Trip Exchange Request

Greater Atlantic Region Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan

Trip Exchange Request

Access Area Trip Exchange

OMB: 0648-0491

Document [pdf]
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OMB Control: 0648-0491
Expiration Date: XX/XX/20XX

United States Department of Commerce

Request to Transfer Limited Access
General Category (LAGC) Individual
Fishing Quota (IFQ) Scallop

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service
Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office
55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930
(978) 282-8483

2020 Fishing Year (April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021)
This form must be used to request a temporary or permanent transfer of IFQ between two IFQ scallop vessels.
We will provide written approval or disapproval of this request will be provided within 30 days of receiving a
completed form. IFQ for 2020 Fishing Year may be leased only during the 2020 FY and must be used in
accordance with the found at 50 CFR 648.82(h)(5). A summary of conditions and restrictions is attached with
this form.
Section 1 - Check the type of transfer you are requesting:
Permanent IFQ Allocation Transfer

Temporary IFQ Allocation Transfer
Section 2
Phone Number:
Mailing address:

Quota in Pounds to be Transferred:
Section 3
Phone Number:
Mailing address:

Transferor (Seller)
IFQ Scallop Vessel Name
Permit Number:
USCG Doc or State Reg. Number:

Price Received for the Transfer: $

Transferee (Buyer)
IFQ Scallop Vessel Name:
Permit Number:
USCG Doc or State Reg. Number:

Section 4
Signature of Transferor or Authorized Agent:

Signature of Transferee or Authorized Agent:



We will not accept any 2020 FY IFQ lease or transfer applications received after March 31,2021
A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with an information
collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a currently valid OMB Control Number. The approved
OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0648-0491. Without this approval, we could not conduct this information collection. Public reporting for this
information collection is estimated to be approximately 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering
and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. All responses to this information collection are mandatory. Send comments
regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to NMFS at: 55 Great Republic Drive,
Gloucester, MA 01930

LAGC IFQ Transfer Program Requirements and Restrictions
IFQ transfer request submission
IFQ Temporary Leasing Transfers can be proposed and accepted thru your fishonline acct or
IFQ transfer applications may be submitted by mail, fax (978-281-9161), or email (
Emailed applications must be submitted with signatures and date in PDF format. The regulations regarding the LAGC
IFQ Transfer Program are located at 50 CFR 648.53(h)(5).
IFQ transfer restrictions.
 IFQ must be transferred to another vessel also issued an IFQ permit and may not be transferred from or to a
vessel issued both a limited access full-time, part-time, or occasional scallop permit and an IFQ scallop
 A transfer of IFQ may not result in the sum of the IFQs on the receiving vessel exceeding 2.5 percent of the
annual catch limit allocated to IFQ scallop vessels.
 A transfer of IFQ may not result in the recipient having ownership of IFQ scallop allocations that exceeds 5
percent of the annual catch limit allocated to IFQ scallop vessels.
 The Regional Administrator has final approval authority for all IFQ transfer requests.
Temporary IFQ transfers (i.e., Leases).
 Temporary IFQ transfers shall be effective only for the fishing year in which the temporary transfer is
requested, approved, and issued.
 The owner of a vessel issued an IFQ scallop permit may temporarily transfer some or all of the vessel’s IFQ
 Temporary transfers may not be in amounts of less than 100 lb unless that value reflects the total IFQ
allocation remaining on the transferor’s vessel, or the vessel’s entire IFQ allocation.
Permanent IFQ transfers.
 With the implementation of Amendment 15, a vessel permanently transferring its IFQ to another vessel is no
longer required to also transfer its Federal limited access scallop IFQ permit. The transferring vessel will
only be permanently transferring its IFQ contribution percent allocation; the IFQ permit will remain with the
transferring vessel. If you wish to transfer a scallop IFQ permit, along with the IFQ contribution factor, a
vessel replacement application must also accompany the LAGC IFQ Scallop Allocation Transfer from.
 Any such transfer cannot be limited in duration and is permanent unless the IFQ is later transferred to another
IFQ scallop vessel, other than the originating IFQ scallop vessel, in a subsequent fishing year. The
transferring vessel can permanently transfer some or all of its IFQ/contribution percentage. If a vessel
permanently transfers its entire IFQ to another vessel, its IFQ permit will remain valid (with a contribution
percent of zero and no associated IFQ allocation), unless the owner cancels or fails to renew the permit, at
which point the permit will be considered permanently relinquished.
Application requirements.
 The application must be signed by both parties (transferor and recipient) involved in the transfer of the IFQ or
an authorized agent.
 Applications may be submitted at any time during the scallop fishing year, provided the vessel transferring
the IFQ has not utilized any of its IFQ in that fishing year.
 Applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the date on which the applicants desire to have the
IFQ transfer effective on the receiving vessel.
 Applications for temporary transfers should be submitted 45 or more days prior to the end of the fishing year
to ensure time for a vessel to utilize the transferred IFQ prior to the expiration of the fishing year.


Application information. Information obtained from the transfer application is subject to the confidentiality
requirements of the Magnuson-Stevens Act.
Approval of IFQ transfer applications.
 Unless an application to transfer IFQ is denied for reasons below, the Regional Administrator shall issue
confirmation of application approval to both parties involved in the transfer within 30 days of receipt of an
Denial of transfer application. An application to transfer IFQ may be rejected for, but not limited to, the following
 The application is incomplete.
 The transferor/seller or transferee/recipient’s vessel is not issued a valid IFQ scallop permit.
 The transferor's or recipient's vessel or IFQ scallop permit has been sanctioned, pursuant to an enforcement
 The transfer will result in the recipient's vessel having an allocation that exceeds 2.5 percent of the total
allowable catch allocated to IFQ scallop vessels.
 The transfer will result in the recipient having ownership of general category scallop allocation that exceeds 5
percent of the total allowable catch allocated to IFQ scallop vessels.
 The transfer has an insufficient amount of IFQ allocation to enact the transfer.
 The transferor or transferee has failed to submit past due vessel Trip Reports or comply with vessel trip
reporting requirements.
Upon denial of an application to transfer IFQ, the Regional Administrator will send a letter to the applicants describing
the reason(s) for the rejection. The decision by the Regional Administrator is the final agency decision and there is no
opportunity to appeal the Regional Administrator's decision. Deficiencies in applications must be corrected with a
new application for an IFQ transfer.
Cost Recovery
The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act requires IFQ programs to include a cost recovery
program, whereby NMFS will collect up to 3 percent of ex-vessel value of landed product to cover NMFS’s actual
costs directly related to the management, data collection, and enforcement of an IFQ program. The owner of a vessel
issued an IFQ scallop permit will be responsible for paying this fee and IFQ scallop vessels incur a cost recovery fee
liability for every landing of IFQ scallops, including scallops landed as a result of an IFQ transfer. Each IFQ scallop
permit holder is responsible for his/her own fee for all of his/her IFQ scallop landings and must be paid within 60 days
of the billing date. If this fee is not paid NMFS will deny the LAGC IFQ permit application for the following fishing

Important Reminder

Vessel owners cannot land more IFQ scallops then they have been allocated.
Vessel owners cannot fish for, possess or land IFQ if they do not have quota available.
Vessel Owners cannot start a trip if they have a negative balance.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleRequest to Transfer Limited Access General Category (LAGC) Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Scallop Allocation
File Modified2020-06-16
File Created2020-05-13

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