207-208; 210 - Ancillary Activities

Air Quality Control, Reporting, and Compliance (30 CFR 550, Subpart B, Plans and Information)


207-208; 210 - Ancillary Activities

OMB: 1010-0151

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NTL No. 2009-G34

Effective Date: December 1, 2009
Expiration Date: November 30, 2014


Ancillary Activities
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) provides guidance and clarification on conducting
ancillary activities on the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). This NTL
supersedes NTL No. 2006-G12, effective July 12, 2006, on this subject.
Authority and Background
Pursuant to regulations at 30 CFR 250.208(a), you must notify the MMS Gulf of Mexico OCS
Region (GOMR) in writing at least 30 calendar days before you conduct any geological and
geophysical (G&G) exploration or development G&G activity. Furthermore, the MMS GOMR
may require you to provide a written notice at least 15 calendar days before you conduct any
other ancillary activity (30 CFR 250.208(b)). Under these regulations, this NTL provides
guidance and clarification on the procedures for conducting ancillary activities in the MMS
Terms used in this NTL have the following meanings:
1. Airgun means a device that releases compressed air into the water column, creating an
acoustic energy pulse that penetrates the seafloor.
2. Development geological and geophysical activities means those G&G data-gathering
activities on your lease or unit that you conduct following the discovery of oil, gas, or
sulphur in paying quantities to detect or imply the presence of oil, gas, or sulphur in
commercial quantities (borehole-related seismic surveys, vertical seismic profiling
(VSP), velocity surveys, etc.).
3. Geological and geophysical explorations mean those G&G activities on your lease or unit
that use seismic reflection, seismic refraction, magnetic, gravity, gas sniffers,
electromagnetic, coring, or other systems to detect or imply the presence of oil, gas, or
sulphur in commercial quantities.
4. Geotechnical evaluation means those G&G activities that are designed to assess the
geologic characteristics, stability, and potential hazards of a proposed site or route using
near-surface data collection methods (coring, box-/grab-sampling, penetration meters,

5. Other ancillary activity means those activities not conducted for hydrocarbon detection,
but for data collection regarding geological, archaeological, biologic, oceanographic, or
other information (30 CFR 250.207(b)) or studies related to discharge modeling (30 CFR
At least 30 calendar days (see 30 CFR 250.208(a)) before you conduct either of the following
types of ancillary activities, notify the MMS GOMR, in writing:
1. A G&G exploration or development G&G activity involving the use of an airgun or
airgun array in water depths 200 meters (656 feet) or greater, or in the Eastern Planning
Area (EPA) of the GOM in any water depth. Provide the information listed in
Appendix A of this NTL with your written notification.
2. A G&G exploration or development G&G activity, independent of water depth,
involving the use explosives as an energy source. Provide the information listed in
Appendix B of this NTL with your written notification.
3. A G&G exploration or development G&G activity, independent of water depth,
including ocean bottom cable (OBC) surveys, node surveys, and time lapse (4D) surveys.
Provide the information listed in Appendix C of this NTL with your written notification.
At least 15 calendar days (see 30 CFR 250.208(b)(1)) before you conduct either of the
following types of ancillary activities, notify the MMS GOMR, in writing:
4. Any other ancillary activity involving the use of an airgun or airgun array in water
depths 200 meters (656 feet) or greater, or in the EPA of the GOM in any water depth.
Provide the information listed in Appendix A of this NTL with your written notification.
5. Any other ancillary activity involving bottom disturbance, independent of water depth,
including ocean bottom cable (OBC) surveys, node surveys, and time lapse (4D) surveys.
Provide the information listed in Appendix C of this NTL with your written notification.
6. A geotechnical evaluation involving piston-/gravity-coring or the recovery of sediment
specimens by grab-sampling or similar technique and/or any dredging or other ancillary
activity that disturbs the seafloor (including deployment and retrieval of bottom cables,
anchors, or other equipment). Provide the information listed in Appendix C of this NTL
with your written notification.
Make these written notifications by e-mail at plans@mms.gov or by mailing them to:
Regional Supervisor, Field Operations
Plans Section (MS 5230)
Minerals Management Service

Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394
Please note that ancillary activities under 30 CFR 250.207(a), (b), or (c) that will not (1)
involve explosives, (2) involve the use of airguns as a seismic source in water depths 200
meters (656 feet) or more or in any depth in the EPA of the GOM, or (3) disturb the seafloor do
not require notification.
Automatic Conversion to an OCS Plan
The MMS GOMR has determined that an ancillary activity that will use explosives or airguns in
water depths greater than 200 meters (656 feet) or in any water depth in the EPA of the GOM
(i.e., Items Nos. 1, 2, or 3 in the “Notification” section above) may adversely impact endangered
or threatened species, and therefore may not be in compliance with the performance standard for
conducting ancillary activities set forth in 30 CFR 250.202(e). Therefore, in accordance with the
provision of 30 CFR 250.209, the MMS GOMR will automatically convert the notification to
either a(n) Exploration Plan (EP), Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD), or
Development and Production Plan (DPP), as appropriate, and review and approve it as such.
Under 30 CFR 250.201(b), the Regional Supervisor may require you to submit additional
information that he deems necessary to evaluate your ancillary activity EP, DOCD, or DPP. You
will not proceed with your ancillary activity until the MMS GOMR approves the EP, DOCD, or
Geotechnical Evaluation Review
After receiving notification of your geotechnical evaluation or other ancillary activity involving
seafloor disturbance (i.e., Items Nos. 5 and 6 in the “Notification” section above), the MMS
GOMR will review it. If the MMS GOMR determines that your proposed activities may
adversely impact endangered or threatened species, and therefore may not be in compliance with
the performance standard for conducting ancillary activities set forth in 30 CFR 250.202(e), the
MMS GOMR will advise you that your notification has been converted to either an ancillary
activity EP, DOCD, or DPP and will review and approve it as such.
Under 30 CFR 250.201(b), the Regional Supervisor may require you to submit additional
information that he deems necessary to evaluate your ancillary activity EP, DOCD, or DPP. You
will not proceed with your ancillary activity until the MMS GOMR approves the EP, DOCD, or
If the MMS GOMR does not contact you within 15 calendar days after you make the required
notification for a geotechnical evaluation or other ancillary activity involving seafloor
disturbances, you may proceed with your planned activities.
Follow-up Geological/Geophysical Report
For each G&G exploration or development G&G activity you conduct (regardless of whether

you notified the MMS GOMR (see Items Nos. 1, 2, or 3 in the “Notification” section above)),
submit one copy of a follow-up report (pursuant to 30 CFR 250.210(a)) to the MMS GOMR not
later than 30 calendar days after you complete the activity. Include, at a minimum, the
information listed in Appendix D of this NTL in this follow-up report.
If the ancillary activity was a geotechnical evaluation (i.e., Item No. 6 in the “Notification”
section above) done for purposes other than to support an application to install a platform under
30 CFR 250.900(a), include, at a minimum, the information listed in Appendix E of this NTL in
this follow-up report.
Submit these follow-up reports to
Regional Supervisor, Resource Evaluation
Data Acquisition and Special Project Unit (MS 5123)
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana 70123-2394
Please note that these geological/geophysical reports are in addition to any reports you submit to
the MMS GOMR under other regulations or NTL’s.
Conduct all of your ancillary activities in a manner that is safe, does not unreasonably interfere
with other uses of the OCS, and does not cause undue or serious harm or damage to the human,
marine, or coastal environment. In addition, before or while you conduct any ancillary activity,
comply with the protective measures, as appropriate, listed in Appendix F of this NTL.
Guidance Document Statement
The MMS issues NTL’s as guidance documents in accordance with 30 CFR 250.103 to clarify,
supplement, and provide more detail about certain MMS regulatory requirements and to outline
the information you provide in your various submittals. Under that authority, this NTL sets forth
a policy on and an interpretation of a regulatory requirement that provides a clear and consistent
approach to complying with that requirement. However, if you wish to use an alternate approach
for compliance, you may do so, after you receive approval from the appropriate MMS office
under 30 CFR 250.141.
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Statement
The information collection referred to in this NTL is intended to provide description,
clarification, guidance, and interpretation of the requirements under 30 CFR 250, Subpart B.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved this collection of information and
assigned OMB Control Number 1010-00151. This NTL does not impose any additional
information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.

Please contact the MMS GOMR Plans Section at (504) 736-2581 if you have any questions
regarding this NTL.

[original signed]
Lars T. Herbst
Regional Director


If your ancillary activity is a G&G exploration or development G&G activity (30 CFR
250.208(a)) or any other ancillary activity (30 CFR 250.207(b)) involving the use of an airgun or
airgun array as the seismic source in water depths 200 meters (656 feet) or greater, or in the
Eastern Planning Area (EPA) of the GOM in any water depth, provide the information listed
below with your written notification:
1. Purpose of the activity.
2. Description of the equipment you will use to conduct the activity (i.e., size, output, and
towing depth of the acoustic source; length and number of streamers). Include a diagram
of the proposed acoustic arrays.
3. Proposed starting date and duration of the activity.
4. Name, title, and telephone number of your contact person.
5. Name, registration number, registered owner, and home port of the vessel(s) you will use.
6. Lease number(s), OCS areas(s) and block(s), and the range of water depths and the
average water depth in the area of planned activity.
7. A certification signed by an authorized company official attesting that you will conduct
your ancillary activity in accordance with the performance standards in 30 CFR
250.202(a), (b), (d), and (e) and any applicable protective measures listed in Appendix F
of this NTL.

If your ancillary activity involves the use of explosives, provide the information in Appendix A
and the following with your written notification:
1. Type of explosive, number of charges, and all charge sizes.
2. Detailed discussion of charge placement (above or below mudline) and detonation
methodology to include timing (detonation sequence) and initiator, transmission medium,
and detonator specifics.
3. Detailed schedule of explosive use to include estimated rigging, detonation, and standdown times.
4. Brief description of your plans for retrieval of any unexploded charges.
5. The accommodations you will make for MMS and/or National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) personnel to monitor any necessary mitigation and witness your use of

If your ancillary activity is a geotechnical evaluation involving piston-/gravity-coring or the
recovery of sediment specimens by grab-sampling or similar technique and/or any dredging or
other ancillary activity that disturbs the seafloor (including deployment and retrieval of bottom
cables, anchors, or other equipment), provide the information listed below with your written
1. Purpose of the geotechnical evaluation or other seafloor-disturbing activity.
2. Description of the geotechnical evaluation or other seafloor-disturbing activity.
3. Proposed starting date and duration of operations.
4. Name, title, and telephone number of your contact person.
5. Name, registration number, registered owner, and home port of the vessel(s) you will use.
6. Lease number(s), OCS areas(s) and block(s), and the water depth of the location of the
geotechnical evaluation or other seafloor-disturbing activity.
7. A sketch that shows the proposed location of the geotechnical evaluation or other
seafloor-disturbing activity (including the proposed maximum anchor radius).
8. A certification signed by an authorized company official attesting that you will conduct
your ancillary activity in accordance with the performance standards in 30 CFR
250.202(a), (b), (d), and (e) and any applicable protective measures listed in Appendix F
of this NTL.

For each G&G exploration or development G&G activity, include, at a minimum, the
information listed below in the follow-up geological/geophysical report:
1. Postplot. A final postplot map showing the lines shot, and a legend or listing of the lines
and the dates they were shot.
2. Survey information. The type of survey, survey dates, the type of survey processing, and
any relevant information pertaining to the conditions under which you conducted the
survey. Also include any definitions and/or identifiers for differentiating between
seismic and non-seismic events.
3. Area information. OCS area name(s) and block number(s).
4. Client information. Lessee or operator, geophysical contractor, navigation/positioning
acquisition contractor, and navigation processing contractor.
5. Map. A final post plot map showing the lines acquired, the and first and last shotpoints,
and a legend or listing of the lines with line names and the dates they were acquired.
a. Geodetic information. Ellipsoid name, if recognized in the U.S. Department of
Defense World Geodetic System 1972 (WGS72); otherwise, ellipsoid semi-major
axis and flattening. Include the datum name and all parameters you used for
datum transformation if satellite fixes (or other system fixes) were shifted from
WGS72 (or NAD 27, dx=+22m, dy=157m, dz= -176m). In addition, include
reference source of geodetic information (government agency, institution, or
company providing the information).
b. Projection information. Map projection name, standard Universal Transverse
Mercator (UTM) zone or central meridian, or the following if not UTM: (1) name
of projection, (2) origin of grid with longitude or origin and false Easting, and
latitude or origin with false Northing, (3) standard parallels if Lambert projection,
(4) origin of longitude if not Greenwich, and (5) scale factor and location(s) for
which the scale is defined.
c. Units information. Units you used in grid coordinates, water depth or elevation,
quadrant reading instrument, etc.
6. A compact disk (CD) containing the above information.

If the ancillary activity was a geotechnical evaluation, include, at a minimum, the information
listed below in the follow-up geotechnical evaluation report:
1. A postplot map showing the actual location(s) of the coring/sampling operation(s).
2. A brief summary, presented in tabular form, of the major strata encountered at the
location by the borehole.
3. An identification of properties and conditions of the seabed and the subsoil and any
manmade hazards or obstructions encountered.
4. A determination of the susceptibility of the area to soil movement and, if susceptible, an
analysis of slope and soil stability.

1. If you conduct an ancillary activity in water depths 200 meters (656 feet) or greater, or in
the Eastern Planning Area of the GOM in any water depth where you will use an airgun or airgun
array as the seismic source, comply with the provisions of NTL No. 2007-G02, Implementation
of Seismic Survey Measures and Protected Species Observer Program, effective February 7,
2007 (see the MMS Web site at
2. Comply with the provisions of NTL No. 2007-G03, Marine Trash and Debris Awareness
and Elimination, effective February 7, 2007 (see the MMS Web site at
3. Comply with the provisions of NTL No. 2007-G04, Vessel Strike Avoidance and
Injured/Dead Protected Species Reporting, effective February 7, 2007 (see the MMS Web site at
4. Before you conduct an ancillary activity that could disturb the seafloor, comply with the
provisions of paragraph VI.B. of NTL No. 2008-G05, Shallow Hazards Program, effective May
1, 2008 (see the MMS Web site at
5. If you conduct an ancillary activity that could disturb the seafloor in an Ordnance
Dumping Area (see the MMS Web site at
http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/requirements.html for a map), exercise
caution, since this area might contain old ordnance, including unexploded shells and depth
charges, dumped before 1970. In addition, the U.S. Air Force has released an undeterminable
amount of unexploded ordnance in Water Test Areas 1 through 5 (most of the Eastern Planning
Area of the GOM).
6. If you discover man-made debris that appears to indicate the presence of a shipwreck
(e.g., a sonar image or visual confirmation of an iron, steel, or wooden hull, wooden timbers,
anchors, concentrations of man-made objects such as bottles or ceramics, piles of ballast rock)
within or adjacent to your lease area while conducting an ancillary activity or diver or remotely
operated vehicle (ROV) inspection, immediately halt operations, take steps to ensure that the site
is not disturbed in any way, and contact the GOMR Regional Supervisor, Leasing and
Environment, within 48 hours of its discovery. Cease all operations within 1,000 feet (305
meters) of the site until the MMS GOMR Regional Director instructs you on what steps you
must take to assess the site’s potential historic significance and protect it. Under section 110(g)
of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470h-2(g)), the MMS GOMR may charge
you for costs related to historic preservation activities.
7. If you conduct an ancillary activity on a lease located within a military warning or water
test area (see the MMS Web site at

http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/MWA_boundaries.pdf for a map), or if the
associated boat or aircraft traffic will traverse a military warning or water test area, contact the
commander(s) of the appropriate command headquarters having jurisdiction over the respective
area(s) before you commence such traffic. You can obtain the names and telephone numbers of
the command headquarters for each military warning and water test area by consulting the MMS
Web site at http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/Military%20Contacts.pdf.
8. If you conduct an ancillary activity near an identified biologically sensitive topographic
feature (see the MMS Web site at
http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/topoblocks.pdf for a list and
http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/topomap.pdf for a map), make sure that
you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor within 152 meters (500 feet) of its designated
“No Activity Zone.” Within 90 calendar days after you complete an ancillary activity that
disturbed the seafloor within 305 meters (1,000 feet) of the “No Activity Zone” of a biologically
sensitive topographic feature, submit to the MMS GOMR Plans Section (see page 2 of this NTL
for addresses) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location
of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features.
9. If you conduct an ancillary activity in the Live Bottom “Pinnacle Trend” area (see the
MMS Web site at http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/topoblocks.pdf for a list
and http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/topomap.pdf for a map), make sure that
you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of any identified
pinnacles or other hard bottoms that have a vertical relief of eight feet or more. Within 90
calendar days after you complete an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 61
meters (200 feet) of pinnacles in the “Pinnacle Trend” area, submit to the MMS GOMR Plans
Section (see page 2 of this NTL for addresses) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS
accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features.
10. If you conduct an ancillary activity in the Live Bottom “Low Relief” area (see the MMS
Web site at http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/topomap.pdf for a map), make
sure that you do not anchor or otherwise disturb the seafloor near any identified live bottom low
relief features. Within 90 calendar days after you complete an ancillary activity that disturbed
the seafloor within 30 meters (100 feet) of live bottom low relief features, submit to the MMS
GOMR Plans Section (see page 2 of this NTL for addresses) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000
feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these
11. If you conduct an ancillary activity in water depths 400 meters (1,312 feet) or greater,
make sure that you do not anchor, use anchor chains or wire ropes, or otherwise disturb the
seafloor within 76 meters (250 feet) of any features or areas that could support high-density
benthic communities (see the MMS Web site at
http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/chemo_web.pdf for a list of known
chemosynthetic community sites. Within 90 calendar days after you complete an ancillary
activity that disturbed the seafloor within 152 meters (500 feet) of features or areas that could
support high-density benthic communities, submit to the MMS GOMR Plans Section (see page 2

of this NTL for e-mail and postal addresses) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS
accuracy, showing the location of the seafloor disturbance relative to these features.
12. If you discover any high-relief topographic feature with a relief greater than eight (8)
feet while conducting an ancillary activity, immediately report the discovery to the MMS GOMR
Regional Director. Make sure you do not anchor on or otherwise disturb such a feature. Within
90 calendar days after you complete an ancillary activity that disturbed the seafloor within 30
meters (100 feet) of such a feature, submit to the MMS GOMR Plans Section (see page 2 of this
NTL for addresses) a map at a scale of 1 inch = 1,000 feet with DGPS accuracy, showing the
location of the seafloor disturbance relative to the feature.
13. Before you conduct an ancillary activity that could disturb the seafloor within 1,000 feet
of an artificial reef site established by the State of Texas, in (or within 1,000 feet of) an artificial
reef Permit Area established by the State of Texas, within 500 feet of an artificial reef site or an
artificial reef permit area established by the States of Louisiana or Mississippi, or in a General
Permit Area established by the States of Texas, Alabama, or Florida for the placement of
artificial reef material, contact the appropriate State reef management agency. See the MMS
Web sites at http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/artreefmap.pdf for a map and
http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/artreefcontacts.pdf for State contacts.
14. If you conduct an ancillary activity within the boundaries of the Flower Gardens
National Marine Sanctuary (Flower Gardens Banks and Stetson Bank), exercise caution to
ensure that such activities do not endanger any other uses of the Sanctuary. See the MMS Web
site at http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/FGNMSmap.pdf for map.
Additionally, if the ancillary activity involves moving the marker buoys at the Sanctuary, contact
Mr. G. P. Schmahl, the current Sanctuary Manager, for instructions. See the MMS Web site at
http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/FGNMScontacts.pdf for Mr. Schmahl’s
contact information. See the MMS Web site at
http://www.gomr.mms.gov/homepg/regulate/environ/FGNMSbuoys.pdf for the locations of the
Flower Gardens’ marker buoys.
15. If the ancillary activity will involve using boats from a port located south of the
Suwannee River mouth in Florida, make sure that you adhere to the following manatee
protection plan:
a. Advise your personnel of the possibility of the presence of manatees in the inland and
coastal waters of Florida in the Eastern GOM.
b. Advise your personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming,
harassing, or killing manatees, which are protected under the Endangered Species Act, the
Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act of 1978.
c. Advise your vessel operators to (1) use the deeper ship channels to the maximum
extent possible; (2) avoid collisions with manatees and to stay within the existing channels; and
(3) obey all speed restrictions and travel at “no wake/idle” speeds at all times while operating in
shallow water or in channels where the draft of the vessel provides less than four (4) feet of
clearance. (Areas of manatee concentrations have been identified and speed limit signs have
been erected in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations.)

d. While vessels are berthed in port, advise your vessel operators to use fenders between
the dock and the vessel and/or between adjacent vessels berthed side-by-side. Make sure that the
fenders have a minimum clearance of three feet when compressed between the dock and the
e. Ensure that your vessel operators keep logs detailing any sighting of, collision with,
damage to, or death of manatees that occurs while you conduct an ancillary activity. If a mishap
involving a manatee should occur, make sure that the vessel operator immediately calls the
“Manatee Hotline” (1-(888) 404-3922), and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville
Field Office ((904) 731-3336 for north Florida or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Vero Beach
Ecosystem Office (1-(772) 562-3909) for south Florida.
f. Within 60 calendar days after you complete the ancillary activity, submit a report
summarizing all manatee incidents and sightings to the Florida Marine Research Institute,
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 100 Eighth Avenue SE, St. Petersburg, FL
33701-5095; and to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 7915 Baymeadows Way, Suite 200,
Jacksonville, Florida 32256-7517, for north Florida, or to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
1339 20th Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32960-3559, for south Florida.
16. The Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act (see 50 CFR
600.920) prohibits the use of explosives to take reef fish in the Exclusive Economic Zone.
Therefore, if your ancillary activity involves the use of explosives, and the explosions result in
stunned or killed fish, do not take such fish on board your vessels. If you do, you could be
charged by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service (NOAA
Fisheries Service) with a violation of the aforementioned Act. If you have any questions, contact
NOAA Fisheries Service, Office for Law Enforcement, Southeast Division, at 1-(727) 824-5344.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - NTL2006-G12.doc
File Modified2009-11-03
File Created2009-11-03

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