OMB No. 0970-0034 |
Office of Refugee Resettlement |
Name of Youth |
Alien Registration No. |
HHS Tracking No. |
Last |
First |
Middle |
State/URD Agency |
Provider Agency |
Agency Name: |
Agency Name: |
Address: |
Address: |
City: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
State: |
Zip: |
National Voluntary Agency |
Not Applicable |
Section I: Report Action |
1. Initial Placement - Must be submitted within 30 days of placement |
2. Change of Status - Action Taken (check all that apply) - Must be submitted within 60 days of the change |
Transfer to/from another URM Program |
Date of Action (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Transfer to |
Transfer from |
State Agency: |
Provider Agency: |
Change in identifying data (e.g., age, name, or A#) |
Became a parent |
Change in biological parent's location |
Change in immigration data |
Change in work authorization (i.e., Employment Authorization Document) |
Change in placement type, placement cost, or youth's address |
Establishment of or change in legal responsibility |
Explain "Change of Status". |
3. Termination: |
Date of Termination: |
Reunified with parents |
Not compliant with State/Program requirement(s) |
Unified with relatives |
Ran away |
Adopted |
Departed from U.S. (Removal or Voluntary Departure) |
Became a U.S. Citizen |
Immigration detention |
Emancipated |
Incarcerated |
Concluded ORR-funded services/benefits |
Deceased |
Left program voluntarily |
Other |
Explain destination/current situation at case closure. |
4. Re-entered for ORR-funded placement or services |
Date of Re-entry (mm/dd/yyyy) |
URM Placement |
Services/Benefits only |
Section II: Identifying/ Basic Data |
1. Sex: |
2. Date of Birth |
3. Date of Eligibility |
4. Date of Initial Placement |
Female |
Male |
5a. Country of Origin: |
5b. Ethnic Group: |
6a. Language of Origin: |
6b. Other Language(s): |
7. Eligibility Type: |
Refugee |
Asylee |
C/H Entrant |
U-Status Recipient |
Trafficking Victim |
Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) |
Other: |
8. Caseworker/Provider Assessment on Personal Functioning of the Youth (complete at initial placement only): |
Assess the youth's functioning in the following areas at an age-appropriate level on a scale of 1 through 5, as indicated below. Provide an explanation if necessary. |
Poor |
Below Average |
Average |
Above Average |
Excellent |
Explain |
English Language Skill |
Education (other than English) |
Health Condition |
Mental Health |
9. URM's Children in Care: |
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name |
Date of Birth |
Citizenship / Immigration Status |
1st child |
2nd child |
3rd child |
10. Mother of URM: |
Last: |
First: |
Middle: |
a. Living: |
b. Mother's address when minor arrived in U.S.: |
Yes |
No |
c. Current Address: |
Unknown |
Same as b. above |
11. Father of URM: |
Last: |
First: |
Middle: |
a. Living: |
b. Father's address when minor arrived in U.S.: |
Yes |
No |
c. Current Address: |
Unknown |
Section III: Immigration |
1. Immigration |
Refugee |
U-Status Recipient |
Asylee |
T-Status Recipient |
SIJ (I-360 approval) |
Lawful Permanent Resident |
Cuban/Haitian Entrant-No immigration status |
Other: |
Victim of Trafficking-No immigration status (OTIP letter only) |
2. Youth is receiving immigration assistance. |
* Change in immigration status may render a child no longer eligible for URM. Consult ORR immediately with questions. |
Yes |
No |
3. Youth has work authorization/Employment Authorization Document. |
* URMs who receive U.S. citizenship are no longer eligible for URM benefits and services. They need to be terminated from the program. |
Yes |
No |
Section IV: Placement |
1. Placement Type: |
2. Placement Cost: |
(daily rate) |
Foster Family Home |
Therapeutic Foster Home |
Group Home |
Supervised Independent Living |
Residential Treatment |
Long-term hospitalization (more than 2 weeks) |
Absent from program but legal responsibility retained |
Living independently but receiving ORR-funded services/benefits |
Other: |
3. Youth's Residence: |
4. Provider Agency for Placement: |
Name: |
Same as URM Provider |
Relation of caregiver: |
Placement via Subcontract |
Address: |
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
Section V: Legal Responsibility |
1. Legal responsibility has been petitioned. |
Yes, it was petitioned within 30 days of enrollment. |
Date: |
Yes, it was petitioned past 30 days of enrollment. |
Date: |
No, it hasn't been petitioned. |
2. Legal responsibility has been established in accordance with applicable State law. |
Yes |
Date: |
No |
2.a. In lieu of legal responsibility, youth has signed a Voluntary Placement Agreement. |
Yes |
Date: |
No |
3. Court name with jurisdiction: |
4. Agency name to whom legal responsibility assigned: |
Same as URM Provider |
5. Legal responsibility has ended. |
Date Ended |
Yes |
No |
Section VI: Report Submission Authority |
1. Provider Agency |
1. Provider Name |
Address |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
User Name: |
Title: |
Agency Approval Date: |
(mm/dd/yyyy) |
Phone: |
Email: |
2. State/URD Agency |
Agency Name |
Address |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
User Name: |
Title: |
Agency Approval Date: |
(mm/dd/yyyy) |
Phone: |
Email: |
3. ORR |
Name: |
Title: |
ORR Approval Date: |
(mm/dd/yyyy) |
Approval/Denial Comments History: |