Approval Letter

18-049CTP Chair Letter Approved 10-04-18.pdf

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Quantitative Data on Tobacco Products and Communications

Approval Letter

OMB: 0910-0810

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IRB Chair Letter
IRB Chair Letter
Check here to enter IRB Chair LetterComment: MEMORANDUM
Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Research Involving Human Subjects Committee

October 4, 2018


Chair, Research Involving Human Subjects Committee


RIHSC Study #18-049CTP
Study Title: ³Quantitative Study of Tobacco Facts Designed to Inform Youth
Tobacco Prevention Messaging´
Principal Investigator: Shane Mannis, PhD; Fors Marsh Group
FDA Sponsor: Atanaska (Nasi) Dineva, MS; CTP

Atanaska Dineva, MS; CTP
Carolyn Dresler, MD, MPA; CTP Liaison to the RIHSC

Your study submission, entitled, ³Quantitative Study of Tobacco Facts Designed to Inform Youth
Tobacco Prevention Messaging,´was reviewed by the Research Involving Human Subjects
Committee (RIHSC) Chair. This study proposes to conduct formative research using pretesting
cognitive interviews and surveys of youth, aged 13-17 who have experimented with cigarette
smoking or are susceptible to smoking. This is intended to inform timely and evidence-based
decisions about future communication activities for the ³Fresh Empire´and ³The Rest Cost:
Smokeless´educational campaigns.
Because your study is no greater than minimal risk, it could be reviewed using the expedited
procedure outlined in 45 CFR 46.110.
The RIHSC determined your study satisfies the criteria outlined in 45 CFR 46.404 for research not
involving greater than minimal risk to children. Assent and parental permission will be obtained
prior to the start of the study.
You have requested a waiver of documentation of youth assent and parent/guardian permission
for the online surveys "because study participants are clicking through their responses rather than
writing them down." The RIHSC waives the requirement for documentation of informed consent
under 45 CFR 46.117(c) for the online surveys because it finds that the research presents no
more than minimal risk of harm to subjects and involves no procedures for which written consent
is normally required outside of the research context.
Your protocol is APPROVED.
This study has been approved October 4, 2018±October 3, 2019.
Research Involving Human Subjects Committee, FWA #00006196
Chair: Jeffrey DeGrasse, PhD
Office of the Commissioner
Food and Drug Administration
The Principal Investigator is responsible for ensuring that the investigation is conducted according
to the investigational plan and applicable regulations and for protecting the rights, safety, and
welfare of subjects. The Principal Investigator is also responsible for complying with the following
1. Promptly reporting to the RIHSC all changes in the research activity including any modifications
to the Study Protocol or Informed Consent. 45 CFR 46.103(b)(4)(iii) Changes in approved
research may not be initiated without RIHSC review and approval except when necessary to
eliminate apparent immediate hazards to the subjects. 45 CFR 46.103(b)(4)(iii)
2. Promptly reporting to the RIHSC all unanticipated problems involving risk to human subjects or
others. 45 CFR 46.103(b)(5)(i)
3. Providing periodic reports to the RIHSC, as required. 45 CFR 46.109(e)
If you wish to continue your study beyond October 3, 2019, you will need to submit a continuing
review application and all supporting documentation to the RIHSC no later than August 1, 2019.
If your study is completed or terminated within the next year, please submit a FINAL REPORT to
the RIHSC Executive Director. This report should contain the following information, if applicable:
1. RIHSC FILE Number/Study Title/Study Investigator(s)/Institution where study is being/was
2. Brief summary of the project status, including a description of all changes, amendments, or
supplements to the previously approved protocol and consent form.
3. Number of subjects initially approved by the RIHSC for inclusion in the study and the number
actually entered into the study.

4. Number of subjects whose participation was completed as planned.
5. Number of subjects that dropped out of the study.
6. Summary of Adverse Events that can reasonably be attributed to the study.
7. List of abstracts or publications, and/or a brief description of any available study results.
If you have questions, or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact the
RIHSC Program Management Staff by email at, or by phone at (301) 7969605.

Signed By:

IRB Chair

* NOTE: Scores on this Requirements Report reflect quiz completions at the time all requirements for the course were met. See list below for details.
See separate Transcript Report for more recent quiz scores, including those on optional (supplemental) course elements.
•  Name:
•  Institution Affiliation:
•  Institution Email:
•  Institution Unit:

Atanaska (Nasi) Dineva (ID: 3535691)
FDA (ID: 2617)

•  Curriculum Group:
•  Course Learner Group:
•  Stage:
•  Description:

Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Same as Curriculum Group
Stage 1 - Basic Course
Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.

•  Record ID:
•  Completion Date:
•  Expiration Date:
•  Minimum Passing:
•  Reported Score*:


Belmont Report and CITI Course Introduction (ID: 1127) 
History and Ethical Principles - SBE (ID: 490) 
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBE (ID: 491) 
The Federal Regulations - SBE (ID: 502) 
Assessing Risk - SBE (ID: 503) 
Informed Consent - SBE (ID: 504) 
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBE (ID: 505) 
Internet-Based Research - SBE (ID: 510) 
Research and HIPAA Privacy Protections (ID: 14) 


3/3 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.
Verify at:
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Phone: 888-529-5929

** NOTE: Scores on this Transcript Report reflect the most current quiz completions, including quizzes on optional (supplemental) elements of the
course. See list below for details. See separate Requirements Report for the reported scores at the time all requirements for the course were met.
•  Name:
•  Institution Affiliation:
•  Institution Email:
•  Institution Unit:

Atanaska (Nasi) Dineva (ID: 3535691)
FDA (ID: 2617)

•  Curriculum Group:
Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
•  Course Learner Group: Same as Curriculum Group
•  Stage:
Stage 1 - Basic Course
•  Description:
Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.
•  Record ID:
•  Report Date:
•  Current Score**:


History and Ethical Principles - SBE (ID: 490)
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBE (ID: 491)
Belmont Report and CITI Course Introduction (ID: 1127)
The Federal Regulations - SBE (ID: 502)
Assessing Risk - SBE (ID: 503)
Informed Consent - SBE (ID: 504)
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBE (ID: 505)
Internet-Based Research - SBE (ID: 510)
Research and HIPAA Privacy Protections (ID: 14)


5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
3/3 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.
Verify at:

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Phone: 888-529-5929


10603 Whiterock Court
Laurel, MD 20723
(443) 850 - 0023

9+ years’ experience developing, implementing, and evaluating science-based communication
and marketing strategies in the public health arena. Substantive knowledge of global and
domestic tobacco control issues, including tobacco product regulation. Proven track record of
developing high-quality communication materials and devising effective strategies to reach a
variety of audiences. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Demonstrated
resourcefulness in the completion of projects. Highly trustworthy, reliable, and self-motivated.

MS in Marketing
Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School
BA in Communications and Mass Media
Goucher College

2009 - 2012
Baltimore, MD
1998 - 2002
Towson, MD

Health Communication Specialist
FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP)
Office of Health Communication and Education (OHCE)

03/2013 – Present

Support the work of OHCE’s Research and Evaluation team with developing, testing, and timely
dissemination of science- and audience-based products, tools, and messages to different
audiences in a variety of formats. Participate in formative research, testing concepts and
messages, and evaluation of campaigns and programs. Also worked with OHCE’s Strategic
Partnership Alliances team to develop and launch the TRACE Cooperative Agreement Program.
Gained the foundational knowledge needed to award and monitor grants and cooperative
agreements effectively from pre-award through closeout.

FDA Tobacco Regulatory Science Fellow
FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP)
Office of Health Communication and Education (OHCE)

09/2012 – 03/2013

Participate in the development of science-based public health strategies. Serve as the lead on a
project that aims to increase stakeholder and partner engagement with the goal of broadening
the dissemination and uptake of CTP messages in the public health community. Contribute to
OHCE’s day-to-day activities, as needed. Meet with policy makers. Develop new competencies
to further define and develop the field of regulatory science as it relates to the regulation of
tobacco products and FDA’s new authorities under the Family Smoking Prevention and
Tobacco Control Act.

Communications Associate
Institute for Global Tobacco Control
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

2007 – 2012

Served as a communication and marketing expert for the Institute for Global Tobacco Control
(IGTC). Managed all of IGTC’s communication, public relations, and marketing activities.
Planned, implemented and evaluated science-based communication and marketing strategies
to achieve optimal program results. More specifically:
 Developed and oversaw the execution of an annual marketing and communications plan that
effectively implemented IGTC’s strategic plan through internal and external communications,
publications, media relations, and electronic presence.
 Responsible for public outreach, including the development of press materials, email

marketing, and use of new media to communicate the depth, breadth, and quality of the
Institute’s initiatives to a variety of audiences. Served as initial point-of-contact for media
inquiries. Planned and managed IGTC’s presence at conferences and special events to
enhance visibility, increase brand awareness, and strengthen stakeholder outreach.
 Planned and oversaw the development of all print and electronic communications materials
for the IGTC, ensuring content accuracy, quality, and appropriateness for the target
audience. Managed project execution through all stages of production.
 Provided technical assistance to IGTC’s research team in the areas of communications and
social media on projects aimed at promoting positive health outcomes by changing
knowledge, attitudes, and behavior related to tobacco use.
 Led planning, development, and evaluation of websites and online resources, including an
( and an interactive, e-learning Web site for tobacco
control (, among others.

Web Communications Specialist
Institute for Global Tobacco Control
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

2005 - 2007

Responsible for content creation and maintenance of IGTC’s websites and the development of
print communication materials, including reports, factsheets, and brochures. Redesigned IGTC’s
website and expanded its content to include information on projects in 40+ countries. Organized
website content around core activities of the Institute and provided the organizational structure
for all subsequent marketing materials. Also planned and oversaw the development of websites
for the FAMRI Center of Excellence ( and the Global Tobacco Research
Network (

Program Coordinator
Institute for Global Tobacco Control
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

2003 - 2005

Provided program support with emphasis on development of presentations, brochures, flyers,
and preparation of grant and manuscript submissions.

Media Coverage Analyst/Writer
Accuracy In Media


Monitored news coverage in the media and wrote briefs for one of the leading Washington,
D.C., think-tanks. Topics included taxation, the death penalty, OPEC, and immigration, among

Chair, Communications Workgroup
Global Smokefree Partnership


Led and coordinated the communication activities of the Global Smokefree Partnership aimed at
disseminating evidence-based findings to support the implementation and enforcement of
smoke-free policies around the world.

Providing Global Online Training for Tobacco Control in Six Languages: Lessons Learned, 15th
World Conference on Tobacco OR Health (WCTOH), Singapore, March 2012.

Assessing the Needs of the Global Tobacco Control Community (Panel), 14th World Conference
on Tobacco OR Health (WCTOH), Mumbai, India, March 2009.

All Star Award
Dean’s Alumni Board Award
Maureen and Kenneth Rowan Award
Brownlee Corrin Award

Constant Contact, 2011
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, 2010
Goucher College, 2002
Goucher College, 2000

RIHSC Training
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2013
Contracting Officer Representative Course
Management Concepts, 2013
Monitoring Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Management Concepts, 2013
Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants
Management Concepts, 2013
Cost Principles
Management Concepts, 2013
Food Drug and Law Course
Center for Tobacco Products, 2013
Tobacco Regulatory Science Course
Georgetown University, 2012
Health Policy Orientation
Academy Health, 2012
Media Training
CommCore Consulting Group, 2012
Social Marketing and New Media
Mid-Atlantic Public Health Training Center, 2010
Public Health Communication Campaigns
Mid-Atlantic Public Health Training Center, 2009
Writing for the Web
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2005
Reference Manager
Welch Medical Library, 2004

Microsoft Office
Social Media
Email Marketing
Web Analytics
Reference Tools

PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Outlook, Publisher
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
Contacts management, list segmentation, analytics
HTML, CSS, Adobe Dreamweaver
Google Analytics, Search Engine Optimization
Adobe Photoshop, InDesign
PubMed, Reference Manager, EndNote

Fluent in English, Russian, and Bulgarian. Reading skills in German.

Jonathan Samet, MD, MS
Director, Institute for Global Health
Professor and Flora L. Thornton Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Telephone: 323-865-0803
Joanna Cohen, PhD, MHSc
Director, Institute for Global Tobacco Control
Bloomberg Associate Professor of Disease Prevention
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Phone: 410-614-5378
Blair Johnson, MS
Lecturer and Faculty Director of Capstone Projects, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Joint Appointment, Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, Dept. of Health Systems and Outcomes
National Faculty, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellows Program
Phone: 410-234-9416
Benjamin Apelberg, PhD, MHS
Epidemiologist, Center for Tobacco Products
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Phone: 301-796-8869

* NOTE: Scores on this Requirements Report reflect quiz completions at the time all requirements for the course were met. See list below for details.
See separate Transcript Report for more recent quiz scores, including those on optional (supplemental) course elements.
•  Name:
•  Institution Affiliation:
•  Institution Email:
•  Institution Unit:

Chaunetta Jones (ID: 4684470)
FDA (ID: 2617)
Center for Tobacco Products, OHCE

•  Curriculum Group:
•  Course Learner Group:
•  Stage:
•  Description:

Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Same as Curriculum Group
Stage 2 - Refresher Course
Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.

•  Record ID:
•  Completion Date:
•  Expiration Date:
•  Minimum Passing:
•  Reported Score*:


SBE Refresher 1 – Defining Research with Human Subjects (ID: 15029) 
SBE Refresher 1 – Privacy and Confidentiality (ID: 15035) 
SBE Refresher 1 – Assessing Risk (ID: 15034) 
SBE Refresher 1 – Research with Children (ID: 15036) 
SBE Refresher 1 – International Research (ID: 15028) 
SBE Refresher 2 – Federal Regulations for Protecting Research Subjects (ID: 15040) 
SBE Refresher 2 – Defining Research with Human Subjects (ID: 15038) 
SBE Refresher 2 – Research with Children (ID: 15043) 
SBE Refresher 2 – Research in the Public Schools (ID: 15042) 
SBE Refresher 2 – International Research (ID: 15045) 
SBE Refresher 1 – History and Ethical Principles (ID: 936) 
SBE Refresher 1 – Federal Regulations for Protecting Research Subjects (ID: 937) 
SBE Refresher 1 – Informed Consent (ID: 938) 
SBE Refresher 1 – Research with Prisoners (ID: 939) 
SBE Refresher 1 – Research in Educational Settings (ID: 940) 
SBE Refresher 1 – Instructions (ID: 943) 
SBE Refresher 2 - Instructions (ID: 12629) 
SBE Refresher 2 – Informed Consent (ID: 12620) 
SBE Refresher 2 – Privacy and Confidentiality (ID: 12622) 
SBE Refresher 2 – Assessing Risk (ID: 12624) 
SBE Refresher 2 – Research with Prisoners (ID: 12627) 
Completing the SBR 201 Refresher Course (ID: 12630) 
SBE Refresher 2 – History and Ethical Principles (ID: 12702) 


2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
No Quiz 
No Quiz 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
No Quiz 
1/1 (100%) 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.
Verify at:
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Phone: 888-529-5929

** NOTE: Scores on this Transcript Report reflect the most current quiz completions, including quizzes on optional (supplemental) elements of the
course. See list below for details. See separate Requirements Report for the reported scores at the time all requirements for the course were met.
•  Name:
•  Institution Affiliation:
•  Institution Email:
•  Institution Unit:

Chaunetta Jones (ID: 4684470)
FDA (ID: 2617)
Center for Tobacco Products, OHCE

•  Curriculum Group:
Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
•  Course Learner Group: Same as Curriculum Group
•  Stage:
Stage 2 - Refresher Course
•  Description:
Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.
•  Record ID:
•  Report Date:
•  Current Score**:


SBE Refresher 1 – History and Ethical Principles (ID: 936)
SBE Refresher 2 - Instructions (ID: 12629)
SBE Refresher 1 – Federal Regulations for Protecting Research Subjects (ID: 937)
SBE Refresher 2 – Informed Consent (ID: 12620)
SBE Refresher 1 – Informed Consent (ID: 938)
SBE Refresher 1 – Research with Prisoners (ID: 939)
Completing the SBR 201 Refresher Course (ID: 12630)
SBE Refresher 1 – Research in Educational Settings (ID: 940)
SBE Refresher 1 – Instructions (ID: 943)
SBE Refresher 2 – Privacy and Confidentiality (ID: 12622)
SBE Refresher 1 – International Research (ID: 15028)
SBE Refresher 1 – Defining Research with Human Subjects (ID: 15029)
SBE Refresher 1 – Assessing Risk (ID: 15034)
SBE Refresher 2 – Assessing Risk (ID: 12624)
SBE Refresher 1 – Privacy and Confidentiality (ID: 15035)
SBE Refresher 1 – Research with Children (ID: 15036)
SBE Refresher 2 – Research with Prisoners (ID: 12627)
SBE Refresher 2 – History and Ethical Principles (ID: 12702)
SBE Refresher 2 – Defining Research with Human Subjects (ID: 15038)
SBE Refresher 2 – Federal Regulations for Protecting Research Subjects (ID: 15040)
SBE Refresher 2 – Research in the Public Schools (ID: 15042)
SBE Refresher 2 – Research with Children (ID: 15043)
SBE Refresher 2 – International Research (ID: 15045)


2/2 (100%) 
No Quiz 
2/2 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
No Quiz 
2/2 (100%) 
No Quiz 
1/1 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
2/2 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 
1/1 (100%) 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.
Verify at:

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Phone: 888-529-5929

p: (240) 402-0427 ▪ e:


Skilled at applying social science and behavioral health theories to design and conduct mixedmethods research studies and plan and implement public health initiatives
Experience in designing and facilitating formative research and community-based
participatory research activities in the areas of youth tobacco use prevention, adolescent
health, and sexual wellness
Technical expertise in protocol development, qualitative data collection and analysis (Atlas.ti,
NVivo), quantitative instrument development, and cognitive interviewing
Effective in developing cross cultural health communication and education strategies
Served as principal investigator and/or subject matter expert for research and health
education programs domestically (Washington, DC; New Jersey, North Carolina) and
internationally (South Africa; Dominican Republic; Botswana; Tanzania)
Authored peer-reviewed publications, technical reports, and presented at local and national
public health conferences

Doctor of Philosophy, Medical Anthropology
May 2014
Rutgers University; New Brunswick, NJ
Dissertation: Between State and Sickness: The Social Experience of HIV/AIDS Illness Management
and Treatment in Grahamstown, South Africa
Master of Public Health, Health Behavior
May 2013
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill, NC
Thesis: Improving the Effectiveness of Counter Tobacco as a Web-based Hub for Tobacco Control
Point of Sale Advocates
Master of Arts, Anthropology
Rutgers University; New Brunswick, NJ

May 2008

Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology & African-American Studies
Oberlin College; Oberlin, OH

May 2003

Health Scientist (Communications)
September 2014-Present
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), Office of Health
Communication and Education (OHCE), Research and Evaluation Team (R&E); Silver Spring, MD
 Lead all formative research activities to inform the development of FDA’s first Point of Sale
Campaign and Retailer Education Program
 Apply expertise in Community-Based Participatory Research to help inform the formative
research for FDA’s first American Indian/Alaskan Native Youth Prevention Campaign
 Conduct scientific studies to test health communication messages in order to assess message
comprehension, judgment, knowledge, and behavior related to tobacco products
 Apply qualitative health communication expertise within OHCE and collaboratively with
colleagues in CTP’s Office of Science to inform the implementation of Center-wide priorities
 Contribute to the development of manuscripts and research projects to communicate
campaign formative research findings to the public health and scientific communities
Chaunetta Jones, 1

ORISE Research and Evaluation Fellow
July 2013-August 2014
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products, Office of Health
Communication and Education (OHCE), Research and Evaluation Team (R&E); Silver Spring, MD
 Developed a comprehensive repository of tobacco-related scientific claims to facilitate public
education campaign and regulatory science content development
 Verified the scientific accuracy of tobacco claims used in “The Real Cost” campaign, FDA’s first
national public education campaign to prevent and reduce youth tobacco use
 Designed and conducted independent qualitative research study to identify and implement
standard operating procedures to maximize efficiency of Research and Evaluation team
 Researched current trends in public health communications science to plan, design,
implement, and analyze public education campaigns
 Worked collaboratively with experts in tobacco public health education to conduct research
related to the communication of information about tobacco products
Research Consultant
June 2012-June 2013
Counter Tobacco; Chapel Hill, NC
 Developed evaluation tools to conduct the first process evaluation of, an
online resource hub for point of sale tobacco control advocates.
 Synthesized tobacco website process evaluation literature to analyze studies concerning
tobacco public health programs
 Collected and analyzed qualitative and quantitative data to complete an evaluation report and
suggest improvements for
 Created, pilot-tested, and marketed two Youth Engagement Activities, comprehensive
instructional kits for youth tobacco control advocates
 Utilized existing techniques and new digital methodologies to create the script and
storyboard for an informational video to explain the link between retail tobacco advertising
and the health behaviors of youth and adults
 Communicated research strategies and evaluation findings to stakeholders at the Office on
Smoking and Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Graduate Research Assistant
August 2011-August 2012
University of North Carolina Center for AIDS Research, Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Core;
Chapel Hill, NC
 Supported the Core Manager with the planning, development, and study design of research
projects that focus on social and behavioral HIV/AIDS research
 Coded and analyzed qualitative data using NVivo 9 for HIV/AIDS-related research projects
 Reviewed site user feedback to select new domains for the UNC Social and Behavioral
Instruments Database (SABI)
 Evaluated 15 violence-related measures based on psychometric properties (reliability,
validity) and expert opinion
 Added 12 new quantitative scales and violence-related screeners to the SABI
Graduate Research Assistant
May-September 2012
University of North Carolina Center for Infectious Diseases; Chapel Hill, NC
 Analyzed qualitative data to identify determinants that may influence vulnerability to HIV
 Created 175-item quantitative survey instrument, the first to measure which HIV risk factors
may be most important in predicting HIV seropositivity among African American women
entering prison in North Carolina
 Conducted cognitive interviews to test comprehension and finalize quantitative instrument

Chaunetta Jones, 2

 Prepared manuscripts and reports to communicate qualitative study findings and complex
scientific information and in peer-reviewed scientific journals and at conference presentations
Fulbright-IIE Research Fellow
March 2008-May 2009
U.S. Fulbright Program; Grahamstown, South Africa
 Conducted 15 months of ethnographic field research to examine health behaviors and
treatment-seeking practices among people living with HIV/AIDS
 Collected and analyzed qualitative data to inform community-based HIV/AIDS program
objectives and generate local and national policy change recommendations
Domestic Violence Program Coordinator
October 2004-December 2006
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Community Health Promotions; New Brunswick, NJ
 Collaborated with local hospital and social services staff to conduct city-wide domestic
violence trainings for community and faith-based organizations in New Brunswick, NJ
 Created evaluation tools and objective evaluation methodologies based on science-based
research techniques
 Developed a comprehensive, 50-page domestic violence workshop manual in English and
Spanish for community health educators
 Supervised evaluation consultant and domestic violence subject matter expert
 Created health education materials for and performed bilingual (English/Spanish) theatrical
presentations on domestic violence with local actors
 Managed $50,000 grant budget
Public and Media Relations Communications Assistant
May-August 2006
UNAIDS, United Nations; New York, NY; Toronto, Ontario
 Assisted the UNAIDS Communications Department during the 2006 United Nations HighLevel Meeting on HIV/AIDS (New York) with disseminating press releases
 Assisted UNAIDS Press Office in the Media Center during the XVI International AIDS
Conference (Toronto) to supply international media representatives with current HIV/AIDS
statistical and epidemiological data
Research Consultant
January 2005-August 2006
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company; Skillman, NJ
 Designed and executed two qualitative research projects with leg ulcer and ostomy patients to
inform marketing research strategy
 Analyzed complex technical information and translated it into language appropriate for the
wound care executive board, findings compiled in two 25-page summary reports

Zhao X, Alexander T, Hoffman L, Jones C, Delahanty J, Walker M, Berger A, Talbert E. (2016). Youth
receptivity to FDA’s The Real Cost tobacco prevention campaign: Evidence from message
pretesting. The Journal of Health Communication, 21(11):1153-1160.
Grodensky CA, Golin CE, Jones C, Mamo M, Dennis AC, Abernathy MG, and Patterson KB. (2015). “I
should know better”: The roles of relationships, spirituality, disclosure, stigma, and shame for older
women living with HIV seeking support in the South. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS
Care Jan-Feb, 26(1):12-23.
Farel CE, Parker SD, Muessig KE, Grodensky CA, Jones C, Golin CE, Fogel CI, Wohl DA. (2013).
Sexuality, sexual practices, and HIV risk among incarcerated African-American women in North
Carolina. Womens Health Issues, 23(6):e357-64.
Chaunetta Jones, 3

Jones, C. (2011). “If I Take My Pills I’ll Go Hungry”: The choice between economic security and
HIV/AIDS treatment in Grahamstown, South Africa. Theme issue, “Anthropological Approaches to
Confronting HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Annals of Anthropological Practice, 35(1):67-80.

Berger AT, Jones C, Wimpy C, Walker MW. (2016) “I’ve heard it called worm dirt”: What rural white
male youth are calling smokeless tobacco. Poster presented at National Smokeless and Spit Tobacco
Summit. Albuquerque, NM. April.
Jones C. (2015). Applying qualitative methods to inform FDA's youth tobacco prevention campaigns.
Presentation delivered to the Washing Association of Professional Anthropologists monthly
seminar. Washington, DC. November.
Jones C, Gill A, Kennedy C, Newman SJ. (2013). Engaging youth in point of sale tobacco control
advocacy. Poster presented at American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference. Boston, MA.
Newman, SJ, Kennedy C, Gill A, Jones C. (2013). Process evaluation of a nascent point of sale
tobacco control website. Poster presented at American Public Health Association (APHA)
Conference. Boston, MA. November.
Farel CE, Parker SD, Muessig KE, Grodensky CA, Jones C, Golin CE. (2013). Whatever I got, you
gonna get: HIV risk and perception of male condoms among incarcerated African American women
in North Carolina. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference.
Boston, MA. November.
Farel CE, Parker SD, Muessig KE, Grodensky CA, Jones C, Golin CE, Fogel CI, Wohl DA. (2012).
Transactional sex and HIV risk among incarcerated African American women in North Carolina.
Paper presented at American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference. San Francisco, CA.
Farel CE, Parker SD, Muessig KE, Grodensky CA, Jones C, Golin CE, Fogel CI, Wohl DA. (2012).
Whatever I got, you gonna get: HIV risk and perception of male condoms among incarcerated
African American women in North Carolina. Poster presented at the 19th International AIDS
Conference. Washington, DC. July.
Jones, C. (2013). Development of a quantitative instrument to measure HIV risk factors among
incarcerated African American women in North Carolina. Poster presented at the 2013 North
Carolina Society of Public Health Educators (SOPHE) Mid-year Meeting. Burlington, NC. March.
Jones, C. (2010). Disruption and disability: The reconfiguration of health policy among people
living with HIV/AIDS in Grahamstown, South Africa. Paper presented at American Anthropological
Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. November.
Jones, C. (2010). Siyaphumelela! The negotiation of illness among HIV/AIDS affected youth in
Grahamstown, South Africa. Paper presented at Medical Anthropology and Global Africa: Current
Trends in Scholarship and Practice Conference. University of Kansas. September.

Chaunetta Jones, 4

Teaching Assistant
August-December 2012
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill, NC
“Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health”
 Facilitated weekly discussion sessions to highlight conceptual and methodological
approaches in the social and behavioral sciences that can inform public health
practice and research
“Introduction to Public Health and Health Education”
 Designed lecture materials to introduce students to core public health concepts
 Collaborated with instructor to significantly revise the course and assist with
syllabus development
Teaching Assistant
August 2009-May 2010
Rutgers University; New Brunswick, NJ
“Introduction to Cultural Anthropology”
 Created original lecture materials and conducted three weekly discussion sessions
to hone students’ critical understanding of socio-cultural differences

AWARDS (selected)
2015, 2014

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Group Recognition Award
FDA Center for Tobacco Products Director’s Special Citation
FDA Center for Tobacco Products Team Excellence Award
Outstanding Qualitative Dissertation, Int’l Center for Qualitative Inquiry
Lucy S. Morgan Fellowship, UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Health Behavior
Barnhill-Hatch Fellowship, UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Health Behavior
Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
Philanthropic Education Organization Scholar Award
Fulbright-IIE Doctoral Research Fellowship

Membership Chair
American Public Health Association,
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Section

November 2013-Present

Fulbright Alumni Ambassador
January 2010-Present
 Serve as a spokesperson for the Fulbright Program at conferences and events across the U.S
 Facilitate online presentations for prospective Fulbright applicants
HIV/AIDS Youth Program Co-Creator
March 2008- May 2009
Camp Siyaphumelela; Grahamstown, South Africa
 The aim of Camp Siyaphumelela is to provide support services to teenagers, ages 16-19, who
are affected by and/or infected with HIV/AIDS. Three week-long camp sessions were held for
the same 60 young adults over one year.
 Designed camp curriculum and facilitated workshops to educate local youth about HIV/AIDS

American Public Health Association, Member (2012-present)
American Anthropological Association, Member (2006-present)
Society for Medical Anthropology, Member (2006-present)
Chaunetta Jones, 5

* NOTE: Scores on this Requirements Report reflect quiz completions at the time all requirements for the course were met. See list below for details.
See separate Transcript Report for more recent quiz scores, including those on optional (supplemental) course elements.
•  Name:
•  Email:
•  Institution Affiliation:
•  Institution Unit:
•  Phone:

Mario Navarro (ID: 5964115)
FDA (ID: 2617)
Center for Tobacco Products

•  Curriculum Group:
•  Course Learner Group:
•  Stage:
•  Description:

Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Same as Curriculum Group
Stage 1 - Basic Course
Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.

•  Report ID:
•  Completion Date:
•  Expiration Date:
•  Minimum Passing:
•  Reported Score*:


Belmont Report and CITI Course Introduction (ID: 1127) 
History and Ethical Principles - SBE (ID: 490) 
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBE (ID: 491) 
The Federal Regulations - SBE (ID: 502) 
Assessing Risk - SBE (ID: 503) 
Informed Consent - SBE (ID: 504) 
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBE (ID: 505) 
Internet-Based Research - SBE (ID: 510) 
Research and HIPAA Privacy Protections (ID: 14) 


3/3 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
4/5 (80%) 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.
Verify at:

CITI Program
Phone: 888-529-5929

** NOTE: Scores on this Transcript Report reflect the most current quiz completions, including quizzes on optional (supplemental) elements of the
course. See list below for details. See separate Requirements Report for the reported scores at the time all requirements for the course were met.
•  Name:
•  Email:
•  Institution Affiliation:
•  Institution Unit:
•  Phone:

Mario Navarro (ID: 5964115)
FDA (ID: 2617)
Center for Tobacco Products

•  Curriculum Group:
Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
•  Course Learner Group: Same as Curriculum Group
•  Stage:
Stage 1 - Basic Course
•  Description:
Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.
•  Report ID:
•  Report Date:
•  Current Score**:


History and Ethical Principles - SBE (ID: 490)
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBE (ID: 491)
Belmont Report and CITI Course Introduction (ID: 1127)
The Federal Regulations - SBE (ID: 502)
Assessing Risk - SBE (ID: 503)
Informed Consent - SBE (ID: 504)
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBE (ID: 505)
Research with Prisoners - SBE (ID: 506)
Research with Children - SBE (ID: 507)
Research in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools - SBE (ID: 508)
International Research - SBE (ID: 509)
Internet-Based Research - SBE (ID: 510)
Research and HIPAA Privacy Protections (ID: 14)
Cultural Competence in Research (ID: 15166)


5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
3/3 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.
Verify at:

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Phone: 888-529-5929

Mario Navarro
4615 Arkansas Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20011
Phone: (281) 799-6883 • Email:

Research Scientist
Proven success and technical competence designing and conducting research experiments, quasi-experiments,
surveys, mixed-method studies and qualitative studies through field studies, Internet studies, and classroom
studies. Achievements include:
• Completed 7 manuscripts with 6 published as peer reviewed academic publications and 1 in the revision
process in applied domains such as organ donation.
• Assisted faculty and graduate students by reviewing research protocols and analyses to determine if they are
appropriate for their intended purposes. Determined if the results support the researcher’s academic
conclusions. Reviewed over dozens of methodological protocols for both faculty and students.
• Spent 6 years conducting extensive literature reviews of literatures spanning different academic disciplines,
in time sensitive situations, to use for social psychological and health psychological research.
• Lead assistant in writing and implementing a 1.3 million dollar grant project to develop an intervention to
increase organ donation. Have assisted in writing 2 other grant applications to both the Human Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA) and the National Institutes for Health (NIDA).
• Presented 9 presentations at 5 different conferences and helped develop a presentation once for the Center of
Disease Control (CDC).
• Develop and maintain contacts within professional and scientific organizations such as the Association for
Psychological Science and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

Applied Research and Evaluation (5 years of experience)
• Over five years of experience designing surveys, quasi-experiments, and experiments utilizing social
psychological principles to increase healthy behavior.
• Developed measures of emotion constructs for a grant-funded project as well as developed dozens of scales
for publications with several of those undergoing tests of validation.
• Conducted and reported 1 qualitative analysis and over a dozen quantitative analyses for both academic
publications and grant reports.
• Managed a team of 2 community outreach groups and participated in several teams of 3 or more academics.
• Led a team of researchers (1 student with 5 professors) to conduct and report a focus group study.
Survey Development and Methodology (5 years of experience)
• Designed dozens of complex surveys, including creating items, using advanced survey logic, using skip
patterns and display patterns, and using embedded data. Minimized response effects and increase response
rates, in addition to obtaining accurate responses, using proper survey methods and question design.
• Prepared and conducted dozens of online survey studies using Qualtrics and Survey Gizmo.
• Led 2 workshops (1 formal and 1 informal) teaching individuals how to use Qualtrics and Survey Gizmo.
Scale & Construct Development (5 years of experience)
• Capacity to design surveys and analyze data to assess the validity and reliability of a scale. Created many
scales that measure abstract psychological constructs such as attitudes, emotions, and beliefs.
• Have conducted several factor analyses and parallel analyses.
Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis (6 years of experience)
• Ability to conduct an interpret ANOVA, regression, bootstrapped indirect effects (mediation analysis),
moderation/simple slope analysis, factor analysis, multivariate statistics and Structural Equation Modeling
using SPSS, AMOS, & MPLUS statistical programs. Have conducted many of these analyses many times
• Have written up results for dozens of studies for publications.
• Have designed and conducted a focus group study that utilized a content analysis. Identified themes and
coded data for presence of these themes.
Social Sciences (6 years of experience)
• A comprehensive understanding of the literature regarding persuasion, motivation, and emotion applied to
the health domain.

Mario Navarro
4615 Arkansas Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20011
Phone: (281) 799-6883 • Email:
Oral Communication
• Presented research to both academic and non-academic audiences.
• Translated research skills to others through teaching and workshops several times, once to a lay audience.
• Have taught statistics twice along and social psychology once to undergraduate students.
Written Communication
• Have written 2 technical reports for organizations and 8 academic reports for academic journals that are in
preparation or have been published.
• An advanced ability to speak and write in Spanish. Experience in translating surveys into Spanish.
• Have worked on dozens of group projects, 7 culminating into publishable manuscripts and 6 being
• Have presented in 9 group presentations at 5 different conferences.
• Led a team of researchers to conduct a qualitative focus group study that culminated into a publishable

Professional Experience
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Center for Tobacco Products, Office of Health Communication & Education
Social Scientist
October 2016- Present
• Helps to design surveys and protocols for creative concept focus groups and copy testing studies for a youth
targeted and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) campaign, a multicultural youth behavior change
campaign, and an American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) campaign.
• Works on IRB and OMB protocol and development.
• Supports ongoing campaign development and implementation.
HRSA Grant: Maximizing donor registrations among Hispanics: A positive psychology approach
(approximately $1,300,000)
Research Assistant
August 2014-October 2016
• Description of Grant Project: This research project seeks to determine through a survey experiment whether
positive emotions (e.g., elevation, gratitude) are better motivators of organ donor registration behavior than
negative emotions (e.g., guilt, empathy toward someone in a dire situation).
• Helped design a mixed-methods focus group discussion guide and the accompanying survey.
• Created a coding scheme to analyze themes in the focus group data.
• Assisted in the design and development of research protocols using behavioral and social science
perspectives to increase organ donation.
• Analyzed, transcribed, and translated focus group data using a content analysis to explore positive emotions
in the sub-population of Spanish-dominant Hispanics.
• Evaluated impact of focus groups through surveys and focus group discussions.
• Prepare a focus group publication (see Selected Publications).
• Prepared reports and made presentations on the research results to grant funders, peers, and professional
• Helped create videos to induce positive emotions in Hispanics to increase organ donation.
• Designed a series of complex surveys to be conducted in the consulates using Qualtrics.
• Helped to lead an organized training seminar of survey administers and stake holders from the Donor
Network of Arizona.
• Routinely manage data, communication with community groups, and communication with funders.

Mario Navarro
4615 Arkansas Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20011
Phone: (281) 799-6883 • Email:
Health Psychology and Prevention Science Institute, Claremont, CA
Methodology, Survey, and Statistics Consultant
September 2012-October 2016
• Help professors and students resolve methodological, survey, and statistical problems including scale
validations, structural equation modeling, and complex online survey design using integrative logic and
survey flow.
• Participate in the initial formulation and review of studies prior to their initiation. This includes several
studies that other students and professors have submitted for publication.
• Fix methodological concerns after the launch of a study or help design studies that compensate for the
problems of the previous study.
• Lead, prepare, and conducted workshops and presentations that provide unique and uncommon methods for
survey design and data collection. These workshops have included content knowledge such as unique
recruitment methods including Amazon’s MTurk and simple programming code.
Research Associate and Project Lead
September 2012-October
• Collaborated on three research projects funded by Federal grants from NIDA and HRSA.
• Conducted and consulted for research that applies social psychological principles to increasing organ
• Experimental design, online survey design, and statistical data analysis using Qualtrics, Survey Gizmo,
• Assist with obtaining and managing for several government funded grants.
• Published 4 papers in collaborative projects and have several more publications in preparation.
Research Assistant
September 2010- September
• Coded qualitative data for several research studies conducted by professors and students.
• Inputted data for several research studies conducted by professors and students.
• Designed several surveys using randomization and survey flow and logic using Survey Gizmo.
Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences, Claremont, CA
Statistics Consultant
October 2012-August 2014
• Helped students across 7 colleges analyze data using SPSS, MPLUS, and AMOS.
• Consulted with dozens of students by troubleshooting and solving methodological and statistical problems.
• Taught dozens of students how to organize and write up data analyses.

Claremont Graduate University – Claremont, CA
Ph.D. in Psychology A.B.D.
Concentration in Applied Social Psychology
Dissertation: Unexpected Positive Events on Affect and Evaluation: The Role of Resources
M.A. in Psychology
Co-Concentration in Applied Social Psychology and Evaluation
Thesis: Predicting Goal Disruption: The Role of Vulnerability
University of St. Thomas – Houston, TX
B.A. in Psychology

December 2016


December 2009

Selected Publications
Navarro, M. A., Siegel, J. T., & Thomson, A., Alvaro, E. M., Nakamura, J., Csikszentmihalyi, M. (revise and

Mario Navarro
4615 Arkansas Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20011
Phone: (281) 799-6883 • Email:
resubmit). A mixed mode exploration of discrete positive emotions among Spanish Language Dominant
Hispanics: A lot of elevation, some gratitude, and a scintilla of serenity. Journal of Positive Psychology.
Siegel, J. T., Tan, C. N., Rosenberg, B. D., Navarro, M. A., Thomson, A., Lyrintzis, E. A., Alvaro, E.
A., & Jones, N. D. (in press). Department of Motor Vehicles, emotions, organ donor registration and the IIFF
Model: A possible problem and a potential solution. Social Science and Medicine.
Siegel, J. T., Alvaro, E. A., Tan, C. N., Navarro, M. A., Garner, L. & Jones, S. P. (in press). Increasing organ
donor registrations: The IIFF Model and (f)utility of a lone ICRO. Progress in Transplantation.
Siegel, J. T., Navarro, M. A., Thomson, A. L. (2015). The impact of overtly listing eligibility requirements on
MTurk: An investigation involving organ donation, recruitment scripts, and feelings of elevation. Social
Science and Medicine, 142, 256-260.
Siegel, J. T., Tan, C. A., Navarro, M. A., Alvaro E. A., Crano, W. D. (2015). The power of the proposition:
Frequency of marijuana offers, parental monitoring, and adolescent marijuana use. Drug Use and
Dependence, 148, 34-39.
Siegel, J. T., Thomson, A. L., & Navarro, M. A. (2014). Experimentally distinguishing elevation from gratitude:
Oh, the morality. Journal of Positive Psychology, 9, 414-427. doi:10.1080/17439760.2014.910825
Siegel, J. T., Navarro, M. A., Tan, C. N., & Hyde, M. K. (2014). Attitude–behavior consistency, the principle of
compatibility, and organ donation: A classic innovation. Health Psychology, 33, 1084-1091.

Selected Presentations
Siegel, J.T., Alvaro, E. A., & Navarro, M. A. (2013). Evaluating Social Media. Webinar presented for the
Centers for Disease Control.
Navarro, M. A., Siegel, J. T., & Thomason, A. T. (2013). Elevation, Serenity, and Gratitude: Distinct Emotions
with Distinct Outcomes. International Positive Psychology Association World Congress on Positive
Psychology, Los Angeles, CA.
Siegel, J. T., Alvaro, E. M., Hohman, Z., & Navarro, M. A., Crano, W. D., & Jones, S. P. (2012). Organ Donor
Registration: The Interaction of Empathy and Death Myths. Western Psychological Association Convention,
San Francisco, CA.
Tan, C. N., Navarro, M. A., & Siegel, J. T. (2012). Ambivalence and Attitude Behavior Consistency in Organ
Donation Registration. Western Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Academic Teaching Experience
University of La Verne, La Verne, CA
January 2015- December 2015
• Taught Statistics (e.g., Z-tests, t-tests, correlations, and chi-square analyses) to sociology, anthropology, and
criminal justice students who typically have had no previous experience with statistics prior to the class.
These students came from diverse backgrounds and many were non-traditional students.
• Created material and assignments that push students to better understand the material and grasp the
statistical concepts.
• Consult with students to help them better understand the material.
Division of Behavioral and Organizational Sciences, Claremont, CA
Teaching Assistant
September 2011- May
• Was a teaching assistant for Research Methods (3 times), Survey Methods (3 times), and Motivation, Affect,
and Cognition (1 time).
• Taught the development, implementation, and analysis of surveys in academic and organizational settings.
• Led a weekly research methods discussion section of graduate students.
• Translated and broke down social psychological theories, focused on motivation, to applicable situations and
• Helped develop curriculum, compose exams, and grade all written work for over 60 students.

Mario Navarro
4615 Arkansas Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20011
Phone: (281) 799-6883 • Email:
• Conducted many intimate review sessions that concisely reviewed the material.

Mario Navarro
4615 Arkansas Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20011
Phone: (281) 799-6883 • Email:
Argosy Inland Empire Campus, Ontario, CA
January 2015- April 2015
• Taught Social Psychology to Psychology majors who were non-traditional students.
• Help apply these social psychological constructs to everyday situations in the students’ lives.
• Consulted with students to help them understand the material for over 60 students.
Kravis Leadership Institute, Claremont, CA
Workshop Instructor
March 2013
• Led a two-hour workshop for understanding the basics of online survey design using Qualtrics.
• Topics included survey creation, survey flow, survey dissemination, embedded data, and data retrieval.

Association for Psychological Science
Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Western Psychological Association
Psi Chi: National Honors Society in Psychology

March 2014 – March
September 2013 – September 2014
November 2012 – November 2014
May 2008 - Present

Applied Social Scientist of the Year – Claremont Graduate University


Suzanne Lim, MPH
3601 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington D.C., 20016
(248) 202-9256 |
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Master of Public Health
Health Behavior and Health Education (HBHE)
• Certificate in Global Health
Bachelor of Science
Brain Behavior & Cognitive Science; French & Francophone Studies

May 2015

May 2012

U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD
Dec 2016 – Present
Health Communications Specialist
• Co-lead the Scientific Review Team within the Research and Evaluation Team in the Office of Health
Communication and Education (OHCE) at the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) to ensure all public
education campaigns and communication initiatives are supported by the best available science
• Examine secondary literature and collect science-based data on diverse target audiences to ensure all
of the information delivered by CTP is properly tailored for intended audiences, including at-risk
youth, multicultural and rural youth, and LGBT young adults
• Contribute to campaign message development by applying audience research insights, communication
theories, and best practices for communicating with various audiences
• Inform the development of campaign strategic and creative concepts, web content, infographics, and
other public-facing materials to ensure that they are scientifically accurate and consistent with
formative-research findings on the target audience
• Review and manage CTP’s social media posts for Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram for
scientific factual accuracy
• Collaborate with internal stakeholders in the development and management of the Tobacco Facts
Repository, a large online database with tobacco-related facts commonly used in CTP’s
communication materials
• Maintain effective working relationships with various stakeholders, including CTP’s Office of
Science, campaign managers, and external partners
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD
Aug 2015 – Dec 2016
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Health Communications Fellowship
• Tracked scientific review requests and ensured they were completed on time and in accordance with
established guidelines and procedures
• Assisted with the interpretation and communication of complex scientific information at a level that
lay audiences can fully understand
• Ensured all materials reflected CTP’s preferred framing, tone, and campaign brand identities
• Contributed to the development of presentation materials (e.g. talking points, Power Point slides),
training manuals, and other resources for meetings and clearances
• Provided technical assistance on various public health communications projects
School of Public Health Office of Academic Affairs, Ann Arbor, MI
Sept 2014 –May 2015
Program Assistant
• Managed the Twitter and Facebook pages for the University of Michigan School of Public Health and
developed messages for a variety of target audiences
• Created reports and graphs using Microsoft Excel and Access about admitted, applied, and
matriculated students for those who applied to the school in the Fall of 2014


Assisted in event planning for prospective and admitted students held at the school to encourage
students to apply and attend
Alliance for Immunization in Michigan, Lansing, MI
May 2014 –Aug 2014
Health Communications Intern
• Liaised with members from the Michigan Department of Community Health on strategies to recruit
coalition members for the Alliance for Immunization in Michigan
• Reviewed social media used to communicate with health care providers and the general public
• Recommended new and unique ways to improve the AIM Coalition’s online presence
• Assisted in the development and analysis of content for the website, and
presented progress of the website at quarterly meetings
• Analyzed the website statistics using Google analytics which demonstrated an increase in monthly
website visits and a decrease in bounce rate
• Presented new website at the quarterly meeting with all coalition members
University of Michigan School of Nursing, Ann Arbor, MI
Sept 2013 –Dec 2014
Graduate Research Assistant
• Assisted in the recruitment of participants by posting flyers at local coffee shops and bars
• Conducted in-person interviews with at risk HIV-negative male couples
• Analyzed qualitative interviews by coding and finding common themes and patterns in responses
• Met weekly with the primary investigator and research team to discuss results of the study and write
up for publication
University of Michigan Department of Psychology, Ann Arbor, MI
Sept 2011 –Apr 2012
Undergraduate Research Assistant
• Organized and assisted with data collection of the mother and father questionnaires for the Family
Transitions Study
• Recorded home visits at subjects’ homes and lab visits using professional recording equipment
• Interviewed firstborn children ages 4-7 to assess behavior after birth of the second child for later
qualitative data analysis
Contracting Officer’s Representative
Level III

Apr 2018

African Studies Center Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship
• Awarded to study Arabic contingent upon funding from the U.S. Department of Education
Health Policy Student Association Professional Development Committee
• Planned events to promote professional development for students interested in health policy
Health Behavior and Health Education Student Association Community Service Chair
• Organized community service events for the students in the HBHE Department
University of Michigan School of Public Health Deans Scholarship Recipient
Women in Health Leadership HBHE Department Representative
• Ensured the professional development needs of all students within the HBHE Department were being
met through the different events put on by this student organization
• SPSS, STATA, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access


Qualitative and quantitative data analysis skills
French: Fluent in speech, high comprehension, reading, and writing ability
Korean: High level of comprehension ability

* NOTE: Scores on this Requirements Report reflect quiz completions at the time all requirements for the course were met. See list below for details.
See separate Transcript Report for more recent quiz scores, including those on optional (supplemental) course elements.
•  Name:
•  Institution Affiliation:
•  Institution Email:
•  Institution Unit:

Suzanne Lim (ID: 7130390)
FDA (ID: 2617)
Center for Tobacco Products

•  Curriculum Group:
•  Course Learner Group:
•  Stage:
•  Description:

Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Same as Curriculum Group
Stage 1 - Basic Course
Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.

•  Record ID:
•  Completion Date:
•  Expiration Date:
•  Minimum Passing:
•  Reported Score*:


Belmont Report and Its Principles (ID: 1127) 
History and Ethical Principles - SBE (ID: 490) 
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBE (ID: 491) 
The Federal Regulations - SBE (ID: 502) 
Assessing Risk - SBE (ID: 503) 
Informed Consent - SBE (ID: 504) 
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBE (ID: 505) 
Internet-Based Research - SBE (ID: 510) 
Research and HIPAA Privacy Protections (ID: 14) 


3/3 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.
Verify at:
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Phone: 888-529-5929

** NOTE: Scores on this Transcript Report reflect the most current quiz completions, including quizzes on optional (supplemental) elements of the
course. See list below for details. See separate Requirements Report for the reported scores at the time all requirements for the course were met.
•  Name:
•  Institution Affiliation:
•  Institution Email:
•  Institution Unit:

Suzanne Lim (ID: 7130390)
FDA (ID: 2617)
Center for Tobacco Products

•  Curriculum Group:
Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
•  Course Learner Group: Same as Curriculum Group
•  Stage:
Stage 1 - Basic Course
•  Description:
Choose this group to satisfy CITI training requirements for Investigators and staff involved primarily in
Social/Behavioral Research with human subjects.
•  Record ID:
•  Report Date:
•  Current Score**:


History and Ethical Principles - SBE (ID: 490)
Defining Research with Human Subjects - SBE (ID: 491)
Belmont Report and Its Principles (ID: 1127)
The Federal Regulations - SBE (ID: 502)
Assessing Risk - SBE (ID: 503)
Informed Consent - SBE (ID: 504)
Privacy and Confidentiality - SBE (ID: 505)
Internet-Based Research - SBE (ID: 510)
Research and HIPAA Privacy Protections (ID: 14)


5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
3/3 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 
5/5 (100%) 

For this Report to be valid, the learner identified above must have had a valid affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing institution
identified above or have been a paid Independent Learner.
Verify at:

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)
Phone: 888-529-5929

Attachment J: FMG Research Staff CVs and CITI Certificates
Dr. Shane Mannis is a researcher with over 10 years of experience conducting academic and
industry research. He has conducted research on a variety of topics, including health
communication, media use, identity and behavior, exercise and fitness, nutrition, financial
decision-making, and advertising effectiveness. At FMG, he oversees a number of projects for
FDA, HHS, USDA, and other federal agencies, with a focus on mixed-methods behavioral
research. As a research fellow at the University of Pennsylvania’s Tobacco Center of Regulatory
Science (TCORS), Dr. Mannis contributed to early research for the Real Cost campaign,
identifying and analyzing popular information sources in the crowded youth media environment
and helping develop a comprehensive picture of the types of pro- and anti-tobacco messages to
which at-risk youth are exposed. His work with TCORS also helped demonstrate new
longitudinal support for the Hornik & Woolf method of selecting promising beliefs to target in
health promotion campaigns. As a Research Fellow at the Annenberg School, he developed
surveys and conducted analyses for TCORS and the Center for Excellence in Cancer
Communication Research. Previously, he worked closely with the New York City Department of
Education to develop survey data collection and analysis protocols. He also led program
evaluation efforts for youth health and fitness programs at New York Road Runners, for which
he won the top award for community-based clinical research at the 28th International
Symposium on Achieving Health Equity Through Community Partnerships.
University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., Communication, 2016.
University of Pennsylvania, M.A., Communication, 2012.
Georgia Institute of Technology, M.S.M, Marketing & Information Technology, 1999.
Oglethorpe University, B.A., Communication, 1996.
Senior Researcher: Fors Marsh Group, LLC, Arlington, VA. (July 2016 – present). Lead a
diverse team of researchers conducting social and behavioral research projects, with an emphasis
on health and risk communication.
+ For FDA, Shane is overseeing two parallel studies—one with consumers and one with health
care providers—investigating the effects of disclosures in prescription drug advertisements.
He worked with FDA to refine the study design and created survey questionnaires, cognitive
interview materials, participant screening and recruitment criteria, and data collection
protocols. He also oversaw cognitive testing of the stimuli and measures with both target
populations, including in-person consumer interviews and remote physician interviews.
+ For FDA, Shane is leading an experimental study of adequate provision measures for
prescription drug risk information, with a focus on non-internet users.
+ For FDA, he helped develop randomization protocols and conducted cognitive interviews for
an experimental study examining prescription drug risk information in character space
limited media.
+ For FDA, he analyzed experimental data from a study of risk information in television drug
advertisements and authored a report of findings and recommendations.




For USDA, Shane helped develop a survey to assess nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes,
and behavior among youth in economically disadvantaged communities. He also oversaw
data collection, analysis, and reporting efforts for this project.
For HHS, he oversees a study of health care professionals’ knowledge of and attitudes toward
a complex and somewhat controversial reproductive health procedure.
For HHS, he leads a study of the effects of biosimilar product naming on physician
prescribing behaviors.
For J. Walter Thompson and the U.S. Marine Corps, Shane oversaw 2017 data collection,
analysis, and reporting for a multiyear tracking study of military service and ad awareness,
and related beliefs and attitudes among youth.
For a local health clinic, Shane is leading formative research, marketing and outreach
materials development, and message testing, with a focus on dental care for diabetic patients.

Manager, Research and Analytics: New York Road Runners, New York, NY (August 2013 –
July 2016). Led program evaluation, market research, and customer experience research projects.
+ Shane developed and executed evaluation strategies for five community-based health and
fitness programs serving more than 200,000 individuals at over 1,000 sites nationwide. He
managed all data collection, and his analysis and reports incorporated government and other
public use data sets along with programmatic data, behavioral observation, youth and adult
focus group data, survey data, social media data, and web analytics.
+ Shane designed and built custom web-based applications to streamline program management
and data collection efforts. Within these applications, he created automated reports and
performance indicator dashboards to provide actionable, real-time insights to improve service
and data quality.
+ He conducted more than 20 online and in-person consumer surveys of adults, youth, and
families, designing field survey interfaces and methods to support meaningful data collection
in suboptimal conditions, reducing cognitive load and increasing the quality of insights
derived from the data collected.
Research Fellow: Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA (August 2010 – May 2015). Worked on the research teams at the Center for
Excellence in Cancer Communication Research and the Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science.
+ Shane analyzed data from large-scale regional and national surveys, cleaning data sets and
performing regression analysis, ANOVA, structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling,
and other complex analyses, plus weighting and imputation of missing data.
+ He analyzed data from the multiwave Philadelphia Anti-Smoking Monitoring Survey to
demonstrate new longitudinal support for the Hornik and Woolf method of selecting
promising beliefs to target in health promotion campaigns.
+ He studied correlates of exercise behavior among cancer patients, including
psychographic characteristics and patient-clinician engagement, using data from the
Pennsylvania Cancer Registry.
+ Shane developed and validated a new instrument for measuring social media activity and
demonstrated a correlation between online activity and offline health-related behavior.
+ He designed, programmed, and tested complex quantitative and qualitative survey
instruments for small and large-scale data collection efforts.


He conducted literature reviews and environmental scans on a variety of health topics,
including physical activity, tobacco use and exposure, patient–clinician engagement, and
culturally sensitive sexuality education.

Marketing Writer and Adjunct Instructor: Community College of Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
PA (February 2009 – August 2010). Researched, wrote, and edited content for all facets of
college marketing campaigns and publications. Developed and taught two English courses.
Documentation Specialist: PointRoll, Conshohocken, PA (May 2007 – November 2008).
Produced research studies and white papers on industry-specific best practices for rich media ad
design and campaign deployment strategies.
Director of Product Management/Senior Product Manager: Online Resources, Princeton, NJ
(December 2003 – May 2007). Worked with government and financial services clients to develop
and deploy custom online payment solutions that satisfied all regulatory requirements.
Product Manager: Princeton eCom, Princeton, NJ (January 2001 – January 2002). Analyzed
portfolio of electronic payment products and recommended improvements to add functionality,
decrease costs, reduce time to market, and increase customer satisfaction and retention.
Product Marketing Manager: Derivion, Atlanta, GA (November 1999 – January 2001).
Developed product requirements and technical specifications for electronic payment products.
Wrote white papers and analyst briefings, and managed competitive analysis team.
Shane has presented his research at a number of conferences and symposia, including:
+ International Communication Association Annual Conference
+ International Visual Literacy Association Annual Conference
+ National Communication Association Annual Conference
+ Global Fusion: Global Media and Communication Conference
+ International Symposium on Achieving Health Equity Through Community Partnerships
+ New York State Pediatric Advocacy Coalition Conference
+ American Public Health Association
+ American Advertising Federation
+ Health Communication
+ Message Design and Evaluation
+ Social Media and Identity
+ Program Evaluation
+ Survey Methodology

Dr. Amanda Carpenter (Ph.D., Communication) has over eight years of experience conducting
health communication research in academic, private, and government settings. During her tenure
at Fors Marsh Group (FMG), Dr. Carpenter has led projects for a variety of clients including the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), the FDA Center
for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), the Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS, the Department of Defense (DoD) Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), and the
U.S. Marine Corps (USMC). She supported the FEMA brand tracking study, which examined
insurance agents’ and homeowners’ perceptions of the National Flood Insurance Program
(NFIP), and the USCG communication audit, which thoroughly analyzed the various internal
communication tools available to its members and resulted in a comprehensive internal
communication strategy. Prior to her experience at FMG, Dr. Carpenter served as a research
fellow at Rutgers University where she worked with a research team to develop a substance use
prevention curriculum targeting rural youth. This curriculum was eventually adopted by
D.A.R.E. America to include as its 10th grade curriculum. Additional academic experience
includes leading several grant-funded projects focused on youth substance use prevention and
cancer prevention. She has extensive experience conducting structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, and longitudinal data analysis, and has attended workshops on all three of these
data analytic techniques. Research areas of interest include health communication, stigmatized
diseases and illnesses (e.g., mental health, HIV/AIDS), health interventions, and prevention
efforts. Her research has been published in journals such as Journal of Communication, Health
Communication, and Journal of Applied Communication Research.
Rutgers University, Ph.D., Communication, 2017
Michigan State University, M.A., Health Communication, 2011
Michigan State University, B.A., Communication, 2008
Researcher: Fors Marsh Group, LLC, Arlington, VA. (October 2016 – present). Provided
research expertise to the Communication Research Division. Conducted research, led projects,
and produced high-quality deliverables for government clients. Highlights include:
+ FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research – Currently leading a multi-year study
examining the impact of character space limitations in prescription drug advertising on
consumer perceptions of drug risks and benefits; oversaw stimuli and survey development
+ FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research – Currently leading creative development of
disease awareness advertisements to examine the impact of these ads on consumer
perceptions of consumer drug risk and benefits
+ FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research – Currently leading a pilot study analyzing
FDA advisory committee transcripts and social media data to determine how to best
communicate about health with minority populations
+ FDA Center for Tobacco Products – Provided scientific background and expertise for The
Real Cost rural campaign (targeting smokeless tobacco use among adolescent males) and
Point-of-Sale campaign (aimed at reducing smoking by messaging in the point of sale
+ FDA Center for Tobacco Products – Currently leading an effort to test tobacco facts and
messaging with youth to inform tobacco prevention campaigns



FDA Center for Tobacco Products – Currently leading a series of cognitive interview studies
to test tobacco-related surveys and stimuli with tobacco consumers
HHS – Led a year-long research effort investigating health care providers’ knowledge,
attitudes, and experience with frozen embryo donation/adoption
DoD FVAP – Led strategic and creative concept testing to raise awareness of absentee voting
among military members, their eligible family members, and U.S. citizens residing outside
the United States, resulting in the creation of new messaging
DoD FVAP – Led usability testing of the FVAP website with military members and U.S.
citizens who previously lived overseas, resulting in changes to the FVAP website
U.S. Marine Corps – Led tracking study examining youth attitudes and awareness of the
Marine Corps
FEMA – Analyzed data examining insurance agent and homeowner perceptions of flood
insurance and risk
USCG – Conducted in-depth analysis of internal communication tools available to members,
resulting in comprehensive communication strategy
USDA – Developed materials for pilot study and evaluation of nutrition curriculum

Research Intern: Fors Marsh Group, LLC, Arlington, VA. (May 2016 – October 2016).
+ Conducted analyses; prepared reports and other written deliverables
Research Fellow: Department of Communication, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
(August 2015 – May 2016).
+ Led NIDA-funded grant that tailored media literacy curriculum focused on reducing alcohol,
tobacco, and other drug use among rural youth
+ Responsible for overseeing data collection, codebook development, and data analysis
+ Collaborated to develop curriculum materials including content and activities
+ Contributed to grant submission to obtain further funding, resulting in the curriculum’s
adoption as the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) curriculum for 10th grade
Research Fellow: Rutgers Cancer Institute, New Brunswick, NJ. (August 2014 – May 2015).
+ Worked on NCI-funded grant that examined social influences on indoor tanning
+ Responsible for cleaning and analyzing nationally representative sample of tanning
behavioral data
+ Examined prevalence and correlates of indoor tanning behavior among young women
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant: Department of Communication, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ. (August 2011 – May 2015).
+ Collected and analyzed data, developed codebooks, and wrote manuscripts for NIDA-funded
grant that tested a media literacy curriculum aimed at reducing substance use among rural
+ Oversaw large-scale coding effort of smokeless tobacco print ads to determine what themes
tobacco companies used to target youth
+ Conducted interviews with sensitive population (HIV+ individuals) about their experiences
disclosing their diagnosis and analyzed these data

Organized, prepared, and collected data with cardiology patients in a medical office setting
about their information sharing behaviors about their diagnoses with romantic partners
+ Organized and conducted longitudinal data collection with individuals trying to lose weight
about perceptions of their romantic partners’ helping and hindering behaviors; analyzed data
using multi-level modeling in HLM
+ Cleaned, screened, and analyzed data for multiple research efforts using statistical techniques
including exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), analysis of
variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), multiple regression, logistic
regression, structural equation modeling (SEM), and multi-level modeling

Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant: Department of Communication, Michigan State
University, East Lansing, MI. (August 2009 – May 2011)
+ Collected data with college student sample about their use of the campus mental health
services; results informed campaign to increase awareness of available services
+ For the Michigan Nutrition Network, moderated focus groups that asked parents of children
to evaluate nutritional materials for health literacy and cultural relevance
+ Collected data with parents and their children about their nutrition decision-making and
+ Developed and created messages and designed materials for the FIT social marketing
campaign aimed at increasing physical activity and healthy nutrition practices among youth
Public Health Intern: Diabetes and Other Chronic Diseases Section, Michigan Department of
Health and Human Services, Lansing, MI. (August 2010 – August 2011).
+ Provided research and project support for the Diabetes and Other Chronic Diseases Section
+ Maintained evaluation database for Personal Action Toward Health, a program based on the
Stanford Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
Project Manager: College of Nursing, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. (August
2009 – May 2010).
+ Organized and oversaw focus group study examining infant feeding practices among Native
American mothers and health professionals
+ Used NVivo to analyze focus group data and identify emergent themes
Junior Executive: San Jose Group, Chicago, IL. (May 2008 – September 2008).
+ Responsible media buys for clients such as American Family Insurance, Magnum Insurance,
ComEd, and the Chicago White Sox
+ Worked with vendors such as the Chicago Sun-Times, Univision, and Telemundo
Specific and/or Technical Accomplishments.
+ Dyadic data analysis
+ Multi-level modeling
+ Longitudinal studies
Select Journal Articles and Presentations.
+ Catona, D., Greene, K., Magsamen-Conrad, K., & Carpenter, A. (2016). Perceived and
experienced stigma among people living with HIV/AIDS: Examining the role of HIV

stigma on disclosure decision-making. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 44,
136-155. doi: 10.1080/00909882.2016.1155726
+ Greene, K., Carpenter, A., Catona, D., & Magsamen-Conrad, K. (2013). The Brief
Disclosure Intervention (BDI): Facilitating African Americans’ disclosure of HIV.
Journal of Communication, 63, 138-158. doi: 10.1111/jcom.12010
+ Carpenter, A., & Greene, K. (2013). Designing a disclosure-focused stigma intervention for
mental health research. In M. H. Eaves (Ed.), Applications in health communication (pp. 1530). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
+ Theiss, J. A., Carpenter, A., & Cox, J. (2015, May). Relationship characteristics that predict
communication about weight loss and efficacy to achieve weight loss goals. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto
Rico. Top Paper Award, Interpersonal Division.
+ Carpenter, A., Greene, K., Magsamen-Conrad, K., & Catona, D. (2013, November).
Informational support and people living with HIV/AIDS: An application of sensitive
interaction systems theory. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National
Communication Association, Washington, DC.
+ Catona, D., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., & Carpenter, A. (2013, November).
Perceived and experienced stigma among people living with HIV/AIDS: Examining the role
of HIV stigma on disclosure decision-making. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
National Communication Association, Washington, DC.
+ Carpenter, A. (2012, July). Relational influence and the diagnosis of generalized anxiety
disorder. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for
Relationship Research, Chicago, IL.
+ Carpenter, A., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., & Catona, D. (2012, July). A brief
disclosure intervention to increase HIV disclosure efficacy and access to social support.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Relationship
Research, Chicago, IL.
+ Catona, D., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., Carpenter, A., & Theiss, J. (2012, July). The
effect of relational uncertainty of a “central” relationship on HIV+ individuals’
perceptions of HIV disclosure. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International
Association for Relationship Research, Chicago, IL.
+ Catona, D., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., & Carpenter, A. (2012, April). The impact of
HIV stigma on disclosure efficacy for individuals managing HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at
the biennial Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY.

Panne Burke has over six years of experience designing, managing, and conducting research in the academic,
private, and government sectors. Panne has led large-scale quantitative and qualitative research projects in
collaboration with clients including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), D.C. Department of Health (DCDOH), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), American Forest
Foundation (AFF), Marine Corps Recruiting Command, Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), Department of
Defense (DOD), and Facebook. Panne holds a Master of Science degree in Experimental Psychology and has
experience teaching undergraduate courses including Youth Culture Crime, Contemporary Issues and Trends in
Corrections, Introduction to Psychology, Sport and Exercise Psychology, Psychology of Personality, and Psychology
of Human Sexuality. Her various research on statistical validity and methodology, digital learning, emotion
recognition, and labeling stigma has been presented at national and regional conferences including the Association
for Psychological Science (APS) and American Psychological Association (APA), as well as published in peerreviewed journals.
Georgia Southern University, M.S., Experimental Psychology, 2015
Florida State University, B.S., Psychology, 2013

Researcher: Fors Marsh Group, LLC, Arlington, VA. (July 2015 – present)
+ Panne conducted a copy testing field study with youth across 11 states in support of the
FDA’s Real Cost Campaign. She also helped develop all associated materials for the study
(e.g., survey, consent forms), led quantitative analysis, and created the results report.
+ Panne has experience utilizing databases from Census, Nielson, FDA and many more
national stakeholders to estimate the prevalence of smokeless tobacco usage among rural
+ Panne has conducted quantitative analysis for surveys and managed subsequent reporting
efforts on behalf of FEMA, American Forest Foundation, APHIS, and DoD.
+ For FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Panne led an effort to conduct focus
groups examining consumers’ current interpretation of “healthy” and related terms on food
labels. Panne is leading upcoming experimental follow-up study related to this work.
+ She also conducted NVivo coding and subsequent analysis for an FDA project aimed as
studying physicians’ reactions to prescription drug promotional materials.
+ Further, Panne has provided her coding expertise to open-end responses in quantitative
surveys, helping to develop codebooks and test for interrater reliability.
+ Panne is currently managing a large-scale mixed-method experimental study of adequate
provision measures for prescription drug risk information for FDA CDER consisting of
cognitive interviews, a pretest, and main study data collection. This effort will use a
telephone random-digit dialing sampling technique to reach over 1,996 participants who are
low to non-internet users and older adults.
+ Panne managed a study for the CDC’s communication research efforts involving focus
groups and stakeholder interviews with individuals across the U.S.
Lab Manager: Department of Psychology, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.
(August 2013 – June 2015)
+ Designed experiments, developed research proposals, devised experiment stimuli, conducted
literature reviews, managed lab schedule and research assistants, collected and analyzed data,
wrote for thesis, grants, presentations, and journal publications.
+ Investigated how labeling defendants influences juror attributions and sentencing

Graduate Assistant: Department of Leadership, Technology, & Human Development, Georgia
Southern University, Statesboro, GA. (August 2013 – May 2015)
+ Conducted literature reviews, coding and content analyses, collected, transcribed, entered,
and analyzed data, prepared conference presentations, and co-wrote manuscripts for journal
+ Investigated the creation of cohesive online learning environments, measuring the efficacy of
graduate preparation programs, empirically examining national issues in library science
programs, and evaluating the contributions of mixed media and technology to student
Researcher: Florida Center for Reading Research, Florida State University, Panama City, FL
(August 2011 – May 2013)
+ Prepared and organized assessment batteries, scored and processed tests, documented
psychometric inconsistencies on assessments, trained new staff, and entered and managed
data at all stages of collection for over thirty separately coded assessments.
+ Experiments and interventions aimed at improving literacy outcomes and instruction for K –
12 students, and validating psychometric properties of formative assessments.
Panne has published in multiple peer-reviewed journals and presented her research at a number
of conferences and symposia, including:
+ Quarterly Review of Distance Education Journal
+ School Library Research Journal
+ Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
+ Association for Psychological Science Annual Conference
+ American Psychological Association Annual Conference
+ Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Conference
+ Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference
+ Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists Annual Conference
+ Georgia Psychological Society Annual Conference

Lauren Angel graduated from the George Washington University in May 2017 with a Master’s
of Public Health in Health Promotion. During her time at GW, her studies focused on planning,
implementing, and evaluating health programs. Additionally, her coursework in this program
heavily focused on utilizing research to create sustainable behavior change in various
populations, particularly vulnerable populations. During her time in the program, Ms. Angel
developed a strong interest in using social marketing and communication to influence behavior
change through the development of targeted messaging to reach audiences of interest. In her
second year at GW, Ms. Angel acted as a recruitment assistant for a grant-funded trial of the
Diabetes Prevention Program with a social marketing component. Ms. Angel acted one of the
primary leaders of this recruitment effort among a predominantly low-income population in
Washington, DC. In addition to this experience, at Fors Marsh Group, Ms. Angel has been
involved in several qualitative research efforts, including major data collection efforts in field.
Ms. Angel was part of a core team that traveled to four states across the country to conduct inschool research with middle school and high school students. The purpose of this data collection
was to test creative concepts for a smokeless tobacco prevention campaign with high school and
middle school students. Other projects she has worked on include assisting with conducting and
assessing themes from cognitive interviews, developing in-depth interview discussion guides
with key stakeholders, analyzing focus group findings and transcripts in NViVo and writing
focus group findings reports, as well as contributing to OMB and IRB package development.
The George Washington University, MPH, Health Promotion. 2017
The University of Virginia, BA, Psychology. 2014
Researcher: Fors Marsh Group, LLC. Arlington, VA. (October 2017 – Present).
As a researcher on the communication research team, Ms. Angel has contributed to formative
research to inform message and campaign development for agencies such as FDA’s Center for
Tobacco Products and Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. For a project with FDA’s
Center for Tobacco Products, she managed the recruitment of 13 schools in 4 states across the
country, including speaking to and coordinating with school principals and staff to schedule inschool research. In field, she assisted with notetaking and logistics, and contributed to analysis
and reporting upon completion of fielding (including NVivo coding, extracting themes, and
report writing). She has also conducted formative research to contribute to brand strategy and
marketing developing for agencies such as OPA. In addition to these qualitative contributions,
Ms. Angel has experience working with large data sets, including cleaning, merging, and writing
syntax for data analysis. She has also assisted with survey development and analysis for a project
with OPA, and has coordinated survey sampling for this project as well.
Research Intern: Fors Marsh Group, LLC. Arlington, VA. (May 2017 – October 2017).
Contributed to several projects within the communication research team to assist in formative
research and analysis of various qualitative research efforts.
+ For CDC, contributed to a qualitative focus group report for a CDC project to assess
perceptions of excessive alcohol consumption.
o Assessed NVivo transcripts to extract common themes among focus group

o Analyzed participant perceptions of excessive drinkers and definitions of various
terms regarding binge drinking
+ Drafted cognitive interview reports by assessing participant responses and extracting
o Projects included: For HHS, assessed OBGYN knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviors towards embryo adoption; for FDA, assessed how individuals interpret
prescription drug benefit-risk information online
+ For FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, identified and worked with over 50 schools in
rural areas to facilitate in-school participation with a smokeless tobacco research effort
Research Intern: Truth Initiative. Washington, DC. (September 2017 – May 2017).
Assisted with various projects within the Evaluation Science and Research Department.
+ Conducted literature searches for several departmental papers and projects. Topics
included: e-cigarette incidence and prevalence rates, point-of-sale and Big Tobacco
marketing, multicultural tobacco use, and tobacco-free campus policies
+ Conducted content analysis of smoking depiction in mass media
o Coded over 20 episodes of television shows for tobacco use, including:
demographics of user, tobacco location in scene, type of tobacco, and tobacco
o Assisted with internal presentation of initial findings for shows with tobacco use
and incidents per show
Recruitment Assistant: The George Washington University. (August 2016 – December 2016).
Acted as a primary recruitment assistant for an implementation of the Diabetes Prevention
Program among African American women at Bread for the City, a medical clinic in Washington,
+ In this effort, called over 20 women to pre-screen them to assess eligibility for
participation and followed up with women who missed appointments or needed to
+ Helped maintain documentation recording recruitment locations frequented and
efficacy of locations, as well as emailed other student volunteers to coordinate full
screening appointments, and confirmed appointments with women.
+ At the end of the 12-week program, went to Bread for the City to assist in collecting
biometric data (A1C, blood pressure, 3-minute step test, questionnaire)

Followed up with women who missed appointments or needed to reschedule

Practicum. Girls on the Run of Northern Virginia. (July 2016 – December 2016).
Assessed barriers to recruitment and participation in Girls on the Run of Northern Virginia
among families with high financial need.
+ Researched current protocols and strategies Girls on the Run has in place to help families
with low socioeconomic status (lower enrollment fees, etc), as well as common barriers
that low SES families face with extracurricular activities.
+ Created Google form survey to send to over 15 Girls on the Run coaches throughout Title
I schools in Northern Virginia, and from these surveys, followed up with interested
participants for phone interviews.

Interviewed 8 Girls on the Run coaches to assess their own perceptions of the most
barriers that hinder girls at Title I schools from participating.
+ Using information gathered from past research and surveys/interviews, wrote formal
report synthesizing findings and providing recommendations to improve access to the

Patient Service Representative. Grove Spine and Sports Care. Vienna,VA. (March 2016 –
September 2016).
Companion. Moon River Senior Care and Transportation. (August 2014 – May 2015).
Assistant. The Jackson Clinics Physical Therapy. (July 2013 – August 2013).
Research Assistant. The University of Virginia. (September 2012 – December 2012).
Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis: Extensive coursework focusing on conducting
qualitative research to assess health behavior and create behavior change programs and
messaging. Has conducted semi-structured interviews for related coursework, including
conducting research to inform the development of interview questions, transcribing interviews,
analyzing transcripts, and extracting key themes and findings from these interviews.
Additionally, at Fors Marsh Group, has been involved with assisting with cognitive and in-depth
interviews, as well as analyzing focus group findings using NVivo for thematic analysis.
Quantitative Experience: Experienced in Stata: merging and cleaning large datasets and writing
syntax. Additionally, experience developing survey instruments, analyzing survey data by
running statistical analyses, and working with panel providers.

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File Modified2018-10-05
File Created2018-10-05

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