2021 QuickCompass of Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Personnel
Background Information
Question Number on Survey: Q1
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SRELIG
Variable Text: Are you currently a(n):
Variable Label: Q1 Current role
//HARD PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
//TERMINATE IF Q1 = “I do not currently hold any of the above roles” or Q1 = -99//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) |
2= |
Victim Advocate (VA) |
3= |
Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA) |
4= |
Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC)/Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC)/Special Victims’ Paralegal (SVP) |
5= |
I do not currently hold any of the above roles |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q2
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SRSEX
Variable Text: Are you…?
Variable Label: Q2 Sex
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Male |
2= |
Female |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q3
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SRSTAT
Variable Text: When you are performing your [INSERT RESPONSE FROM Q1] duties, what is your status?
Variable Label: Q3 Duty status
//HARD PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Active duty military |
2= |
Reserve |
3= |
National Guard |
4= |
Department of Defense (DoD) or Military Service/Department civilian employee |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q4
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SRSVCA
Variable Text: Of which Service are you a member?
Variable Label: Q4 Active service
//SHOW IF Q3 = “Active duty military”//
//HARD PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Army |
2= |
Navy |
3= |
Marine Corps |
4= |
Air Force |
5= |
Space Force |
6= |
Coast Guard |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q5
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SRCOMP
Variable Text: Of which Reserve component are you a member?
Variable Label: Q5 Reserve component
//SHOW IF Q3 = “National Guard/Reserve”//
//HARD PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Army National Guard |
2= |
Army Reserve |
3= |
Navy Reserve |
4= |
Marine Corps Reserve |
5= |
Air National Guard |
6= |
Air Force Reserve |
7= |
Coast Guard Reserve |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q6
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SRCIVSVC
Variable Text: For which Department of Defense (DoD) component do you work?
Variable Label: Q6 Civilian component
//SHOW IF Q3 = “Department of Defense (DoD) or Service civilian employee”//
//HARD PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Army |
2= |
Navy |
3= |
Marine Corps |
4= |
Air Force |
5= |
Space Force |
6= |
Coast Guard |
7= |
DoD Office, Agency, or Field Activity |
8= |
National Guard Military Dual Status Technician |
9= |
National Guard Non-Dual Status Technician |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q7
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SRMILPAY
Variable Text: What is your paygrade?
Variable Label: Q7 Active Reserve pay
//SHOW IF Q3 = “Active duty military” OR Q3 = “National Guard/Reserve”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
E-1 |
2= |
E-2 |
3= |
E-3 |
4= |
E-4 |
5= |
E-5 |
6= |
E-6 |
7= |
E-7 |
8= |
E-8 |
9= |
E-9 |
10= |
WO-1 |
11= |
CW-2 |
12= |
CW-3 |
13= |
CW-4 |
14= |
CW-5 |
15= |
O-1/O-1E |
16= |
O-2/O-2E |
17= |
O-3/O-3E |
18= |
O-4 |
19= |
O-5 |
20= |
O-6 or above |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q8
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SRCIVPAY
Variable Text: What is your paygrade?
Variable Label: Q8 Civilian pay
//SHOW IF Q3 = “Department of Defense (DoD) or Service civilian employee”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
GS 1–4 |
2= |
GS 5–8 |
3= |
GS 9–12 |
4= |
GS/GM 13–15 |
5= |
Highly Qualified Expert (HQE) |
6= |
Senior Executive Service (SES)/Senior Leader (SL) |
7= |
Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) |
8= |
Other |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q9
Question Type: Multi Select
Variable Name: SRCURRCOMP
Variable Text: Which of the following Department of Defense (DoD) components are you currently serving? Mark all that apply.
Variable Label: Q9 Current DoD component served
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Army |
Q9_1 Component: Army |
Army National Guard |
Q9_1 Component: ARNG |
Army Reserve |
Q9_3 Component: Army Reserve |
Navy |
Q9_4 Component: Navy |
Navy Reserve |
Q9_5 Component: Navy Reserve |
Marine Corps |
Q9_6 Component: MC |
Marine Corps Reserve |
Q9_7 Component: MC Reserve |
Air Force |
Q9_8 Component: AF |
Air National Guard |
Q9_9 Component: ANG |
Air Force Reserve |
Q9_10 Component: AFR |
Space Force |
Q9_11 Component: Space Force |
Coast Guard |
Q9_12 Component: Coast Guard |
Coast Guard Reserve |
Q9_12 Component: CGR |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-97= |
Multiple Response |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q10
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SRVLNGTH
Variable Text: How long have you served in the capacity of [INSERT RESPONSE FROM Q1]?
Variable Label: Q10 Time served
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Less than 1 year |
2= |
1 to less than 2 years |
3= |
2 to less than 3 years |
4= |
3 to less than 4 years |
5= |
4 to less than 5 years |
6= |
5 or more years |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q11
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: DUTIES
Variable Text: Are your duties as a(n) [INSERT RESPONSE FROM Q1]…?
Variable Label: Q11 Duties responsibilities
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Your sole duty |
2= |
Your primary duty, among multiple responsibilities |
3= |
A collateral duty |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q12
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SAPRVOL
Variable Text: Did you volunteer for your current role in [PROGRAM ACRO]?
Variable Label: Q12 Volunteer
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
2= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q13
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: DUTYLOC
Variable Text: Which of the following best describes your military location/area of operation (e.g., ship, installation, base, post) where you perform your current [INSERT RESPONSE FROM Q1] duties?
Variable Label: Q13 Duty location
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Contiguous United States (CONUS) |
2= |
Outside the Contiguous United States (OCONUS) |
3= |
At sea |
4= |
Other |
-99= |
Refused |
Duties and Case Load
Question Number on Survey: Q14
Question Type: Numeric
Variable Name: TOTSRVMIL
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, what is the approximate number of military victims you have served in this role?
Variable Label: Q14 Total military served
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 999,999
Value |
Value Label |
-99 |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q15
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: DTYINTFRE
Variable Text: To what extent do other duties interfere with your duties as a(n) [INSERT RESPONSE FROM Q1]?
Variable Label: Q15 Extent duties interfere
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all, this is my sole duty |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q16
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: TIMESPENT
Variable Text: In your role as [ANSWER FROM Q1], how often are you…? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q16 Duties
//FOR SUBITEMS A, B, C, D, F, G, H, I, L, M, N SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
//FOR SUBITEMS Q-U SHOW IF Q1 = “Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC)/Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC)/Special Victims’ Paralegal (SVP)”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Attending training |
Q16A Duties: Attending training |
Facilitating annual training |
Q16B Duties: Annual training |
Facilitating other training |
Q16C Duties: Other training |
Communicating and coordinating activities within my SAPR workgroup and/or on a Community Action Board |
Q16D Duties: CAB |
Providing direct victim assistance services related to sexual assault |
Q16E Duties: Direct assistance |
Performing sexual assault prevention tasks |
Q16F Duties: Prevention |
Conducting inspections |
Q16G Duties: Inspections |
Developing SAPR-related training activities and programs |
Q16H Duties: Developing trainings |
Doing outreach activities, such as posting and widely disseminating information about resources available to report and respond to sexual assault, such as the SAFE Helpline |
Q16I Duties: Outreach |
Providing technical assistance to commanders in my role as a subject matter expert about sexual assault |
Q16J Duties: SME |
Identifying additional resources to assist victims |
Q16K Duties: Additional resources |
Providing victim services not related to sexual assault (e.g., stalking, intimate partner violence, family advocacy, human trafficking, sexual harassment) |
Q16L Duties: Not SA |
Entering data into the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) |
Q16M Duties: DSAID |
Searching for SAPR tasks to fill your time |
Q16N Duties: Searching for tasks |
Taking time for self-care (e.g., meditating, taking breaks) |
Q16O Duties: Self-care |
Performing military duties unrelated to your role as a [INSERT ANSWER Q1] |
Q16P Duties: Other military duty |
Having one-on-one conversations with victims, including phone calls |
Q16Q Duties: One-on-one |
Preparing for the Case Management Group |
Q16R Duties: CMG |
Attending Sexual Assault Forensic Exams (SAFEs) |
Q16S Duties: SAFEs |
Coordinating with Military Criminal Investigation Organizations (MCIOs) |
Q16T Duties: MCIOs |
Working with legal partners |
Q16U Duties: Legal |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very often |
4= |
Often |
3= |
Sometimes |
2= |
Rarely |
1= |
Never |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q17
Question Type: Slider
Variable Name: AFTERHOURA
Variable Text: What is the approximate percentage of time you provide direct victim assistance services after duty hours?
Variable Label: Q17 After Hours assistance
//SHOW IF TIMESPENTE = “Very Often” OR “Often” OR “Sometimes” OR “Rarely”//
// SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question. //
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
0% |
2= |
10% |
3= |
20% |
4= |
30% |
5= |
40% |
6= |
50% |
7= |
60% |
8= |
70% |
9= |
80% |
10= |
90% |
11= |
100% |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q18
Question Type: Slider
Variable Name: AFTERHOURB
Variable Text: What is the approximate percentage of time you have one-on-one conversations with victims after duty hours?
Variable Label: Q18 After Hours one-on-one
//SHOW IF TIMESPENTQ = “Very Often” OR “Often” OR “Sometimes” OR “Rarely”//
// SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question. //
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
0% |
2= |
10% |
3= |
20% |
4= |
30% |
5= |
40% |
6= |
50% |
7= |
60% |
8= |
70% |
9= |
80% |
10= |
90% |
11= |
100% |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q19
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: DUTYINFO
Variable Text: To what extent do you feel…? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q19Duties
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Your SAPR duties are clearly communicated to you |
Q19A Duties: Clear communication |
There’s enough time to adequately perform your SAPR duties |
Q19B Duties: Enough time |
There’s enough money to adequately perform your SAPR duties |
Q19C Duties: Enough money |
There’s enough manpower to adequately perform your SAPR duties |
Q19D Duties: Enough manpower |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q20
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: WORKSAT
Variable Text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the work you do at your workplace? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q20 Work satisfaction
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Your work provides you with a sense of pride |
Q20 Work satisfaction pride |
Your work makes good use of your skills |
Q20 Work satisfaction skill use |
You like the kind of work you do |
Q20 Work satisfaction like the work |
Your job gives you the chance to acquire valuable skills |
Q20 Work satisfaction acquire skills |
Your present assignment is good for your career |
Q20 Work satisfaction current assignment |
You are satisfied with your job as a whole |
Q20 Work satisfaction overall |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Strongly agree |
4= |
Agree |
3= |
Neither agree nor disagree |
2= |
Disagree |
1= |
Strongly disagree |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q21
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: WORKEFF
Variable Text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the effectiveness of your Sexual Assault Response workgroup? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q21 Workgroup Effectiveness
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
The amount of output in my response workgroup is very high |
Q21 Workgroup output quantity |
The quality of the output of my response workgroup is very high |
Q21 Workgroup output quality |
When high-priority work arises, such as short suspenses, crash programs, and schedule changes, the people in my response workgroup do an outstanding job in handling these situations |
Q21 Workgroup prioritization |
My response workgroup always gets maximum output from available resources like personnel and materials |
Q21 Workgroup maximum output |
My response workgroup’s performance in comparison to similar workgroups is very high |
Q21 Workgroup performance |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Strongly agree |
4= |
Agree |
3= |
Neither agree nor disagree |
2= |
Disagree |
1= |
Strongly disagree |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q22
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: PREVCOMP
Variable Text: To what extent are you confident in your ability to… Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q22 Prevention competencies
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Describe and explain sexual assault as a major public health problem. |
Q22 Competencies public health |
Access, interpret, use and present sexual assault data. |
Q22 Competencies data |
Design, tailor, and implement sexual assault prevention activities. |
Q22 Competencies design |
Evaluate sexual assault prevention activities. |
Q22 Competencies evaluate |
Build and manage sexual assault prevention programs. |
Q22 Competencies build |
Disseminate information related to sexual assault prevention to Service members, other military and civilian professionals, key policy makers, and military leaders up the chain of command through diverse communication networks. |
Q22 Competencies disseminate |
Foster change related to sexual assault prevention through policy, enforcement, advocacy, and education. |
Q22 Competencies foster change |
Maintain and further develop competency as a sexual assault prevention professional. |
Q22 Competencies develop |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very confident |
4= |
Confident |
3= |
Neither confident nor unconfident |
2= |
Unconfident |
1= |
Very unconfident |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q23
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: TRAINTIME
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, how much time have you devoted to teaching sexual assault prevention in the following trainings?
Variable Label: Q23 Training time
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Mandatory training (provided to the units) |
Q23 Training mandatory |
Outreach activities (e.g., Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month [SAAPM], Community relations, or similar events) |
Q23 Training outreach |
Deployment training |
Q23 Training deployment |
Facilitated discussion groups |
Q23 Training discussion |
Other |
Q23 Training other |
Value |
Value Label |
4= |
More than 50% of the training time |
3= |
25-50% of the training time |
2= |
Less than 25% of the training time |
1= |
None of the training time |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q24
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: PREVELEM
Variable Text: During prevention training, were you able to cover the following training elements?
Variable Label: Q24 Prevention elements
// SHOW IF Q = “Yes” //
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Develop skills for health and safe interpersonal interactions (e.g., empathy; expectations for caring, respectful, and non-violent behaviors; sexual communication; consensual sexual behaviors; sexual respect). |
Q24 Elements: Skills |
Establish and maintain healthy command climates (e.g., reinforce norms that counter sexual assault, enforce harassment policies, implement bystander approaches). |
Q24 Elements: Climates |
Reduce harm and mitigate risk of sexual assault and behaviors on the continuum of harm (e.g., encourage help-seeking and reporting, enforce policies preventing retaliation |
Q24 Elements: Harm and Risk |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Not covered |
2= |
Partially covered |
3= |
Fully covered |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q25
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: COMMPREV
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, how frequently have commanders you support participated in the following events that emphasized sexual assault prevention?
Variable Label: Q25 Commander prevention
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Town Hall meetings |
Q25 Commander prev town hall |
Outreach activities (e.g., Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month [SAAPM], Community relations, or similar events). |
Q25 Commander prev outreach |
Commanders’ calls |
Q25 Commander prev calls |
Commander’s sections in base newspapers or the base cable channel |
Q25 Commander prev media |
Other |
Q25 Commander prev other |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very often |
4= |
Often |
3= |
Sometime |
2= |
Rarely |
1= |
Never |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q26
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: PREVRESI
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, how often have you faced the following barriers or challenges in implementing the elements of the DoD prevention approach?
Variable Label: Q Prevention Resistance
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Commander resistance |
Q26 Prevention res commanders |
Lack of resources |
Q26 Prevention res resources |
Lack of time |
Q26 Prevention res time |
Lack of clear guidance on implementation |
Q26 Prevention res guidance |
No community resources available |
Q26 Prevention res community |
Not enough continuing education opportunities to enhance prevention activities |
Q26 Prevention res education |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very often |
4= |
Often |
3= |
Sometime |
2= |
Rarely |
1= |
Never |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q27
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: CMNDSUPP
Variable Text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q27 Agree command support
//SHOW CMNDSUPPA IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
I am recognized by local commanders as the “go-to” person for issues related to sexual assault response (policy/program matters, victim care coordination, training, etc.). |
Q27A Agree command support: Go-to person for SA issues |
I am recognized by local commanders as the “go-to” person for legal issues related to sexual assault (policy/program matters, victim care coordination, training, etc.). |
Q27B Agree command support: Go-to person for legal issues |
I have direct and unimpeded access to local commanders. |
Q27C Agree command support: Access to local commanders |
Local commanders support me fully. |
Q27D Agree command support: Local command support |
Local commanders perceive my role as important. |
Q27E Agree command support: Local commanders perceive |
Local commanders feel comfortable speaking to victims on [PROGRAM ACRO]-related issues. |
Q27F Agree command support: Local commanders comfortable speaking to victims |
Local commanders feel comfortable speaking about [PROGRAM ACRO]-related issues in general. |
Q27G Agree command support: Local commanders comfortable SAPR issues |
I provide updates to senior commanders at least monthly. |
Q27H Agree command support: Update senior command |
My headquarters office supports my needs. |
Q27I Agree command support: Headquarters office support |
I have confidence that if I advocate for a victim, or victim focused process, that I would be supported by my commander. |
Q27J Agree command support: Advocate victim support |
The [PROGRAM ACRO] program is supported by my commander. |
Q27K Agree command support: Program support |
[PROGRAM ACRO] Training is prioritized at the command level. |
Q27L Agree command support: SAPR training |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Strongly agree |
4= |
Agree |
3= |
Neither agree nor disagree |
2= |
Disagree |
1= |
Strongly disagree |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q28
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: VICCOMM
Variable Text: How often do you communicate with the commanders of victims of sexual assault as part of your victim assistance duties?
Variable Label: Q28 Victim commanders
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very often |
4= |
Often |
3= |
Sometimes |
2= |
Rarely |
1= |
Never |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q29
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: PERCOMM
Variable Text: How often do you communicate with commanders of alleged perpetrators of sexual assault as part of your victim assistance duties?
Variable Label: Q29 Perpetrator commanders
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very often |
4= |
Often |
3= |
Sometimes |
2= |
Rarely |
1= |
Never |
-99= |
Refused |
Resources, Tools, and Support
Question Number on Survey: Q30
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: SAPRRSRC
Variable Text: To what extent has your local [PROGRAM] program been provided the following resources? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q30 SAPR resources
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Clothing for victims |
Q30A SAPR resources: Clothing for victims |
Transportation for victims |
Q30B SAPR resources: Transportation |
Administrative support |
Q30C SAPR resources: Admin support |
Safe space to meet with victims |
Q30D SAPR resources: Safe space to meet with victims |
Private space to meet with victims |
Q30E SAPR resources: Private space to meet with victims |
Reach-back support (i.e., get help/advice dealing with a case) |
Q30F SAPR resources: Reach back support |
Communication devices (e.g., government-provided mobile phone) |
Q30G SAPR resources: Communication devices |
Computer |
Q30H SAPR resources: Computer |
Ability to meet with victims virtually |
Q30I SAPR resources: Remote meetings |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
1= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-98= |
Not applicable |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q31
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: COLLCOMM
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, how frequently have you collaborated with the following community resources at your military location/area of operation? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q31 Community collaboration
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Local rape crisis center |
Q31A Community collaboration: Local rape crisis center |
Local civilian police |
Q31B Community collaboration: Local civilian police |
Local domestic violence shelter |
Q31C Community collaboration: Local domestic violence shelter |
Local civilian health agencies |
Q31D Community collaboration: Local civilian health agencies |
On-base alcohol and drug abuse prevention programs |
Q31E Community collaboration: On-base alcohol and drug abuse prevention programs |
Military Equal Opportunity Program |
Q31F Community collaboration: Military Equal Opportunity Program |
On-base Family Advocacy Program (FAP) |
Q31G Community collaboration: On-base FAP |
On-base police |
Q31H Community collaboration: On-base police |
Veterans Affairs (VA) Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Coordinator |
Q31I Community resource collaboration: VA MST |
SAPR Connect |
Q31J Community collaboration: SAPR Connect |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very often |
4= |
Often |
3= |
Sometimes |
2= |
Rarely |
1= |
Never |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q32
Question Type: Multi Select
Variable Name: REFERRSRC
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, I have made referrals to the following resources: Mark all that apply.
Variable Label: Q32 Referral
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Local rape crisis center |
Q32_1 Referral: Local rape crisis center |
Local civilian police |
Q32_2 Referral: Local civilian police |
Local domestic violence shelter |
Q32_3 Referral: Local domestic violence shelter |
Local civilian medical health agencies |
Q32_4 Referral: Civ medical health |
Military medical health agencies |
Q32_5 Referral: Mil medical health |
On-base alcohol and drug abuse prevention programs |
Q32_6 Referral: On-base alcohol and drug abuse prevention programs |
Military Equal Opportunity Program |
Q32_7 Referral: MEO Program |
On-base Family Advocacy Program (FAP) |
Q32_8 Referral: On-base FAP |
On-base police |
Q32_9 Referral: On-base police |
Safe Helpline (SHL) |
Q32_10 Referral: Safe Helpline (SHL) |
Group counseling |
Q32_11 Referral: Group counseling |
Safe HelpRoom |
Q32_12 Referral: Safe HelpRoom |
SAPR Source |
Q32_13 Referral: SAPR Source |
Peer-to-peer chat capability |
Q32_14 Referral: P2P chat |
SafeCare mobile app |
Q32_15 Referral: SafeCare mobile |
Civilian mental health clinic |
Q32_16 Referral: Civ mental health |
Military mental health clinic |
Q32_17 Referral: Mil mental health |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q33
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: VICTRELAT
Variable Text: As it relates to victim care, to what extent do you feel you receive the appropriate support from the following personnel? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q33 SAPR personnel resource
//SHOW VICTRELATA IF Q1 ≠ “Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC)/Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC)/Special Victims’ Paralegal (SVP)”//
//SHOW VICTRELATB IF Q1 ≠ “Victim Advocate (VA)” or “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
//SHOW VICTRELATC IF Q1 ≠ “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)”//
//SHOW VICTRELATH IF Q4 = “Air Force”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Special Victims’ Counsel/Victims’ Legal Counsel (SVC/VLC) |
Q33A SAPR personnel resource: SVC/VLC |
Victim Advocate (VA) |
Q33B SAPR personnel resource: VA |
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) |
Q33C SAPR personnel resource: SARC |
Military Criminal Investigative Organization (MCIO) |
Q33D SAPR personnel resource: MCIO |
Family Advocacy Program (FAP) |
Q33E SAPR personnel resource: FAP |
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office |
Q33F SAPR personnel resource: EEO Office |
Equal Opportunity Advisors (EOAs) |
Q33G SAPR personnel resource: EOAs |
Prevention Specialist |
Q33H SAPR personnel resource: Prevention |
Victim Witness Liaison |
Q33I SAPR personnel resource: Victim Witness |
Medical professionals |
Q33J SAPR personnel resource: Medical |
Mental health professionals |
Q33K SAPR personnel resource: Mental |
Chaplains/Chaplain staff |
Q33L SAPR personnel resource: Chaplain staff |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q34
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: DODSHL
Variable Text: Are you familiar with the DoD Safe Helpline (SHL)?
Variable Label: Q34 Familiar DOD SHL
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q35
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: DODSHLEXT
Variable Text: With regard to the DoD Safe Helpline (SHL), to what extent do…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q35 DoD SHL extent
//SHOW IF Q31 = “Yes”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
You educate leaders on the use of the DoD SHL |
Q35A DoD SHL extent: Leader use |
Leaders promote the use of the DoD SHL within their units |
Q35B DoD SHL extent: Promote SHL |
You use outreach materials, such as posters, brochures, and magnets, to promote the use of the DoD SHL |
Q35C DoD SHL extent: Outreach |
You use the DoD SHL at your military location/area of operation |
Q35D DoD SHL extent: Use SHL |
You use the DoD SHL educational program |
Q35E DoD SHL extent: SHL education |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q36
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: GRPCOUNSEL
Variable Text: Are group counseling resources available for victims of sexual assault at your location?
Variable Label: Q36 Group counseling at location
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q37
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: DODSHR
Variable Text: Are you familiar with Safe HelpRoom?
Variable Label: Q37 DoD Safe HelpRoom use
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q38
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: INITTRN
Variable Text: To what extent did your initial training for your role as [INSERT RESPONSE FROM Q1] prepare you for…?
Variable Label: Q38 Initial training
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Having structured conversations with victims |
Q38 Initial training: Victim contact |
Helping victims through the court-martial process |
Q38 Initial training: Court martial |
Serving men who have experienced sexual assault |
Q38 Initial training: Men |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q39
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: DSAIDUSE
Variable Text: Do you use the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) as part of your routine job duties?
Variable Label: Q39 DSAID use in job duties
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q40
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: DSAIDEXT
Variable Text: To what extent do you use the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) for…? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q37 DSAID extent
//SHOW IF Q39 = “Yes”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Tracking cases for reporting purposes |
Q40A DSAID extent: Track cases |
Tracking victims’ service referrals |
Q40B DSAID extent: Organize data |
Case management activities |
Q40C DSAID extent: Case management |
Tracking victims’ locations |
Q40D DSAID extent: Track victims |
Records management |
Q40E DSAID extent: Record management |
Manpower (e.g., counting hours, contacts) |
Q40F DSAID extent: Manpower |
Reporting out data on cases to leadership |
Q40G DSAID extent: Leadership |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q41
Question Type: Open End Essay
Variable Name: DSAIDTRN
Variable Text: What, if anything, is missing from your current Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) training? Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q41 DSAID missing from training
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1500
//SHOW IF Q39 = “Yes”//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q42
Question Type: Open End Essay
Variable Name: DSAIDCAP
Variable Text: Which additional capabilities would you like the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) to have? Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q42DSAID additional capabilities
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1500
//SHOW IF Q39 = “Yes”//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q43
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: DSAACPEXT
Variable Text: To what extent has the DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP)…? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q43 DSAACP victim use extent
//SHOW If Q4, Q5, Q6 Not = Coast Guard//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Enhanced your skills in working with victims |
Q30A DSAACP extent: Work with victims |
Standardized the delivery of victim assistance |
Q43B DSAACP extent: Victim assistance standards |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q44
Question Type: Open End Essay
Variable Name: DSAACPREC
Variable Text: What recommendations do you have for the DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) to improve the quality of direct response to victims? Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q44 DSAACP recommendations for improvements
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1500
//SHOW If Q4, Q5, Q6 Not = Coast Guard//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q45
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CECIVTRN
Variable Text: Do you use civilian training to meet your continuing education credit requirement?
Variable Label: Q45 Civilian training continuing education
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
2= |
I do not know |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q46
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CECOCDSAACP
Variable Text: Does your chain of command support your requests to gain the required hours of continuing education training throughout the two years of your DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) certification?
Variable Label: Q46 Chain of command support DSAACP continuing education
//SHOW If Q4, Q5, Q6 Not = Coast Guard//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q47
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Text: Do you plan to pursue certification for the next level of your DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) certification?
Variable Label: Q47 DSAACP pursue next level
//SHOW If Q4, Q5, Q6 Not = Coast Guard//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q48
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Text: How would you describe your motivation to move to the next level of your DoD Sexual Assault Certification Program (D-SAACP) certification?
Variable Label: Q48 DSAACP motivation for next level
//SHOW IF Q47 = “Yes”//
Value |
Value Label |
4= |
Very motivated |
3= |
Motivated |
2= |
Somewhat motivated |
1= |
Not at all motivated |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q49
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: DSAACPBARR
Variable Text: Are there any barriers to moving to the next level of your DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) certification?
Variable Label: Q49 DSAACP barriers to next level
//SHOW IF Q47 = “Yes”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q50
Question Type: Open End Essay
Variable Text: What are the barriers to moving to the next level of your DoD Sexual Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) certification? Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q50 DSAACP barriers specify
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1500
//SHOW IF Q49 = “Yes”//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q51
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: SVCVLCEXT
Variable Text: With regard to Special Victims’ Counsels (SVC)/Victims’ Legal Counsels (VLC), to what extent…? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q51 SVC VLC extent
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Do you understand the role of SVCs/VLCs |
Q51A SVC VLC extent: Role |
Have you interacted with an SVC/VLC on a case in the past 12 months |
Q51B SVC VLC extent: Interact |
Do SVCs/VLCs provide in-person services to victims at your military location/area of operation |
Q51C SVC VLC extent: Services |
Do SVCs/VLCs provide virtual services to victims at your military location/area of operation |
Q51C SVC VLC extent: Virtual |
Do SVCs/VLCs help you understand legal issues |
Q51E SVC VLC extent: Legal |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q52
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: RETALTRN
Variable Text: Have you received training on how to handle retaliation against victims?
Variable Label: Q52 Retaliation training
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
2= |
I do not know |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q53
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: RETALPREP
Variable Text: To what extent do you feel prepared to deal with victim retaliation issues?
Variable Label: Q53 Prepared to deal with victim retaliation
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q54
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: RETALCOM
Variable Text: To what extent do you agree…?
Variable Label: Q54 Commander relation and assistance
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
I have witnessed or know of retaliation from Command Level Authorities [squadron/company level or higher] against other individuals who have protected communications with victims of sexual assault. |
Q54A Retaliation: Commander retaliation |
If I felt personally retaliated against as a SAPR/SHARP program manager, I would be comfortable seeking assistance from local referral agencies (IG, OSC or EEO). |
Q54B Retaliation: Comfort seeking assistance |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Strongly agree |
4= |
Agree |
3= |
Neither agree nor disagree |
2= |
Disagree |
1= |
Strongly disagree |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q55
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: RETALDUTY
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, have you felt you have experienced retaliation related to your duties as a(n) [INSERT ANSWER FROM Q1]?
Variable Label: Q55 Experienced retaliation related to duties
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q56
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: RETALDUTYSP
Variable Text: Please describe any incidents in the past 12 months in which you feel you have experienced retaliation related to your duties as a(n) [INSERT ANSWER FROM Q1]. Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q56 Experienced retaliation related to duties specify
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1500
//SHOW IF Q55 = “Yes”//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q57
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: JOBSTRESS
Variable Text: To what extent do the following issues contribute to your stress in your current position? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q57 Job stressors
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
My caseload |
Q57A Job Stressors: Caseload |
The subject matter of my work |
Q57B Job Stressors: Subject matter |
The administrative requirements of the position |
Q57C Job Stressors: Admin requirements |
The amount of time I have been in my current position |
Q57D Job Stressors: Time in position |
The increase in my SAPR workload |
Q57E Job Stressors: SAPR work |
The increasing complexity of the SAPR program |
Q57F Job Stressors: SAPR complexity |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q58
Question Type: Multi Select
Variable Name: SELFCARE
Variable Text: What self-care measures do you employ to manage stress? Mark all that apply. Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q59 Self-care measures
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Exercise |
Q59_1 Self-care measures: Exercise |
Meditation |
Q59_2 Self-care measures: Meditation |
Time off from work |
Q59_3 Self-care measures: Time off |
Traveling |
Q59_4 Self-care measures: Travel |
Hobbies (e.g., reading, cooking, watching television, art, music) |
Q59_5 Self-care measures: Hobbies |
Pursuing education |
Q59_6 Self-care measures: Education |
Religious outlets |
Q59_7 Self-care measures: Religion |
Interacting with family/friends |
Q59_8 Self-care measures: Family/Friends |
Behavioral health provider at military treatment facility |
Q59_9 Self-care measures: Beh health mil |
Behavioral health provider at civilian treatment facility |
Q59_10 Self-care measures: Beh health civ |
Group counseling |
Q59_11 Self-care measures: Group counseling |
I do not use self-care measures (please explain): |
Q59_12 Self-care measures: No self-care |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-97= |
Multiple Response |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q60
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SCTIME
Variable Text: Do you believe you have adequate time for self-care? Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q60 Time for self-care
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q61
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: BURNOUT
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, do you believe you have experienced or suffered from…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q61 Experience burnout
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Burnout |
Q61 Experience burnout: Burnout |
Compassion fatigue |
Q61 Experience burnout: Compassion fatigue |
Vicarious trauma |
Q61 Experience burnout: Vicarious trauma |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q62
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: BURNRSRC
Variable Text: Do you believe you have adequate knowledge and/or resources to handle your concerns of…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q62 Burnout resources
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Burnout |
Q62 Burnout resources: Burnout |
Compassion fatigue |
Q62 Burnout resources: Compassion fatigue |
Vicarious trauma |
Q62 Burnout resources: Vicarious trauma |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q63
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: RESIL
Variable Text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q63 Resilience
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times. |
Q63 Resilience quick bounce back |
I have a hard time making it through stressful events. |
Q63 Resilience hard time with stress |
It does not take me long to recover from a stressful event. |
Q63 Resilience strong stress recovery |
It is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens. |
Q63 Resilience hard time bouncing back |
I usually come through difficult times with little trouble. |
Q63 Resilience strong through difficult times |
I tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life |
Q63 Resilience slow bounce back |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Strongly agree |
4= |
Agree |
3= |
Neither agree nor disagree |
2= |
Disagree |
1= |
Strongly disagree |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q64
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: SUPPORT
Variable Text: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Mark one answer for each item.
Variable Label: Q64 Social support
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
If I had an emergency, even people I do not know in the [PROGRAM ACRO] community would be willing to help |
Q64 Social support from strangers in emergency |
People here know they can get help from the [PROGRAM ACRO] community if they are in trouble |
Q64 Social support from community in trouble |
People can depend on each other in the [PROGRAM ACRO] community |
Q64 Social support community dependence |
Living in the [PROGRAM ACRO] community gives me a secure feeling |
Q64 Social support security from community |
There is a feeling in the [PROGRAM ACRO] community that people should not get too friendly with each other |
Q64 Social support community not friendly |
I have friends who let me know they value who I am and what I can do |
Q64 Social support personal value |
My friends in the [PROGRAM ACRO] community are a part of my everyday activities |
Q64 Social support everyday friendships |
I feel secure that I am as important to my friends as they are to me |
Q64 Social support importance to friends |
I have some very close friends outside the family who I know really care for me and love me |
Q64 Social support close friends |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Strongly agree |
4= |
Agree |
3= |
Neither agree nor disagree |
2= |
Disagree |
1= |
Strongly disagree |
-99= |
Refused |
Policy: Victim Assistance
Question Number on Survey: Q65
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Text: Does your local [PROGRAM] program have clear procedures for handling cases involving…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q65 SAPR personnel procedures
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
A joint operating environment |
Q65 SAPR personnel procedures: Joint operate |
Foreign nationals |
Q65 SAPR personnel procedures: Foreign nationals |
DoD civilian employees |
Q65 SAPR personnel procedures: DoD civ |
Dependents |
Q65 SAPR personnel procedures: Dependent |
Contractors |
Q65 SAPR personnel procedures: Contractor |
Visiting personnel, such as trainees, National Guard, and Reserve members |
Q65 SAPR personnel procedures: Visiting personnel |
Deployed military members |
Q65 SAPR personnel procedures: Deployed |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-98 |
Not applicable |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q66
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: SAPRPROC
Variable Text: Does your local [PROGRAM] program have clear procedures for…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q66 SAPR clear procedures
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Ensuring victims’ safety when handling cases |
Q66A SAPR clear procedures: Victim safety |
Ensuring SARCs’ and VAs’ personal safety when handling a case |
Q66B SAPR clear procedures: SARC VA safety |
Obtaining a Military Protective Order (MPO) |
Q66C SAPR clear procedures: MPO |
Obtaining a Civilian Protective Order (CPO) |
Q66D SAPR clear procedures: CPO |
Providing a Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC)/Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC) |
Q66E SAPR clear procedures: SVC VLC |
Providing expedited transfers |
Q66F SAPR clear procedures: Expedited transfer |
Providing ways to report retaliation |
Q66G SAPR clear procedures: Report retaliation |
Handing off cases to the SARC at the victim’s next duty location or National Guard home state location |
Q66H SAPR clear procedures: Hand off cases |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-98 |
Not applicable |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q67
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: FEMVICTEXT
Variable Text: With regard to women who experience sexual assault, to what extent do…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q67 Female victims
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Your programs meet their specific needs |
Q67A Female victims: Program specific needs |
Current policies and programs provide sufficient guidance for supporting them |
Q67B Female victims: Policy guidance |
Health care providers provide the appropriate care |
Q67C Female victims: Healthcare |
Military investigators provide an appropriate response |
Q67D Female victims: MCIO |
SVCs/VLCs provide an appropriate response |
Q67E Female victims: SVC VLC |
You think they are less likely than male victims to be believed by their peers |
Q67F Female victims: Believed by peers |
You feel confident in addressing their needs |
Q67G Female victims: Address needs |
You have the resources to assist them |
Q67H Female victims: Resources |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q68
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: MALEVICTEXT
Variable Text: With regard to men who experience sexual assault, to what extent do…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q68 Male victims
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Your programs meet their specific needs |
Q68A Male victims: Program specific needs |
Current response policies and programs provide sufficient guidance for supporting them |
Q68B Male victims: Policy guidance |
Health care providers provide the appropriate care |
Q68C Male victims: Healthcare |
Clinical Support providers provide appropriate care |
Q68D Male victims: Clinical Support |
Military investigators provide an appropriate response |
Q68E Male victims: MCIO |
SVCs/VLCs provide an appropriate response |
Q68F Male victims: SVC VLC |
You think they are less likely than female victims to be believed by their peers |
Q68G Male victims: Believed by peers |
You feel confident in addressing their needs |
Q68H Male victims: Address needs |
You have the resources to assist them |
Q68I Male victims: Resources |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q69
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: MENSEVAL
Variable Text: To what extent to you agree…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q69 Men’s Plan Evaluation
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Prevention policies and programs are gender-inclusive |
Q69 Men’s Plan inclusive |
Service members have awareness that men can be sexually assaulted |
Q69 Men’s Plan awareness |
Men can experience barriers to reporting their sexual assault |
Q69 Men’s Plan barriers |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
Policy: Reporting
Question Number on Survey: Q70
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: NOREPTNUM
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, what is the approximate number of people who disclosed a sexual assault to you, but did not sign a DD 2910 or make an official report?
Variable Label: Q70 Number disclosed sexual assault no report
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
0 cases |
2= |
1 to 3 cases |
3= |
4 to 6 cases |
4= |
7 to 9 cases |
5= |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q71
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Text: How many victims have requested to submit an entry to the CATCH program?
Variable Label: Q71 Number requested CATCH entry
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
None |
2= |
1 to 3 |
3= |
4 to 6 |
4= |
7 to 9 |
5= |
10 or more |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q72
Question Type: Open End Essay
Variable Name: CATCHBARVIC
Variable Text: Please share any difficulties or barriers the victims have encountered while using CATCH.
Variable Label: Q72 CATCH victim barriers
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1500
//SHOW IF Q71 = “1 to 3” OR “4 to 6” OR “7 to 9” OR “10 or more””//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q73
Question Type: Open End Essay
Variable Name: CATCHBARYOU
Variable Text: Please share any difficulties or barriers you have encountered while using CATCH, including difficulties accessing the CATCH website and generating passwords.
Variable Label: Q73 CATCH your barriers
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1500
//SHOW IF Q69 = “1 to 3” OR “4 to 6” OR “7 to 9” OR “10 or more”//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
-99= |
Refused |
-100 |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q74
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CATCHQUEST
Variable Text: After reading the CATCH script during an initial report, what has been your most common experience relating to follow-up questions from the victim?
Variable Label: Q74 Common CATCH questions
//SHOW IF Q71 = “1 to 3” OR “4 to 6” OR “7 to 9” OR “10 or more”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
I could easily answer questions based on the provided materials |
2= |
I could answer questions based on my knowledge of CATCH |
3= |
I could answer questions only after consulting a CATCH subject matter expert or other authority. |
4= |
I was not able to answer their questions |
5= |
I could not answer their questions because I was not allowed based on DoD guidance (e.g. legal questions surrounding the military justice process). |
5= |
Victims generally did not have follow up questions. |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q75
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CATCHPASS
Variable Text: How often have victims requested a second password?
Variable Label: Q75 CATCH second password
//SHOW IF Q71= “1 to 3” OR “4 to 6” OR “7 to 9” OR “10 or more”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Never |
2= |
Rarely |
3= |
Sometimes |
4= |
Often |
5= |
Very often |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q76
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CATCHMATCH
Variable Text: Have you had to contact a victim as a result of notification of a potential match?
Variable Label: Q76 Contact for CATCH match
//SHOW IF Q71 = “1 to 3” OR “4 to 6” OR “7 to 9” OR “10 or more”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q77
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CATCHCLIENT
Variable Text: Did any client elect to participate in the CATCH program?
Variable Label: Q77 CATCH SVC/VLC client
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC)/Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC)/Special Victims’ Paralegal (SVP)”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q78
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CATCHUNREP
Variable Text: Do you have any Unrestricted Report clients who were interested in utilizing the CATCH program?
Variable Label: Q78 CATCH Unrestricted report
//SHOW IF Q71 = “1 to 3” OR “4 to 6” OR “7 to 9” OR “10 or more”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q79
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CATCHCLINOT
Variable Text: Have you had any clients that were notified that their CATCH entry matched another entry?
Variable Label: Q79 Notified CATCH match
//SHOW IF Q71 = “1 to 3” OR “4 to 6” OR “7 to 9” OR “10 or more”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q80
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Text: Did your clients ask you for legal counsel?
Variable Label: Q80 CATCH legal counsel
//SHOW IF Q71 = “1 to 3” OR “4 to 6” OR “7 to 9” OR “10 or more”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Policy: Safety Assessment
//A “Safety Assessment” is a set of guidelines and considerations that the responsible personnel designated by the Installation Commander can follow to determine if a sexual assault survivor is likely to be in imminent danger of physical or psychological harm as a result of reporting a sexual assault or being victimized.//
Question Number on Survey: Q81
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Text: How often do you conduct a safety assessment to determine if there is a high-risk situation affecting victims or other persons?
Variable Label: Q81 Safety assessment frequency
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
For every report |
4= |
For most reports |
3= |
For some reports |
2= |
For a few reports |
1= |
Never |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q82
Question Type: Multi Select
Variable Name: SFTYCNDCT
Variable Text: Select the individuals who conduct safety assessments at your military location/area of operation. Mark all that apply. Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q82 Who conducts safety assessments
//SHOW IF Q81 = “For every report” OR “For most reports” OR “For some reports” OR “For a few reports”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) |
Q82_1 Who conducts safety assessments: SARC |
Victim Advocate (VA)/Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA) |
Q82_2 Who conducts safety assessments: VA UVA |
Health care provider |
Q82_3 Who conducts safety assessments: Healthcare |
Law enforcement |
Q82_4 Who conducts safety assessments: Law enforcement |
Other (please specify): |
Q82_5 Who conducts safety assessments: Other |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-97= |
Multiple Response |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q83
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SFTYRPTPRFM
Variable Text: On average, how long after a report is filed is a safety assessment performed?
Variable Label: Q83 Safety assessment after report
//SHOW IF Q81 = “For every report” OR “For most reports” OR “For some reports” OR “For a few reports”//
Value |
Value Label |
4= |
Fewer than 24 hours |
3= |
25 to 48 hours |
2= |
3 to 6 days |
1= |
7 or more days |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q84
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: SFTYTRN
Variable Text: To what extent did the training you received on safety assessments adequately prepare you to conduct safety assessments?
Variable Label: Q84 Safety assessment training
//SHOW IF Q81 = “For every report” OR “For most reports” OR “For some reports” OR “For a few reports”//
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-98= |
Does not apply, I have not had training on safety assessments |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Policy: High-Risk Response Team
//A “High-Risk Response Team (HRRT)” is a multi-disciplinary team that is assembled if a victim is assessed to be in a high-risk situation. The purpose and responsibility of the High-Risk Response Team is to continually monitor the victim’s safety by assessing danger and developing a plan to manage the situation.//
Question Number on Survey: Q85
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: HRRT
Variable Text: In the past 12 months, have you been involved in a High-Risk Response Team (HRRT)?
Variable Label: Q85 HRRT team involvement
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q86
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: HRRTLNGTH
Variable Text: On average, how long does a High-Risk Response Team (HRRT) remain in place?
Variable Label: Q86 HRRT length
//SHOW IF Q85 = “Yes”//
Value |
Value Label |
3= |
1 to 7 days |
2= |
8 to 30 days |
1= |
More than 30 days |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q87
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: HRRTEXT
Variable Text: To what extent do you feel that High-Risk Response Teams (HRRT) appropriately address high-risk situations?
Variable Label: Q87 HRRT extent effectiveness
//SHOW IF Q85 = “Yes”//
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Policy: Expedited Transfer
Question Number on Survey: Q88
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: EXPTRANS
Variable Text: Have you been involved in an expedited transfer of a victim at your military location/area of operation in the past 12 months (e.g., coordinated the transfer, prepared the victim for transfer, received a victim transferred into your organization)?
Variable Label: Q88 Expedited transfer involvement
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q89
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: EXTRROLE
Variable Text: What role(s) have you played in expedited transfers?
Variable Label: Q89 Expedited transfer role
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)” AND Q88 = “Yes”//
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
3= |
I was the sending SARC |
2= |
I was the receiving SARC |
1= |
I was both the sending and receiving SARC |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q90
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: RECSARC
Variable Text: As a receiving SARC, did you…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q90 Receiving SARC
//SHOW IF Q89= “I was the receiving SARC” OR Q89 = “I was both the sending and receiving SARC”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Q90R1 |
Receive notification from command about the incoming victim |
Q90A Receiving SARC: Command notification |
Q90R2 |
Obtain an update on any investigation information |
Q90B Receiving SARC: Update |
Q90R3 |
Have a warm handoff from the sending SARC (e.g., transfer of referral information, DSAID case number, safety plan) |
Q90C Receiving SARC: Warm handoff |
Value |
Value Label |
3= |
Yes, in all cases |
2= |
Yes, in some cases |
1= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q91
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: SENDSARC
Variable Text: As a sending SARC, did you…? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q91 Sending SARC
//SHOW IF Q89 = “I was the sending SARC” OR Q89= “I was both the sending and receiving SARC”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Q91R1 |
Receive notification from command about the decision to transfer |
Q91A Sending SARC: Command notification |
Q91R2 |
Give an update on any investigation information |
Q91B Sending SARC: Update |
Q91R3 |
Provide a warm handoff to the receiving SARC (e.g., referral information, DSAID case, safety plan) |
Q91C Sending SARC: Warm handoff |
Value |
Value Label |
3= |
Yes, in all cases |
2= |
Yes, in some cases |
1= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q92
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: NOTIFYEXTR
Variable Text: In your opinion, should the receiving SARC always be notified of a victim transfer?
Variable Label: Q92 Consent to notify SARC of expedited transfer
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)” OR Q1 = “Victim Advocate (VA)” OR Q1 = “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)/United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)”//
Value |
Value Label |
3= |
Yes, even if the victim does not consent |
2= |
Yes, but only if the victim consents |
1= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Policy: Case Management Group
//A “Case Management Group (CMG)” is a multi-disciplinary group that meets to review individual cases of Unrestricted Reports of sexual assault. The group facilitates victim updates and directs system coordination, accountability, and victim access to quality services.//
Question Number on Survey: Q93
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CMG
Variable Text: In the last 12 months, have you been part of a Case Management Group (CMG)?
Variable Label: Q93 Case Management Group participation
//SOFT PROMPT: We would like your response to this question.//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q94
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CMGEXT
Variable Text: To what extent are Case Management Groups (CMG) helpful to your current position?
Variable Label: Q94 Case Management Group participation
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very large extent |
4= |
Large extent |
3= |
Moderate extent |
2= |
Small extent |
1= |
Not at all |
-99= |
Refused |
Question Number on Survey: Q95
Question Type: Multi Select
Variable Name: CMGCHAIR
Variable Text: Who typically chairs the Case Management Group (CMG) at your installation? Mark all that apply. Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q95 CMG Chair
//SHOW IF Q93 = “Yes”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Installation commander |
Q95_1 CMG Chair: Installation commander |
Deputy installation commander |
Q95_2 CMG Chair: Deputy installation commander |
Other (please specify): |
Q95_3 CMG Chair: Other |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-97= |
Multiple Response |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q96
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: CMGEFFECT
Variable Text: How effective is your Case Management Group (CMG) in addressing the following issues at your installation? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q96 CMG effectiveness
//SHOW IF Q93 = “Yes”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Retaliation |
Q96A CMG effectiveness: Retaliation |
Legal (e.g., investigative adjudication) |
Q96B CMG effectiveness: Legal |
Information sharing |
Q96C CMG effectiveness: Info share |
Victim medical concerns |
Q96D CMG effectiveness: Victim medical |
Victim mental health concerns |
Q96E CMG effectiveness: Victim mental |
Expedited transfers |
Q96F CMG effectiveness: Expedited transfers |
Value |
Value Label |
5= |
Very effective |
4= |
Effective |
3= |
Neither effective nor ineffective |
2= |
Ineffective |
1= |
Very ineffective |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q97
Question Type: Multi Select
Variable Name: CMGCONDUCT
Variable Text: Are Case Management Groups (CMG) conducted…? Mark all that apply. Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses).
Variable Label: Q97 CMG conduct
//SHOW IF Q93 = “Yes”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
In person |
Q97_1 CMG conduct: In person |
Virtually through video teleconferencing or teleconferencing |
Q97_1 CMG conduct: Virtually |
Via electronic mail (e-mail) |
Q97_1 CMG conduct: Email |
Other (please specify): |
Q97_1 CMG conduct: Other |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-97= |
Multiple Response |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q98
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CMGLNGTH
Variable Text: Approximated how long does it take to go through all of the cases during a Case Management Group (CMG) meeting?
Variable Label: Q98 CMG length
//SHOW IF Q93 = “Yes”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Less than 1 hour |
2= |
1 to 2 hours |
3= |
2 to 4 hours |
4= |
Over 4 hours |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q99
Question Type: Single Select Grid
Variable Name: CMGRETAL
Variable Text: Does the Case Management Group (CMG) Chair ask if members are aware of any retaliation from reporting experienced by the following individuals? Mark one for each item.
Variable Label: Q99 CMG retaliation from reporting
//SHOW IF Q81 = “Yes”//
Variable Name |
Variable Text |
Variable Label |
Victims |
Q99A CMG retaliation from reporting: Victims |
SARCs and/or VAs/UVAs/USAF VVAs |
Q99B CMG retaliation from reporting: SARC VA UVA |
Bystanders/Witnesses |
Q99C CMG retaliation from reporting: Bystanders |
Other responders |
Q99D CMG retaliation from reporting: Other |
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Question Number on Survey: Q100
Question Type: Single Select
Variable Name: CMGSVCVLC
Variable Text: Do you feel the Case Management Groups (CMG) spend sufficient time on discussing SVC/VLC/SVP-related items?
Variable Label: Q100 CMG time on SVC/VLC/SVP
//SHOW IF Q1 = “Special Victims’ Counsel (SVC)/Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC)/Special Victims’ Paralegal (SVP)” AND Q93 = “Yes”//
Value |
Value Label |
1= |
Yes |
0= |
No |
-99= |
Refused |
-100= |
Valid Skip |
Taking the Survey
Question Number on Survey: Q101
Question Type: Open End Essay
Variable Name: MIJESQUEST
Variable Text: How might we best recruit unrestricted and restricted reporters of sexual assault to participate in a research effort to learn more about, and improve, survivors’ experiences with the military justice system? Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses). Your feedback is useful and appreciated.
Variable Label: Q101 MIJES Question
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1500
Question Number on Survey: Q102
Question Type: Open End Essay
Variable Name: COMMENT
Variable Text: Thank you for participating in the survey. If you have comments or concerns that you were not able to express in answering this survey, then please enter them in the space provided. Please do not enter personally identifiable information (for example, names, addresses). Your feedback is useful and appreciated.
Variable Label: Q102 Comment
Lower Limit: 0
Upper Limit: 1500
Question Number on Survey: Q103
Question Type: Text
Variable Name: COMMINELIG
Variable Text:
Based on your answer to the previous question, you are ineligible to take this survey. If you feel you have encountered this message in error, then click the back arrow button and check your answer(s).
To submit your answers, click Submit. For further help, please ce-mail [EMAIL]
Variable Label: Q103 Ineligible text
//SHOW IF Q1 = “I do not currently hold any of the above roles”
Programming and Piping Notes |
If NAVY, MARINE CORPS, AIR FORCE, SPACE FORCE, COAST GUARD, DOD, pipe in “Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)” |
If ARMY, pipe in “Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP)” |
If ARMY, pipe in “SHARP” |
[UVA] |
If ARMY, NAVY, MARINE CORPS, SPACE FORCE, COAST GUARD, DOD, pipe in “Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA)” |
If AIR FORCE, pipe in “United States Air Force Volunteer Victim Advocate (USAF VVA)” |
If AIR FORCE, pipe in “USAF VVA” |
[FAX] |
Includes participants who endorsed any of the following: Q4 = “Army” Q5 = “Army Reserve” Q5 = “Army National Guard” Q6 = “Army” |
Includes participants who endorsed any of the following: Q4 = “Navy” Q5 = “Navy Reserve” Q6 = “Navy” |
Includes participants who endorsed any of the following: Q4 = “Marine Corps” Q5 = “Marine Corps Reserve” Q6 = “Marine Corps” |
Includes participants who endorsed any of the following: Q4 = “Air Force” Q5 = “Air Force Reserve” Q5 = “Air National Guard” Q6 = “Air Force” |
Includes participants who endorsed any of the following: Q4 = “Space Force” Q6 = “Space Force”
Includes participants who endorsed any of the following: Q4 = “Coast Guard” Q5 = “Coast Guard Reserve” Q6 = “Coast Guard” |
Includes participants who endorsed any of the following: Q6 = “DoD Office, Agency, or Field Activity” Q6 = “National Guard Military Dual Status Technician” Q6 = “National Guard Non-Dual Status Technician) |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | 334 - QSAR1801_Annotated_Questionnaire_V3.docx |
Author | Hunter |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-04-05 |