Lender Qualifications for Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP)

Lender Qualifications for Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP)

Copy of Appendix 4A-C - Application Exhibit Checklists.xlsx

Lender Qualifications for Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP)

OMB: 2502-0541

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NC-SR Firm

Sheet 1: Instructions

Application Exhibit Checklist Instructions

This Excel workbook contains the Application Exhibit Checklists to be used for all MAP and TAP applications for FHA multifamily mortgage insurance being submitted under Section 223(f), Section 223(a)(7), the New Construction/Substantial Rehabilitation programs (Sections 221(d)(4), 220, and 231), and Section 241(a).

There are four different checklists on the following four worksheets - use the applicable checklist:

▪ Section 223(f) Refinance/Acquisition – Firm Application
▪ Section 223(a)(7) Refinance – Firm Application
▪ New Construction/Substantial Rehabilitation (Sections 221(d)(4), 220, and 231), and 241(a) – Pre-Application
▪ New Construction/Substantial Rehabilitation (Sections 221(d)(4), 220, and 231), and 241(a) – Firm Application

Instructions for Completing the Checklists

Complete the applicable checklist by indicating whether each application exhibit is included in the application or not applicable by placing a checkmark in the appropriate column. To place a checkmark in the appropriate column, click the checkbox. If the "N/A" column is grayed-out, that exhibit is required for applications under that program and phase and must be submitted.

Application Folders/Tabs and Exhibit File Names

The electronic copy of the application should be organized into folders for each section of the applicable checklist. Create as many additional "Section 5: Mortgage Credit" folders as needed for Principals, the General Contractor, and/or Management Agent, and include the entity's or individual's name in the folder name. The original and hard copy of the application should be tabbed according to the tab numbering system on the checklist.

The electronic file for each exhibit should be named according to the file naming convention specified in the "File Name" column on the checklist. If additional files are submitted, please follow the below guidelines for file names:

▪ Use no more than 40 characters
▪ Avoid using special characters (e.g., \ / : * ? " < > | # { } % ~ &)
▪ Avoid using spaces; use an underscore ("_") or hyphen ("-") instead
▪ Avoid adding the FHA # to the file name, as it only adds characters

For example: Instead of "Tab 1-2.A. HUD-92013-A Lender's Underwriter's Narrative 171-22000" (65 characters), use "1-2A_LndrNarr" (only 13 characters).

For exhibits specified as N/A by the Lender, please place a filler page labeled "N/A" in that tab in the original and hard copy of the application.

Application Submission Instructions

Step 1: Mail one electronic copy of the application on a removable USB flash drive (encrypted, if possible) to the appropriate HUD Office.

Step 2: Once the application has been screened for completeness, accepted into processing, and assigned to a HUD Underwriter, the HUD Office will provide instructions for mailing the complete original and one additional hard copy with a separately-bound mortgage credit package.

Sheet 2: 223(f)

Project Name:

FHA Project #:

Section 223(f) Refinance/Acquisition
Firm Application Exhibit Checklist

Tab No. Exhibit Name File Name Incl. N/A
Section 1: Underwriting
1-1. A. Application Fee Pay.gov Receipt PayGov

B. Transmittal Letter TrsLtr

C. Completed Application Exhibit Checklist Chklst
1-2. A. HUD-92013-A Lender's Underwriter's Narrative LndrNarr

B. Lender Due Diligence Certification LndrCert

C. Lender Certification Regarding Lobbying (24 CFR Part 87 Appendix A), and Disclosure Form (Appendix B), if applicable LndrByrdCert

D. Lender Identity-of-Interest Disclosure IOIDiscl

E. HUD-92013-C LIHTC Summary Report (Excel), if new LIHTCs LIHTCRpt
1-3. Lender's Underwriting HUD Forms

A. HUD-92013 Application for Multifamily Housing Project 92013

B. HUD-92013-D Reduced MIP Certification 92013D

C. HUD-92264 Multifamily Summary Appraisal Report (Lender's version) Lndr92264

D. HUD-92264-A Supplement to Project Analysis 92264A

1. List of Borrower's Other Fees OtherFee
1-4. Waiver Requests

A. HUD-2 Request for Waiver HUD2

B. Supporting Documentation HUD2Doc
1-5. Miscellaneous/other underwriting documents MiscUW
Section 2: Third Party Reports
2-1. Appraisal Report with Supporting Forms (HUD-92273 & 92274) (Appraiser's version) Appraisal

A. HUD-92264-T Rent Estimates for Low/Moderate Income Units, if applicable 92264T
2-2. Market Study, if required MktRpt
2-3. Environment Review

A. HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS) Submission Confirmation Email HEROS

B. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) PhaseI

C. Phase II ESA, if applicable PhaseII
2-4. Capital Needs Assessment (CNA)

A. CNA e-Tool Submission Confirmation E-Mail eTool

B. Plans and Specifications, if required PlanSpec

C. Relocation Plan, if applicable ReloPlan
2-5. Specialty Reports, if any, and other exhibits required by Appendix 5D SpclRpts
Section 3: Management Agent
3-1. Organizational Chart (only if Identity-of-Interest) MgmtOrgCht

3-2. HUD Management Forms

A. Resume of Management Agent including Schedule of Managed Properties MgmtRes

B. HUD-9832 Management Entity Profile 9832

C. HUD-9839-A, B, or C Certifications 9839

D. Management Plan and Sample Lease MgmtPln

E. Management Agreement MgmtAgmt

F. Evidence of Fidelity Bond Insurance FidelityIns
3-3. Miscellaneous/other management documents MiscMgmt
Section 4: Property Documents
4-1. A. If Refinance

1. Certification of Outstanding Obligations/Existing Indebtedness CertOutOb

2. Pay-off Statement for each Obligation PayOffStmt

3. HUD-9807 Prepayment Authorization, if applicable 9807

B. If Acquisition

1. Purchase & Sale Agreement with Amendments and Extensions SaleCtrt

2. Last Arm's Length Certification LALStmt
4-2. Title & Survey

A. Preliminary Title Report Title

B. Easement and Maintenace Agreements (Existing and Proposed) EaseMaintAgt

C. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey Survey

D. HUD-91073M Surveyor's Report SurvRpt

E. Location Maps and Photographs MapPhoto
4-3. Evidence of Site Control (e.g. Deed, Lease) SiteCtrl
4-4. Evidence of Zoning Compliance Zoning
4-5. Certificate of Occupancy or Final Inspection Report COO
4-6. Current Certified Rent Roll RentRoll
4-7. Miscellaneous property documents, as applicable

A. Section 8 HAP Contract and Rent Schedule HAP

B. Evidence of Real Estate Tax Abatement/Exemption TaxAbtExp

C. Commercial Lease(s) CmlLse

D. Master Lease MstLease

E. Report from Official if Private Water/Sewer WtrSwr

F. Other property documents MiscProp
Section 5: Mortgage Credit (seperately bound)
MC Folder 1 - Borrower
5-1. Organizational Chart OrgCht

A. List of Principals Principal

B. Resumes Resume
5-2. Organizational Documents (provide Draft if LIHTC)

A. Articles of Incorporation/Organization, Partnership Agreement, or Operating Agreement OrgDocs

5-3. Previous Participation Certification

A. Active Partners Performance System (APPS) Submission or Form HUD-2530 APPS

5-4. Credit Reports

A. Credit Report CrdtRpt

B. HUD-92013-Supp Supplement to Application 92013S

C. Verification of EIN/SSN EIN

D. Verification of Cash to Close VOD
5-5. Property Financial Statements

A. Audited/Certified Financial Statements (past 3 years) FinSmt

B. Certified YTD Financial Statement, if required FinSmtYTD

C. CPA Review of most recent unaudited Financial Statements, if required CPARvw
5-6. HUD-91070M Consolidated Borrower Certifications ConsolCert
5-7. Other Funding Sources (Grants/Loans/Tax Credits), if applicable

A. Commitment Letter(s) CmtLtr

B. Tax Credit Equity Pay-In Schedule TCEqSch

C. Executed Tax Credit Reservation Letter TCRes

D. Sources and Uses Statement SUStmt

E. HUD-2880 Applicant/Recipient Disclosure Report 2880

F. Bridge Loan Agreement(s) Bridge

G. Subsidy Layering Review, if required SLR
5-8. Miscellaneous/other mortgage credit documents MiscMC
MC Folder 2 (create as many as needed) - Principal, GC, or Management Agent
5-1. Organizational Chart OrgCht

A. List of Principals Princpl

B. Resumes Resume
5-2. Organizational Documents

A. Articles of Incorporation/Organization, Partnership Agreement, or Operating Agreement OrgDocs

5-3. Previous Participation Certification

A. Active Partners Performance System (APPS) Submission or Form HUD-2530 APPS

5-4. Credit Reports

A. Credit Report CrdtRpt

B. HUD-92013-Supp Supplement to Application 92013S

C. Verification of EIN/SSN EIN
5-5. Financial Statements

A. Audited/Certified (or CPA-Reviewed, if unaudited) Financial Statements (most recent full year) or HUD-92417 for individuals FinSmt

B. Certified YTD Financial Statement, if required FinSmtYTD

C. REO Schedule & Schedule of Mortgage Debt REODebt

D. Other Business Concerns BusCncrns
5-6. Miscellaneous/other mortgage credit documents MiscMC

Sheet 3: 223(a)(7)

Project Name:

FHA Project #:

Section 223(a)(7) Refinance
Firm Application Exhibit Checklist

Tab No. Exhibit Name File Name Incl. N/A
Section 1: Underwriting
1-1. A. Application Fee Pay.gov Receipt PayGov

B. Transmittal Letter TrsLtr

C. Completed Application Exhibit Checklist Chklst
1-2. A. Lender's Underwriter's Narrative Summary LndrNarr

B. Lender Due Diligence Certification LndrCert

C. Lender Certification Regarding Lobbying (24 CFR Part 87 Appendix A), and Disclosure Form (Appendix B), if applicable LndrByrdCert

D. Lender Identity-of-Interest Disclosure IOIDiscl

E. Completed Project Analysis (Excel) ProjAnlys
1-3. Lender's Underwriting HUD Forms

A. HUD-92013 Application for Multifamily Housing Project 92013

B. HUD-92013-D Reduced MIP Certification 92013D
1-4. Waiver Requests

A. HUD-2 Request for Waiver HUD2

B. Supporting Documentation HUD2Doc
1-5. Miscellaneous/other underwriting documents MiscUW
Section 2: Third Party Reports
2-1. Capital Needs Assessment (CNA)

A. CNA e-Tool Submission Confirmation E-Mail eTool

2-2. Specialty Reports, if any, and other exhibits required by Appendix 5D SpclRpts
Section 3: Management Agent
3-1. Required Management exhibits, if new Management Agent MiscMgmt

Section 4: Property Documents
4-1. Existing Indebtedness

A. Certification of Outstanding Obligations/Existing Indebtedness CertOutOb

C. HUD-9807 Prepayment Authorization 9807

B. Pay-off Statement for additional Obligations PayOffStmt

D. Current HUD-94001M Note MtgNote

E. Certified Statement of Escrow Balances EscrwBal
4-2. Title & Survey

A. Current Title Report Title

B. Easement and Maintenace Agreements EaseMaintAgt

C. Survey Affadavit, if applicable SurvAfdv

D. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey, if required Survey

E. HUD-91073M Surveyor's Report, if required SurvRpt
4-3. A. Current and Prior Certified Rent Rolls (last 6 months) RentRoll

B. Occupancy History, by Quarter (last 3 years) OcpyHstry
4-4. Miscellaneous property documents, as applicable

A. Section 8 HAP Contract and Rent Schedule HAP

B. Evidence of Real Estate Tax Abatement/Exemption TaxAbtExp

C. Commercial Lease(s) CmlLse

D. Other property documents MiscProp
Section 5: Mortgage Credit (seperately bound)
5-1. Identification of Principals for Regulatory Agreement Section 50 provision Sec50Reg

5-2. HUD-92013-Supp Supplement to Application 92013S
5-3. Property Financial Statements

A. Audited/Certified Financial Statements (past 3 years) FinSmt

B. Certified YTD Financial Statement, if required FinSmtYTD
5-4. HUD-91070M Consolidated Borrower Certifications ConsolCert
5-5. Required MC exhibits, if new Principal(s) MiscMC

Sheet 4: NC-SR Pre

Project Name:

FHA Project #:

New Construction/Substantial Rehabilitation - Sections 221(d)(4), 220, 231, and 241(a)
Pre-Application Exhibit Checklist

Tab No. Exhibit Name File Name Incl. N/A
Section 1: Underwriting
1-1. A. Application Fee Pay.gov Receipt PayGov

B. Transmittal Letter TrsLtr

C. Completed Application Exhibit Checklist Chklst
1-2. A. HUD-92013-B Lender's Underwriter's Narrative LndrNarr

B. Lender Due Diligence Certification LndrCert

C. Lender Certification Regarding Lobbying (24 CFR Part 87 Appendix A), and Disclosure Form (Appendix B), if applicable LndrByrdCert

D. Lender Identity-of-Interest Disclosure IOIDiscl

E. HUD-92013-C LIHTC Summary Report (Excel), if new LIHTCs LIHTCRpt
1-3. Lender's Underwriting HUD Forms

A. HUD-92013 Application for Multifamily Housing Project 92013

B. HUD-92013-D Reduced MIP Certification 92013D

C. HUD-92264 Multifamily Summary Appraisal Report (Lender's version) Lndr92264

1. Operating Deficit Calculation IODCalc

2. List of Borrower's Other Fees OtherFee

3. List of Contractor's Other Fees GCOtherFee

D. HUD-92264-A Supplement to Project Analysis 92264A
1-4. Waiver Requests

A. HUD-2 Request for Waiver HUD2

B. Supporting Documentation HUD2Doc

C. If Section 220, evidence of eligibility 220Elig
1-5. Miscellaneous/other underwriting documents MiscUW
Section 2: Third Party Reports
2-1. Appraisal Report with Supporting Forms (HUD-92273 & 92274) (Appraiser's version) Appraisal

A. HUD-92264-T Rent Estimates for Low/Moderate Income Units, if applicable 92264T
2-2. Market Study MktRpt
2-3. Environment Review

A. HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS) Submission Confirmation Email HEROS

B. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) PhaseI

C. Phase II ESA, if applicable PhaseII
2-4. Capital Needs Assessment (CNA)

A. CNA e-Tool Submission Confirmation E-Mail eTool

B. Relocation Plan, if applicable ReloPlan
2-5. Architectural & Cost Analysis Report ArchCostRpt
2-6. Engineer or Specialty Reports, if any SpclRpts
Section 3: Management Agent
3-1. Organizational Chart (only if Identity-of-Interest) MgmtOrgCht

3-2. HUD Management Forms

A. Resume of Management Agent including Schedule of Managed Properties MgmtRes

B. HUD-9832 Management Entity Profile 9832

C. HUD-9839-A, B, or C Certifications 9839

D. Management Plan and Sample Lease MgmtPln

E. Management Agreement MgmtAgmt

F. Evidence of Fidelity Bond Insurance FidelityIns

G. HUD-935.2A Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP) AFHMP
3-3. Miscellaneous/other management documents MiscMgmt
Section 4: Property Documents
4-1. A. If Purchase

1. Purchase & Sale Agreement with Amendments and Extensions SaleCtrt

B. If Purchased in the last 3 years

1. Purchase Contract or Settlement Statement RecntPrch

2. Last Arm's Length Certification LALStmt

C. Certification of Outstanding Obligations/Existing Indebtedness CertOutOb
4-2. Title & Survey

A. Preliminary Title Report Title

B. Easement and Maintenace Agreements (Existing and Proposed) EaseMaintAgt

C. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey Survey

D. HUD-91073M Surveyor's Report SurvRpt

E. Location Maps and Photographs MapPhoto
4-3. Evidence of Site Control (e.g. Deed, Lease) SiteCtrl
4-4. Evidence of Zoning Compliance Zoning
4-5. Municipal Services and Utility Assurance Letters (if New Construction)

A. Electricity Electric

B. Natural Gas or Oil Gas

C. Telephone Phone

D. Cable Television Cable

E. Internet Internet

F. Water and Sewer Service, or Report from Official if Private Water/Sewer WtrSwr

G. Garbage Collection Trash

H. Storm Sewer StormSwr
4-6. Miscellaneous property documents, as applicable

A. Section 8 HAP Contract and Rent Schedule HAP

B. Evidence of Real Estate Tax Abatement/Exemption TaxAbtExp

C. Commercial Lease(s) CmlLse

D. Master Lease MstLease

E. Other property documents MiscProp
Section 5: Mortgage Credit (seperately bound)
MC Folder 1 - Borrower
5-1. Organizational Chart OrgCht

A. List of Principals Princpl

B. Resumes Resume
5-2. Organizational Documents (provide Draft if LIHTC)

A. Articles of Incorporation/Organization, Partnership Agreement, or Operating Agreement OrgDocs
5-3. Previous Participation Certification

A. Active Partners Performance System (APPS) Submission or Form HUD-2530 APPS

5-4. Credit Reports

A. Credit Report CrdtRpt

B. HUD-92013-Supp Supplement to Application 92013S

C. Verification of EIN/SSN EIN

D. Verification of Cash to Close VOD
5-5. Property Financial Statements

A. Audited/Certified Financial Statements (past 3 years) FinSmt

B. Certified YTD Financial Statement with Supporting Schedules, if required FinSmtYTD

C. CPA Review of most recent unaudited Financial Statements, if required CPARvw
5-6. HUD-91070M Consolidated Borrower Certifications ConsolCert
5-7. Other Funding Sources (Grants/Loans/Tax Credits), if applicable

A. Commitment Letter(s) CmtLtr

B. Tax Credit Equity Pay-In Schedule TCEqSch

C. Executed Tax Credit Reservation Letter TCRes

D. Sources and Uses Statement SUStmt

E. HUD-2880 Applicant/Recipient Disclosure Report 2880

F. Bridge Loan Agreement(s) Bridge

G. Subsidy Layering Review, if required SLR
5-8. Miscellaneous/other mortgage credit documents MiscMC
MC Folder 2 (create as many as needed) - Principal, General Contractor, or Management Agent
5-1. Organizational Chart OrgCht

A. List of Principals Princpl

B. Resumes (or AIA A305 for General Contractor) Resume
5-2. Organizational Documents

A. Articles of Incorporation/Organization, Partnership Agreement, or Operating Agreement OrgDocs
5-3. Previous Participation Certification

A. Active Partners Performance System (APPS) Submission or Form HUD-2530 APPS

5-4. Credit Reports

A. Credit Report CrdtRpt

B. HUD-92013-Supp Supplement to Application 92013S

C. Verification of EIN/SSN EIN
5-5. Financial Statements

A. Audited/Certified (or CPA-Reviewed, if unaudited) Financial Statements (most recent full year) or HUD-92417 for individuals FinSmt

B. Certified YTD Financial Statement, if required FinSmtYTD

C. REO Schedule & Schedule of Mortgage Debt REODebt

D. Other Business Concerns BusCncrns
5-6. Miscellaneous/other mortgage credit documents MiscMC
Section 6: Construction and Architectural Documents
6-1. Plans and Specifications

A. Plans (PDF) Plans

B. Specification Manual Specs
6-2. State, City, or County Approval of Plans, if available PlnApprvl
6-3. Soils Report and Foundation Analysis SoilRpt
6-4. A. HUD-2328 Contractor's Cost Breakdown 2328

B. Identity-of-Interest Disclosure and 50/75% Rule Disclosure IOIDis5075
6-5. Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Schedule and Budget FFE
6-6. Early Commencement Documents ErlyStrt
6-7. Assurance of Completion

A. Commitment Letter from Surety SuretyLtr

B. Commitment Letter from Bank for Letter of Credit LOCCmt
6-8. Owner-Architect Agreement (AIA Form B108) and HUD Amendments

A. Project Architect B108

B. Supervisory Architect SupvB108
6-9. A. Off-site Storage of Approved Building Materials OffSiteStg

B. Off-site Improvements/Construction OffSiteImp
6-10. Design Architect Certification DsgnArchCert

Sheet 5: NC-SR Firm

Project Name:

FHA Project #:

New Construction/Substantial Rehabilitation - Sections 221(d)(4), 220, 231, and 241(a)
Firm Application Exhibit Checklist

Tab No. Exhibit Name File Name Incl. N/A
Section 1: Underwriting
1-1. A. Application Fee Pay.gov Receipt PayGov

B. Transmittal Letter TrsLtr

C. Completed Application Exhibit Checklist Chklst

1-2. A. HUD-92013-B Lender's Underwriter's Narrative LndrNarr

B. Lender Due Diligence Certification LndrCert

C. Lender Certification Regarding Lobbying (24 CFR Part 87 Appendix A), and Disclosure Form (Appendix B), if applicable LndrByrdCert

D. Lender Identity-of-Interest Disclosure IOIDiscl

E. HUD-92013-C LIHTC Summary Report (Excel), if new LIHTCs LIHTCRpt
1-3. Lender's Underwriting HUD Forms

A. HUD-92013 Application for Multifamily Housing Project 92013

B. HUD-92013-D Reduced MIP Certification 92013D

C. HUD-92264 Multifamily Summary Appraisal Report (Lender's version) Lndr92264

1. Operating Deficit Calculation IODCalc

2. List of Borrower's Other Fees OtherFee

3. List of Contractor's Other Fees GCOtherFee

D. HUD-92264-A Supplement to Project Analysis 92264A
1-4. Waiver Requests

A. HUD-2 Request for Waiver HUD2

B. Supporting Documentation HUD2Doc

C. If Section 220, evidence of eligibility 220Elig
1-5. Miscellaneous/other underwriting documents MiscUW
Section 2: Third Party Reports
2-1. Appraisal Report with Supporting Forms (HUD-92273 & 92274) (Appraiser's version) Appraisal

A. HUD-92264-T Rent Estimates for Low/Moderate Income Units, if applicable 92264T
2-2. Market Study MktRpt
2-3. Environment Review

A. HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS) Submission Confirmation Email HEROS

B. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) PhaseI

C. Phase II ESA, if applicable PhaseII
2-4. Capital Needs Assessment (CNA)

A. CNA e-Tool Submission Confirmation E-Mail eTool

B. Relocation Plan, if applicable ReloPlan
2-5. Architectural & Cost Analysis Report ArchCostRpt
2-6. Engineer or Specialty Reports, if any, and other exhibits required by Appendix 5D SpclRpts
Section 3: Management Agent
3-1. Organizational Chart (only if Identity-of-Interest) MgmtOrgCht

3-2. HUD Management Forms

A. Resume of Management Agent including Schedule of Managed Properties MgmtRes

B. HUD-9832 Management Entity Profile 9832

C. HUD-9839-A, B, or C Certifications 9839

D. Management Plan and Sample Lease MgmtPln

E. Management Agreement MgmtAgmt

F. Evidence of Fidelity Bond Insurance FidelityIns

G. HUD-935.2A Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP) AFHMP
3-3. Miscellaneous/other management documents MiscMgmt
Section 4: Property Documents
4-1. A. If Purchase

1. Purchase & Sale Agreement with Amendments and Extensions SaleCtrt

B. If Purchased in the last 3 years

1. Purchase Contract or Settlement Statement RecntPrch

2. Last Arm's Length Certification LALStmt

C. Certification of Outstanding Obligations/Existing Indebtedness CertOutOb
4-2. Title & Survey

A. Preliminary Title Report Title

B. Easement and Maintenace Agreements (Existing and Proposed) EaseMaintAgt

C. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey Survey

D. HUD-91073M Surveyor's Report SurvRpt

E. Location Maps and Photographs MapPhoto
4-3. Evidence of Site Control (e.g. Deed, Lease) SiteCtrl
4-4. Evidence of Zoning Compliance Zoning
4-5. Municipal Services and Utility Assurance Letters (if New Construction)

A. Electricity Electric

B. Natural Gas or Oil Gas

C. Telephone Phone

D. Cable Television Cable

E. Internet Internet

F. Water and Sewer Service, or Report from Official if Private Water/Sewer WtrSwr

G. Garbage Collection Trash

H. Storm Sewer StormSwr
4-6. Miscellaneous property documents, as applicable

A. Section 8 HAP Contract and Rent Schedule HAP

B. Evidence of Real Estate Tax Abatement/Exemption TaxAbtExp

C. Commercial Lease(s) CmlLse

D. Master Lease MstLease

E. Other property documents MiscProp
Section 5: Mortgage Credit (seperately bound)
MC Folder 1 - Borrower
5-1. Organizational Chart OrgCht

A. List of Principals Princpl

B. Resumes Resume
5-2. Organizational Documents (provide Draft if LIHTC)

A. Articles of Incorporation/Organization, Partnership Agreement, or Operating Agreement OrgDocs

5-3. Previous Participation Certification

A. Active Partners Performance System (APPS) Submission or Form HUD-2530 APPS

5-4. Credit Reports

A. Credit Report CrdtRpt

B. HUD-92013-Supp Supplement to Application 92013S

C. Verification of EIN/SSN EIN

D. Verification of Cash to Close VOD
5-5. Property Financial Statements

A. Audited/Certified Financial Statements (past 3 years) FinSmt

B. Certified YTD Financial Statement with Supporting Schedules, if required FinSmtYTD

C. CPA Review of most recent unaudited Financial Statements, if required CPARvw
5-6. HUD-91070M Consolidated Borrower Certifications ConsolCert
5-7. Other Funding Sources (Grants/Loans/Tax Credits), if applicable

A. Commitment Letter(s) CmtLtr

B. Tax Credit Equity Pay-In Schedule TCEqSch

C. Executed Tax Credit Reservation Letter TCRes

D. Sources and Uses Statement SUStmt

E. HUD-2880 Applicant/Recipient Disclosure Report 2880

F. Bridge Loan Agreement(s) Bridge

G. Subsidy Layering Review, if required SLR
5-8. Miscellaneous/other mortgage credit documents MiscMC
MC Folder 2 (create as many as needed) - Principal, General Contractor, or Management Agent
5-1. Organizational Chart OrgCht

A. List of Principals Princpl

B. Resumes (or AIA A305 for General Contractor) Resume
5-2. Organizational Documents

A. Articles of Incorporation/Organization, Partnership Agreement, or Operating Agreement OrgDocs
5-3. Previous Participation Certification

A. Active Partners Performance System (APPS) Submission or Form HUD-2530 APPS

5-4. Credit Reports

A. Credit Report CrdtRpt

B. HUD-92013-Supp Supplement to Application 92013S

C. Verification of EIN/SSN EIN
5-5. Financial Statements

A. Audited/Certified (or CPA-Reviewed, if unaudited) Financial Statements (most recent full year) or HUD-92417 for individuals FinSmt

B. Certified YTD Financial Statement, if required FinSmtYTD

C. REO Schedule & Schedule of Mortgage Debt REODebt

D. Other Business Concerns BusCncrns
5-6. Miscellaneous/other mortgage credit documents MiscMC
Section 6: Construction and Architectural Documents
6-1. Plans and Specifications

A. Plans (PDF) Plans

B. Specification Manual Specs
6-2. State, City, or County Approval of Plans, if available PlnApprvl
6-3. Soils Report and Foundation Analysis SoilRpt
6-4. A. HUD-2328 Contractor's Cost Breakdown 2328

B. Identity-of-Interest Disclosure and 50/75% Rule Disclosure IOIDis5075
6-5. Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Schedule and Budget FFE
6-6. Early Commencement Documents ErlyStrt
6-7. Assurance of Completion

A. Commitment Letter from Surety SuretyLtr

B. Commitment Letter from Bank for Letter of Credit LOCCmt
6-8. Owner-Architect Agreement (AIA Form B108) and HUD Amendments

A. Project Architect B108

B. Supervisory Architect SupvB108
6-9. A. Off-site Storage of Approved Building Materials OffSiteStg

B. Off-site Improvements/Construction OffSiteImp
6-10. Design Architect Certification DsgnArchCert

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