Background: HUD has determined that the merger of one or more existing CoCs into a new larger CoC can result in improved coordination of services, effective HMIS implementation, more efficient resource allocation and planning, and improved competitiveness for new resources. Merging smaller CoCs into a larger CoC also reduces the administrative burden of applying for funding at the local level and reviewing funding applications at the national level. HUD strongly encourages CoCs to merge where it is appropriate. This workbook was designed to help communities understand the Final Pro-Rata Need that will be available to a merged CoC in FY2012. |
Final Pro-Rata Need Policy: Starting in FY2009, CoCs in Hold Harmless Need (HHN) status merging with CoCs in Preliminary Pro-Rata Need status (PPRN) received the sum of the higher of the HHN or PPRN for each of the merging CoCs. The PPRN and HHN amounts are calculated based on the combined jurisdiction. This policy was established to prevent CoCs in PPRN from losing access to resources by merging. |
Table A. Preliminary Pro-Rata Need, Annual Reneal Amount , and Final Pro-Rata Need for the Merged CoC |
Column 1. Current CoC Code |
This is the sum of average annual renewals for renewal projects in the old CoC. CoCs can obtain this amount from the Field Office or from the approved 2010 Grant Inventory Chart.
Step 2. Hold Harmless Amount |
This is automatically calculated by summing the Pro-Rata Need from each goecode in each CoC.
3. FY2012 Preliminary Pro-Rata Need |
This is equal to the greater of the PPRN or hold-harmless amount for each CoC.
4. Estimated Final Pro-Rata Need |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
Merged CoC |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
Step 1. In Column 1, list each of the current CoC codes/numbers (ex. MA-500). |
Step 2. In Column 2, list the HHN amounts associated with each CoC code. |
Table B. Preliminary Pro-Rata Need for Current CoCs |
1. Geocode |
2. Current CoC Code |
PPRN for each geocode can be obtained using the link specified in the Notice for the 2011 CoC competition.
3. FY2012 Preliminary Pro-Rata Need (PPRN) |
Step 3. List each of the geocodes comprised within each of the CoCs in Table A, Column 1. |
Step 4. In Column 2, list the current CoC code associated with each geocode. |
Be sure to list the CoC Code in exactly the same way that it is listed in Table A. |
Step 5. In Column 3, list the FY2012 Preliminary Pro-Rata Need for each geocode. |
Final Calculations (using Table A and B) |
Step 6. Check Table A for the Final Pro-Rata Need amount for each of the current CoCs |
and the amount for the proposed CoC that would be created by the merger. |
Step 7. If you decide to merge CoCs for the FY2012 competition, use |
Table B to document all of the geocodes that will be part of the consolidated CoC in e-snaps. |