Accrediting Bodies

Formaldehyde Emissions Standards for Composite Wood Products Act (Renewal)

EPA Central Data Exchange TSCA Title VI-AB User Guide

Accrediting Bodies

OMB: 2070-0185

Document [pdf]
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Formaldehyde Standards for
Composite Wood Products Act: TSCA
Title VI User Guide – Accreditation
Body Authorized Official
Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics

Delivery Order # GS00Q09BGD0022
Task Order # 47QFCA-18-F-0009
Project #: 00007-OCSPP-001
Version 1.02

Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................................... i
List of Exhibits ............................................................................................................................ iii

Introduction ........................................................................................................................1


System Requirements ........................................................................................................2

Supported Browsers .....................................................................................................2


Screen Resolution ........................................................................................................2


Accreditation Body Authorized Official Functions................................................................3

Log into TSCA Title VI Application ................................................................................4


Home Screen Navigation ..............................................................................................4


User Management ........................................................................................................6


Applications and Notifications .......................................................................................7


Annual Reports ...........................................................................................................10


Create Passphrase .....................................................................................................12


Enter Passphrase .......................................................................................................14


Navigation Tree ..........................................................................................................14


Action Bar ...................................................................................................................16


Choose Laboratory .....................................................................................................18


Confidential Business Information (CBI) .....................................................................23


Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement .............................................. 24

Create an Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement ........................ 24


Organization Information.......................................................................................24


Point of Contact ....................................................................................................29


US Agent Information............................................................................................31


Recognition Agreement Approval – Laboratory Accreditation Body ...................... 33


Recognition Agreement Approval – Product Accreditation Body ........................... 38


Accreditation Body for Recognition Agreement Form Amendment.............................. 43
Failure to Comply Notification Forms ................................................................................45


Create Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier Form.............................. 45


Create Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory Form ........................................... 48


Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier ............................................ 45
Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory ..........................................................48
Failure to Comply Form Amendment ..........................................................................51

Annual Report Forms .......................................................................................................52

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official



Create Product AB Annual Report Form .....................................................................52


Product AB Annual Report ....................................................................................52
Create Laboratory AB Annual Report Form ................................................................54


Laboratory AB Annual Report ...............................................................................54
Annual Report Amendment.........................................................................................56


Preview ............................................................................................................................57


Validate ............................................................................................................................60


CBI Substantiation............................................................................................................61


Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI) Claims .......... 61
Submit to EPA via CDX ....................................................................................................65


Submission Process: Validate ....................................................................................65


Submission Process: PDF Generation Screen ...........................................................66


Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Submission Screen........ 67


Download Copy of Record ................................................................................................68


EPA Communications ......................................................................................................69


Create an Amendment .....................................................................................................74


Resources ........................................................................................................................76

Appendix A ...............................................................................................................................77

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


List of Exhibits
Exhibit 3-1 TSCA Title VI User Roles Matrix ...............................................................................4
Exhibit 3-2 TSCA Title VI Home Screen ......................................................................................5
Exhibit 3-3 User Management Screen.........................................................................................7
Exhibit 3-4 Applications and Notifications Screen........................................................................9
Exhibit 3-5 Annual Reports Screen ...........................................................................................12
Exhibit 3-6 Create Passphrase Screen .....................................................................................13
Exhibit 3-7 Enter Passphrase Screen........................................................................................14
Exhibit 3-8 Navigation Prompt Pop-Up Window ........................................................................15
Exhibit 3-9 Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement Navigation Tree ........... 16
Exhibit 3-10 Failure to Comply Notification Navigation Tree ......................................................16
Exhibit 3-11 Annual Report Navigation Tree .............................................................................16
Exhibit 3-12 Action Bar – Save..................................................................................................17
Exhibit 3-13 Action Bar – Preview .............................................................................................17
Exhibit 3-14 Action Bar – Validate .............................................................................................17
Exhibit 3-15 Action Bar – Submit ...............................................................................................18
Exhibit 3-16 Action Bar – CDX Links .........................................................................................18
Exhibit 3-17 Failure to Comply Notification: Laboratory Search Screen ..................................... 20
Exhibit 3-18 Failure to Comply Notification: Laboratory Search Results Screen ........................ 21
Exhibit 3-19 Failure to Comply Notification: Add New Laboratory Screen.................................. 22
Exhibit 3-20 Confidential Business Information Pop-Up Window ...............................................23
Exhibit 4-1 Organization Information Screen (Scroll 1) ..............................................................27
Exhibit 4-2 Organization Information Screen (Scroll 2) ..............................................................28
Exhibit 4-3 Organization Information Screen (Scroll 3) ..............................................................29
Exhibit 4-4 Point of Contact Screen (Scroll 1) ...........................................................................30
Exhibit 4-5 Point of Contact Screen (Scroll 2) ...........................................................................31
Exhibit 4-6 US Agent Information Screen (Scroll 1) ...................................................................32
Exhibit 4-7 US Agent Information Screen (Scroll 2) ...................................................................33
Exhibit 4-8 Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory Accreditation Body (Scroll 1)............. 34
Exhibit 4-9 Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory Accreditation Body (Scroll 2)............. 35
Exhibit 4-10 Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory Accreditation Body (Scroll 3)........... 36
Exhibit 4-11 Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory Accreditation Body (Scroll 4)........... 37
Exhibit 4-12 Recognition Agreement Approval-Product Accreditation Body (Scroll 1) ............... 39
Exhibit 4-13 Recognition Agreement Approval-Product Accreditation Body (Scroll 2) ............... 40
TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 4-14 Recognition Agreement Approval-Product Accreditation Body (Scroll 3) ............... 41
Exhibit 4-15 Recognition Agreement Approval-Product Accreditation Body (Scroll 4) ............... 42
Exhibit 4-16 Accreditation Body for Recognition Agreement Amendment Screen ..................... 44
Exhibit 5-1 Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier Screen ................................... 47
Exhibit 5-2 Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory Screen .................................................50
Exhibit 5-3 Failure to Comply Notification Amendment Screen..................................................51
Exhibit 6-1 Product AB Annual Report Screen ..........................................................................53
Exhibit 6-2 Laboratory AB Annual Report Screen......................................................................55
Exhibit 6-3 Annual Report Amendment Screen .........................................................................56
Exhibit 7-1 Preview AB Form PDF ............................................................................................57
Exhibit 7-2 Preview Failure to Comply Notification Form PDF ...................................................58
Exhibit 7-3 Preview Annual Report Form PDF...........................................................................59
Exhibit 8-1 TSCA Title VI Validation Pop-Up Window................................................................60
Exhibit 9-1 Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI) Claims
Screen (Scroll 1)...............................................................................................................62
Exhibit 9-2 Instructions for Substantiating CBI Claims Screen (Scroll 2) (Substantiation Opt-Out
Example) ..........................................................................................................................63
Exhibit 9-3 Instructions for Substantiating CBI Claims Screen (Scroll 3) (Sanitized Substantiation
Upload Example) ..............................................................................................................64
Exhibit 10-1 Submission Process: Validate Screen ...................................................................65
Exhibit 10-2 Submission Process: PDF Generation Screen ......................................................66
Exhibit 10-3 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Submission Screen .. 67
Exhibit 11-1 Copy of Record Screen .........................................................................................68
Exhibit 12-1 New EPA Communication Email Notification .........................................................69
Exhibit 12-2 New EPA Communication CDX Inbox Notification .................................................70
Exhibit 12-3 Applications and Notifications Screen....................................................................71
Exhibit 12-4 Copy of Record Screen .........................................................................................72
Exhibit 13-1 Applications and Notifications Screen – Amendment ............................................. 74
Exhibit 13-2 Unlock Prompt Message .......................................................................................74
Exhibit 14-1 Resources Screen .................................................................................................76

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


1 Introduction
This document presents the user guide for the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT)
Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products application and online reporting
submission process, enacted as Title VI of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). This
document is the user guide for the Accreditation Body (AB) Authorized Official user of the
TSCA Title VI application.
The TSCA Title VI application is the electronic, web-based tool provided by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the submission of data pursuant to TSCA Title VI.
As an AB Authorized Official, you can create, modify, and/or submit a TSCA Title VI form.
You can also delete TSCA Title VI forms, create amendments, and download a Copy of Record.
For questions concerning the TSCA Title VI software requirements, please contact the Central
Data Exchange (CDX) Help Desk at or call 1-888-890-1995 between the
hours of 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). For questions concerning the TSCA
Title VI regulatory reporting requirements, please contact the TSCA Hotline at or call 202-554-1404 between the hours of 8:30 am – 5:00 pm EST. For
general questions concerning ABs or Third-Party Certifiers (TPC), please contact the TSCA
Title VI program office at

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


2 System Requirements
To use the TSCA Title VI application to submit a TSCA Title VI form, the following is required:
• An e-mail account
• JavaScript enabled web browser
• Internet access
• Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher
• CDX username and password
2.1 Supported Browsers
• Vendor supported versions of Internet Explorer (IE) or Edge

Go to the following link to download:

• Vendor supported versions of Mozilla Firefox

Go to the following link to download:

• Vendor supported versions of Safari

Go to the following link to download:

• Vendor supported versions of Google Chrome
Go to the following link to download:
2.2 Screen Resolution

Screen resolution should be set to 1024 x 768 or greater.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


3 Accreditation Body Authorized Official Functions
This section describes how to:
• Access the application
• Navigate the TSCA Title VI ‘Home’ screen
• Assign Supports to complete a form
• Start and complete the TSCA Title VI forms – Accreditation Body Application for EPA
Recognition, Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier, Failure to Comply
Notification – Laboratory, Annual Report – Product AB, and Annual Report – Laboratory
• Download a Copy of Record (CoR)
• Create an amendment
The AB Authorized Official is responsible for the submission of original main forms, including
AB Application for EPA Recognition, Failure to Comply Notification – TPC, Failure to Comply
Notification – Laboratory, Annual Report – Product AB, or Annual Report – Laboratory AB
forms. As an AB Authorized Official, you can create a new form, submit amendments, and
delete forms. You can also assign Supports (or other authorized individuals) to edit and complete
a form on your behalf.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


You can save the form at any point during the data entry process. The save functionality allows
you to return to that same form at any point in the future. In addition, you can view a .pdf version
of the form at any point, which shows all the data entered in the form up to the point of
Exhibit 3-1 shows a table of the capabilities of user roles within the TSCA Title VI application:
Exhibit 3-1 TSCA Title VI User Roles Matrix


Log into TSCA Title VI Application

After you create an account in CDX, click the ‘Accreditation Body (AB) Authorized Official’
link for the Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs (CSPP) data flow to navigate to the TSCA
Title VI ‘Home’ screen.

Home Screen Navigation

You can access the TSCA Title VI ‘Home’ screen by clicking the ‘Accreditation Body (AB)
Authorized Official’ link for the CSPP data flow in CDX.
The TSCA Title VI ‘Home’ screen is the first screen within the TSCA Title VI application. It
provides you with links to access the ‘Applications and Notifications,’ ‘Annual Reports,’ ‘User
Management,’ and ‘Resources’ screens. To navigate to any of these screens, click the
corresponding screen link on the TSCA Title VI ‘Home’ screen, or click the link located within
the application header.
There is a ten (10) minute logout timer for this application; the application will automatically log
you out after 10 minutes of inactivity and navigate you back to the CDX login screen.
• Applications and Notifications: Click the ‘Applications and Notifications’ tab or link to
navigate to the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen. You can create, modify, or delete a
TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


TSCA Title VI form using the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen. For additional details
about the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen, please refer to Section 3.4.
• Annual Reports: Click the ‘Annual Reports’ tab or link to navigate to the ‘Annual Reports’
screen. You can create, modify, or delete a Product AB or Laboratory AB Annual Report
form using the ‘Annual Reports’ screen. The ‘Annual Reports’ forms are only available if the
organization of an AB Authorized Official, has an approved AB Application for EPA
Recognition. For additional details about the ‘Annual Reports’ screen, please refer to Section
• User Management: Click the ‘User Management’ tab or link to navigate to the ‘User
Management’ screen. You can manage the access rights of Supports per form ID using the
‘User Management’ screen. For additional details about the ‘User Management’ screen,
please refer to Section 3.3.
• Resources: Click the ‘Resources’ tab or link to navigate to the ‘Resources’ screen. You can
find the TSCA Title VI user guide, as well as useful links for guidance documents, on the
‘Resources’ screen. For additional details about the ‘Resources’ screen, please refer to
Section 13.
Exhibit 3-2 shows a screen capture of the TSCA Title VI ‘Home’ screen:
Exhibit 3-2 TSCA Title VI Home Screen

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Click the ‘User Management’ link or tab to access the ‘User Management’ screen to
assign AB Supports (if applicable).
3.3 User Management
You can access the ‘User Management’ screen by clicking the ‘User Management’ link on the
TSCA Title VI ‘Home’ screen or by clicking the ‘User Management’ tab from the application
On the ‘User Management’ screen, you have the ability to assign/un-assign one or more Supports
to have access to modify any of the TSCA Title VI forms you have created.
Form ID: The form ID is a system-generated ID that helps differentiate between form types. A
form ID will not be available in this drop-down menu until a form has been created. Select a
form ID from the drop-down menu to begin assigning Supports. Once a form ID has been
selected, the ‘Assign Supports’ group box will update to display only the Supports who have
identified you as their AB Authorized Official during CDX registration.
Form Information: This field set displays information pertaining to the form you selected from
the ‘Form ID’ drop-down menu.
• Unique ID: Displays the ID of the form that a user selects from the ‘Form ID’ drop-down
Assign Supports: This box shows all the Supports you can assign to complete a TSCA Title VI
form for the form ID selected. To move support persons from the ‘Unassigned’ group box to the
‘Assigned’ group box, highlight an individual or multiple Support(s) and click the ‘Add >>’
• Unassigned: This box/field contains the registered Support(s) associated with the Authorized
Official who, potentially could be assigned to access and edit the selected form. To move
support persons from the ‘Unassigned’ group box to the ‘Assigned’ group box, highlight an
individual or multiple support persons and click the ‘Add >>’ button. To highlight multiple
support persons, hold down the  key on your keyboard while clicking each Support.
To highlight multiple consecutive support persons, hold down the  key on your
keyboard while clicking the first and last Support in the list.
• Assigned: This box/field contains the registered Support(s) given permission, by the
Authorized Official, to access and edit the selected form. This group box shows all support
persons assigned to complete the TSCA Title VI form for a single form ID. To move from
the ‘Assigned’ group box to the ‘Unassigned’ group box, highlight individual or multiple
support persons and click the ‘<< Remove’ button. To highlight multiple support persons,
hold down the  key on your keyboard while clicking each Support. To highlight
multiple consecutive support persons, hold down the  key on your keyboard while
clicking the first and last Support in the list.
• Add >>: Click the ‘Add >>’ button to move Supports from the ‘Unassigned’ box to the
‘Assigned’ box.
• << Remove: Click the ‘<< Remove’ button to move Supports from the ‘Assigned’ box to the
‘Unassigned’ box.
When you have finished assigning Supports, click the ‘Save’ button to save the changes.
TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 3-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘User Management’ screen:
Exhibit 3-3 User Management Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Applications and Notifications’ tab located within the application header
to navigate to the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen.

Applications and Notifications

You can access the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen by clicking the ‘Applications and
Notifications’ link from the TSCA Title VI ‘Home’ screen, or by clicking the ‘Applications and
Notifications’ tab located within the application header.
Each TSCA Title VI form is assigned one unique ID, which is a system-generated ID that helps
differentiate between form types. The ‘Unique ID,’ ‘Form Type,’ ‘Status,’ ‘Modify Date,’ and
‘Submission Date’ columns in the table of the ‘TSCA Title VI Applications and Notifications’
screen can be sorted by clicking the individual column headers.
Start New Form: To create a new TSCA Title VI form, select a form type from the ‘Select
Form Type’ drop-down menu and click the ‘Start New Form’ button. Before having the option of
selecting alternate forms, the user must first have an approved AB Application. Following this
submission, the user will have the option to select and submit the following forms: Failure to
Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier, or Failure to Comply Notification – TPC
Laboratory. Both the Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier and Failure to
Comply Notification – TPC Laboratory forms will be available in the drop-down menu when an
AB Authorized Official’s organization has an approved AB Application for EPA Recognition.
Edit an ‘In Progress’ Form: To modify an existing TSCA Title VI form, click the ‘Unique ID’
link for a form with a status of ‘In Progress.’ It is possible for more than one user to modify a
form simultaneously; the user that clicks the ‘Save’ button first will have their changes saved.
Amend a submitted Form: To edit an already submitted TSCA Title VI form (i.e., to create an
amendment), you must first unlock the particular submission by clicking the ‘Lock’ icon ( )
TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


under the ‘Actions’ column. All further changes will be submitted as an amendment. Refer to
Section 13 for further instructions on creating an amendment.
The ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen displays the following columns of information:
• Unique ID: Displays the unique ID generated by the TSCA Title VI application. Click the
unique ID to access and edit the form.
• Form Type: Displays the form type of each TSCA Title VI form submission. This column
can contain the following values: ‘Accreditation Body Application for Recognition
Agreement,’ or ‘Accreditation Body Failure to Comply Notification.’
• Status: Displays the status of the TSCA Title VI form. The values will display as either ‘In
Progress,’ ‘Processing,’ ‘Pending,’ ‘Submitted,’ ‘Approved,’ ‘Rejected,’ ‘Suspended,’
‘Revoked,’ ‘Renewed,’ or ‘Withdrawn.’
• Modify Date: Displays the date the submission was last modified.
• Submission Date: Displays the date when the user completed and sent the submission to
EPA via CDX. This date populates only after a user submits the form.
• Actions:

Delete: Displays a ‘Delete’ icon (
‘Delete’ icon to delete a form.


Lock/Unlock: Displays a ‘Lock’ icon ( ) for all forms that have been submitted and are
not ‘In Progress.’ Only an AB Authorized Official can unlock a form by clicking the
‘Lock’ icon ( ) to unlock the form. The form will remain unlocked and display a flag

) for all forms with a status of ‘In Progress.’ Click the

icon ( ) next to the status of the form in the ‘Status’ column until the amendment is
submitted by the AB Authorized Official.

Copy of Record: Click the ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) to navigate to the ‘Cross-Media
Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Login’ screen, and then to the ‘Copy of
Record’ screen. The ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) displays only after the form has been
completed. Refer to Section 11 for further instructions on downloading the copy of
record. If you have just submitted via CDX, the ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) may take 15–
20 minutes to display. In addition, you must refresh the ‘Applications and Notifications’
screen for the ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) to display.


EPA Communication: Displays a ‘Closed Envelope’ icon ( ) for a submission that
contains a new EPA communication and an ‘Open Envelope’ icon ( ) for a submission
that contains a previously downloaded EPA communication. To access a communication,
click either the ‘Closed Envelope,’ ‘Open Envelope,’ or ‘Copy of Record’ icon. To
ensure EPA communications are not improperly viewed, access to EPA communications
is restricted to users who may access the copy of record for a submission. Additionally,
EPA captures and stores CDX user and timestamp data each time an EPA communication
is accessed.

• Items per Page: Select a value (‘25,’ ‘50,’ ‘75,’ or ‘100’) from this drop-down menu to
specify the number of forms to display on a single page.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


• Export Options: Displays ‘CSV,’ ‘Excel,’ ‘XML,’ and ‘PDF’ links for you to export the
‘Applications and Notifications’ screen in one of the specified formats as an Excel
spreadsheet, Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file, Extensible Markup Language (XML) file,
or portable document format (PDF). The export options section will not display until a form
is created.
• Select Form Type: Select the form type that you would like to create from the drop-down
menu. This drop-down menu contains the following values: ‘Accreditation Body Application
for Recognition Agreement,’ ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier,’ or
‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory.’ ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party
Certifier,’ and ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ forms will be available in the
drop-down menu when an AB Authorized Official’s organization has an approved AB
Application for EPA Recognition.
• Start New Form: Click this button to start a new form after selecting a form type.
Exhibit 3-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen:
Exhibit 3-4 Applications and Notifications Screen

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Select a form type from the ‘Select Form Type’ drop-down menu and click the
‘Start New Form’ button to create a TSCA Title VI form.

Annual Reports

You can access the ‘Annual Reports’ screen by clicking the ‘Annual Reports’ link from the
TSCA Title VI ‘Home’ screen, or by clicking the ‘Annual Reports’ tab located within the
application header. The ‘Annual Reports’ forms will not be available until the AB Authorized
Official’s organization has an approved AB Application for EPA Recognition.
Each annual report is assigned one unique ID, which is a system-generated ID that helps
differentiate between different form types. The ‘Unique ID,’ ‘Form Type,’ ‘Reporting Year,’
‘Status,’ ‘Modify Date,’ and ‘Submission Date’ columns in the table of the ‘Annual Reports’
screen can be sorted by clicking the individual column headers.
Start New Annual Report: To create a new TSCA Title VI annual report, select one of the
following options from the ‘Select Annual Report Type’ drop-down menu and click the ‘Start
New Annual Report’ button: ‘Annual Report – Product AB,’ or ‘Annual Report – Laboratory
Edit an ‘In Progress’ Form: To modify an existing TSCA Title VI annual report, click the
‘Unique ID’ link for a form with a status of ‘In Progress.’ It is possible for more than one user to
modify a form simultaneously; the user that clicks the ‘Save’ button first will have their changes
Amend a submitted form: To edit an already submitted TSCA Title VI annual report (i.e., to
create an amendment), you must first unlock the particular submission by clicking the ‘Lock’
icon ( ) under the ‘Actions’ column. All further changes that are made will be submitted as an
amendment. Refer to Section 13 for further instructions on creating an amendment.
The ‘Annual Reports’ screen displays the following columns of information:
• Unique ID: Displays the unique ID generated by the TSCA Title VI application. Click the
unique ID to access and edit the annual report.
• Form Type: Displays ‘Accreditation Body Annual Report.’
• Status: Displays the status of the TSCA Title VI form. The values will display as either ‘In
Progress,’ ‘Processing,’ or ‘Submitted.’
• Modify Date: Displays the date the submission was last modified.
• Submission Date: Displays the date when the user completed and sent the submission to
EPA via CDX. This date populates only after a user submits the form.
• Actions:

Delete: Displays a ‘Delete’ icon (
‘Delete’ icon to delete a form.


Lock/Unlock: Displays a ‘Lock’ icon ( ) for all forms that have been submitted and are
not ‘In Progress.’ Only an AB Authorized Official can unlock a form by clicking the
‘Lock’ icon ( ) to unlock the form. The form will remain unlocked and display a flag icon

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official

) for all forms with a status of ‘In Progress.’ Click the


( ) next to the status of the form in the ‘Status’ column until the form is resubmitted by
the AB Authorized Official.

Copy of Record: Click the ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) to navigate to the ‘Cross-Media
Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Login’ screen, and then to the ‘Copy of
Record’ screen. The ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) displays only after the form has been
completed. Refer to Section 11 for further instructions on downloading the copy of record.
If you have just submitted via CDX, the ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) may take 15–20
minutes to display. In addition, you must refresh the ‘Annual Reports’ screen for the ‘Copy
of Record’ icon ( ) to display.


EPA Communication: Displays a ‘Closed Envelope’ icon ( ) for a submission that
contains a new EPA communication and an ‘Open Envelope’ icon ( ) for a submission
that contains a previously downloaded EPA communication. To access a communication,
click either the ‘Closed Envelope,’ ‘Open Envelope,’ or ‘Copy of Record’ icon. To ensure
EPA communications are not improperly viewed, access to EPA communications is
restricted to users who may access the copy of record for a submission. Additionally, EPA
captures and stores CDX user and timestamp data each time an EPA communication is

• Items per Page: Select a value (‘25,’ ‘50,’ ‘75,’ or ‘100’) from this drop-down menu to
specify the number of forms to display on a single page.
• Export Options: Displays ‘CSV,’ ‘Excel,’ ‘XML,’ and ‘PDF’ links for you to export the
‘Annual Reports’ screen in one of the specified formats as an Excel spreadsheet, CSV file,
XML file, or PDF. The export options section will not display until a form is created.
• Select Annual Report Type: Select the form type that you would like to create from the
drop-down menu. This drop-down menu contains the following values: ‘Annual Report –
Product AB,’ or ‘Annual Report – Laboratory AB.’
• Start New Annual Report: Click this button to start a new annual report after selecting an
annual report type.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 3-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Annual Reports’ screen for an AB Authorized
Exhibit 3-5 Annual Reports Screen

Navigation: Select a form type from the ‘Select Annual Report Type’ drop-down menu and
click the ‘Start New Annual Report’ button to create an annual report.
3.6 Create Passphrase
To start a new TSCA Title VI form, select a form type from the ‘Select Form Type’ drop-down
menu, and click the ‘Start New Form’ button on the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen to
navigate to the ‘Create Passphrase’ screen, which allows you to create a passphrase and associate
that passphrase with a newly created form.
The application uses the passphrase as an encryption key to protect the contents of the form. You
are responsible for remembering the passphrase and distributing it to the appropriate individuals.
AB Authorized Officials should only share the passphrase to registered users of the Title VI
application with a need to support the AB forms.
If you forget the passphrase, you will not have access to the form and will not be able to view,
print, submit, or make changes. If you lose or forget the passphrase, you must create a new form
and passphrase. For security reasons, the system administrator does not have access to the
passphrase and will not be able to retrieve it or reset it to a new one.
• New Passphrase: To associate a passphrase with a form, enter a passphrase that is at least
eight (8) characters in length. To protect your account, your passphrase should contain a
combination of letters and numbers. The passphrase you create may include spaces, but
should not contain special characters (for example, +, ?, and *). You can associate the same
passphrase with multiple forms.
• Confirm New Passphrase: Re-enter the passphrase that you created and associated with the

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


You will be responsible for remembering the passphrase and distributing it to only authorized
Supports for an individual form. If you forget the passphrase, you will not be able to access the
TSCA Title VI form to print, submit, or make changes.
Exhibit 3-6 shows a screen capture of the ‘Create Passphrase’ screen for an AB Authorized
Exhibit 3-6 Create Passphrase Screen

Navigation: Create a passphrase and click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘Organization
Information’ screen for an Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement form.
Click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘Failure to Comply’ screen for a Failure to Comply
Notification – Third-Party Certifier or Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory form. Click
the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘Product AB Annual Report’ or ‘Laboratory AB Annual
Report’ screen for an Annual Report – Product AB or Annual Report – Laboratory AB form.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official



Enter Passphrase

To edit a form, click the ‘Unique ID’ link for a TSCA Title VI form with a status of ‘In Progress’
on the ‘Applications and Notifications’ or ‘Annual Reports’ screen. The ‘Enter Passphrase’
screen requires you to enter the passphrase that is associated with the form.
Enter Passphrase: Enter the passphrase that you originally created and associated with the
Exhibit 3-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen:
Exhibit 3-7 Enter Passphrase Screen

Navigation: Enter the passphrase that you originally created and associated with the form and
click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘Organization Information’ screen for an
Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement form. Click the ‘Continue’ button to
navigate to the ‘Failure to Comply’ screen for a Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party
Certifier or Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory form. Click the ‘Continue’ button to
navigate to the ‘Product AB Annual Report’ or ‘Laboratory AB Annual Report’ screen for an
Annual Report – Product AB or Annual Report – Laboratory AB form.

Navigation Tree

The navigation tree is located on the left-hand side of each screen when completing a Title VI
form. It allows you to navigate between the various screens within the application and the
different sections of the form. You can perform the following functions using the navigation tree:
• Open and close the navigation tree: A navigation arrow that opens and closes the
navigation tree is located to the right of the navigation tree to provide more visual form
space. Click the left-facing arrow ( ) on the open navigation tree to close the navigation tree
and increase the space of the form content. Likewise, click the right-facing arrow ( ) on the
closed navigation tree to open the navigation tree.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


• Collapse and expand folders: Each section of the form falls under a collapsible folder
within the navigation tree, which allows you to save space or easily view items in the
navigation tree. When a folder is expanded, you can click the ‘Folder’ icon ( ) or the folder
title link to collapse that section of the navigation tree. When a folder is collapsed, you can
click the ‘Folder’ icon ( ) or the folder title link to expand that section of the navigation
• Navigate between screens: You can use the navigation tree to navigate between the various
screens within the application and the different sections of the form. A ‘Form’ icon ( )
denotes each section of a form. Click the ‘Form’ icon ( ) or a section title link to navigate
between screens. You are required to save all information entered on a particular screen
before navigating to the next screen or all entered information will be lost. A prompt will
appear after you click a link in the navigation tree indicating, ‘Are you sure you want to leave
the current page? Any unsaved changes will be lost.’ Click the ‘OK’ button to navigate to the
requested screen without saving any of the data in the previous screen. Click the ‘Cancel’
button to close the prompt and remain on the current screen.
Exhibit 3-8 shows a screen capture of the navigation prompt pop-up window:
Exhibit 3-8 Navigation Prompt Pop-Up Window

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Exhibit 3-9 Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement Navigation Tree

Exhibit 3-10 shows a screen capture of the Failure to Comply Notification navigation tree:
Exhibit 3-10 Failure to Comply Notification Navigation Tree

Exhibit 3-11 shows a screen capture of the Annual Report navigation tree:
Exhibit 3-11 Annual Report Navigation Tree


Action Bar

The action bar is located at the bottom of each screen when completing a Title VI form. You can
perform the following functions using the action bar:
• Save: Click the ‘Save’ icon ( ) at any stage of completing a TSCA Title VI form to save
the form. To generate and access links to other pages of the form within the navigation tree,
you must click the ‘Save’ icon ( ) within the action bar. After you click the ‘Save’ icon
TSCA Title VI User Guide
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( ), a prompt will appear on the screen indicating that all data entered in the form has been
saved successfully. The save function does not validate any entered data. On screens that
display an expandable/collapsible field set, you must click the ‘Save’ button displayed within
the expandable/collapsible field set to save the information entered before being able to click
the ‘Save’ icon ( ) located within the action bar or use the ‘Previous,’ ‘Next,’ or ‘Submit’
buttons. For any TSCA Title VI form that contains more than one page, clicking the
‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons on a form will save the data entered within a form before
navigating to the previous or next page.
The following exhibits, Exhibit 3-12, Exhibit 3-13, Exhibit 3-14, and Exhibit 3-15, show screen
captures for the action bar:
Exhibit 3-12 Action Bar – Save

• Preview: Click the ‘Preview’ icon ( ) at any stage of completing a TSCA Title VI form to
view a .pdf rendering of the data entered on the form. For any TSCA Title VI form that
contains CBI, click the ‘Regular PDF’ after clicking the ‘Preview’ icon ( ) to view a regular
.pdf of the form or click the ‘Sanitized PDF’ after clicking the ‘Preview’ icon ( ) to view a
sanitized .pdf of the form. If the form contains no CBI indications, then both the regular .pdf
and the sanitized .pdf will be the same.
Exhibit 3-13 Action Bar – Preview

• Validate: Click the ‘Validate’ icon ( ) at any stage of completing a TSCA Title VI form to
validate the information entered in the entire form. An ‘Accreditation Body Application for
Recognition Agreement Validation’ pop-up window generates when you click the ‘Validate’
icon ( ) within an Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement form if you
disable the pop-up blocker within your internet browser. The ‘Accreditation Body
Application for Recognition Agreement Validation’ pop-up window displays a report of all
validation errors. The validation pop-up window may also display different titles, including
‘Failure to Comply Form Validation,’ and ‘Annual Report Validation.’ Refer to Section 8 for
more information on validating a form.
Exhibit 3-14 Action Bar – Validate

• Submit: Click the ‘Submit’ icon ( ) to submit a TSCA Title VI form after you and/or an
assigned Support have completed all sections of a TSCA Title VI form. After you click the
‘Submit’ icon ( ), a pop-up message displays to confirm the submission process. The form
validates during the submission process and displays any applicable error messages. Refer to
Section 8 for further instructions on validation errors. You can continue with the submission
process only after clearing all validation errors. Upon successful submission of the form, the
‘Status’ on the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen will appear as ‘Pending’ and the
TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


‘Status’ on the ‘Annual Reports’ screen will appear as ‘Submitted.’ Refer to Section 10 for
more information on submitting a TSCA Title VI form.
Exhibit 3-15 Action Bar – Submit

• CDX Links: Click the ‘CDX Links’ menu, located at the bottom of each screen, at any stage
of completing a TSCA Title VI form.

Click the ‘CDX Homepage’ link to go to the CDX Login screen.


Click the ‘MyCDX Homepage’ link to go to your CDX user Homepage.


Click the ‘EPA Homepage’ link to go to EPA’s Homepage.


Click the ‘Terms and Conditions’ link to go to the CDX Terms and Conditions screen.

Click the ‘Privacy Notice’ link to go to the CDX Privacy and Security Notice screen.
Exhibit 3-16 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDX Links’ menu on the action bar:

Exhibit 3-16 Action Bar – CDX Links

3.10 Choose Laboratory
The ‘Choose Laboratory’ link displays on the ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’
screen and the ‘Laboratory AB Annual Report’ screen. The ‘Choose Laboratory’ link is used to
generate the ‘Failure to Comply Notification: Laboratory Search’ screen or the ‘Laboratory
Assessments: Laboratory Search’ screen to search for and select the applicable sites for which
you will be reporting.
On the ‘Failure to Comply Notification: Laboratory Search’ screen or the ‘Laboratory
Assessments: Laboratory Search’ screen, enter in as much information related to the laboratory
as possible to perform a search. The ‘Name’ and ‘Address 1’ fields must be populated on the
‘Laboratory Search’ screen in order for the search function to return results. Click the ‘Search
Existing Labs’ button to search for existing laboratories based on the information that you have
entered. If the laboratory information cannot be found, you have the opportunity to create a new
The ‘Laboratory Search Results’ screen displays after clicking the ‘Search Existing Labs’ button
on the ‘Laboratory Search’ screen. Based on the search criteria entered on the ‘Laboratory
Search’ screen, a number of results may display. Select your laboratory from the list by clicking
the ‘Laboratory Name’ link of the laboratory you would like to choose. If you do not see the
TSCA Title VI User Guide
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laboratory in the results, you may search again by entering in new information into the fields and
clicking the ‘Search Existing Labs’ button, or you can add a new laboratory by clicking the ‘Add
New Lab’ button.
If the system cannot find any laboratories based on the information entered on the ‘Laboratory
Search’ screen, then the ‘Laboratory Search Results’ page will display no results.
The ‘Add New Laboratory’ screen displays after clicking the ‘Add New Lab’ button on the
‘Laboratory Search Results’ screen. Enter as much information as possible related to the new
laboratory you would like to create at a minimum: the ‘Name,’ ‘Address 1,’ ‘City,’ ‘State,’
‘Postal Code,’ and ‘Country’ fields are required. Once you have entered in the minimum
information required to create a new laboratory, click the ‘Save New Lab’ button to add the
laboratory to the list of existing laboratories and to the ‘Failure to Comply Notification –
Laboratory’ screen or the ‘Laboratory AB Annual Report’ screen.
Click the ‘Choose Laboratory’ link on the ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ screen
or the ‘Laboratory AB Annual Report’ screen to generate the ‘Laboratory Search’ screen, which
displays the following fields: ‘Name,’ ‘Address 1,’ ‘Address 2,’ ‘City,’ ‘State,’ ‘Postal Code,’
and ‘Country.’
• Name: Enter or edit the name of the laboratory. This is a required field when searching for a
laboratory or when adding a new laboratory.
• Address 1: Enter or edit the first line of the mailing address for the laboratory. This is a
required field when searching for a laboratory or when adding a new laboratory.
• Address 2: Enter or edit the second line of the mailing address for the laboratory.
• City: Enter or edit the city of the mailing address for the laboratory. This is a required field
when adding a new laboratory.
• State: Select or change the mailing address of the state for the laboratory. This is a required
field when adding a new laboratory.
• Postal Code: Enter or edit the postal code of the mailing address for the laboratory. This is a
required field when adding a new laboratory.
• Country: Select or change the country of the mailing address for the laboratory. This is a
required field when adding a new laboratory.
• Laboratory Name: Displays the name of the lab. Click on the ‘Laboratory Name’ link to
add the lab to the ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ screen or the ‘Laboratory
AB Annual Report’ screen.
• Laboratory Address: Displays the address of the laboratory from which the search was
initiated, if applicable.
• Search Existing Labs: Click the ‘Search Existing Labs’ button to conduct a search for the
laboratory based on the information entered.
• Add New Lab: Click the ‘Add New Lab’ button to add a new laboratory to the main page
from which you are initiating the search.

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• Save New Lab: Click the ‘Save New Lab’ button to add the laboratory to the list of existing
laboratories and to the ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ screen or the
‘Laboratory AB Annual Report’ screen.
• Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to cancel entering in laboratory information and navigate
back to the ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ screen or the ‘Laboratory AB
Annual Report’ screen without saving the entered information.
Exhibit 3-17 shows a screen capture of the ‘Failure to Comply Notification: Laboratory Search’
Exhibit 3-17 Failure to Comply Notification: Laboratory Search Screen

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Exhibit 3-18 shows a screen capture of the ‘Failure to Comply Notification: Laboratory Search
Results’ screen:
Exhibit 3-18 Failure to Comply Notification: Laboratory Search Results Screen

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Exhibit 3-19 shows a screen capture of the ‘Failure to Comply Notification: Add New
Laboratory’ screen:
Exhibit 3-19 Failure to Comply Notification: Add New Laboratory Screen

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Navigation: Click the ‘Save New Lab’ button to add the laboratory to the list of existing
laboratories and to the ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ screen or the ‘Laboratory
AB Annual Report’ screen.
3.11 Confidential Business Information (CBI)
The CBI pop-up window displays every time you click on the CBI checkbox next to a field that
can be claimed as CBI. After reading the text that appears in the pop-up window, you must click
on the ‘OK’ button or the ‘X’ icon in the upper right-hand corner of the window to close the
window and continue completing the form.
After clicking the CBI checkbox next to the field that you would like to claim as CBI and
navigating back to the form, a ‘CBI Justification’ text box may appear underneath the field that
has been claimed as CBI. This text box only appears for some CBI claims and an entry in the text
box is not required.
Exhibit 3-20 shows a screen capture of the ‘Confidential Business Information’ pop-up window:
Exhibit 3-20 Confidential Business Information Pop-Up Window

Navigation: Click the ‘OK’ button or the ‘X’ icon in the upper right-hand corner of the window
to close the window and navigate back to the form.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


4 Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement
Title VI of TSCA establishes a third-party certification program to ensure that composite wood
product panel producers comply with established formaldehyde emission limits. Under TSCA
Title VI, TPCs would be required to apply to EPA-recognized ABs who would verify the TPC’s
ability to ensure that panel producers comply with the formaldehyde emission standards. Under
TSCA Title VI, TPCs would audit composite wood product panel producers and verify
compliance with the formaldehyde emission standards. For an AB to be recognized by EPA, they
must submit an Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement form.

Create an Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement

To create a new Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement, navigate to the
‘Applications and Notifications’ screen and select ‘Accreditation Body Application for
Recognition Agreement’ from the ‘Select Form Type’ drop-down menu. Refer to Section 3.4 for
additional details regarding the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen.
Refer to Section 3.6 for additional details regarding the create passphrase process.
4.1.1 Organization Information
The ‘Organization Information’ screen allows you to provide information about your
organization and attach documentation outlining the AB’s signatory status and qualifications.
The system automatically imports your organization information that was entered during CDX
registration, but allows you to edit the fields, as necessary.
To add a credential, click the ‘Add’ button. After entering in credential information, click the
‘Save’ button to enter the credential information into the ‘Application Credentials’ table or click
the ‘Cancel’ button to discard the credential information.
The ‘Application Credentials’ table displays the file name of the document and the document
type. The application allows you to delete unwanted documents by clicking the ‘Delete’ icon
( ) located in the ‘Actions’ column. The document type link located in the ‘Document Type’
column is a clickable link that allows you to view and edit the Application Credential listed in
the table.
If ‘Product’ is selected as the Type of Accreditation Body, then at least one ‘IAF MLA’
(International Accreditation Forum Multilateral Recognition Arrangement), ‘Regional
Cooperative’ or ‘Other’ document and one ‘Qualifications and Experience’ document must be
attached. If ‘Laboratory’ is selected as the Type of Accreditation Body, then at least one ‘ILAC
MRA’ (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement),
‘Regional Cooperative,’ or ‘Other’ document and one ‘Qualifications and Experience’ document
must be attached. If ‘Product and Laboratory’ is selected as the Type of Accreditation Body, then
at least one ‘IAF MLA’ and ‘ILAC MRA,’ or ‘Regional Cooperative’ or ‘Other’ and one
‘Qualifications and Experience’ document must be attached.
• Organization Name: Displays the organization name of the logged-in user in a non-editable
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim that the organization name is confidential.
• Unique ID: Displays the Unique ID of the Accreditation Body Application for Recognition
Agreement form in a non-editable field. The AB Authorized Official is responsible for
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providing the Unique ID of the Accreditation Body Application for Recognition Agreement
to TPCs who wish to report to this AB.
• Justification for Organization Name CBI: Enter a CBI justification explanation in this text
box. This field displays only if the ‘CBI’ checkbox next to the ‘Organization Name’ field is
• Organization Address 1: Displays line 1 of the mailing address for the logged-in user. This
is a required field.
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim that the organization address is confidential.
• Organization Address 2: Displays line 2 of the mailing address for the logged-in user.
• City: Displays the U.S. or non-U.S. city of the mailing address for the logged-in user. This is
a required field.
• State: Displays the state of the mailing address for the logged-in user within the drop-down
menu. This field is required if the ‘Country’ field is set to ‘United States.’
• Postal Code: Displays the postal code of the mailing address for the logged-in user. This is a
required field.
• Country: Contains the country of the mailing address for the logged-in user within the dropdown menu. This is a required field.
• Justification for Address CBI: Enter a CBI justification explanation in this text box. This
field displays only if the ‘CBI’ checkbox next to the ‘Organization Address 1’ field is
• Phone Number: Displays the phone number of the logged-in user. This is a required field.
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim that the phone number is confidential.
• Justification for Phone Number CBI: Enter a CBI justification explanation in this text box.
This field displays only if the ‘CBI’ checkbox next to the ‘Phone Number’ field is checked.
• Business Email Address: Enter the business email address for the AB Authorized Official’s
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim that the business email address is confidential.
• Justification for Business Email Address CBI: Enter a CBI justification explanation in this
text box. This field displays only if the ‘CBI’ checkbox is checked next to the ‘Business
Email Address’ field.
• Website: Enter the uniform resource locator (URL) for the Accreditation Body’s corporate
• Type of Accreditation Body: Select from a list of types of accreditation bodies. This dropdown menu contains the following values: ‘Product,’ ‘Laboratory,’ and ‘Product &
Laboratory.’ This is a required field.
• AB Experience: The AB Experience text box generates if a selection is made from the ‘Type
of Accreditation Body’ drop-down menu. Enter a description of the ABs experience in
performing product accreditation of TPCs for manufactured products. This is a required field.

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• Document Type: Displays the document type of the credential uploaded to the ‘Application
Credentials’ table.
• File Name: Displays the file name of the credential uploaded to the ‘Application
Credentials’ table.
• Explanation: Displays the explanation given for the ‘Other’ document type.
• Link: Displays the IAF MLA Listing Link information given for an application credential.
• Actions: Click the ‘Delete’ icon (

) to delete the specified application credential.

• Add: Click this button to add a credential to the ‘Application Credentials’ table.
• Document Type: Select a value from the drop-down menu to identify the document type.
This drop-down menu contains the following values: ‘IAF MLA,’ ‘ILAC MRA,’ ‘Regional
Cooperative,’ ‘Qualifications and Experience,’ and ‘Other.’ This is a required field.
− If ‘IAF MLA’ is selected as the document type, the application will record ‘International
Accreditation Forum, Inc. (IAF)’ as the oversight body for the Accreditation Body.
− If ‘ILAC MRA’ is selected as the document type, the system will record ‘International
Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)’ as the oversight body for the Accreditation
− If ‘Other’ is selected, the system will record the data entry made in the ‘Document Type
(Other) Explanation’ field as the oversight body for the Accreditation Body.
• IAF MLA Listing Link: Enter the URL for a user’s IAF MLA listing. This field displays
only when ‘IAF MLA’ is selected from the ‘Document Type’ drop-down menu. This is a
required field if ‘IAF MLA’ is selected from the drop-down menu.
• Document Type (Other) Explanation: Enter a description of the attached document. This
field displays only when ‘Other’ is selected from the ‘Document Type’ drop-down menu.
This is a required field if ‘Other’ is selected from the drop-down menu.
• Browse: Click the ‘Browse’ button to generate the ‘File Upload’ window to search a user’s
local hard drive to attach a document. This is required field if a ‘Document Type’ value is
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim that the attached document is confidential.
• Justification for Document CBI: Enter a CBI justification explanation in this text box. This
field displays only if the ‘CBI’ checkbox is checked.
• Sanitized Document: Click the ‘Browse’ button to generate the ‘File Upload’ window to
search a user’s local hard drive to attach a document. For any attached document claimed as
CBI, you will be required to attach a sanitized version of the document.
• Save: Click the ‘Save’ button to save the data entered and populate the ‘Application
Credentials’ table on the ‘Organization Information’ screen.
• Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to cancel entering in an Application Credential and
navigate back to the ‘Organization Information’ screen without saving the entered
• Next: Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Point of Contact’ screen.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
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Exhibit 4-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 4-1 Organization Information Screen (Scroll 1)

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Exhibit 4-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 4-2 Organization Information Screen (Scroll 2)

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Exhibit 4-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Organization Information’ screen (Scroll 3):
Exhibit 4-3 Organization Information Screen (Scroll 3)

Navigation: Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Point of Contact’ screen.
4.1.2 Point of Contact
The ‘Point of Contact’ screen provides a user with the ability to enter information about the
individuals who should be contacted regarding questions about the AB’s organization or
information contained within the form for the AB. The point of contact can be the logged-in user
or any other individual nominated as the point of contact.
If the user indicates that the organization of their AB is located outside of the United States on
the ‘Organization Information’ screen, the user clicks the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘US
Agent Information’ screen.
If U.S. agent information is not required, click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Recognition
Agreement Approval – Product Accreditation Body’ or ‘Recognition Agreement Approval –
Laboratory Accreditation Body’ screen(s).
• Copy CDX Registration: Click the ‘Copy CDX Registration’ button to copy the logged-in
user’s CDX registration information onto the ‘Point of Contact’ screen.
• Prefix: Select the prefix for the point of contact from the drop-down menu.
• First Name: Enter the first name of the point of contact. This is a required field.
• Middle Initial: Enter the middle initial of the point of contact.
• Last Name: Enter the last name of the point of contact. This is a required field.
• Suffix: Select the suffix for the point of contact from the drop-down menu.
• Job Title: Enter the job title of the point of contact. This is a required field.
TSCA Title VI User Guide
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• Organization Name: Enter the organization name for the point of contact. This is a required
• Phone Number: Enter the phone number of the point of contact. This is a required field.
• Email Address: Enter the email address for the point of contact. This is a required field.
• Mailing Address 1: Enter the first line of the mailing address for the point of contact. This is
a required field.
• Mailing Address 2: Enter the second line of the mailing address for the point of contact.
• City: Enter the city of the mailing address for the point of contact. This is a required field.
• State: Select the state of the mailing address for the point of contact. This is a required field
if the ‘Country’ field is set to ‘United States.’
• Postal Code: Enter the postal code of the mailing address for the point of contact. This is a
required field.
• Country: Select the country of the mailing address for the point of contact. This is a required
Exhibit 4-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Point of Contact’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 4-4 Point of Contact Screen (Scroll 1)

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Exhibit 4-5 shows a screen capture of the ‘Point of Contact’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 4-5 Point of Contact Screen (Scroll 2)

Navigation: Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘US Agent Information’ screen, if
applicable. You can also access this screen by clicking the ‘US Agent Information’ link within
the navigation tree.
4.1.3 US Agent Information
ABs whose address is located outside of the United States must designate a U.S.-based agent.
The ‘US Agent Information’ screen captures the contact information of the U.S.-based agent.
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the U.S. Agent Information as confidential.
• Justification for US Agent CBI: Enter a CBI justification explanation in this text box. This
field displays only if the ‘CBI’ checkbox is checked.
• Prefix: Select the U.S. agent’s prefix from the drop-down menu.
• First Name: Enter the U.S. agent’s first name. This is a required field.
• Last Name: Enter the U.S. agent’s last name. This is a required field.
• Suffix: Select the U.S. agent’s suffix from the drop-down menu.
• Agent Organization Name: Enter the U.S. agent’s organization name. This is a required
• Phone Number: Enter the U.S. agent’s phone number. This is a required field.
• Email Address: Enter the U.S. agent’s email address. This is a required field.
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• Mailing Address 1: Enter the first line of the U.S. agent’s mailing address. This is a required
• Mailing Address 2: Enter the second line of the U.S. agent’s mailing address.
• City: Enter the city of the U.S. agent’s mailing address. This is a required field.
• State: Select the state of the U.S. agent’s mailing address. This is a required field.
• Postal Code: Enter the postal code of the U.S. agent’s mailing address. This is a required
Exhibit 4-6 and Exhibit 4-7 shows a screen capture of the ‘US Agent Information’ screen:
Exhibit 4-6 US Agent Information Screen (Scroll 1)

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Exhibit 4-7 US Agent Information Screen (Scroll 2)

Navigation: Depending on the information you have entered on the ‘Organization Information’
screen, click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval – Laboratory
Accreditation Body’ screen or the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval – Product Accreditation
Body’ screen. You can also access these screens by clicking the ‘Recognition Agreement
Approval – Laboratory Accreditation Body’ link or the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval –
Product Accreditation Body’ link within the navigation tree.
4.1.4 Recognition Agreement Approval – Laboratory Accreditation Body
The ‘Recognition Agreement Approval – Laboratory Accreditation Body’ screen provides you
with the legal text of the recognition agreement for a Laboratory Accreditation Body and allows
you to accept the terms of the recognition agreement. If this is the last screen of the form, you
also must accept the affirmation and impartiality statements. You are required to accept the terms
of the recognition agreement and the affirmation and impartiality statements to submit the form.
This alerts EPA to review the form’s contents.
After you read the recognition agreement and the affirmation and impartiality statements (if
applicable) and indicate understanding and acceptance, you can navigate to the ‘Recognition

TSCA Title VI User Guide
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Agreement Approval – ‘Product Accreditation Body’ screen (if applicable) by clicking the
‘Next’ button, or submit the form by clicking the ‘Submit’ button or the ‘Submit’ icon.
Exhibit 4-8 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory
Accreditation Body’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 4-8 Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory Accreditation Body (Scroll 1)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
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Exhibit 4-9 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory
Accreditation Body’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 4-9 Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory Accreditation Body (Scroll 2)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 4-10 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory
Accreditation Body’ screen (Scroll 3):
Exhibit 4-10 Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory Accreditation Body (Scroll 3)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 4-11 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory
Accreditation Body’ screen (Scroll 4):
Exhibit 4-11 Recognition Agreement Approval-Laboratory Accreditation Body (Scroll 4)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Click the ‘Previous’ button to navigate back to the ‘US Agent Information’ screen if
you indicated that your organization is outside of the United States on the ‘Organization
Information’ screen, or to the ‘Point of Contact’ screen if you indicated that your organization is
in the United States on the ‘Organization Information’ screen. Click the ‘Next’ button to
navigate to the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval – Product Accreditation Body’ screen if
applicable. Click the ‘Validate’ icon ( ) located in the bottom action bar to validate the form.
Click the ‘Save’ icon ( ) located in the bottom action bar to perform a global save on the form.
Click the ‘Preview’ icon ( ) located in the bottom action bar to view a PDF preview of the
form. Click the ‘Submit’ icon ( ) located in the bottom action bar or the ‘Submit’ button that
appears to begin the submission process if applicable.
4.1.5 Recognition Agreement Approval – Product Accreditation Body
The ‘Recognition Agreement Approval – Product Accreditation Body’ screen provides you with
the legal text of the recognition agreement for a product Accreditation Body and allows you to
accept the terms of the recognition agreement and the affirmation and impartiality statements.
You are required to accept the terms of the recognition agreement and the affirmation and
impartiality statements to submit the form. This alerts EPA to review the form’s contents.
After you read the recognition agreement, affirmation and impartiality statements and indicate
understanding and acceptance, you can submit the form by clicking the ‘Submit’ button or the
‘Submit’ icon.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 4-12 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval-Product
Accreditation Body’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 4-12 Recognition Agreement Approval-Product Accreditation Body (Scroll 1)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 4-13 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval-Product
Accreditation Body’ screen (Scroll 2):
Exhibit 4-13 Recognition Agreement Approval-Product Accreditation Body (Scroll 2)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 4-14 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval-Product
Accreditation Body’ screen (Scroll 3):
Exhibit 4-14 Recognition Agreement Approval-Product Accreditation Body (Scroll 3)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 4-15 shows a screen capture of the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval-Product
Accreditation Body’ screen (Scroll 4):
Exhibit 4-15 Recognition Agreement Approval-Product Accreditation Body (Scroll 4)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Click the ‘Previous’ button to navigate back to the ‘US Agent Information’ screen,
the ‘Point of Contact’ screen, or the ‘Recognition Agreement Approval – Laboratory
Accreditation Body’ screen based on the information entered on the ‘Organization Information’
screen. Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘CBI Substantiation Documentation’ screen.
Click the ‘Validate’ icon ( ) located in the bottom action bar to validate the form. Click the
‘Save’ icon ( ) located in the bottom action bar to perform a global save on the form. Click the
‘Preview’ icon ( ) located in the bottom action bar to view a PDF preview of the form. Click
the ‘Submit’ icon ( ) located in the bottom action bar or the ‘Submit’ button that appears to
begin the submission process.

Accreditation Body for Recognition Agreement Form Amendment

The ‘Accreditation Body for Recognition Agreement Amendment’ screen displays various
checkboxes and text boxes for a user to list the fields that were changed in the form amendment.
This screen will only display if you have previously submitted a TSCA Title VI form and click
the ‘Unlock’ icon in the ‘Actions’ column to begin the amendment process.
To indicate that this amendment is a renewal application, check the ‘Renewal Application’
checkbox and submit the form.
To withdraw your Accreditation Body from the TSCA Title VI TPC program, check the
‘Accreditation Body Voluntary Withdrawal’ checkbox and submit the form. You may also enter
information describing your reason for withdrawal, but it is not required to submit the form.
To indicate that your Accreditation Body has lost its signatory status or membership, check the
‘Date of Loss of Signatory Status’ checkbox, click the calendar widget or the field, and select the
date of loss of signatory status. If you would like to indicate the loss of signatory status as CBI,
check the ‘CBI’ checkbox and enter in a reason for indicating this as CBI in the text box that
To amend a submitted form, indicate any changes from the previous application in the ‘Changed
Fields’ text box and navigate to the appropriate section of the form to make the changes listed.
This is a required field. After making all necessary changes, click the ‘Submit’ button in the
bottom action bar to resubmit the form.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 4-16 shows a screen capture of the ‘Accreditation Body for Recognition Agreement
Amendment’ screen:
Exhibit 4-16 Accreditation Body for Recognition Agreement Amendment Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the other screens within the form to make any
necessary edits or changes. Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen or ‘Submit’
icon in the bottom action bar to submit any changes made.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


5 Failure to Comply Notification Forms
Under TSCA Title VI, EPA-recognized Accreditation Bodies are required to verify a TPC or
laboratory’s failure to comply with EPA’s formaldehyde emission standards or TSCA Title VI

Create Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier Form

To create a new Third-Party Certifier Failure to Comply Notification form, navigate to the
‘Applications and Notifications’ screen and select ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party
Certifier’ from the ‘Select Form Type’ drop-down menu. Refer to Section 3.4 for additional
details regarding the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen.
Refer to Section 3.6 for additional details regarding the create passphrase process.
5.1.1 Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier
The ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier’ screen provides you with the ability
to enter information regarding a TPC that has failed to comply with TSCA Title VI regulations.
To record a TPC failure to comply, select the TPC from the ‘Third-Party Certifier’ drop-down
menu, then click the ‘Add’ button and enter the necessary information in the Failure to Comply
The ‘Third-Party Certifier’ drop-down menu displays a list of all TPCs that have been approved
by EPA and those that also have the Accreditation Body of the AB Authorized Official, selected
in their TPC Application. The TPC must provide you with their Unique ID so that the
appropriate selection can be made.
The ‘Third-Party Certifier Failure to Comply’ table displays the date of failure, failure type,
whether the TPC accreditation has been suspended, reduced, or withdrawn, and allows you to
delete failure to comply notifications by clicking the ‘Delete’ icon located under the ‘Actions’
The ‘Failure Type’ field allows you to record different types of compliance failures and provides
the option of reporting failure types that are not included by default in the ‘Failure Type’ dropdown menu.
To edit the information for previous failure to comply entries, click the failure type link to enable
the failure to comply entry fields.
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the entirety of the submission as confidential.
• Type: Displays ‘Third-Party Certifier.’
• Third-Party Certifier: Select the accredited TPC from the drop-down menu. The TPC will
have to provide you with their Unique ID so that the appropriate selection can be made. This
is a required field.
• Date: Displays the compliance failure date of the TPC. Information displays in this column
once an entry is saved.
• Failure Type: Displays the failure type. Click the failure type link to enable the fields within
the failure type table. Information displays in this column once an entry is saved.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


• Suspended: Displays a ‘Y’ or an ‘N’ to indicate whether an AB has suspended accreditation
of the TPC. Information displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Reduced: Displays a ‘Y’ or an ‘N’ to indicate whether an accreditation body has reduced the
accreditation of the TPC. Information displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Withdrawn: Displays a ‘Y’ or an ‘N’ to indicate whether the TPC has voluntarily withdrawn
from the TSCA Title VI Third-Party Certification program. Information displays in this
column once an entry is saved.
• Actions: Click the ‘Delete’ icon ( ) to remove a TPC Failure to Comply entry. The icon
displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Add: Click the ‘Add’ button to enable the failure to comply entry fields.
• Failure Date: Click the calendar widget or the field and select the compliance failure date of
the TPC. This is a required field.
• Suspended: Check the checkbox to indicate that an accreditation body has suspended
accreditation of the TPC.
• Reduced: Check the checkbox to indicate that an accreditation body has reduced
accreditation of the TPC.
• Withdrawn: Check the checkbox to indicate that the TPC has voluntarily withdrawn from
the TSCA Title VI Third-Party Certification program.
• Failure Type: Select the compliance failure type from the drop-down menu. Select the
‘Other, please describe’ option to generate an ‘Other Description’ field. This is a required
• Other Description: Enter a description of the other failure type that is not captured within
the ‘Failure Type’ drop-down menu. This is a required field if the ‘Other, please describe’
option is selected in the ‘Failure Type’ field.
• Steps Taken to Address Deficiency: Enter the steps that have been taken to remedy the
identified failure(s).
• Document (optional): Click the ‘Browse’ button to generate the ‘File Upload’ window to
search your local hard drive to attach a document.
• Save: Click the ‘Save’ button to save the data entered within the failure to comply entry
• Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to discard the data entered/edited within the failure to
comply entry fields.
• Submit: Click the ‘Submit’ button to submit the Third-Party Certifier Failure to Comply
Notification form.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 5-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party
Certifier’ screen:
Exhibit 5-1 Failure to Comply Notification – Third-Party Certifier Screen

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen or the ‘Submit’ icon in the
bottom action bar to submit the Third-Party Certifier Failure to Comply Notification form.

Create Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory Form

To create a new Laboratory Failure to Comply Notification form, navigate to the ‘Applications
and Notifications’ screen and select ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ from the
‘Select Form Type’ drop-down menu. Refer to Section 3.4 for additional details regarding the
‘Applications and Notifications’ screen.
Refer to Section 3.6 for additional details regarding the create passphrase process.
5.2.1 Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory
The ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ screen provides you with the ability to enter
information regarding laboratories that fail to comply with TSCA Title VI regulations. To record
a laboratory failure to comply, select a laboratory by clicking the ‘Choose Laboratory’ link, then
click the ‘Add’ button and enter in the necessary information in the failure to comply fields.
Click the ‘Choose Laboratory’ link to navigate to the ‘Failure to Comply – Laboratory Search’
screen. The ‘Failure to Comply – Laboratory Search’ screen provides you with the ability to
enter in information and search from a list of existing laboratories to enter the lab into the
‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ screen. Refer to Section 3.10 for more
information regarding the ‘Choose Laboratory’ link.
The ‘Laboratory Failure to Comply’ table displays the date of failure, failure type, whether the
accreditation of the Laboratory has been suspended, reduced, or withdrawn, and allows you to
delete failure to comply notifications by clicking the ‘Delete’ icon located under the ‘Actions’
The ‘Failure Type’ field allows you to record different types of compliance failures and provides
the option of reporting failure types that are not included by default in the ‘Failure Type’ dropdown menu.
To edit the information for previous failure to comply entries, click the failure type link to enable
the failure to comply entry fields.
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the entirety of the submission as confidential.
• Type: Displays ‘Laboratory.’
• Laboratory: Click the ‘Choose Laboratory’ link to choose and enter the accredited
laboratory from a list of existing laboratories or add a new laboratory to the list. This is a
required field. Refer to Section 3.10 for more information regarding the ‘Choose Laboratory’
• Date: Displays the laboratory’s compliance failure date. Information displays in this column
once an entry is saved.
• Failure Type: Displays the failure type; click the failure type link to enable the fields within
the failure type table. Information displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Suspended: Displays a ‘Y’ or an ‘N’ to indicate whether an AB has suspended accreditation
of the laboratory. Information displays in this column once an entry is saved.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


• Reduced: Displays a ‘Y’ or an ‘N’ to indicate whether an AB has reduced accreditation of
the laboratory. Information displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Withdrawn: Displays a ‘Y’ or an ‘N’ to indicate whether the laboratory has voluntarily
withdrawn from the TSCA Title VI Third-Party Certification program. Information displays
in this column once an entry is saved.
• Actions: Click the ‘Delete’ icon ( ) to remove a Laboratory Failure to Comply entry. The
icon displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Add: Click the ‘Add’ button to enable the failure to comply entry fields.
• Failure Date: Click the calendar widget or the field and select the date of the laboratory’s
failure to comply. This is a required field.
• Suspended: Check the checkbox to indicate that an AB has suspended accreditation of the
• Reduced: Check the checkbox to indicate that an AB has reduced the accreditation of the
• Withdrawn: Check the checkbox to indicate that the laboratory has withdrawn from the
TSCA Title VI Third-Party Certification program.
• Failure Type: Select the compliance failure type from the drop-down menu. Selecting the
‘Other, please describe’ option generates an ‘Other Description’ field. This is a required
• Other Description: Enter a description of the other failure type that is not captured within
the ‘Failure Type’ drop-down menu. This is a required field if the ‘Other, please describe’
option is selected in the ‘Failure Type’ field.
• Steps Taken to Address Deficiency: Enter the steps that have been taken to remedy the
identified failure(s).
• Document (optional): Click the ‘Browse’ button to generate the ‘File Upload’ window to
search the user’s local hard drive to attach a document.
• Save: Click the ‘Save’ button to save the data entered within the failure to comply entry
• Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to discard the data entered/edited within the failure to
comply entry fields.
• Submit: Click the ‘Submit’ button to submit the Laboratory Failure to Comply Notification

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 5-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory’ screen:
Exhibit 5-2 Failure to Comply Notification – Laboratory Screen

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen or the ‘Submit’ icon in the
action bar to submit the Laboratory Failure to Comply Notification form.

Failure to Comply Form Amendment

The ‘Failure to Comply Amendment’ screen displays a text box for a user to list the fields that
were changed in the form amendment.
To amend a submitted form, indicate any changes from the previous form in the ‘Changed
Fields’ text box and navigate to the appropriate section of the form to make the changes listed.
After making all necessary changes, click the ‘Submit’ button in the bottom action bar to
resubmit the form.
Exhibit 5-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Failure to Comply Notification Amendment’ screen:
Exhibit 5-3 Failure to Comply Notification Amendment Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the other screens of the form to make any
edits or necessary changes. Click the ‘Submit’ button or ‘Submit’ icon in the action bar to submit
any changes made.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


6 Annual Report Forms
EPA-recognized ABs are required to report on a TPC’s or Laboratory’s ability to fulfill their
responsibilities under EPA’s TSCA Title VI regulations.

Create Product AB Annual Report Form

To create a new Product AB Annual Report form, navigate to the ‘Annual Reports’ screen and
select ‘Annual Report – Product AB’ from the ‘Select Annual Report Type’ drop-down menu.
Refer to Section 3.5 for additional details regarding the ‘Annual Reports’ screen.
Refer to Section 3.6 for additional details regarding the create passphrase process.
6.1.1 Product AB Annual Report
The ‘Product AB Annual Report’ screen provides you with the ability to enter information
regarding Product AB assessments. To record a Product AB assessment, click the ‘Add’ button
and enter the necessary information in the assessment fields.
The ‘Reporting Year’ drop-down menu allows you to select the reporting year of the assessment.
The ‘Product AB Assessment’ table displays the TPC name, number of assessments, any
attached documents, and allows you to delete assessments by clicking the ‘Delete’ icon located
under the ‘Actions’ column.
Click the TPC link to enable and edit the information entered into the assessment entry fields.
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the entirety of the submission as confidential.
• Reporting Year: Select the reporting year from the drop-down menu.
• Third-Party Certifier: Displays the name of the TPC. Information will be displayed in this
column once an entry is saved.
• Number of Assessments: Displays the number of assessments per TPC. Information will be
displayed in this column once an entry is saved.
• Document: Displays any documents uploaded to the ‘Product AB Assessment’ table.
Information displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Actions: Click the ‘Delete’ icon ( ) to remove a Product AB Annual Report entry. The icon
displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Add: Click the ‘Add’ button to enable the assessment entry fields.
• Third-Party Certifier: Select the TPC from the drop-down menu for which you would like
to report an assessment. The TPC will have to provide you with their Unique ID so that the
appropriate selection can be made. This is a required field.
• Document (optional): Click the ‘Browse’ button to generate the ‘File Upload’ window to
search a user’s local hard drive to attach a document.
• Add a new assessment: Click the ‘Add a new assessment’ link to generate the ‘Assessment
Date’ and ‘Assessment Type’ entry fields.
• Assessment Date: Click the calendar widget or the field and select the date of the TPC’s
assessment. This is a required field.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


• Assessment Type: Select one of the following options from the ‘Assessment Type’ dropdown menu: ‘Assessment,’ ‘Reassessment,’ or ‘Surveillance On-Site Assessment.’ This is a
required field.
• Delete: Click the delete icon (

) to delete the assessment information entered.

• Save: Click the ‘Save’ button to save the information entered within the assessment entry
• Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to discard the information entered within the assessment
entry fields.
• Submit: Click the ‘Submit’ button to submit the Product AB Annual Report form.
Exhibit 6-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Product AB Annual Report’ screen:
Exhibit 6-1 Product AB Annual Report Screen

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen or the ‘Submit’ icon in the
action bar to submit the Product AB Annual Report form.

Create Laboratory AB Annual Report Form

To create a new Laboratory AB Annual Report form, navigate to the ‘Annual Reports’ screen
and select ‘Annual Report – Laboratory AB’ from the ‘Select Annual Report Type’ drop-down
menu. Refer to Section 3.5 for additional details regarding the ‘Annual Reports’ screen.
Refer to Section 3.6 for additional details regarding the create passphrase process.
6.2.1 Laboratory AB Annual Report
The ‘Laboratory AB Annual Report’ screen provides you with the ability to enter information
regarding assessments made by laboratories. To record a laboratory assessment, click the ‘Add’
button and enter the necessary information in the assessment fields.
The ‘Reporting Year’ field allows you to select the reporting year of the assessment from the
drop-down menu.
The ‘Laboratory AB Assessment’ table displays the laboratory name, number of assessments,
any attached documents, and allows you to delete assessments by clicking the ‘Delete’ icon
located under the ‘Actions’ column.
To edit the information for previously entered assessments, click the laboratory link to enable the
assessment entry fields.
• CBI: Check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to claim the entirety of the submission as confidential.
• Reporting Year: Select the reporting year from the drop-down menu.
• Laboratory Unique Identification: Displays the name of the laboratory. Information
displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Number of Assessments: Displays the number of assessments per laboratory. Information
displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Document: Displays any documents uploaded to the ‘Laboratory AB Assessment’ table.
Information displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Actions: Click the ‘Delete’ icon ( ) to remove a Laboratory AB Annual Report entry. The
icon displays in this column once an entry is saved.
• Add: Click the ‘Add’ button to enable the assessment entry fields.
• Laboratory: Click the ‘Choose Laboratory’ link to generate the ‘Laboratory Search’ screen.
This is a required field. Refer to Section 3.10 for more information regarding the ‘Choose
Laboratory’ link.
• Document (optional): Click the ‘Browse’ button to generate the ‘File Upload’ window to
search your local hard drive to attach a document.
• Add a new assessment: Click the ‘Add a new assessment’ link to generate the ‘Assessment
Date’ and ‘Assessment Type’ entry fields.
• Assessment Date: Click the calendar widget or the field and select the date of the
laboratory’s assessment. This is a required field.
TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


• Assessment Type: Select one of the following options from the ‘Assessment Type’ dropdown menu: ‘Assessment,’ ‘Reassessment,’ or ‘Surveillance On-Site Assessment.’ This is a
required field.
• Delete: Click the delete icon (

) to delete the assessment information entered.

• Save: Click the ‘Save’ button to save the information entered within the assessment entry
• Cancel: Click the ‘Cancel’ button to discard the information entered within the assessment
entry fields.
• Submit: Click the ‘Submit’ button to submit the Laboratory AB Annual Report form.
Exhibit 6-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Laboratory AB Annual Report’ screen:
Exhibit 6-2 Laboratory AB Annual Report Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen or the ‘Submit’ icon in the
bottom action bar to submit the Laboratory AB Annual Report form.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official



Annual Report Amendment

The ‘Annual Report Amendment’ screen displays a text box for a user to list the fields that were
changed in the form amendment.
To amend a submitted form, indicate any changes from the previous application in the ‘Changed
Fields’ text box and navigate to the appropriate section of the form to make the changes listed.
After making all necessary changes, click the ‘Submit’ icon in the bottom action bar to resubmit
the form.
Exhibit 6-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Annual Report Amendment’ screen:
Exhibit 6-3 Annual Report Amendment Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the other screens of the form to make any
edits or changes necessary. Click the ‘Submit’ button or ‘Submit’ icon in the bottom action bar
to submit any changes made.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


7 Preview
The system provides the option to preview a form at any point during the submission process.
Click the ‘Preview’ icon ( ), located within the bottom action bar, to see a PDF version of the
form. A pop-up window will display the information entered in the form in a PDF format.
Exhibit 7-1 shows a screen capture for the preview of the AB form:
Exhibit 7-1 Preview AB Form PDF

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 7-2 shows a screen capture for the preview of the Failure to Comply Notification form:
Exhibit 7-2 Preview Failure to Comply Notification Form PDF

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 7-3 shows a screen capture for the preview of the Annual Report form:
Exhibit 7-3 Preview Annual Report Form PDF

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


8 Validate
You can click the ‘Validate’ icon ( ) at any stage of completing a TSCA Title VI form. The
‘TSCA Title VI Validation’ pop-up window displays when you click the ‘Validate’ icon ( ).
Disable the pop-up blocker within your internet browser so that the ‘TSCA Title VI Validation’
pop-up window displays correctly. The ‘TSCA Title VI Validation’ pop-up window displays a
report of all validation errors. During the validation process, the application validates each screen
of the TSCA Title VI form to find missing and invalid data.
Validation Errors: Errors can be fixed by clicking the error link. The links will display the
screen title name (e.g., Failure to Comply) and the associated error. After you click a link, the
main application screen will display the section where the error occurred so you can easily fix
the error. Once you have fixed the error(s), click the ‘Validate’ icon ( ) again to refresh the
‘TSCA Title VI Validation’ pop-up window. If the information you fixed passes validation, the
error will be removed from the ‘TSCA Title VI Validation’ pop-up window. You must fix all
validation errors to submit the form to CDX successfully.
You can close the ‘TSCA Title VI Validation’ pop-up window by clicking the ‘X’ button located
at the upper right-hand corner of the window.
Exhibit 8-1 shows a screen capture for the ‘TSCA Title VI Validation’ pop-up window:
Exhibit 8-1 TSCA Title VI Validation Pop-Up Window

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


9 CBI Substantiation
EPA modified the electronic reporting applications for TSCA submissions to accept CBI
substantiations for CBI claims made during the creation of electronic submissions. Other than
information exempt from substantiation under TSCA Section 14(c)(2), users who wish to assert
CBI claims for data within a submission must substantiate those claims at the time of submission
as required by TSCA Section 14(c)(3).

Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI) Claims

You can access the ‘Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI)
Claims’ screen by claiming information as CBI within a form and clicking the ‘CBI
Substantiation Documentation’ link within the navigation tree. The ‘CBI Substantiation
Documentation’ link and the ‘Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business
Information (CBI) Claims’ screen will not generate until a CBI claim is made within a
submission. Information claimed CBI must either be substantiated or claimed exempt pursuant
to TSCA Section 14(c)(2) at the time of submission.
To substantiate a CBI claim, upload documentation asserting your claim(s). You may also optout of substantiation if, for example, you believe your CBI claim is exempt under TSCA Section
14(c)(2). Common exemption reasons can be found at To opt-out of substantiation at the time of submission,
all CBI claims within a submission must be exempt.




Substantiation Opt-Out: Certain data claimed as CBI might be exempt from
substantiation at the time of submission. If all information contained within the
submission was previously substantiated or you believe it to be exempt pursuant to TSCA
Section 14(c)(2), check the ‘Substantiation Opt-Out’ checkbox to generate the
‘Substantiation Opt-Out Reason’ text box and hide the ‘File Upload’ button. Either a
substantiation opt-out reason or CBI substantiation document must be provided if a CBI
claim is made in a submission.
Substantiation Opt-Out Reason: Enter information explaining why you believe your
CBI claim(s) to be exempt from substantiation. Either a substantiation opt-out reason
within the text box or CBI substantiation document must be provided if a CBI claim is
made in a submission.
Select a file to attach: Click the ‘Browse’ button to search your local machine and
upload a file that contains your CBI substantiation. To overwrite an uploaded file, click
the ‘Browse’ button again to search for and upload a new file. Either a substantiation optout reason or CBI substantiation document must be provided if a CBI claim is made in a
CBI: If the uploaded substantiation document contains CBI, check the ‘CBI’ checkbox to
generate the ‘Sanitized Document’ field. A sanitized CBI substantiation document must
be provided if the original substantiation document is claimed CBI.
Sanitized Document: Click the ‘Browse’ button to search your local machine and upload
a file that contains your sanitized CBI substantiation. To overwrite an uploaded file, click
the ‘Browse’ button again to search for and upload a new file. A substantiation
attachment must be provided if the original substantiation document is claimed CBI.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


If you are unfamiliar with substantiating CBI claims or require assistance preparing
substantiation documents, EPA offers a link to templates and other information for substantiating
CBI claims on the ‘Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI)
Claims’ screen. It is suggested that you right-click the link and open in a new tab or new window
so you do not leave your submission as this may affect your saved data.
Exhibit 9-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business
Information (CBI) Claims’ screen (Scroll 1):
Exhibit 9-1 Instructions for Substantiating Confidential Business Information (CBI) Claims Screen
(Scroll 1)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 9-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Instructions for Substantiating CBI Claims’ Screen
(Scroll 2) (Substantiation Opt-Out Example):
Exhibit 9-2 Instructions for Substantiating CBI Claims Screen (Scroll 2) (Substantiation Opt-Out

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 9-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Instructions for Substantiating CBI Claims’ Screen
(Scroll 3) (Sanitized Substantiation Upload Example):
Exhibit 9-3 Instructions for Substantiating CBI Claims Screen (Scroll 3) (Sanitized Substantiation
Upload Example)

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


10 Submit to EPA via CDX
As an AB Authorized Official, you have the ability to sign and submit a TSCA Title VI form to
EPA via CDX. You can save your form at any point during the data entry process. Assigned
Supports cannot submit the TSCA Title VI form on your behalf. The save functionality will
allow you to return to that same form at any point in the future.
Once you complete all required information and correct all items failing validation, the system
will allow the TSCA Title VI form to be successfully submitted.
10.1 Submission Process: Validate
Click the ‘Submit’ icon ( ) that is located in the bottom action bar of the TSCA Title VI
application to access the ‘Submission Process: Validate’ screen. This screen only displays to an
AB Authorized Official upon submission.
The ‘Submission Process: Validate’ screen displays after clicking the ‘Submit’ button or icon in
the bottom action bar and validates the data in your form.
If there are errors in the form, an error message displays and the ‘TSCA Title VI: Validate’ popup window displays. You can navigate back to the form you were submitting to make the
appropriate corrections by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button on the ‘Submission Process: Validate’
If there are no errors in the form, clicking the ‘Continue’ button will navigate you to the
‘Submission Process: PDF Generation’ screen.
Exhibit 10-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Submission Process: Validate’ screen:
Exhibit 10-1 Submission Process: Validate Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Continue’ button to continue submitting the form and navigating to the
‘Submission Process: PDF Generation’ screen.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


10.2 Submission Process: PDF Generation Screen
The ‘Submission Process: PDF Generation’ screen displays after navigating away from the
‘Submission Process: Validate’ screen. It displays a ‘View PDF,’ ‘View Sanitized PDF,’
‘Cancel,’ and ‘Continue’ button to proceed with the submission process.
Click the ‘View PDF’ button on the ‘Submission Process: PDF Generation’ screen to generate a
pop-up window displaying a .pdf version of the submitted form.
Click the ‘View Sanitized PDF’ button on the ‘Submission Process: PDF Generation’ screen to
generate a pop-up window displaying a sanitized .pdf version of the submitted form. If you make
no CBI claims on a submission, the ‘View PDF’ and ‘View Sanitized PDF’ versions will be the
Click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation
(CROMERR) Submission’ screen.
Click the ‘Cancel’ button to navigate back to the form you were submitting.
Exhibit 10-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Submission Process: PDF Generation’ screen:
Exhibit 10-2 Submission Process: PDF Generation Screen

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Click the ‘Continue’ button to continue with submitting the form and navigating to
the ‘Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Submission’ screen.
10.3 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Submission Screen
The ‘CROMERR Submission’ screen displays your user ID and blank password field for you to
enter your CDX password.
Click the ‘Next’ button to generate the ‘Answer Secret Question’ field set. A secret question
displays with a blank answer field. The secret question will be one that you selected during CDX
registration. Enter the answer to the secret question.
Click the ‘Next’ button to generate the ‘Certify’ field set.
Click the ‘Submit’ button to navigate to the ‘Success’ field set. Click the ‘Submit’ button to
submit the form to CDX.
Click the ‘Finish’ button to navigate to the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen. Click the
‘Finish’ button to acknowledge submission of the form to CDX.
Exhibit 10-3 shows a screen capture for the ‘Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation
(CROMERR) Submission’ screen:
Exhibit 10-3 Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Submission Screen

Navigation: Click the ‘Finish’ button to complete the submission process and proceed to the
‘Applications and Notifications’ screen.
TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


11 Download Copy of Record
To download a Copy of Record, navigate to the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen or the
‘Annual Reports’ screen and locate a Unique ID for which you have successfully completed a
submission and which has a status of ‘Pending,’ ‘Approved,’ ‘Rejected,’ or ‘Submitted.’
Click the ‘Copy of Record’ icon ( ) from the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen or the
‘Annual Reports’ screen and enter in the passphrase that is associated with the form’s Copy of
Record. Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation
(CROMERR) Login’ screen where you are required to enter the credentials that you provided
during CDX registration. Once you have provided the correct CDX login information, click the
‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Answer Secret Question’ field set. Enter the answer to the secret
question and click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Copy of Record’ screen.
The ‘Copy of Record’ screen displays the ‘File Name,’ ‘File Size,’ and ‘Actions’ columns in a
table format. The ‘Copy of Record’ screen also gives the option to Download EPA
Communications and displays the ‘Communication Type,’ ‘File Name,’ ‘File Size,’ ‘Status,’ and
‘Download’ columns in a table format. Click the ‘Download Document’ icon ( ) to download
the individual files uploaded during the submission process or a PDF version of the TSCA Title
VI form.
Exhibit 11-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Copy of Record’ screen:
Exhibit 11-1 Copy of Record Screen

Navigation: Click ‘Download’ icon ( ) under the ‘Actions’ column to download a Copy of
Record. Click the ‘Home’ button to navigate to the ‘TSCA Title VI Home’ screen.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


12 EPA Communications
EPA may send electronic communications related to specific CDX submissions. In the event
EPA sends an electronic communication, the original submitter will receive a notification to both
their registered email address and inbox within CDX. The notification will inform the user that
there is a new, submission-specific communication available from EPA.
Exhibit 12-1 shows a screen capture of a sample Email Notification from CDX:
Exhibit 12-1 New EPA Communication Email Notification

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Exhibit 12-2 shows a screen capture of a sample Inbox Notification:
Exhibit 12-2 New EPA Communication CDX Inbox Notification

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Users can access EPA communications by logging into CDX and navigating to the CSPP
application to which a communication applies. Within the TSCA Title VI application, users
should navigate to the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen or the ‘Annual Reports’ screen,
depending on which form the communication applies to, to access EPA communications. A
‘Closed Envelope’ icon ( ) appears under the ‘Actions’ column for a submission that contains a
new EPA communication, and an ‘Open Envelope’ icon ( ) displays for a submission that
contains a previously downloaded EPA communication. To access a communication, click either
the ‘Closed Envelope,’ ‘Open Envelope,’ or ‘Copy of Record’ icon. To ensure EPA
communications are not improperly viewed, access to EPA communications is restricted to users
who may access the copy of record for a submission. Additionally, EPA captures and stores
CDX user and timestamp data each time an EPA communication is accessed.
Exhibit 12-3 shows a screen capture of the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen containing a
new EPA communication:
Exhibit 12-3 Applications and Notifications Screen

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Click the ‘Closed Envelope,’ ‘Open Envelope,’ or ‘Copy of Record’ icon to
navigate to the ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen and enter the passphrase that is associated with the
submission. Then, click the ‘Continue’ button to navigate to the ‘Cross-Media Electronic
Reporting Regulation (CROMERR) Login’ screen where you are required to enter the
credentials that you provided during CDX registration. Once you have provided the correct CDX
login information, click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Answer Secret Question’ field set.
Enter the answer to the 20-5-1 question and click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Copy of
Record’ screen.
The ‘Download EPA Communications’ table is located at the bottom of the ‘Copy of Record’
screen and displays EPA communications associated with all versions of the selected
submission. The ‘Download EPA Communications’ table includes the following columns of

Communication Type: Displays the type of EPA communication.


File Name: Displays the file name of the EPA communication.


File Size: Displays the file size of the EPA communication.


Status: Displays the status of the EPA communication. The ‘Closed Envelope’ icon (
indicates an un-accessed EPA communication, and the ‘Open Envelope’ icon ( )
indicates an accessed EPA communication.


Download: Click the ‘Download’ icon ( ) to download an EPA communication. The
communication file downloads as a PDF.
Exhibit 12-4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Copy of Record’ screen with the ‘Download EPA
Communications’ table at the bottom:

Exhibit 12-4 Copy of Record Screen

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Navigation: Click the ‘Download’ icon ( ) under the ‘Download EPA Communications’ table
to download the EPA communication file. Click the ‘Home’ button to return to the TSCA Title
VI ‘Home’ screen.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


13 Create an Amendment
To amend a submitted TSCA Title VI form, navigate to the ‘Applications and Notifications’ or
‘Annual Reports’ screen and locate a submission that you previously submitted with a status of
‘Approved,’ ‘Rejected,’ or ‘Submitted.’ In addition to displaying a status of ‘Approved,’
‘Rejected,’ or ‘Submitted’ under the ‘Status’ column, the ‘Lock’ icon ( ) displays under the
‘Actions’ column. Click the ‘Lock’ icon ( ) under the ‘Actions’ column and enter in the
passphrase associated with that submission to start an amendment.
Exhibit 13-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen:
Exhibit 13-1 Applications and Notifications Screen – Amendment

Navigation: After clicking the ‘Lock’ icon ( ), a prompt will display to confirm the amendment
process. If you do not want to continue with the amendment, click the ‘Cancel’ button to cancel
the amendment process and return to the ‘Applications and Notifications’ or ‘Annual Reports’
screen. Click the ‘OK’ button to close the prompt and continue with the amendment.
Exhibit 13-2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Unlock Prompt’ message:
Exhibit 13-2 Unlock Prompt Message

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Click the ‘OK’ button to navigate to the ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen and then the ‘Amendment’
screen for the specific TSCA Title VI form.
After a submission has been unlocked, the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen will display a
status of ‘In Progress’ under the ‘Status’ column; however, you will not see these changes until
you navigate back to the ‘Applications and Notifications’ screen.
• Refer to Section 4.2 for instructions on amending an Accreditation Body Application for
Recognition Agreement.
• Refer to Section 5.1 for instructions on amending a Failure to Comply Notification – ThirdParty Certifier form.
• Refer to Section 5.2 for instructions on amending a Failure to Comply Notification –
Laboratory form.
• Refer to Section 6.1 for instructions on amending a Product AB Annual Report.
• Refer to Section 6.2 for instructions on amending a Laboratory AB Annual Report.

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


14 Resources
You can access the ‘Resources’ screen by clicking the ‘Resources’ link located at the top of the
screen at any time during the submission process. You can also access the ‘Resources’ screen by
clicking the ‘Resources’ link from the TSCA Title VI ‘Home’ screen. The ‘Resources’ screen
provides you with links to the appropriate TSCA Title VI user guides as well as additional
helpful links.
• User Guide: Click the ‘User Guide’ link to access the TSCA Title VI user guide document.
• CDX Homepage: Click the ‘CDX Homepage’ link to access additional information related
to the Central Data Exchange (CDX).
• Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products: Click the ‘Formaldehyde
Emissions from Composite Wood Products’ link to access additional information related to
the formaldehyde emission standards for composite wood products.
Exhibit 14-1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Resources’ screen:
Exhibit 14-1 Resources Screen

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


Appendix A
The following table displays all the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document and their
full name.
Acronyms and Abbreviations

Full Name


Accreditation Body


Authorized Official


Confidential Business Information


Central Data Exchange


Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Regulation


Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs


Comma-Separated Values


Environmental Protection Agency


Eastern Standard Time


International Accreditation Forum Multilateral Recognition Arrangement




Internet Explorer


International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement


Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics


Portable Document Format


Third Party Certifier


Toxic Substances Control Act


Uniform Resource Locator


Extensible Markup Language

TSCA Title VI User Guide
Accreditation Body Authorized Official


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleTSCA Title VI User Guide - Accreditation Body Authorized Official
File Modified2020-05-15
File Created2020-05-15

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