Case Service Report (RSA-911) | ||||||||||
Element Number | Element Name | Data Type | Multiple Values Allowed | Change | PIRL Element |
Report at | Report | Updateable (Y/N) after initial reporting |
Definitions or Instructions | Code Values |
1 | Program Year | INT 4 | No | No | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service, Update as Needed | Quarterly | Yes | Report the program year associated with the reporting period. Program year begins in July and ends in June of the following year. | XXXX | |
2 | Program Year Quarter | INT 1 | No | No | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service, Update as Needed |
Quarterly | Yes | Report the program year quarter applicable to the data collection reporting period. | 1 = July 1- September 30 2 = October 1- December 31 3 = January 1- March 31 4 = April 1- June 30 |
4 | Agency Code | INT 3 | No | No | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service | Quarterly | No | Report the code value assigned to the VR agency submitting the data from Appendix 1. | Valid values listed in Appendix 1 | |
5 | Unique Identifier | VARCHAR 12 | No | Modified Reporting Instruction | 100 | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service | Quarterly | No | When assigning the identifier, the first two digits are the State’s Postal Code followed by a unique 10-digit number that is not associated with the individual’s SSN. The number must not duplicate any other assigned unique identifiers used in the State by another VR agency. When assigning a unique identifier, ensure that the same 12- digit identifier is used in subsequent years for the same individual if additional service records are opened for that individual in the future. This is necessary to obtain an unduplicated count of individuals being served in a State. Note: The Postal Code used should be the State agency's Postal Code, not the State in which the individual resides or the State from where the case was transferred. |
6 | Social Security Number | VARCHAR 9 | No | No | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service |
When Occurs | No | Report the individual’s nine-digit SSN. Note: SSN is not a required field. | XXXXXXXXX | |
7 | Date of Application | DATE | No | No | Application Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report the date (year, month, and day) that the agency received a completed and signed application form for VR services from the applicant. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation. |
8 | Date of Birth | DATE | No | No | 200 | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service | Quarterly | No | Report the applicant’s date of birth. | YYYYMMDD |
9 | Sex | INT 1 | No | No | 201 | Application Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report the applicant’s sex. | 1 = Male 2 = Female 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
10 | American Indian / Alaska Native | INT 1 | No | No | 211 | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service | Quarterly | No | An individual having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment. This element is required for all individuals in elementary or secondary education. If an individual in elementary or secondary education chooses not to self-identify race, observer identification should be used to assign the individual to a race/ethnicity. |
1 = Individual is American Indian / Alaska Native 0 = Individual is not American Indian / Alaska Native 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
11 | Asian | INT 1 | No | No | 212 | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service | Quarterly | No | An individual having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. This element is required for all individuals in elementary or secondary education. If an individual in elementary or secondary education chooses not to self-identify race, observer identification should be used to assign the individual to a race/ethnicity. |
1 = Individual is Asian 0 = Individual is not Asian 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
12 | Black / African American | INT 1 | No | No | 213 | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service |
Quarterly | No | An individual having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. This element is required for all individuals in elementary or secondary education. If an individual in elementary or secondary education chooses not to self-identify race, observer identification should be used to assign the individual to a race/ethnicity. | 1 = Individual is Black / African American 0 = Individual is not Black / African American 9 = Participant did not self-identify |
13 | Native Hawaiian /Other Pacific Islander | INT 1 | No | No | 214 | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service | Quarterly | No | An individual having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. This element is required for all individuals in elementary or secondary education. If an individual in elementary or secondary education chooses not to self-identify race, observer identification should be used to assign the individual to a race/ethnicity. |
1 = Individual is Native Hawaiian /Other Pacific Islander 0 = Individual is not Native Hawaiian /Other Pacific Islander 9 = Participant did not self-identify |
14 | White | INT 1 | No | No | 215 | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service | Quarterly | No | An individual having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. This element is required for all individuals in elementary or secondary education. If an individual in elementary or secondary education chooses not to self-identify race, observer identification should be used to assign the individual to a race/ethnicity. |
1 = Individual is White 0 = Individual is not White 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
15 | Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino | INT 1 | No | No | 210 | Application or Initial Receipt of Pre- Employment Transition Service | Quarterly | No | An individual of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. This element is required for all individuals in elementary or secondary education. If an individual in elementary or secondary education chooses not to self-identify race, observer identification should be used to assign the individual to a race/ethnicity. |
1 = Individual is Hispanic / Latino 0 = Individual is not Hispanic / Latino 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
16 | Veteran | INT 1 | No | No | Application Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report the code value to indicate whether the applicant served in the active military, naval, or air service, and was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable. | 1 = Individual is a Veteran 0 = Individual is not a Veteran |
18 | State Postal Code of Residence | VARCHAR 2 | No | Modified reporting instructions | 101 | Application Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report the two-letter State Postal Code for the State or U.S. Territory corresponding to the location of the individual’s residence. For persons on active military duty, report the two-letter Air/Army Post Office (APO) or Fleet Post Office (FPO) as defined by the Military Postal Service Agency. For Mexico, use code 088. For Canada, use code 099. For other (not listed), use code XX. |
Valid values listed in Appendix 1 |
19 | County FIPS Code | INT 5 | No | No | Application Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the FIPS county code for the individual’s residence. This code is a five-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) that uniquely identifies counties, county equivalents, and certain U.S. territories. The first two digits are the FIPS State code and the last three are the county code within the State or territories. The codes can be located at the U.S. Census Bureau website: | XXXXX | |
20 | ZIP Code | INT 5 | No | No | Application Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the five-digit numeric U.S. Postal Service Zip Code where the individual resides. | ||
21 | Source of Referral | INT 2 | No | Modified list of choices | Application Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report the source that first referred the applicant to the VR agency by using one of the following code values. | See Appendix 2 for referral sources | |
22 | Student with a Disability | INT 1 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Application Data Elements or Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report either at Application or Start Date of Pre- Employment Transition Services, whichever comes first. | 1 = Individual is a student with a disability and has a section 504 accommodation 2 = Individual is a student with a disability and is receiving transition services under an Individualized Education Program (IEP) 3 = Individual is a student with a disability who does not have a section 504 accommodation and is not receiving services under an IEP 0 = Individual is not a student with a disability |
38 | Date of Eligibility Determination | DATE | No | Modified Reporting Instruction | Eligibility | Quarterly | No | Report the date that the initial eligibility determination was made. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation. |
39 | Eligibility Determination Extension | DATE | No | Modified definition | Eligibility | Quarterly | Yes | Report if the applicant and counselor mutually agreed upon an extension (of time) for eligibility determination within 60 days of the individual’s application for VR services. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation. |
40 | Date of Placement on OOS Waiting List | DATE | No | No | Order of Selection (OOS) Data Elements |
Quarterly | No | Report the date, if applicable, that the applicant was placed on an OOS waiting list. | YYYYMMDD | |
41 | Date of Exit from OOS Waiting List | DATE | No | No | Order of Selection (OOS) Data Elements |
Quarterly | No | Report the date, if applicable, that the applicant exited from an OOS waiting list. | YYYYMMDD | |
42 | Individual with a Disability | INT 1 | No | No | 202 | Disability Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Leave blank if the individuals exited as an applicant with Type of Exit (354) code 0. | 1 = Individual reports that he/she has any "disability,” as defined in section 3(2)(a) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102) 0 = Individual reports that he/she does not have a disability that meets the definition 9 = Individual did not self- identify |
43 | Primary Disability | VARCHAR 5 | Yes | No | Disability Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the code value that best describes the individual's primary physical or mental disability that causes or results in a substantial impediment to employment. The data reported is a combination of the Type of Disability code found in Appendix 3 and the Source of Disability code found in Appendix 4. The first two digits designate the Type of Disability (sensory, physical, or mental), and the last two digits indicate the cause or Source of Disability. Use a semicolon between the Type of Disability code and the Source of Disability code. Do not use spaces or commas between the code values. If the individual is found not to have a disability, this item should be coded 0;0. Leave blank if the individual exited as an applicant with Type of Exit (354) code 0. |
See Appendix 3 for valid disability types and Appendix 4 for valid sources. | |
44 | Secondary Disability | VARCHAR 5 | Yes | No | Disability Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the code value that best describes the individual's secondary physical or mental disability that causes or results in a substantial impediment to employment. If the individual is found not to have a disability, this item should be coded 0;0. Leave blank if this element does not apply or if the individual exited as an applicant with Type of Exit (354) code 0. | See Appendix 3 for valid disability types and Appendix 4 for valid sources | |
45 | Significance of Disability | INT 1 | No | No | Disability Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the appropriate code value to indicate whether the individual is classified by the agency as an individual with a significant disability or a most significant disability. If the individual is found not to have a disability, this item should be coded 0;0. Leave blank if this element does not apply or if the individual exited as an applicant with Type of Exit (354) code 0. |
1 = Individual has a significant disability 2 = Individual is most significantly disabled 0 = Individual has no significant disability |
46 | Start Date of Trial Work Experience | DATE | No | No | Trial Work Experience Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date that the individual’s trial work experience began. If the individual has been placed in more than one trial work experience, the first occurrence of trial work must end with an End Date of Trial Work Experience (Element 47) before another Start Date of Trial Work Experience can begin |
47 | End Date of Trial Work Experience | DATE | No | No | Trial Work Experience Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date that the individual’s trial work experience ended. | YYYYMMDD | |
49 | Supported Employment Goal on Current IPE | INT 1 | No | No | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report if the individual has a supported employment goal on the current IPE | 1 = Individual has a supported employment goal on the current IPE 0 = Individual does not have a supported employment goal on the current IPE |
50 | Employment at Initial IPE | INT 2 | No | Modified reporting instructions | 400 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report the code value that best describes the employment status of the individual at initial IPE. | 1 = Employed: Competitive Integrated Employment 2 = Employed: Self-Employment 3 = Employed: Randolph- Sheppard BEP 4 = Employed: State Agency Managed BEP 5 = Extended Employment 6 = Received Notice of Termination of Employment or Military Separation is pending 7 = Not Employed: Student in Secondary Education 8 = Not Employed: All other Students 9 = Not Employed: Trainee, Intern, or Volunteer 10 = Not employed: Other Reason |
51 | Primary Occupation at Initial IPE | INT 6 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements |
Quarterly | No | For an individual who is employed (Element 50, codes 1-6), enter the current 2018 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code that best describes the individual’s occupation from which he/she derives the majority of his or her earnings at initial IPE |
52 | Hourly Wage at Initial IPE | DECIMAL 5, 2 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements |
Quarterly | No | Report individual’s hourly wage (rounded to the nearest cent) earned at the time of the initial IPE. Report 0 if individuals were not employed or had no earnings at the time of initial IPE. |
XXX.XX | |
53 | Hours Worked in a Week at Initial IPE | INT 2 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report the number of hours the individual worked in a typical week at the time of the initial IPE. Report 0 if individual was unemployed. |
XX | |
54 | Adult | INT 1 | No | Modified definition and list of choices | 903 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | The purpose of the Adult program is to increase the employment, job retention, earnings, and career advancement of U.S. workers by providing quality employment and training services to assist eligible individuals in finding and qualifying for meaningful employment, and to help employers find the skilled workers they need to compete and succeed in business. | 1 = Individual received services from the Adult program (Title I of WIOA) 0 = Individual did not receive services from Adult program (Title I of WIOA) 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
55 | Adult Education | INT 1 | No | Modified definition | 910 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | The Adult Education program helps adults get the basic skills they need including reading, writing, math, English language proficiency, and problem-solving to be productive workers, family members, and citizens. | 1 = Individual received Adult Education services (Title II of WIOA) 0 = Individual did not receive Adult Education services (Title II of WIOA) 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
56 | Dislocated Worker | INT 1 | No | Modified definition and list of choices | 904 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | The Dislocated Worker program provides employment and training services to assist workers who have been laid off or have been notified that they will be terminated or laid off in finding and qualifying for meaningful employment, and to help employers find the skilled workers they need to compete and succeed in business. | 1 = Individual received services from the Dislocated Worker program (Title I of WIOA) 0 = Individual did not receive services from the Dislocated Worker program (Title I of WIOA) 9 = Participant did not self-identify |
57 | Job Corps | INT 1 | No | Modified definition | 911 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Job Corps is a no-cost education and vocational training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16-24 improve the quality of their lives by empowering them to get great jobs and become independent. | 1 = Individual received services from the Job Corps Program 0 = Individual did not receive services from the Job Corps Program 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
58 | Vocational Rehabilitation | INT 1 | No | Modified reporting instructions | 917 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | VR participants should be assigned code 1, unless they have also received services from the VR&E program. | 1 = Individual received services from the vocational rehabilitation program 2 = Individual received services from the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program 3 = Individual received services from both vocational rehabilitation and the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) programs 0 = Individual did not receive any services 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
59 | Wagner-Geyser Employment Service | INT 1 | No | Modified definition | 918 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | The Wagner-Peyser/Employment Services program focuses on providing a variety of employment related labor exchange services, including but not limited to job search assistance, job referral, and placement assistance for job seekers, re-employment services to unemployment insurance claimants, and recruitment services to employers with job openings. Services are delivered in one of three modes including self-service, facilitated self-help services, and staff assisted service delivery approaches. Depending on the needs of the labor market, other services, such as job seeker assessment of skill levels, abilities, and aptitudes, career guidance when appropriate, job search workshops, and referral to training, may be available. | 1 = Individual received services from the Wagner-Peyser Employment Services program (Title III of WIOA) 0 = Individual did not receive services from the Wagner- Peyser Employment Services program (Title III of WIOA) 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
60 | Youth | INT 1 | No | Modified definition and list of choices | 905 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | The title I Youth program focuses on assisting out-of-school youth and in-school youth with one or more barriers to employment prepare for post-secondary education and employment opportunities, attain educational and/or skills training credentials, and secure employment with career/promotional opportunities. | 1 = Individual received services from the Youth program (Title I of WIOA) 0 = Individual did not receive services from the Youth program (Title I of WIOA) 9 = Participant did not self-identify |
61 | Youth Build | VARCHAR 14 | No | No | 919 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Record the 14-character grant number if the individual received services under the Youth Build program. The grant number should be entered in the following format without dashes: Two alphabetic characters representing the grant program code – five numeric characters – two numeric characters representing the fiscal year when the grant was awarded – two numeric characters identifying the type of grant awarded – one alphabetic character identifying the relevant agency at ETA – two numeric characters identifying the State that received the grant was served under (e.g., AA-12345-12- 55-A-26). If the individual is being served by the Youth Build program and the grant number is unknown, enter all 9s. Leave blank if the individual did not receive services funded by Youth Build. |
62 | Long-Term Unemployed | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 402 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | A participant who has been unemployed for 27 or more consecutive weeks at program entry is considered to be long-term unemployed. | 1 = Individual meets the definition of Long-Term Unemployed 0 = Individual does not meet the definition of Long-Term Unemployed 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
63 | Exhausting TANF within 2 Years | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 601 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | A participant is within 2 years of exhausting lifetime eligibility under part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act at program entry. | 1 = Individual is within two years of exhausting TANF 0 = Individual is not within two years of exhausting TANF 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
64 | Foster Care Youth | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 704 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report only if the individual is between 14 and 24. Leave blank if not applicable. | 1 = Individual meets the definition of a Foster Care Youth 0 = Individual does not meet the definition of a Foster Care Youth 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
65 | Homeless Individual, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 800 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | (a) Lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence;(b) Has a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, such as a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground;(c) Is a migratory child who in the preceding 36 months was required to move from one school district to another due to changes in the parent’s or parent’s spouse’s seasonal employment in agriculture, dairy, or fishing work; or(d) Is under 18 years of age and absents himself or herself from home or place of legal residence without the permission of his or her family (i.e., runaway youth). | 1 = Individual meets the definition of Homeless 0 = Individual does not meet the definition of Homeless 9 = Participant did not self-identify |
66 | Ex-Offender | INT 1 | No | No | 801 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | A person who either (a) has been subject to any stage of the criminal justice process for committing a status offense or delinquent act, or (b) requires assistance in overcoming barriers to employment resulting from a record of arrest or conviction. | 1 = The individual meets the definition of an Ex-Offender 0 = The individual does not meet the definition of an Ex- Offender 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
67 | Low Income | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 802 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | (a) Receives, or in the six months prior to application to the program has received, or is a member of a family that is receiving or in the past six months prior to application to the program has received public assistance (SNAP, TANF, SSI, other State/local assistance); (b) Is in a family with total family income that does not exceed the higher of the poverty line or 70% of the lower living standard income level; (c) Is a youth who receives or is eligible to receive a free or reduced price lunch (d) Is a foster child on behalf of whom State or local government payments are made; (e) Is an participant with a disability whose own income is the poverty line but who is a member of a family whose income does not meet this requirement; (f) Is a homeless participant or a homeless child or youth or runaway youth (see PIRL Data Element #700); or (g) Is a youth living in a high-poverty area. |
1 = Individual meets the definition of Low Income 0 = Individual does not meet the definition of Low Income 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
68 | English Language Learner | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 803 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | A person who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language and also meets at least one of the following two conditions: (a) his or her native language is a language other than English, or (b) he or she lives in a family or community environment where a language other than English is the dominant language. | 1 = Individual meets the definition of English Language Learner 0 = Individual does not meet the definition of English Language Learner 9 = Participant did not self-identify |
69 | Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 804 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | A) a youth, who has English reading, writing, or computing skills at or below the 8th grade level on a generally accepted standardized test; or B) a youth or adult who is unable to compute and solve problems, or read, write, or speak English at a level necessary to function on the job, in the participant’s family, or in society. |
1 = Individual meets the definition of Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy 0 = Individual does not meet the definition of Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
70 | Cultural Barriers | INT 1 | No | No | 805 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | An individual who perceives him or herself as possessing attitudes, beliefs, customs, or practices that influence a way of thinking, acting, or working that may serve as a hindrance to employment. | 1 = Individual meets the definition of Cultural Barriers 0 = Individual does not meet the definition of Cultural Barriers 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
71 | Single Parent | INT 1 | No | No | 806 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | An individual who is single, separated, divorced, or a widowed individual who has primary responsibility for one or more dependent children under age 18 (including single pregnant women). | 1 = Individual meets the definition of a Single Parent 0 = Individual does not meet the definition of a Single Parent 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
72 | Displaced Homemaker | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 807 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | An individual who has been providing unpaid services to family members in the home and who: (A)(i) has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or (ii) is the dependent spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and whose family income is significantly reduced because of a deployment, a call or order to active duty, a permanent change of station, or the service- connected death or disability of the member; and (B) is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. |
1 = Individual meets the definition of a Displaced Homemaker 0 = Individual does not meet definition of a Displaced Homemaker 9 = Participant did not self- identify |
73 | Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 808 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | 1 = Individual is a low-income individual (i) who for 12 consecutive months out of the 24 months prior to application for the program involved, has been primarily employed in agriculture or fish farming labor that is characterized by chronic unemployment or underemployment; and (ii) faces multiple barriers to economic self-sufficiency 2 = Individual is a seasonal farmworker whose agricultural labor requires travel to a job site such that the farmworker is unable to return to a permanent place of residence within the same day 3 = Individual is a dependent of the individual described as a seasonal or migrant seasonal farmworker 0 = Individual does not meet any of the migrant or seasonal farmworker conditions listed above 9 = Participant did not self-identify | |
74 | State Definition for Age of Students with Disabilities | VARCHAR 5 | Yes | No | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Record the two-digit lower limit for the age of the students with disabilities followed by a semicolon and then the two- digit upper limit for the age of the students with disabilities. | XX;XX | |
77 | Highest Elementary or Secondary School Grade Completed at Program Entry | INT 2 | No | Modified element title | 407 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Use the appropriate code to report the highest school grade completed by the individual. Report 1-12 for the number of the highest school grade completed by the individual. |
XX |
78 | Enrolled in Secondary Education | INT 1 | No | Modified reporting instructions | 1401 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | This data element is reported if the individual was either already enrolled in secondary education at the time of program entry or became enrolled in a secondary education program at the 9th grade level at any point while participating in the program. | 1 = Individual is enrolled in a secondary education program at or above the 9th grade level and achieving a secondary school diploma is a goal on his or her IPE 2 = Individual is enrolled in a secondary education program at or above the 9th grade level and achieving a secondary school diploma is not a goal on his or her IPE 0 = Individual is not enrolled in a secondary education program at or above the 9th grade level |
79 | Date Received Special Education Certificate of Completion | DATE | No | No | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the individual attained a special education certificate of completion. Update as needed. Leave blank if individual did not attain a special education certificate of completion. |
81 | Date Attained Secondary School Diploma | DATE | No | No | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the individual completed secondary education and attained a secondary school diploma. Update as needed. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation if earned during program participation. Leave blank if the individual did not attain a secondary school diploma. |
82 | Date Attained Recognized Secondary School Equivalency | DATE | No | Modified element title | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the individual attained recognized secondary school equivalency. Update as needed. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation if earned during program participation. Leave blank if individual did not attain a recognized secondary school equivalency. |
84 | Enrolled in Postsecondary Education or career or technical training | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | 1332 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report if the individual is enrolled in a postsecondary education or career or technical training program. | 1 = Individual is in a postsecondary education program that leads to a credential or degree from an accredited institution or program 2 = Individual is enrolled in a career or technical training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential 3 = Individual is enrolled in a career or technical training program that does not lead to a recognized postsecondary credential 0 = Individual is not in a post- secondary education program that leads to a credential or degree from an accredited institution or program |
85 | Date Enrolled During Program Participation in an Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential or Employment | DATE | No | Yes | 1811 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the participant was enrolled, at the time of initial IPE development, in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment as defined by the core program in which the participant participates. Agencies may use this coding value if the individual enrolled in an education or training program at the time of the initial IPE development or became enrolled in an education or training program after the initial IPE development. This data element applies to the MSG indicator and will be used to calculate the denominator. Leave blank if the data element does not apply to the individual. | YYYYMMDD |
86 | Completed Some Postsecondary Education, No Degree or Certificate | INT 1 | No | No | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Leave blank if the data element does not apply to the individual. | 1 = Individual has completed some postsecondary education but, has no degree or certificate 0 = Individual has not completed some postsecondary education and has no degree or certificate | |
87 | Date Attained Associate Degree | DATE | No | No | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the Associate Degree was attained. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation if earned during program participation. Leave blank if an Associate Degree was not attained. |
88 | Date Attained Bachelor's Degree | DATE | No | No | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the Bachelor’s Degree was attained. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation if earned during program participation. Leave blank if a Bachelor’s Degree was not attained. |
89 | Date Attained Master’s Degree | DATE | No | No | 1814 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the Master’s Degree was attained. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation if earned during program participation. Leave blank if a Master’s Degree was not attained. |
90 | Date Attained Graduate Degree | DATE | No | No | 1814 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the Graduate Degree was attained. Report a Master’s Degree only in Element 89.The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation if earned during program participation. Leave blank if a Graduate Degree was not attained. | YYYYMMDD |
93 | Date Attained Vocational/Technical License | DATE | No | No | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the Vocational/Technical License was attained. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation if earned during program participation. Leave blank if a Vocational/Technical License was not attained. |
94 | Date Attained Vocational/Technical Certificate or Certification | DATE | No | No | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the Vocational/Training Certificate or Certification was attained. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation if earned during program participation. Leave blank if a Vocational/Training Certificate or Certification was not attained. |
95 | Date Attained Other Recognized Credential | DATE | No | Modified element title | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date on which the individual attained some other form of recognized credential. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation if earned during program participation. Leave blank if the individual did not attain some other form of recognized credential. |
96 | Start Date of Pre- Employment Transition Services | DATE | No | No | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | No | Report the date that the individual received the first pre- employment transition service. | YYYYMMDD | ||
97 | Job Exploration Counseling, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
98 | Job Exploration Counseling, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through VR agency purchase. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
99 | Job Exploration Counseling, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. Report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider |
100 | Job Exploration Counseling, VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service | INT 6 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was purchased by the agency, report the actual cost of a Job Exploration Counseling service. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. |
103 | Work Based Learning Experience, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
104 | Work Based Learning Experience, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through VR agency purchase. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
105 | Work Based Learning Experience, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider |
106 | Work Based Learning Experience, VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service | INT 6 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was purchased by the agency, report the actual cost of a Work Based Learning Experience service. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. | XXXXXX | |
109 | Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements |
Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
110 | Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements |
Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through VR agency purchase. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
111 | Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. Report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | 1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
112 | Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities, VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service | INT 6 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was purchased by the agency, report the actual cost of a Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities service. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. |
115 | Workplace Readiness Training, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
116 | Workplace Readiness Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through VR agency purchase. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
117 | Workplace Readiness Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. Report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider |
118 | Workplace Readiness Training, VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service | INT 6 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was purchased by the agency, report the actual cost of a Workplace Readiness Training service. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. |
121 | Instruction in Self Advocacy, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
122 | Instruction in Self Advocacy, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through VR agency purchase. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
123 | Instruction in Self Advocacy, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. Report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | 1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
124 | Instruction in Self Advocacy, VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service | INT 6 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Pre- Employment Transition Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was purchased by the agency, report the actual cost of an Instruction in Self Advocacy service. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. |
127 | Start Date of Initial VR Service on or after IPE | DATE | No | No | 900 | VR and SE Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report the date on which the initial VR service began or after the IPE for the individual became effective. Leave blank if the individual has not received an initial VR service after the IPE for the individual became effective. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation. |
128 | Date of Most Recent Career Service | DATE | No | No | 1004 | VR and SE Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Career services refer to the services described in WIOA Sec 134(c)(2)(A)(xii). For VR purposes, these services are the ones identified in Elements (X-X) This date must occur after the Start Sate of Initial VR Services on or after IPE (element 127). Leave blank if this element does not apply |
130 | Graduate College or University, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Full-time or part-time academic training leading to a degree recognized as beyond a Baccalaureate Degree, such as a Master of Science, Arts (M.S. or M.A.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
131 | Graduate College or University, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
132 | Graduate College or University, Amount of VR Title I Funds Expended | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
134 | Graduate College or University, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
135 | Graduate College or University, Comparable Service Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
137 | Four-Year College or University Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Full-time or part-time academic training leading to a baccalaureate degree, a certificate, or other recognized less than postgraduate educational credential. Such training may be provided by a four-year college or university or technical college. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
138 | Four-Year College or University Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
139 | Four-Year College or University Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
141 | Four-Year College or University Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
142 | Four-Year College or University Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
144 | Junior or Community College Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Full-time or part-time academic training above the secondary school level leading to an Associate’s Degree, a certificate, or other recognized educational credential. Such training is provided by a community college, junior college, or technical college. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
145 | Junior or Community College Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
146 | Junior or Community College Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
148 | Junior or Community College Training Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
149 | Junior or Community College Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describe the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
150 | Occupational or Vocational Training, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Occupational, vocational, or job skill training provided by a community college and/or business, vocational/trade or technical school to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation, not leading to an academic degree. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
151 | Occupational or Vocational Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Occupational, vocational, or job skill training provided by a community college and/or business, vocational/trade or technical school to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation, not leading to an academic degree. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
152 | Occupational or Vocational Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
153 | Occupational or Vocational Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
155 | Occupational or Vocational Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
156 | Occupational or Vocational Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
157 | On The Job Training, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Training in specific job skills by a prospective employer. Generally, the trainee is paid during this training. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
158 | On The Job Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Training in specific job skills by a prospective employer. Generally, the trainee is paid during this training. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
159 | On The Job Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
160 | On The Job Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
162 | On The Job Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
163 | On The Job Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
164 | Registered Apprenticeship Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | A work-based employment and training program that combines hands-on, on-the-job work experience in a skilled occupation with related classroom instruction. Structured apprenticeship programs generally have minimum requirements for the duration of on-the job work experience, classroom instruction, and provide a recognized certificate of completion. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
165 | Registered Apprenticeship Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | A work-based employment and training program that combines hands-on, on-the-job work experience in a skilled occupation with related classroom instruction. Structured apprenticeship programs generally have minimum requirements for the duration of on-the job work experience, classroom instruction, and provide a recognized certificate of completion. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider |
166 | Registered Apprenticeship Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
168 | Registered Apprenticeship Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
169 | Registered Apprenticeship Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. | See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
170 | Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Literacy training or training provided to remediate basic academic skills that are needed to function on the job in the competitive labor market. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
171 | Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Literacy training or training provided to remediate basic academic skills that are needed to function on the job in the competitive labor market. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
172 | Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
173 | Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
175 | Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers |
INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
176 | Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
177 | Job Readiness Training, Service, Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Training provided to prepare an individual for work (e.g., work behaviors, interpersonal communication skills, increasing productivity, etc.). Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
178 | Job Readiness Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Training provided to prepare an individual for work (e.g., work behaviors, interpersonal communication skills, increasing productivity, etc.). Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
179 | Job Readiness Training, Service, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
180 | Job Readiness Training, Service, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
182 | Job Readiness Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
183 | Job Readiness Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable services and benefits. | See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable benefits providers | |
184 | Disability Related Skills Training, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Disability-related augmentative skills training includes but is not limited to: orientation and mobility; rehabilitation teaching; training in the use of low vision aids; braille; speech reading; sign language; and cognitive training/retraining. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
185 | Disability Related Skills Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Disability-related augmentative skills training includes but is not limited to: orientation and mobility; rehabilitation teaching; training in the use of low vision aids; braille; speech reading; sign language; and cognitive training/retraining. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
186 | Disability Related Skills Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
187 | Disability Related Skills Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
189 | Disability Related Skills Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
190 | Disability Related Skills Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
191 | Miscellaneous Training, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Any training not included in one of the other categories listed, including GED or secondary school training leading to a diploma, or courses taken at four-year, junior or community colleges not leading to a certificate or diploma. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
192 | Miscellaneous Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Any training not included in one of the other categories listed, including GED or secondary school training leading to a diploma, or courses taken at four-year, junior or community colleges not leading to a certificate or diploma. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
193 | Miscellaneous Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
194 | Miscellaneous Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
196 | Miscellaneous Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
197 | Miscellaneous Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
198 | Randolph-Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Training for establishing a small business or individualized training through the Randolph-Sheppard program and included on the IPE. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
199 | Randolph-Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Training for establishing a small business or individualized training through the Randolph-Sheppard program and included on the IPE. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
200 | Randolph-Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
201 | Randolph-Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
203 | Randolph-Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
204 | Randolph-Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
205 | Customized Training, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | A training program designed to meet the special requirements of an employer who has entered into an agreement with a service delivery area to hire individuals who are trained to the employer's specifications. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
206 | Customized Training, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | A training program designed to meet the special requirements of an employer who has entered into an agreement with a service delivery area to hire individuals who are trained to the employer's specifications. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
207 | Customized Training, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider |
208 | Customized Training, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
210 | Customized Training, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
211 | Customized Training, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
212 | Assessment, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Assessment means services provided and activities performed to determine an individual’s eligibility for VR services, to assign an individual to a priority category of a VR program that operates under an order of selection, and/or to determine the nature and scope of VR services to be included in the IPE. It also includes trial work experiences. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
213 | Assessment, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Assessment means services provided and activities performed to determine an individual’s eligibility for VR services, to assign an individual to a priority category of a VR program that operates under an order of selection, and/or to determine the nature and scope of VR services to be included in the IPE. It also includes trial work experiences. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
214 | Assessment, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
215 | Assessment, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
217 | Assessment, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
218 | Assessment, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
219 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Corrective surgery or therapeutic treatment, diagnosis and treatment of metal and emotional disorders, dentistry, nursing services, necessary hospitalization, drugs and supplies, prosthetics, eye glasses, podiatry, physical therapy, occupation therapy, speech or hearing therapy, mental health services, treatment of acute or chronic medical complications, other medical or medically related rehabilitation services. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
220 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Corrective surgery or therapeutic treatment, diagnosis and treatment of metal and emotional disorders, dentistry, nursing services, necessary hospitalization, drugs and supplies, prosthetics, eye glasses, podiatry, physical therapy, occupation therapy, speech or hearing therapy, mental health services, treatment of acute or chronic medical complications, other medical or medically related rehabilitation services. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
221 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
222 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
224 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
225 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type |
VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable benefits providers | |
226 | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Guidance, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) |
INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Vocational rehabilitation counseling and guidance includes information and support services to assist an individual in exercising informed choice. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
227 | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Guidance, Service Provided by through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Vocational rehabilitation counseling and guidance includes information and support services to assist an individual in exercising informed choice. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
228 | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Guidance, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
229 | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Guidance, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
231 | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Guidance, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
232 | Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Guidance, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable service or benefit |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
233 | Job Search Assistance, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Job search activities support and assist an individual in searching for an appropriate job. Job search assistance may include help in resume preparation, identifying appropriate job opportunities, developing interview skills, and making contacts with companies on behalf of the consumer. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
234 | Job Search Assistance, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Job search activities support and assist an individual in searching for an appropriate job. Job search assistance may include help in resume preparation, identifying appropriate job opportunities, developing interview skills, and making contacts with companies on behalf of the consumer. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
235 | Job Search Assistance, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
236 | Job Search Assistance, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
238 | Job Search Assistance, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
239 | Job Search Assistance, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
240 | Job Placement Assistance, Service Provided by VR Job Placement Assistance, Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Job placement assistance is a referral to a specific job resulting in an interview, regardless of whether or not the individual obtained the job. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
241 | Job Placement Assistance, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Job placement assistance is a referral to a specific job resulting in an interview, regardless of whether or not the individual obtained the job. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
242 | Job Placement Assistance, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
243 | Job Placement Assistance, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
245 | Job Placement Assistance, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
246 | Job Placement Assistance, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
247 | Short Term Job Supports, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Support services provided to an individual who has been placed in employment in order to stabilize the placement and enhance job retention. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
248 | Short Term Job Supports, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Support services provided to an individual who has been placed in employment in order to stabilize the placement and enhance job retention. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
249 | Short Term Job Supports, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
250 | Short Term Job Supports, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
252 | Short Term Job Supports, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
253 | Short Term Job Supports, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
254 | Supported Employment Services, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Supported employment services are ongoing support services, including customized employment, and other appropriate services needed to support an individual with a most significant disability in maintaining supported employment. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
255 | Supported Employment Services, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Supported employment services are ongoing support services, including customized employment, and other appropriate services needed to support an individual with a most significant disability in maintaining supported employment. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
256 | Supported Employment Services, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
257 | Supported Employment Services, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
258 | Supported Employment Services, Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly Supported Employment Services program expenditures for the purchased service. Recipients of these funds must have a supported employment goal in their IPEs and have already been placed in an employment setting. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
259 | Supported Employment Services, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
260 | Supported Employment Services, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
261 | Information and Referral Services, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Information and referral services are provided to individuals who need services from other agencies Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
262 | Information and Referral Services, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Information and referral services are provided to individuals who need services from other agencies Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
263 | Information and Referral Services, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
264 | Information and Referral Services, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
266 | Information and Referral Services, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
267 | Information and Referral Services, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
268 | Benefits Counseling, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Assistance provided to an individual who is interested in becoming employed, but is uncertain of the impact work income may have on any disability benefits and entitlements being received, and/or is not aware of benefits, such as access to healthcare, that might be available to support employment efforts. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
269 | Benefits Counseling, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Assistance provided to an individual who is interested in becoming employed, but is uncertain of the impact work income may have on any disability benefits and entitlements being received, and/or is not aware of benefits, such as access to healthcare, that might be available to support employment efforts. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
270 | Benefits Counseling, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
271 | Benefits Counseling, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
273 | Benefits Counseling, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
274 | Benefits Counseling, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. | See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
275 | Customized Employment Services, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Designed to meet the specific abilities of the individual with a significant disability and the business needs of the employer; and carried out through flexible strategies such as job exploration. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
276 | Customized Employment Services, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Designed to meet the specific abilities of the individual with a significant disability and the business needs of the employer; and carried out through flexible strategies such as job exploration. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
277 | Customized Employment Services, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
278 | Customized Employment Services, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
279 | Customized Employment Services, Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) | INT 6 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly Supported Employment Services program expenditures for the purchased service. Recipients of these funds must have a supported employment goal in their IPEs and have already been placed in an employment setting. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
280 | Customized Employment Services, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
281 | Customized Employment Services, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
282 | Extended Services, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | Modified definition | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Ongoing support services and other appropriate services that are needed to support and maintain a youth with a most significant disability. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
283 | Extended Services, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | Modified definition | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Ongoing support services and other appropriate services that are needed to support and maintain a youth with a most significant disability. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
284 | Extended Services, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | Modified definition | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided to a youth with a most significant disability in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
285 | Extended Services, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | Modified definition | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service for a youth with a most significant disability. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | XXXXXX | |
286 | Extended Services, Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) | INT 6 | No | Modified definition | Career Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly Supported Employment Services program expenditures for the purchased service for a youth with a most significant disability. Recipients of these funds must have a supported employment goal in their IPEs and have already been placed in an employment setting. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | XXXXXX | |
287 | Transportation Data Elements, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Travel and related expenses that are necessary to enable an applicant or eligible individual to participate in a VR service, including expenses for training in the use of public transportation vehicles and systems. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
288 | Transportation Data Elements, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Travel and related expenses that are necessary to enable an applicant or eligible individual to participate in a VR service, including expenses for training in the use of public transportation vehicles and systems. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
289 | Transportation Data Elements, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
290 | Transportation Data Elements, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
292 | Transportation Data Elements, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
293 | Transportation Data Elements, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
294 | Maintenance, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Monetary support provided for living expenses such as food, shelter and clothing that are in excess of the normal expenses of the individual. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
295 | Maintenance, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Monetary support provided for living expenses such as food, shelter and clothing that are in excess of the normal expenses of the individual. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
296 | Maintenance, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
297 | Maintenance, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
299 | Maintenance, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
300 | Maintenance, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
301 | Rehabilitation Technology, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Systematic application of technologies, engineering methodologies, or scientific principles to meet the needs of, and address the barriers confronted by, individuals with disabilities. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
302 | Rehabilitation Technology, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Systematic application of technologies, engineering methodologies, or scientific principles to meet the needs of, and address the barriers confronted by, individuals with disabilities. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
303 | Rehabilitation Technology, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
304 | Rehabilitation Technology, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
306 | Rehabilitation Technology, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Rehabilitation Technology, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Personal Assistance Services, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Services designed to assist an individual with a disability perform daily living activities, increase control in life and ability to perform routine tasks, provided in conjunction with other VR services, and are necessary for achieving an employment outcome. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
306 | Personal Assistance Services, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Services designed to assist an individual with a disability perform daily living activities, increase control in life and ability to perform routine tasks, provided in conjunction with other VR services, and are necessary for achieving an employment outcome. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
306 | Personal Assistance Services, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
306 | Personal Assistance Services, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | XXXXXX | |
306 | Personal Assistance Services, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Personal Assistance Services, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Technical Assistance Services Including Self-Employment, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Consultation and other services provided to conduct market analyses, to develop business plans, and to provide resources to individuals in the pursuit of self-employment, telecommuting and small business operation outcomes. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
306 | Technical Assistance Services Including Self-Employment, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Consultation and other services provided to conduct market analyses, to develop business plans, and to provide resources to individuals in the pursuit of self-employment, telecommuting and small business operation outcomes. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
306 | Technical Assistance Services Including Self-Employment, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
306 | Technical Assistance Services Including Self-Employment, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
306 | Technical Assistance Services Including Self-Employment, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers |
INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Technical Assistance Services Including Self-Employment, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Reader Services, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Services for individuals who cannot read print because of blindness which include: reading aloud, transcription of printed information into braille, or sound recordings if the individual requests such transcription. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
306 | Reader Services, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Services for individuals who cannot read print because of blindness which include: reading aloud, transcription of printed information into braille. or sound recordings if the individual requests such transcription. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
306 | Reader Services, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
306 | Reader Services, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
306 | Reader Services, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Reader Services, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Interpreter Services, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Sign language or oral interpretation services for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and tactile interpretation services for individuals who are deaf-blind. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
306 | Interpreter Services, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Sign language or oral interpretation services for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and tactile interpretation services for individuals who are deaf-blind. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
306 | Interpreter Services, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
306 | Interpreter Services, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
306 | Interpreter Services, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Interpreter Services, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Other Services, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Use this category ONLY for other VR services that cannot be recorded elsewhere. Include in this category such services as the provision of funds for occupational licenses, tools and equipment, initial stocks and supplies. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
306 | Other Services, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Use this category ONLY for other VR services that cannot be recorded elsewhere. Include in this category such services as the provision of funds for occupational licenses, tools and equipment, initial stocks and supplies. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
306 | Other Services, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider | |
306 | Other Services, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
306 | Other Services, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | No | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Other Services, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Other Service Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Measurable Skill Gains: Educational Functional Level (EFL) | DATE | No | No | 1806 | Measurable Skill Gains Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Record the most recent date the participant, who received instruction below the postsecondary education level, achieved at least one EFL. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the participant. |
306 | Measurable Skill Gains: Secondary | DATE | No | Modified reporting instructions | 1808 | Measurable Skill Gains Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the date that the individual attained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation. Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual. |
306 | Measurable Skill Gains: Secondary or Postsecondary Transcript/Report Card | DATE | No | Modified name and reporting instructions | 1807 | Measurable Skill Gains Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Secondary: Report the most recent date of the individual’s transcript or report card showing the individual is achieving the policies for academic standards. Postsecondary: Report the date of the individual’s transcript or report card showing a sufficient number of credit hours have been completed and the individual is achieving the policies for academic standards. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation. Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual. |
306 | Measurable Skill Gains: Training Milestone | DATE | No | No | 1809 | Measurable Skill Gains Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Record the most recent date that the individual achieved a satisfactory or better progress report toward established milestones from an employer/training provider who is providing training (e.g., completion of on-the-job training (OJT), completion of one year of a registered apprenticeship program, etc.). The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual. | YYYYMMDD |
306 | Measurable Skill Gains: Skills Progression | DATE | No | No | 1810 | Measurable Skill Gains Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Record the most recent date the individual successfully completed an exam that is required for a particular occupation, or progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks such as knowledge-based exams. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual. |
306 | Start Date of Employment in Primary Occupation | DATE | No | No | Employment Outcome | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the date when the individual started in the occupation related to his or her IPE goal. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation |
306 | Date of Exit | DATE | No | No | 901 | Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report the date the individual exited from the VR or SE program consistent with the requirements in the regulations. Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation. |
306 | Type of Exit | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report from which stage in the VR process an individual exited the program. | 1 = Individual exited during or after a trial work experience 2 = Individual exited after eligibility, but from an order of selection waiting list 3 = Individual exited after eligibility, but prior to a signed IPE 4 = Individual exited after a signed IPE without an employment outcome 5 = Individual exited after a signed IPE in noncompetitive and/or nonintegrated employment 6 = Individual exited after a signed IPE in competitive and integrated employment or supported employment 7 = Individual exited as an applicant after being determined ineligible for VR services 0 = Individual exited as an applicant, prior to eligibility determination or trial work | |
306 | Reason for Program Exit | INT 2 | No | Modified list of choices | 923 | Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report the code that identifies the reason the individual exited. Data are reported in the same quarter as the Date of Exit (353) occurs. | See Appendix 6 for reasons for exit |
306 | Employment Outcome at Exit | INT 1 | No | Modified list of choices | Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report the code that identifies the type of employment outcome at exit. Data are reported in the same quarter as the Date of Exit (353) occurs. | 1 = Competitive Integrated Employment 2 = Self-Employment 3 = Randolph-Sheppard BEP 4 = State Agency Managed BEP 5 = Supported Employment in Competitive Integrated Employment 7 = Homemaker |
306 | Primary Occupation at Exit | INT 6 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | For an individual who is employed, enter the current 2018 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code that best describes the individual’s occupation from which he/she derives the majority of his/her hourly earnings. Special Codes for Randolph-Sheppard Participants:899999 Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Clerk: Refers to persons employed as clerks, sales persons, or helpers in a vending facility operated under the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program. Use this special code even though these occupations are classifiable.999999 Randolph- Sheppard Vending Facility Operator: Refers to individuals employed as operators or managers of vending facilities operated under the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program. Use this special code even though these occupations are classifiable. |
306 | Hourly Wage at Exit | DECIMAL 5, 2 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report individual’s hourly wage (rounded to the nearest cent) earned at the time of exit. The data must be verifiable through supporting documentation. Report 0 if individual had no earnings at the time of exit. |
XXX.XX | |
306 | Hours Worked in a Week at Exit | INT 2 | No | Modified reporting instructions | Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report the number of hours the individual worked for earnings in a typical week at the time of exit. Report 0 if individual was unemployed. |
XX | |
306 | Date Enrolled in Post- Exit Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential |
DATE | No | No | 1406 | Post-Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | This element only applies to participants who exited secondary education and obtained a secondary school diploma or its equivalency. Leave blank if this data element does not apply to individual. |
306 | Date of Attainment of Post-Exit Recognized Credential | DATE | No | Yes | Post-Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report the post-exit date on which the individual attained a recognized credential. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation. Leave blank if this data element does not apply to individual. |
306 | Type of Recognized Credential Attained Post-Exit | INT 1 | No | Yes | Post-Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report the type of recognized diploma, degree, or credential. Leave blank if this data element does not apply to individual. | 1 = Secondary Diploma or Equivalency 2 = Associates Diploma/Degree 3 = Bachelors Diploma/Degree 4 = Graduate/Post Graduate Degree 5 = Occupational Licensure 6 = Occupational Certificate 7 = Occupational Certification 8 =Other Recognized Credential | |
306 | Employment - First Quarter After Exit Quarter | INT 1 | No | Yes | 1600 | Post-Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | The employment data for the first completed quarter after exit is ONLY required when necessary to document credential measure attainment for students who attained a secondary education credential. Employment must be verifiable through supporting documentation. |
1 = Individual is in unsubsidized employment, not including Registered Apprenticeship, the military, or competitive integrated employment under VR 2 = Individual is in a Registered Apprenticeship 3 = Individual is in the military 4 = Individual is in competitive integrated employment (VR only) 9 = Individual has exited but employment information is not yet available 0 = Individual not employed in the first quarter after exit quarter |
306 | Employment - Second Quarter After Exit Quarter | INT 1 | No | Modified reporting instructions | 1602 | Post-Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Employment must be verifiable through supporting documentation. | 1 = Individual is in unsubsidized employment, not including Registered Apprenticeship, the military, or competitive integrated employment under VR 2 = Individual is in a Registered Apprenticeship 3 = Individual is in the military 4 = Individual is in competitive integrated employment (VR only) 9 = Individual has exited but employment information is not yet available 0 = Individual not employed in the second quarter after exit quarter |
306 | Quarterly Wages - Second Quarter After Exit Quarter | DECIMAL 8, 2 | No | Yes | 1704 | Post-Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Record the total wages, including cents, earned, from the employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on an individual’s IPE at the time the individual exited, during the second quarter after the quarter of exit. These earnings are before payroll deductions of Federal, State and local income taxes and Social Security payroll tax. Wages must be verifiable through supporting documentation. |
306 | Employment - Third Quarter After Exit Quarter | INT 1 | No | Modified reporting instructions | 1604 | Post-Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | The employment data for the third completed quarter after exit is ONLY required when necessary to document credential measure attainment for students who attained a secondary education credential. Employment must be verifiable through supporting documentation. | 1 = Individual is in unsubsidized employment, not including Registered Apprenticeship, the military, or competitive integrated employment under VR. 2 = Individual is in a Registered Apprenticeship 3 = Individual is in the military. 4 = Individual is in competitive integrated employment (VR only). 9 = Individual has exited but employment information is not yet available. 0 = Individual not employed in the third quarter after exit |
306 | Employment - Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter | INT 1 | No | Modified reporting instructions | 1606 | Post-Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Employment must be verifiable through supporting documentation. | 1 = Individual is in unsubsidized employment, not including Registered Apprenticeship, the military, or competitive integrated employment under VR. 2 = Individual is in a Registered Apprenticeship. 3 = Individual is in the military. 4 = Individual is in competitive integrated employment (VR only). 9 = Individual has exited but employment information is not yet available. 0 = Individual not employed in the fourth quarter after exit |
306 | Retention with the Same Employer in the Second Quarter and the Fourth Quarter – Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter | INT 1 | No | No | 1618 | Post-Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | 1 = Individual’s employer in the second quarter after exit matches the employer in the fourth quarter after exit. 0 = Individual is not employed in the second or fourth quarters after exit, or the employer in the second quarter after exit does not match the employer in the fourth quarter after exit. |
306 | Monthly Public Support at Application | VARCHAR 7 | Yes | New element number | Application Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report the individual’s public support at application. If the individual receives more than one type of public support, use a semicolon between each type. | 0 = Individual does not receive public support 1 = Individual receives Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) 2 = Individual receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 3 = Individual receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) 4 = Individual receives other public support from another source |
306 | Medical Insurance Coverage at Application | VARCHAR 5 | Yes | New element number | Application Data Elements | Quarterly | No | Report the individual’s medical insurance coverage at application. If the individual has more than one type of medical insurance, use a semicolon between each type. A limit of three types of insurance may be provided | 0 = Applicant does not have medical insurance coverage 1 = Applicant has Medicaid 2 = Applicant has Medicare 3 = Applicant is receiving benefits through the State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at the time of application 4 = Applicant has public insurance outside of Medicare, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act exchange 5 = Applicant has private insurance through employer 6 = Applicant is not eligible for private insurance through a current employer, but will be eligible for private insurance after a certain period of employment 7 = Applicant has private insurance through other means | |
306 | Monthly Public Support at Exit | VARCHAR 7 | Yes | New element number | Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report the individual’s monthly public support at exit. If the individual receives more than one type of public support, use a semicolon between each type. | 0 = Individual does not receive public support 1 = Individual receives Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) 2 = Individual receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 3 = Individual receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) 4 = Individual receives other public support from another source |
306 | Medical Insurance Coverage at Exit | VARCHAR 5 | Yes | New element number | Exit Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | No | Report the individual’s medical insurance coverage at exit. If the individual has more than one type of medical insurance, use a semicolon between each type. A limit of three types of insurance may be provided | 0 = Applicant does not have medical insurance coverage 1 = Applicant has Medicaid 2 = Applicant has Medicare 3 = Applicant is receiving benefits through the State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at the time of application 4 = Applicant has public insurance outside of Medicare, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act exchange 5 = Applicant has private insurance through employer 6 = Applicant is not eligible for private insurance through a current employer, but will be eligible for private insurance after a certain period of employment 7 = Applicant has private insurance through other means |
306 | Date of Initial IPE | DATE | No | New element number | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements |
Quarterly | No | Report the date on which the initial IPE was signed by both the VR Counselor and the individual. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation. |
306 | IPE Development Extension | DATE | No | New | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | No | This data element reports whether the eligible individual and counselor mutually agreed upon an extension (of time) for the development of the IPE within 90 days of the individual’s eligibility determination for VR services. The extension must be verifiable through supporting documentation. |
306 | Enrolled in a Recognized Secondary School Equivalency Program | INT 1 | No | New element number | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | This data element is reported if the individual was either already enrolled in a recognized secondary equivalency program at the time of program entry or became enrolled in a recognized secondary equivalency program at the 9th grade level at any point while participating in the program. | 1 = Individual is enrolled in a recognized secondary equivalency program at or above the 9th grade level 0 = Individual is not enrolled in a recognized secondary equivalency program at or above the 9th grade level |
306 | Date Completed During Program Participation in an Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential or Employment | DATE | No | Yes | 1813 | Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements | Quarterly | Yes | Report the date the participant completed, after initial IPE development, an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment as defined by the core program in which the participant participates. Agencies may use this coding value if the individual completed an education or training after the time of the initial IPE development or completed an education or training at any point after the initial IPE development. This data element applies to the MSG indicator and will be used to calculate the denominator. Leave blank if the data element does not apply to the individual. |
306 | Work Based Learning Experience, Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) | INT 1 | No | New | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Includes apprenticeships, internships, short-term employment, and other work-based learning experiences not elsewhere classified. These opportunities are provided in an integrated environment in the community to the maximum extent possible and may be paid or unpaid. Report registered apprenticeships in data elements 164-169 and on the job training in data elements 158-163. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff | |
306 | Work Based Learning Experience, Service Provided through VR Agency Purchase | INT 1 | No | New | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Includes apprenticeships, internships, short-term employment, and other work-based learning experiences not elsewhere classified. These opportunities are provided in an integrated environment in the community to the maximum extent possible and may be paid or unpaid. Report registered apprenticeships in data elements 164-169 and on the job training in elements 158-163. Report at the time the service is provided. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency | |
306 | Work Based Learning Experience, Purchased Service Provider Type | INT 1 | No | New | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, report the code value that best describes the primary service provider. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
1 = Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) 2 = Private CRP 3 = Other Public Service Provider 4 = Other Private Service Provider |
306 | Work Based Learning Experience, Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) | INT 6 | No | New | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances. Report at the time the expenditure is paid. Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency. |
306 | Work Based Learning Experience, Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | INT 1 | No | New | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers. | 1 = Service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers | |
306 | Work Based Learning Experience, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type | VARCHAR 8 | Yes | Modified list of choices | Training Services Data Elements | Upon Occurrence | Yes | Report up to three codes, separated by semicolons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Leave blank if service was not provided by a comparable services and benefits provider. |
See Appendix 5 for a list of comparable services and benefits providers |
Appendix 1: State Abbreviations and Agency Codes | |||
State or Territory | Abbreviation | General/ Combined Code | Blind Code |
Alabama | AL | 001 | 057 |
Alaska | AK | 002 | 058 |
American Samoa | AS | 003 | 059 |
Arizona | AZ | 004 | 060 |
Arkansas | AR | 005 | 061 |
California | CA | 006 | 062 |
Colorado | CO | 007 | 063 |
Connecticut | CT | 008 | 064 |
Delaware | DE | 009 | 065 |
District of Columbia | DC | 010 | 066 |
Florida | FL | 011 | 067 |
Georgia | GA | 012 | 068 |
Guam | GU | 013 | 069 |
Hawaii | HI | 014 | 070 |
Idaho | ID | 015 | 071 |
Illinois | IL | 016 | 072 |
Indiana | IN | 017 | 073 |
Iowa | IA | 018 | 074 |
Kansas | KS | 019 | 075 |
Kentucky | KY | 020 | 076 |
Louisiana | LA | 021 | 077 |
Maine | ME | 022 | 078 |
Maryland | MD | 023 | 079 |
Massachusetts | MA | 024 | 080 |
Michigan | MI | 025 | 081 |
Minnesota | MN | 026 | 082 |
Mississippi | MS | 027 | 083 |
Missouri | MO | 028 | 084 |
Montana | MT | 029 | 085 |
Nebraska | NE | 030 | 086 |
Nevada | NV | 031 | 087 |
New Hampshire | NH | 032 | 088 |
New Jersey | NJ | 033 | 089 |
New Mexico | NM | 034 | 090 |
New York | NY | 035 | 091 |
North Carolina | NC | 036 | 092 |
North Dakota | ND | 037 | 093 |
Northern Marianas | MP | 038 | 094 |
Ohio | OH | 039 | 095 |
Oklahoma | OK | 040 | 096 |
Oregon | OR | 041 | 097 |
Pennsylvania | PA | 042 | 098 |
Puerto Rico | PR | 043 | 099 |
Rhode Island | RI | 044 | 100 |
South Carolina | SC | 045 | 101 |
South Dakota | SD | 046 | 102 |
Tennessee | TN | 047 | 103 |
Texas | TX | 048 | 104 |
Utah | UT | 049 | 105 |
Vermont | VT | 050 | 106 |
Virginia | VA | 051 | 107 |
Virgin Islands | VI | 052 | 108 |
Washington | WA | 053 | 109 |
West Virginia | WV | 054 | 110 |
Wisconsin | WI | 055 | 111 |
Wyoming | WY | 056 | 112 |
Appendix 2: Source of Referral | |
Code | Source of Referral |
01 | 14(c) Certificate Holders |
02 | Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Program (Title II of WIOA) |
03 | American Indian VR Services Program (AIVRS) |
04 | Centers for Independent Living |
06 | Service Providers |
08 | Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Programs (Title I of WIOA) |
09 | Elementary and Secondary Schools |
10 | Post-secondary Education Institutions |
11 | Employers |
12 | Extended Employment Providers |
15 | Intellectual and Developmental Disability Agencies |
16 | Medical Health Providers |
17 | Mental Health Providers |
19 | Self-referral, friends, family |
20 | Social Security Administration |
22 | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) |
23 | Veteran’s Benefits or Health Administration |
25 | Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service Program (Title III of WIOA) |
27 | Worker’s Compensation |
29 | Other Sources |
32 | Other American Job Center or Workforce Development Programs |
Appendix 3: Type of Disability | ||
Code | Type of Disability | Classification |
00 | No Disability | No Disability |
01 | Blindness | Visual Disability |
02 | Other Visual Disabilities | Visual Disability |
03 | Deafness, Primary Communication Visual | Auditory/Communicative Disabilities |
04 | Deafness, Primary Communication Auditory | Auditory/Communicative Disabilities |
05 | Hearing Loss, Primary Communication Visual | Auditory/Communicative Disabilities |
06 | Hearing Loss, Primary Communication Auditory | Auditory/Communicative Disabilities |
07 | Other Hearing Disabilities (Tinnitus, Meniere's Disease, hyperacusis, etc.) | Auditory/Communicative Disabilities |
08 | Deaf-Blindness | Visual Disability |
09 | Communicative Disabilities (expressive/receptive) | Auditory/Communicative Disabilities |
10 | Mobility Orthopedic/Neurological Disabilities | Physical Disabilities |
11 | Manipulation/Dexterity Orthopedic/Neurological Disabilities | Physical Disabilities |
12 | Both Mobility and Manipulation/Dexterity Orthopedic/Neurological Disabilities | Physical Disabilities |
13 | Other Orthopedic Disabilities (e.g., limited range of motion) | Physical Disabilities |
14 | Respiratory Disabilities | Physical Disabilities |
15 | General Physical Debilitation (e.g., fatigue, weakness, pain, etc.) | Physical Disabilities |
16 | Other Physical Disabilities (not listed above) | Physical Disabilities |
17 | Cognitive Disabilities (e.g., Disabilities involving learning, thinking, processing information and concentration) | Intellectual and Learning Disability |
18 | Psychosocial Disabilities (e.g., interpersonal and behavioral Disabilities, difficulty coping) | Psychological/Psychosocial Disability |
19 | Other Mental Disabilities | Psychological/Psychosocial Disability |
Appendix 4: Source of Disability | |
Code | Source of Disability |
00 | Cause Unknown |
01 | Accident/Injury (other than TBI or SCI) |
02 | Alcohol Abuse or Dependence |
03 | Amputations |
04 | Anxiety Disorders |
05 | Arthritis and Rheumatism |
06 | Asthma and Other Allergies |
07 | Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) |
08 | Autism |
09 | Blood Disorders |
10 | Cancer |
11 | Cardiac and Other Conditions of the Circulatory System |
12 | Cerebral Palsy |
13 | Congenital Condition or Birth Injury |
14 | Cystic Fibrosis |
15 | Depressive and Other Mood Disorders |
16 | Diabetes Mellitus |
17 | Digestive |
18 | Drug Abuse or Dependence (other than alcohol) |
19 | Eating Disorders (e.g., anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive overeating) |
20 | End-Stage Renal Disease and Other Genitourinary System Disorders |
21 | Epilepsy |
22 | HIV or AIDS |
23 | Immune Deficiencies Excluding HIV or AIDS |
24 | Mental Illness (not listed elsewhere) |
25 | Intellectual Disability |
26 | Multiple Sclerosis |
27 | Muscular Dystrophy |
28 | Parkinson's Disease and Other Neurological Disorders |
29 | Personality Disorders |
30 | Physical Disorders/Conditions (not listed elsewhere) |
31 | Polio |
32 | Respiratory Disorders Other than Cystic Fibrosis or Asthma |
33 | Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders |
34 | Specific Learning Disabilities |
35 | Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) |
36 | Stroke |
37 | Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) |
Appendix 5: Classification Options for Comparable Services and Benefits Providers | |
Code | Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type |
01 | Adult Education and Family Literacy Act program (Title II of WIOA) |
02 | Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth programs (Title I of WIOA) |
03 | American Indian VR Services Program |
04 | Centers for Independent Living |
06 | Public Rehabilitation Program |
07 | Employer Provided Benefits |
08 | Public Educational Institution (elementary/secondary) |
09 | Public Educational Institution (postsecondary) |
11 | Federal Student Aid (e.g., Pell grants, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, work study, etc.) |
12 | Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Agency (Public) |
13 | Medical Health Provider (Public) |
14 | Mental Health Provider (Public) |
15 | American Job Center Partner (not listed separately) |
18 | State Department of Correction/Juvenile Justice |
20 | Veteran's Benefits or Health Administration (which includes VA Vocational Rehabilitation, VA hospital system, as well as the VA transitional living, transitional employment, and compensated work therapy programs) |
22 | Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service program (Title III of WIOA) |
23 | Public Assistance Not Otherwise Listed |
24 | Other |
25 | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) |
Appendix 6: Reason for Exit | |
Code | Reason for Exit |
02 | Health/Medical: Individual is hospitalized or receiving medical treatment that is expected to last longer than 90 days and precludes entry into competitive integrated employment or continued participation in the program. |
03 | Death of the Individual |
04 | Reserve Forces Called to Active Duty: Individual is a member of the National Guard or other reserve military unit of the armed forces and is called to active duty for at least 90 days. |
06 | Ineligible: The individual was determined eligible for the VR program; however, the individual was no longer eligible because he or she no longer wished to seek competitive integrated employment or the individual’s disability prevented the individual’s ability to seek competitive integrated employment. |
07 | Criminal Offender: Individual entered a correctional institution (e.g., prison, jail, reformatory, work farm, detention center) or other institution designed for confinement or rehabilitation of criminal offenders (section 225 of WIOA). |
08 | Ineligible: The individual was found to have no disabling condition, no impediment to employment, or did not require VR services to prepare for, secure, retain, advance in, or regain competitive integrated employment. |
13 | Transferred to Another Agency: Individual needs services that are more appropriately obtained elsewhere. Transfer to another agency indicates that appropriate referral information is forwarded to the other agency so that agency may provide services more effectively. Include individuals transferred to other VR agencies. |
14 | Achieved Competitive Integrated Employment Outcome: Applicable only to Type of Exit code value 6 (Individual exited after an IPE in competitive and integrated employment, or supported employment). |
15 | Extended Employment: Individuals who received services and were placed in a non-integrated or sheltered setting for a public or private nonprofit agency or organization that provides compensation in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (34 CFR 361.5(c)(18)). |
16 | Extended Services Not Available: Individual has received VR services but requires long term extended services for which no long term source of funding is available. This code is used only for individuals who have received VR services. |
17 | Unable to Locate or Contact: Individual has relocated or left the State without a forwarding address, or when individual has not responded to repeated attempts to contact the individual by mail, telephone, text, or email. |
18 | No Longer Interested in Receiving Services or Further Services: Individual actively chose not to participate or continue in the VR program. Also use this code to indicate when an individual’s actions make it impossible to begin or continue a VR program. Examples would include repeated failures to keep appointments for assessment, counseling, or other services. |
19 | All Other Reasons: This code is used for all other reasons not included in other code values. |
20 | Short Term Basis Period: The individual achieved supported employment in integrated employment, but did not earn a competitive wage after exhausting the short-term basis period. |
21 | Ineligible: The individual applied for VR services pursuant to section 511 of the Rehabilitation Act and was determined ineligible because he or she did not wish to pursue competitive integrated employment. |
22 | Ineligible: Following Trial Work Experience(s), the individual was determined ineligible because the individual was unable to benefit due to the severity of his or her disability. |
Public Burden Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1820-0508. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 110 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit (Sections 101(a)(10) and 607 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by Title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Section 116 of WIOA). If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate, suggestions for improving this individual collection, or if you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual form, application or survey, please contact the Rehabilitation Services Administration’s Data Collection and Analysis Unit directly by email at |
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