NVSL-201, SARS COVID-2 Testing Data from Testing Laboratories |
Instructions (please refer to current reporting guidance for reporting timeline and contact specifics): |
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 0.25 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search exiting data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected. |
OMB Approved 0579-XXXX EXP: XX/XXXX |
> Please only provide NEW testing data. Do not append previously reported results |
> Premises information is for the COLLECTION SITE where animal was located at the time the sample was collected |
> Use 2 letter abbreviation when entering the state |
> Clinical signs - if more than one clincal sign is entered, separate each with a comma |
>Specimen Other - Enter data only if the specimen type tested is not available in the dropdown in column H "Specimen" |
>Species Other - Enter data only if the species type tested is not available in the dropdown in column D "Species" |
Requested information in green highlighted columns. All other columns are optional. |
Date Format |
Testing Lab Name |
Test Purpose/Program OID Label |
Lab Accession number |
Species |
Species Other |
BARCODE or Specimen ID |
Animal ID |
Clinical Signs |
Date Specimen Received |
Test Type |
PCR CT Value |
Submitter Last Name |
Submitter First Name |
Submitter Phone |
Owner State (optional) |
Owner Name (optional) |
Comments |
Lists of Values for selected fields on the Template Spreadsheet |
Description - Short Name |
LOINC Code |
Long name |
Test Type |
SARS-CoV-2 N gene |
94510-5 |
SARS coronavirus 2 N gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |
SARS coronavirus 2 S gene |
94643-4 |
SARS coronavirus 2 S gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Unspecified specimen by NAA with probe detection |
SARS coronavirus 2 N gene (N1) |
94311-8 |
SARS coronavirus 2 N gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Unspecified specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N1 |
SARS coronavirus 2 N gene (N2) |
94312-6 |
SARS coronavirus 2 N gene [Cycle Threshold #] in Unspecified specimen by Nucleic acid amplification using CDC primer-probe set N2 |
PCR interpretation |
Description |
Local Code |
Detected |
Not Detected |
Indeterminate |
Specimen Type |
Description |
Oral swab (specimen) |
418932006 |
Nasal Swab |
421000009108 |
Rectal swab (specimen) |
258528007 |
Fecal swab (specimen) |
32281000009109 |
Oropharyngeal swab (specimen) |
661000009100 |
Nasopharyngeal swab (specimen) |
258500001 |
Serum specimen (specimen) |
119364003 |
Specimen Other |
Specimen of unknown material (specimen) |
119324002 |
If specimen type is not included in list above enter here |
Clinical Signs |
Examples |
Coughing, Fever, Lethargy |
Anorexia, Depression |
Recumbency |
lab names list of values |
Surveillance Stream |
COVID-19 Companion |
2.16.840.1.113883. |
COVID-19 Zoo/Wildlife/non-human primates |
2.16.840.1.113883. |
COVID-19 Livestock and Poultry |
2.16.840.1.113883. |
Submission Reason |
G |
General Diagnostics |
H |
Health Monitoring |
P |
Public Health Investigation |
Species |
Text label |
Common name |
Canis lupus subspecies familiaris (organism) |
448771007 |
Canine – Dog |
Felis catus (organism) |
448169003 |
Feline - Cat |
Mustela putorius subspecies furo (organism) |
449310008 |
Ferret |
Sus scrofa |
78678003 |
Porcine – Pig |
Bos Taurus |
34618005 |
Bovine – Cow |