Coastal & Marine Ecological Classification Standard Solicitation for Revisions

Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard Solicitation for Revisions

CMECS Proposed Change Request Form

Coastal & Marine Ecological Classification Standard Solicitation for Revisions

OMB: 0648-0799

Document [pdf]
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CMECS Proposed Change Request Form

OMB Control No. 0648-xxxx
Expiration Date XX/XX/20XX

CMECS Proposed Change Request Form
Thank you for your interest in improving the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard
(CMECS). The CMECS Implementation Group values suggestions from the user community to revise,
update and improve the Standard.
Please fill out this form as completely as possible. Consult the Submission Field Definitions and
Guidelines ( for detailed instructions of information to be provided.
Proposals that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned. See the CMECS Implementation
Group Community Forum's Update Information page to learn more about the overall process
Upon submission, you will receive an email confirmation of your request, and our review team will be
notified to initiate the review process. If necessary, you may be contacted to clarify any details of your
request. A written response will be sent at the end of the process to let you know if your revision will be
incorporated into the Standard and to explain the rationale for the decision.
Please contact the CMECS Implementation Group ( if you have questions
about the process.
This form will automatically record your email address so that we can send you a copy of the
information you submit, and so that we can more easily manage your submission and any supporting
documentation. We do not share this information with anyone outside the CMECS Implementation
Public Reporting Burden Statement:
A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to
comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a
currently valid OMB Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0648-XXXX. Without this approval, we
could not conduct this information collection. Public reporting for this information collection is estimated to be approximately 1 hours per response,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the information collection. All responses to this information collection are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden to the NOAA Office for Coastal Management, 1021 Balch
Boulevard, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529.


* Required

Email address *

Contact Information

First Name *



CMECS Proposed Change Request Form


Last Name *


Affiliation *
Enter the name of the organization with which you are affiliated


If this proposal includes multiple authors, please provide their names and
Contact information for co-authors is not necessary, as the primary proposer will receive communications
about the proposals.



Consult the Submission Field Definitions and Guidelines ( for
detailed instructions of information to be provided.

Proposed Change Type *
Select the option that best fits the case you are describing.

Mark only one oval.
Units and Definitions (if you are suggesting changes to specific units in the CMECS)
Skip to question 13
CMECS Document Supporting Text (if you are suggesting changes to text in the CMECS
Standards Document that is not part of a unit definition)
Skip to question 11
Other (if you are suggesting complex changes that involve multiple units or major
changes to hierarchy or approach, select "other", then describe in the “Description of
Proposed Change” section below)
Skip to question 13




CMECS Proposed Change Request Form

Primary CMECS Setting or Component *
Select the name of the primary setting or component of the unit(s) involved in the change. If there is more
than one Component involved in the change, select one value here and describe the additional Components
in the “Description of Proposed Change.”

Check all that apply.
Aquatic Setting
Biogeographic Setting
Water Column Component
Geoform Component
Substrate Component
Biotic Component


Description of proposed change *
Where possible, Identify current text in the Standard that will be deleted or replaced and provide exact revised
text, images, and other graphics to be inserted into the Standard document if the proposed revision is
accepted. Include new scales and cutoffs, as appropriate; follow format and style of existing CMECS text and
unit definitions. (5000 characters maximum)


Justification for Proposed Change *
Provide an explanation of why the Standard needs to be changed. Justifications for editorial changes may be
brief and straightforward. Errors in spelling or grammar may not need justification beyond “erroneous.”
Corrections of technical inaccuracies or omissions require explanation. Include relevant literature citations
as appropriate. Consult the Submission Field Definitions and Guidelines ( for
further details. (5000 character maximum)



CMECS Proposed Change Request Form


Geographic Range for Proposed Change *
Describes the geographic scope or range of the new concept or unit and how extensively the change would
apply. Consult the Submission Field Definitions and Guidelines ( for further
details. (5000 character maximum)

Information for
Supporting Text”

Please provide the following information by referring to the Coastal and Marine
Ecological Classification Standard (FGDC-STD-018-2012, Federal Geographic
Data Committee. 2012.) document
Consult the Submission Field Definitions and Guidelines
( for further details.



CMECS Document Section *
Enter the Section Number from the Table of Contents of the CMECS document that identifies the location of
the text that you are suggesting be revised


CMECS Document Specifier *
Enter the page, paragraph, line, or figure/table number from the Table of Contents of the CMECS document
that identifies the location of the text/figure/table that you are suggesting be revised


Attach any documents that support your proposed change, justification, and
geographic range that might help us better understand your request.



CMECS Proposed Change Request Form


Attach your files here
There is a limit of 5 attachments that cannot exceed 10MB total. Please bundle related files into a single
file, with topics identified, in order to minimize the number of appended files in the overall submission.
Please compress multiple and large files to a .zip file before uploading.

Files submitted:


Can't upload your files?
For larger datasets that cannot be uploaded here, please check the box below. We will then contact you
after you submit this form to arrange for the transfer of your documents and files, and ensure we have all
the support information to review your request.

Check all that apply.
Please contact me about submitting additional documents and files

Upon submission, the proposal will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the CMECS
Implementation Group, who will communicate with the proposer, provide feedback, make a
decision on the proposal, and inform the proposer of that decision.
On behalf of the entire CMECS community, we thank you for your ideas, your effort, and your


If any attachments were provided, the form may take a few moments to process. Please do
not refresh your browser or click the back button while the form is being submitted. A
confirmation page will appear when your request is complete.


Although you will be emailed a copy of this completed form with the information you
provided, please copy and save the text in the fields of the Proposal Details Section as a
backup before submitting. This will avoid loss of your work if a system error occurs.


Willing to be a Proposal Reviewer
Please indicate if you are willing to be a reviewer for subsequent proposals submitted by others.

Mark only one oval.




CMECS Proposed Change Request Form

Final Check *
Check all that apply.
I have backed up my text entries
All required elements have been completed on this form

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2020-05-09
File Created2020-03-27

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