Winter Management of Feedlot Cattle

Winter Management of Feedlot Cattle NDSU 2016.pdf

National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS); Health Management on U.S. Feedlots 2020

Winter Management of Feedlot Cattle

OMB: 0579-0079

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Winter Management
of Feedlot Cattle

Cattle utilize a guard rail windbreak during a blizzard. (Carrington Research Extension Center)

Vern Anderson
Animal Scientist
Carrington Research Extension Center
Breanne Ilse
Research Specialist
Carrington Research Extension Center
Charles Stoltenow
Extension Veterinarian
Animal Sciences Department
Dale Burr
Research Technician
Carrington Research Extension Center
Tim Schroeder
Research Technician
Carrington Research Extension Center
Tyler Ingebretson
Research Technician
Carrington Research Extension Center

North Dakota State University
Fargo, North Dakota
Reviewed October 2016


n the northern Great Plains, winter is a fact of life
during which severe cold temperatures, frequent
dangerous wind chills, and blowing and drifting snow
commonly are experienced. Conditions can vary daily,
and some winters are worse than others.
Animals increase body heat production as a response to
severe cold exposure by increasing their metabolic rate
(heart rate, respiration and blood flow). The practical
result is potentially lower gains and reduced feed
efficiency, even with increased feed intake. Beef cattle
adapt to colder temperatures during gradual changes in
the season by growing longer hair, changing metabolism
and hormone secretion (NRC, 1981), and depositing
insulating fat if the energy level in the diet allows. A
clean, dry hair coat and protection from the wind are very
important factors that help cattle tolerate extremely cold
Good winter management practices contribute to
healthy and productive cattle, reasonable feed costs and
humane care of feedlot cattle. This publication describes
recommended management practices for feedlot cattle in
the winter.

Physical Environment
Northern Plains Conditions
Feedlots have some advantages to feeding cattle in the
northern Plains states. Summers in the northern Plains
are very pleasant. A wide variety of feed grains, coproduct
ingredients and forages are available at competitive prices,
and rural areas are sparsely settled. Certainly, severe cold
and wind can impact performance negatively, but feedlot
managers can mitigate these conditions to some extent with
proper planning, facility design and good management
practices. Fall and spring in the northern Plains can be
challenging seasons for feeders because wet, cold conditions
negate the natural insulation value of the hair coat and wet,
muddy cattle lose heat readily. Bedding is not as effective
during cold rain and/or snow.

Calves provided with no bedding have less
insulation, carry more mud and perform poorly.
(Carrington Research Extension Center)

Wind Protection
Cattle need protection from the wind, especially during periods of cold temperatures. This protection can be provided
by wind fences or shelterbelts. Wind fences in combination
with mature trees provide excellent protection.

trees and significantly reduce the wind and snow protection afforded by the trees, underbrush and grasses between
the rows. Tree planting information is available from local
Natural Resources Conservation Service offices.

Multiple trees rows of varying height and maturity planted
50 to 100 feet upwind from the feeding pens slow the wind
and allow drifting snow to drop among the trees, reducing snow load in the feeding pens. Cattle fed in pens with
mature shelterbelts to the north and west of the wind fences
gained 0.25 pound more per day during the winter than
similar cattle on the same diet in pens with only a wind
fence for protection (Anderson and Byrd, 1993).

Wind fences can be permanent or portable structures set
up as part of the fence line or placed inside the pens for
access on all sides. Wind-fence construction information is
available in the “Beef Housing and Equipment Handbook”
Ideally, pens should be oriented to slope to the south, 3
to 4 percent, for increased solar radiation. Because of the
increased solar radiation, every degree of slope is roughly
equivalent to moving the feed yard 75 miles south.

Shelterbelts should not be grazed because the damage
from grazing will shorten the life or possibly even kill the

Wind Chill Chart
Wind Speed
Wind speeds greater
than 40 mph have
little additional effect

Actual Thermometer Reading (F)
50	 40	 30	 20	 10	 0	-10	-20	-30	-40	-50
Equivalent Temperature (F)
50	 40	 30	 20	 10	 0	-10	-20	-30	-40	-50
48	 37	 27	 16	 6	 -5	-15	-26	-36	-47	-57
40	 28	 16	 4	 -9	-21	-33	-46	-48	-70	-83
36	 22	 9	 -5	-18	-36	-45	-58	-72	-85	-99
32	 18	 4	-10	-25	-39	-53	-67	-82	-96	
30	 16	 0	-15	-29	-44	-59	-74	-88	
28	 13	 2	-18	-33	-48	-63	-79	-94	
27	 11	 -4	-20	-35	-49	-67	-83	-98	
26	 10	 -6	-21	-37	-53	-69	-85	
Little Danger for	
Increasing Danger	
Great Danger
	 Properly Clothed Person
Danger from freezing of exposed flesh


In large feed yards, bedding procurement and spreading
are logistical challenges. However, the value of bedding to
cattle performance and comfort outweigh the costs. Feeding
trials at the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center
(CREC) with finishing cattle on the same ration indicate
improved gains (0.86 pound/head/day) and efficiency when
cattle were bedded with modest amounts of straw, compared with no bedding (Table 1) (Anderson et al., 2007). In
this study, bedding was provided at 3.2 pounds per head per
day, but in commercial feedyards with larger pens, economies of scale may reduce the amount of bedding per head.

Carcass traits and the percent of U.S. Department of Agriculture Choice carcasses also were improved markedly by
providing bedding. Bedding increased net return in this
study by more than $80 per head after accounting for costs
of bedding. Bedding also can improve gains in muddy and
wet conditions (Mader, 2011), with an approximate rule of
thumb of 1 pound of bedding per head per day for every
inch of mud. In this scenario, 4 inches of mud in a pen of
100 head would require one bale (800 pounds) of bedding
every other day.

Table 1. Effect of amount of bedding on feedlot performance and carcass traits
for steers finished in North Dakota during the winter (Anderson et al., 2007).

Initial weight (pounds)	
Final weight (pounds)	
Dry-matter intake, pounds/head/day	
Average daily gain, pounds3	
Feed/gain (dry-matter basis)	
Carcass weight (pounds)	
Dressing percent	
Marbling score4	
Percent USDA Choice	
USDA Yield grade	



2.83	3.69	3.53
361	392	415

Bedding provided at 385 pounds per head for the four-month winter feeding period.
Bedding provided at 674 pounds per head for the four-month winter feeding period.
Cattle with no bedding had more manure tags, so weights and gains reported here may be higher than actual animal gains.
Marbling scores graded with 400 = low Choice.

Steers are bedded down in wheat straw behind a wooden vertical windbreak. (Carrington Research Extension Center)


A straw cannon provides bedding for calves from the feed alley. (Photo courtesy of Haybuster Inc.)
Bedding may be spread with a loader equipped with a grapple fork or bale shredder, or a “straw cannon” can be used to
blow bedding into pens from the feed alley (see photo).

An additional benefit of bedding is to create a more ideal
carbon-nitrogen ratio, enhancing sequestration of nutrients
in the bedding pack and composted manure. In research
conducted at the CREC, the bedding-manure mix contained greater concentration of nutrients and had more
value as fertilizer than manure without bedding (Anderson
et al., 2007).

In other research at the Carrington Research Extension
Center, different bedding materials were compared. Crop
residues, including cereal grain straw, corn stover and
soybean residue, were used as bedding for finishing steers
during the winter. Straw and soybean residue supported
better performance than corn stover because feedlot cattle
tended to eat the corn stover, reducing the energy density of
the intended diet and thus reducing gains. Adequate fiber
in the ration (about 15 percent forage) will satisfy cattle and
considerably reduce bedding intake.

Straw mixed with manure apparently limited the volatilization of ammonia in particular, essentially sequestering
more nitrogen in the bedding pack. Because of the colder
temperatures and the practice of bedding cattle, we hypothesize that feeding cattle in colder climates may be more
environmentally benign than in warmer regions because
volatilization of ammonia does not occur as readily in cold
and frozen environments.

Anecdotal experience suggests intermittent bedding of
cattle fed 90 to 92 percent concentrate diets can throw
cattle off feed and cause bloat. We recommend that cattle be
bedded after they have been fed to reduce consumption of

Because newly weaned calves or calves that have just arrived at the feedlot can have multiple stress factors, these
calves should be started on feed in the most protected pens
and provided ample bedding during harsh winter weather.
Calves fed modest energy diets (52 megacalories of net
energy gain per pound or more) tolerate severe cold better
and can generate more heat than animals fed low-quality
forages. Thin steers or replacement heifers may be more
susceptible to the physical stress of severe wind chills and
can become “cold soaked,” which may reduce thriftiness
and gain for several weeks and potentially lead to health

Removing snow and ice buildup provides better footing
for the cattle and easier access to feed in the bunk.
(Carrington Research Extension Center)


Snow and Ice Removal

diversion ditches to allow free flow of snowmelt, especially
where blockages and overflows have been observed in
previous years.

Drifting snow may fill feed bunks, which should be cleaned
out with a scoop shovel or tractor-mounted mechanical
bunk brush or bunk blower. In some cases, feeding on top
of modest amounts of snow in the feed bunk may be acceptable.

Storm Preparation
Prepare for winter storms by having snow removal equipment mounted, tested and ready. Electric service interruptions from ice storms or high wind may necessitate the use
of backup generators. Identify extra people who can help if
emergency staffing is needed.

Snow can be stockpiled temporarily in the pen if room
is available and time for hauling is limited. Snow in pens
should be removed prior to spring thaw to minimize
muddy conditions. Move snow to an area where runoff
enters the containment because snow in the pens inevitably
mixes with manure. Snow from alleyways and clean areas
can be moved to areas where runoff is diverted away from
containment structures.

Feeding calves inside closed buildings requires increased
management skills, labor and bedding. Air quality is a
major issue inside buildings, with ammonia concentrations
from poorly ventilated structures affecting respiratory efficiency and health. High humidity and crowding can reduce
the insulating ability of the hair coat.

Ice and snow buildup on the aprons behind bunk lines and
around water fountains may have to be removed occasionally during the winter. A backhoe with a spike or a payloader works well for this task. Removing ice and packed snow
buildup will provide better footing for the cattle and easier
access to feed in the bunk and water in the fountain. Water
fountains or tanks should be checked every day during
severe cold to be sure water is flowing and cattle can drink.
Limiting water can reduce feedlot performance greatly.

Ventilation of closed barns in cold weather can be particularly difficult. Moisture often accumulates on the ceiling
and may drip on the cattle inside the barn.
Diseases, especially respiratory diseases, are easily transmitted inside a crowded building. New hoop barns or monoslope structures with precise management guidelines for
bedding and ventilation provide a more consistent environment, but improved animal performance is necessary to pay
for the structure and management needs.

Gently sloping mounds are ideal, allowing for box scraping
and snow removal in the pen, yet providing a well-drained
area that may be bedded.
To insure proper spring drainage, snow and ice should be
cleared from around pipes, culverts, solid separators and

Minimal bedding will provide improved conditions for feeder calves. (Carrington Research Extension Center)


Feeding and Management
Feed Intake

Feeds and Feeding

Cold weather generally tends to increase feed intake. Cattle
consume 105 to 110 percent of predicted intake when
temperatures drop below 22 F and up to 125 percent of
predicted intake at less than 5 F (NRC, 1981). Severe cold
(wind chills of minus 20 F or lower) may reduce intake
because cattle are reluctant to come to the bunk. Including
feeds with higher digestibility in the ration, that is, better
quality forage, will allow cattle to compensate somewhat for
increased energy needs.

Very high levels of moist feeds (corn silage, wet distillers
grain, wet corn gluten feed, potato waste) are not recommended during cold winter weather because these feeds
can freeze in the bunk, reducing consumption. Frozen feed
requires significantly more energy to thaw in addition to
the energy needed to heat the feed to body temperature.
The effects of ingesting frozen or cold, wet feed on rumen
function are not known.
Winter is a challenging time to feed liquid supplements because liquids should be stored in an insulated structure and
kept above 32 F. Distribution of liquid feeds in a mixer may
be compromised because liquid feeds and coproducts may
ball up when poured on very cold forages and grains.

Cattle may not come to the bunk as readily or stay as long
during windy weather, potentially resulting in wasted feed
that is brushed or blown out with snow accumulations in
the bunks. A storm ration with increased forage proportion
may be helpful to maintain a stable rumen environment if
severe weather creates inconsistent feed delivery.

Bunk calls for feed delivery should not be made beyond
normal adjustments, such as 5 percent of intake or 1 pound
per head. Feed intake during a storm may be reduced, and
after the storm, increases should be made gradually. Cattle
should be fed at the same time each day if possible, so any
snow removal or bunk cleaning should be done to accommodate the feeding schedule.

The amount of forage in a storm ration is based on other ingredients in the ration, but 20 to 25 percent is not extreme.
However, increasing forage in the diet will decrease energy
density and increase bulkiness of the diet. As a result, the
rate of passage may increase and time for feed to be digested in the GI tract may decrease. In extreme conditions,
hay may be fed separately to keep the rumen functioning,
but cattle must be re-adapted to high-energy diets after the

Self-feeders are an option to bunk line feeding, especially
for small producers, but require periodic checking to ensure
feed is available. Ingredients can be mixed on-farm with
care and if good techniques are used to create a homogenous mix. Winter feeding with self-feeders minimizes
equipment operation. Calf performance may not be quite
the same as with a total mixed ration, but the equipment
investment and time for feeding is reduced significantly.

Relationship of feed intake and maintenance requirements to temperature.
(Adapted from NRC 1981)


Make sure cattle have adequate amounts of clean water
available at all times. Automatic heated water fountains are
the most common method to supply water to feedlot cattle,
although most require energy to keep them from freezing.
Clean the water fountain basins often, and check water temperature to ensure thermostats are working and not drifting
to higher temperatures. While water temperature has not
been studied for effects on gain or feed efficiency, heating
water excessively does have an energy cost that must be
offset by improvements in gain or feed efficiency. To reduce
the energy use of commercial water fountains, consider
adding insulation on the inside. and cover the concrete slab
inside the housing of the fountain as well. Consider covering the exposed water surface with an insulated float.

Treating sick animals in the cold poses a challenge for personnel. When transporting or using any veterinary product,
vaccines and medications should be kept in a “warm box”
at a temperature from 35 to 45 F (2 to 7 C). Vaccines and
medications should be kept warm because frozen vaccines
can become denatured, and frozen antibiotics can precipitate in the bottle.
A portable radiant-heat source or chute-side heated compartment (see photo) works well to provide personnel with
an area where they can remove gloves or mittens to safely
handle sharp objects such as needles and prepare correct


The “Beef Housing and Equipment Handbook” (1987)
states that 16 head of feeder cattle can drink per foot of water fountain or tank perimeter when cattle in a feedlot have
continual access throughout the day.

Cattle trucks must be enclosed when shipping cattle in
severe cold. Drafts can cause severe frostbite to body parts
exposed to holes or open spaces in trucks.

Cattle drink less during periods of very cold weather and
rehydrate within a few days when temperatures moderate
(NRC, 1981). Avoid marketing calves during or just after a
period of severe cold if possible. Calves arriving at the feedlot during severe cold weather may be dehydrated and need
special attention to ensure they rehydrate and start on feed.

Health Considerations
Extreme winter weather can result in hypothermia and
ultimately result in death. Cattle that suffer hypothermia
or frostbite are more prone to other disease conditions and
certainly do not perform as well as cattle that are warm, dry
and out of the wind.
Pens designated for sick animals need to be designed to
minimize the effects of the elements on the cattle and allow
the cattle easy access to feed and water. Any hindrance to
obtaining feed and water not only lengthens the number of
days the animal is sick, it also increases the risk of the animal dying. Sick animals cannot maintain body temperature
as well as a healthy animal; windbreaks and bedding allow
the animal to conserve energy and insulate the animal from
the frozen ground.

A simple warmer box can be constructed
using a heat lamp and clear vinyl.
(Carrington Research Extension Center)


Feeding cattle in colder climates has been proven
to be economically competitive in the northern
Plains region. Cattle are capable of adapting to
lower temperatures and maintaining predictable
gains if good husbandry practices are used.
If at all possible, start cattle on feed before severe
weather occurs. If not, provide generous bedding
and wind protection in addition to a nutrientdense diet and aggressive preventive health-care
program. The challenge for feedlot operators is to
manage their resources to provide the optimum
conditions for cattle to thrive regardless of the

Cattle can thrive regardless of the elements when
producers use good husbandry practices.
(Carrington Research Extension Center)

Anderson,V.L., and J. Byrd. 1993. Effect of shelterbelt protection on performance of feedlot steers during a North Dakota winter.
Carrington Research Extension Center Beef Production Field Day Proceedings. Vol. 16:19-21
Anderson, V.L., E. Aberle and L. Swenson. 2004. Effects of bedding on winter performance of feedlot cattle and nutrient conservation in
composted manure. NDSU Beef Feedlot Research Report. Vol 27:30-37.
Anderson, V.L., and R.J. Wiederholt. 2007. The performance, economic, and environmental value of bedding feedlot cattle during northern
Plains winters. J. Anim. Sci. 85:19 (Suppl. 2.) Abstract.
Mader, Terry. 2011. Mud effects on feedlot cattle. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report, Page 82-83.
MidWest Plan Service. 1987. Beef Housing and Equipment Handbook. 4th Edition. MidWest Plan Service. Iowa State University, Ames.
National Research Council. 1996. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 7th Revised Edition. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, D.C.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleWinter Management of Feedlot Cattle (AS1546)
SubjectAS1546, cattle, beef, winter, management, feedlot
File Modified2016-10-19
File Created2016-10-19

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