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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 225 / Friday, November 20, 2020 / Notices
portion of this session may be closed in
order to discuss and protect information
designated as proprietary.]
12:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.: Preparation of
ACRS Reports and Commission Meeting
(Open/Closed)—The Committee will
continue its discussion of proposed
ACRS reports and Commission meeting
preparation. [Note: Pursuant to 5 U.S.C.
552b(c)(4), a portion of this session may
be closed in order to discuss and protect
information designated as proprietary.]
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Friday, December 4, 2020
10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: Meeting with
the Commission (Open)—The
Committee will have presentations and
discussion with the NRC Commission.
The public may observe Commission
meetings. Information may be found at
1:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.: Preparation of
ACRS Reports (Open/Closed)—The
Committee will continue its discussion
of proposed ACRS reports. [Note:
Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(4), a
portion of this session may be closed in
order to discuss and protect information
designated as proprietary.]
Procedures for the conduct of and
participation in ACRS meetings were
published in the Federal Register on
June 13, 2019 (84 FR 27662). In
accordance with those procedures, oral
or written views may be presented by
members of the public, including
representatives of the nuclear industry.
Persons desiring to make oral statements
should notify Quynh Nguyen, Cognizant
ACRS Staff and the Designated Federal
Officer (Telephone: 301–415–5844,
Email:, 5 days
before the meeting, if possible, so that
appropriate arrangements can be made
to allow necessary time during the
meeting for such statements. In view of
the possibility that the schedule for
ACRS meetings may be adjusted by the
Chairman as necessary to facilitate the
conduct of the meeting, persons
planning to attend should check with
the Cognizant ACRS staff if such
rescheduling would result in major
An electronic copy of each
presentation should be emailed to the
Cognizant ACRS Staff at least one day
before meeting.
In accordance with Subsection 10(d)
of Public Law 92–463 and 5 U.S.C.
552b(c), certain portions of this meeting
may be closed, as specifically noted
above. Use of still, motion picture, and
television cameras during the meeting
may be limited to selected portions of
the meeting as determined by the
Chairman. Electronic recordings will be
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permitted only during the open portions
of the meeting.
ACRS meeting agendas, meeting
transcripts, and letter reports are
available through the NRC Public
Document Room (PDR) at pdr.resource@, or by calling the PDR at 1–800–
397–4209, or from the Publicly
Available Records System component of
NRC’s document system (ADAMS)
which is accessible from the NRC
website at or
Video teleconferencing service is
available for observing open sessions of
ACRS meetings. Those wishing to use
this service should contact Thomas
Dashiell, ACRS Audio Visual
Technician (301–415–7907), between
7:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. (ET), at least 10
days before the meeting to ensure the
availability of this service. Individuals
or organizations requesting this service
will be responsible for telephone line
charges and for providing the
equipment and facilities that they use to
establish the video teleconferencing
link. The availability of video
teleconferencing services is not
Note: This notice is late due to the
COVID–19 public health emergency and
current health precautions which
required the Committee to prepare for
the meeting to be held remotely.
Dated: November 17, 2020.
Russell E. Chazell,
Federal Advisory Committee Management
Officer, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2020–25637 Filed 11–19–20; 8:45 am]
Submission for Review: Application To
Make Deposit or Redeposit (CSRS)—
SF 2803 and Application To Make
Service Credit Payment for Civilian
Service (FERS)—SF 3108
Office of Personnel
ACTION: 30-Day notice and request for
The Retirement Services,
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
offers the general public and other
Federal agencies the opportunity to
comment on a revised information
collection, Application to Make Deposit
or Redeposit (CSRS)—SF 2803 and
Application to Make Service Credit
Payment for Civilian Service (FERS)—
SF 3108, and includes revision to the
Privacy Act Statement.
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Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted until December 21,
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
the proposed information collection to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, 725 17th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20503, Attention: Desk
Officer for the Office of Personnel
Management or sent via electronic mail
to: or
faxed to (202) 395–6974.
copy of this information collection, with
applicable supporting documentation,
may be obtained by contacting the
Retirement Services Publications Team,
Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E
Street NW, Room 3316–L, Washington,
DC 20415, Attention: Cyrus S. Benson,
or sent via electronic mail to or faxed to
(202) 606–0910 or via telephone at (202)
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 OPM is soliciting comments
for this collection. The information
collection (OMB No. 3206–0134) was
previously published in the Federal
Register on June 11, 2020, at 85 FR
35671, allowing for a 60-day public
comment period. No comments were
received for this collection. The purpose
of this notice is to allow an additional
30 days for public comments. The Office
of Management and Budget is
particularly interested in comments
1. Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
2. Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
3. Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
4. Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.
SF 2803, Application to Make Deposit
or Redeposit (CSRS) and SF 3108,
Application to Make Service Credit
Payment for Civilian Service (FERS), are
Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 225 / Friday, November 20, 2020 / Notices
applications to make payment used by
persons who are eligible to pay for
Federal service which was not subject to
retirement deductions which were
subsequently refunded to the applicant.
Agency: Retirement Operations,
Retirement Services, Office of Personnel
Title: Application to Make Deposit or
Redeposit (CSRS), and Application to
Make Service Credit Payment for
Civilian Service (FERS).
OMB Number: 3206–0134.
Frequency: On occasion.
Affected Public: Individual or
Number of Respondents: 150.
Estimated Time per Respondent: 30
Total Burden Hours: 75.
Office of Personnel Management.
Alexys Stanley,
Regulatory Affairs Analyst.
[FR Doc. 2020–25628 Filed 11–19–20; 8:45 am]
[OMB Control No. 3206–NEW]
Information Collection; Improving
Customer Experience (OMB Circular
A–11, Section 280 Implementation)
Office of Personnel
ACTION: Notice and request for
As part of the
Administration’s commitment to
improving customer service delivery,
the Office of Personnel Management has
under OMB review the following
proposed Information Collection
Request ‘‘Improving Customer
Experience (OMB Circular A–11,
Section 280 Implementation)’’ for
approval under the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA).
DATES: Submit comments on or before:
December 21, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments
identified by Information Collection
3206–NEW, Improving Customer
Experience (OMB Circular A–11,
Section 280 Implementation), by any of
the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Comments submitted electronically,
including attachments to https://, will be posted to
the docket unchanged.
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Instructions: Please submit comments
only and cite Information Collection
3206–XXXX, Improving Customer
Experience (OMB Circular A–11,
Section 280 Implementation) in all
correspondence related to this
collection. To confirm receipt of your
comment(s), please check, approximately two-tothree business days after submission to
verify posting (except allow 30 days for
posting of comments submitted by
Requests for additional information
should be directed to Amy Yu, 1900 E
Street NW, Room 5416, Washington, DC
20415. Email: Phone:
(202) 606–2927.
Title: Improving Customer Experience
(OMB Circular A–11, Section 280
Abstract: A modern, streamlined and
responsive customer experience means:
Raising government-wide customer
experience to the average of the private
sector service industry; developing
indicators for high-impact Federal
programs to monitor progress towards
excellent customer experience and
mature digital services; and providing
the structure (including increasing
transparency) and resources to ensure
customer experience is a focal point for
agency leadership.
This proposed information collection
activity provides a means to garner
customer and stakeholder feedback in
an efficient, timely manner in
accordance with the Administration’s
commitment to improving customer
service delivery as discussed in Section
280 of OMB Circular A–11 at https://
As discussed in OMB guidance,
agencies should identify their highestimpact customer journeys (using
customer volume, annual program cost,
and/or knowledge of customer priority
as weighting factors) and select
touchpoints/transactions within those
journeys to collect feedback to allow for
additional ICRs to be submitted under
the Generic Collection.
These results will be used to improve
the delivery of Federal services and
programs. It will also provide
government-wide data on customer
experience that can be displayed on to help build
transparency and accountability of
Federal programs to the customers they
As a general matter, these information
collections will not result in any new
system of records containing privacy
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information and will not ask questions
of a sensitive nature, such as sexual
behavior and attitudes, religious beliefs,
and other matters that are commonly
considered private.
The Office of Personnel Management
will only submit collections if they meet
the following criteria.
• The collections are voluntary;
• The collections are low-burden for
respondents (based on considerations of
total burden hours or burden-hours per
respondent) and are low-cost for both
the respondents and the Federal
• The collections are noncontroversial and do not raise issues of
concern to other Federal agencies;
• Any collection is targeted to the
solicitation of opinions from
respondents who have experience with
the program or may have experience
with the program in the near future;
• Personally identifiable information
(PII) is collected only to the extent
necessary and is not retained;
• Information gathered is intended to
be used for general service improvement
and program management purposes
• Upon agreement between OMB and
the agency all or a subset of information
may be released as part of A–11, Section
280 requirements only on Summaries of
customer research and user testing
activities may be included in publicfacing customer journey maps.
• Additional release of data must be
done coordinated with OMB.
These collections will allow for
ongoing, collaborative and actionable
communications between the Agency,
its customers and stakeholders, and
OMB as it monitors agency compliance
on Section 280. These responses will
inform efforts to improve or maintain
the quality of service offered to the
public. If this information is not
collected, vital feedback from customers
and stakeholders on services will be
Current Action: New Collection of
Type of Review: New.
Affected Public: Individuals and
Households, Businesses and
Organizations, State, Local or Tribal
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Below is a preliminary estimate of the
aggregate burden hours for this new
collection. The U.S. Office of Personnel
Management will provide refined
estimates of burden in subsequent
Average Expected Annual Number of
Activities: Approximately five types of
customer experience activities such as
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2020-11-20 |
File Created | 2020-11-20 |