OMB Control No: 0970-0517
Expiration date: 09/30/2021
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60.0 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, reviewing the collection of information, and completing the form.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Progress Report (QPR)
FFY 2020
The Quality Progress Report (QPR) collects information from states and territories to describe investments to improve the quality of care available for children from birth to age 13. This report meets the requirements in the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 2014 for Lead Agencies to submit an annual report that describes how quality funds were expended, including the activities funded and the measures used to evaluate progress in improving the quality of child care programs and services.
For purposes of simplicity and clarity, the specific provisions of applicable laws printed herein are sometimes paraphrases of, or excerpts and incomplete quotations from, the full text. The Lead Agency acknowledges its responsibility to adhere to the applicable laws regardless of these modifications.
The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.
The Quality Progress Report (QPR) collects information from states and territories to describe investments to improve the quality of care available for children from birth to age 13. This report meets the requirements in the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 2014 for Lead Agencies to submit an annual report that describes how quality funds were expended, including the activities funded and the measures used to evaluate progress in improving the quality of child care programs and services. States and Territories are also required to report on their Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) quality improvement investments through the CCDF Plan, which collects information on the proposed quality activities for a three-year period; and through the ACF-696, which collects quarterly expenditure data on quality activities.
The annual data provided by the QPR will be used to describe how States and Territories are spending more than $1 billion per year to key stakeholders, including Congress, federal, state and territory administrators, providers, parents, and the public.
Specifically, this report will be used to:
Ensure accountability for the use of CCDF quality funds, including a set-aside for quality infant and toddler care that began in FY 2017.
Track progress toward meeting state- and territory-set indicators and benchmarks for improvement of child care quality based on what they described in their CCDF Plans; and
Inform federal technical assistance efforts and decisions regarding strategic use of quality funds.
What Period Must Be Included: All sections of this report cover the federal fiscal year activities (October 1 through September 30), unless otherwise stated. Data should reflect the cumulative totals for the fiscal year being reported unless otherwise stated.
What Data Should Lead Agencies Use: Lead Agencies may use data collected by other government and nongovernment agencies (e.g., CCR&R agencies or other TA providers) as appropriate. We recognize that Lead Agencies may not have all of the data requested initially but encourage you to work toward increased data capacity. The scope of this report covers quality improvement activities funded at least in part by CCDF in support of CCDF activities. Lead Agencies must describe their progress in meeting their stated goals for improving the quality of child care as reported in their FY 2019-2021 CCDF Plan.
How is the QPR Organized?
The first section of the QPR gathers basic data on the population of providers in the state or territory and goals for quality improvement and definitions. The rest of the report is organized according to the ten authorized uses of quality funds specified in the CCDBG Act of 2014:
Support the training and professional development of the child care workforce
Improve the development or implementation of early learning and development guidelines
Develop, implement, or enhance a quality rating improvement system for child care providers
Improve the supply and quality of child care for infants and toddlers
Establish or expand a Statewide system of child care resource and referral services
Support compliance with State/Territory requirements for licensing, inspection, monitoring, training, and health and safety
Evaluate the quality of child care programs in the State/Territory, including how programs positively impact children
Support providers in the voluntary pursuit of accreditation
Support the development or adoption of high-quality program standards related to health, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, and physical development
Other activities to improve the quality of child care services supported by outcome measures that improve provider preparedness, child safety, child well-being, or kindergarten-entry.
When is the QPR Due to ACF?
The QPR will be due to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) by the designated Lead Agency no later than December 31 after the federal fiscal year period October 1 through September 30 ends.
Glossary of Terms
The following terms are used throughout the QPR. These definitions can also be found in section 98.2 in the CCDBG Act of 2014.
Center-based child care provider means a provider licensed or otherwise authorized to provide child care services for fewer than 24 hours per day per child in a non-residential setting, unless in care in excess of 24 hours is due to the nature of the parent(s)’ work
Director means a person who has primary responsibility for the daily operations and management for a child care provider, which may include a family child care provider, and which may serve children from birth to kindergarten entry and children in school-age child care
Family child care provider means one or more individuals who provide child care services for fewer than 24 hours per day per child in a private residence other than the child’s residence, unless care in excess of 24 hours is due to the nature of the parent(s)’ work
In-home child care provider means an individual who provides child care services in the child’s own home
Legally Exempt means facilities that are not required to meet the definition of a facility required to meet the CCDF section 98.2 definition of “licensing or regulatory requirements.”
Licensed means a facility required by the state to meet the CCDF section 98.2 definition of “licensing or regulatory requirements,” which explains that the facility meets “requirements necessary for a provider to legally provide child care services in a state of locality, including registration requirements established under State, local or tribal law.”
Programs refer generically to all activities under the CCDF, including child care services and other activities pursuant to §98.50 as well as quality activities pursuant to §98.43
Provider means the entity providing child care services
Staffed family child care network means a group of associated family child care providers who pool funds to share some operating costs and to pay for at least one staff person who helps the providers to manage their businesses and enhance quality
Teacher means a lead teacher, teacher, teacher assistant or teacher aide who is employed by a child care provider for compensation on a regular basis, or a family child care provider, and whose responsibilities and activities are to organize, guide and implement activities in a group or individual basis, or to assist a teacher or lead teacher in such activities, to further the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of children from birth to kindergarten entry and children in school-age child care.
For any term not defined, please use your own state or territory definition of terms to complete the QPR.
To gain an understanding of the availability of child care in the State/Territory please provide the following information on the total number of child care providers. Please enter N/A when necessary.
1.1 State or Territory Child Care Provider Population
Enter the total number of child care providers that operated in the State/Territory as of September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. These counts should include all child care providers, not just those serving children receiving CCDF subsidies. Please enter N/A when necessary.
Licensed family child care #__________
N/A Describe: ________
Legally exempt family child care (care in providers’ home) #__________
N/A Describe: ________
Licensed center-based programs #__________
N/A Describe: ________
Legally exempt center-based programs #__________
N/A Describe: ________
In-home (care in the child’s own home) #__________
N/A Describe: ________
Other (explain)__________
1.2 Goals for Quality Improvement
Based on Question 7.1.1 from the FFY2019-2021 CCDF State Plan, please report your progress on the State or Territory’s overarching goals for quality improvement during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. You may include any significant areas of progress that were not anticipated in the Plan, as well. For each goal listed, briefly describe the improvement with specific examples or numeric targets where possible. _______
2) Supporting the training and professional development of the child care workforce
Goal: Ensure the State/Territory’s professional development systems or framework provides initial and ongoing professional development and education that result in a diverse and stable child care workforce with the competencies and skills to support all domains of child development. Please select N/A when necessary.
2.1 State/Territory Progression of Professional Development
2.1.1 Did the State/Territory use a workforce registry or professional development registry to track progression of professional development during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Yes. If yes, describe:________________________
No. If no, what alternative does the State/Territory use to track the progression of professional development for teachers/providers serving CCDF eligible children? Describe:_______________
2.1.2 Are any teachers/providers required to participate?
Yes. If yes, describe: __________________________________
No If no, describe: _______________________________
How many people (i.e., teachers/providers) were in the registry as of September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? #__________
2.2 What supports did the State/Territory make available to teachers/providers to help them progress in their education and professional pathway between October 1 and September 30 of the last federal fiscal year (check all that apply)? If available, how many people received each type of support?
Scholarships (for formal education institutions) #______
Financial bonus/wage supplements tied to education levels #______
Career advisors, Mentors, Coaches, or Consultants #______
Reimbursement for training #______
Loans #______
Other. Describe:_________________
N/A Describe: ____________
2.3 Did the State/Territory have other initiatives available to support professional development and the workforce during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? (e.g. Substitutes, sick/annual leave, release time, etc.)
Yes. If yes, describe: _______________________________________________________
For the questions 2.4 to 2.9 please report on the number of staff by qualification level as of September 30th of the last federal fiscal year. Count only the highest level attained by staff.
2.4 Licensed child care center director
How many had a Child Development Associate (CDA)?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an Associate’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a Bachelor’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a State child care credential?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had State infant and toddler credentials?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an “other” degree in a field related to early childhood education or coursework equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education with experience teaching appropriate age group?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
2.5 Licensed child care center teachers
How many had a Child Development Associate (CDA)?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an Associate’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a Bachelor’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a State child care credential?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had State infant and toddler credentials?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an “other” degree in a field related to early childhood education or coursework equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education with experience teaching appropriate age group?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
2.6 Licensed family child care providers
How many had a Child Development Associate (CDA)?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an Associate’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a Bachelor’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a State child care credential?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had State infant and toddler credentials?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an “other” degree in a field related to early childhood education or coursework equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education with experience teaching appropriate age group?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
2.7 Licensed child care center directors who serve CCDF children
How many had a Child Development Associate (CDA)?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an Associate’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a Bachelor’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a State child care credential?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had State infant and toddler credentials?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an “other” degree in a field related to early childhood education or coursework equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education with experience teaching appropriate age group?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
2.8 Licensed child care center teachers who serve CCDF children
How many had a Child Development Associate (CDA)?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an Associate’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a Bachelor’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a State child care credential?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had State infant and toddler credentials?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an “other” degree in a field related to early childhood education or coursework equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education with experience teaching appropriate age group?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
2.9 Licensed family child care providers who serve CCDF children
How many had a Child Development Associate (CDA)?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an Associate’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a Bachelor’s degree in an early childhood education?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had a State child care credential?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had State infant and toddler credentials?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
How many had an “other” degree in a field related to early childhood education or coursework equivalent to a major relating to early childhood education with experience teaching appropriate age group?
☐Unknown Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
2.10 Spending:
2.10.1. Did the State/Territory spend CCDF quality set aside funds to support the training and professional development of the child care workforce during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? This includes CCDF funds from all available appropriation years that were spent during the fiscal year. If so, what estimated percentage of CCDF quality dollars was spent on supporting the training and professional development of the child care workforce
Yes. If yes, % … : ____
N/A Describe: ________
2.10.2 Did the State/Territory use other non-CCDF funds to support the training and professional development of the child care workforce (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
2.10.3 Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 towards supporting the training and professional development of the child care workforce?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
2.10.4 Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 towards supporting the training and professional development of the child care workforce?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
2.11 Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible. ___________
3) Improving early learning and development guidelines
Goal: To ensure the State/Territory has research-based early learning and development guidelines appropriate for children birth to age 12, including children with special needs and dual language learners that are used to inform practice, professional development, and families.
Describe any changes or updates to the State or Territory’s early learning and development guidelines during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year:_______
Did the State/Territory spend CCDF quality set aside funds during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year on the development or implementation of early learning and development guidelines? This includes CCDF funds from all available appropriation years that were spent during the fiscal year. If so, what was the percentage of CCDF quality dollars spent on the development or implementation of early learning and development guidelines? _______________________________
Yes. If yes, % … : ____
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State/Territory use other non-CCDF funds to develop or implement early learning and development guidelines (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.____________________________
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 on developing or implementing early learning and development guidelines?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 on developing or implementing early learning and development guidelines?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible. ___________
4) Developing, implementing, or enhancing a quality rating improvement system (QRIS) and other transparent system of quality indicator
Goal: To ensure the State/Territory implements a quality rating and improvement system, or other quality rating system, to promote high-quality early care and education programs.
Please provide your State/Territory’s definition of high quality care, and how it relates to the tiers of your QRIS (if applicable). This may include the State/Territory’s RTT-ELC definition of high quality or high quality definition as part of the State/Territory’s Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS). If no QRIS exists describe other measures used to assess quality (may include assessment scores, accreditation, or other metric):__________________
Yes, the State/Territory QRIS is now operating State/Territory-wide
Yes, the State/Territory QRIS is now operating as a pilot, in a few localities, or only a few levels but not fully operating State/Territory-wide
Yes, the State/Territory is now operating another system of quality improvement. Describe________
Yes, the State/Territory no longer has a QRIS.
No, the status of the State/Territory QRIS has not changed as of September 30th of the last federal fiscal year.
4.2 Did the types of providers included in the State/Territory QRIS change during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, check which types of providers were added or removed (check all that apply):
Added licensed family child care
Removed licensed family child care
Added legally exempt family child care (care in providers’ home)
Removed legally exempt family child care (care in providers’ home)
Added licensed center-based programs
Removed licensed center-based programs
Added legally exempt center-based programs
Removed legally exempt center-based programs
Added in-home (care in the child’s own home)
Removed in-home (care in the child’s own home)
Other. Describe________
4.3 Is participation in the State/Territory QRIS mandatory for any group of providers?
Yes. Describe________
N/A Describe________
4.4 Enter the number of programs that met the State’s high quality definition as of September 30 the last fiscal year:
Licensed family child care #____
Legally exempt family child care (care in providers’ home) #____
Licensed center-based programs #____
Legally exempt center-based programs #_____
In-home (care in the child’s own home) #_____
N/A Describe________
4.5 Enter the number of CCDF children in high quality care by age grouping as of September 30 of the last federal fiscal year:
Birth to 35 months #_____
3 years up to kindergarten entry #_____
School Aged (post kindergarten entry) #_____
Other. Describe________
N/A Describe: ________
4.6 Provide the percentage of CCDF children in high quality care by age grouping as of September 30 of the last federal fiscal year:
Birth to 35 months %_______
3 years up to kindergarten entry %_____
School Aged (post kindergarten entry) %______
Other. Describe________
N/A Describe: ________
4.7 Provide the number of programs that participated in the State/Territory’s QRIS in the last fiscal year.
4.7.1 What is the total number of eligible child care settings for QRIS or other transparent system of quality indicators?
Licensed Child Care Centers:
☐N/A Describe: ________
Licensed Family Child Care Homes:
☐N/A Describe: ________
License-Exempt Providers:
# _______
☐N/A Describe: ________
4.7.2 Of the total number eligible, what is the total number and percentage of child care settings in the State/Territory that participated in the QRIS or other transparent system of quality indicators?
Licensed Child Care Centers:
☐N/A Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
Licensed Family Child Care Homes:
☐N/A Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
License-Exempt Providers:
☐N/A Describe: ________
#: _______
%: _______
4.8 Did the State/Territory provide one-time grants, awards or bonuses connected to (or related to) QRIS during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, how many were provided to the following types of programs during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Licensed center-based programs: #__________
Licensed Family Child Care Homes: #__________
Legally exempt care in providers home: #__________
Legally exempt center-based programs: #__________
In-home (care in the child’s own home): #__________
N/A Describe: ________
4.9 Did the State/Territory provide on-going or periodic quality stipends connected to (or related to) QRIS during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, how many programs received on-going or periodic quality stipends connected to (or related to) QRIS during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Licensed center-based programs: #__________
Licensed Family Child Care Homes: #__________
Legally exempt care in providers home: #__________
Legally exempt center-based programs: #__________
In-home (care in the child’s own home): #__________
N/A Describe: ________
4.10 Did the State/Territory provide ongoing technical assistance related to the QRIS or other quality rating system during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If so, how many programs received ongoing technical assistance during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Licensed center-based programs: #__________
Licensed Family Child Care Homes: #__________
Legally exempt care in providers home: #__________
Legally exempt center-based programs: #__________
In-home (care in the child’s own home): #__________
N/A Describe: ________
4.11 Did the State/Territory provide higher subsidy rates related to the QRIS or other quality rating system during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If so, how many programs received higher subsidy payment rates due to their QRIS rating during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Licensed center-based programs: #__________
Licensed Family Child Care Homes: #__________
Legally exempt care in providers home: #__________
Legally exempt center-based programs: #__________
In-home (care in the child’s own home): #__________
N/A Describe: ________
4.12 Spending:
4.12.1 Did the State or Territory use CCDF quality set aside funds to support QRIS or other quality rating system during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? This includes CCDF funds from all available appropriation years that were spent during the fiscal year. If so, what estimated percentage of CCDF quality dollars was spent supporting QRIS or other quality related improvements?
Yes. If yes, % … : ____
N/A Describe: ________
4.12.2 Did the State or Territory use other non-CCDF funds to support QRIS or other quality rating system (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.
Yes. If yes, describe … : ____
N/A Describe: ________
4.12.3. Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 to support QRIS or other quality rating systems?
Yes. If yes, describe … : _____
N/A Describe: ________
4.12.4. Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 to support QRIS or other quality rating systems?
Yes. If yes, describe … : _____
N/A Describe: ________
4.13 Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible. ___________
5) Improving the supply and quality of child care programs for infants and toddlers
Goal: Ensure adequate and stable supply of high quality child care with a qualified, skilled workforce to promote the healthy development of infants and toddlers. Please report on all activities funded by quality dollars and infant toddler set-aside.
Provide the total number of State funded Infant Toddler Specialists available to providers during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year.
Number of Specialists available to all providers #____
Number of Specialists available to providers serving CCDF children #____
Number of infant toddler specialists available specifically trained to support FCC providers #____
Number of providers served #_____
Total number of children reached #______
N/A Describe:__________________________
Provide the number of professionals receiving any State- funded on-site coaching in infant and toddler practice during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year.
Number of licensed center-based teachers #____
Number of licensed family child care providers #____
Number of license-exempt providers of care in their home #_______________
Number of center directors #____
N/A Describe:__________________________
Of the number of professionals listed in question 5.2, what percentage served CCDF children during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Number of licensed center-based teachers #____
Number of licensed family child care providers #____
Number of license-exempt providers of care in their home #_______________
Number of center directors #____
N/A Describe:__________________________
Provide the total number of State funded infant and toddler health consultants in the State or Territory during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year.
Consultants available in State #______
Consultants available to providers serving CCDF children #______
N/A Describe: ____________________________
Did the State/Territory conduct an analysis of supply and demand for infant toddler slots and to identify areas of focus to build supply during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Yes (please provide link ______________)
N/A Describe:__________________________
Provide the number of staffed FCC networks supported by the CCDF funds through direct agreement with a centralized hub or community-based agency during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year.
a) Number of staffed FCC networks: #________
Describe what the hub provides to participating FCC providers: ____________
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State or Territory use CCDF quality set aside funds in addition to the 3% infant and toddler set-aside to improve the supply and quality of child care programs and services for infants and toddlers during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If so, what estimated percentage of CCDF quality dollars was spent supporting the quality and supply of infant and toddler care? The State or Territory should not include the 3% infant and toddler set-aside in the estimated percentage.
Yes. If yes, % … : ____
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State or Territory use other non-CCDF funds to improve the supply and quality of child care programs and services for infants and toddlers (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 to improve the supply and quality of child care programs and services for infants and toddlers?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 to improve the supply and quality of child care programs and services for infants and toddlers?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
The CCDBG Act of 2014 included changes targeted at improving the supply and quality of infant-toddler care. Lead Agencies are encouraged to systematically assess and improve the overall quality of care infants and toddlers receive, the systems in place or needed to support and enhance the quality of infant and toddler providers and the capacity of the infant and toddler workforce to meet the unique needs of very young children, and the methods in place to increase the proportion of infants and toddlers in higher quality care.
. Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible. ___________
6) Establishing or expanding a statewide system of child care resource and referral services
Goal: State/Territory provides: services to involve families in the development of their children, information on a full range of child care options, and assistance to families in selecting child care that is appropriate for the family’s needs and is high quality as determined by the State/Territory.
Describe how CCDF quality funds were used to establish or expand a statewide system of child care resource and referral services during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year._________
Did the State/Territory change its use of symbols or simple icons, such as stars or levels, to communicate levels of quality for child care programs beyond what may be communicated to parents about licensing status and compliance during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Yes. Describe___________________
N/A Describe: ________
6.3. Spending
Did the State or Territory use CCDF quality set aside funds to establish or expand a statewide CCR&R during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? This includes CCDF funds from all available appropriation years that were spent during the fiscal year. If so, what estimated percentage of CCDF quality dollars was spent to establish or expand a statewide CCR&R?
Yes. If yes, % … : ____
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State or Territory use other non-CCDF funds to establish or expand a statewide CCR&R (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: _________
Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 to establish or expand a statewide CCR&R?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 to establish or expand a statewide CCR&R?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible. ___________
7) Facilitating compliance with State/Territory requirements for inspection, monitoring, health and safety standards and training, and State/Territory licensing standards
Goal: To ensure child care providers maintain compliance with State/Territory licensing, inspection, monitoring, and health and safety standards and training.
Has the State/Territory aligned health and safety standards with the following:
a) Caring for Our Children Basics
No. If not, describe________
b) Head Start
No. If not, describe________
c) State pre-k
No. If not, describe________
Check if pre-service/ongoing (or both) training is provided to child care staff on the following:
Licensing Standards
Ongoing health and safety training or education
Monitoring Protocols
N/A Describe: ________
7.3. Complaints regarding child care providers received during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year
7.3.1 How many complaints were received regarding providers during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
a) Licensed providers #_______
b) Licensed-exempt providers #_______
7.3.2 What was the average length of time between receiving the complaint and taking steps to respond to a complaint during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? ______
How many complaints received an on-site follow-up inspection during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? # ________
7.3.4 How many of the complaints resulted in one or more substantiated violations in the program or provider site identified during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? #_____
7.3.5 How many child care providers had CCDF funding revoked as a result of an inspection during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? #_____
How many child care providers closed as a result of an inspection during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? #_____
7.3.7 Please provide any additional information regarding health and safety complaints and inspections in the State or territory during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year: ________________________________________________________________
7.4 How many child care staff, including caregivers, teachers, and directors, received coaching or TA to improve their understanding and adherence to health and safety standards (as a result of an inspection) during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Licensed child care center staff: #______
Licensed family child care staff: #_______
Licensed exempt child care staff: #_____
Licensed exempt family child care staff: #____
N/A Describe: ________
7.5 Spending:
7.5.1 Did the State or Territory spend CCDF quality set aside funds on facilitating compliance with State/Territory requirements for inspections, monitoring, health and safety standards and training, and State/Territory licensing standards during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? This includes CCDF funds from all available appropriations years that were spent during the fiscal year. If so, what estimated percentage of CCDF quality dollars was spent on facilitating compliance with State/Territory requirements?
Yes. If yes, % … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
7.5.2 Did the State or Territory use other non-CCDF funds (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) on facilitating compliance with State/Territory requirements for inspections, monitoring, health and safety standards and training, and State/Territory licensing standards during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
7.5.3. Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 to facilitate compliance with State/Territory requirements for inspections, monitoring, health and safety standards and training, and State/Territory licensing standards?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
7.5.4. Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 to facilitate compliance with State/Territory requirements for inspections, monitoring, health and safety standards and training, and State/Territory licensing standards?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
7.6 Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible. ___________
8) Evaluating the quality of child care programs in the State/Territory, including evaluating how programs positively impact children
Goal: State/Territory investment in effective quality improvement strategies using reliable data from evaluation and assessment
What assessment tool(s) did the State/Territory use in center based programs during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
To measure program quality, describe: _________
To measure effective practice, describe: _________
To measure age appropriate child development, describe: __________
Other, describe: ________
N/A Describe: ________
What assessment tool(s) did the State/Territory use to measure quality of program and effective practice in family child care programs during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
To measure program quality, describe: ________
To measure effective practice, describe: __________
To measure age appropriate child development, describe: __________
Other, describe: _______
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State or Territory spend CCDF quality set aside funds on evaluating the quality of child care programs, practice, or child development during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? This includes CCDF funds from all available appropriation years that were spent during the fiscal year. If so, what estimated percentage of CCDF quality dollars was spent on evaluating child care programs, practice, or child development?
Yes. If yes, % … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
8.3.2 Did the State or Territory use other non-CCDF funds development (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) to evaluate the quality of child care programs, practice, or child development during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
8.3.3. Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 on evaluating the quality of child care programs in their state?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
8.3.4. Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 on evaluating the quality of child care programs in their state?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible. ___________
9) Supporting providers in the voluntary pursuit of accreditation
Goal: Support child care programs and FCCs in the voluntary pursuit of accreditation by a national accrediting body with demonstrated, valid, and reliable program standards of quality
How many providers did the State or Territory support in their pursuit of accreditation during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year?
Number of licensed center based providers #____
Number of licensed FCC providers #___
Number of center based providers that serve CCDF children #____
Number of FCC providers that serve CCDF children #____
☐ N/A Describe: ________
9.2.1 Did the State or Territory spend CCDF quality set aside funds on accreditation during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? This includes CCDF funds from all available appropriation years that were spent during the fiscal year. If so, what estimated percentage of CCDF quality dollars was spent on evaluating child care programs, practice, or child development?
Yes. If yes, % … : ____
N/A Describe: ________
9.2.2 Did the State or Territory use other non-CCDF funds development (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) to support accreditation during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
9.2.3. Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 to support accreditation for child care providers?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
9.2.4. Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 to support accreditation for child care providers?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
9.3 Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible. ___________
10) Supporting the development or adoption of high-quality program standards related to health, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, and physical development
Goal: Assist programs to meet high-quality comprehensive program standards relating to health, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, and physical development
10.1 Quality Indicators
10.1.1 Does the State/Territory have quality improvement standards that include indicators covering the following areas beyond what is required for licensing?
No. Skip to 10.2
10.1.2 If yes, check which indicators, the State/Territory has established.
Health, nutrition, and safety of child care settings
Physical activity and physical development in child care settings
Mental health of children
Learning environment and curriculum
Ratios and group size
Staff/provider qualifications and professional development
Teacher/provider-child relationships
Teacher/provider instructional practices
Family partnerships and family strengthening
Other. Describe: __________
Did the State or Territory spend CCDF quality set aside funds on supporting the development or adoption of high-quality program standards related to health, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, and physical development during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? This includes CCDF funds from all available appropriation years that were spent during the fiscal year. If so, what estimated percentage of CCDF quality dollars was spent on these standards?
Yes. If yes, % … : ____
N/A Describe: ________
10.2.2 Did the State or Territory use other non-CCDF funds development (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) to support the development or adoption of high-quality program standards related to health, mental health, nutrition, physical activity, and physical development during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
10.2.3 Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 to support the development or adoption of high-quality program standards?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
10.2.4 Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 to support the development or adoption of high-quality program standards?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible. ___________
11) Other activities to improve the quality of child care services as long as outcome measures relating to improved provider preparedness, child safety, child well-being, or kindergarten-entry are possible
Goal: To improve the quality of child care programs and services related to outcomes measuring improved provider preparedness, child safety, child well-being, or kindergarten-entry
11.1. Progress Update: Describe the measures used and progress made during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year. Include examples and numeric targets where possible.: __________
11.1.1 Did the State/Territory set up a grant program designed to sustain the child care supply or provide sustainability funding to child care providers due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic?
Yes. If yes, describe … : _____________and check which types of providers were eligible and number served:
Licensed center-based programs #__________
Legally exempt center-based programs #__________
Licensed family child care #__________
Legally exempt family child care (care in providers’ home) #__________
In-home (care in the child’s own home) #__________
Other (explain)__________
N/A Describe: ________
11.1.2 Did the State/Territory provide cleaning supplies and/or personal protective equipment (PPE) to child care providers either through funding or directly in-kind due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic?
Yes. If yes, describe … : _____________and check which types of providers were eligible:
Licensed center-based programs
Legally exempt center-based programs
Licensed family child care
Legally exempt family child care (care in providers’ home)
In-home (care in the child’s own home)
Other (explain)__________
N/A Describe: ________
Did the State or Territory spend CCDF quality set aside funds on other activities to improve the quality of child care services during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? This includes CCDF funds from all available appropriation years that were spent during the fiscal year. If so, what estimated percentage of the CCDF quality dollars was spent on these standards?
Yes. If yes, % … : ____
N/A Describe: ________
11.2.2 Did the State or Territory use other non-CCDF funds development (for example, TANF funds spent directly on quality, Preschool Development Funds, state or local funds, etc.) to improve the quality of child care services during October 1 to September 30 of the last federal fiscal year? If yes, describe the source of the funding and the total amount.
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
11.2.3 Did the State/Territory use at least some of the increased CCDF funds from the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 on other activities to improve the quality of child care services as long as outcome measures relating to improved provider preparedness, child safety, child well-being, or kindergarten-entry are possible?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
11.2.4 Did the State/Territory spend at least some of the CCDF funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, 2020 on other activities to improve the quality of child care services as long as outcome measures relating to improved provider preparedness, child safety, child well-being, or kindergarten-entry are possible?
Yes. If yes, describe … : __________________________________
N/A Describe: ________
12) Lead Agencies must submit an annual report, as required at 45 CFR § 98.53(f)(4), describing any changes to State/Territory regulations, enforcement mechanisms, or other State/Territory policies addressing health and safety based on an annual review and assessment of serious child injuries and any deaths occurring in child care programs receiving CCDF, and in other regulated and unregulated child care centers and family child care homes, to the extent possible.
Describe the annual review and assessment of serious injuries and any deaths occurring in child care programs receiving CCDF, and in other regulated and unregulated child care centers and family child care homes, to the extent possible.
Describe any changes to State regulations, enforcement mechanisms, or other States policies addressing health and safety based on the annual review and assessment.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Meredith Jones |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-13 |