5800-018 CDX Customer Satisfaction with Program Services

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (Renewal)

CDX Customer Satisfaction Survey 20 12 17

OMB: 2010-0042

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CDX Customer Satisfaction FY21 Q1
CDX Customer Satisfaction with Program Services

OMB Control No: 2010-0042 Expires:3/31/2021

Please answer the survey questions below about your experiences with the Central Data Exchange
(CDX). Your responses will help us improve our services to better meet your needs.

This survey has 8 questions and should take approximately 6 minutes of your time.
The “*” denotes a question that must be completed in order to submit.
Burden Statement: This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction
Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 2010-0040). Responses to this collection of information
are voluntary (5 CFR § 1320). An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The
public reporting and record-keeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 6
minutes per response. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the
provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the
Regulatory Support Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any
correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.
* 1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with CDX.

* 2. Please rate ease of using CDX. (CDX account features: MyCDX, My Profile, Submission History, News and Updates,

Please indicate your most frequently used program service below and answer the
ease of use questions.
* 3. What is the most frequently used program service you access through CDX?
ACE – Automated Commercial Environment


AQS – Air Quality System
ARCS – Aircraft Reporting and Compliance System
ATTAINS – Assessment Total Maximum Daily Loads Tracking and Implementation System
BaSR -- Burial at Sea
CDRS – Consent Decree Reporting System
CEDRI – Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface for Web Factor Information Retrieval (WebFIRE)
CMDP -- Compliance Monitoring Data Portal
CSPP – Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs
E - Enterprise Portal
e-GGRT – Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool
eBEACHES – Electronic Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health
eCDR – Electronic Chemical Data Report
EIS – Emissions Inventory System
eNOI – Electronic Notice of Intent
EPS - Electronic Permit Solution
eSIP – Electronic State Implementation Plan
ESMT - Enterprise Service Management Tool
EV-CIS - Engines and Vehicles Compliance Information System
FOND – Fuel Oil Non-Availability Disclosure
FORS – Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR) Online Registration System
GLENDA – Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) Query System
iBoard – Internet Onboarding Application
ICIS – Integrated Compliance Information System
IEPB – Information Exchange Partnership Branch Grants System
LEAD – Varied Lead Program Solutions
NetDMR – Network Water Discharge Monitoring Reports
ODS-CBI – Ozone Depleting Substances - Confidential Business Information
OTAQ-Biofuels – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver Credits Pay.gov Application
OTAQ-DCFuels – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Fuels Reporting System
OTAQ-EMTS – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, EPA Moderated Transaction System
OTAQ-Forms – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Forms


OTAQ-QAP – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Quality Assurance Provider
OTAQ-Reg-II – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Reg, Version 2
PSP – Pesticide Submission Portal
RADNet – Radiation Network
RCRA/My RCRA ID – My Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) ID
RMP – System for Risk Management Plans
SDWIS – Safe Drinking Water Information System
SPeCS – State Plan Electronic Collection System
SSTS – Section Seven Tracking System
STARS – Science To Achieve Results
SUPERFUND – Superfund Initiative Redevelopment Discussion Database
SWIPR – Subpart W Impoundment Photographic Reporting
TitleV – Title V Annual Compliance Certifications
TRI-ME Web – Toxics Release Inventory - Made Easy for the Web
TRIPS – Toxics Release Inventory Processing System
TSCA – Toxic Substance Control Act
UCMR – Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation
UIC – Underground Injection Control
VGP – Vessels General Permit
WCIT – Water Contaminant Information Tool
WIETS – Waste Import and Export Tracking System
WQX – Water Quality eXchange
I Don't Know
Other (please specify)

* 3a. Please rate ease of using the program service selected above:

* 3b. Please rate ease of using CDX Registration for the program service selected above:


Do you have a second most used program service?


CDX Customer Satisfaction FY21 Q1
Second Most Frequently Used Program Service

Please indicate your second most frequently used program service below and answer
the ease of use questions.
* 4. What is the most frequently used program service you access through CDX?
ACE – Automated Commercial Environment
AQS – Air Quality System
ARCS – Aircraft Reporting and Compliance System
ATTAINS – Assessment Total Maximum Daily Loads Tracking and Implementation System
BaSR -- Burial at Sea
CDRS – Consent Decree Reporting System
CEDRI – Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface for Web Factor Information Retrieval (WebFIRE)
CMDP -- Compliance Monitoring Data Portal
CSPP – Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs
E - Enterprise Portal
e-GGRT – Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool
eBEACHES – Electronic Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health
eCDR – Electronic Chemical Data Report
EIS – Emissions Inventory System
eNOI – Electronic Notice of Intent
EPS - Electronic Permit Solution
eSIP – Electronic State Implementation Plan
ESMT - Enterprise Service Management Tool
EV-CIS - Engines and Vehicles Compliance Information System


FOND – Fuel Oil Non-Availability Disclosure
FORS – Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR) Online Registration System
GLENDA – Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) Query System
iBoard – Internet Onboarding Application
ICIS – Integrated Compliance Information System
IEPB – Information Exchange Partnership Branch Grants System
LEAD – Varied Lead Program Solutions
NetDMR – Network Water Discharge Monitoring Reports
ODS-CBI – Ozone Depleting Substances - Confidential Business Information
OTAQ-Biofuels – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver Credits Pay.gov Application
OTAQ-DCFuels – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Fuels Reporting System
OTAQ-EMTS – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, EPA Moderated Transaction System
OTAQ-Forms – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Forms
OTAQ-QAP – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Quality Assurance Provider
OTAQ-Reg-II – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Reg, Version 2
PSP – Pesticide Submission Portal
RADNet – Radiation Network
RCRA/My RCRA ID – My Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) ID
RMP – System for Risk Management Plans
SDWIS – Safe Drinking Water Information System
SPeCS – State Plan Electronic Collection System
SSTS – Section Seven Tracking System
STARS – Science To Achieve Results
SUPERFUND – Superfund Initiative Redevelopment Discussion Database
SWIPR – Subpart W Impoundment Photographic Reporting
TitleV – Title V Annual Compliance Certifications
TRI-ME Web – Toxics Release Inventory - Made Easy for the Web
TRIPS – Toxics Release Inventory Processing System
TSCA – Toxic Substance Control Act
UCMR – Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation
UIC – Underground Injection Control
VGP – Vessels General Permit
WCIT – Water Contaminant Information Tool


WIETS – Waste Import and Export Tracking System
WQX – Water Quality eXchange
I Don't Know
Other (please specify)

* 4a. Please rate ease of using the program service selected above:

* 4b. Please rate ease of using CDX Registration for the program service selected above:

Do you have a third most used program service?


CDX Customer Satisfaction FY21 Q1
Third Most Frequently Used Program Service

Please indicate your third most frequently used program service below and answer
the ease of use questions.
* 5. What is the most frequently used program service you access through CDX?
ACE – Automated Commercial Environment
AQS – Air Quality System
ARCS – Aircraft Reporting and Compliance System
ATTAINS – Assessment Total Maximum Daily Loads Tracking and Implementation System
BaSR -- Burial at Sea
CDRS – Consent Decree Reporting System
CEDRI – Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface for Web Factor Information Retrieval (WebFIRE)
CMDP -- Compliance Monitoring Data Portal
CSPP – Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs
E - Enterprise Portal
e-GGRT – Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool
eBEACHES – Electronic Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health
eCDR – Electronic Chemical Data Report
EIS – Emissions Inventory System
eNOI – Electronic Notice of Intent
EPS - Electronic Permit Solution
eSIP – Electronic State Implementation Plan
ESMT - Enterprise Service Management Tool
EV-CIS - Engines and Vehicles Compliance Information System


FOND – Fuel Oil Non-Availability Disclosure
FORS – Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR) Online Registration System
GLENDA – Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) Query System
iBoard – Internet Onboarding Application
ICIS – Integrated Compliance Information System
IEPB – Information Exchange Partnership Branch Grants System
LEAD – Varied Lead Program Solutions
NetDMR – Network Water Discharge Monitoring Reports
ODS-CBI – Ozone Depleting Substances - Confidential Business Information
OTAQ-Biofuels – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver Credits Pay.gov Application
OTAQ-DCFuels – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Fuels Reporting System
OTAQ-EMTS – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, EPA Moderated Transaction System
OTAQ-Forms – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Forms
OTAQ-QAP – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Quality Assurance Provider
OTAQ-Reg-II – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Reg, Version 2
PSP – Pesticide Submission Portal
RADNet – Radiation Network
RCRA/My RCRA ID – My Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) ID
RMP – System for Risk Management Plans
SDWIS – Safe Drinking Water Information System
SPeCS – State Plan Electronic Collection System
SSTS – Section Seven Tracking System
STARS – Science To Achieve Results
SUPERFUND – Superfund Initiative Redevelopment Discussion Database
SWIPR – Subpart W Impoundment Photographic Reporting
TitleV – Title V Annual Compliance Certifications
TRI-ME Web – Toxics Release Inventory - Made Easy for the Web
TRIPS – Toxics Release Inventory Processing System
TSCA – Toxic Substance Control Act
UCMR – Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation
UIC – Underground Injection Control
VGP – Vessels General Permit
WCIT – Water Contaminant Information Tool


WIETS – Waste Import and Export Tracking System
WQX – Water Quality eXchange
I Don't Know
Other (please specify)

* 5a. Please rate ease of using the program service selected above:

* 5b. Please rate ease of using CDX Registration for the program service selected above:


CDX Customer Satisfaction FY21 Q1
Summary Wrap-Up

6. How can CDX improve to better meet your needs?

Please enter the best topic for your comments.

* If applicable, what is the program service for this comment?
ACE – Automated Commercial Environment
AQS – Air Quality System
ARCS – Aircraft Reporting and Compliance System
ATTAINS – Assessment Total Maximum Daily Loads Tracking and Implementation System
BaSR -- Burial at Sea
CDRS – Consent Decree Reporting System
CEDRI – Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface for Web Factor Information Retrieval (WebFIRE)
CMDP -- Compliance Monitoring Data Portal
CSPP – Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs
E - Enterprise Portal
e-GGRT – Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool
eBEACHES – Electronic Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health
eCDR – Electronic Chemical Data Report
EIS – Emissions Inventory System


eNOI – Electronic Notice of Intent
EPS - Electronic Permit Solution
eSIP – Electronic State Implementation Plan
ESMT - Enterprise Service Management Tool
EV-CIS - Engines and Vehicles Compliance Information System
FOND – Fuel Oil Non-Availability Disclosure
FORS – Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR) Online Registration System
GLENDA – Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) Query System
iBoard – Internet Onboarding Application
ICIS – Integrated Compliance Information System
IEPB – Information Exchange Partnership Branch Grants System
LEAD – Varied Lead Program Solutions
NetDMR – Network Water Discharge Monitoring Reports
ODS-CBI – Ozone Depleting Substances - Confidential Business Information
OTAQ-Biofuels – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Cellulosic Biofuel Waiver Credits Pay.gov Application
OTAQ-DCFuels – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Fuels Reporting System
OTAQ-EMTS – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, EPA Moderated Transaction System
OTAQ-Forms – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Forms
OTAQ-QAP – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Quality Assurance Provider
OTAQ-Reg-II – Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Reg, Version 2
PSP – Pesticide Submission Portal
RADNet – Radiation Network
RCRA/My RCRA ID – My Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) ID
RMP – System for Risk Management Plans
SDWIS – Safe Drinking Water Information System
SPeCS – State Plan Electronic Collection System
SSTS – Section Seven Tracking System
STARS – Science To Achieve Results
SUPERFUND – Superfund Initiative Redevelopment Discussion Database
SWIPR – Subpart W Impoundment Photographic Reporting
TitleV – Title V Annual Compliance Certifications
TRI-ME Web – Toxics Release Inventory - Made Easy for the Web


TRIPS – Toxics Release Inventory Processing System
TSCA – Toxic Substance Control Act
UCMR – Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation
UIC – Underground Injection Control
VGP – Vessels General Permit
WCIT – Water Contaminant Information Tool
WIETS – Waste Import and Export Tracking System
WQX – Water Quality eXchange
I Don't Know
Other (please specify)

* 7. How long have you used CDX?

8. May we contact you to better understand your comments?
Yes. (please provide email address below)

Thank you for taking time to complete this CDX Customer Satisfaction survey. If you have any questions about this survey, please email
Form 5800-018


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleView Survey
File Modified2021-03-08
File Created2020-12-17

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