30 CFR 550.303; 304 - Facilities described in new or revised EP,DPP, or DOCD

30 CFR Part 550, Subpart C, Pollution Prevention and Control

OCS AQS User Manual

30 CFR 550.303; 304 - Facilities described in new or revised EP,DPP, or DOCD

OMB: 1010-0057

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Outer Continental Shelf
Air Quality System
User Manual

December 1, 2020

OCS AQS User Manual

Revision History


Original Version


OCS AQS User Manual


Activity & Emissions Manager
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Consolidated Emissions Reporting Schema
Construction Support Vessel
Department of the Interior
Emission Factor
Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool
Emissions Inventory System
Frequently Asked Questions
Gulfwide Offshore Activities Data System
Global Warming Potential
Lease Operations
Outer Continental Shelf Air Quality System
Official Protraction Diagram
US Environmental Protection Agency


OCS AQS User Manual

Units of Measure
deg F
lb CH4/lb
lb CO2/lb
lb VOC/lb

US barrel (42 gallons)
British thermal unit per horsepower-hour
British thermal unit per pound
British thermal unit per standard cubic foot
24 hour period
days per calendar month
degree Fahrenheit
cubic feet per month
percent of total weight
gallons per hour
gallons per month
fraction of methane in total weight
fraction of carbon dioxide in total weight
fraction of volatile organic compounds in total weight
pounds per hour
pounds per mole
pounds per month
Million Btus per hour
calendar months
Thousand standard cubic feet
Thousand standard cubic feet per hour
Thousand standard cubic feet per month
parts per million
parts per million volume
pounds per square inch, atmosphere
pounds per square inch, gauge
standard cubic feet
standard cubic feet per hour
standard cubic feet per month
calendar year


OCS AQS User Manual

Table of Contents
Revision History ............................................................................................................................ ii
Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................... iii
Units of Measure .......................................................................................................................... iv
Table of Figures............................................................................................................................ ix

Getting Started with OCS AQS ........................................................................................... 1

This Document ................................................................................................................. 1


Accessing OCS AQS ........................................................................................................ 1


Supported Browsers ......................................................................................................... 2


Logging in the First Time................................................................................................. 2


System Security ................................................................................................................ 4


Automatic Logout ..................................................................................................... 4


Password Recovery ................................................................................................... 4


Lockout ..................................................................................................................... 5


Navigating the System ..................................................................................................... 5


Overview ................................................................................................................... 5


Using Windows and Tables ...................................................................................... 6


Getting Help .............................................................................................................. 7


Selecting Inventories ........................................................................................................ 8


OCS AQS Modules .......................................................................................................... 9


OCS AQS Definitions .................................................................................................... 10


OCS AQS Function Map ............................................................................................ 10


Layout of User Manual ............................................................................................... 12


Dashboards .......................................................................................................................... 13


Emissions: Platform Sources ............................................................................................. 16

Platform Sources Workflow ........................................................................................... 16


Using the Activity & Emissions Manager ..................................................................... 17


Activity & Emissions Manager Details Page.......................................................... 17


Updating Annual Production Rate and Sales Gas Composition ............................. 19


Updating Facility Details ........................................................................................ 20


Emission Units & Processes ................................................................................... 21


Release Point & Apportionment ............................................................................. 23


Calculator Parameters & Requests.......................................................................... 25


Updating Monthly Data .......................................................................................... 29

OCS AQS User Manual

Zero Emissions........................................................................................................ 35


Copying Months...................................................................................................... 36


Calculate Emissions ................................................................................................ 36


Combustion Flares .................................................................................................. 37


Updating Assigned Calculator ................................................................................ 38



View Previous Facility Calculations ....................................................................... 40


Run New Facility-Wide calculations ...................................................................... 41


BEC Job Queue ....................................................................................................... 41




Companies & Complexes ............................................................................................... 41


List of Companies ................................................................................................... 41


Company Details ..................................................................................................... 42


Complexes............................................................................................................... 43

Emissions: Lease Operations ............................................................................................. 45

Managing Lease Operations ........................................................................................... 45


Lease Operations Emissions Manager ........................................................................... 46


Add a Lease............................................................................................................. 46


Edit Existing Lease Operation Sources................................................................... 47


Add Lease Operation Source .................................................................................. 47


Calculate Lease Operation Emissions..................................................................... 49

Emissions: Other Functions and Submittal...................................................................... 50

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) ................................................................................................. 50


GHG- Global Warming Potential (GWP) ............................................................... 50


Facility e-GGRT Export ......................................................................................... 50


Tools ............................................................................................................................... 53


Facility Metadata Export......................................................................................... 53


Import Glycol/Amine Emissions ............................................................................ 55



Batch Emissions Calculator (BEC) – Platform Sources ................................................ 40

Submittal ........................................................................................................................ 56


Inventory Submittal ................................................................................................ 56


Facility Ownership Transfer ................................................................................... 57

Documents ........................................................................................................................... 59

Upload & Manage Documents ....................................................................................... 59


Add a Document ..................................................................................................... 59


Edit/View Documents ............................................................................................. 60

OCS AQS User Manual



Maps ..................................................................................................................................... 61

Using the Map Module................................................................................................... 62


Gridded Emissions ......................................................................................................... 65


Additional Map Layers................................................................................................... 67

Reports ................................................................................................................................. 68

Reports Overview ........................................................................................................... 68


Report Categories ........................................................................................................... 69


Platform Reports ..................................................................................................... 69


Emission Reports .................................................................................................... 69


Detailed Emission Reports ...................................................................................... 70


Lease Operation Reports ......................................................................................... 70


Calculator Reports .................................................................................................. 70


Trend Analysis Reports........................................................................................... 70


User-Defined Reports ............................................................................................. 71

Settings ................................................................................................................................. 72

User Options ................................................................................................................... 72


Auditing.......................................................................................................................... 72

Appendix A – Calculator Descriptions ..................................................................................... 74

AMI-000 (Amine Gas Sweetening Unit) ....................................................................... 74


BOI-M01 (Boilers, Heaters, and Burners (Diesel)) ....................................................... 74

A.3 BOI-M02 (Boilers, Heaters, and Burners - Waste Oil, Max Rated Heat Input = 100
MMBtu/hr) ................................................................................................................................ 76

BOI-M03 (Boilers, Heaters, and Burners - Natural Gas, Process Gas, or Waste Gas) .. 77


DIE-M01 (Gasoline Engines) ........................................................................................ 78


DIE-M02 (Diesel Engines Where Max HP < 600) ........................................................ 79


DIE-M03 (Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600) ...................................................... 80

A.8 DIE-M03-DG (Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600, LO Natural Gas Production
Well Drilling) ............................................................................................................................ 81
A.9 DIE-M03-DO (Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600, Lease Operations Crude Oil
Drilling)..................................................................................................................................... 82

DIE-M03-LO (Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600, Lease Operations Hotelling)


DRI-M01 (Drilling Equipment - Gasoline Fuel) ........................................................ 84


DRI-M02 (Drilling Equipment - Diesel Fuel) ............................................................ 84


DRI-M03 (Drilling Equipment - Natural Gas Fuel) ................................................... 85

OCS AQS User Manual

FLA-M01 (Combustion Flare) ................................................................................... 86


FUG-M01 (Fugitive Sources - Gas) ........................................................................... 87


FUG-M02 (Fugitive Sources - Natural Gas Liquid) .................................................. 90


FUG-M03 (Fugitive Sources - Heavy Oil) ................................................................. 92


FUG-M04 (Fugitive Sources - Light Oil)................................................................... 95


FUG-M05 (Fugitive Sources - Water, Oil) ................................................................ 97


FUG-M06 (Fugitive Sources - Oil, Water, Gas) ...................................................... 100


FUG-M06-LO (Fugitive Sources (Oil, Water, Gas) for Lease Operations Drilling) 102


GLY-000 (Glycol Dehydrator Unit) ......................................................................... 105


LOA-M01 (Loading Operations).............................................................................. 105


LOS-M01 (Losses from Flashings) .......................................................................... 107


MUD-M01 (Mud Degassings).................................................................................. 108


MUD-M01-LO (Mud Degassing for Lease Operations Drilling) ............................ 108

NGE-M01 (Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Stroke Cycle = 2-Cycle and Engine
Burn = Lean) ........................................................................................................................... 109
NGE-M02 (Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Stroke Cycle = 4-Cycle and Engine
Burn = Lean) ........................................................................................................................... 111
NGE-M03 (Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Stroke Cycle = 4-Cycle and Engine
Burn = Rich) ........................................................................................................................... 112

NGE-M04 (Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Burn Type = Clean)..................... 113


NGT-M01 (Dual-Fuel Turbines - Nat. Gas - Known Sulfur)................................... 114


NGT-M02 (Dual-Fuel Turbines - Nat. Gas - Unknown Sulfur)............................... 115


NGT-M03 (Dual-Fuel Turbines - Diesel) ................................................................ 116


PNE-M01 (Pneumatic Pumps) ................................................................................. 117


PRE-M01 (Pneumatic Controllers) .......................................................................... 118


STO-M01 (Storage Tank - Horizontal, Rectangular Tank) ...................................... 119


STO-M02 (Storage Tank - Vertical, Rectangular Tank) .......................................... 121


STO-M03 (Storage Tank - Horizontal, Cylindrical Tank) ....................................... 122


STO-M04 (Storage Tank - Vertical, Cylindrical Tank) ........................................... 124


VEN-M01 (Cold Vent) ............................................................................................. 125


OCS AQS User Manual

Table of Figures
Figure 1. OCS AQS login screen .................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2. Main login.gov page ........................................................................................................ 3
Figure 3. Main dashboard after login .............................................................................................. 4
Figure 4. Example home screen ...................................................................................................... 5
Figure 5. Window and table tools ................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6. Technical support link ..................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7. Inventory configuration page .......................................................................................... 9
Figure 8. OCS AQS function map for operators........................................................................... 11
Figure 9. Dashboard module map showing panels available to operators .................................... 13
Figure 10. Main dashboard for operators ...................................................................................... 14
Figure 11. Emissions main page functions ................................................................................... 16
Figure 12. Emission source workflow using the Activity & Emissions Manager (AEM) ........... 16
Figure 13. Selecting a facility in the AEM ................................................................................... 17
Figure 14. Default view of the AEM Details page ....................................................................... 18
Figure 15. Sales Gas Components page ........................................................................................ 20
Figure 16. Facility details link location. ....................................................................................... 20
Figure 17. Emission unit selection ................................................................................................ 21
Figure 18. Facility-Wide Zero Emissions window ....................................................................... 22
Figure 19. New release point fields .............................................................................................. 24
Figure 20. Geometry of a Fugitive release point .......................................................................... 25
Figure 21. Data Requests tab ........................................................................................................ 27
Figure 22. Control Requests tab.................................................................................................... 27
Figure 23. Emission Factors tab.................................................................................................... 28
Figure 24. Import/Export Activity Data selection ........................................................................ 29
Figure 25. Activity Data Export queue ......................................................................................... 30
Figure 26. Export summary sheet ................................................................................................. 31
Figure 27. Calculator sheet ........................................................................................................... 31
Figure 28. Control data sheet ........................................................................................................ 32
Figure 29. Example of import log with errors .............................................................................. 33
Figure 30. Month selection controls ............................................................................................. 34
Figure 31. Example QA/QC report for emission source............................................................... 34
Figure 32. Options selection for Zero Emissions.......................................................................... 35
Figure 33. Example to copy data to months ................................................................................. 36
Figure 34. Table showing whether monthly emissions were calculated or manually inserted..... 37
Figure 35. Flare emission parameters ........................................................................................... 38
Figure 36. Calculator selection window ....................................................................................... 39
Figure 37. Batch Emissions Calculator (BEC) summary page ..................................................... 40

OCS AQS User Manual
Figure 38. Example BEC error log ............................................................................................... 41
Figure 39. Company information page ......................................................................................... 42
Figure 40. Complex details page .................................................................................................. 44
Figure 41. Lease Operations map ................................................................................................. 45
Figure 42. Summary of Lease Operations (LOs) emissions ......................................................... 45
Figure 43. Leases page and selecting BOEM lease number ......................................................... 46
Figure 44. Add Lease page ........................................................................................................... 46
Figure 45: Source Selection .......................................................................................................... 47
Figure 46. Edit Source Page.......................................................................................................... 47
Figure 47. Add LO Source page ................................................................................................... 48
Figure 48. Other Emissions module functions .............................................................................. 50
Figure 49. e-GGRT report export ................................................................................................. 51
Figure 50. Facility selection for e-GGRT report export ............................................................... 52
Figure 51. Facility e-GGRT Export queue ................................................................................... 52
Figure 52. Download link ............................................................................................................. 53
Figure 53. Metadata report page ................................................................................................... 54
Figure 54. Metadata export queue ................................................................................................ 54
Figure 55. Stream selection for Amine units ................................................................................ 55
Figure 56. Inventory Configuration table ..................................................................................... 56
Figure 57. Facility transfer selection ............................................................................................ 57
Figure 58. Transfer options page .................................................................................................. 58
Figure 59. Documents module ...................................................................................................... 59
Figure 60. Document upload page ................................................................................................ 60
Figure 61. Map features ................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 62. Map with release points ............................................................................................... 63
Figure 63. Map with facilities ....................................................................................................... 64
Figure 64. Using the Search Tool in Maps ................................................................................... 64
Figure 65. Gridded emissions dialogue box ................................................................................. 65
Figure 66. Map with gridded emissions ........................................................................................ 66
Figure 67. Report with download formats options ....................................................................... 69
Figure 68. User Options page ....................................................................................................... 72
Figure 69. Auditing navicons ........................................................................................................ 72
Figure 70. Change History Report ................................................................................................ 73


OCS AQS User Manual


Getting Started with OCS AQS

The Outer Continental Shelf Air Quality System (OCS AQS) is a comprehensive web-based
software solution for managing and reporting OCS emission source data in the Gulf of Mexico
and Alaska regions, to include inputting activity data, calculating emissions, performing quality
assurance and control, and submitting the emissions results. OCS AQS provides an intuitive user
interface to facilitate the participation by the offshore operators in the annual survey program
mandated by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).

1.1 This Document
This User Manual was prepared to assist the operators in their use of OCS AQS to complete the
2021 OCS Emissions Inventory in compliance with 30 CFR 550.303(k) and 550.304(g). As OCS
AQS is a web solution that supports regular updates, the User Manual will serve as a living
document which will be updated periodically to reflect software updates to OCS AQS.
Please note that OCS AQS replaces the legacy Gulfwide Offshore Activities Data System
(GOADS) but includes the same required data input fields. Key differences between OCS AQS
and GOADS include:

OCS AQS is a web-based system that can be accessed from a common web browser and
does not require any separate installation.


OCS AQS has dashboards, reports, and mapping features to provide user-friendly and
content-rich interface.


OCS AQS includes historical emissions inventories (2000, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, and
2017) for reference and review by operators and lessees.

1.2 Accessing OCS AQS
In order to access OCS AQS, the following steps must be completed:
1. BOEM/BSEE will send an invitation email with instructions on how to access OCS AQS.
If you are an operator (or authorized consultant) and did not receive an email, please send
an account request to ocs.aqs_support@weblakes.com.
2. If you did receive the invitation email, follow the instructions, including the requirement
to create a login.gov account. When setting up your login.gov account, you must use the
same email address in which you received the OCS AQS invitation. If you would like use
a different email address, please send your request to ocs.aqs_support@weblakes.com.
3. Once your login.gov account has been created, you can log into OCS AQS and access
your facilities emission inventory at the following website: https://www.ocsaqs.doi.gov.
Operators will select the login.gov option and enter credentials (additional details below).
BOEM/BSEE users will use the BOEM/BSEE button to access OCS AQS. In certain
cases, the OCS AQS Systems Administrator may require 24 to complete the account
setup process, so please keep this in mind the first time you log into the system.


OCS AQS User Manual

1.3 Supported Browsers
OCS AQS can be accessed by authorized users from any computer with an internet connection.
OCS AQS supports most major browsers including:

Microsoft EdgeTM
Mozilla FirefoxTM
Google ChromeTM

Other browsers may run OCS AQS without significant issues, but they are not explicitly
IMPORTANT: OCS AQS does not support Microsoft Internet ExplorerTM.

1.4 Logging in the First Time
Once you have successfully created your login.gov account, go to the following website:
You should see a login screen similar to Figure 1. Operators will use the LOGIN.GOV button.

Figure 1. OCS AQS login screen

Click the LOGIN.GOV button (unless you are an authorized BOEM/BSEE user) and this will
take you to the login.gov screen as shows in Figure 2. Enter your login.gov credentials and click
the Sign in button. Since this is your first time accessing OCS AQS through login.gov,
depending on the two-factor authentication option you selected when you created your login.gov
account, you will be prompted with additional instructions. For example, if you elected to use
text messaging, login.gov will send you a code to the phone you specified with instruction on
how to enter the code to complete the two-factor authentication process. If you run into any
problems with login.gov, please contact login.gov technical support.

OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 2. Main login.gov page

Once successfully logged in, your initial landing page (and home page) is the Dashboard module,
similar to the one shown in Figure 3 below.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 3. Main dashboard after login

The number of different dashboards available to you in the Navigation Panel may vary
depending on assigned access rights while the displayed data may vary due to the default
inventory in your account.

1.5 System Security

Automatic Logout

Due to the U. S. Department of Interior (DOI) security requirements, if you do not use the
system for more than 15 minutes, you will be automatically logged out and you will have to log
back in again. You will be given a one-minute warning prior to the automatic logout.
IMPORTANT - If you are logged out, any work in pages that are in Edit mode and require you to
Save will be lost if it was not saved.

Password Recovery

If you forget your password, simply click the Forgot your password? button as shown toward
the bottom of Figure 2 earlier and follow the instructions provided.


OCS AQS User Manual


When accessing OCS AQS through your login.gov account, if you enter your password or email
address incorrectly too many times, you will get locked out of the system. Follow the
instructions provided to reactivate your account. In addition, OCS AQS Technical Support is
available at ocs.aqs_support@weblakes.com during normal workdays between the hours of 8 am
and 5 pm EST.

1.6 Navigating the System


Once you log in, you will see a screen similar to Figure 4 shown below. While each screen may
vary slightly based on access to authorized facility inventories and user-defined dashboard
setting, the navigation tools will be located in the same area for easy reference. For the current
submittal year, users will only have access to their specific inventories and facilities. Users have
access to all facilities for past, final inventories that are publicly available, and these inventories
are locked.
IMPORTANT: Depending on your computer screen size and resolution, you may have to scroll
down to see all the content.
The main navigation tools are as follows and are indicated in Figure 4:

Figure 4. Example home screen

1. Module Tabs: These tabs provide access to the OCS AQS modules (see next section for
a description of each module). The module you are in is underscored by a blue line.
2. Breadcrumbs: This link shows your current location within the web hierarchy and thus
provides contextual information to the current page. Clicking on any text will take you to
that particular page. Clicking on Home takes you back to the first page you see after
3. Navigator Panel: These folders provide navigation options for a given module and the
steps you are taking. For pages other than the Dashboard, there will be Navicons to
access different pages and wizards.

OCS AQS User Manual

4. Inventory Selector: This tool is used to select the emissions inventory that you will be
working in. Depending on your user rights, your access may be limited to a single
inventory. Past inventories (2017, 2014, etc.) will be locked and available for review
5. Notification Indicator: This button shows if you have system messages related to OCS
AQS operations.
6. Online Help: This icon displays a context-specific help window based on the page you
are viewing. If you need to search for a different feature, the icon also allows access to
View Full Help – the complete set of help content.

Using Windows and Tables

Detailed data in OCS AQS are organized and presented using windows and tables. An example
of a table that lists emission units for platform sources (to be covered later) is shown in Figure 5.
A number of tools are available to the user to navigate, search, manipulate, and export the tables
and windows. These tools are identified in the same figure and described below.

Figure 5. Window and table tools


Window control tools are located in the upper right-hand corner of each table. They
allow you to Collapse the window or Expand it to a full page.
TIP: You can also “double-click” on the white header above the table to expand and
collapse the table.


The Search tool in the upper left of the window allows you enter keywords to find
specific records. Keywords can include partial spellings like “pneu” for “pneumatic” and
are not case sensitive. The Go Search button (magnifying glass) executes the search and
the Clear Search button (broom/brush) removes all text in the search bar.

OCS AQS User Manual

Available records in the lower left corner of the window shows the number of available
records that the table will display.


Page controls in the lower center of the window allows page by page navigation of the
table and controls the number of rows displayed per page using the drop-down menu.


Data Tools in the lower right of the window allows the user to perform a more
customized search and reload the table after the query. The export icon (up arrow) allows
the user to export the table’s records in Excel or CSV format. The table can also be
printed from this icon.


Getting Help

OCS AQS is designed to be easy to use and intuitive. Additional tools are provided to assist you.
These include:

Online help


Full Help

In the Online Help window, press the View Full
Help link. This will provide a searchable help


User Manual (this

The User Manual provides in-depth assistance
with easy-to-follow examples and indexed


OCS AQS support team

For help not covered above, contact tech support
for OCS AQS at ocs.aqs_support@weblakes.com.

Press the
icon on the top right-hand corner of
any page to go to a help section for the page.

Technical support is available by clicking on the OCS AQS Technical Support link in the bottom
part of the screen after you log in as shown in Figure 6. Clicking on the link opens up the OCS
AQS Technical Support page that gives contact information for both technical support and
BOEM inquiry email address (OCSEmissionsInventory@boem.gov).


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 6. Technical support link

IMPORTANT – when requesting technical support, please let us know which web browser
you are using so that we can focus our response to your requirements. Each browser
displays content differently.

1.7 Selecting Inventories
The emissions inventory selected determines the year and emissions scenario you will be
working with. It is therefore extremely important to make sure you select the correct inventory
before you begin working. By default, upon the initial login users will automatically be directed
to their 2021 inventory. Contact your OCS AQS representative at
OCSEmissionsInventory@boem.gov to determine which inventory you should be using if you
have questions.
Operators also have the ability to create and save sandbox (test) inventories. In addition, users
have the ability to select historical inventories. To change or select a specific inventory, click on
the Inventory Selector link (as described in Section 1.5.1). This will take you to the Inventory
Configuration page. Click on the desired inventory name. The desired inventory should appear
in the Inventory Selector area, similar to the example shown in Figure 7. In some cases, when
you initially log in, there may be only one inventory.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 7. Inventory configuration page

Use the Module Tabs or Breadcrumbs to navigate back to Home or to new pages.

1.8 OCS AQS Modules
OCS AQS has several modules that group functionalities for easy navigation. Move around
modules by clicking on the Module Tabs as shown previously in Figure 4. The modules that are
available are:

Dashboards - This module presents a snapshot of activities based on your access rights.
The Navigation Panel has several options you can choose from. Each view can be
customized by using the Settings button located in the upper right corner of the page.


Emissions - This module provides all the resources you will need to add and update
emission sources and pollutant totals.


Documents - This module allows you to upload and access supporting documentation
such as stack tests or proposed alternate emissions factors.


Map - This module provides an interactive GIS style map with different layers for
sources, sea-lanes and pipelines. Sources are linked to pages in the Emissions module for
easy reference.


Reports - OCS AQS comes with several prepared reports for use. Each report has its own
wizard to guide you through criteria selection to help create a report specific to your


Settings - This module allows you to update your user profile as well as select the
inventory you are working in.


Admin – This module allows an authorized administrator to add accounts, track usage
and change logs, update reference tables, and synchronize individual operator
inventories. Only users with administrative rights will be able to view this section.

OCS AQS User Manual

1.9 OCS AQS Definitions
OCS AQS uses the same nomenclature as GOADS in reference to hierarchies and definitions.
The following terms are used throughout this manual:

Company refers to the organization or legal entity that owns and operates assets and has
the requirement and responsibility to submit the OCS Emissions Inventory.


Lease refers to the legal agreement between the company and BOEM to operate in a
specified manner in a specified location.


Lease Operations refer to specific activities taken by the Lessee as part of the Lease.
Lease Operations include platform sources; however, for OCS AQS, lease operations
refer only to drilling operations in which the drilling rig is connected to the sea bed and
construction support vessels installing new platforms or pipelines.


Complex refers to a group of related structures within a lease area that is assigned a
Complex ID.


Facility refers to an individual structure (Complex-Structure ID). A single facility or
multiple facilities can make up a complex.


Emission Source refers to a process or piece of equipment on a facility that generates air
emissions and releases it to the environment. For OCS AQS, an Emission Source consists
of an Emission Unit and a Release Point. In some cases, such as fugitive emissions, the
Emission Unit and the Release Point are the same.


Emission Unit refers to the process or equipment type on a facility capable of generating
air emissions. In some cases, such as fugitive emissions, the Emission Unit is a collection
of components that may be located throughout a facility.


Release Point refers to the physical properties of an emission source that release
emissions into the environment.


Process refers to the physical and chemical reactions that take place in an Emission
Source that converts throughput material into air emissions.

1.10 OCS AQS Function Map
An outline of all OCS AQS modules and their function located within the Navigation Panel
selections is shown in Figure 8.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 8. OCS AQS function map for operators


1.11 Layout of User Manual
The rest of the User Manual is laid out in the following sections:

Section 2 – Dashboards


Section 3 – Emissions: Platform Sources


Section 4 – Emissions: Lease Operations


Section 5 – Emissions: Other Emissions Functions


Section 6 - Documents


Section 7 – Map


Section 8 - Reports


Section 9 - Settings

The Emissions module is broken into three parts in order to focus each section on the main
functions within the module.
Each section will have a more detailed map of the module functions accessed through the
Navigation Panel.

OCS AQS User Manual



Dashboards provide a summary of key OCS AQS data using tables, maps, and graphs. There are
multiple dashboard screens available, all accessible on the Navigation Panel as shown on the
module map in Figure 9. The specific dashboards available to you will depend on your access

Figure 9. Dashboard module map showing panels available to operators

The dashboard pages share several common features:

Graphs and visuals on the page can be changed by clicking on the
button on the
top right of the page. Select (or deselect) the options you want to see on the dashboard
page and click Save to apply the changes. Some pages do not have a Settings feature.


Selecting the 3 bars
.png or .jpg format.


Scrolling over graphs reveals the data tables.

next to a graph gives you the option to save the graph figure in

IMPORTANT: Scroll down to see additional content.
TIP: If you do not see the data on a Dashboard page that you want, check the Inventory and
make sure you have the right one.
The available Dashboards include:

Main – This is the main dashboard that will be displayed when you log in. It shows the
inventory year and includes a summary of facilities, release points, and pollutants
inventoried. This dashboard also includes a map of the facility (or facilities) and


OCS AQS User Manual
summary graphs of selected pollutant emission totals. Data is organized by Official
Protraction Diagram (OPD) Areas. An example of this dashboard is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Main dashboard for operators

Additional Dashboards that are available are:

Facility Emissions – This dashboard is similar to the Main Dashboard but shows a
breakdown of emissions by facility across a region.


Facility – This dashboard provides facility level data details as well as a list of pollutant
totals emitted by the facility.


Operator Transfers – This dashboard shows the status of facility transfers made by the
operator (if any) over selected periods.


FAQs – This is not technically a dashboard but provides a collection of Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) about the OCS AQS software, emissions inventories and other topics.
The FAQs are grouped in the following categories:
o General Questions
o Emissions Calculations
o Dashboards
o Maps
o Reports

OCS AQS User Manual

Some dashboard pages, especially the Main and Facility Emissions dashboards, have quick links
in the top row of summary information. This allows you to access the tables or reports that are
associated with the display data.


OCS AQS User Manual


Emissions: Platform Sources

Platform sources make up the majority of emission sources and pollutant emissions in OCS
AQS. You can manage all platform sources in the Emissions module. When you select the
Emissions module, you are automatically taken to the Emissions – Platform Sources page by
default. The Platform Sources page provides links to several different options as shown in Figure
11 with the various navicons. Navigation to other Emission module functions is done using links
on the Navigation Panel.

Figure 11. Emissions main page functions

3.1 Platform Sources Workflow
OCS AQS is designed to make updating and editing emission sources easy. Updating and editing
platform sources is handled in the Activity & Emissions Manager (AEM). The AEM provides a
one-stop shop for all platform emission source functions. The basic workflow using the AEM is
shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Emission source workflow using the Activity & Emissions Manager (AEM)

To implement this workflow, OCS AQS uses integrated toolsets and prepared import/export
templates for all emission processes.


OCS AQS User Manual

3.2 Using the Activity & Emissions Manager
To access the AEM, click on the Activity & Emissions Manager button (shown in Figure 11
above). This takes you to the Facilities page. Select the facility to work with (hyperlink) in the
Facility ID column from the table in the Facilities page, as shown in Figure 13 below. You can
also click on View in the Actions column. In some cases, there will only be one facility to choose
from. If your facility is not in the list, please contact OCS AQS support.

Figure 13. Selecting a facility in the AEM


Activity & Emissions Manager Details Page

Selecting the facility takes you to the Activity & Emissions Manager Details page with a view
similar to Figure 14. This page allows you to make changes in designated fields as well as
perform certain other operations.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 14. Default view of the AEM Details page Main Features of AEM Details Page
The AEM Details page has a number of features which can be seen by scrolling down the page.
These features and their use will be described in detail in the sections that follow.
First, in the upper right part of the page, there are buttons to update annual Production and
throughput values and Sales Gas composition per facility. Below them, you can see the
Emission Units & Processes section, which shows the different emission units within the
facility in tabular form and includes buttons to Add Emission Unit and to Import/Export Activity
Data. This section encompasses the Process section which includes the following sections:

Release Point & Apportionment – View and update release point parameters associated
with an emission source.


Calculator Parameters & Requests – Provides the activity data entry for emission
calculation parameters and associated metadata for individual sources. This will be
described in greater detail below.


Calculated Emissions – Shows the calculated emissions for an emission unit for the
entire year by month based on calculator parameters provided in the Process feature.


Data Entry QA and Log – Shows when updates were made and by whom.


OCS AQS User Manual Edit Mode
It is important to note that you will automatically be in Edit mode when you enter the AEM
Details page. You can confirm this if you are able to edit or otherwise make changes to fields in
the Process section. If you are not in Edit mode, these options will be visible but disabled. You
can exit Edit mode by either saving your changes or clicking the Cancel button under the
Emission Units panel.
To expand the different sub-groups under Process, click the down chevron
side of the page.

on the right

To save data, click on the Save button in the upper right corner of the Process Section. This will
update the Process Section and hide several buttons and selectors. To return to Edit mode,
highlight the desired Emission Unit in the table at the top of the screen and click on the Edit
button where the Save button used to be.
IMPORTANT: If you do not save your work, it will be lost if you are automatically logged off
or navigate away.

Updating Annual Production Rate and Sales Gas Composition Annual Production Rates
Production rates can be updated by clicking on the Production button in the upper right corner.
This will open a window with fields for annual production, throughput and usage. To edit the
values, click on Edit in the bottom left corner. Be aware that input fields are for specific energy
type (crude oil, natural gas, and diesel) based on the units and field descriptions. All values must
be greater than or equal to 0.
Click Save to save updates and get out of Edit mode. Click Close to close the window. Sales Gas Composition
Update sales gas composition by clicking on the Sales Gas button and the Edit button similar to
the Production procedure described above.
The input fields for the different mole fraction components will automatically sum in the lower
right box (Sales Gas Total [mole%]). If the final sum does not equal 100%, you can normalize
the value clicking on the Normalize button that will appear in the upper right corner of the
window. The Normalize button will add or subtract from the non-zero elements in the fields by a
linear weighting method that allows the composite total to sum exactly to 100.00%. If the sum is
equal to 100.00%, the Normalize button will not appear
An example of the Sales Gas update screen with a sum not equal to 100.00% is shown in Figure


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 15. Sales Gas Components page


Updating Facility Details

To check facility details such as address, sales gas composition, and location, click on the
Facility Name link under the Emission Units & Processes section as shown in Figure 16. A
window will pop up with facility details. Scroll down to see Production and Sales Gas
Composition as well as location information of the facility.

Figure 16. Facility details link location.

To edit information about the facility, click on the blue Edit button in the bottom right of the
window to enter the edit mode. Click Save to complete the updates.

OCS AQS User Manual
Production Rates and Sales Gas Composition can be edited in this window as well as the
individual windows described above.

Emission Units & Processes

The Emissions Units & Processes table includes all emission units and a summary of key
information including:

Process ID and description of each emission unit
The Source Classification Code (SCC)
The assigned calculator
The date and time of the last emission calculation (if applicable) Select Emission Unit
Emission units associated with a particular facility are shown in the top of the AEM Details
page. To view the Process section details of any emission unit, click anywhere in the row, other
than the hyperlinks, to select the emission unit, as show in Figure 17. This will update the
Process section. Clicking on the hyperlink in the Emission Unit ID column (or View under the
Actions column) will open the Details for Emission Unit window for viewing emission unit

Figure 17. Emission unit selection View/Edit an Emission Unit
To view the details of an emission unit, click the hyperlink in the Emission Unit ID column or
View in the Actions column. Edit the emission unit by selecting Edit in the Actions column.
Green fields represent required data that must be included before you can save the item. Click
Save to save changes. Add an Emission Unit
To add a new Emission Unit, click the Add Emission Unit button at the top right on the Emission
Units and Processes page and fill in the required fields. Click Save to save changes.

OCS AQS User Manual Copy an Emission Unit
To copy an Emission Unit, select the click the Copy link under the Actions column and complete
the required fields if necessary. The fields should all copy from the original Emission Unit;
however, you are required to rename the Emission Unit ID. Click Save to save changes. A new
Emission Unit will appear in the table when complete. Bulk Import/Export
Emissions unit parameters can be easily reviewed and updated by exporting them into an Excel
spreadsheet and then importing them back into OCS AQS. This is done by clicking on the
Import/Export Activity Data button near the top of the Emission Units and Processes page and is
described below in Section Facility Wide Zero Emissions
If no emissions are generated for the entire facility for a month due to inactivity, maintenance or
natural disaster, you can zero out emissions for all sources by month without updating each unit
Click the Facility-Wide Zero Emission button on the top right of the Emission Units and
Processes page and select the month or months of zero emissions that took place for the entire
facility as shown in Figure 18. If you need to show zero emissions for a particular emission unit,
you can do that in the Calculator Parameters & Request section.

Figure 18. Facility-Wide Zero Emissions window

Choose a reason for each month the facility reports zero emissions by clicking on the options
button (…) to the far right of each row and selecting the most applicable reason. Choices include,

OCS AQS User Manual
for example, “Platform was decommissioned and/or out of service”, “Suspension of production”,

Release Point & Apportionment

Release points are used to designate where emissions transfer from a process into the
atmosphere. They are required for dispersion modeling and source characterization. All
elevations for release points are measured from Mean Sea Level (MSL).
Apportionment refers to the amount of emissions generated by a process that is sent to an
individual release point. In OCS AQS, all apportionments are assumed to be 100%, meaning that
all emissions from one emission unit goes to one release point. Assign Release Point to an Emission Unit
To assign a release point to an Emission Unit:
1. Select the Emission Unit you want to assign by choosing it in the Emissions Unit &
Processes table.
2. Choose an existing release point by opening the additional options (…) and searching
through the list of available choices. A new window will open with options.
3. Select the desired release point to highlight it. Click Select on the bottom right of the
window to save the selection.
If you need to create a new release point, follow the directions below. Edit a Release Point
Once a release point is selected, a See Details button will appear. Click this button to view
details about the selected release point. You can edit the release point by scrolling to the bottom
of the window and clicking Edit. Create New Release Point
To create a new release point:
1. Click the Create New Release Point button.
2. The Add Release Point window will open as shown in Figure 19.
3. Complete the required information in green fields.
4. In the Georeference section, you can use latitude/longitude coordinates in decimal
degrees instead of UTM coordinates. OCS AQS automatically converts one coordinate
system to the other.
5. If you do not have the exact coordinates of the release point, enter the coordinates of the
facility. You can update anytime when the specific coordinate are available.
6. Click Save to save the release point information.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 19. New release point fields

Release points represent the physical system that transfers emissions to the atmosphere. The
most common types of platform release points are Fugitive (for fugitive emissions) or Vertical
(for stacks). Other options are available such as Horizontal, Goose-neck and Vertical with RainCap.
To add a release point, select the desired facility and click the Add Release Point button. A new
record will be generated. Required fields include:

Release Point ID


Release Type


Coordinates in decimal degrees Latitude/Longitude or UTM

If the stack type is Vertical, the following parameters are required:

Stack height in feet


Stack Diameter in feet


Exit Temperature in deg F


Exit Velocity in ft/s

If the stack type if Fugitive, the following parameters are required:

OCS AQS User Manual

Type (Area or Volume)


Release Height in feet


Length of X side in feet


Length of Y side in feet


Orientation Angle in degrees

The geometry of the Fugitive release point is shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20. Geometry of a Fugitive release point

Flow rate will automatically be generated when Stack Diameter and Exit Velocity are filled.
Similarly, for coordinates, one system will be automatically completed if the other coordinate
system is filled (Latitude/Longitude or UTM-X/UTM-Y). Click Save to complete the record
While not required, it is recommended to provide a release point description to make it easier to

Calculator Parameters & Requests

As part of the Process section, the Calculator Parameters & Requests contain the main
functionality of the AEM. It allows you to set the following parameters for each emission unit by

Select input and physical parameters by month


Copy inputs from a month to one or more other months


Assign zero emissions for a month


Enter required throughput and calculation parameters in required fields (green boxes) and
optional fields (white boxes)


Provide process control information

OCS AQS User Manual

Provide release point information


View emission factors for each pollutant


Perform range checks and other QA for input parameters

Each emission unit has different input parameters based on the assigned calculator. For example,
the input parameters for a combustion flare will differ significantly from the input parameters for
fugitive emissions.
Input parameters used for emission calculations and process descriptions are called Data
Requests while parameters used to describe the pollution control technology are described under
Control Requests. Each field allows annotation and comments with the QA button to the right
of the field as shown in Figure 21 below.
The following tabs are available, to be described further in the sections that follow.

Data Requests allow input of required and optional data used for emissions calculations
and process metadata.


Control Requests are used to provide input data that describes the pollution control
technology used for an individual source (if applicable)


Emission Factors provide engineering parameters to calculate individual pollutant
emissions. Data Requests
A typical Data Requests tab is shown in Figure 21. Green backgrounds indicate fields that are
required, while white backgrounds indicate optional fields. Most processes contain some green
IMPORTANT: You must complete any required (green) fields for a process in order to save
your changes or calculate emissions.
Please note that certain white fields will auto-calculate results based on inputs to the required
fields, as shown Figure 21. The calculated results will appear automatically once the required
input fields are filled.
Some input fields have drop-down menus with selection associated with the process, also shown
in Figure 21. If a selection is not available for your process, contact the OCS AQS Support Team
and let them know what additional options are required.
Finally, certain fields have pre-defined ranges of inputs to prevent out-of-range values or values
with the wrong format (text in a numerical field). All field values must be within the defined
ranges and format before they can be saved. A list of fields with ranges and the range values is
provided for each calculator in Appendix A.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 21. Data Requests tab Control Requests
Control Requests only capture information regarding pollution control technology used by the
individual source. Unlike the Data Requests, Control Requests have a set number of input fields
with reduction efficiencies for five pollutants (PM10, CO, SOx, NOx, and VOCs). For some
calculators, only VOC reduction efficiency is requested since the process does not involve
combustion or chemical transformation. A typical Control Request tab is shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Control Requests tab

Control Request input fields include:

Control Device? – Is a control device or end of pipe treatment included in the process?
This is a Yes/No question.

OCS AQS User Manual

Primary Type of Control Equipment: - If a control device is part of the process, what kind
of device or technology is it? A drop-down menu is provided for most processes to select
the primary type of equipment. If the equipment is not on the list, select 999 for Other
and describe it in the Operator Comments field.


Description of Control Equipment Chain: - This field allows you to describe the control
equipment chain if more than one type of technology is used.


Reduction Efficiency [%] for pollutant – this describes the average reduction of emitted
pollutant using the control technology. If the total reduction of VOCs using a vapor
recovery unit is 65%, enter “65” in the field. Emission Factors
Emission factors are assigned to each calculator based on published values from USEPA AP-42
or other BOEM approved references. The values cannot be updated by operators, but additional
pollutants can be added. An example is shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23. Emission Factors tab


OCS AQS User Manual

For pollutants listed without values and an “Implicit” code (as shown in Figure 23), the value has
been incorporated into the calculator equation. This usually takes place if there is a conditional
statement in the algorithm that uses two or more emission factors depending on the process
condition. Add New Emission Factor
To add a new emission factor for a pollutant, click the Add button and select the desired
pollutant from the list. The pollutant will be added to the list along with a new value field in blue
under the unit column. Scientific notation is allowed such that 0.00003 can be written as 3E-5.
The field will stay blue to show that it is a user-provided value as shown in Figure 23 above.
Adding a new emissions factor might require BOEM approval of that value and/or additional

Updating Monthly Data

Input parameters can be updated for each emission source on a monthly basis. OCS AQS
provides two different ways to update:

Batch updates using the Import/Export tool


Manual updates using the Calculator Parameter & Requests feature described above Download Monthly Data Using the Import/Export Tool
To use the Import/Export tool, it is advisable to export the existing parameters first:
1. After selecting the facility and arriving at the Activity & Emissions Manager Details
page, select the Import/Export Activity Data button in the upper right corner of the
Emission Units & Processes panel as shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24. Import/Export Activity Data selection

2. Select Run Wizard from the drop-down box.
3. Select Export from the Monthly Activity Import/Export Wizard mode selection. Click
Next on the bottom right corner of the wizard window.

OCS AQS User Manual
4. Select the emission sources to be exported by clicking on the selection squares or select
all by clicking on the Check All box near the search bar. Once completed, select Finish
on the bottom right corner to process the request, Previous to go to the previous step, or
Cancel to abort the operation.
5. Select the processed request from the Queue-Activity Data Export page by selecting the
Files hyperlink under the Actions column as shown in Figure 25 below. The most recent
request will be at the top of the table, but the table can be sorted or searched to find a
specific request.

Figure 25. Activity Data Export queue

IMPORTANT: To come back to the Job Queue, select Open Queue from the drop-down box
shown previously in Figure 24.
6. To save the processed Excel file to your computer, click the Files hyperlink in the
Actions column. The link will take you to a Job Files page.
7. Click the Download link and save to your computer. Please note that most browsers
support file renaming, so users can enter the specific file name they want to use. If the
browser does not allow changing file names, save using the default name and rename
using the File Explore – double click rename the file. Update Monthly Activity Data Using the Import/Export Template
Once you have downloaded the Excel sheet with your facility’s emission sources, update the
monthly activity data:
1. Open the Excel file for the emission source you want to update as shown in Figure 26.
The file has a Summary sheet with hyperlinks to go to the individual emission source
located as individual sheet tabs.
IMPORTANT: Do not change the data on the Summary sheet. Changing the Summary
sheet may cause import errors.

OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 26. Export summary sheet

2. Update parameters by month as shown in Figure 27. Note that the required fields for the
emission calculators are listed in the top rows between EMISSION CALCULATOR
IMPORTANT: Match input values to the units of measure shown in the Description
column of the spreadsheet. For example, input parameters for percentages [%] mean that
a value of 0.05% should be entered as “0.05”.
IMPORTANT: For Yes/No responses, the template uses “T” for Yes (True) and “F” for
No (False).
TIP: For fields with drop-down menus that have specific selections, select an option in
the AEM before you export. This way you will have the exact spelling and can copy it to
the other months.

Figure 27. Calculator sheet


OCS AQS User Manual Updating Control Data Using the Import/Export Tool
The Control Data sheets do not have monthly columns like the Activity Data sheets because it is
assumed that conditions will not change significantly over the inventory reporting period. An
example Control Data sheet is shown in Figure 28.

Figure 28. Control data sheet

Two areas are highlighted in Figure 28 to show the different naming identification. The area on
top shows the Emission Unit ID and Process Name for the specific Emission Unit. The Control
ID may not be the same as the Emission Unit or Process Name so it is important to check which
Emission Unit you are working on. The assigned calculator shown on the Summary sheet will
show which control is assigned to each Emission Unit. The calculator ID is similar to the Control
ID except the Calculator has an M while the Control has a C (for example: BOI-M01 is the
calculator and BOI-C01 is the Control).
Like the Activity Data fields, Yes/No fields should be entered as “T” for Yes and “F” for No.
Percentages should be entered as written (“98.5” for 98.5%). Importing Monthly Data Using the Import/Export Tool
After updating the parameters in the exported file, you will need to import it back into OCS
1. Save the updated file with your revised parameters.
2. Select the Import/Export Activity Data button in the upper right window of the
Emission Units feature as previously shown in Figure 24.
3. Select Import from the Monthly Activity Import/Export Wizard mode selection. Click
Next on the bottom right corner of the wizard window.


OCS AQS User Manual
4. Select the Excel file to upload from your computer. To upload multiple facilities, select
the corresponding facility files. The files should be in the same directory. Click Finish to
5. If you are sent to the Job Queue – Activity Data Import, click OK to finish or check the
uploaded job files by clicking on the Files hyperlink in the Action column.
6. If you click on Files, you will open a Job Files window that shows the files imported as
well as an Import log spreadsheet. Download any of the files using the Download
hyperlink next to the file in the Download column.
7. The Import log file, Import_Log.xlsx, will show the status of each imported source and
the results of the QA/QC check. A summary of errors will be identified for the source and
section (Summary, Data Requests, and/or Control Requests) on the Summary sheet as
shown in Figure 29. Individual errors and location in the Emission Source worksheet are
shown in the Errors sheet.

Figure 29. Example of import log with errors

It is highly recommended to fix errors and re-import before trying to calculate emissions.
Comment on errors in the AEM by clicking the QA button by the parameter in question. Updating Using the Calculator Parameters & Requests Feature
For individual emission sources or small updates, the Calculator Parameters & Requests allows
fast and easy editing.
1. After arriving at the Activity & Emissions Manager Details page and selecting the
emission source for editing, scroll down to the Calculator Parameters & Requests
feature. The feature is already in Edit mode and available for updating.
2. Select the month you want to update using the drop-down menu or the control arrows as
shown in Figure 30.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 30. Month selection controls

3. For the selected month, update the parameters by completing the data fields. Green fields
indicate required data and must be filled in. White fields are optional data. A QA box is
available to the right of each field to optionally add notes and comments regarding the
specified value for each field. Values are automatically saved after you leave the field.
4. Confirm the input parameters meet range and required input requirements by clicking on
the red QA/QC button, as shown in Figure 30. If there are no issues, a blue message will
appear stating that there are no QA/QC issues for the emission source under edit. If there
are errors, the specific field and month for the error will be identified similar to the
example shown in Figure 31. In this example a required field (Fuel Usage) is missing in
the Data Requests and the Fuel Heating Value is out of range.

Figure 31. Example QA/QC report for emission source


OCS AQS User Manual
5. Save the updated values by clicking Save. To return to Edit mode, click Edit. Upon
saving, there is an automatic QA/QC check. If further issues are found, you can again
click the QA/QC button to review the issues identified.

Zero Emissions

To report zero emissions from an emission source for a month (or months):
1. After arriving at the Activity & Emissions Manager Details page and selecting the
emission source for editing, scroll down to the Calculator Parameters & Requests
2. Select the Options pull-down menu next to the QA/QC button as shown in Figure 32 and
select Zero Emissions.

Figure 32. Options selection for Zero Emissions

3. Choose the months you want to declare zero emissions from the check boxes, same as
Figure 18 in the Facility-Wide Zero Emissions.
4. Once a month is selected, the corresponding Select Reason box will be active. Click on
the … (extra options) button on the right of the box to open a list of possible reasons why
the month has zero emissions. Select the most appropriate reason from the available
5. Scroll down to click the OK button to save changes.


OCS AQS User Manual

Copying Months

Emission source parameters from one month can be quickly copied to all months or individual
months. If selected, all parameters are copied.
1. After arriving at the Activity & Emissions Manager Details page and selecting the
emission source for editing, scroll down to the Calculator Parameters & Requests
2. Select the Options pull-down menu next to the QA/QC button as shown in Figure 32
above and select Copy Monthly Data.
3. The Copy Monthly Data window will open. Select the month to copy activity data
parameters FROM (you can choose only one).
4. Select the months or months to copy data TO. A Select All button is available to copy to
all months. Click Copy to complete the action. An example is shown in Figure 33. In the
example, the month of January is copied to June, July, and August.

Figure 33. Example to copy data to months

3.2.10 Calculate Emissions
Emissions from a source can be calculated within the Activity & Emission Manager by month
using the input parameters from the Data Requests and the assigned calculator equations.
The assigned calculator is shown at the top of the Calculator Parameters & Requests feature
as well as a Select Calculator button on the right. Selecting this button displays more

OCS AQS User Manual
information about the chosen calculator and allows another calculator to be selected if required.
More information about the individual calculator used, such as the actual equations and input
variables used, can be found by running an Emissions Equation Description Report under the
Calculator Report section in the Reports module.
To calculate emissions with an existing calculator:
1. After arriving at the Activity & Emissions Manager Details page and selecting the
emission source for editing, scroll down to the Calculated Emissions feature near the
bottom of the page.
2. Press the Calculate button.
WARNING: previous emission values will be lost or overwritten once the button is
pressed. Also note that you can only calculate when in the Edit mode.
3. Once pressed, the calculations may take several seconds to process depending on the
number of pollutants reported for the emission source.
IMPORTANT: Emissions will not calculate if required fields are missing from months
that are not zeroed out.
4. A table will appear with monthly emissions that were either calculated (shown in the
Calculated? column as Yes) or manually inserted (No) as shown in Figure 34.

Figure 34. Table showing whether monthly emissions were calculated or manually inserted

3.2.11 Combustion Flares
OCS AQS breaks down each stationary emission source into a release point and an emission
unit. The release point is the physical transfer location of emissions from a process to the

OCS AQS User Manual
atmosphere. For most processes, the release point is the top of a smokestack. For flares and open
flames, it is the exterior surface of the flame as shown in Figure 35. For flares on platforms, the
physical stack height assumes the height of the flare stack above mean sea level 1.

Figure 35. Flare emission parameters

Only one calculator should be used per flare to account for flared and pilot gas. Users should
create flares based on flare design specifications as listed in the manufacturer’s information and
use the total volume (including pilots).
3.2.12 Updating Assigned Calculator
If the assigned default calculator does not represent an existing emissions source accurately, you
must contact BOEM/BSEE and submit a request along with supporting information. For adding
Calculators for new sources, complete the following:
1. Choose the new emission source you want to update in the Emission Units table and click
the Select Calculator button in the Calculator Parameters & Requests feature.
2. The Select User Calculator page will pop up like the one shown in Figure 36. To get
more selections, unclick the filter icon highlighted in the top left corner. A list of
available emission calculators will appear.

1 https://www.boem.gov/sites/default/files/environmental-stewardship/Environmental-Studies/Gulf-of-MexicoRegion/Air-Quality/Readme-2011-Gulfwide-Platform-file.doc


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 36. Calculator selection window

3. Select a new calculator. In the example above, DIE-M02 was selected. The Version refers
to the different calculators created to account for changes in methodologies and emission
factors for historical inventories. Figure 36 is just an example of the window and the user
needs to make sure to always use the latest version for the current inventory. In most
cases, the versions for historic and current inventories are the same.
Calculators have been prepared for the following processes found on platforms, as shown in
Table 1.
Table 1. Available platform calculator types




Amine Gas Sweetening Unit




Diesel and gasoline engines


Drilling Equipment




Fugitive emissions


Glycol dehydrators


Loading operation emissions


Losses from flashing

MUD Mud degassing


OCS AQS User Manual

Natural gas engines


Natural gas/diesel dual-fuel turbines


Pneumatic pumps


Pneumatic controllers


Storage tanks


Cold vents

A complete description of each calculator and Data Request input field is provided in Appendix

3.3 Batch Emissions Calculator (BEC) – Platform Sources
Section 3.2.10 showed how to calculate emissions for a single emission unit over the reporting
period. The BEC allows all emission units within a facility to be calculated together.

View Previous Facility Calculations

Select the BEC – Platform Sources navicon under the Emissions Module. This will take you to
a Summary List page as shown in Figure 37 that shows all previously run calculations. Historical
results can be viewed by selecting View Files under the Actions column. If there is no link, that
means a calculation is taking place.
IMPORTANT: If the link does not appear after several minutes, refresh the screen.

Figure 37. Batch Emissions Calculator (BEC) summary page

Downloaded files includes the individual steps taken by each calculator by month as well as a
log of the BEC status. Most importantly, the file includes an ERRORS log that highlights errors
by Facility, Emission Unit, Process, and Month as shown in Figure 38.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 38. Example BEC error log


Run New Facility-Wide calculations

To run a new calculation, click the Run BEC – Platform Sources button. This will take you to a
wizard that will guide your selections.
1. Select the facility or facilities you want to calculate and click Next.
2. Select the time period to calculate and add any notes. Click Next to continue.
3. Review your input selection and click Finish to begin the calculation process.

BEC Job Queue

You can follow the status of the calculations by going to the Job Queue page. Select the Job
Queue link on the Navigation Panel.

3.4 Companies & Complexes
Selecting the Companies & Complexes navicon under the Emissions module allows you to
view and manage operating companies and complexes.

List of Companies

Once you click on the Companies & Complexes navicon, you are taken to the page that lists all
active companies in your current inventory. From this page you can:

View the company details by clicking either the link in the Company Name column or
the View option in the Actions column.


Edit company details by clicking the Edit option in the Actions column (discussed
further below).


Create a new company by clicking the Add Company button in the upper right corner of
the page. Doing so will move you to the main page of the detailed editor where required
information for the complex must be filled in before any associated facilities (structures)

OCS AQS User Manual
can be created. Only companies that officially have BOEM Company Numbers can be

Company Details

Selecting a company from the list (or clicking on the View option) will open the Detail page that
provides information related to the company, including contact information. From this page, you
can edit the information and add contacts by clicking the Edit button. You can also go directly
into this edit mode from the list of companies by clicking on the Edit option in the Actions
column, as previously described. Figure 39 shows an example of edit mode.

Figure 39. Company information page Add Contacts
To add (or delete) contacts, go into Edit mode and click the Add Contact button as shown in the
bottom right of Figure 39. The Add Contact window will open.
1. For Existing Contacts: Select the name from the Contact list by opening up the option
table (…) and select the Contact Role. One person can have multiple roles.
2. New Contact: Complete the contact information and assign a Contact Role.
3. Click Save to save entry.
Contact Roles are:

OCS AQS User Manual

Company Responsible Official


Complex Responsible Official


Facility Responsible Official


Inventory Preparer


Inventory Reviewer


BOEM Representative


BSEE Representative

IMPORTANT: Contact Roles refer only to the person’s involvement with the OCS Emissions
Inventory and should not be confused with the actual job or job title of the person.
Please make sure that each facility has a Company Responsible Official contact. Edit/Delete Contacts
To edit or delete contacts, go into Edit mode and select the Edit or Delete hyperlink under the
Actions column for the contact you want.
If you are editing the contact, the contact details page will pop up. Make edits and click Save to
store your changes.


In the Companies & Complexes Navigation Panel, click on the Complexes option. The page will
display a list of complexes, similar to how the list of companies was shown. Select the complex
you want to view from the list of Complexes. This will take you to the Complex Details page
similar the one shown below in Figure 40.
This page offers the opportunity to add or review facilities assigned to the complex or individual
contacts associated with the complex. Edit/Add Contacts
To add or edit Contacts, click the Edit button and follow the instructions in Section Edit Facility
To edit facilities, select the desired facility from the table and click View or Edit from the links
under the Actions columns. If you selected View, you will have to click the Edit button when the
facility details page loads. Add Facility
To add a facility, click the Add Facility button. This will open a blank Facility Details page with
required and optional fields.
IMPORTANT: All required (green) fields must have a value in order to save.

OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 40. Complex details page


OCS AQS User Manual


Emissions: Lease Operations

Operators are required to account for emissions from non-platform operation only if they

Drilling rigs when connected to the seabed


Construction support vessels (CSV) when performing the construction. Construction
support vessels would be used during installation of a facility or a lease term pipeline.

Vessels underway do not have to be reported by operators.
The functions available to operators for Lease Operations (LOs) are shown in Figure 41 and can
be accessed by first clicking on the Lease Operations option in the Emissions Navigation Panel.

Figure 41. Lease Operations map

4.1 Managing Lease Operations
OCS AQS has imported all the known leases available on the BOEM Data Center website
(https://www.data.boem.gov/). If new leases are required for the company, they can be added.
LOs can be managed using a process summarized in Figure 42.

Figure 42. Summary of Lease Operations (LOs) emissions


OCS AQS User Manual

4.2 Lease Operations Emissions Manager
The Lease Operations Emissions Manager (LOEM) is similar to the Activities & Emissions
Manager (AEM) used for Platform Emissions. However, this tool is specifically used to calculate
emissions for non-platform sources such as drilling rigs connected to the seabed and construction
support vessels when performing construction activities as noted above. Users can create a lease
operation process based on existing templates, assign lease operations calculators, and enter
parameters that describe the monthly activity. Then, the user can calculate the emissions
generated by the non-point processes.
To use the LOEM, select the Lease Operations option from the Emissions Navigation Panel and
then click on the LOEM navicon. This will take you to the Leases page, similar to what is shown
in Figure 43. Click on the lease number in the BOEM Lease Number column of the Leases table
to view.

Figure 43. Leases page and selecting BOEM lease number


Add a Lease

If a Lease is not shown, it must be added using the Add Lease button. Only official BOEM
leases can be added.
In the Leases page, select the Add Lease button, which is located in the upper right corner of the
page shown in Figure 43. This will take you to the Add Lease page as shown in Figure 44.

Figure 44. Add Lease page

Lease numbers in the Gulf of Mexico must be entered as OCS-G-XXXXX (or OCS-Y-XXXXX
for Alaska) where each X is a single digit. Lease numbers that are less than 5 digits long should
pad zeroes to the left. For example, OCS-G-00033.
BOEM Official Operating company and Block ID must also be selected for each lease before


OCS AQS User Manual

Edit Existing Lease Operation Sources

Editing sources for lease operations is similar to updating platform sources using the AEM. To
edit an existing Lease Operation Source, first select an existing BOEM Lease Number as
previously shown in Figure 43.
Then, from the Sources & Processes table, select the source you wish to edit. After that, click
Edit under the Actions column. Figure 45 shows the source selection and the edit button.

Figure 45: Source Selection

The user will be prompted with the Edit Source page. Make the necessary changes and then click
Save as shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46. Edit Source Page


Add Lease Operation Source

To add a Lease Operation Source, the user again needs to navigate to the Leases page as shown
in Figure 43. Select an existing BOEM Lease Number and then click the Add Source button in
the upper right part of the Sources & Processes table.

OCS AQS User Manual
Follow the steps below to set up your new Lease Operations Source.
1. Select the applicable Lease Operations (LO) Source template. The following equipment
sources are provided for lease operations in Table 2.
Source ID

Table 2. Sources for Lease Operations

Source Type
Platform Construction (PC)
Drilling, Crude Oil (DR)
Drilling, Natural Gas (DR)

2. A Source Information page will open to provide information on the LO and vessel
involved based on the type of operation you selected as shown in Figure 47.
For Drilling Rigs, the Vessel Name can be searched for by opening the option table (…).
For Construction Support Vessel (CSVs), the Vessel Name must be typed in.

Figure 47. Add LO Source page


OCS AQS User Manual

If the georeferenced location is unknown, an estimate can be generated by clicking the
From Area Block Location button (highlighted in red in Figure 47). This provides the
center point of the block the lease is assigned to.
3. Click Finish to save changes. OCS AQS will automatically generate processes associated
with the operation you selected as shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Processes created based on operation source type

Operation Type
Support Vessel
Drilling Rig - Crude
Drilling Rig - Natural

Process ID

Process Description
Fugitives - Platform Construction
Diesel Engine, Construction Support Vessel
Drilling Rig, Crude Oil Production Drilling
Fugitive Emissions from Drilling Operations
Mud Degassing, Drilling Operations
Diesel Engine, Drilling Rig, Natural Gas Production
Fugitive Emissions from Drilling Operations


Once the sources and processes are in place, you can add activity data the same way it was done
with the AEM as explained in Section 3.2

Calculate Lease Operation Emissions

Emissions can be calculated for reporting periods after all required data request fields are filled
in. Check completeness and input ranges by clicking on the red QA/QC button. If input data is
filled and within range expectations, a blue status will be displayed. Errors will be highlighted
with a red status message and a pop-up window appears with the errors.
Click the Calculate button if all input parameters are error-free or zeroed out. Depending on the
calculator and number of months, the processing may take several minutes. Calculated emissions
will appear in the table under the button.


OCS AQS User Manual


Emissions: Other Functions and Submittal

The Emissions module includes additional resources that can assist the user to manage individual
sources and emissions. It also includes the Submittal function, which will be covered in this
section. Figure 48 shows the Greenhouse Gas (GHG), Submittal, and Tools options that can be
found in the Emissions Navigation Panel, along with the navicons associated with each option.
We will cover GHG and Tools before describing the Submittal function.

Figure 48. Other Emissions module functions

5.1 Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
The GHG option can be selected from the Emissions Navigation Panel and includes functions
specific to Greenhouse Gas management. In addition to calculating GHG emissions for submittal
to EPA, GHG emissions are also reported to BOEM during the inventory submittal process.

GHG- Global Warming Potential (GWP)

GWPs are used to calculate the CO2 equivalent (CO2e) parameter. The calculator takes the
effective year closest to the inventory year. For a 2021 inventory, the most recent effective GWP
for methane (CH4) was released in 2012. This value will be used to compute the CO2e of
methane instead of the 1995 effective year value.

Facility e-GGRT Export

The USEPA's electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT) supports facility and
supplier reporting for the USEPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP). OCS AQS


OCS AQS User Manual
contains a built-in tool capable of generating an e-GGRT file in the appropriate XML format for
submission to USEPA for a single facility or a complex with multiple facilities.
To generate and export an e-GGRT report for a specific facility:
1. Click on Facility e-GGRT Export navicon.
2. The Facility e-GGRT Export – Download screen is shown in Figure 49. Click the
Export Facility e-GGRT button.

Figure 49. e-GGRT report export

3. Select the e-GGRT Export Mode you want. Options are:

By Facility (Individual) – this option will generate a report for the facility
selected only.


By Complex (Aggregated) – this option will generate a report that sums the total
GHGs for all the selected facilities and lists the emission units within one report. Generating a single facility e-GGRT report
1. Select the desired facility (or facilities) from the list as shown in Figure 50 and click


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 50. Facility selection for e-GGRT report export

2. Confirm that the correct facility is selected in the Summary page and click Finish. OCS
AQS will begin the export.
3. You will be taken to the Facility e-GGRT Export queue which shows the progress of
your export as shown in Figure 51. After a moment, the export completes. The Status of
the export updates to Complete, and a notification appears at the top of the screen which,
when clicked, shows a message confirming the successful export.

Figure 51. Facility e-GGRT Export queue

4. In the Actions column of the table, click the Files link to view the exported file(s).
5. The Job Files dialog is shown. Click the Download link in Figure 52 to save the file to
your computer.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 52. Download link

You can open the XML file on your computer using any editor. It is recommended that you use
an editor capable to displaying XML files, or the content may be difficult to read. You can also
open the file in a browser such as Microsoft Edge. Generating an e-GGRT report for a Complex
The steps to generate an aggregated or multiple facilities e-GGRT report are similar to
generating a report for a single facility. The only difference takes place in the beginning steps
after selecting the e-GGRT Export Mode for a Complex.
1. After selecting the By Complex mode, select the complex that is the parent for all child
facilities under it. Click Next.
2. Select the facilities associated with the complex. In some cases, there may be only one
facility. Click Next.
3. If the input parameters are ok, click Finish to run the report.

5.2 Tools
The Tools option in the Emissions Navigation Panel provides a number of different tools that
help manage emission sources.

Facility Metadata Export

OCS AQS contains a built-in tool capable of generating an XML file containing metadata for
emissions inventory submissions to BOEM.
To export a Metadata report for a particular facility:
1. After selecting the Tools option from Emissions Navigation Panel, click on Facility
Metadata Export navicon.
2. The Facility Metadata Export – Download screen is shown in Figure 53. Click the Export
Facility Metadata button.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 53. Metadata report page

3. Select the facility (or facilities) for which to generate a report from the list. You may select
more than one facility. Individual reports will be generated for each.
4. Confirm that the correct facility is selected in the Summary page and click Finish. OCS
AQS will begin the export.
5. You will be taken to the Facility Metadata Export queue which shows the progress of your
export, as shown in Figure 54. After a moment, the export completes. The Status of the
export updates to Complete, and a notification appears at the top of the screen to confirm
the successful export.

Figure 54. Metadata export queue

6. In the Actions column of the table, you can click the Files link to view the exported file(s).
7. Click the Download link in the Job queue to save the file to your computer.
The downloaded file is in a .zip format with an Excel spreadsheet that contains an export
report and individual XML files for each facility.


OCS AQS User Manual

Import Glycol/Amine Emissions

Calculated emissions for amine and glycol processes generated from AMINECalc© 2 and GRIGLYCalcTM, 3, respectively, can be imported directly using the Glycol & Amine Emissions
Import tool.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure to set up the emissions correctly in the third-party software, as
OCS AQS has no influence on the results of the third-party software.
1. Make sure there is an emission source that can receive the imported emissions. If not,
create an emission source using the Activities & Emissions Manager using either the
AMI-000 Amine Gas Sweetening Unit or GLY-000 Glycol Dehydrator Unit calculators.
2. Go to the Emissions module and select Tools on the Navigation Panel and select the
Glycol & Amine Emissions Import tool.
3. Select either AMINECalc Version 1.0 for amine emissions or GRI-GLYCalc Version 4.
For glycol emissions. Click the Next button.
4. Select the process/emission source the imported emissions will be assigned to. Click the
Next button.
5. Find the emissions file for upload. No additional formatting is required from the program
output text files. Click the Next button.
6. Select the streams to import. An example for amine units is shown in Figure 55.

Figure 55. Stream selection for Amine units

7. Select the emission period months. Click the Next button.
8. A table will appear with a summary of the emissions that will be imported. Click Finish
to upload the emissions file and map it to the selected process. A warning will appear
stating that previous emissions will be overwritten.
IMPORTANT: If the emission streams do not appear in Step 6, there may be an error in
the import file or the wrong importer was selected.
2 API PUBL 4679 Amine Unit Emissions Model AMINECalc Version 1.0
3 www.gastechnology.org


OCS AQS User Manual

5.3 Submittal
The Submittal option in the Emissions Navigation Panel includes functions that support
submitting inventories and transferring facilities.

Inventory Submittal

The Inventory Submittal function can only be used when you are inside a Portal Emissions
Inventory (Portal EI). These inventories typically only include a small number of facilities. A
complete region-wide inventory cannot be used with this feature.
To determine if the current inventory is a Portal EI, click on the inventory link on the top right of
the page and look at the inventory type in the Inventory Configuration table as shown in Figure
56. To use this feature, select an inventory that is a Portal EI or create one.

Figure 56. Inventory Configuration table

To submit an inventory, select the Inventory Submittal navicon and complete the page by
checking the certification box and adding comments for the reviewer. Both fields are mandatory.
Click Finish to submit the inventory.
OCS AQS will automatically conduct a QA/QC on the inventory upon requesting a submission.
The check will confirm that all sources and all months are accounted for either with calculation
results or zero emissions. If errors are found, an error report will be generated that specifies
where errors are located and the reason.
IMPORTANT: All errors must be cleared before the report can be submitted.
If the QA/QC finds no errors, an email will be sent to the BOEM reviewer and operator
submitting the report that the submission was accomplished.


OCS AQS User Manual

Facility Ownership Transfer

If a facility or portion of a facility is transferred to another company during the inventory
reporting period, the transfer can be captured using this feature. Although the organization is able
to initiate this process on its own, the process can only be completed by receiving approval from
BOEM. The owner of the facility is responsible for the reporting of emissions for the months that
they have ownership.
The steps below summarize the process for requesting the transfer of ownership for a facility:
1. Click on Facility Ownership Transfer navicon. The first page of the Facility
Ownership Transfer wizard appears. Select the facility that will be transferred or has an
emission source that will be transferred. An example is shown in Figure 57.

Figure 57. Facility transfer selection

2. Specify the Transfer Details as shown in Figure 58 below with the following information:

Transfer Type: Transfer the full facility, or a portion of the facility.


Transfer Date: Date that the transfer is effective.


Old Owner/Operator: This is a read-only field displaying the name of the existing


New Owner/Operator: Select the name of the new owner/operator.


Comments: Add comments explaining the reason for the transfer.

When finished, click Next.


OCS AQS User Manual
3. The Summary screen provides an opportunity to review the details of the ownership
transfer before sending the request. Click Finish to complete the transfer request.
4. After completing the request, you will be returned to the Emissions section. From here,
you can take a look at the status of the requests by going to the Dashboards module and
selecting the Operator Transfers dashboard. This dashboard gives a listing of all transfer
requests and their status. Recent requests are shown with a status of Submitted/Pending.

Figure 58. Transfer options page


OCS AQS User Manual



The Documents module allows common reference material, documentation, and job request logs
to be stored and accessed. For operators, only the Upload & Manage Documents navicon is
available as shown in Figure 59.

Figure 59. Documents module

6.1 Upload & Manage Documents
This feature allows external media to be uploaded. It provides two different areas in which to
store documents, to be based on user preference.


General Documents (default) allows all OCS AQS users to access the documents
My Documents includes all files generated as a result of job requests or uploaded, and
these files are only accessible by the user that created or uploaded the files.
Add a Document

To upload a document to the folder, select the Add Document Set button on the top right of the
table of the General Documents option. Follow the wizard steps to select the document and
identify it with descriptive text.
You can upload multiple documents in one session as shown in Figure 60.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 60. Document upload page

The uploaded files will appear for review prior to the operation is completed. If the file, file type,
or description is not correct, delete the individual file by clicking on the small gray trash can to
the far right and start again. Click Finish to complete the upload.

Edit/View Documents

To view or edit existing documents in the General Documents option, click the View or Edit
links under the Actions column. The listed descriptions refer to the document group that was
uploaded and not individual documents. Click on the link to access the individual documents
within the group. In some cases, there may be only one document in the group.
Once the Document Information is open, additional documents can be added to the group by
clicking on the Attach File button. Files can also be deleted and descriptions updated in the
Notes column.
For documents in My Documents, select the document link to view. To delete the document,
click the Delete link in the Actions column.


OCS AQS User Manual



The OCS AQS Map Module provides a graphical display of all georeferenced objects, such as
platforms, on a map of the Gulf of Mexico or Alaska regions for the inventory selected. It also
allows you to display gridded emissions and custom shapefiles and query the database to locate
and display specific objects. If a past historical inventory year is selected, all facilities (including
other operators) will appear on the map. If a current inventory year is selected, operators will
only see their facility information on the map. An overview of features is shown in Figure 61.

Figure 61. Map features

The map includes the following elements:

Zoom Level (indicated by the light blue pointer 1 in Figure 61)


Map (2)


Map Options (3)


Scale (4)


Color Ramp (5)


Coordinates (6)

You can move the map area by holding the cursor over the map and dragging it with the left
mouse button. You can also zoom in and out using the mouse scroller.


OCS AQS User Manual
The Map Module also provides a number of useful functionalities that are accessed from the
Navigation Panel. These options are summarized below and their use is illustrated in the section
that follows.
Layer Control

Access different layers by selecting or deselecting layer boxes.

Select Tool

Pick a feature by clicking on it.

Zoom to Layers

Zoom to the extents of the layer.

Zoom to Area

Click and draw a box around an area to

Zoom to Location

Click this tool and then click on the map
where you wish to center the zoom area to
load the Zoom to Location dialog.

Overview Map

Click to activate a display of a map overview
with a blue dot box delineating the area
currently being displayed on the map.

Measure Tool

Measure the distance between two points by
clicking on the points; or, measure area by
clicking on points.

Gridded Emissions

Select parameters for Gridded Emissions
layer by choosing grid cell size and pollutant.

Shapefile Layers

Select Shapefile and attributes (if available).

Search Tool

Search the map for objects containing a
specified search string.

7.1 Using the Map Module
The steps below will help illustrate the map functionalities summarized above.
1. Select an inventory.
2. Click the Map module.
3. The map display appears. For this exercise, make sure your map is centered on the Gulf of
Mexico. You can zoom and pan using the method described in the previous section. You
can also use the Zoom tool at the top right of the map screen as shown in Figure 62.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 62. Map with release points

4. In the Map Options panel to the left of the map, click the Layer Control. This opens a
dialog that shows a list of layers available in the map. Turn off all layers except the Facility
layer and the Base Layers. For the Base Layers, you can click the + in the list to expand the
dialog in order to switch between the satellite view and the OpenStreetMap view, similar to
what is shown in Figure 63.
5. Take a moment to experiment with some of the other graphical tools in the Map Options
such as the Select Tool, Zoom to Layers, Zoom to Area, Measure Tool.
6. Under the Map Options, click Shapefile Layers.
7. The Shapefile Layers dialog is displayed. This dialog lists shapefiles which have been
imported into OCS AQS, as well as the corresponding map Layer Name.
8. Within the dialog, click on the OPD Area shapefile layer and then click the Apply button.
When finished, close the dialog.
9. The OPD areas are now visible on the map display. Additionally, the OPD Area map layer
is now visible in the Layer Control dialog. Move the cursor over OPD Area in the list of
layers and several options are available to you to the right of the layer name in the list,
including the ‘Fit into the scene’ option which adjusts the zoom level of the map to fit the
OPD Area shapefile comfortably into the map display area.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 63. Map with facilities

10. Close the Layer Control and Shapefile Layers dialogs if they are still open.
11. Under the Map Options, click the Search Tool.
12. The Search Tool dialog is displayed. Enter the search string ‘Anadarko’ in the search
field. All objects containing ‘Anadarko’ within the name are listed as shown in Figure 64.

Figure 64. Using the Search Tool in Maps


OCS AQS User Manual
13. Hover the cursor over any of the records in the search results. This will allow you to see
the Zoom In feature for the record, which when clicked will zoom the map to the location
of the selected object.

7.2 Gridded Emissions
The Map module allows you to map gridded emissions based on annual or monthly reported
values for all pollutants in the inventory
1. Under the Map Options, select Gridded Emissions.
2. The Gridded Emissions dialog is displayed in Figure 65.

Figure 65. Gridded emissions dialogue box

3. The Gridded Emissions dialog contains many different options and selections to allow
you to graphically represent your emissions. These options are reviewed below:
a. Emissions: Determines whether displayed emissions are for Platform sources,
Non-Platform sources, or both. Select Platform for this example.
b. Grid Type: Gridded emissions can be graphed by Uniform Cells, OPD Area, or
OCS Blocks. Select OCS Blocks.
c. Cell Size (and Units): This allows you to determine the size of each cell if you
selected Uniform Cells; otherwise, this field is disabled.
d. Emission Units: Unit of measure to use for graphing the emissions. Select TONS.


OCS AQS User Manual
e. Pollutant Group: This determines the type of pollutants to show. Leave this as
f. Period Class: The period for which emissions are displayed. Select January. Note
that this applies to active inventory year; since our example is an inventory in
2017, this means we will show emissions for January 2017.
g. Method: Determines if emissions are located on the graph based on the facility
location or the point of release. This will often have little impact on results, but
for some cases it can make a difference. Select Facility.
4. The bottom of the Gridded Emissions dialog shows a list of all available pollutants in the
emissions inventory. For this exercise, select Carbon Monoxide (CO) in the table.
5. Now that you have made your selections, click the Apply button at the right side of the
Gridded Emissions dialog.
6. The gridded emissions will appear on the map, similar to what is shown in Figure 66. At
first the details can be hard to see; it will help to close the Gridded Emissions dialog and
zoom in on the northern Gulf of Mexico.
7. After zooming in, it is easier to see the individual cells. Cells with no emissions have no
coloring and simply show the base map (satellite or OpenStreetMaps). Cells with
emissions are colored according to the color ramp at the bottom right of the Map display.
Notice that the cells which are colored correspond to the locations of facilities on the map
(yellow markers), as would be expected.

Figure 66. Map with gridded emissions

8. Take a moment to open the Gridded Emissions dialog and try out some of the other
options available to you.

OCS AQS User Manual

9. To get the numerical values of the emissions on each grid cell, open the Gridded
Emissions dialogue box and select Export next to the Apply button. A Microsoft Excel
file with the values will be downloaded automatically to your Download folder. The
spreadsheet columns include the cell center coordinates in Latitude and Longitude and the
cell grid value in the units selected.

7.3 Additional Map Layers
Additional map layers can be added to the Map module by sending the appropriate SHP and
SHX files to the BOEM OCS AQS administrator. Uploaded maps layers will be located under
the Shapefile Layers option of the map.


OCS AQS User Manual



OCS AQS comes with a set of reports that can be customized by the operator using OCS AQS
Reports wizards. Click on the Reports module and then click on the All Reports navicon to see
the following options in the Navigation Panel. Each option includes a number of functionalities
which can be viewed by clicking the left arrow next to each option.

Platform Reports


Emission Reports


Detailed Emission Reports


Lease Operation Reports


Calculator Reports


Trend Analysis


Trend Analysis Graphs

8.1 Reports Overview
To run a report, click on the report you would like to generate from the Navigation Panel and
complete the wizard steps. Select individual search criteria – or select all options. Run the report
by clicking Finish and wait for the results. If a past historical inventory year is selected, the
report will be generated with all facility information (including other operator’s data). If a
current inventory year is selected, the report will only generate your facility information.
All reports can be downloaded in a number of formats including:



Comma separated values (ASCII text)




MS Excel




MS Word

A typical report showing the download icon is shown in Figure 67.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 67. Report with download formats options

8.2 Report Categories

Platform Reports

Platform reports provide summaries of complex and facility level parameters. They include:
1. Complex List
2. Company List
3. OPD Facility List
4. Facility Emission Units
5. Complex QA
6. Sales Gas Quality Assurance

Emission Reports

Emission reports provide results from emission calculations and include:
1. Pollutant Totals
2. Complex Pollutant Totals
3. Complex Pollutant Totals (Tabular)
4. Monthly Facility Pollutant Totals
5. Annual Facility Pollutant Totals
6. Annual Emissions by OPD Area

OCS AQS User Manual
7. Monthly Emissions by OPD Area

Detailed Emission Reports

Detailed emissions reports are additional emission reports that include GHG specific results.
They include:
1. Monthly Emissions by Emission Unit
2. Pollutant Total from Complex Total
3. Emissions by Equipment Type
4. GHG Emissions by OPD Area
5. GHG Emissions by Facility
6. GHG Emissions by Emission Unit

Lease Operation Reports

Lease operations cover reports that summarize emissions generated during lease operation
activities. They include:
1. Lease Operations - Sources
2. Lease Operations - Drilling Rigs
3. Lease Operations Pollutant Totals By Source
4. Lease Operations Emissions By Source Type
5. Combined Complex Pollutant Totals by Platform and Lease Operations

Calculator Reports

Calculator reports describe the different calculation methods and input parameters used to
calculate emissions. They include:
1. Emission Equation Descriptions
2. Calculation Method Usage
3. Emission Factor By Status
4. Zero Emissions
5. Data Request - Field Range
6. Control Request - Field Range
7. QA/QC Comments
8. Monthly Parameters Comparison

Trend Analysis Reports

Trend analysis reports include:

OCS AQS User Manual
1. Monthly Facility to Equipment Trend Analysis
2. Monthly Equipment Trend Analysis
3. Monthly Facility Trend Analysis
4. Monthly Complex Trend Analysis
In addition, Trend analysis reports can be prepared in a graphical format:
1. Monthly Equipment Trend Analysis - Graph
2. Monthly Facility Trend Analysis - Graph
3. Monthly Complex Trend Analysis - Graph

User-Defined Reports

Users can request new reports that do not fit any of the above categories by contacting BOEM.


OCS AQS User Manual



The Settings module allows you to update system access for yourself as well as review activities
under your account. The Navigation Panel provides links for User Options and Auditing.

9.1 User Options
User Options include the ability to change your password, change the active inventory you are
working in, and manage system notifications as shown in Figure 68.

Figure 68. User Options page


Change Password: Select the User Profile navicon and follow the fields. You will have
to enter your old password and confirm your new password. Click Save to complete.


Change Inventory: Select the Inventory Configuration navicon and click the inventory
link. Note that selecting the Inventory Configuration is equivalent to clicking on the
Inventory Selector link, which was described earlier.


Acknowledge Notifications: Select the Notifications navicon and click the boxes of the
notifications you want to acknowledge. Click the Acknowledge button to finish.

9.2 Auditing
The Auditing option allows you to review the activities and change log that took place during
login. The two available navicons are shown in Figure 69.

Figure 69. Auditing navicons

Account Activity shows the list of users who accessed the system, and the type of activity
performed such as login, logoff, project selection, etc. This feature is especially useful if there
are multiple users associated with the inventory account.
Change History Report shows the tables that were changed by the user and when they were
changed. The Change History Report is shown in Figure 70.


OCS AQS User Manual

Figure 70. Change History Report

Select the user (e.g., Joe Inventory), time period, and inventory to customize the view. Click the
Update button to refresh the table based on the selected inputs.


Appendix A – Calculator Descriptions
A.1 AMI-000 (Amine Gas Sweetening Unit)
This calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 1. Amine Gas Sweetening Unit – AMI-000

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - The total volume of natural gas processed by this amine
unit during the specific monthly survey period, volume adjusted to standard temperature
and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
2. Material processed - Indicates the material processed: Natural gas, or process gas
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this amine unit was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or

A.2 BOI-M01 (Boilers, Heaters, and Burners (Diesel))
The calculator possesses the following fields:

OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 2. Boilers, Heaters, and Burners (Diesel) – BOI-M01

1. Total fuel usage [lb/month] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this diesel engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Equipped with flue gas recirculation system? [Boolean]
5. Fuel heating value [Btu/lb] - The energy content of liquid fuel types.
6. Equipped with low NOx burner? [Boolean]
7. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
8. Average fuel usage [lb/hr] - The average rate of liquid fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
9. Average heat input [MMBtu/hr] - The average heat input rate during operation this survey
10. Max rated heat input [MMBtu/hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated heat input rate.
11. Max rated fuel usage [lb/hr] - The maximum rate of liquid fuel usage.
12. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented locally or remotely.


OCS AQS User Manual

A.3 BOI-M02 (Boilers, Heaters, and Burners - Waste Oil, Max Rated Heat Input =
100 MMBtu/hr)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 3. Boilers, Heaters, and Burners - Waste Oil, Max Rated Heat Input = 100 MMBtu/hr – BOI-M02

1. Total fuel usage [lb/month] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
3. Equipped with low NOx burner? [Boolean]
4. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this equipment was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
5. Fuel heating value [Btu/lb] - The energy content of liquid fuel types.
6. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
7. Average fuel used [lb/hr] - The average rate of liquid fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
8. Average heat input [MMBtu/hr] - The average heat input rate during operation this
survey period.

OCS AQS User Manual
9. Max rated heat input rate [MMBtu/hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated heat input
10. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented locally or remotely.
11. Max rated fuel usage [lb/hr] - The maximum rate of liquid fuel usage.

A.4 BOI-M03 (Boilers, Heaters, and Burners - Natural Gas, Process Gas, or Waste
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 4. Boilers, Heaters, and Burners - Natural Gas, Process Gas, or Waste Gas – BOI-M03

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Equipped with flue gas recirculation system? [Boolean]
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this equipment was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Fuel heating value [Btu/scf] - The energy content of liquid fuel types.
5. Equipped with low NOx burner? [Boolean]
6. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
7. Average fuel used [scf/hr] - The average rate of liquid fuel usage during operation this
survey period.


OCS AQS User Manual
8. Average heat input [MMBtu/hr] - The average heat input rate during operation this
survey period.
9. Max rated heat input rate [MMBtu/hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated heat input
10. Max rated fuel usage [scf/hr] - The maximum rate of liquid fuel usage.
11. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented locally or remotely.
12. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.

A.5 DIE-M01 (Gasoline Engines)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 5. Gasoline Engines – DIE-M01

1. Total fuel usage [gallons/month] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Fuel heating value [Btu/lb] - The energy content of liquid fuel types.
5. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
6. Average fuel used [Btu/hp-hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.

OCS AQS User Manual
7. Max rated fuel usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel usage.
8. Max rated horsepower [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower output.
9. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
10. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented locally or remotely.

A.6 DIE-M02 (Diesel Engines Where Max HP < 600)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 6. Diesel Engines Where Max HP < 600 – DIE-M02

1. Total fuel usage [gallons/month] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/lb] - The energy content of liquid fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
5. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
6. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or
7. Average fuel used [Btu/hp-hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.


OCS AQS User Manual
8. Max rated fuel (Diesel) usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel
9. Max rated horsepower (Diesel) [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower
10. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.

A.7 DIE-M03 (Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 7. Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600 – DIE-M03

1. Total fuel usage [gallons/month] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/lb] - The energy content of liquid fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
5. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
6. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
7. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or

OCS AQS User Manual
8. Average fuel usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
9. Max rated fuel (Diesel) Usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel
10. Max rated horsepower (Diesel) [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower

A.8 DIE-M03-DG (Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600, LO Natural Gas
Production Well Drilling)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 8. Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600, LO Natural Gas Production Well Drilling – DIE-M03-DG

1. Total fuel usage over period [gallons] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/lb] - The energy content of liquid fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
5. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
6. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.

OCS AQS User Manual
7. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or
8. Average fuel usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
9. Max rated fuel (Diesel) usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel
10. Max rated horsepower (Diesel) [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower

A.9 DIE-M03-DO (Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600, Lease Operations Crude
Oil Drilling)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 9. Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600, Lease Operations Crude Oil Drilling – DIE-M03-DO

1. Total fuel usage over period [gallons] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/lb] - The energy content of liquid fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
5. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.

OCS AQS User Manual
6. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
7. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or
8. Average fuel usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
9. Max rated fuel (Diesel) usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel
10. Max rated horsepower (Diesel) [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower

A.10 DIE-M03-LO (Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600, Lease Operations
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 10. Diesel Engines Where Max HP => 600, Lease Operations Hotelling – DIE-M03-LO

1. Total fuel usage over period [gallons] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/lb] - The energy content of liquid fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per period [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey

OCS AQS User Manual
5. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
6. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
7. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or
8. Average fuel usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
9. Max rated fuel (Diesel) usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel
10. Max rated horsepower (Diesel) [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower

A.11 DRI-M01 (Drilling Equipment - Gasoline Fuel)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 11. Drilling Equipment - Gasoline Fuel – DRI-M01

1. Total fuel usage [gallons/month] - The total gasoline fuel used by the drilling equipment
during the survey period.
2. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The number of hours that the drilling equipment was
present and working at this structure.
4. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or

A.12 DRI-M02 (Drilling Equipment - Diesel Fuel)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 12. Drilling Equipment - Diesel Fuel – DRI-M02

1. Total fuel usage [gallons/month] - The total diesel fuel used by the drilling equipment
during the survey period.
2. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
3. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
4. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The number of hours that the drilling equipment was
present and working at this structure.
5. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or

A.13 DRI-M03 (Drilling Equipment - Natural Gas Fuel)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 13. Drilling Equipment - Natural Gas Fuel – DRI-M03


OCS AQS User Manual

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - The total natural gas used by the drilling equipment
during the survey period, volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60
degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
2. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The number of hours that the drilling equipment was
present and working at this structure.
4. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or

A.14 FLA-M01 (Combustion Flare)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 14. Combustion Flare – FLA-M01

1. Concentration of H2S in the flare gas [ppm] - The concentration of hydrogen sulfide
present in the flare feed gas.
2. Smoking condition - A qualitative assessment of the level of smoke emitted from the
3. Flare gas heating value [Btu/scf]
4. Molecular weight of VOC [lb/lb-mol]


OCS AQS User Manual
5. Total volume of gas flared (including upsets) [Mscf] - The total volume of gas flared
during the survey period, including periods of upset flaring, volume adjusted to standard
temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere). The GOADS volume
flared should match the ONRR’s volume flared reported on the OGOR.
6. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that the flare was operated
during the survey period, including periods of upset flaring.
7. Combustion efficiency of the flare [%] - The flare combustion efficiency, or the
completeness of hydrocarbon conversion to carbon dioxide (as CO2).
8. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
9. Pilot included in volume flared? [Boolean] - Indicate if pilot fuel feed rate is included in
total volume flared provided.
10. Average flaring rate [Mscf/hr]

A.15 FUG-M01 (Fugitive Sources - Gas)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 15. Fugitive Sources - Gas – FUG-M01

1. Total number of components (Specify by type below) [Integer] - The total count of
components that handles the selected process stream at this structure.

OCS AQS User Manual
2. Number of connectors [Integer] - Total number of connectors in this structure.
3. Number of flanges [Integer] - Total number of flanges in this structure.
4. Number of open-ended lines [Integer] - Total number of open-ended lines in this
5. Number of pumps [Integer] - Total number of pumps in this structure.
6. Number of pump seals [Integer] - Total number of pump seals in this structure.
7. Number of valves [Integer] - Total number of valves in this structure.
8. Number of centrifugal compressors - dry seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors dry seals in this structure.
9. Number of centrifugal compressors - wet seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors wet seals in this structure.
10. Number of other compressors - seals [Integer] - Total number of other compressor seals
in this structure.
11. Number of other relief valves [Integer] - Total number of other relief valves in this
12. Number of pressure relief valves [Integer] - Total number of pressure relief valves in this
13. Number of meters [Integer] - Total number of meters in this structure.
14. Number of instruments [Integer] - Total number of instruments in this structure.
15. Number of hatches [Integer] - Total number of hatches in this structure.
16. Number of polished rods [Integer] - Total number of polished rods in this structure.
17. Number of dumps [Integer] - Total number of dumps in this structure.
18. Number of drains [Integer] - Total number of drains in this structure.
19. Number of diaphragms [Integer] - Total number of diaphragms in this structure.
20. Number of operating days in month [Integer] - The total number of days that the fugitive
source operated during the survey period.
21. LDAR is in place? [Boolean] - Indicates if the facility routinely assesses and repairs
leaking fugitive components.
22. Inspection method - Indicates if the LDAR program is based on the use of optical
instrumentation, vapor analyzer, or visual inspection.
23. Number of months between inspections [Integer] - Indicates the LDAR program
inspection frequency.
24. Average VOC weight percent of fugitive releases [%] - The average VOC content of
fugitive emissions for the inventoried components and the selected stream type.
25. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.

OCS AQS User Manual
26. Average equipment elevation above mean sea level [ft] - A good estimate is half the
elevation of the top deck.
27. Are component counts based on default values? [Boolean] - Identifies whether a facilityspecific component count is provided.

A.16 FUG-M02 (Fugitive Sources - Natural Gas Liquid)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 16. Fugitive Sources - Natural Gas Liquid – FUG-M02

1. Total number of components (Specify by type below) [Integer] - The total count of
components that handles the selected process stream at this structure.
2. Number of connectors [Integer] - Total number of connectors in this structure.
3. Number of flanges [Integer] - Total number of flanges in this structure.
4. Number of open-ended lines [Integer] - Total number of open-ended lines in this
5. Number of pumps [Integer] - Total number of pumps in this structure.
6. Number of pump Seals [Integer] - Total number of pump seals in this structure.
7. Number of valves [Integer] - Total number of valves in this structure.
8. Number of centrifugal compressors - dry seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors dry seals in this structure.
9. Number of centrifugal compressors - wet seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors wet seals in this structure.
10. Number of other compressors - seals [Integer] - Total number of other compressor seals
in this structure.
11. Number of other relief valves [Integer] - Total number of other relief valves in this
12. Number of pressure relief valves [Integer] - Total number of pressure relief valves in this
13. Number of meters [Integer] - Total number of meters in this structure.
14. Number of instruments [Integer] - Total number of instruments in this structure.
15. Number of hatches [Integer] - Total number of hatches in this structure.
16. Number of polished rods [Integer] - Total number of polished rods in this structure.
17. Number of dumps [Integer] - Total number of dumps in this structure.
18. Number of drains [Integer] - Total number of drains in this structure.


OCS AQS User Manual
19. Number of diaphragms [Integer] - Total number of diaphragms in this structure.
20. Number of operating days in month [Integer] - The total number of days that the
fugitive source was operated during the survey period.
21. LDAR is in place? [Boolean] - Indicates if the facility routinely assesses and repairs
leaking fugitive components.
22. Inspection method - Indicates if the LDAR program is based on the use of optical
instrumentation, vapor analyzer, or visual inspection.
23. Number of months between inspections [Integer] - Indicates the LDAR program
inspection frequency.
24. Average VOC weight percent of fugitive releases [%] - The average VOC content of
fugitive emissions for the inventoried components and the selected stream type.
25. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
26. Average equipment elevation above mean sea level [ft] - A good estimate is half the
elevation of the top deck.
27. Are component counts based on default values? [Boolean] - Identifies whether a facilityspecific component count is provided.

A.17 FUG-M03 (Fugitive Sources - Heavy Oil)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 17. Fugitive Sources - Heavy Oil – FUG-M03

1. Total number of components (Specify by type below) [Integer] - The total count of
components that handles the selected process stream at this structure.

OCS AQS User Manual
2. Number of connectors [Integer] - Total number of connectors in this structure.
3. Number of flanges [Integer] - Total number of flanges in this structure.
4. Number of open-ended lines [Integer] - Total number of open-ended lines in this
5. Number of pumps [Integer] - Total number of pumps in this structure.
6. Number of pump seals [Integer] - Total number of pump seals in this structure.
7. Number of valves [Integer] - Total number of valves in this structure.
8. Number of centrifugal compressors - dry seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors dry seals in this structure.
9. Number of centrifugal compressors - wet seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors wet seals in this structure.
10. Number of other compressors - seals [Integer] - Total number of other compressor seals
in this structure.
11. Number of other relief valves [Integer] - Total number of other relief valves in this
12. Number of pressure relief valves [Integer] - Total number of pressure relief valves in this
13. Number of meters [Integer] - Total number of meters in this structure.
14. Number of instruments [Integer] - Total number of instruments in this structure.
15. Number of hatches [Integer] - Total number of hatches in this structure.
16. Number of polished rods [Integer] - Total number of polished rods in this structure.
17. Number of dumps [Integer] - Total number of dumps in this structure.
18. Number of drains [Integer] - Total number of drains in this structure.
19. Number of diaphragms [Integer] - Total number of diaphragms in this structure.
20. Number of operating days in month [Integer] - The total number of days that the fugitive
source was operated during the survey period.
21. LDAR is in place? [Boolean] - Indicates if the facility routinely assesses and repairs
leaking fugitive components.
22. Inspection method - Indicates if the LDAR program is based on the use of optical
instrumentation, vapor analyzer, or visual inspection.
23. Number of months between inspections [Integer] - Indicates the LDAR program
inspection frequency.
24. Average VOC weight percent of fugitive releases [%] - The average VOC content of
fugitive emissions for the inventoried components and the selected stream type.
25. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.

OCS AQS User Manual
26. Average equipment elevation above mean sea level [ft] - A good estimate is half the
elevation of the top deck.
27. Are component counts based on default values? [Boolean] - Identifies whether or not a
facility-specific component count is provided.

A.18 FUG-M04 (Fugitive Sources - Light Oil)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 18. Fugitive Sources - Light Oil – FUG-M04

1. Total number of components (Specify by type below) [Integer] - The total count of
components that handles the selected process stream at this structure.
2. Number of connectors [Integer] - Total number of connectors in this structure.
3. Number of flanges [Integer] - Total number of flanges in this structure.
4. Number of open-ended lines [Integer] - Total number of open-ended lines in this
5. Number of pumps [Integer] - Total number of pumps in this structure.
6. Number of pump seals [Integer] - Total number of pump seals in this structure.
7. Number of valves [Integer] - Total number of valves in this structure.
8. Number of centrifugal compressors - dry seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors dry seals in this structure.
9. Number of centrifugal compressors - wet seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors wet seals in this structure.
10. Number of other compressors - seals [Integer] - Total number of other compressor seals
in this structure.
11. Number of other relief valves [Integer] - Total number of other relief valves in this
12. Number of pressure relief valves [Integer] - Total number of pressure relief valves in this
13. Number of meters [Integer] - Total number of meters in this structure.
14. Number of instruments [Integer] - Total number of instruments in this structure.
15. Number of hatches [Integer] - Total number of hatches in this structure.
16. Number of polished rods [Integer] - Total number of polished rods in this structure.
17. Number of dumps [Integer] - Total number of dumps in this structure.
18. Number of drains [Integer] - Total number of drains in this structure.
19. Number of diaphragms [Integer] - Total number of diaphragms in this structure.

OCS AQS User Manual
20. Number of operating days in month [Integer] - The total number of days that the
fugitive source was operated during the survey period.
21. LDAR is in place? [Boolean] - Indicates if the facility routinely assesses and repairs
leaking fugitive components.
22. Inspection method - Indicates if the LDAR program is based on the use of optical
instrumentation, vapor analyzer, or visual inspection.
23. Number of months between inspections [Integer] - Indicates the LDAR program
inspection frequency.
24. Average VOC weight percent of fugitive releases [%] - The average VOC content of
fugitive emissions for the inventoried components and the selected stream type.
25. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
26. Average equipment elevation above mean sea level [ft] - A good estimate is half the
elevation of the top deck.
27. Are component counts based on default values? [Boolean] - Identifies whether or not a
facility-specific component count is provided.

A.19 FUG-M05 (Fugitive Sources - Water, Oil)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 19. Fugitive Sources - Water, Oil – FUG-M05

1. Total number of components (Specify by type below) [Integer] - The total count of
components that handles the selected process stream at this structure.

OCS AQS User Manual
2. Number of connectors [Integer] - Total number of connectors in this structure.
3. Number of flanges [Integer] - Total number of flanges in this structure.
4. Number of open-ended lines [Integer] - Total number of open-ended lines in this
5. Number of pumps [Integer] - Total number of pumps in this structure.
6. Number of pump seals [Integer] - Total number of pump seals in this structure.
7. Number of valves [Integer] - Total number of valves in this structure.
8. Number of centrifugal compressors - dry seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors dry seals in this structure.
9. Number of centrifugal compressors - wet seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors wet seals in this structure.
10. Number of other compressors - seals [Integer] - Total number of other compressor seals
in this structure.
11. Number of other relief valves [Integer] - Total number of other relief valves in this
12. Number of pressure relief valves [Integer] - Total number of pressure relief valves in this
13. Number of meters [Integer] - Total number of meters in this structure.
14. Number of instruments [Integer] - Total number of instruments in this structure.
15. Number of hatches [Integer] - Total number of hatches in this structure.
16. Number of polished rods [Integer] - Total number of polished rods in this structure.
17. Number of dumps [Integer] - Total number of dumps in this structure.
18. Number of drains [Integer] - Total number of drains in this structure.
19. Number of diaphragms [Integer] - Total number of diaphragms in this structure.
20. Number of operating days in month [Integer] - The total number of days that the fugitive
source was operated during the survey period.
21. LDAR is in place? [Boolean] - Indicates if the facility routinely assesses and repairs
leaking fugitive components.
22. Inspection method - Indicates if the LDAR program is based on the use of optical
instrumentation, vapor analyzer, or visual inspection.
23. Number of months between inspections [Integer] - Indicates the LDAR program
inspection frequency.
24. Average VOC weight percent of fugitive releases [%] - The average VOC content of
fugitive emissions for the inventoried components and the selected stream type.
25. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.


OCS AQS User Manual
26. Average equipment elevation above mean sea level [ft] - A good estimate is half the
elevation of the top deck.
27. Are component counts based on default values? [Boolean] - Identifies whether a facilityspecific component count is provided.

A.20 FUG-M06 (Fugitive Sources - Oil, Water, Gas)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 20. Fugitive Sources - Oil, Water, Gas – FUG-M06

1. Total number of components (Specify by type below) [Integer] - The total count of
components that handles the selected process stream at this structure.
2. Number of connectors [Integer] - Total number of connectors in this structure.
3. Number of flanges [Integer] - Total number of flanges in this structure.
4. Number of open-ended lines [Integer] - Total number of open-ended lines in this
5. Number of pumps [Integer] - Total number of pumps in this structure.
6. Number of pump seals [Integer] - Total number of pump seals in this structure.
7. Number of valves [Integer] - Total number of valves in this structure.
8. Number of centrifugal compressors - dry seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors dry seals in this structure.
9. Number of centrifugal compressors - wet seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors wet seals in this structure.
10. Number of other compressors - seals [Integer] - Total number of other compressor seals
in this structure.
11. Number of other relief valves [Integer] - Total number of other relief valves in this
12. Number of pressure relief valves [Integer] - Total number of pressure relief valves in this
13. Number of meters [Integer] - Total number of meters in this structure.
14. Number of instruments [Integer] - Total number of instruments in this structure.
15. Number of hatches [Integer] - Total number of hatches in this structure.
16. Number of polished rods [Integer] - Total number of polished rods in this structure.
17. Number of dumps [Integer] - Total number of dumps in this structure.
18. Number of drains [Integer] - Total number of drains in this structure.
19. Number of diaphragms [Integer] - Total number of diaphragms in this structure.

OCS AQS User Manual
20. Number of operating days in month [Integer] - The total number of days that the
fugitive source was operated during the survey period.
21. LDAR is in place? [Boolean] - Indicates if the facility routinely assesses and repairs
leaking fugitive components.
22. Inspection method - Indicates if the LDAR program is based on the use of optical
instrumentation, vapor analyzer, or visual inspection.
23. Number of months between inspections [Integer] - Indicates the LDAR program
inspection frequency.
24. Average VOC weight percent of fugitive releases [%] - The average VOC content of
fugitive emissions for the inventoried components and the selected stream type.
25. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
26. Average equipment elevation above mean sea level [ft] - A good estimate is half the
elevation of the top deck.
27. Are component counts based on default values? [Boolean] - Identifies whether or not a
facility-specific component count is provided.

A.21 FUG-M06-LO (Fugitive Sources (Oil, Water, Gas) for Lease Operations
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 21. Fugitive Sources (Oil, Water, Gas) for Lease Operations Drilling – FUG-M06-LO


OCS AQS User Manual
1. Total number of components (Specify by type below) [Integer] - The total count of
components that handles the selected process stream at this structure.
2. Number of connectors [Integer] - Total number of connectors in this structure.
3. Number of open-ended lines [Integer] - Total number of open-ended lines in this
4. Number of pumps [Integer] - Total number of pumps in this structure.
5. Number of pump seals [Integer] - Total number of pump seals in this structure.
6. Number of valves [Integer] - Total number of valves in this structure.
7. Number of centrifugal compressors - dry seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors dry seals in this structure.
8. Number of centrifugal compressors - wet seals [Integer] - Total number of centrifugal
compressors wet seals in this structure.
9. Number of other compressors - seals [Integer] - Total number of other compressor seals
in this structure.
10. Number of other relief valves [Integer] - Total number of other relief valves in this
11. Number of pressure relief valves [Integer] - Total number of pressure relief valves in this
12. Number of meters [Integer] - Total number of meters in this structure.
13. Number of instruments [Integer] - Total number of instruments in this structure.
14. Number of hatches [Integer] - Total number of hatches in this structure.
15. Number of polished rods [Integer] - Total number of polished rods in this structure.
16. Number of drains [Integer] - Total number of drains in this structure.
17. Number of diaphragms [Integer] - Total number of diaphragms in this structure.
18. Number of dumps [Integer] - Total number of dumps in this structure.
19. Number of flanges [Integer] - Total number of flanges in this structure.
20. Number of operating days in period [Integer] - The total number of days that the fugitive
source was operated during the survey period.
21. LDAR is in place? [Boolean] - Indicates if the facility routinely assesses and repairs
leaking fugitive components.
22. Inspection method - Indicates if the LDAR program is based on the use of optical
instrumentation, vapor analyzer, or visual inspection.
23. Number of months between inspections [Integer] - Indicates the LDAR program
inspection frequency.


OCS AQS User Manual
24. Average VOC weight percent of fugitive releases [%] - The average VOC content of
fugitive emissions for the inventoried components and the selected stream type.
25. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
26. Average equipment elevation above mean sea level [ft] - A good estimate is half the
elevation of the top deck.
27. Are component counts based on default values? [Boolean] - Identifies whether or not a
facility-specific component count is provided.

A.22 GLY-000 (Glycol Dehydrator Unit)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 22. Glycol Dehydrator Unit – GLY-000

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - The total volume of natural gas processed by this glycol
unit during the specific monthly survey period, volume adjusted to standard temperature
and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
2. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the unit.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that the unit was operated
during the survey period.
4. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions are vented/flared locally or

A.23 LOA-M01 (Loading Operations)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 23. Loading Operations – LOA-M01

1. Total barrels transferred per month [Barrels] - The quantity of liquid hydrocarbon loaded
into ships or barges at this structure.
2. Storage tank paint color - The exterior paint color of the dispensing storage tank.
3. Storage tank paint condition - The exterior paint condition of the dispensing storage tank.
4. Reid vapor pressure [psia] - The Reid vapor pressure of the liquid contained within the
dispensing storage tank.
5. VOC tank vapor weight percent [%] - The VOC content of vapors in the storage tank
headspace, measured as weight percent.
6. Average molecular weight of vapors [lb/lb-mol] - The average molecular weight of
VOCs present in the storage tank headspace.
7. Daily average ambient temperature [F°] - The average ambient daily temperature.
8. Liquid bulk temperature [F°] - The bulk temperature of the liquid contained within the
dispensing storage tank.
9. Average elevation above mean sea level [ft] - The approximate elevation of loading
operations, measured from mean sea level to the point of dispensing.


OCS AQS User Manual
10. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that equipment was
operated during the survey period.
11. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
12. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.

A.24 LOS-M01 (Losses from Flashings)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 24. Losses from Flashings – LOS-M01

1. API gravity [°API] - The API gravity of the oil/condensate contained within the vessel
where the flashing occurs.
2. Atmospheric pressure [psia]
3. Vessel operating pressure [psig] - Indicates the pressure setting of the vessel where the
flashing occurs.
4. Vessel operating temperature [F°] - Indicates the operating temperature of the vessel
where the flashing occurs.
5. Throughput volume per month [bbl] - "Indicates the actual throughput volume of
oil/condensate for each vessel for the specific monthly survey period."
6. Type of vessel - Indicates the type of vessel [separator, heater treater, surge tank, other)
where the flashing occurs.
7. Amount of loss per bbl of oil [scf]

OCS AQS User Manual
8. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
9. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
10. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that the vessel was
operated during the survey period.

A.25 MUD-M01 (Mud Degassings)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 25.Mud Degassings – MUD-M01

1. Days per month of drilling with mud [Integer] - The total number of 24-hour days that
drilling (with mud) occurred during the specific monthly survey period.
2. Type of mud - Indicates the type of mud used (drilling fluid) (water-based, oil-based, or
3. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
4. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that the equipment was
operated during the survey period.
5. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.

A.26 MUD-M01-LO (Mud Degassing for Lease Operations Drilling)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 26. Mud Degassing for Lease Operations Drilling – MUD-M01-LO

1. Days per period of drilling with mud [Integer] - The total number of 24-hour days that
drilling (with mud) occurred during the specific monthly survey period.
2. Type of mud - Indicates the type of mud used (drilling fluid) (water-based, oil-based, or
3. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
4. Hours of operation per period [hr] - The total number of hours that the equipment was
operated during the survey period.
5. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.

A.27 NGE-M01 (Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Stroke Cycle = 2-Cycle and
Engine Burn = Lean)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 27. Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Stroke Cycle = 2-Cycle and Engine Burn = Lean – NGE-M01

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/scf] - The energy content of gaseous fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
5. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
6. Average fuel usage [Mscf/hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
7. Max rated fuel usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel usage.
8. Max rated horsepower [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower output.
9. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
10. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
11. Manufacturer [Text] - The company name of the engine manufacturer.
12. Model No. [Text] - The manufacturer’s model number of the engine.

OCS AQS User Manual

A.28 NGE-M02 (Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Stroke Cycle = 4-Cycle and
Engine Burn = Lean)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 28. Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Stroke Cycle = 4-Cycle and Engine Burn = Lean – NGE-M02

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/scf] - The energy content of gaseous fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
5. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
6. Average fuel usage [Mscf/hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
7. Max rated fuel usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel usage.
8. Max rated horsepower [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower output.
9. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey

OCS AQS User Manual
10. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
11. Manufacturer [Text] - The company name of the engine manufacturer.
12. Model No. [Text] - The manufacturer’s model number of the engine.

A.29 NGE-M03 (Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Stroke Cycle = 4-Cycle and
Engine Burn = Rich)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 29. Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Stroke Cycle = 4-Cycle and Engine Burn = Rich – NGE-M03

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/scf] - The energy content of gaseous fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
5. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
6. Average fuel usage [Mscf/hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
7. Max rated fuel usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel usage.

OCS AQS User Manual
8. Max rated horsepower [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower output.
9. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
10. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
11. Manufacturer [Text] - The company name of the engine manufacturer.
12. Model No. [Text] - The manufacturer’s model number of the engine.

A.30 NGE-M04 (Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Burn Type = Clean)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 30. Natural Gas Engines Where Engine Burn Type = Clean – NGE-M04

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/scf] - The energy content of gaseous fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this engine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
5. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.


OCS AQS User Manual
6. Average fuel usage [Mscf/hr] - The average rate of fuel usage during operation this
survey period.
7. Max rated fuel usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel usage.
8. Max rated horsepower [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower output.
9. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
10. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.
11. Manufacturer [Text] - The company name of the engine manufacturer.
12. Model No. [Text] - The manufacturer’s model number of the engine.

A.31 NGT-M01 (Dual-Fuel Turbines - Nat. Gas - Known Sulfur)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 31. Dual-Fuel Turbines - Nat. Gas - Known Sulfur – NGT-M01

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1
2. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this turbine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
3. Fuel heating value [Btu/scf] - The energy content of gaseous fuel types.
4. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.

OCS AQS User Manual
5. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
6. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
7. Average fuel usage [Mscf/hr] - The average rate of gaseous fuel usage during operation
this survey period.
8. Max rated fuel (Nat Gas) Usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of
gaseous fuel usage.
9. Max rated horsepower (Nat Gas) [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower
10. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey

A.32 NGT-M02 (Dual-Fuel Turbines - Nat. Gas - Unknown Sulfur)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 32. Dual-Fuel Turbines - Nat. Gas - Unknown Sulfur – NGT-M02

1. Total fuel usage [Mscf/month] - Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period,
volume adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/scf] - The energy content of gaseous fuel types.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this turbine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.

OCS AQS User Manual
4. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
5. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
6. Average fuel usage [Mscf/hr] - The average rate of gaseous fuel usage during operation
this survey period.
7. Max rated fuel (Nat Gas) Usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of
gaseous fuel usage.
8. Max rated horsepower (Nat Gas) [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower
9. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
10. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.

A.33 NGT-M03 (Dual-Fuel Turbines - Diesel)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 33. Dual-Fuel Turbines - Diesel – NGT-M03

1. Total fuel usage [gallons/month] - Total liquid fuel used during this survey period.
2. Fuel heating value [Btu/lb] - The energy content of diesel fuel.
3. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that this turbine was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
4. Fuel sulfur content [%] - The sulfur content in liquid fuel types.

OCS AQS User Manual
5. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
6. Average fuel usage [gallons/hr] - The average rate of diesel fuel usage during operation
this survey period.
7. Max rated fuel (Diesel) Usage [Btu/hp-hr] - The manufacturer’s maximum rate of fuel
8. Max rated horsepower (Diesel) [hp] - The manufacturer’s maximum rated horsepower
9. Operating horsepower [hp] - The operating horsepower during operation this survey
10. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.

A.34 PNE-M01 (Pneumatic Pumps)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 34. Pneumatic Pumps – PNE-M01

1. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that the pump was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
2. Fuel gas usage rate [scf/hr] - The rate of natural gas usage during this survey period. This
information is no longer optional. You should obtain the fuel gas usage rate for each
specific make and model from the equipment vendor.

OCS AQS User Manual
3. Gas molecular weight [lb/lb-mol]
4. Mass fraction of CH4 in the gas [lb CH4/lb]
5. Mass fraction of CO2 in the gas [lb CO2/lb]
6. Mass fraction of VOC in the gas [lb VOC/lb]
7. Manufacturer [Text] - The company name of the equipment manufacturer.
8. Model [Text] - The manufacturer’s model number of the pump. Only include pumps that
are in natural gas service. Do not include pumps in compressed air service.
9. Total fuel usage [scf/month] - Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period, volume
adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
10. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
11. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.

A.35 PRE-M01 (Pneumatic Controllers)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 35. Pneumatic Controllers – PRE-M01


OCS AQS User Manual
1. Number of units [Integer] - Number of equipment of this exact make and model.
2. Hours of operation per month [hr] - The total number of hours that the equipment was in
operation during the specific monthly survey period.
3. Fuel gas usage rate [scf/hr] - The rate of natural gas usage during this survey period. This
information is no longer optional. You should obtain the fuel gas usage rate for each
specific make and model from the equipment vendor.
4. Gas molecular weight [lb/lb-mol]
5. Mass fraction of CH4 in the gas [lb CH4/lb]
6. Mass fraction of CO2 in the gas [lb CO2/lb]
7. Mass fraction of VOC in the gas [lb VOC/lb]
8. Service type - Indicates whether the equipment is in pressure control (PC), level control
(LC), flow control (FC), or other service.
9. Manufacturer [Text] - The company name of the equipment manufacturer. Only include
equipment that is in natural gas service. Do not include equipment in compressed air
10. Model [Text] - The manufacturer’s model number of the equipment.
11. Equipment elevation above mean sea level [ft] - A good estimate is half the elevation of
the top deck.
12. Bleed rate - Indicates if the device is: High-bleed (>6scfh), Low-bleed (<6scfh),
Intermittent, or Zero-bleed.
13. Total fuel usage [scf/month] - Total gaseous fuel used during this survey period, volume
adjusted to standard temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere).
14. Material processed - The type of fuel burned by the equipment.
15. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.

A.36 STO-M01 (Storage Tank - Horizontal, Rectangular Tank)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 36. Storage Tank - Horizontal, Rectangular Tank – STO-M01

1. Monthly net throughput [Barrels] - The volume of liquid hydrocarbon turned over
through the storage tank during the survey period.
2. Net working loss Throughput [ft³/month]
3. Tank VOC molecular weight [lb/lb-mol] - The molecular weight of VOCs present in the
storage tank headspace.
4. Reid vapor pressure [psia] - The Reid vapor pressure of the liquid contained within the
storage tank.
5. Average daily maximum ambient temperature [F°] - The average maximum ambient
temperature for the day
6. Average daily minimum ambient temperature [F°] - The average minimum ambient
temperature for the day
7. Liquid bulk temperature [F°] - The bulk temperature of the liquid contained within the
storage tank.
8. Number of days in the month [Integer] - Indicates the number of days for the during the
specific monthly survey period.
9. Paint color - The exterior paint color of the storage tank.

OCS AQS User Manual
10. Paint condition - The exterior paint condition of the storage tank.
11. Tank shell length [ft] - The longest horizontal dimension of a horizontal tank.
12. Tank shell height [ft] - The vertical height of a cylindrical tank (oriented vertically) or of
a rectangular tank (oriented vertically or horizontally).
13. Tank shell width [ft] - The horizontal width of a rectangular tank (oriented vertically or
14. Tanks average liquid height [ft] - The average height of stored liquid during the survey
period, measured from the bottom of the storage space to the top of the liquid.
15. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
16. Material processed - Indicates whether the storage tank contains crude oil or condensates.
It is not mandatory that you enter data for jet fuel storage tanks.

A.37 STO-M02 (Storage Tank - Vertical, Rectangular Tank)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 37. Storage Tank - Vertical, Rectangular Tank – STO-M02


OCS AQS User Manual
1. Monthly net throughput [Barrels] - The volume of liquid hydrocarbon turned over
through the storage tank during the survey period.
2. Net working loss throughput [ft³/month]
3. Tank VOC molecular weight [lb/lb-mol] - The molecular weight of VOCs present in the
storage tank headspace.
4. Reid vapor pressure [psia] - The Reid vapor pressure of the liquid contained within the
storage tank.
5. Average daily maximum ambient temperature [F°] - The average maximum ambient
temperature for the day.
6. Average daily minimum ambient temperature [F°] - The average minimum ambient
temperature for the day.
7. Liquid bulk temperature [F°] - The bulk temperature of the liquid contained within the
storage tank.
8. Number of days in the month [Integer] - Indicates the number of days for the during the
specific monthly survey period.
9. Paint color - The exterior paint color of the storage tank.
10. Paint condition - The exterior paint condition of the storage tank.
11. Horizontal width of a rectangular tank (Oriented Vertically) [ft] - The horizontal width of
a rectangular tank (oriented vertically or horizontally).
12. Tank shell height [ft] - The vertical height of a cylindrical tank (oriented vertically) or of
a rectangular tank (oriented vertically or horizontally).
13. Second horizontal width of a rectangular tank (Oriented Vertically) [ft] - The 2nd
horizontal width of a rectangular tank (oriented vertically).
14. Tanks average liquid height [ft] - The average height of stored liquid during the survey
period, measured from the bottom of the storage space to the top of the liquid.
15. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
16. Material processed - Indicates whether the storage tank contains crude oil or condensates.
It is not mandatory that you enter data for jet fuel storage tanks.

A.38 STO-M03 (Storage Tank - Horizontal, Cylindrical Tank)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 38. Storage Tank - Horizontal, Cylindrical Tank – STO-M03

1. Monthly net throughput [Barrels] - The volume of liquid hydrocarbon turned over
through the storage tank during the survey period.
2. Net working loss throughput [ft³/month]
3. Tank VOC molecular weight [lb/lb-mol] - The molecular weight of VOCs present in the
storage tank headspace.
4. Reid vapor pressure [psia] - The Reid vapor pressure of the liquid contained within the
storage tank.
5. Average daily maximum ambient temperature [F°] - The average maximum ambient
temperature for the day.
6. Average daily minimum ambient temperature [F°] - The average minimum ambient
temperature for the day.
7. Liquid bulk temperature [F°] - The bulk temperature of the liquid contained within the
storage tank.
8. Number of days in the month [Integer] - Indicates the number of days for the during the
specific monthly survey period.

OCS AQS User Manual
9. Paint color - The exterior paint color of the storage tank.
10. Paint condition - The exterior paint condition of the storage tank.
11. Tank shell length [ft] - The longest horizontal dimension of a horizontal tank.
12. Tank shell diameter [ft] - The diameter of a cylindrical tank (either horizontal or vertical).
13. Tanks average liquid height [ft] - The average height of stored liquid during the survey
period, measured from the bottom of the storage space to the top of the liquid.
14. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.
15. Material processed - Indicates whether the storage tank contains crude oil or condensates.
It is not mandatory that you enter data for jet fuel storage tanks.

A.39 STO-M04 (Storage Tank - Vertical, Cylindrical Tank)
The calculator possesses the following fields:

Appendix Figure 39. Storage Tank - Vertical, Cylindrical Tank – STO-M04


OCS AQS User Manual
1. Monthly net throughput [Barrels] - The volume of liquid hydrocarbon turned over
through the storage tank during the survey period.
2. Net working loss throughput [ft³/month]
3. Tank VOC molecular weight [lb/lb-mol] - The molecular weight of VOCs present in the
storage tank headspace.
4. Reid vapor pressure [psia] - The Reid vapor pressure of the liquid contained within the
storage tank.
5. Average daily maximum ambient temperature [F°] - The average maximum ambient
temperature for the day.
6. Average daily minimum ambient temperature [F°] - The average minimum ambient
temperature for the day.
7. Liquid bulk temperature [F°] - The bulk temperature of the liquid contained within the
storage tank.
8. Number of days in the month [Integer] - Indicates the number of days for the during the
specific monthly survey period.
9. Paint color - The exterior paint color of the storage tank.
10. Paint condition - The exterior paint condition of the storage tank.
11. Tank roof type - Indicates the shape of a vertical tank’s roof.
12. Tank shell diameter [ft] - The diameter of a cylindrical tank (either horizontal or vertical).
13. Tank roof height [ft] - The height of a fixed roof measured from the top of the tank shell
to the highest point of the roof.
14. Tank shell height [ft] - The vertical height of a cylindrical tank (oriented vertically) or of
a rectangular tank (oriented vertically or horizontally).
15. Tanks average liquid height [ft] - The average height of stored liquid during the survey
period, measured from the bottom of the storage space to the top of the liquid.
16. Material processed - Indicates whether the storage tank contains crude oil or condensates.
It is not mandatory that you enter data for jet fuel storage tanks.
17. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.

A.40 VEN-M01 (Cold Vent)
The calculator possesses the following fields:


OCS AQS User Manual

Appendix Figure 40. Cold Vent – VEN-M01

1. Volume vented (including upsets) [Mscf] - The total volume of gas vented during the
survey period, including periods of upset venting, volume adjusted to standard
temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit, 1 atmosphere). The GOADS volume
vented should match the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR)’s volume vented
reported on the Oil and Gas Operations Report (OGOR).
2. Vent gas VOC concentration [ppmv] - The concentration of volatile organic compounds
present in the vented gas.
3. VOC molecular weight [lb/lb-mol] - The molecular weight of VOCs present in the vented
4. Use sales gas average molecular weight [lb/lb-mol]
5. Weight percent methane (CH4) [%]
6. Weight percent carbon dioxide (CO2) [%]
7. Hours of operation (including upsets) [hr] - The total number of hours that the vent was
operated during the survey period, including periods of upset venting.
8. Vent gas H2S concentration [ppmv] - The concentration of hydrogen sulfide present in
the vented gas.
9. Vent type - Indicates whether vent gases are released at high pressure or low pressure.
10. Material processed
11. Emissions destination - Indicates whether the emissions from this equipment are vented
or flared locally, or at some distance from the equipment.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2020-12-01
File Created2020-12-01

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