Evaluation of the Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration
Enrollment is a five-step process. This document, the Baseline Survey, represents the fourth step.
Household Roster [Administered by PHA staff; either in-person or remotely (videoconference or phone)]
Informed Consent [Administered by PHA staff; either in-person or remotely]
Head of Household Consent
Consent for Child Data Collection (signed by Head of Household)
Other Adult consent if other adults are present. If not, Other adult consent will be obtained after enrollment.
Baseline Information Form (BIF) [Administered by PHA staff; either in-person or remotely]
Baseline survey [Self-administered by Head of Household; either in-person on provided tablet or remotely on own device]
Random Assignment, and communication of assignment status [Performed by PHA staff]
As noted above, the baseline survey will be self-administered by household heads during the enrollment process. The baseline survey comes after PHA staff administers the Household Roster, obtains informed consent and administers the BIF. If enrollment is done in the office, PHA staff will provide the head of household with a tablet, set them up at a computer workstation, or allow the head of household to complete on their own phone. If the enrollment is done remotely, the head of household will receive a personalized link to log in to the enrollment tool and complete the survey on their own device. After the household head completes the baseline survey, the PHA staff will perform random assignment and provide them with an explanation on next steps and their $25 incentive]
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. The information you provide may be used to help HUD improve the voucher program and may be used to help other families in the future. You will be asked some questions about your current neighborhood, your experiences, and your overall well-being. Your responses will not affect your current or future receipt of housing assistance or other benefits. Please remember that your participation is voluntary and you can choose not to answer questions. We appreciate your input.
The Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This collection of information is voluntary and will be used to evaluate the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The collection of this information has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB No. XXXX-XXXX, which expires on MM/DD/YYYY. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to XX at XXXX@XXX or NNN-NNN-NNNN.
[Reviewer Note: All items require a clicked response, but that response can be “Skip question”. Questions are displayed one numbered question at a time, and respondents are required to click “Continue” before displaying next question. Uppercase letter (“A”, “B”,…) denotes a non-mutually exclusive response option or a distinct item in multipart question. Respondents will see a check box to select their response(s) non-mutually exclusive response options will indicate when they can check all that apply.]
The first set of questions asks about your housing and neighborhood.
Where do you currently live?
In an apartment, home, or room that your family rents or sublets
In a home or apartment that you own
In an apartment, home, or room that friends or extended family rents where your family contributes to part of the rent
With friends or family, where you do not pay any rent.
Homeless or in a group shelter (Skip current home and neighborhood items: Q2, Q1, Q13, Q15, Q17, Q18)
Other housing arrangement: ________________
Skip question
Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “The size or physical condition of my home makes it harder to be the parent I want to be for my children”?
Strongly agree
Agree somewhat
Strongly disagree
Skip question
How many years have you lived in the [SITE/METROPOLITAN AREA NAME] area in your lifetime?
Number of years (please round to the nearest number): _______________
Less than one year
I don’t live in the [SITE] area
Skip question
How many years have you lived in your current neighborhood?
Number of years (please round to the nearest number): _______________
Less than one year
Skip question
Which of the following statements best describes how satisfied you are with your current neighborhood?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
In the middle
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Skip question
The next questions are about specific features of your current neighborhood.
How satisfied are you with … [For each: Very satisfied to Very dissatisfied, Skip question]
The friendliness of neighbors in your neighborhood?
The racial and ethnic mix of your neighborhood?
How near your neighborhood is to your job? [Responses: Very satisfied to Very dissatisfied, Not applicable, Skip question]
Your neighborhood’s access to public transportation?
The appearance of your neighborhood (cleanliness, lack of graffiti)?
The amenities of your neighborhood (parks, access to shops, places of worship, schools, dining)?
How near your neighborhood is to your family and friends?
The size and quality of your home?
Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “The neighborhood conditions where I live make it harder to be the parent I want to be for my children”?
Strongly agree
Agree somewhat
Strongly disagree
Skip question
Where you live now, how much of a problem are rats, mice, cockroaches or other vermin?
Big problem
Small problem
No problem at all
Skip question
How safe are the streets near your home during the day?
Very safe
Somewhat unsafe
Very unsafe
Skip question
How safe are the streets near your home at night?
Very safe
Somewhat unsafe
Very unsafe
Skip question
How often are you worried about gun violence in your neighborhood?
None of the time
A little of the time
Some of the time
Most of the time
All of the time
Please tell me if any of the following things have happened to you or anyone who lives with you in the past 6 months:
Was anyone's purse, wallet, or jewelry snatched from them? [Yes, No, Skip question]
Was anyone threatened with a knife or gun? [Yes, No, Skip question]
Was anyone beaten or assaulted? [Yes, No, Skip question]
Was anyone stabbed or shot? [Yes, No, Skip question]
Did anyone try to break into your home? [Yes, No, Skip question]
Which of the following are located in or near your current neighborhood? (Check all that apply) (Respondent needs to check either Yes, No, or Not Applicable for items A – K)
One or more of my children’s childcare providers
One or more of my children’s after-school activities
My job or the job of another person in the household
Other family members who do not live with me
Close friends who do not live with me
My church or place of worship
Other community groups I or my family is involved with
My primary care doctor
The primary care doctor of one or more of my children
Other medical services that I or others in the household use regularly
Other important services (specify)______________
Prefer not to say
The next few questions will help us to understand what things are important to you in a home and neighborhood.
No pressure
A little pressure
Some pressure
A lot of pressure
Skip question
A. [If Existing Voucher Family]. Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about staying in your current neighborhood?
B. [If New Voucher Family] Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about staying in your current neighborhood if you receive a voucher?
I am very sure I want to stay
I am somewhat sure I want to stay
I am somewhat sure I want to move to a different neighborhood
I am very sure I want to move to a different neighborhood
The next few questions ask about your housing search.
[If New Voucher Family] Have you already identified a specific home in which you would like to use your housing voucher if you receive one?
[If Existing Voucher Family] Have you already identified a specific home in which you would like to use your housing voucher when you are issued a new voucher to move with?
No (Skip to Q18)
Skip question
No (Skip to Q21)
Skip question
[If Q16 is “No”] What are the reasons you might consider staying in the same neighborhood? Please check all that apply.
[If Q17 is “Yes” or “Skip question”] What are the reasons you’ve chosen an apartment or house in the same neighborhood? Please check all that apply.
I want to keep my children in the same schools
I want to stay near my childcare
I want to stay near my job
I want to stay near my family and friends
For another reason (Please specify) _____________________________
Skip question [“Skip question” response cannot be combined with any other responses.]
Are you willing to consider moving to a new neighborhood?
No (Skip to Q25)
Skip question
How sure are you that you could find a home in a new neighborhood in [Site]?
Very sure
Fairly sure
Not very sure
Not at all sure
Skip question
A. As you think about a possible move to a new neighborhood to live in, which of the following is most important to you?
B. As you think about a possible move to a new neighborhood to live in, which is the second most important to you?
C. As you think about a possible move to a new neighborhood to live in, which is the third most important to you?
Question 21. |
A. …most important… |
B. …second most important… |
C. …third most important… |
__________________ |
__________________ |
___________ |
The next few questions are about how you would feel moving to a new neighborhood in different situations.
How comfortable would you feel about moving to a neighborhood where most of the residents are of a different race or ethnicity from your own?
Very comfortable
In the middle
Very uncomfortable
Skip question
How comfortable would you feel about having your children attend a school where most of the children are of a different race or ethnicity from them?
Very comfortable
In the middle
Very uncomfortable
Skip question
Do you think that you have ever been discriminated against when you were trying to buy or rent a house or apartment?
Skip question
The next set of questions are about your household finances.
There is some money left over
There is just enough to make ends meet
There is not enough money to make ends meet
Skip question
Do you currently have a savings or checking account at a bank or a credit union?
Skip question
People often have expenses when they move. How sure are you that you will be able to pay for any moving expenses if you do not receive any help from a program? Moving expenses include things like security deposits, first and last month’s rent, and move-in fees.
Very sure
Fairly sure
Not very sure
Not at all sure
Skip question
Do you currently have any past due balances owed for utilities such as gas, electricity, or water?
In the past, have you ever had a rental application denied by a landlord or rental agent/property manager because of your credit score?
Skip question
Do you think a landlord will find problems with your credit when they do a credit check to approve your application?
Skip question
During the past seven years, has a landlord ever told you to leave your rental unit because of nonpayment of rent or lease violations?
No (Skip to Q33)
Skip question
To the best of your knowledge, did the landlord file a case with the court to make you leave the apartment or home?
Skip question
Thinking about all your housing experiences, have you ever had to move when you didn’t want to or expect to? This could have been because a landlord pressured you to leave or raised the rent or wouldn’t fix anything, or the building was condemned or some other reason.
Skip question
A. In the last 12 months, since last (name of current month), did you or other adults in your household ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?
No (Skip to Q35)
Skip question (Skip to Q29)
B. [If Q34A= “Yes”] How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?
Almost every month
Some months but not every month
Only 1 or 2 months
Skip question
The next few questions are about your job and transportation.
No (Skip to Q4040)
Skip question (Skip to Q40)
About how many hours per week do you usually work? (Round the time to the nearest whole hour. For example, if you work 22.5 hours per week, please record 23 hours.)
___________ hours
Skip question
How do you usually get to work? If you work at multiple jobs or locations, think about the one you work at most often.
By car or carpool
By bus, subway, or other public transportation
I work at home (Skip to Q40)
Other (specify) ______________
Skip question
How long does it take you to get to your job?
_____ minutes
I have multiple employment locations (Skip to Q40)
Skip question
What zip code (or street address and city) do you currently work in?
___________ (5 character zip code)
[If zip code not known] Street address and city: _______________ (255 characters)
I work in multiple employment locations
Skip question
Skip question
Do you or anyone in your household usually have access to a car that runs?
Skip question
The next two questions are about education.
Are you currently attending school or taking classes?
Skip question
What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
Grade 9 or less
Grade 10 or grade 11
Attended grade 12 but did not receive high school diploma or GED certificate
High School diploma
GED certificate
Some vocational/technical/business courses
Vocational/technical/business certificate or diploma
Some college
Associate’s or two-year college degree
Four-year college degree or higher
Skip question
The next few questions are about your overall well-being.
Taken all together, how would you say things are these days; would you say that you are very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?
Very happy
Pretty happy
Not too happy
Skip question
How much of the time during the past 30 days have you felt… |
All of the time |
Most of the time |
Some of the time |
A little of the time |
None of the time |
Skip question |
The next few questions are about your health.
In general, how would you rate your overall health now? Is it…
Very good
Skip question
Do you currently have health insurance coverage?
Skip question
Do all of your children currently have health insurance coverage?
Skip question
Skip question
Has a doctor or other health professional ever told you that you had gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy?
Skip question
[If Q50= “No” or “Skip question”] Has a doctor or other health professional ever told you that you had diabetes?
[If Q50= “Yes”] Not including gestational diabetes, has a doctor or other health professional ever told you that you had diabetes?
Skip question
How tall are you without shoes?
Feet ____________
Inches _____________
Skip question
[If Q49= “No” or “Skip question”] How much do you weigh?
[If Q49= “Yes”] How much did you weigh before your pregnancy?
Pounds ____________
Skip question
The last few questions are about your background.
Do you consider yourself to be Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino?
Prefer not to answer
Do you consider yourself to be: (Check all that apply)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Some other race (Specify) _______________________
Prefer not to answer
In what country were you born?
USA (Skip to End).
Another country (Specify) ________________________
Prefer not to answer
How many years have you lived in the United States?
Prefer not to answer
Thank you very much for completing this survey! At the end of the enrollment process the PHA staff member you are working with will [IF IN-PERSON: give/IF REMOTE: send] you a letter describing which of the study groups you were placed in and next steps you should take. This letter will be accompanied by a $25 gift card.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | MS Word Default Normal Template |
Author | Abt Associates |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-10-28 |