends.

Using NFIRS Data



  • Run projections.

  • Create charts. (Refer to Creating Charts in Excel and PowerPoint in the Tools section of the Toolkit.)

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Combine With Data From Other Databases

  • Determine if you want to plan to use NFIRS data with a Geographic Information System (GIS).

  • Review NFIRS 5.0 and a Geographic Information System (GIS) in the Tools section of the Toolkit to learn about how you can use NFIRS data with a Geographic Information System.

  • Follow the GIS Links in the Links section of the Toolkit to see examples of how fire incident data have been used with a GIS.

Back to Top

Use the Data Effectively

Present the Data

  • Review Unit 5 of the National Fire Incident Reporting System Program Management, Student Manual for a detailed discussion of effective presentation techniques and developing presentations using PowerPoint.

  • Review Chapters 2 and 3 of the Fire Data Analysis Handbook to learn about histograms and the different type of charts and graphs and how to use them in presentations.

  • Review Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Presentation in the Tools section of the Toolkit for presentation guidelines.

  • Review 10 Tips for Creating Effective Visual Presentations in the Tools section of the Toolkit for presentation visual design guidelines.

  • Prepare and deliver the presentation.

  • Identify the target audience for the presentation.

  • Determine the message you are going to deliver.

  • Extract the data from the NFIRS 5.0 database to support the message.

  • Display the data in a graphic format that is easily understood by the target audience. (Refer to Creating Charts in Excel and PowerPoint in the Tools section of the Toolkit.)

  • Deliver the presentation.

  • Obtain and record feedback on the presentation and use it to improve future presentations including:

  • Presentation content

Using NFIRS Data



  • Visual design

  • Use of charts and graphs

  • Presentation delivery

Back to Top

Report the Data

  • Review Fire in the United States as an example of the use of fire incident data in an annual report.

  • Follow the links in the Reporting Data Links portion of the Links section of the Toolkit to see examples of annual reports from State and local fire departments.

  • Prepare and distribute the report.

  • Identify the target audience for the report.

  • Determine the message you are going to deliver in the report.

  • Extract the data from the NFIRS 5.0 database to support the message.

  • Display the data in a graphic format that is easily understood by the target audience. (Refer to Creating Charts in Excel and PowerPoint in the Tools section of the Toolkit.)

  • Establish publication guidelines for the report:

  • Who will receive the report?

  • How will the report be published?

  • Printed and distributed via USPS or other mail distribution system.

  • Distributed electronically via email, diskette, CD, etc.

  • Electronic version placed on your Web site.

  • Other: __________________

  • When will the report be published?

  • One time only.

  • Annually.

  • Monthly.

  • Every 6 months.

  • Other: ___________________

Using NFIRS Data



  • Obtain and record feedback on the report and use it to improve future reports including:

  • Report content

  • Visual design

  • Use of charts and graphs

  • Distribution method

Back to Top

Solve Problems With the Data

  • Follow the links in the Solving Problems With Data Links portion of the Links section of the Toolkit to learn about the problem-solving process.

  • Review Unit 4 of the National Fire Incident Reporting System Program Management, Student Manual for a detailed discussion of the use of data for problem solving, charting techniques, and the fire data analysis process.

  • Consider using the Special Studies block in the Basic Module to capture data to solve the problem.

  • Block E3 provides two fields for optional local use.

  • Temporary data can be used to collect information for a specified period of time.

  • Data elements are:

  • Special Study ID Number (SSID) - a five-digit number that identifies the special study.

  • Special Study Value - a five-digit number representing the data being collected. It is up to the individual or group running the special study to define the values that are to be entered in this field.

  • Follow the five-step problem-solving process to identify and solve the problem. (Refer to page 4-4 in Unit 4 of the National Fire Incident Reporting System Program Management, Student Manual for a detailed discussion of the five-step problem-solving process.)

  • Define the problem. If the problem is large or complex you may need to break it into small, manageable chunks at this point and solve each part of the problem separately.

  • Develop a data analysis plan, including dependent and independent data requirements and assumptions.

  • Extract the data from the NFIRS 5.0 database.

  • Organize the data.

  • Analyze and report the results. (Refer to the tasks under Report the Data above for details.)

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Using NFIRS Data



Develop Data Use Policies and Procedures

  • Write policies and procedures to support the data use plan. (Refer to the Sample State NFIRS Procedure Manual Pages and Sample State NFIRS Policy Manual Pages in the Samples section of the Toolkit, and Suggested Policies and Procedures in the Tools section of the Toolkit.)

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Budget for the Data Use Plan

Develop a budget to support the NFIRS Data Use Plan and consolidate it with the budgets developed for all other aspects of NFIRS. (Refer to the Budget Items Table in the Tools section of the Toolkit and the Planning, Managing, Marketing, Support, and Training sections of the Toolkit for additional budget items.)

Back to Top

Click on the Back arrow to return to the Task List menu screen.

Programming Notes:

Locate the Print button on this screen. When the Print button is clicked, print the document Using NFIRS DataTaskList.doc. (NOTE: This document will be developed following review of the storyboards.)

Create hypertext links to the documents or Toolkit sections shown in blue and underlined in the Task List.

Make this a single scrollable page.

The bulleted section titles on the top of this page will function as buttons. When the buttons are clicked, take the user directly to the section of the page where the section begins.

Add Back to Top links at the end of each section to return the user to the top of the page.

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu



Task List

The following frequently asked questions and answers relating to the use of NFIRS data may help you plan for data use.

You may scroll through the entire list of questions or click on a question below to go directly to display the answer. Click the Print FAQs button to print the FAQs.

  • Do I need to use the custom query capability of the Federal Client Tool?

  • Can I generate the standard reports in off-line mode?

  • How do I find out what standard reports are available from my third-party vendor?






Do I need to use the custom query capability of the Federal Client Tool?

You may not need to use the custom query capability of the Federal Client Tool if the standard reports provide all of the information you need. The custom query capability is provided so that you can obtain customized information to fit your unique data needs.

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Can I generate the standard reports in off-line mode?

The report-generating capabilities are only available when you are connected to the national database via the Internet.

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How do I find out what standard reports are available from my third-party vendor?

If your vendor has a demo copy of the software, check to see if you can input data and then generate reports using the demo copy. If all of the reports are not available through the demo copy, ask your vendor to send you a printed copy of each report.

Back to Top

Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

Locate the Print button on this screen. When clicked, print the document Using NFIRS DataFAQs.doc (NOTE: This document will be developed following review of the storyboards.)

Make this a single scrollable page.

Using NFIRS Data



The bulleted questions on the top of this page will function as buttons. When the buttons are clicked, take the user directly to the section of the page where the section begins.

Add Back to Top links at the end of each section to return the user to the top of the page.

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



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Tutorial Menu


Task List

The following manuals contain information referenced in this section.

Click on the Entire Document buttons to view or download the entire document.





Detailed Description of NFIRS Modules, Sections, and Blocks

These pages from the Overview section of the Toolkit describe the NFIRS 5.0 modules, sections and blocks in detail. Review them to refresh your memory regarding data elements collected in NFIRS 5.0.

Entire Doc




NFIRS 5.0 Design Documentation, January 2001

This document contains the detailed design specifications for NFIRS 5.0. Provide this document to the database analyst who is designing custom queries or creating reports from a local database for you.

Entire Doc



Fire Data Analysis Handbook

Detailed discussion of statistics, charts, and graphs. Review this reference to find out how to analyze and present data effectively.

Entire Doc



National Fire Incident Reporting System Program Management Course, Student Manual

Comprehensive manual about NFIRS program management. Refer to Section 3 for information on charts and graphs. Refer to Section 4 for detailed information relating to problem solving, charting techniques, and fire data analysis. Refer to Section 5 for information on developing presentations and presentation techniques.

Entire Doc



Fire in the United States

Annual report of the USFA. Review this document to see how fire incident data can be used effectively in an annual report.

Entire Doc



Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Managing NFIRS Data



Programming Notes:

When clicked, the View and Download buttons display the following documents or set up download of the documents shown.

Detailed Description of NFIRS Modules, Sections, and Blocks

These pages are included in the Overview module of the Toolkit. Pages 113, 113a - e, 114, and 114a-g.

Using Data button: Not available

Entire Document button - Entire document in html format.

NFIRS 5.0 Design Documentation, January 2001

Document is located on the Resources CD, /NFIRS 5 System Specifications/

Using Data button: Not available.

Entire Document button - Entire document in PDF format.

Fire Data Analysis Handbook

Document is located on the Resources CD, /Data Analysis/Analysis.PDF.

Using Data button: Not available.

Entire Document button - Entire document in PDF format.

National Fire Incident Reporting System Program Management Course, Student Manual

Document location - TBD.

Using Data button: Not available.

Entire Document button - Entire document in PDF format.

Fire in the United States

Latest edition of the document is located at

Using Data button: Not available

Entire Document button - Entire document in PDF format.

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



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Tutorial Menu


Task List

Click on the buttons to the right of the samples shown below to display the samples on your screen or to download a copy.



Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating Standard Reports

Sample instructions for creating standard reports using the Federal Client Tool. Review these sample procedures to learn how to use the reporting capabilities of the Federal Client Tool.





Step-by-Step Instructions for Setting NFIRS Access Permissions

Sample instructions for setting up access permissions for the on-line national database. Review these sample instructions to learn how to set permissions to your State partition in the national database.




Sample State NFIRS Procedure Manual Pages

Sample pages showing how NFIRS data flow is conducted and controlled. You may want to use them as a guide when preparing your own procedure manual.



Sample State NFIRS Policy Manual Pages

Sample pages showing NFIRS policies relating to data flow. You may want to use them as a guide when preparing your own policy manual.



Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

When clicked, the View and Download buttons display the following documents or set up download of the documents shown.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating Standard Reports

Location - TBD (Marion Long indicated that he would create this tool.)

Step-by-Step Instructions for Setting NFIRS Access Permissions

Location - TBD (Marion Long indicated that he would create this tool.)

Sample State NFIRS Procedure Manual Pages

Location - TBD (Need to acquire a sample or samples from Marion Long or other State program managers)

Sample State NFIRS Policy Manual Pages

Location - TBD (Need to acquire a sample or samples from Marion Long or other State program managers)

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



Main Menu



Tutorial Menu


Task List

Click on the buttons to the right of the tools shown below to display the tools on your screen or to download a copy.



Suggested Policies and Procedures

Detailed list and description of policies and procedures you may want to write and distribute when you implement NFIRS 5.0.






Federal Client Tool Reporting Options

Table that provides a breakdown of the reporting options available if the Federal Client Tool is used. Use this table as a decision-making support tool when deciding how you will extract data from the NFIRS database.





NFIRS 5.0 Data Matrix for Reports

Table that lists common information extracted from the NFIRS database for reports along with field name and module location. Use this quick reference when building an NFIRS 5.0 query.




Budget Items Table

Table that identifies and describes key items to be included in the budget. You may want to use this table when putting together your budget for NFIRS 5.0 implementation.



Creating Charts in Excel and PowerPoint

One-page quick reference guide to creating charts in Excel and PowerPoint. Print this one out to use when you are ready to create charts in Excel or PowerPoint.



NFIRS 5.0 and a Geographic Information System (GIS)

A brief description of a GIS with answers to commonly asked questions about a GIS. Review this quick reference for general information about GIS.



Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Presentation

List of tips and guidelines for preparing effective visual aids. You may want to review these tips when preparing your marketing presentation materials.



10 Tips for Creating Effective Visual Presentations

List of Do’s and Don’ts for effective presentations. As you prepare to deliver your marketing presentations for large or small groups, these guidelines will come in handy.



Using NFIRS Data



NFIRS 5.0 Data Conversion Matrix for Reports

Matrix identifying conversion issues and showing the impact of conversion of data from version 4.1 of the Federal Client Tool to version 5.0. Review this document if you have historical data collected in version 4.1 that you may want to convert into 5.0 format.



NFIRS Data Conversion Tables

Excel spreadsheet that details the differences between data entry fields in version 4.1 and 5.0 of the Federal Client Tool. You should review these tables if you have data to convert so that you understand the differences between 4.1 and 5.0 data.



Click on the Next arrow to continue.

Programming Notes:

When clicked, the View and Download buttons display the following documents or set up download of the documents shown.

Federal Client Tool Reporting Options - FCTReportingOptions.doc

NFIRS 5.0 Data Matrix for Reports - NFIRS Data Matrix.doc

Budget Items Table - Budget.doc

Suggested Policies and Procedures - Policies.doc

Creating Charts in Excel and PowerPoint - CreatingCharts.doc

NFIRS 5.0 and a Geographic Information System (GIS) - NFIRS and GIS.doc

Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Presentations - EffectivePresentations.doc

10 Tips for Creating Effective Visual Presentations - EffectiveVisuals.doc

NFIRS 5.0 Data Conversion Matrix for Reports - NFIRSConversion.doc

Conversion Tables - ConversionTables.xls

Using NFIRS Data



Using NFIRS Data



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Task List

This page contains a number of links you may find useful in developing Using NFIRS Data services.

Click on a link to display the identified Web site. You may scroll through the entire list or click on a topic heading below to go to the links related to that topic. The Web site will be displayed in a new browser window.

  • Compiling and Analyzing Data Links

  • GIS Links

  • Presenting Data Links

  • Reporting Data Links

  • Problem-Solving Links






Compiling and Analyzing Data Links

Statistics Every Writer Should Know

An introductory explanation of statistical terms from the Web site You’ll find this a useful site to learn about statistics if it is a new area of work for you.

Instructions on Data Analysis

Instructions on the steps involved in data analysis. This site will help you plan your data analysis and understand data analysis terminology.

The Data Analysis BriefBook

An alphabetical listing of different types of data models, with detailed scientific explanations of each. This is a good place to learn data analysis terminology.

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Using NFIRS Data



GIS Links

GIS Homepage

An introduction to GIS terms, concepts, and usage from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Web site. This is a good place to start to learn about GIS and how it can be used.

GIS Homepage: Emergency Response Planning

A page on the USGS Web site that details how GIS can be used in emergency response planning. Check out this link to see a good practical application of GIS.

About GIS

General information about the use of GIS, including specific trade applications, from the Environmental Systems Research Institute Web site. Follow this link to learn more about GIS., Fire/Emergency Management Services/Disaster

Link to a commercial GIS Web site with many features and links. Check out this link to learn more about GIS use in fire and emergency services situations, including several success stories.

The Visualization and Analysis of Fire Incidents Using GIS

An article from the University of Wales detailing the results of a fire incident database analysis where a GIS was used to investigate the patterns of fire incidents by type, spatial, distribution, and temporal dimension. Follow this link to read a detailed success story article.

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Presenting Data Links

Microsoft Excel Charts

A short tutorial on using Excel to create charts from the University of Texas. Follow this link to see detailed, step-by-step instructions for creating charts and take a look at the many other useful handouts available on this site.

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Using NFIRS Data



Reporting Data Links

Minnesota Department of Public Safety, State Fire Marshal’s Office, “1998 Fire in Minnesota”

Highlights from the Minnesota State Fire Marshal’s 1998 Annual Report, “1998 Fire in Minnesota.” Follow this link to see a detailed annual report using NFIRS data extensively.

Annual Reports From OSFM Data Unit

Includes links to the 1999 and 1998 Office of State Fire Marshal (OSFM) annual reports, which analyze fire causes in Oregon. Follow this link to see a detailed annual report and to see how NFIRS data can be used.

Caldwell Annual Report

An annual county fire data report from Caldwell, ID. Follow this link to see an annual report using fire incident data published by a small town in Idaho.

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Problem-Solving Links

Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making

Discusses some guidelines for addressing problems, devising a plan to solve problems, and implementing that plan. Also includes links to other related resources. Check out this link to learn about the problem-solving process.

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File Typeapplication/msword
File TitlePlanning Module
AuthorKathleen Stell
Last Modified ByHuman Technology, Inc.
File Modified2001-07-03
File Created2001-05-31

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