60 Day FR Notice

1235 - 0006 FR Notice.pdf

Housing Occupancy Certificate—Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act

60 Day FR Notice

OMB: 1235-0006

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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 17 / Monday, January 27, 2020 / Notices
(c) There are currently no replacement
3M PAPRs that meet the MSHA
standard for permissibility.
(d) The VersafloTM TR–800
Intrinsically Safe PAPR qualifies as
intrinsically safe in the US, Canada, and
countries that accept the International
Electrotechnical Commissions System
for Certification to Standards Relating to
Equipment for Use in Explosive
Atmosphere (IECEx). It is not MSHAapproved and 3M is not currently
pursuing approval.
The petitioner proposes the following
alternative method:
(1) The operator is petitioning to use
the VersafloTM TR–800 Intrinsically Safe
PAPR in return airways.
(2) The equipment will be examined
at least weekly by a qualified person
according to 30 CFR 75.512–2 and
examination results will be recorded
weekly and may be expunged after one
(3) The operator will comply with 30
CFR 75.323.
(4) A qualified person under 30 CFR
75.151 will monitor for methane as is
required in the mine.
(5) Qualified miners will receive
training regarding the information in the
Decision and Order before using
equipment in the relevant part of the
mine. A record of the training will be
kept and available upon request.
(6) Within 60 days of the Decision and
Order becoming finalized, the operator
will submit proposed revisions to 30
CFR 75.370, mine ventilation, to be
approved under the 30 CFR part 48
training plan by the Coal Mine Safety
and Health District Manager. The
revisions will specify initial and
refresher training and when the
revisions are conducted, the MSHA
Certificate of Training (Form 5000–23)
will be completed. Comments will be
made on the certificate to note nonpermissible testing equipment training.
(7) The operator is responsible for all
people, including contractors, using the
above equipment. The petitioner asserts
that the alternative method will
guarantee no less than the same measure
of protection afforded the miners under
the mandatory standard.
Docket Number: M–2019–069–C.
Petitioner: Peabody Twentymile
Mining, LLC, 29515 Route County Road
#27, Oak Creek, CO 80467.
Mine: Foidel Creek Mine, MSHA I.D.
No. 05–03836, located in Routt County,
Regulation Affected: 30 CFR
75.1002(a) (Installation of electric
equipment and conductors;
Modification Request: The petitioner
requests a modification of the existing

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standard, 30 CFR 75.1002(a), as it relates
to the use of an alternative method of
respirable dust protection at the
Francisco Underground Pit mine. The
operator is petitioning to use a battery
powered respirable protection unit
called a VersafloTM TR–800 Intrinsically
Safe Powered Air Purifying Respirator
(PAPR) within 150 feet of pillar
workings and longwall faces.
The petitioner states that:
(a) Peabody currently uses the 3M
Airstream helmet to provide miners
with respirable protection against coal
mine dust, a protection with long-term
health benefits.
(b) 3M is discontinuing the Airstream
helmet by June 1, 2020 due to
disruption in their component supply
but it will offer the VersafloTM TR–800
Intrinsically Safe Powered Air Purifying
Respirator (PAPR). February 2020 will
be the last opportunity to order the
Airstream components.
(c) There are currently no replacement
3M PAPRs that meet the MSHA
standard for permissibility.
(d) The VersafloTM TR–800
Intrinsically Safe PAPR qualifies as
intrinsically safe in the US, Canada, and
countries that accept the International
Electrotechnical Commissions System
for Certification to Standards Relating to
Equipment for Use in Explosive
Atmosphere (IECEx). It is not MSHAapproved and 3M is not currently
pursuing approval.
The petitioner proposes the following
alternative method:
(1) The operator is petitioning to use
the VersafloTM TR–800 Intrinsically Safe
PAPR within 150 feet of pillar workings
and longwall faces.
(2) The equipment will be examined
at least weekly by a qualified person
according to 30 CFR 75.512–2 and
examination results will be recorded
weekly and may be expunged after one
(3) The operator will comply with 30
CFR 75.323.
(4) A qualified person under 30 CFR
75.151 will monitor for methane as is
required in the mine.
(5) Qualified miners will receive
training regarding the information in the
Decision and Order before using
equipment in the relevant part of the
mine. A record of the training will be
kept and available upon request.
(6) Within 60 days of the Decision and
Order becoming finalized, the operator
will submit proposed revisions to 30
CFR 75.370, mine ventilation, to be
approved under the 30 CFR part 48
training plan by the Coal Mine Safety
and Health District Manager. The
revisions will specify initial and
refresher training and when the

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revisions are conducted, the MSHA
Certificate of Training (Form 5000–23)
will be completed. Comments will be
made on the certificate to note nonpermissible testing equipment training.
(7) The operator is responsible for all
people, including contractors, using the
above equipment. The petitioner asserts
that the alternative method will
guarantee no less than the same measure
of protection afforded the miners under
the mandatory standard.
Sheila McConnell,
Director, Office of Standards, Regulations,
and Variances.
[FR Doc. 2020–01239 Filed 1–24–20; 8:45 am]

Wage and Hour Division
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request;
Information Collection—Housing
Occupancy Certificates Under the
Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural
Worker Protection Act
Wage and Hour Division,
Department of Labor.
ACTION: Notice.

The Department of Labor, as
part of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent burden,
conducts a preclearance consultation
program to provide the general public
and federal agencies with an
opportunity to comment on proposed
and/or continuing collections of
information in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA95). This program helps to ensure
that requested data can be provided in
the desired format, reporting burden
(time and financial resources) is
minimized, collection instruments are
clearly understood, and the impact of
collection requirements on respondents
can be properly assessed. Currently, the
Wage and Hour Division is soliciting
comments concerning its proposal to
extend Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) approval of the
Information Collection: Housing
Occupancy Certificate—Migrant and
Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection
Act. A copy of the proposed information
request can be obtained by contacting
the office listed below in the FOR
this Notice.
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted to the office listed in the
ADDRESSES section below on or before
March 27, 2020.




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 17 / Monday, January 27, 2020 / Notices

You may submit comments
identified by OMB Control Number
1235–0006, by either one of the
following methods: Email:
WHDPRAComments@dol.gov; Mail,
Hand Delivery, Courier: Division of
Regulations, Legislation, and
Interpretation, Wage and Hour, U.S.
Department of Labor, Room S–3502, 200
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20210. Instructions: Please submit
one copy of your comments by only one
method. All submissions received must
include the agency name and Control
Number identified above for this
information collection. Because we
continue to experience delays in
receiving mail in the Washington, DC
area, commenters are strongly
encouraged to transmit their comments
electronically via email or to submit
them by mail early. Comments,
including any personal information
provided, become a matter of public
record. They will also be summarized
and/or included in the request for OMB
approval of the information collection
Robert Waterman, Division of
Regulations, Legislation, and
Interpretation, Wage and Hour, U.S.
Department of Labor, Room S–3502, 200
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20210; telephone: (202) 693–0406
(this is not a toll-free number). Copies
of this notice may be obtained in
alternative formats (Large Print, Braille,
Audio Tape, or Disc), upon request, by
calling (202) 693–0023 (not a toll-free
number). TTY/TTD callers may dial tollfree (877) 889–5627 to obtain
information or request materials in
alternative formats.
I. Background: The Wage and Hour
Division (WHD) of the Department of
Labor (DOL) administers the Migrant
and Seasonal Agricultural Worker
Protection Act (MSPA), 29 U.S.C. 1801
et seq. The MSPA protects migrant and
seasonal agricultural workers by
establishing employment standards
related to wages, housing,
transportation, disclosures, and
recordkeeping. The MSPA also requires
farm labor contractors and farm labor
contractor employees to register with
the U.S. Department of Labor and to
obtain special authorization before
housing, transporting, or driving
covered workers. The MSPA requires
that any person owning or controlling
any facility or real property to be used
for housing migrant agricultural workers
shall not permit such housing to be
occupied by any worker unless copy of
a certificate of occupancy from the state,

khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES


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local,or federal agency that conducted
the housing safety and health inspection
is posted at the site of the facility or real
property. The certificate attests that the
facility or real property meets applicable
safety and health standards. Form WH–
520 is an information gathering form
and the certificate of occupancy that the
Wage and Hour Division issues when it
is the federal agency conducting the
safety and health inspection.
II. Review Focus: The Department of
Labor is particularly interested in
comments which:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
• Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.
III. Current Actions: The DOL seeks an
approval for the extension of this
information collection that requires any
person owning or controlling any
facility or real property to be occupied
by migrant agricultural workers to
obtain a certificate of occupancy.
Type of Review: Extension.
Agency: Wage and Hour Division.
Title: Housing Occupancy
Certificate—Migrant and Seasonal
Agricultural Worker Protection Act.
OMB Number: 1235–0006.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit, Not-for-profit institutions, Farms.
Total Respondents: 100.
Total Annual Responses: 100.
Estimated Total Burden Hours: 7.
Estimated Time per Response: 3–4
Frequency: Annual.
Total Burden Cost (capital/startup):
Total Burden Costs (operation/
maintenance): $0.
Dated: January 16, 2020.
Amy DeBisschop,
Director, Division of Regulations, Legislation,
and Interpretation.
[FR Doc. 2020–01238 Filed 1–24–20; 8:45 am]

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Sunshine Act Meeting
The Legal Services
Corporation’s Board of Directors and its
six committees will meet January 30–
February 1, 2020. On Thursday, January
30, the first meeting will commence at
1:00 p.m., Central Standard Time (CST),
with each meeting thereafter
commencing promptly upon
adjournment of the immediately
preceding meeting. On Friday, January
31, the first meeting will commence at
8:15 a.m. (CST), with the next meeting
commencing promptly upon
adjournment of the immediately
preceding meeting. On Saturday,
February 1, the open session meeting of
the Board of Directors will commence at
8:00 a.m. (CST). The closed session
meeting of the Board of Directors will
commence promptly upon adjournment
of the open session of the Board of
Directors meeting.
LOCATION: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel,
424 W Markham Street, Little Rock,
Arkansas 72201.
PUBLIC OBSERVATION: Unless otherwise
noted herein, the Board and all
committee meetings will be open to
public observation. Members of the
public who are unable to attend in
person but wish to listen to the public
proceedings may do so by following the
telephone call-in directions provided
• Call this toll-free number: 1–866–
• When prompted, enter the following
numeric pass code: 5907707348.
• Once connected to the call, your
telephone line will be automatically
• To participate in the meeting during
public comment press #6 to ‘‘UNMUTE’’
your telephone line, once you have
concluded your comments please press
*6 to ‘‘MUTE’’ your line.
Members of the public are asked to
keep their telephones muted to
eliminate background noises. To avoid
disrupting the meeting, please refrain
from placing the call on hold if doing so
will trigger recorded music or other
sound. From time to time, the presiding
Chair may solicit comments from the

Meeting Schedule
Thursday, January 30, 2020:
1. Operations and Regulations
2. Delivery of Legal Services Committee.



1:00 p.m.

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File Modified2020-02-02
File Created2020-02-02

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