October 16, 2020, FR Notice (60-Day)

Oct 16 2020 60-Day FR.pdf

Safety and Health Requirements Related to Camp Cars

October 16, 2020, FR Notice (60-Day)

OMB: 2130-0595

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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 201 / Friday, October 16, 2020 / Notices
ET, Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays. To be sure someone is
there to help you, please call (202) 366–
9317 or (202) 366–9826 before visiting
Docket Operations.
C. Privacy Act
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c),
DOT solicits comments from the public
to better inform its rulemaking process.
DOT posts these comments, without
edits, including any personal
information the commenter provides, to
www.regulations.gov, as described in
the system of records notice (DOT/ALL–
14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at

James W. Deck,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2020–22903 Filed 10–15–20; 8:45 am]

II. Background


On August 19, 2020 (85 FR 51145),
FMCSA published a notice requesting
public comments on the petitions for
rulemaking to amend certain
requirements for property brokers
submitted by the Owner-Operator
Independent Drivers Association
(OOIDA) and the Small Business in
Transportation Coalition (SBTC).
OOIDA requests that FMCSA require
property brokers to provide an
electronic copy of each transaction
record automatically within 48 hours
after the contractual service has been
completed, and prohibit explicitly
brokers from including any provision in
their contracts that requires a motor
carrier to waive its rights to access the
transaction records. SBTC requests that
FMCSA prohibit brokers from coercing
or otherwise requiring parties to
brokers’ transactions to waive their right
to review the record of the transaction
as a condition for doing business. SBTC
also requests that FMCSA adopt
regulatory language indicating that
brokers’ contracts may not include a
stipulation or clause exempting the
broker from having to comply with the
transparency requirement. The notice
set October 19, 2020 as the deadline by
which comments should be submitted
to the public docket.

Federal Railroad Administration

III. Extension of the Public Comment


property carrier broker regulation
The Agency believes it is appropriate
to extend the comment period to
provide interested parties additional
time to submit their responses to the
notice seeking public comment on the
OOIDA and SBTC petitions. Therefore,
the Agency extends the deadline for the
submission of comments until
November 18, 2020.

On October 13, 2020, FMCSA
published a notice in the Federal
Register announcing that it will host a
listening session pertaining to property
carrier brokers on October 28, 2020.
Specifically, the Agency indicated that
it would like to hear from members of
the public on their views on the
regulation of property carrier brokers in
general, and on three separate petitions
for rulemaking from OOIDA, SBTC and
the Transportation Intermediaries
Association concerning specific

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18:59 Oct 15, 2020

Jkt 253001

[Docket No. FRA–2020–0027–N–24]

Proposed Agency Information
Collection Activities; Comment
Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA), U.S. Department
of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of information collection;
request for comment.

Under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) and its
implementing regulations, FRA seeks
approval of the Information Collection
Request (ICR) abstracted below. Before
submitting this ICR to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
approval, FRA is soliciting public
comment on specific aspects of the
activities identified in the ICR.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before
December 15, 2020.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments and
recommendations for the proposed ICR
to Ms. Hodan Wells, Information
Collection Clearance Officer at email:
hodan.wells@dot.gov or telephone: (202)
493–0440. Please refer to the assigned
OMB control number in any
correspondence submitted. FRA will
summarize comments received in
response to this notice in a subsequent
notice and include them in its
information collection submission to
OMB for approval.
44 U.S.C. 3501–3520, and its
implementing regulations, 5 CFR part
1320, require Federal agencies to
provide 60-days’ notice to the public to
allow comment on information
collection activities before seeking OMB
approval of the activities. See 44 U.S.C.
3506, 3507; 5 CFR 1320.8 through
1320.12. Specifically, FRA invites

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interested parties to comment on the
following ICR regarding: (1) Whether the
information collection activities are
necessary for FRA to properly execute
its functions, including whether the
activities will have practical utility; (2)
the accuracy of FRA’s estimates of the
burden of the information collection
activities, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used to
determine the estimates; (3) ways for
FRA to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information being
collected; and (4) ways for FRA to
minimize the burden of information
collection activities on the public,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology. See 44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A); 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1).
FRA believes that soliciting public
comment may reduce the administrative
and paperwork burdens associated with
the collection of information that
Federal regulations mandate. In
summary, FRA reasons that comments
received will advance three objectives:
(1) Reduce reporting burdens; (2)
organize information collection
requirements in a ‘‘user-friendly’’ format
to improve the use of such information;
and (3) accurately assess the resources
expended to retrieve and produce
information requested. See 44 U.S.C.
The summary below describes the ICR
that FRA will submit for OMB clearance
as the PRA requires:
Title: Safety and Health Requirements
Related to Camp Cars.
OMB Control Number: 2130–0595.
Abstract: Subparts C and E of 49 CFR
part 228 address the construction of
railroad-provided sleeping quarters
(camp cars) and set certain safety and
health requirements for such camp cars.
Specifically, subpart E of part 228
prescribes minimum safety and health
requirements for camp cars that a
railroad provides as sleeping quarters to
any of its train employees, signal
employees, and dispatching service
employees (covered-service employees)
and individuals employed to maintain
its right-of-way. Subpart E requires
railroad-provided camp cars to be clean,
safe, and sanitary, and be equipped with
indoor toilets, potable water, and other
features to protect the health of car
occupants. Subpart C of part 228
prohibits a railroad from positioning a
camp car intended for occupancy by
individuals employed to maintain the
railroad’s right-of-way in the immediate
vicinity of a switching or humping yard
that handles railcars containing
hazardous material. Generally, the
requirements of subparts C and E to part
228 are intended to provide covered-




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 201 / Friday, October 16, 2020 / Notices

service employees an opportunity for
rest free from the interruptions caused
by noise under the control of the
The information collected under this
rule is used by FRA to ensure railroads
operating camp cars comply with all the

requirements mandated in this
regulation to protect the health and
safety of camp car occupants.
Type of Request: Extension with
change (estimates) of a currently
approved collection.
Affected Public: Businesses.

Form(s): N/A.
Respondent Universe: 1 railroad.
Frequency of Submission: On

CFR Section 1

Respondent universe

Total annual
responses 2

Average time
per responses

228.323(b)(4)—Water hydrants—Records of
—Copy of records at central location ...

1 railroad ..........................

2 minutes .......



10 seconds ....



—(b)(6) Certification from State or local
health authority.
—Certification by laboratory ..................
—Certification copies at central location

1 railroad ..........................

740 inspection
740 record copies.
666 certificates ...

1 hour ............



20 minutes .....
10 seconds ....



—(c)(4) Storage and distribution system—Flushing
—(c)(6) Lab report copies .....................

1 railroad ..........................

74 certificates .....
740 certificate
111 records ........

30 minutes .....



2 minutes .......



—(d) Signage (for non-potable water) ..
228.331(d)—First Aid and Life Safety—
Modified Emergency Preparedness Plan.
—Modified Emergency Preparedness
Plan copies.
228.333—Remedial action—A good faith
notice of needed repair.

1 railroad ..........................
1 railroad ..........................

2.5 minutes ....
15 minutes .....



1 railroad ..........................

10 lab report
740 signs ...........
740 modified
1,560 plan copies

3 seconds ......

1 hour


4 car occupants/employee
labor organizations.

4 good faith notices.

15 minutes .....

1 hour


Total .......................................................

1 railroad ..........................

6,125 responses

N/A .................



1 railroad ..........................

1 railroad ..........................
1 railroad ..........................

1 railroad ..........................

Total annual
burden hours

Total cost
equivalent 3

1 Note:

The current inventory exhibits a total burden of 1,043 hours while the total burden of this requesting notice is 994 hours. FRA determined some of the estimates were not derived from PRA requirements, thus leading to the increased figures in the current inventory, which were
decreased accordingly in this notice. Also, totals may not add due to rounding.
2 There is currently only one Class I railroad that presently uses camp cars, operating approximately 292 camp cars. The total annual response
estimates for 228.323(b)(4), 228.323(d) and 228.331(d) are derived from an estimated 292 camp cars, operating as in large, medium, and small
groups. Most groups are medium-sized in which approximately 37 camp cars are set up and broken down for 10 months each year. Each camp
car group moves approximately 20 times each year (37 × 20 = 740 connections, records, etc.).
3 The dollar equivalent cost is derived from the Surface Transportation Board’s Full Year Wage A&B data series using the appropriate employee group hourly wage rate that includes a 75-percent overhead charge.

Total Estimated Annual Responses:
Total Estimated Annual Burden: 994
Total Estimated Annual Burden Hour
Dollar Cost Equivalent: $74,440.
Under 44 U.S.C. 3507(a) and 5 CFR
1320.5(b) and 1320.8(b)(3)(vi), FRA
informs all interested parties that a
respondent is not required to respond
to, conduct, or sponsor a collection of
information that does not display a
currently valid OMB control number.
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501–3520.


Brett A. Jortland,
Deputy Chief Counsel.

18:59 Oct 15, 2020

Federal Transit Administration
Notice To Rescind Notice of Intent To
Prepare an Environmental Impact
Statement for Expansion of Light Rail
Transit Service From Glassboro, NJ to
Camden, NJ
Federal Transit Administration


Rescind Notice of Intent to
prepare an environmental impact


The FTA in cooperation with
the Delaware River Port Authority
(DRPA) is issuing this notice to advise
the public that the Notice of Intent
(NOI) to prepare an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed
public transportation improvement
project in Camden County, New Jersey
is being rescinded.


[FR Doc. 2020–22738 Filed 10–15–20; 8:45 am]

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Timothy Lidiak, Community Planner,
Federal Transit Administration Region
III, 1835 Market Street, Suite 1910,
Philadelphia, PA 19103, phone: 215–
656–7084, email: timothy.lidiak@


The FTA,
as lead federal agency, and DRPA
published a NOI on April 19, 2010 (75
FR20421) to prepare an EIS for the
expansion of light rail passenger service
along an 18-mile-long corridor operating
between the Borough of Glassboro in
Gloucester County and the City of
Camden in Camden County along, and
primarily within, the existing Conrail
railroad right-of-way.
The DRPA is no longer seeking federal
funding from FTA, and FTA is
rescinding the April 19, 2010 NOI.
DRPA will fund the project through
state and local sources of funding.




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