OMB Control No: 0581-0178
ICR Reference No:
Status: Received in OIRA
Previous ICR Reference No: 201906-0581-003
Agency/Subagency: USDA/AMS
Agency Tracking No:
Title: Vegetable and Specialty
Type of Information Collection:
Revision of a currently approved collection
Common Form ICR: No
Type of Review Request: Regular
Date Submitted to OIRA:
Previously Approved
Expiration Date
36 Months From Approved
Time Burden (Hours)
Cost Burden (Dollars)
Abstract: Orders/Agreements become effective
after public hearings are held in accordance with formal rulemaking
procedures specified by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of
1937; can authorize the issuance of grade, size, quality, maturity,
inspection requirements, pack and container requirements, pooling,
and volume regulations. Some orders provide authority for research
and development to be conducted, including advertising.
Authorizing Statute(s): US Code:
USC 601-674 Name of Law: Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act
of 1937, Secs. 1-19, 48 Stat.31, as amended
Citations for New Statutory
Requirements: None
Associated Rulemaking
Stage of Rulemaking:
Federal Register Citation:
Not associated with rulemaking
Federal Register Notices &
60-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
85 FR
30-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
85 FR
Did the Agency receive public comments on
this ICR? No
Number of Information Collection (IC) in this
ICR: 2
IC Title
Form No.
Form Name
Vegetable and
Specialty Crops Mandatory
RAC-1000, RAC-51, RAC-21-CO, RAC-28, RAC-106, RAC-1 CO, RAC-32,
RAC-50, RAC-51 CO , RAC-15, RAC-1001, RAC-5, RAC-6 CO, RAC-7,
RAC-102A, PMC 12.1A, No Form No. , No Form number, ABC-7, ABC-2,
G-1, PMC 11.1A, PMC 4.6, CDAC-8, PMC 5.1, PMC 4.5, PMC 4.71A, PMC
4.71B, PMC 8.443, PMC 4.7, F/H Form H, PMC 10.3, PMC 8.91, ABC-2A,
No Form number, COC-13, COC-17, COC-19, RAC-99, CDAC-6, F/H Form
C(1), PMC 14.1, Form 1, CDAC-9, No Form number, SC-37, ABC 8, F/H
Form 1(c), CDAC-2, SC-35, SC-36, PMC 6.33, PMC 10.13, COC-27C,
COC-28A, No Form number, F/H Form 1(a), COC-27A, CWB 24-05 (NRY),
CWB 24-15 (NRY), No Form number, No Form number, RAC-28A, SC-325,
F/H Form A, ABC 14, ABC 9, ABC 42, F/H Form 1(e), COC-23, H-1,
RAC-50 CO , RAC-75, RAC-1, RAC-7A, RAC-100, RAC-510, RAC-1000R,
RAC-20 CO, RAC-21, RAC-30, RAC-500, ABC 25-1, ABC 12, I-1, PMC 2.6,
CWB 20, No Form Number, SC-3, No Form number, SC-2, No Form number,
CDAC-3, No Form No. , FTC-111, COC-3C, COC-4, COC-27B, CDAC-4,
CDAC-5, No Form number, No Form number, CDAC-11(a), CDAC-18, PMC
14.5, CDAC SP-1, CDAC-1, No Form number, PMC 10.5, No Form number,
SC-170, SC-171, PMC 2.63, No Form number, No Form number, SC-34, No
Form Num. , F/H Form 7, SC-9, SC-8, COC-28B, RAC-33, No Form No.,
SC-12, No Form number, No Form number, Form No. 3, No Form Number,
No Form Number, No Form Number, No Form Number, PMC 6.2, 6.2F, No
Form Number , CWB 4 & 5, CWB 6, CWB 1, CWB 7, CWB 8, J-1, J-3,
K-1, PMC 8.9, No Form No., Form No. 2, No Form number, No Form
number, No Form number, No Form number, No Form number, COC-30, No
Form number, Form No. 4, CWB 17, COC-29A, F/H form D(1), F/H Form
1(b), F/H Form C, PMC 14.9, No Form number, RAC-71, COC-5, F/H Form
C(2), F/H Form C(3), F/H form 6, PMC 8.2, PMC 10.2A, PMC 2.2, PMC
10.2B, PMC 12.1, RAC-100C, RAC-6, F/H Form 4, K-3, RAC-9, FTC-108,
RAC-3, RAC-20, RAC-69, PMC 4.9, CDAC-10, ABC 31, ABC 34, CWB 24-20
(RY), ABC 11, No Form number, COC-155, SC-181, No Form number, PMC
2.41, PMC 4.72A, PMC 4.72B, PMC 2.21, PMC 4.1, PMC 4.2, PMC 11.1,
PMC 4.12, ABC 25-2, ABC 13, F/H Form 1, F/H Form 1(d), F/H Form 5,
CWB Form 16, CWB Export Form B, RAC-501, RAC-55, RAC-88, RAC-102,
I-3, CWB 24-10 (RY), No Form No., SC-10D, No Form number, F/H Form
1(f), No Form number, FTC-110, COC-29B, ABC-1
(989) Application
for a Raisin Diversion Certificate (Diversion) ,
(989) Inventory of
Off-Grae Raisins on Hand , (989) Organically Produced
Raisins Mthly. Free Tonnage , (989) Processor's Rept. of
Acquisition of Off-Grade , (989) Application to Purchase
Reserve Pool Raisins , (989) Organically Produced
Raisins Wkly. Rept. of Acquisitions (rev.) , (989) Mthly. Rept. of
Disposition of Off-Grade Raisins , (989) Inventory of Free
Tonnage , (989) Organically Produced
Raisins Inventory , (989) RAC-Daily Packout
Report , (989) Schedule for Redemption
of Raisin Diversion Certificates , (989) Notification of
Intention to Handle Raisins & Application for Inspection Point
(rev.) , (989) Organically Produced
Raisins Inter-Handler Transfer of Free Tonnage (rev.) ,
(989) RAC - Stack
Control Record , (989) Release Order ,
(993) CA Dried
Prunes Cumulative Prune Export Shipments , (948) CO. Potato Letter of
Acceptance , (959) So. TX Onions Acreage
Registration , (981) CA. Almonds Interhandler
Transfer of Almonds , (981) CA. Almonds
Redetermination Rept. , (985) Spearmint-Allotment Base
Transfer (Class 1 & 3) , (993) CA Dried Prunes Recap of
Interhandler Movements , (993) CA Dried Prunes Report
of Sorting Charges , (987) CA Dates--Rept. of
Disposition of Product Grade Dates , (993) CA Dried Prunes Notice
of Proposed Intent to Store Reserve Prunes , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Certificate of Insurance Coverage , (993) CA Dried Prunes Users
Receipt of Dried Undersized Prunes for Non-Human Usage ,
(993) CA Dried Prunes
Users Certificate of Non-Human Usage of Dried Undersized Prunes
, (993) CA
Dried Prunes Claim for Reserve Pool Proceeds , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Converters Certificate of Dried Prunes for Non-Human Usagee ,
(982) Hazelnuts
Statement of Expense , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Diversion Certificate of Salable Tonnage , (993) CA Dried Prunes--Prune
Grower Number Assignment Connection , (981) CA Almonds Current
Inventory for Next Redetermination Rept. , (989) CA Raisins--Raisin
Grower Survey , (932) Olives - Statement of
Assessable Tonnage , (932) Olives-Final Assessment
Payment , (932) Olives - Weekly Report
of Olives Received , (989) Notice to Designate
Portion of Inspec. Point Off-Limits , (987) Monthly Rept. of
Acquisition & Disposition of Dates , (982) Hazelnuts Bond ,
(993) CA Dried
Prunes Report of Carry Over & Marketing Policy Information
, (956) Walla
Walla Sweet Onions Handlers Statement of Onion Shipments ,
(987) CA
Dates--Producer Application for Exemption from Regulations ,
(946) WA.
Potatoes Shippers Application for Modification of Inspection
Report , (958) ID/E.OR Onions Fresh Cut
Report , (981) CA Almonds Inedible
& Exempt Outlet Disposition - Notice of Delivery to Oil or
Feed , (982) Hazelnuts Kernels
Certified , (098) CA Dates--Report of
Exempt Sales , (958) ID/E. OR Onions -
Diversion Report , (958) Special Purpose Shipment
Receiver Certification , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Application for Purchase of Reserve Prunes for Gov. Purchase ,
(993) CA Dried
Prunes Withdrawal of Application for Prune Plum Diversion ,
(932) Olives -
Rept. of Canning Size Olives in Storage , (932) Olives- Packout Rept. of
Canned Ripe Olives , (959) So. TX Onions Cert. for
subcontractors (peel/or chop onions for Processors) Spec. Purpose
Shipments , (982) Hazelnuts Free Tonnage
Shipments , (932) Olives - Inventory
Holdings of Canned Ripe Olives , (984) CA Walnuts Application
for Approved User of Substandard Walnuts , (984) CA Walnuts Rept.
Substandard Walnuts Received (Non-Reserve Yr.) ,
(959) So. TX Onions
Relief or Charity Certification for Handling Onions Which Fail to
Meet the So. TX Onion M.O. , (948) CO. Potatoes (Area III)
Special Purpose (other than for chipping) , (989) Processor's Rept. of
Disposition of Off-Grade Raisins , Marketing Agreement (generic
all commodities) , (982) Hazelnuts Export
Agreement , (981) CA Almonds Completion of
Disposition of Reserve Almonds Partial Shpmt. Rept. ,
(981) CA Almonds
Transfer of Unprocessed Almonds , (981) CA Almonds Handler
Information Sheet , (982) Hazelnuts Kernel
Shipments , (932) Olives - Grower
Authorization to Combine Lots , (985) Still Form (Class
1-green & Class 3-blue) Identification of oil by producer ,
Organically Produced Raisins Inventory of Free Tonnage Standard
Quality Raisins on Hand , (989) Application for
Exemption , (989) Raisins-Wkly. Rept. of
Standard Raisin Acquisitions , (989) Raisins - Field Summary
of Raisins Held , (989) Export Program
Application/Deposit , (989) Non-California
Raisins , (989) Application for a Raisin
Certificate (Vine Removal) , (989) Organically Produced
Raisins Mthly. Rept. of Free Tonnage , (989) Mthly. Free Tonnage
Exports to Country of Destination , (989) Wkly. Off-Grade
Summary , (989) Mthly. Rept. of Receipt
of Raisins Produced from Grapes Grown Outside of Purchase Area
, (981) CA
Almonds--Rept. of Shipments & Commitments , (981) CA Almonds Agency
Agreement - Disposition of Reserve to Non-Competitive Outlets ,
Application for Annual Allotment (Class 1-Scotch) ,
(993) CA Dried Prunes
- Statement of Proposed Disposition of Substandard Prunes ,
(984) CA.
Walnuts - Report of Substandard Walnuts Delivered , (993) CA Prune Marketing Cmte.
& CA Dried Plum Bd. Official Ballot , MOAD - Amendatory Ballot
, (948)
Colorado Potatoes (Area III) (Chipping Potatoes) , MOAD Amendatory Ballot
(Producer) , (987) CA Dates--Request for
Handler Exemptions Donation , (987) CA Dates-Application to
be Placed on List of Approved Date Product Manufacturers
, (948) CO. Potatoes - Waiver of
Inspection - Weekly Shipment Report (Area III) ,
(966) FL. Tomatoes
Application for Registration as Approved Receiver of Spec. Purpose
Shipments , (932) Olives Weight and Grade
Report , (932) Olives Pack and
Certification Report , (932) Olives - Inventory
Holding of Limited Use Olives , (987) CA Dates--Date Product
Manufacturers Rept. , (987) CA Dates--Report of
Handler Carry-over , (946) WA. Potatoes Inspection
Certificate Failing M.O. Requirements , (948) CO Potatoes (Area II)
Authorization for Special Purpose Shipment , (987) CA Dates--Clearance for
Export of Dates to Mexico , (987) Estimate of
Production , (993) CA Dried Prunes Rept of
Inventory at Close of Crop Year , (987) CA Dates--Delivery
Manifest , (987) CA Dates--Interhandler
Transfer of Dates , (959) So. TX Onions Rept. of
Special Purpose Onion Shipment , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Diverters Request for Transferable Prune Plum Diversion
Certificate , (993) CA Dried Prunes Release
of Grower Production Information , (993) Prune Form No. 1-Sec. 8e
Entry Declaration , (993) Prune Form No. 2-Sec. 8e
Cert. Processor or Reseller , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Statement of Proposed Disposition of Undersized Prunes ,
(948) CO. Potatoes
(Area II) Certificate of Privilege , (959) So. Texas Onion
Committee Certificate of Privilege , (958) Appl. to make SPS
Certificate of Privilege , (946) WA Potato
Cmte.--Self-Reporting Potato Report , (982) Hazelnuts Rept. of
Disposition of Restricted Set-aside Inshell Hazelnuts ,
Stmt. Industry & Alternates , Background/Acceptance Stmt.
for Public & Alternates , (932) Olives-Packout Rept. of
Canned Ripe Olives Limited Use , (989) Wkly. Rept. of
Disposition of Standard Raisins Recovered from Reconditioning of
Off-Grade Raisins , (948) CO. Potatoes - Handler
Application for Waiver of Inspection (Area III) ,
(989) CA
Raisins--Request for Courtesy Inspection , (987) California Dates
Acceptance Letter , (993) California Prunes
Acceptance Letter , (956) Walla Walla Sweet Onions
Shippers/Receivers Application for Cert. of Privilege ,
(945) ID/E.OR -
Application for Cert. of Privilege for Spec. Purpose Shpmt.
Repts , (945) ID/E.OR Cert. of
Privilege Shpmt Summary - Receiver , (945) ID/E.OR Receiver's Cert.
of Use , (945) ID/E.OR Potato Committee
Application Form for Consideration of Apprvl.--Canner, Freezer or
Other Processor Prepeeler of Potato Products--Spec. Purpose Shpmt
Repts. , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Acceptance of Offer to Sell Reserve Prunes & Attached Bidsheet
Detail , (945) ID/E.OR Cert. of
Privilege Shpmt. Summary - Handler , (984) CA. Walnuts - Inventory
Report , (984) CA. Walnuts - Report of
Merchantable Wallnuts Shipped , (984) CA Walnuts - Crop
Acquisition Report by County & Variety & Crop Year ,
(984) CA
Walnuts - Quarterly Repot of Receipt of Walnuts Produced Outside
the U.S. , (984) CA Walnuts - Rept. of
Interhandler Transfers of Walnuts , (985) Annual Allotment
Certificate Class 1. Base Certificate (Scotch) ,
(985) Annual Allotment
Certificate, Class 3 , (985) Application for
Additional Base (Class 1 - Scotch--existing producers) ,
(993) CA Dried
Prunes--Prune Grower Number Assignment , (959) So. TX Onion -
Application for Registered Onion Handler , (956) Walla Walla Sweet Onions
Handler Registration Form , (948) CO Potatoes (Area III)
Certificate of Privilege, Special Purpose , (946) Washington Potato Cmte.
Acceptance Letter , (955) Vidalia Onions Committee
Acceptance Letter , (946) Washington Potato Cmte.
Special Purpose Shipment Report , (948) CO. Potatoes (Area II)
Consideration of Approval as a Canner, Freezer, etc.) ,
Olives-Interhandler Sale or Purchase of Canned ripe Olives ,
(966) Florida
Tomatoe Committee Acceptance Letter , (956) Walla Walla Sweet Onions
Special Purpose Shipment Rept. , (984) CWB Request for Transfer
of Reserve Credits , (932) Olives - Sales of Canned
Ripe Olives , (982) Hazelnuts Waste Product
Control Rept. , (982) Hazelnuts Export Inshell
Shipments , (982) Hazelnuts Bonding
Undertaking , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Non-Bearing Prune Acreage Survey , (989) RAC CA. Raisins -
Assignment of Pool Equity , (989) CA. Raisins--Storage Bin
Agreement , (932) Olives Rept. of Limited,
Undersized, and Cull Olives , (982) Hazelnuts Form for
Justification of Sureties , (982) Hazelnuts
Acknowledgement of Bonding Requirement , (982) Hazelnuts Crop Received,
Disposed of or on Hand , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Assignment of Pool Equity , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Amendment to Application for Prune Plum Diversion - Independent
Producer , (993) CA Dried
Prunes--Application for Permission to Dispose of Substandard
Prunes , (993) CA Dried Prunes
Amendment to Application for Prune Plum Diversion - Sunsweet
Producer , (993) CA Dried Prunes Report
of Shipments , (989) Export Prog. Application
for Cash Back , (989) Inter-Handler Transfer
of Free Tonnage Raisins , (982) Hazelnuts Declaration of
Inshell Hazelnuts , (985) Application for
Additional Base (Class 3-Native) , (989) RAC Bin Control
Record , (966) Florida Tomatoes
Application for Certificate of Privilege , (989) Wkly. Rept. of Standard
Raisins Received for Memorandum Receipt (rev.) ,
(989) RAC-Monthly
Rept. of Free Tonnage Raisin Disposition , (989) Application &
Agreement for Dehydrator On-Premise Insp. Service. ,
(993) CA Dried Prunes
Affidavit of Diversion , (987) CA Dates--Handler
Application for Certain Exemptions from Regulations ,
(981) CA Almonds
Accepted User Business Data Sheet , (981) CA Almonds Application
to be Approved as Accepted User of Inedible Almonds & Almond
Waste , (984) CA Walnuts - Substandard
Walnut User Agreement (Reserve Year) , (981) CA Almonds Reserve
Credit Transfer or Reserve Withholding Obligation Transfer ,
(959) S.Texas
Onions Committee Acceptance Letter , (932) California Olives
Special Purpose Shipment , (955) Vidalia Onions Handler
Report , (959) So. TX Onions
Certification for Handling Onions for Processing (Canners,
Freezers) , (993) CA Dried Prunes Handler
Request to Extend Undersize Prune Disposition Deadline ,
(993) CA Dried Prunes
Foreign Export Notice of Receipt of Substandard Prunes
(Manufacturing) , (993) CA Dried Prunes--Foreign
Export Notice of Usage of Substandard Prunes (Manufacturing) ,
(993) CA Dried
Prunes Application for Permission to Dispose of Undersized Prunes
Non-Human Usage , (993) CA Dried Prunes Reserve
Prunes Held--Handler , (993) CA Dried Prunes Reserve
Tonnage Sales Agreement for Animal Feed , (993) CA Dried Prunes New Crop
Supply & Inbound Prune Rept. , (993) CA Dried Prunes Reserve
Prunes Held by Handler for Animal Feed Disposition ,
(981) CA Almonds
Shipments by Country of Destination , 981) CA Almonds Intention to
Ship Reserve Almonds , (982) Hazelnuts Certifications
Shipments & Diversion Requirements Rept. , (982) Hazelnuts Restricted
Inshell Certified , (982) Hazelnuts Rept to
Marketing Board of Handler Carryover , (984) CA Agreemt. for Reserve
Walnuts (Exports) , (984) CA Walnuts Consummation
of Sale & Transmittal of Supporting Documents ,
(989) Mthly. Rept. of
disposition of Raisins Grown Outside Production Area ,
(989) Rept. of
Weighted Avg. Price Paid to Producers for Free Tonnage ,
(989) Application
& agreement for cooperative Bargaining Association on-Premise
Inspec. , (989) Export Raisin Back
release Order , (985) Application for Annual
Allotment (Class 3-Native) , (984) CA Walnuts Application
as Approved User of Substandard Walnuts (RY) , (989) RAC- Door Receipt or
Weight Certificate , (989) CA Raisins--Request for
USDA Appeal Inspection , (948) CO. Potatoes Spec.
Purpose (Area II) Experimental Exemption , (982) Hazelnuts Receipt &
Disposition Produced Outside U.S. , (948) CO. Potatoes (Area III)
Spec. Purpose (consideration of approval as a canner, freezer,
etc.) , (966) FL. Tomatoes Rept. of
Spec. Purpose Certificate under Cert. of Privilege ,
(932) CA Olives--Sales
Report Limited Use , (981) CA. Almonds- Summary
Report Almonds Received for our own Account
Vegetable and Specialty
Crops (Voluntary)
RAC-36, RAC-70, RAC-8, SC-235A, SC-132A, SC-40A, SC-51A, No
Form number, No Form number, No Form number, SC-50B, No Form
number, SC-136B, No Form Number, F/H Form B, No Form No. , SC-236A,
SC-236B, No Form No., F/H Form D, SC-30B, PMC 10.1-A, SC-131B,
SC-39B, SC-225B, L-1. , L-3, SC-225A, F/H Form F(3), F/H Form F(4),
No Form number, ABC-15, ABC-16, ABC-17, ABC-18, ABC-19, PMC 10.1-B,
F/H Form F(2), SC-38, No Form number, F/H Form 3, No Form number,
SC-89A, SC-137A, SC-269, SC-224, SC-273, COC-33, RAC-166, F/H Form
2, SC-114B, FTC-103, No Form number, No Form No. , SC-169A,
SC-113A, SC-60B, No Form number, SC-31A, No Form number, No Form
number, PMC 9.1, SC-60, SC-60A, FTC-102-75, RAC-35, SC-223, No Form
number, No Form number, PMC 8.44, No Form number, SC-127A, SC-63A,
No Form number, No Form number
(989) CA Raisin
Cmte.- Raisins & Raisin Residual Sales Provisions ,
(989) CA Raisin Cmte.
-Agreement for Voluntary Participation in the RAC Export
Programs , (989) CA Raisins Cmte. -
Application for Exemption of Experimental & Specialty Packs
(rev.) , (932) Certificate of
Resolution (CA Olives) , (945) Certificate of
Resolution (ID/E.OR Potatoes) , (946) Certificate of
Resolution (WA Potatoes) , (948) Certificate of
Resolution (CO Potatoes) , Vidalia Onion Voter
Registration Sheet , Vidalia Onion Grower Election
Ballot , (946) WA Potatoes -- Shippers
Application for Special Purpose Certificate , (948) Cooperative Certificate
of Resolution (CO Potatoes) , (946) WA Ptatoes--Shippers
Application for Modification of Inspection Privilege ,
(982) Cooperatives
Certificate of Resolution (Hazelnuts) , (948) Application for Hardship
Exemption (Area II ) (CPAC 2) , (982) Hazelnut Mktng.
Bd.--Shellers Application for Letter of Authority ,
(955) Nominations to
the Vidalia Onion Committee , CA Olive Producer Referendum
Dist.1 Voting Ballot , (932) CA Olive-Dist. 2 Voting
Ballot , (948) CO Potatoes-CPAC 2
Exemption for Fingerling Potatoes Area II , (982) Hazelnuts--Application
to be Listed as an Accepted User of Inedible & Hazelnut
Waste , (958) Cooperatives Certificate
of Resolution (ID/E. OR Onions) , (993) PMC Application for
Prune Plum Diversion Independent Producer , (945) Cooperatives Certificate
of Resolution (Referendum) (ID/E.OR Potatoes) , (946) Cooperatives Certificate
of Resolution (WA Potatoes) , (989) Cooperative Association
Ballot (CA Raisins) , (985) Spearmint
Oil-Application for New Allotment Base (Class 1-Scotch) ,
(985) Spearmint
Oil-Application for New Allotment Base (Class 3-Native) ,
Certificate of Resolution (CA Raisins) , (982) Hazelnuts Ballot
(Handler, Position 4) , (982) Hazelnut Ballot Handler
(Position 1-3) , (984) CA Walnut Bd. Ballot
(Producer Members & Alternates) (Dist. 1 & 2) ,
Almond Board of CA. -
Ballot for Independent Growers , Almond Board of CA. - Ballot
for Independent Handler Members , Almond Board of CA. - Ballot
for Cooperative Grower Members , Almond Board of CA. - Ballot
for Cooperative Handler Members , Almond Board of CA. -
Independent Grower Petition , (993) PMD Application for
Prune Plum Diversion Sunsweet Producer , 982) Hazelnut Ballot
(Growers) , (958) ID/E.OR
Onions--Assessment Credit Rept , (984) CWB--At- Large Walnut
Growers Petition CWB Nomination Ballot , (982) Hazelnuts - Request for
Transfer of Free Tonnage , (987) CA Date Producer-Handler
Ballot , (959) Certificate of
Resolution (So. TX Onions) , (982) Certificate of
Resolution (Hazelnuts) , Producer Nomination Ballot
(Dist.1) CA Olive Cmte (932) , (989) Producers Referendum
Ballot (CA Raisins) , (932) Olives-Producer
Nomination Ballot (Dist. 2) , (932) CA Olives- Grower
Identification Number (GIN) Application , (989) CA Raisins Cmte.
Uncashed or Unclaimed Claim Affirmation Form , (982) Hazelnuts--Exchange of
Merchantable Inshell Between Handlers , (956) Cooperative Certificate
of Resolution (Walla Walla Onions) , (966) Application for
Certified Tomato Repacker (FL. Tomatoes) , (987) CA Date Producer
Ballot , (948) CO. Potatoes -
Application for Hardship Exemption (Area III) , (993) Certificate of
Resolution (CA Dried Prunes) , (956) Certificate of
Resolution (Walla Walla Onions) , (985) Cooperatives Certificate
of Resolution (Spearmint Oil) , (946) WA Potato--Application
Form for Consideration-Approval as Canner, Freezer, Seed, Charity,
Other , (958) Certificate of
Resolution (ID/E.OR Onions) , (989) Raisin Adm. Cmte.
Voluntary Independent Producer Nomination Statement (Ballot) ,
CA Dried
Prunes-Dried Plums Ballot for Independent Producer Nominees ,
(993) CA Prune
Mktng. Cmte. Notification of Desire for Deferment of Reserve
Withholding , Producers Continuance
Referendum Ballot (945, 946, 955, 956, 959, 981, 982, 989) ,
Continuance Referendum Ballot (945, 946, 956, 981, 982, 989) ,
Application for Registration as tomato handler (FL Tomatoes) ,
(989) CA
Raisins Cmte.- Application for Sale, Shipment, or Disposition of
Raisins (rev.) , (989) CA Raisin Cmte.-
Independent Producer Ballot & Instructions ,
(984) CWB--Dist. 1
Independent Walnut Growers Petition --CWB Nomination Ballot ,
(984) CWB -
Dist. 2-Walnut Growers Petition CWB Nomination Ballot ,
(993) CA Prunes - PMC
Request for Replacement of Draft , (987) CA Date (Nomination for
Membership) , (984) Certificate of
Resolution (CA Walnuts) , (985) Certificate of
Resolution (Spearmint Oil) , (984) Walnut Mktng. Bd. Ballot
Independent Handler Members & Alternates , (987) CA Date--Certificate of
Voter Eligibility
ICR Summary of Burden
Total Request
Previously Approved
Change Due to New Statute
Change Due to Agency Discretion
Change Due to Adjustment in
Change Due to Potential Violation of
the PRA
Annual Number of Responses
Annual Time Burden (Hours)
Annual Cost Burden (Dollars)
Burden increases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: No
Burden Increase Due to:
Burden decreases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: Yes
Burden Reduction Due to: Changing Forms
Short Statement: Decrease in burden due to
combining of several previously separate amendatory ballots into
one form and does the same for continuance referendum ballots in an
effort to streamline AMS’s forms catalog, and several industries
experiencing the loss of grower and handling operations.
Annual Cost to Federal Government: $115,300
Does this IC contain surveys, censuses, or employ
statistical methods? No
Does this ICR request any personally identifiable
information (see OMB Circular No. A-130 for an
explanation of this term)? Please consult with your agency's
privacy program when making this determination.
Does this ICR include a form that requires a Privacy Act
Statement (see 5
U.S.C. §552a(e)(3) )? Please consult with your agency's privacy
program when making this determination.
Is this ICR related to the Affordable Care Act [Pub. L.
111-148 & 111-152]? No
Is this ICR related to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act, [Pub. L. 111-203]? No
Is this ICR related to the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)? No
Is this ICR related to the Pandemic Response?
Agency Contact: Fiona Pexton 202 720-8139