Published 1076-0177 60 Day

1076-0177 60 day 2020.pdf

Tribal Energy Development Capacity Program Grants

Published 1076-0177 60 Day

OMB: 1076-0177

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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 92 / Tuesday, May 12, 2020 / Notices
of the ESA and NEPA regulation 40 CFR
Roxanna Hinzman,
Field Supervisor, South Florida Ecological
Services Office.
[FR Doc. 2020–10053 Filed 5–11–20; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Indian Affairs
[201A2100DD AAKC001030 A0A501010.999
253G; OMB Control Number 1076–0177]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Tribal Energy Development
Capacity Program
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice of information collection;
request for comment.

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we,
the Office of the Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs (AS–IA) are proposing to
renew an information collection.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before July 13,
ADDRESSES: Send your comments on
this information collection request (ICR)
by mail to the Winter Jojola-Talburt,
Deputy Division Chief, 13922 Denver
West Parkway Suite 200, Lakewood, CO
80401; or by email to Please reference Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
Control Number 1076–0177 in the
subject line of your comments.
request additional information about
this ICR, contact Winter Jojola-Talburt
by email at winter.jojola-talburt@, or by telephone at 720–407–
0668. Individuals who are hearing or
speech impaired may call the Federal
Relay Service at 1–800–877–8339 for
TTY assistance. You may also view the
ICR at
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA, 44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq.) and 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1), all
information collections require approval
under the PRA. We may not conduct or
sponsor and you are not required to
respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.
As part of our continuing effort to
reduce paperwork and respondent
burdens, we invite the public and other
Federal agencies to comment on new,
proposed, revised, and continuing



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collections of information. This helps us
assess the impact of our information
collection requirements and minimize
the public’s reporting burden. It also
helps the public understand our
information collection requirements and
provide the requested data in the
desired format.
We are especially interested in public
comment addressing the following:
(1) Whether or not the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether or not the
information will have practical utility;
(2) The accuracy of our estimate of the
burden for this collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) How might the agency minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on those who are to
respond, including through the use of
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of response.
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of
public record. We will include or
summarize each comment in our request
to OMB to approve this ICR. Before
including your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Abstract: The Energy Policy Act of
2005 authorizes the Secretary of the
Interior to provide assistance to Indian
Tribes and Tribal energy resource
development organizations for energy
development and appropriates funds for
such projects on a year-to-year basis.
See 25 U.S.C. 3502. When funding is
available, the Office of Indian Energy
and Economic Development (IEED) may
solicit proposals for projects for
building capacity for Tribal energy
resource development on Indian land
from Tribal energy resource
development organizations and Indian
Tribes, including Alaska Native regional
and village corporations under the
TEDC program. For the purposes of this
program, ‘‘Indian land’’ includes: All
land within the boundaries of an Indian
reservation, pueblo, or rancheria; any

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land outside those boundaries that is
held by the United States in trust for a
Tribe or individual Indian or by a Tribe
or individual Indian with restrictions on
alienation; and land owned by an
Alaska Native regional or village
Those who would like to submit a
TEDC project proposal must submit an
application that includes certain
information and, once funding is
received must submit reports on how
they are using the funding. A complete
application must contain the following:
• A formal signed resolution of the
governing body of the Tribe or Tribal
energy resource development
organization demonstrating authority to
• A proposal describing the planned
activities and deliverable products; and
• A detailed budget estimate,
including contracted personnel costs,
travel estimates, data collection and
analysis costs, and other expenses.
The project proposal must include the
information about the Tribe or Tribal
energy resource development
organization sufficient to allow IEED to
evaluate the proposal based on the
following criteria:
(a) Energy resource potential;
(b) Applicant’s energy resource
development history and current status;
(c) Applicant’s existing energy
resource development capabilities;
(d) Demonstrated willingness of the
applicant to establish and maintain an
independent energy resource
development business entity;
(e) Intent to develop and retain energy
development capacity within the
applicant’s government or business
entities; and
(f) Applicant commitment of staff,
training, or monetary resources.
The IEED requires this information to
ensure that it provides funding only to
those projects that meet the goals of the
TEDC and the purposes for which
Congress provides the appropriations.
Title of Collection: Tribal Energy
Development Capacity Program.
OMB Control Number: 1076–0177.
Form Number: None.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Respondents/Affected Public: Indian
Tribes and Tribal energy resource
development organizations under 25
U.S.C. 3502.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Respondents: 26 per year, on average; 9
project participants each year, on
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 26 applications per year, on
average; 18 progress reports per year, on




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 92 / Tuesday, May 12, 2020 / Notices

Estimated Completion Time per
Response: 40 hours per application; 1.5
hours per progress report.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 1,067 hours (1,040 for
applications and 27 for progress
Respondent’s Obligation: Responses
required to receive a benefit.
Frequency of Collection: Once per
year for applications; 2 times per year
for progress reports.
Total Estimated Annual Nonhour
Burden Cost: $0.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor and a person is not required to
respond to a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.
The authority for this action is the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq).
Elizabeth K. Appel,
Director, Office of Regulatory Affairs and
Collaborative Action—Indian Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2020–10091 Filed 5–11–20; 8:45 am]

[Investigation No. 337–TA–1153]

Certain Bone Cements, Components
Thereof and Products Containing the
Same; Notice of Request for
Statements on the Public Interest
U.S. International Trade
ACTION: Notice.

Notice is hereby given that
the presiding administrative law judge
has issued a Final Initial Determination
on Section 337 Violation and a
Recommended Determination on
Remedy and Bond in the abovecaptioned investigation. The
Commission is soliciting comments on
public interest issues raised by the
recommended relief, should the
Commission find a violation. This
notice is soliciting public interest
comments from the public only.
Traud, Office of the General Counsel,
U.S. International Trade Commission,
500 E Street SW, Washington, DC
20436, telephone 202–205–3427. Copies
of non-confidential documents filed in
connection with this investigation may
be viewed on the Commission’s
electronic docket (EDIS) at https:// For help accessing EDIS,
please email
General information concerning the
Commission may also be obtained by



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accessing its internet server at https:// Hearing-impaired
persons are advised that information on
this matter can be obtained by
contacting the Commission’s TDD
terminal, telephone 202–205–1810.
to file public interest submissions
pursuant to 19 CFR 210.50(a)(4). Section
337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 provides
that, if the Commission finds a
violation, it shall exclude the articles
concerned from the United States:
unless, after considering the effect of such
exclusion upon the public health and
welfare, competitive conditions in the United
States economy, the production of like or
directly competitive articles in the United
States, and United States consumers, it finds
that such articles should not be excluded
from entry.

19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(1). A similar
provision applies to cease and desist
orders. 19 U.S.C. 1337(f)(1).
The Commission is soliciting
comments on public interest issues
raised by the recommended relief
should the Commission find a violation,
specifically: A limited exclusion order
directed to copolymer trade secrets TS
1–35 for five years; A limited exclusion
order directed to the other categories of
accused products for two years or less;
and cease and desist orders directed to
the respondents.
The Commission is interested in
further development of the record on
the public interest in this investigation.
Accordingly, members of the public are
hereby invited to file submissions of no
more than five (5) pages, inclusive of
attachments, concerning the public
interest in light of the administrative
law judge’s Initial Determination on
Violation of Section 337 and
Recommended Determination on
Remedy and Bond issued in this
investigation on May 6, 2020.
Comments should address whether
issuance of the limited exclusion orders
and cease and desist orders in this
investigation, should the Commission
find a violation, would affect the public
health and welfare in the United States,
competitive conditions in the United
States economy, the production of like
or directly competitive articles in the
United States, or United States
In particular, the Commission is
interested in comments that:
(i) Explain how the articles potentially
subject to the recommended remedial orders
are used in the United States;
(ii) Identify any public health, safety, or
welfare concerns in the United States relating
to the recommended orders;
(iii) Identify like or directly competitive
articles that complainants, their licensees, or

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third parties make in the United States which
could replace the subject articles if they were
to be excluded;
(iv) Indicate whether complainants,
complainants’ licensees, and/or third-party
suppliers have the capacity to replace the
volume of articles potentially subject to the
recommended orders within a commercially
reasonable time; and
(v) Explain how the recommended
remedial orders would impact consumers in
the United States.

Written submissions must be filed no
later than by close of business on June
11, 2020.
Persons filing written submissions
must file the original document
electronically on or before the deadlines
stated above. The Commission’s paper
filing requirements in 19 CFR 210.4(f)
are currently waived. 85 FR 15798
(March 19, 2020). Submissions should
refer to the investigation number (‘‘Inv.
No. 337–TA–1153’’) in a prominent
place on the cover page and/or the first
page. (See Handbook for Electronic
Filing Procedures, https://
on_filing_procedures.pdf.). Persons with
questions regarding filing should
contact the Secretary (202–205–2000).
Any person desiring to submit a
document to the Commission in
confidence must request confidential
treatment. All such requests should be
directed to the Secretary to the
Commission and must include a full
statement of the reasons why the
Commission should grant such
treatment. See 19 CFR 201.6. Documents
for which confidential treatment by the
Commission is properly sought will be
treated accordingly. All information,
including confidential business
information and documents for which
confidential treatment is properly
sought, submitted to the Commission for
purposes of this Investigation may be
disclosed to and used: (i) By the
Commission, its employees and Offices,
and contract personnel (a) for
developing or maintaining the records
of this or a related proceeding, or (b) in
internal investigations, audits, reviews,
and evaluations relating to the
programs, personnel, and operations of
the Commission including under 5
U.S.C. Appendix 3; or (ii) by U.S.
government employees and contract
personnel, solely for cybersecurity
purposes. All contract personnel will
sign appropriate nondisclosure
agreements. All non-confidential
written submissions will be available for
public inspection at the Office of the
Secretary and on EDIS.
This action is taken under the
authority of section 337 of the Tariff Act
of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337),



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File Modified2020-05-12
File Created2020-05-13

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