QPP Submissions Experience Survey
Survey Guide
Note - no user will encounter all of these questions. This survey is written to account for all the possible ways someone might submit data to QPP in a given performance year. They might use a Registry, Web Interface, or the SFUI but not all three. Expected burden: 10 minutes.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-1399 (Expiration date: 08/31/2024). The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 0.25 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. ****CMS Disclosure**** Please do not send applications, claims, payments, medical records or any documents containing sensitive information to the PRA Reports Clearance Office. Please note that any correspondence not pertaining to the information collection burden approved under the associated OMB control number listed on this form will not be reviewed, forwarded, or retained. If you have questions or concerns regarding where to submit your documents, please contact QPP at qpp@cms.hhs.gov
Screener (All Users) |
Q1. Years of Reporting experience [multi select] |
What performance years (PY) have you submitted data for (in any way). Select all that apply.
Q2. Submission Method - Registry [Single select] |
Are you a Registry or QCDR vendor who submitted data for PY2021? Select which best applies.
Q3. Submission Method - Work with a Registry [Single select] |
For PY2021, did you personally work with a Qualified Registry or QCDR to collect data?
Q4. Submission Method - Work with a Registry [Single select] |
For PY2021, did a Qualified Registry or QCDR submit Quality data on your organization's behalf?
Q5. Submission Method Show only if selected PY2021 for Q1. [Single select]
Who did you personally submit data for PY2021? (Please answer for just PY2021). Select which best fits your situation.
NOTE to survey programmer: users will be screened out unless ONE of the following is true:
Screener: Web Interface and QPP Portal Users |
Q6. Reporting Pathway [Multi-select] |
Which pathway did you submit data for? Select all that apply.
Q7. Submission Reporting Pathway > APP Show if selected Reports APP [Multi select] |
For the APP, what categories did you personally submit data and/or do a manual entry for? Select all that apply.
Q8. Submission Reporting Pathway > APP > Quality Measures Show only if selected Quality for APP [Single select] |
Thinking of submitting Quality measures for the APP for PY2021, which best describes you?
Q9. Submission Reporting Pathway > Traditional MIPS Show if selected Reports Traditional MIPS. [Multi select] |
For Traditional MIPS, what categories did you personally submit data and/or do a manual entry for? Select all that apply.
Q10. Submission Reporting Pathway > Trad. MIPS > Quality Measures Show only if selected Quality for Trad. MIPS |
Thinking of submitting Quality measures for Traditional MIPS for PY2021, which best describes you?
Q11. How data is submitted [Single Select] |
Generally, how did you typically submit data?
Submissions Experience (Web Interface)
Note to survey programmer:
DISPLAY the Web Interface block ONLY if selected Reporting Pathway > Measures > Quality Measures = CMS Web Interface (APP OR Trad MIPS)
Q12. Submissions Experience - Full Experience [Maxtrix; randomize order of responses] |
Take a moment to think about your experience using the QPP website to submit CMS Web Interface measures for PY2021. Use the rating to select how you disagree or agree with each of the following statements. (1=Strongly Disagree . . . 5= Strongly agree)
1= Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 = Strongly Agree |
Q13. Web Interface - Clarity
[Likert] |
Rate how difficult or easy it was to submit CMS Web Interface measures for PY2021 1= Very difficult 2 3 4 5 = Very Easy Thinking of the information (content, messaging) you encountered when submitting the CMS Web Interface measures. . . How unclear or clear was that information? 1=Not at all clear 2 3 4 5 = Very Clear |
Q14. Preliminary score and Submission time
[Likert] |
Rate how you disagree or agree with the following statement. (1=Strongly Disagree . . . 5= Strongly agree)
1= Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 = Strongly Agree |
Q15. Submissions Received - Confidence [Likert] |
How confident are you that CMS/QPP accurately received all the data you submitted? 1 = Not at all confident 2 3 4 5 = Very Confident |
Q16. PY Comparison
Show if selected Submission Method > Log-in for Web Interface and user reported data for PY2020 and P2021
[Likert] |
How does your submissions experience for PY2021 compare to the submissions for PY2020?
1 - PY2021 was much worse than PY2020 2 - PY2021 was a little worse 3 - neutral 4 - PY2021 was a little better 5 - PY2021 was much better than PY2020
X I did not submit data via Web Interface in PY2020 [mark exclusive] |
Q17. Web Interface - Open End
[Open ended] Optional |
If you could change anything about submitting Web Interface measures that would improve your experience, what would you change? |
Submissions Experience (QPP Portal) |
Q18. Submissions Experience - Full Experience for QPP Portal [Maxtrix; randomize order of responses] |
Take a moment to think about your experience uploading and/or attesting to data for PY2021. Use the rating to select how you disagree or agree with each of the following statements. (1=Strongly Disagree . . . 5= Strongly agree)
1= Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 = Strongly Agree |
Q19. Submission - Quality
Show if Submission Method is Quality, not Web Interface (Q8 or Q10)
[Likert] |
Rate how difficult or easy it was to prepare the files for Quality data to submit to QPP for PY2021.
1= Very difficult 2 3 4 5 = Very Easy
Rate how difficult or easy it was to submit/upload Quality data to QPP for PY2021.
1= Very difficult 2 3 4 5 = Very Easy
Rate how unclear or clear the content, messaging, and information was in the QPP Portal for uploading Quality data.
1= Not at all clear 2 3 4 5 = Very Clear |
Q20. Submission - PI
Show if Submission Method is PI
[Likert] |
How did you submit PI data? [select all that apply]
[Display if selected upload a file] Rate how difficult or easy it was to prepare the files of PI data to submit to QPP for PY2021.
1= Very difficult 2 3 4 5 = Very Easy
Rate how difficult or easy it was to submit/attest to PI for PY2021.
1= Very difficult 2 3 4 5 = Very Easy
Rate how unclear or clear the content, messaging, and information was in the QPP Portal for submit/attest to PI.
1=Not at all clear 2 3 4 5 = Very Clear |
Q21. Submission - IA
Show only if Submission Method is IA - Traditional MIPS (Q9)
How did you submit for Improvement Activities (IA) [select all that apply]
[Display if selected upload a file] Rate how difficult or easy it was to prepare the files of IA data to submit to QPP for PY2021
1= Very difficult 2 3 4 5 = Very Easy
Rate how difficult or easy it was to submit/attest to IA for PY2021.
1= Very difficult 2 3 4 5 = Very Easy
Rate how unclear or clear the content, messaging, and information was in the QPP Portal for submitting/attesting to IA.
1=Not at all clear 2 3 4 5 = Very Clear |
Q22. Preliminary score and Submission time [Likert] |
Use the rating to select how you disagree or agree with each of the following statements. (1=Strongly Disagree . . . 5= Strongly agree)
1= Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 = Strongly Agree |
Q23. Submissions Received - Confidence [Likert] |
How confident are you that CMS/QPP accurately received all the data you submitted? 1 = Not at all confident 2 3 4 5 = Very Confident |
Q24. PY Comparison Show if user reported data for PY2020 and P2021 [Likert] |
How does your submissions experience for PY2021 compare to the submissions for PY2020? 1 - PY2021 was much worse than PY2020 2 - PY2021 was a little worse 3 - neutral 4 - PY2021 was a little better 5 - PY2021 was much better than PY2020
X I did not submit data in the QPP portal for PY2020 [mark exclusive]
Q25. Issues
[Multi-Select] |
During your submissions experience for PY2021, what, if any, of the following did you encounter? Select all that apply.
Q26. Impact of the issue
Display only issues that were selected in the previous question.
[Likert] |
Rate the impact of these issues on your experiencing reporting data to QPP for PY2021. 1. No impact 2. Slight impact 3. Moderate impact 4. Strong impact 5. Very strong impact |
Q27. QPP Portal Open End
[Open ended] Optional |
If you could change anything about submitting data to QPP (for Quality, PI, and/or IA) that would improve your experience, what would you change? |
Submissions Experience (as a Registry)
Note to Survey Programmer: Display Block only if User reports as Registry (Q2) |
Q.28 Reporting Pathway - Registry API and Dashboard [Multi-select] |
Which pathway did you submit data for? [Select all that apply].
Q29. Registry - API
Show if Submission Method -Registry is API
[Likert] |
Rate how difficult or easy it was to submit data via the API for PY2021
1= Very difficult 2 3 4 5 = Strongly Easy |
Q30. Registry Dashboard Show if Submission Method is Registry Dashboard [Maxtrix] |
Take a moment to think about your experience submitting data using the Registry Dashboard for PY2021. Use the rating to select how you disagree or agree with each of the following statements as it relates to the Registry Dashboard (1=Strongly Disagree . . . 5= Strongly agree).
1= Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 = Strongly Agree |
Q31. Registry - Dashboard
Show if Submission Method is Registry Dashboard
[Likert] |
Rate how unclear or clear the content, messaging, and information was for submitting data using the Registry Dashboard.
1=Not at all clear 2 3 4 5 = Very Clear |
Q32. Registry - Dashboard - Time
Show if Submission Method is Registry Dashboard Dashboard OR API
[Likert] |
It took me a reasonable amount of time to complete submitting data. 1= Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 = Strongly Agree |
Q33. Submissions Received - Confidence Show if Submission Method is Registry Dashboard OR API [Likert] |
How confident are you that CMS/QPP accurately received all the data you submitted? 1 = Not at all confident 2 3 4 5=Very Confident |
Q34. PY Comparison
Show if Submission Method is Registry Dashboard OR API
Show if user reported data for PY2020 and P2021 [Likert] |
How does your submissions experience for PY2021 compare to the submissions for PY2020? 1 - PY2021 was much worse than PY2020 2 - PY2021 was a little worse 3 - neutral 4 - PY2021 was a little better 5 - PY2021 was much better than PY2020 |
Q35. Registry - Suggestion for Improvement
Show if Submission Method is Registry (API or Dashboard)
[Open ended]
Optional |
As a Registry/QCDR, what suggestions do you have to improve your experience submitting data to QPP? |
Submissions Experience - Used a Registry Note to Survey Programmer: Display Block only if User worked with Registry (Q3 or Q4)
Q36. Registry - Used a Registry
Show if used a Registry (Q3 or Q4)
[Likert] |
Rate how difficult or easy was it to work with a Qualified Registry/QCDR to report data to QPP for PY2021?
1= Very difficult 2 3 4 5 = Strongly Easy
Rate the likelihood of working with the same QR/QCDR in the future
1 = Not at all likely. . . 5 = Very likely
Q37. Registry - Used a Registry
Show if Submission Method is Registry submitted on my behalf - (Q4 only)
[Likert] |
How confident are you in the accuracy of the data the QR /QCDR submitted to QPP?
1= Not at all confident 2 3 4 5 = Very confident |
Q38. Registry - Used a Registry
Show if used a Registry (Q3 or Q4)
[Open ended]
Optional |
In a sentence or two, could you share why you chose to work with a Qualified Registry or QCDR vendor?
Q39. Registry - Used a Registry
Show if used a Registry (Q3 or Q4)
[Open ended]
Optional |
What suggestions do you have for QPP that would improve your experience using a QR / QCDR to submit data? |
Program Follow-Ups (ALL USERS) |
Q40. Program requirements - Trad. MIPS
Show only if Pathway is Trad. MIPS (Q6)
[Likert] |
Thinking ahead, rate your level of confidence with understanding the program requirements for reporting Traditional MIPS for PY2022.
1 = Not at all confident 2 3 4 5 = Very confident |
Q41. Program requirements - APP
Show only if Pathway is APP (Q6)
[Likert] |
Thinking ahead, rate your level of confidence with understanding the program requirements for APP (APM Performance Pathway) for PY2022.
1 = Not at all confident 2 3 4 5 = Very confident |
Q42. Suggestion for Improvement
Show if Pathway is Traditional MIPS (Q6)
[Open ended] Optional |
If you could change anything to improve your experience submitting data for Traditional MIPS, what would you change? |
Q43. Suggestion for Improvement - APP
Show if Pathway is APP (Q6)
[Open ended] Optional |
If you could change anything to improve your experience submitting data for the APP, what would you change? |
Demographic Follow-Ups |
Q44. Size of Org (no. of NPIs reporting for)
[Single Select] |
About how many clinicians/providers total participate in QPP through your organization.
Q45. No. of TINS reporting for [Single Select] |
About how many individuals/TINS participate in QPP through your organization?
Q46. Participation in QPP [Select all that apply] |
How did you/your participants take part in the Quality Payment Program for PY2021? [Select all that apply]
Q47. APM Model
[Show if MIPS APM. APM, Advanced APM is selected] |
What APM model do you participate in?
Q48. Organization [Single select] |
What type of organization do you work for?
Q49. Duties in the Org [Multi select] |
Which of the following duties do you perform when it comes to the Quality Payment Program? Select all that apply.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2022-04-18 |