Grant Applications plus NEPA and SHPO documentation

Management and Oversight of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System


Grant Applications plus NEPA and SHPO documentation

OMB: 0648-0121

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This manual is an in-depth walkthrough of the CAMMP system. If you are new to
CAMMP you should read through it one time. If you are familiar with CAMMP then you
can use this document as a reference. All topics are covered in the table of contents.
Even if you are familiar with CAMMP you should read over the five page 2009 CAMMP
Tips and Tricks document.
Both documents are available from

LOG IN SCREEN ............................................................................................................. 3
NAVIGATING THROUGH THE CAMMP SYSTEM................................................. 4
I. MENU BAR. ............................................................................................................. 4
BUTTONS............................................................................... 5
III. GREY BUTTONS. ................................................................................................ 6
IV. TOP OF PAGE LINKS......................................................................................... 7
USER PROFILE ............................................................................................................... 8
HELP.................................................................................................................................. 8
LOGOUT........................................................................................................................... 8
LIST OF GRANTS ....................................................................................................... 9
GRANT HOME PAGE .............................................................................................. 10
Grant Status ............................................................................................................ 10
Grant Outline .......................................................................................................... 11
GRANT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................ 12
Point of Contact Section ......................................................................................... 13
Grant Timeframe Section....................................................................................... 13
Grant Summary Section......................................................................................... 13
CREATING A NEW POSITION .............................................................................. 14
CREATING THE PERSONNEL WORKSHEET................................................... 15
COMPLETED PERSONNEL WORKSHEET........................................................ 16
ADDING A TASK ...................................................................................................... 17
Task Information .................................................................................................... 17
Task Timeframe ...................................................................................................... 18
Task Description ..................................................................................................... 18
ADDING AN OUTCOME ......................................................................................... 19
ADDING BUDGET INFORMATION.......................................................................... 20
ADDING A POSITION TO A TASK ....................................................................... 20
ADDING A TRAVEL BUDGET ITEM ................................................................... 21
ADDING A SUPPLY BUDGET ITEM .................................................................... 24
ADDING AN EQUIPMENT BUDGET ITEM ........................................................ 25
ADDING A CONTRACTUAL BUDGET ITEM..................................................... 26
ADDING A CONSTRUCTION BUDGET ITEM ................................................... 29
ADDING AN INDIRECT BUDGET ITEM............................................................. 31
ADDING AN “OTHER” BUDGET ITEM .............................................................. 32
VIEWING/PRINTING THE AWARD......................................................................... 35
SUBMITTING THE AWARD....................................................................................... 37



This is the page you will use to log into CAMMP. You should only bookmark this URL
– Trying to bookmark any pages within
CAMMP will lead to an error. The first gray message box will contain important
information and instructions and will be periodically updated by OCRM.
The second gray message box contains an important security message.
Username: This will be your program name.
Password: This will be your password to get into the system.
NOTE: Unless you have provided OCRM with the public IP address of the computer
you are using, for security reasons you will not be allowed the system.


The new CAMMP system was redesigned to streamline the navigation and reduce the
number of pages that you have to access or buttons you have to press. There are four
ways to navigate through the CAMMP system. They are the menu bar at the top of every
page, the links at the top of the page, the
these are discussed below.


buttons, and the grey buttons. Each of

I. MENU BAR - The menu bar in the top right also allows you to access other functions.
This menu bar appears on every page but will only be explained here.

Your user name will appear on the left hand side of the menu bar.
Grants – this takes you to the page containing the list of grants for the program (if you are
a program), or all programs you are responsible for (if you are a specialist). It is the
default page.
Profile – this takes you to the page where you can change your contact information, or
change your password.
Admin – Most people will not see this box as it only appears as an option if you are an
administrator. It takes the administrator to a page where he can create new programs,
users, add award numbers, and other functions.
Help – this box will take you to the page where you can access this help manual, and
access links to other important areas – such as NOAA grants.
Logout – clicking on this will log you out of the CAMMP system


BUTTONS: Navigating through the system can be a little
subtle, though once you get the hang of it its not hard. The first rule to learn is to use the
and the

buttons to open and close submenus. To open up any of the submenus on

this page you need to press the box next to each submenu. This opens up the submenu
to show the information you have entered there, as shown below, and changes the button
to a .


III. GREY BUTTONS: The second part of navigation involves use of the Grey
buttons. Pressing the Grey Buttons will take you to another page so you can perform
some action. The illustration below shows how to use the gray buttons to View or Print
an Application, Submit a Grant in Draft or Final, Add a New Position, or Add a New


IV. TOP OF PAGE LINKS - Once you start to create a task, you will use the grant
number and task title to navigate in and out of a task, as shown below.



This is the web page you go to if you press the Profile button on the top menu bar. This
page contains the information about your particular profile, or account.
On this page you can change your first name, last name, email address, and password.
When you change your password, please follow the Department of Commerce Password
Policies listed on this page to create the new password.
This is the web page you go to if you press the Help button on the top menu bar. At
present this page sends you to a page on the OCRM web site where you can download
the help manual and other files.

Pressing this button takes you back to the CAMMP Log-In Page. Once you press this
button you can not go back and will have to relog into CAMMP.


Now that you understand how to navigate through the CAMMP system the rest of this
users manual will walk through the different web pages that one will use when creating a
grant application.
Once you have successfully entered your username and password on the password page
you will be taken to the following page which is a list of all the open grants for your
program (if you are a state) or all programs you are responsible for (if you are a

To actually go to a grant, click on the blue underlined grant number.
Show All Grants - If you want to see a list of ALL grants for your program that have
been entered into the CAMMP system, click on the Show All Grants box in the upper
right hand corner. This will be give you a list of both active and nonactive grants for
your particular program. Active grants are grants that are still being worked on, and
which can be edited. Nonactive grants are grants that have been finalized and submitted
to NOAA.



This page is the main page of the grant. From this page you can create (or edit) the
overview, personnel worksheet, and create and edit the Tasks that make up the award.
You also Print the grant and Submit the grant to NOAA via this page.
This is how the page looks prior to starting any work on it. Nothing has been completed,
no positions have been added, and there are no tasks created.
Grant Status
This is the area where you can read about the status of the grant, and see if it is ready or
not to be submitted in final to NOAA. (Also see the Status Lights discussion below)
You also see the deadline for submitting the award to NOAA.
Status Lights: The Status lights tell you if a particular section of CAMMP has had all its
required fields filled out. This will allow the applicant to quickly hone in on where they
still might be missing information. An application can be submitted in FINAL to NOAA
only if all status lights are green. If any status lights are red, the application can be
submitted to NOAA but only in DRAFT form.
NOTE: The above example shows that when you first get into an award the personnel
worksheet is marked as acceptable even though there are no positions yet associated with
the award. This is to allow those awards that don t have any personnel costs (mainly
CELCP awards) to submit their applications as final .


Grant Outline
This is the area where you navigate through the actual award itself as it is created and
edited. Here is where you can create (or edit) the overview, personnel worksheet, and the
Tasks that make up the award.

Overview - where you access, edit, and review the administrative and
introductory information associated with the award.
Personnel - where you access, edit, and review the personnel
worksheet associated with the award.
Tasks - where you create, edit, and review the tasks that make up the



This page is accessed when you press the Grant Overview button on the main page. The
Grant Overview page contains all of a program’s contact information, as well as its
timeframe, DUNS number, and introduction/summary. Note that almost all the
information on this page is now REQUIRED, in order to conform with the federal
government’s e-gov requirements (fax and email information only are optional), also
known as the 194 Data Set standards.


Point of Contact Section
Most of the information requested in this section is self-explanatory. Department and
Agency Name conform to the 194 Data Set standards. Unfortunately I have found the
two fields to be rather short – so you may have to abbreviate the names (i.e. Dept for
Department, etc.)
Grant Timeframe Section
Here is where you enter the proposed start and end months and years of the grant. These
are the dates that will show up on the title page of the printout. Note that unlike the
earlier versions of CAMMP, these dates will not default throughout the rest of the award
as you create it.
Grant Summary Section
As of October 1, 2003 any applicant applying for a Federal grants or cooperative
agreement is required to provide a DUNS number. (DUNS stands for Dun and Bradstreet
(D&B) Data Universal Numbering System). The DUNS number is a unique ninecharacter identification number. For further information review the NOAA GMD memo
regarding DUNS numbers:
In order to comply with the 194 data set, the Grant Introduction is now mandatory, unlike
the earlier version of CAMMP where it was optional. The introduction should be a
concise executive summary of the grant – who is it for and what will it do?



Note that you get to this page by pressing the ADD button at the end of the Personnel
item on the Main Task page.
To Create a New Position, enter the Title of the Position, the Annual Base Salary of the
Position, the Fringe Rate of the Position, and provide an explanation of the Fringe Rate.
The example below shows a that a Program Manager was added to this task, and that his
salary is $100,000 and his fringe is 25%.


Adding Multiple Positions: To continue adding positions, press the “Save and Add
Another” button. When you are finished adding positions, press the “Save” button which
will take you back to the Main Menu Page of the Grant.
Task Assignments: As a position is added to tasks, its assignments will show up in this
section. Note that since this is a new position it is not yet assigned to any tasks.

Note that ABOVE we have added three positions to the grant application so far using the
“New Position” function above. Note that all three positions have 0’s next to their
allotted federal and non-federal salary and fringe. This is correct as they have not been
assigned to any tasks yet. Also notice that the positions are listed alphabetically.



The above example shows ten positions that will be funded wholly or partially through
this grant. The total salary and fringe does not appear here because this is a worksheet –
it is only intended to allow each program to set up the personnel and fringe resources that
will be assigned to this grant application. The personnel worksheet will NOT appear in
the award printout. Instead the personnel will be distributed across the tasks.
It is possible that not every position will be assigned 100% to this grant. It is also
possible that not every position will have the same fringe rate. It is quite possible that not
every position will have the same percentage split between federal and non-federal.



This page appears when you press the add new task button on the main page. It is where
you create the task. Much of the information on this page will eventually be used to
create queries so one can access and analyze information about the CZM and NERR
Task Information
Task Title – the title of the task, try and name the task something descriptive
Applicant ID – This field is optional. If your agency or state any unique numbering
system that your state or agency uses
Section - the section of the CZMA under which this is funded (NERR programs will only
see 315, CELCP programs will only see CELCP)


Classification – using the drop down menu, select whatever option is most similar to the
type of task that you are creating. If none of the options seem to fit, chose Other and
type in a new classification.
Location – Describe the geographical location of this task.
Task Timeframe
Using the pull-down menus, select the Start and End months and years of the task. Tasks
are assumed to start on the first of the month listed, and end on the last day of the month
Task Description
This is where you provide the detailed description explanation about the task. The
description is limited to 4000 characters. There is a counter underneath the text box that
keeps you informed about how much space you have left. If you copy and paste too
much text into this box, the counter will appear as a negative number. You must get the
counter up to zero, as any additional (negative) text will be cut out when you save.



In the original CAMMP system this was also known as “Product/Outcome”.
Outcome Information
Outcome – the title of the outcome. Try and be descriptive.
Completion – the month/year when the outcome is due. There is no start date..
Description - This is where you provide the detailed description explanation about the
outcome. The description is limited to 4000 characters. There is a counter underneath
the text box that keeps you informed about how much space you have left. If you copy
and paste too much text into this box, the counter will appear as a negative number. You
must get the counter up to zero, as any additional (negative) text will be cut out when you


The next section goes through the various budget items that can make up a task. Every
task must have at least one budget item, but can have multiple budget items.


The following checklist is used by NOAA to review salary and fringe information.
While CAMMP covers most of the mathematical items in this checklist, some of this
information should be addressed in a task summary in order to minimize delays in the
review and approval of your award application.
Salaries or Wages:
1. Is each position identified?
2. Are time commitments such as hours and percent of time stated for each position?
3. Are the total charges for each position listed along with an explanation of how the
costs were calculated?
4. Do the combined charges for any individuals exceed 100% of their time?
5. Do the time commitments and charges appear reasonable?
6. For support or executive personnel, are costs charged to salaries excluded from
the indirect cost category?
7. Are all individuals employees of the applicant organization? (If not, explain)
8. Is a cost of living increase built into the budget?
9. Are salary increases justified for the grant period?
10. Are any salary/personnel costs unallowable. (i.e. Federal employee or legislative
The budget narrative should provide a description of the benefits received by personnel
when rates are 25% or higher.

Are fringe benefits identified as a separate item?
Are the type of fringe benefits indicated?
Do the fringe benefits and charges appear reasonable?
Are the total charges for each person listed along with an explanation of how the
charges were calculated?
5. Are fringe benefits charged to federal and matching categories in the same
proportion as salaries?
To create a travel budget item, use the following two worksheets. Note that the first
worksheet is for travel for which detailed information in available. In the case of CZM
awards, it is sometimes not possible to accurately provide detailed information on each
and every trip that might occur in the award, in which case the second worksheet for nondetailed information should be used.
This is an example of a detailed travel page.



This is an example of a non detailed travel page

NOAA Grants Budget Review Checklist for Travel:
1. For foreign, domestic, and local travel, is each trip listed along with the
destination, estimated mileage, method of travel, cost per mile and duration,
number of travelers, per diem rate for meal and lodging.
2. If actual trip details are unknown, what is the basis for the proposed travel
3. Is the requested travel directly relevant to the successful completion of the
4. Are the travel charges reasonable?
5. Contingency or miscellaneous charges must be excluded!



NOAA Grants Budget Review Checklist for Supplies:
An explanation is necessary only for supplies costing over $1500 or 5% of an award,
whichever is greater.
1. Are supplies itemized by type of material or nature of expense?
2. For general office or business supplies, is the total charge listed along with the
basis for the charge (i.e. historical use rates?)
3. For other specific supply categories, is the number of units, cost per unit, and total
cost specified?
4. Are the charges necessary for the successful completion of the project?
5. Are the charges reasonable?
6. Are disallowed costs (e.g. liquor, entertainment) excluded?
7. Contingency or miscellaneous charges must be excluded!



NOAA Grants Budget Review Checklist for Equipment:
For any items of equipment whose costs exceed $5000, a description of the item and
associated costs is required.
1. Is each item of equipment listed?
2. If over $5000 is there a description of how it will be used in the project?


3. If over $5000 has a lease vs purchase analysis been completed?
4. For each item of equipment, is the number of units, cost per unit and total cost
5. Is each item of equipment necessary for the completion of the project?
6. Are the charges for each item reasonable?
7. Are disallowed costs excluded?
8. Contingency or miscellaneous charges must be excluded!
To create a contractual budget item (also known as a pass-through or subgrant) use one of
the following two worksheets. Note that the first worksheet is for a contractual item for
which detailed budget information is not available. It is sometimes not possible to
accurately provide detailed information on a contract when an award is initially created.
The second worksheet is for contracts where detailed information is available.
Non-Detailed Contractual


Detailed Contractual

NOAA Grants Budget Review Checklist for Contractual:
1. Is each contract or subgrant listed as a separate item? Separate budgets are
required for subgrants or contracts regardless of the dollar value.
2. Are the products/services to be acquired described along with the applicability of
each to the project?
3. Do the costs appear reasonable?
4. Are any sole source contracts contemplated?
5. If yes, is a sole source justification included with the application which describes
why the proposed sole source entity is the only source capable of meeting the
applicant’s project needs?



Are disallowed costs excluded?
Contingency or miscellaneous charges must be excluded!
Are there contracts with non-US organizations?
Do you have a CD-512 on file for each of your subgrants or contracts?


Construction – To create a construction budget item, use the following worksheet. This
worksheet is taken directly from the construction budget form. Note that this budget
category is almost NEVER used by OCRM programs.


NOAA Grants Budget Review Checklist for Construction:

Is the construction/renovation authorized for this program?
Is the construction/renovation described?
Is the method described which was used to calculate costs?
Are the proposed costs presented in sufficient detail? Should include the
a. A listing of work to be performed
b. Cost details by task or work order contemplated
c. Is the work being done by the applicant or outside contractors?
5. Is there a need for the type of work/costs being proposed?
6. Is there a need for the estimates of cost present? (Is there documentation to
support cost estimates?)
7. Are the costs justified, reasonable and allowable? Verify costs proposed to quotes
received. (Generally, the presence of more than one bid obviates the need for
extensive tests for reasonableness due to the element of competition involved)



NOAA Grants Budget Review Checklist for Indirect:

Are indirect costs required?
Is a copy of the current approved rate from the cognizant agency included?
Is the correct rate being used?
Is the rate applied to the correct base?
Are charges which duplicate direct costs excluded? (If no, explain/revise).



NOAA Grants Budget Review Checklist for Other:

Are items listed by type of material or nature of expense?
For each charge, is the number of units, cost per unit, and total cost specified?
Are the charges necessary for the completion of the project?
Are the charges reasonable?
Are disallowed costs (e.g. liquor, entertainment) excluded?


6. Are charges which duplicate indirect cost items excluded?
7. Contingency or miscellaneous charges must be excluded!
Following is an example of a task that has been completed. Note that in this example the
budget (ONLY) has been opened up to show all the underlying budget items that have
been assigned to this task.


Example of an award in progress – total of $500,000 has been allocated to this award so
far, all in one 306 task.


This is the page you will go to once you view or print application button.

Select one of the output options then press the “View Grant Application” button to create
the award. The four output options are:
Portable Document Format – has a .pdf extension.
Rich Text Format – has a .rtf extension
Microsoft Excel – has a .xls extension
Microsoft Word for Windows – has a .doc extension.
Although there are four options, when you submit your award in final you should submit
it as either a PDF or Word Document in order to comply with federal
Note that if you do not have Adobe Acrobat or Reader, Microsoft Excel or Microsoft
Word on your machine these options will not work. Rich Text Format is very generic
and should be able to be read in most type of word processing software.

At the bottom of the screen you can track the progress of the award creation. Once the
field is filled with green lights the award will be created.


Once printing works you will see the following message:

NOTE: The file name that is created is basically gibberish. You need to give it a more
intuitive name (i.e. probably the award number). While there is no standard file name,
OCRM recommends that you use the award number as the file name.
Do to this, in whatever application you are in, press the SAVE AS button and save the
document with a more logical name.



The submit grant application function has changed since CAMMP was first introduced
in 2004. This is due to the requirements that federal agencies use Grants.Gov for grant
submissions, and the adoption of NOAA Grants Online to handle the flow of grants
through NOAA. So the submit page you see when you press the submit button on the
main page is badly outdated. This page will be corrected in the update scheduled for
April 2007.
At this point you can only create the award as a draft, so you will have a draft watermark
on the documents. Once you create the award file (as a pdf), then save this file with an
understandable file name to your computer. After that you no longer need to use
CAMMP. Instead submit the grant file created in CAMMP through Grants.Gov along
with the federal forms that you download from Grants.Gov.


Adobe example - this shows how the Adobe version will look (this is Adobe Acrobat 6.0
Professional so while the printout should look the same, the column on the right will not
appear unless you are using this version of Acrobat.)
Unfortunately, until the final patch of CAMMP you will see a DRAFT watermark in the
upper right hand corner of the document.


Rtf and Word example - This is an example of an rtf version – note that it pops up in
Word because Word is the default word processing software on this particular computer.
The Word version will look the same.


Excel example - This is an example of a Microsoft Excel printout.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2013-12-03
File Created2013-12-03

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