Attachment B - Burden Chart for 0584-0026 7 CFR Part 245 - Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools

Attachment B. Burden Chart for 0584-0026.xlsx

7 CFR Part 245 - Determining Eligibility for Free & Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools

Attachment B - Burden Chart for 0584-0026 7 CFR Part 245 - Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools

OMB: 0584-0026

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Burden Summary

Sheet 1: Reporting

Attachment B. Burden Chart for 0584-0026 – 7 CFR Part 245Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools

A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Respondents Responses per Respondents Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Existing Requirements in Use without OMB approval Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency (SA) Level
Meals and Milk Eligibility 245.6(i) SAs and LEAs that plan to use or disclose information about children eligible for free or reduced price meals and/or free milk in ways not specified in this section must obtain written consent from the child's parent or guardian prior to the use or disclosure.
54 1 54 0.25 13.5 13.5
0.0 0.0
Meals and Milk Eligibility 245.6(j) SAs enter into written agreement with the agency receiving children's free and reduced price meal and/or free milk eligibility information.
54 1 54 0.25 13.5 13.5
0.0 0.0
Community Eligibility 245.9(f)(6) State agency to notify LEAs of their community eligibility status as applicable
54 161.65 8,729.0 0.050 436.45 229.50 0.00 207 207
F/R Eligibility 245.12(g) SAs notify FNS when there is a change in the State’s TANF Program that would no longer make households automatically eligible for free meals.
54 1 54 0.10 5.4 5.4
0.0 0.0
F/R Eligibility 245.12(h)(4) SAs submit to FNS upon request, the number of schools on Provision 1, Provision 2 or Provision 3 and extensions.
35 1 35 1.50 52.5 64.5
-12 -12
CIP 245.13(e) SAs that fail to meet the direct certification benchmark must develop and submit a Continuous Improvement Plan within 90 days of notification.
10 1 10 3.00 30 54
-24 -24
Free Milk Eligibility 215.13a(b) Each State agency, or FNSRO shall provide such institutions with a prototype free milk policy statement and a copy of the State's family-size income standards for determining eligibility for free meals and milk.
52 1 52 0.20 10.4 0.0 10.40

245.6a (h) 245.11(b)(2) 245.11(c)(3) 245.11(i) SA reporting burden for electronic reports accounted for in the Food Program Reporting System (FPRS) ICR #0584-0594. FNS-742, FNS-874

State Agency Level Total
54 166.44 8988 0.0625 562 380 10.40 171 181
Local Educational Agency (LEA) / School Food Authority Level (SFA)
F/R Eligibility 245.6(c)(6)(i) LEAs notify households of approval of meal benefit applications.
15,340 219.73110 3,370,675 0.02 67,413.5 106,232
-38,819 -38,818
Free Milk Eligibility 245.6(c)(6)(i) LEAs must notify the household of the children's eligibility in the Special Milk Program after approving their application.
446 8.54 3,808 0.02 76.16 0 76.16
Direct Certification 245.6(c)(6)(ii) LEAs must notify households in writing that children are eligible for free meals based on direct certification and that no application is required.
15,340 332.1888 5,095,776 0.02 101,915.52 98,000.00
3,915.52 3,915.52
Free Milk Eligibility 245.6(c)(6)(ii) LEAs must notify households in writing that children are eligible for free milk based on direct certification and that no application is required.
446 20.04 8,938 0.02 178.76 0.00 178.76
F/R Eligibility 245.6 (c)(7) LEAs provide written notice to each household of denied free or reduced price benefits.
15,340 11.56480 177,404 0.02 3,548.08 3,920
-371.92 -372
Free Milk Eligibility 245.6 (c)(7) LEAs provide written notice to each household of denied free milk benefits
446 0.42691 190 0.02 3.81 0 3.81
Meals and Milk Eligibility 245.6(j) LEAs must have a written agreement with an agency to disclose children's free and reduced price meals and/or free milk eligibility information.
19,371 1 19,371 0.500 9,686 1,000
8,685.75 8,685.75
F/R Eligibility 245.6a (f) LEAs notify households of selection for verification.
15,340 6.543 100,369 0.25 25,092 39,200
-14,107.75 -14,107.75
F/R Eligibility 245.6a (j) LEAs must provide households that failed to confirm eligibility with 10 days notice for receiving a reduction or termination of free or reduced price meal benefits.
15,340 2.65365 40,707 0.10 4,070.7 3,920
150.7 151
Free Milk Eligibility 245.6a (j) LEAs must provide households that failed to confirm eligibility with 10 days notice for receiving a reduction or termination of free milk benefits.
446 0.047085 21 0.10 2.1 0 2.10
F/R Eligibility 245.9 (f) SFAs with schools under Provisions 1, 2, or 3 must identify those schools in its free and reduced price policy statement and certify their eligibility for the first year of operation.
472 0.25 118 0.25 29.50 290
-260.5 -261
Community Eligibility 245.9(f)(4)(i) LEAs submit to State agency documentation of acceptable identified student percentage of LEA/school electing the provision
500 1 500 0.25 125.00 125.00 0.00 0.00 0
Community Eligibility 245.9(f)(5) LEA to submit to the State agency for publication a list of eligible and potentially eligible schools and their eligibility status; unless otherwise exempted by State agency
8,729 1 8,729 0.08 698.32 412.72 0.00 285.60 286
Community Eligibility 245.9(g) LEAs to amend free and reduced policy statement and certify that schools meet eligibility criteria
500 1 500 0.1 50.00 300.00 0.00 -250.00 -250
F/R Eligibility 245.9 (h) SFAs with schools under Provision 2 or Provision 3 submit to FNS upon request all data and documentation used in granting extensions.
472 0.25 118 0.25 29.5 72.6
-43.1 -43
F/R Eligibility 245.10 (a) LEAs submit to SA for approval a free and reduced price policy statement.
18,925 0.25 4,731.00 0.08 378.5 1,568
-1,189.5 -1,190
Free Milk Eligibility 215.7(d) Each school food authority approved to participate in the SMP shall enter into a written agreement with the State agency or FNSRO, as applicable, that may be amended as necessary.
446 0.20 89.20 0.50 44.6 0 44.60
Free Milk Eligibility 215.13a(c) Institutions electing to provide free milk shall annually submit a written free milk policy statement for determining free milk eligibility of children under their jurisdiction.
446 1.00 446.00 0.25 111.5 0 111.50

Local Educational Agency / School Food Authority Level Total
19,371 455.953 8,832,491 0.0242 213,454 255,040 417 -42,004 -41,586
School Level

Free Milk Eligibility 245.6(a)(1) Households complete application form for participation in the Special Milk Program.
3,808 1.00 3,808 0.11 418.88 0 418.88
F/R Eligibility 245.6 (a)(1) Households complete application form for free or reduced price meal benefits.
3,548,078 1 3,548,078 0.11 390,288.58 591,250
-200,961.42 -200,961
F/R Eligibility 245.6a (a)(7)(i) Households assemble written evidence for verification of eligibility for free and reduced price meals and send to LEA.
100,369 1 100,369 0.50 50,184.5 79,750
-29,565.5 -29,565.5
Free Milk Eligibility 215.13a(g)(2)(iv) Households respond to requests for verification of eligibility in the Special Milk Program.
114 1 114 0.50 57.12 0 57.12
F/R Eligibility 245.6a (a)(7)(ii) Households cooperate with collateral contacts for verification of eligibility.
1,004 1 1,004 0.10 100.4 100
0.4 0.40

Household Level Total
3,551,886 1.03 3,653,373 0.1207 441,049 671,100 476 -230,526.52 -230,051

Total Reporting Burden
3,571,311 3.50 12,494,852 0.05 655,065 926,521 903 -272359.295 -271,455

Sheet 2: RecordKeeping


A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Record-keepers Records Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Record Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Existing Requirements in Use without OMB approval Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level
Direct Certification 245.6(b)(1)(iv) SA must maintain agreements with the SA conducting eligibility determinations for SNAP.
54 1 54 0.10 5 5

Community eligibility 245.9(f)(4)(ii) State Agency to review and confirm LEAs eligibility to participate in Provisions 1, 2, or 3
54 9.26 500 0.08 40 38.88 0 1.12 1.12
F/R Eligibility 245.12(h)(4) SA maintains annual October data on number of schools on Provisions 1, 2, or 3 and extensions granted.
35 1 35 1.50 52.50 1,666
-1,614 -1,614
F/R Eligibility 245.12(i) SA maintains annual verification data collected from SFAs (for FNS-742).
54 1 54 0.20 10.53 11
0 0
CIP 7 CFR 245.13(g) State agencies that fail to meet the direct certification benchmark must maintain a Continuous Improvement Plan.
10 1 10 0.50 5 9
-4 -4

State Agency Level Total
54 12.09 653 0.17354 113 1,730 0 -1,616.88 -1,616.86
Local Educational Agency / School Food Authority Level
F/R Eligibility 245.6(e) LEAs must maintain documentation substantiating eligibility determinations for 3 years after the end of the fiscal year.
15,340 1 15,340 0.08 1,227.2 1,568
-340.8 -340.8
Free Milk Eligibility 215.7(7) Upon request, make all records pertaining to its milk program available to the State agency and to FNS; such records shall be retained for a period of three years after the end of the fiscal year to which they pertain.
446 1 446 2.50 1,115.0 0 1,115
Community eligibility 245.9(h)(3) LEA to maintain documentation related to methodology used to calculate the identified student percentage and determine eligibility
500 1 500 0.91 455 2,730 0 -2,275 -2,275

Local Educational Agency / School Food Authority Level Total
15,786 1.03 16,286 0.17175 2,797 4,298 1,115 -2,615.8 -1500.8

School Level Total
- - - - - - - -

Total Recordkeeping Burden
15,840 1.07 16,939 0.172 2,911 6,028 1,115 -4232.68 -3117.658

Sheet 3: PublicNotification

Public Notification

A B C = (A*B) D E= (C*D) F

G =E-F
Program Rule CFR Citation Title Form Number Estimated # Respondents Responses per Respondents Total Annual Records Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours Current OMB Approved Burden Hrs Due to Authorizing Statute Existing Requirements in Use without OMB approval Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
State Agency Level
F/R Eligibility 245.3(a) & 245.12(a)(2) Each SA shall by July 1 announce family-size income standards to be used by LEAs in making eligibility determinations for free or reduced price meals and for free milk.
54 1 54 0.10 5.4 5.4

Community Eligibility 245.9(f)(7) State agency to make publically available the names of LEAs and schools receiving notifications
54 1 54 0.170 9.18 9.18 0.00 0.00 0 0

State Agency Level Total
54 2.00 108 0.14 14.58 14.58 0 0 0 0.00
Local Educational Agency / School Food Authority Level
F/R Eligibility 245.5 & 245.9 & 245.3(b) LEAs publicly announce criteria for determining eligibility of children for free and reduced price meals (or free milk) or participation in Provision 1, 2, or 3 in an annual media release.
18,925 1 18,925 0.25 4,731.25 4,956

-224 -224
F/R Eligibility 245.7(a)(2)(i) LEAs publicly announce method to make an oral or written request for a hearing.
18,925 1 18,925 0.10 1,893 1,982.2

-89.7 -89.70
Free Milk Eligibility 215.13a(e) LEAs with schools offering free milk available under the Special Milk Program shall annually make a public announcement.
446 1 446 0.25 112.0 0.0

Local Educational Agency / School Food Authority Level Total
19,371 1.98 38,296 0.176 6,735.75 6,937.7 0 112 -314 -201.95

Total Public Notification Burden
19,425 1.98 38,404 0.176 6750.33 6,952.28 0 112 -314 -201.95

Sheet 4: Burden Summary

ICR #0584-0026, 7 CFR Part 245, Free and Reduced Price Eligibility - Summary

Estimated # Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses (Col. BxC) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours (Col. DxE)

State Agency Level 54 12.09 653 0.174 113
Local Educational Agency Level 15,786 1.03 16,286 0.172 2,797
Recordkeeping Total 15,840 1.07 16,939 0.172 2,911

State Agency Level 54 166.44 8,988 0.06 562
Local Educational Agency Level 19,371 455.953 8,832,491 0.024 213,454
Household Level 3,551,886 1.03 3,653,373 0.12 441,049
Reporting Total 3,571,311 3.50 12,494,852 0.05 655,065
Public Notification

State Agency Level 54 2 108 0.14 15
Local Educational Agency Level 19,371 2 38,296 0.176 6,735.75
Public Notification Total 19,425 1.98 38,404 0.176 6,750
TOTAL BURDEN 3,571,311 3.514 12,550,195 0.053 664,726

SLT Subtotal 19,425 458.008859202059 8,896,822 0.025141125981536 223,676
I/H Subtotal 3,551,886 1.02857277513974 3,653,373 0.120723903917356 441,049
Total 3,571,311 3.51417037888887 12,550,195 0.05296535930489 664,726

Responses Hours

Currently Approved Burden 16,245,251 939,501

Requested 12,550,195 664,726

Difference -3,695,056 -274,775

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