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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 189 / Monday, September 30, 2019 / Notices
your industry association, or applicable
affiliation. If you are attending as a
public citizen, please indicate so.
The U.S. Department of
Transportation is committed to
providing equal access to this meeting
for all participants. If you need
alternative formats or services because
of a disability, such as sign language,
interpretation, or other ancillary aids,
please contact the person listed under
CONTACT. Sign and oral interpretation, as
well as a listening device, can be made
available if requested by October 10,
The public may present written
statements to the committee at any time.
Written statements submitted by
October 10, 2019, will be provided to
the DAC members before the meeting.
The FAA is not accepting oral
presentations at this meeting due to
time constraints.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
23, 2019.
Erik W. Amend,
Manager, Executive Office, AUS–10, FAA
UAS Integration Office.
[FR Doc. 2019–21059 Filed 9–27–19; 8:45 am]
Federal Transit Administration
Early Scoping Notice
Federal Transit Administration,
Early scoping for the Staten
Island North Shore Bus Rapid Transit
Project in Staten Island, New York.
The Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) and the
Metropolitan Transportation AuthorityNew York City Transit (MTA–NYCT)
issue this early scoping notice for the
Staten Island North Shore Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT) Project (Project). MTA–
NYCT is exploring ways to improve
transit time and reliability on the North
and West Shores of Staten Island. The
purpose of this early scoping notice is
to advise other agencies and the public
of the intent to further study the Project.
The Project would improve regional
transit service by addressing current and
projected travel time and reliability
issues for trips between the West Shore
and St. George Terminal. Early scoping
for the Project is occurring within the
context of the Council on
Environmental Quality’s regulations for
complying with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
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This notice invites public and agency
input to ongoing planning efforts for the
Project through commenting on the draft
purpose and need, and potential
impacts or concerns associated with the
Project. The Proposed Project is being
evaluated in an environmental impact
statement under the New York State
Environmental Quality Review Act
(SEQRA), and public scoping for the
SEQRA process is taking place
concurrently with this NEPA early
scoping. Should the Project receive FTA
funding, FTA intends to use this early
scoping process to satisfy the formal
NEPA scoping.
DATES: Staten Island North Shore BRT
Early Scoping Meeting: October 17,
2019, 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Snug
Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical
Gardens, Lower Great Hall, 1000
Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, New
York 10301.
Additional Opportunity to Comment:
The public also may submit comments
through the Project’s website, by mail,
and by electronic mail at the addresses
below. FTA and MTA–NYCT request to
receive all comments made in response
to the Project’s early scoping by
November 18, 2019.
ADDRESSES: The public meeting will
occur at the Snug Harbor Cultural
Center & Botanical Gardens, Lower
Great Hall, 1000 Richmond Terrace,
Staten Island, New York 10301. The
meeting location is accessible to persons
with disabilities. If translation, signing
services, or other special
accommodations are needed, please
contact Eric Bohn at 646–252–5165 or
via email at
The Project’s website is https:// Comments
may be emailed to NorthShoreEIS@ Comments may be mailed to
MTA New York City Transit, Staten
Island North Shore EIS, 2 Broadway,
Room D17.112, New York, NY 10004.
Cyrenthia Ward, Community Planner,
FTA, One Bowling Green, Room 428,
New York, NY 10004. Email: Telephone:
(212) 668–2183. Eric Bohn, Capital
Projects Manager, MTA–NYCT, MTA
New York City Transit, 2 Broadway,
17th Floor, New York, NY 10004.
Telephone: (646) 252–5165. Email:
notice invites the public to comment on
a statement of the Purpose and Need for
the Project, the Project study area,
potential impacts, and potential
alternatives. This notice also invites the
public to review and comment on
reports previously developed by local
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planning and transportation agencies
that support the focus to further study
new BRT service for the North and West
Early scoping is an optional early step
in the NEPA process, which begins
when FTA issues a notice of intent to
prepare an environmental impact
statement (EIS). Early scoping is
intended to generate public and agency
review and comments on the scope of a
planning effort within a defined
transportation corridor, the project’s
purpose and need, potential
alternatives, study area, potential social,
economic, and environmental impacts,
and prior studies before formally
preparing an EIS. Early scoping can
ensure that the public and interested
agencies are given the opportunity to
review and provide comments on the
results of planning activities that can
then be used to inform the NEPA
process. Early scoping is intended to
identify the most reasonable alternatives
to undergo NEPA environmental review.
Please see the Project’s website
( for
more information on the background to
the Project, the Purpose and Need for
the Project, the Project study area,
potential impacts, and potential
Authority: 40 CFR 1501.7.
Issued on: September 24, 2019.
Michael L. Culotta,
Deputy Regional Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2019–21123 Filed 9–27–19; 8:45 am]
Maritime Administration
Voluntary Intermodal Sealift
Agreement—5 Year Extension
Maritime Administration,
Department of Transportation.
ACTION: Notice.
The Maritime Administration
(MARAD) announces the extension of
the Voluntary Intermodal Sealift
Agreement (VISA) until October 1, 2024,
pursuant to section 708 of the Defense
Production Act of 1950, as amended.
The purpose of the VISA is to make
intermodal shipping services/systems,
including ships, ships’ space,
intermodal facilities and equipment,
and related management services,
available to the Department of Defense
as required to support the emergency
deployment and sustainment of U.S.
Armed Forces. This is to be
accomplished through cooperation
among the maritime industry, the
Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 189 / Monday, September 30, 2019 / Notices
Department of Transportation and the
Department of Defense.
William G. McDonald, Office of Sealift
Support, Room W25–310, Maritime
Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590,, (202) 366–
2323, Fax (202) 366–5904.
50 U.S.C. 4558(f)(2), the VISA may be
extended for an additional period of 5
years provided (a) the Maritime
Administrator (Administrator) certifies
by publication in the Federal Register
that the VISA is necessary for the
national defense or preparedness
programs and (b) the Attorney General
(after consultation with the Chairman of
the Federal Trade Commission (FTC))
finds that such purpose may not
reasonably be achieved through a
voluntary agreement or plan of action
having less anticompetitive effects or
without any voluntary agreement.
By this notice, the Administrator
determines that conditions exist which
may pose a direct threat to the national
defense of the United States or its
preparedness programs and certifies that
the VISA, a standby agreement for
utilization of intermodal shipping
services/systems, is necessary for the
national defense or preparedness
programs. The Attorney General, after
consultation with the Chairman of the
FTC, found the national defense or
preparedness programs may not
reasonably be achieved through a
voluntary agreement or plan of action
having less anticompetitive effects or
without any voluntary agreement.
Publication of these findings in this
notice satisfies the publication
requirements of 50 U.S.C. 4558(f).
Accordingly, the VISA, as published in
the Federal Register on October 29,
2014 (79 FR 64462), is extended until
October 1, 2024. Current VISA
participants are therefore not required to
submit a new VISA application
pursuant to this extension.
Copies of the VISA are available to the
public upon request.
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Authority: 50 U.S.C. 4558; E.O. 13603, 77
FR 16651; E.O. 12656, 55 FR 47491; 49 CFR
1.93(l), 49 CFR 1.81(a)(10).
Dated: September 25, 2019.
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
T. Mitchell Hudson, Jr.,
Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. 2019–21215 Filed 9–27–19; 8:45 am]
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Office of the Comptroller of the
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Information Collection
Revision; Comment Request;
Licensing Manual
Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC), Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for
comment; correction.
The OCC, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites the
general public and other federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on a revised information
collection as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA).
In accordance with the requirements
of the PRA, the OCC may not conduct
or sponsor, and respondents are not
required to respond to, an information
collection unless it displays a currently
valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number.
The OCC is soliciting comment
concerning the revision of its
information collection titled ‘‘Licensing
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before November 29, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Commenters are encouraged
to submit comments by email, if
possible. You may submit comments by
any of the following methods:
• Email:
• Mail: Chief Counsel’s Office,
Attention: Comment Processing, OMB
Control No. 1557–0014, Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, 400 7th
Street SW, Suite 3E–218, Washington,
DC 20219.
• Hand Delivery/Courier: 400 7th
Street SW, Suite 3E–218, Washington,
DC 20219.
• Fax: (571) 465–4326.
Instructions: You must include
‘‘OCC’’ as the agency name and ‘‘1557–
0014’’ in your comment. In general, the
OCC will publish comments on without change,
including any business or personal
information provided, such as name and
address information, email addresses, or
phone numbers. Comments received,
including attachments and other
supporting materials, are part of the
public record and subject to public
disclosure. Do not include any
information in your comment or
supporting materials that you consider
confidential or inappropriate for public
You may review comments and other
related materials that pertain to this
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information collection beginning on the
date of publication of the second notice
for this collection 1 by any of the
following methods:
• Viewing Comments Electronically:
Go to Click on the
‘‘Information Collection Review’’ tab.
Underneath the ‘‘Currently under
Review’’ section heading, from the dropdown menu, select ‘‘Department of
Treasury’’ and then click ‘‘submit.’’ This
information collection can be located by
searching by OMB control number
‘‘1557–0014’’ or ‘‘Licensing Manual.’’
Upon finding the appropriate
information collection, click on the
related ‘‘ICR Reference Number.’’ On the
next screen, select ‘‘View Supporting
Statement and Other Documents’’ and
then click on the link to any comment
listed at the bottom of the screen.
• For assistance in navigating, please contact the
Regulatory Information Service Center
at (202) 482–7340.
• Viewing Comments Personally: You
may personally inspect comments at the
OCC, 400 7th Street SW, Washington,
DC. For security reasons, the OCC
requires that visitors make an
appointment to inspect comments. You
may do so by calling (202) 649–6700 or,
for persons who are deaf or hearing
impaired, TTY, (202) 649–5597. Upon
arrival, visitors will be required to
present valid government-issued photo
identification and submit to security
screening in order to inspect comments.
Shaquita Merritt, Clearance Officer,
(202) 649–5490 or, for persons who are
deaf or hearing impaired, TTY, (202)
649–5597, Chief Counsel’s Office, Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency, 400
7th Street SW, Suite 3E–218,
Washington, DC 20219.
PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), federal
agencies must obtain approval from the
OMB for each collection of information
that they conduct or sponsor.
‘‘Collection of information’’ is defined
in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR
1320.3(c) to include agency requests or
requirements that members of the public
submit reports, keep records, or provide
information to a third party. Section
3506(c)(2)(A) of title 44 requires federal
agencies to provide a 60-day notice in
the Federal Register concerning each
proposed collection of information,
including each proposed extension or
revision of an existing collection of
information, before submitting the
collection to OMB for approval. To
1 Following the close of this notice’s 60-day
comment period, the OCC will publish a second
notice with a 30-day comment period.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2019-09-28 |
File Created | 2019-09-28 |