Army Regulation 25-6

AR 25-6 MARS.pdf

Army Military Auxiliary Radio System Membership Application

Army Regulation 25-6

OMB: 0702-0140

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Army Regulation 25–6

Information Management

Auxiliary Radio
System and
Amateur Radio

Department of the Army
Washington, DC
3 January 2014


AR 25–6
Military Auxiliary Radio System and Amateur Radio Program
This administrative revision, dated 24 March 2014-o

Updates the title of DA Form 4660 (Military Auxiliary Radio System Station
License) (para 2-5 and app A).


Makes administrative changes (throughout).

*Army Regulation 25–6

Department of the Army
Washington, DC
3 January 2014

Effective 3 February 2014
Information Management

Military Auxiliary Radio System and Amateur Radio Program

History. This publication is an
administrative revision. The portions
affected by this revision are listed on the
summary of change page.
Summary. This regulation implements
Department of Defense Instruction 4650.
02, establishes policy and management responsibilities for the Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (formerly the Military
Affiliate Radio System), and incorporates
policy on amateur radio operations. It describes a program sponsored by the Department of Defense and supported by the
Department of the Army in which military
installations, military units, clubs, and
volunteer-licensed amateur radio operators
and stations provide emergency communications for emergency management agencies on a local, national, and international


basis as an adjunct to existing Department
of the Army communications.

for use in evaluating key internal controls
(see appendix B).

Applicability. This regulation applies to
the Active Army, the Army National
Guard/Army National Guard of the United
States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless
otherwise stated. During mobilization,
procedures in this publication can be
modified to support policy changes as

Supplementation. Supplementation of
this regulation and establishment of command and local forms are prohibited without prior approval from the Chief
Information Officer/G–6 (SAIS–PRG),
107 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC

Proponent and exception authority.
The proponent of this regulation is the
Chief Information Officer/G–6. The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions or waivers to this regulation that
are consistent with controlling law and
regulations. The proponent may delegate
this approval authority, in writing, to a
division chief within the proponent
agency or its direct reporting unit or field
operating agency, in the grade of colonel
or the civilian equivalent. Activities may
request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full
analysis of the expected benefits and must
include formal review by the activity’s
senior legal officer. All waiver requests
will be endorsed by the commander or
senior leader of the requesting activity
and forwarded through their higher headquarters to the policy proponent. Refer to
AR 25–30 for specific guidance.

Suggested improvements. Users are
invited to send comments and suggested
improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and
Blank Forms) directly to the Office of the
Chief Information Officer/G–6
(SAIS–PRG), 107 Army Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310–0107 (
Distribution. This publication is available in electronic media only and is intended for command levels B, C, D, and
E for the Active Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the
United States, and the U.S. Army

Army internal control process. This
regulation contains internal controls and
provides an Internal Control Evaluation

(Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1
Introduction, page 1
Purpose • 1–1, page 1
References • 1–2, page 1
Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1
Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1
Relationships • 1–5, page 1

*This regulation supersedes AR 25–6, dated 1 May 2007.

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General • 1–6, page 1
Chapter 2
Military Auxiliary Radio System Mission and Responsibilities, page 1
Mission • 2–1, page 1
Responsibilities • 2–2, page 2
Funding and manpower • 2–3, page 4
Mailing policy • 2–4, page 4
Identification cards • 2–5, page 4
Military Auxiliary Radio System insignia • 2–6, page 5
Chapter 3
Military Auxiliary Radio System Administration, page 5
Membership • 3–1, page 5
Participation requirements • 3–2, page 6
Member suspensions • 3–3, page 6
Member terminations • 3–4, page 7
Member reinstatement • 3–5, page 7
Chapter 4
Military Auxiliary Radio System Logistics, page 7
Equipment employed in the Army Military Auxiliary Radio System • 4–1, page 7
Gifts and donations • 4–2, page 7
Maintenance of Army property used in support of Military Auxiliary Radio System • 4–3, page 7
Use of modification table of organization and equipment or table of distribution and allowances equipment for Army
Military Auxiliary Radio System • 4–4, page 8
Shipment of equipment used in the Army Military Auxiliary Radio System • 4–5, page 8
Chapter 5
Amateur Radio Operations, page 8
General • 5–1, page 8
Authority • 5–2, page 8
Licensing requirements • 5–3, page 9

References, page 10


Internal Control Evaluation, page 12

Figure List
Figure 2–1: Army MARS Organization Chart, page 3


AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014

Chapter 1
1–1. Purpose
This regulation prescribes Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) authority, policy, and responsibilities for
the operation of the Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) and for the Amateur Radio Program with stations
on Army installations or other locations under Army control. It further implements Department of Defense (DOD)
Instruction (DODI) 4650.02.
1–2. References
Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.
1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and terms
Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.
1–4. Responsibilities
See responsibilities paragraph 2–2.
1–5. Relationships
a. The MARS is a worldwide program sponsored by DOD and supported by HQDA in which military installations,
military units, clubs, volunteers, and licensed United States (U.S.) amateur radio stations and operators participate and
contribute to the mission of HQDA as discussed in paragraph 2–1.
b. The DOD Chief Information Officer provides overall policy guidance and advice to the Services in matters
relating to the administration and operation of their MARS programs.
c. The Chief, Army MARS, meets with the Chiefs of Air Force and Navy/Marine Corps MARS as needed to assist
in developing and implementing DOD MARS program policies and procedures.
d. A military unit amateur radio station license does not provide automatic membership in Army MARS or the
authority to operate on Army MARS frequencies. Conversely, licensed military unit amateur radio stations are not
obligated to become associated with Army MARS. The Army MARS relationship with amateur radio operations is
further discussed in chapter 5.
1–6. General
This regulation is intended to—
a. Support and encourage HQDA cooperation in developing and promoting Army MARS and amateur radio
activities (while remaining cognizant of the contemporary threat environment) to enhance their military and civil value.
b. Maintain liaison with DOD, Department of the Navy, Department of the Air Force, the Shared Resources High
Frequency Radio Program, other Federal agencies, and recognized U.S. amateur radio organizations on matters
concerning Army MARS.
c. Establish Army MARS programs in foreign countries or territories where permitted by applicable treaties and
agreements and where deemed feasible from a risk management perspective.
d. Ensure that Army MARS operates within the parameters of established information assurance (IA), operations
security (OPSEC) policies, and Allied Communications Publications as required.

Chapter 2
Military Auxiliary Radio System Mission and Responsibilities
2–1. Mission
The mission of Army MARS and other DOD-sponsored amateur radio programs is to—
a. Provide DOD-sponsored contingency communications on a local, national, and international basis as an adjunct to
existing HQDA communications.
b. Provide auxiliary communications for DOD, Federal, National Guard, civil authorities, and local agencies as
directed or requested in accordance with Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) policy and directives (see DOD
Directive (DODD) 3025.18).
c. Assist in effecting normal communications under emergency conditions as directed or requested.
d. Process morale, welfare, official record, and voice communications traffic for Armed Forces personnel and
authorized U.S. Government civilian and contractor personnel stationed throughout the world.
e. Establish programs to create civilian interest, recruit qualified volunteers, and furnish training in military communications, techniques, and procedures.

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f. Initiate efforts to improve high frequency (HF) and very high frequency (VHF) radio operating techniques and
technology through training, experimentation, and testing.
g. Conduct an appropriate cross band activity as an integral part of the annual Armed Forces Day activities.
h. Develop volunteer personnel trained in military radio communications, techniques, and procedures.
i. Be prepared to participate as an active player in Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)-sponsored network communications exercises.
2–2. Responsibilities
Army MARS is a worldwide organization directed and managed by HQDA through NETCOM. It is comprised of
military, civilian, and contractor personnel.
a. The Chief Information Officer, G–6 (CIO/G–6) will have principal responsibility for information management
and resourcing the Army MARS program in accordance with Army Regulation (AR) 25–1 as it pertains to the Army
MARS program.
b. The Commanding General, NETCOM, will—
(1) Be responsible for the management and direction of the Army MARS and Army Amateur Radio Service.
(2) Plan, program, and budget for requirements.
(3) Allocate resources in support of the Army MARS, which includes personnel administration, risk management,
logistics, training, maintenance, and operations in accordance with the planning, programming, budget system cycle,
and applicable regulations.
(4) Act as the approving authority for memoranda of understanding between Army MARS and all outside agencies.
Memoranda of understanding will be prepared in accordance with AR 25–50.
(5) Appoint a Chief, Army MARS to execute the HQDA responsibilities in accordance with DODI 4650.02.
c. The Chief, Army MARS will—
(1) Develop, coordinate, and disseminate guidance and standing operating procedures (SOP) concerning administrative, operational, training, and logistics matters for the Army MARS and Amateur Radio Program.
(2) Manage and direct the Army MARS program.
(3) Maintain liaison with U.S. Government regulatory agencies and nationally recognized U.S. amateur radio
organizations on matters concerning the Army MARS and Amateur Radio Service.
(4) Represent the Army at Joint MARS meetings.
(5) Ensure property accountability (including sub-hand receipt) of all non-expendable Army-owned and Armyloaned MARS equipment in accordance with AR 710–2.
(6) Assess the operational status and capability of the Army MARS program worldwide.
(7) Appoint, assign responsibilities to, and train Army MARS staff personnel (paid and volunteer staff).
(8) Manage the Army MARS frequency resources.
(9) Appoint volunteer Region Directors and State Army MARS Directors as required to lead and manage volunteer
Army MARS members at the region, state, and local levels (see figure 2–1).
(10) Establish working groups consisting of Army MARS leadership to exchange information, ideas, and advice to
improve the functioning of the Army MARS Program.
(11) Appoint and/or designate a Deputy Chief Army MARS/ Program Manager to serve as the Chief during his or
her absence, and to assist with implementing the day-to-day policy aspects of the Army MARS program.
(12) Develop and execute an Army MARS membership recruiting program to ensure the long-term viability of the
Army MARS program.
(13) Process and issue invitational travel orders in accordance with the Joint Travel Regulations as necessary to
conduct all levels of Army MARS support.
(14) Promulgate the use of Military Standard (MIL STD) 6040, Allied Communications Publications, MIL STD
188–110, and applicable amateur radio software standards as adapted for MARS use.
(15) Promulgate the use of OPSEC standards, develop and train members on the use of applicable Transmission
Security and/or offline encryption capabilities, authentication tables as required, and will conform to IA standards
applicable to Amateur Radio systems used in support of MARS as defined in AR 25–2.
d. The NETCOM subordinate commanders will—
(1) Implement and conduct any Army MARS programs and activities in accordance with this regulation and plans
developed and coordinated with the Chief, Army MARS.
(2) Consider, for outside the continental United States (OCONUS) commands, any host nation restrictions that may
affect the operation of an Army MARS station in a foreign country.
(3) Have OCONUS commanders appoint a command Army MARS director.
(4) Plan, program, and budget for requirements.
(5) Allocate resources in support of the Army MARS program within their command area of responsibility.


AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014

(6) Implement Army Service Component Command and NETCOM guidance to use Army MARS in support of
natural disasters, civil defense planning and operations, and specific contingency communications responsibilities as

Figure 2–1. Army MARS Organization Chart

(7) Operate and maintain Army MARS stations as required for subordinate command support.
(8) Ensure property accountability of all modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) and/or table of
distribution and allowances (TDA) of Army MARS equipment in accordance with AR 710–2.
e. Garrison and/or installation commanders, state adjutants general, and/or other designated officers in charge (OICs)
and other direct reporting elements will—
(1) Support and encourage Army MARS program and Army amateur radio operations.
(2) Avoid, within the limitations imposed by military contingencies, any action that would tend to jeopardize the
independent prerogatives of the individual amateur operators.
(3) Coordinate with Chief, Army MARS for the establishment of unit Army MARS stations.
(4) Obtain Army MARS call signs and frequencies to be used for Army MARS operations through the office of
Chief, Army MARS.

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(5) Ensure support is provided for installation-approved club and unit-sponsored Army MARS stations not under
NETCOM control or management.
(6) Ensure property accountability of all MTOE and/or TDA Army MARS equipment in accordance with AR
f. Region and/or State Army MARS directors will—
(1) Manage, direct, and operate the Army MARS within their assigned geographic area of responsibility. See figure
(2) Manage the Army MARS frequency resources assigned by Chief, Army MARS for their geographic areas of
responsibility, and establish Army MARS networks at the region level in support of the MARS global network.
(3) Appoint and direct their staff as required.
(4) Lead and manage volunteer members in their area of responsibility.
(5) Develop and execute an Army MARS member recruiting program to support Chief, Army MARS membership
(6) Establish relationships with supported Federal and civilian agencies in their areas of responsibility to develop
long-term training and mission support relationships.
(7) Recommend to the Office of Chief, Army MARS all administrative actions for members in their areas of
g. Military commanders or other designated OICs will—
(1) Control amateur radio operations and operators, as necessary, consistent with this regulation.
(2) Ensure amateur stations on military installations are operated in accordance with international, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and local rules and regulations, and physically operated by licensed amateur radio
(3) Appoint a commissioned officer, noncommissioned officer, or U.S. civilian as station custodian.
h. Army MARS members will—
(1) Comply with Army MARS rules, regulations, procedures, and directives.
(2) Use Army MARS frequencies for official Army MARS business only.
(3) Maintain on file for one year a radio station log documenting all on-air participation. Submit a monthly
participation report documenting all Army MARS participation, and maintain for one year. Provide copies of the
station log and participation reports as may be requested by Army MARS leadership.
(4) Gather information, originate, relay, and/or distribute messages to authorized recipients such as Army MARS
members, Army MARS leadership, DOD, and authorized civil authority personnel in accordance with Army MARS
documents, DOD, and supported agency agreements.
(5) Complete an initial correspondence course in basic military radio protocols and the use of military radio
publications when working in the Army MARS and Amateur Radio Service. Applicants will have a total of six months
to complete the self-paced course. This course of instruction is known as the MARS Basic Training Course.
(6) Comply with participation requirements identified in paragraph 3–2.
(7) Follow the Army MARS chain of command as defined in this regulation and associated Army MARS SOPs in
the conduct of official Army MARS business.
(8) Comply with local installation policies and procedures for radio operations when operating on military
(9) Will periodically update personal contact information to include email address, phone number, and U.S. Postal
Service mailing address with Region and State leadership.
2–3. Funding and manpower
The HQDA appropriated funds, including those of the Reserve and National Guard, are authorized to be expended to
support the Army MARS mission. Manning of military MARS stations is the responsibility of the sponsoring military
activity. Operation and maintenance of stations may be accomplished by military, HQDA civilian, or contract
2–4. Mailing policy
All Army MARS Gateway correspondence and record traffic are official communications and are authorized mailing
privileges in accordance with AR 25–51.
2–5. Identification cards
Upon acceptance into the Army MARS program and following completion of initial training requirements, members
will receive their DA Form 4660 (Military Auxiliary Radio System Station License) and their DD Form 2350 (Military
Affiliate Radio System (MARS) Disaster Support Identification Card).


AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014

2–6. Military Auxiliary Radio System insignia
The distinctive MARS logo — in decal, pin, patch, button, badge, or other format — is authorized for use by Army
MARS members. The MARS insignia is not authorized for wear on military uniforms.

Chapter 3
Military Auxiliary Radio System Administration
3–1. Membership
a. Individual membership.
(1) Individual membership is open to those who meet the requirements in paragraphs 3–1a(1)(a) through 3–1a(1)(j).
Paragraphs 3–1a(1)(f) through 3–1a(1)(j) are self-reported by candidates for MARS membership. MARS leadership
will maintain all information they receive in accordance with the Privacy Act and the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act.
(a) Eighteen years of age or older (age may not be waived).
(b) Citizens of the United States or individuals who have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent
residence under Title 8, United States Code (USC), Chapter 12 (8 USC Chapter 12).
(c) Willing to operate per the regulations prescribed for participating in the Army MARS program and having no
prior record of being terminated for cause by any Service MARS program.
(d) In possession of, or access to, a radio station capable of operating on Army MARS HF frequencies; hold an FCC
amateur radio license; obtain a General Class or higher amateur radio license within one year of membership
application; and if residing on a military installation will operate amateur radio and Army MARS stations in
accordance with policies established by the installation commander. Amateur Radio equipment used on MARS
frequencies must conform to standards as defined by the National Telecommunications Information Administration’s
manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management, also known as the “Redbook.”
(e) Of good moral character.
(f) No felony convictions, or under indictment or information in any court for a felony.
(g) No associations with known terrorist organizations.
(h) Is not an unlawful user of illicit drugs.
(i) Has not been declared mentally incompetent.
(j) Has not been discharged from the Armed Forces under other than honorable conditions.
(2) Individual membership is granted for the period covered by the member’s current FCC or host nation amateur
b. Military unit stations.
(1) Military unit stations are operated and maintained under the auspices of a military command and are authorized
on the MTOE and/or TDA. Military station categories include Active Army, Reserve, National Guard, U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, and Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps /Reserve Officer Training Corps.
(2) A valid FCC amateur radio license and/or host country license is not required for radio station operators to
operate on Army MARS frequencies.
(3) The unit commander will be the requesting authority for installation or unit membership.
(4) Military commanders must ensure that radio operators are properly trained and the station is equipped to actively
participate in the Army MARS program.
(5) Military licenses are issued for five years.
c. Club station Military Auxiliary Radio System membership.
(1) Civilian and military club station participation is limited to clubs that meet the following requirements:
(a) The club must have at least three members who are individual Army MARS members.
(b) One of the Army MARS members will be designated as custodian.
(c) For military club stations, the requesting authority will be the sponsoring unit commander.
(d) Club licenses are issued for five years.
(2) Auxiliary membership.
(a) Auxiliary membership is available to individuals who desire to participate in the Army MARS program in
support roles. They must meet all the individual membership requirements, except possessing an amateur radio license.
The age requirement is reduced to ten years of age with parental consent. Auxiliary members may operate on Army
MARS radio frequencies while under the direct supervision of a licensed Army MARS member.
(b) Auxiliary membership is granted for five years.
d. Service membership. All MARS radio stations, whether military, club, civil agency, or individual, may be
members of only one Service MARS program. Military commands or activities will affiliate with their sponsoring
Service MARS unless operating in areas where there is only one Service MARS authorized.

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e. Civil agency member.
(1) Licenses may be issued to Civil Authorities and recognized nongovernmental organizations (NGO), in accordance with DODD 3025.18 for the purpose of establishing, operating, and maintaining a station to enhance training,
planning, and preparation of the anticipated originating and receiving of messages following or preceding an imminent
DSCA request.
(2) An elected or duly appointed official of the civil authority will be the requesting authority for membership for all
Civil Agency licenses.
(3) Radio operators must be personnel under the direct control and supervision of the requesting civil authority or
(4) A valid FCC amateur radio license is not required for radio station operators to operate the station on Army
MARS frequencies.
(5) The requesting authority must ensure that radio operators are properly trained and the station is equipped to
actively participate in the Army MARS program. The licensee will submit a list of the names of authorized operators,
and certify these individuals have received training and meet the requirements of paragraphs 3–1a(1)(e) through
3–1a(1)(j) to Headquarters, Army MARS between December 1 and December 31 of each year.
(6) NGO licensees are limited to activities that are in support of and requested by civil authorities.
(7) Civil agency licenses are issued for five years.
3–2. Participation requirements
a. All individual Army MARS members and civilian stations are required to participate and file a monthly report.
b. A minimum of 12 hours over a consecutive three-month period consisting of at least six hours of HF operations is
required to retain membership. Auxiliary members are not required to meet the on-air requirements.
c. Military unit stations are not required to meet the minimum participation requirements.
d. All Army MARS members and stations are required to submit a monthly participation report. A report is required
even though a member or station has no activity for that month. Participation credit will be reported in hour
(1) Periods of on-the-air time of less than one hour may be accrued in quarter-hour increments and accumulated to
total full hour credit.
(2) Operation on amateur radio bands will not be reported as participation for Army MARS activity.
e. Temporary exemptions to participation requirements may be issued on a case-by-case basis by the State Director,
Region Director, or Chief Army MARS. Reasons for exemptions include but are not limited to medical problems,
relocation, and extended absences. Members must request this exemption through their State or region directors.
f. Members of the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve who participate in official Army MARS activities
may qualify for retirement point credit as outlined in AR 135–180, AR 140–1, AR 140–185, and National Guard
Regulation (NGR) 680–2. Retirement point credits may be accrued on the basis of operations in an Army MARSsupervised net, using an Army MARS frequency and call sign, at the rate of one point for each two hours of operation.
Not more than one credit point will be accrued for any one calendar day; however, periods of less than two hours of
operation, performed on different days, may be combined to qualify for one retirement point. This will be recorded on
DA Form 1380 (Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty Training) and will be authenticated by the unit
commander or by the state or region director.
3–3. Member suspensions
a. Suspensions can be used as—
(1) A period to allow investigation of serious alleged infractions of policies and procedures and to allow an appeal
process for the member to respond to the allegations.
(2) As an alternative to termination, allowing the member a period to evaluate their commitment to the Army
MARS program and willingness to follow established procedures.
b. Suspensions of 30 to 60 days may be issued in writing to members by the Army MARS leadership. All
suspension actions will be reviewed to determine if the violation has been corrected and the suspension can be lifted, or
if termination proceedings must be initiated.
c. Actions that justify suspensions are—
(1) Violations of paragraphs 2–2h, 3–1, and 3–2 of this regulation and willful misconduct on the air or actions
causing embarrassment to, or which are not in the best interest of, the U.S. Government, the U.S. Army, or the Army
MARS program. Examples of willful misconduct include, but are not limited to—
(a) Operating while under the influence of intoxicating beverages or similar substances.
(b) Using profane, obscene, or indecent language.
(c) Refusing to accept traffic without a valid reason or refusal to operate according to published Army MARS
policies and procedures.
(d) Knowingly operating on unauthorized frequencies.


AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014

(e) Using unauthorized wave forms.
(2) Deliberate misrepresentation of Army MARS directives, policies, or an individual’s responsibilities within the
Army MARS program.
(3) False statements made verbally or in correspondence directed to members, management, or outside agencies.
(4) Failure to participate in dispute resolution or problem solving as required.
(5) Disruptive behavior or actions that affect the Army MARS mission or membership performance.
(6) Discrimination, including harassment, based on race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other
impermissible basis.
(7) Deliberate injection of false, forged, deceptive messages, signals, or identification in the Army MARS.
3–4. Member terminations
a. Army MARS members may resign at any time by submitting a written request to their State or region director.
b. State and region directors may request to the Office of Chief, Army MARS that an Army MARS member be
terminated for failure to comply with requirements in this regulation. Army MARS membership may be terminated for
the following administrative reasons:
(1) Death of a member.
(2) Failure of a member to maintain minimum participation.
(3) Failure of a member to submit a monthly participation report for three consecutive months.
(4) Failure of a member to renew MARS license.
c. The Chief, Army MARS may terminate Army MARS membership based upon members not fulfilling requirements in this regulation. Actions justifying termination for cause are those cited as grounds for suspension in paragraph
3–3c in addition to the following:
(1) Willful misuse, sale, barter, or unauthorized disposal of U.S. Government property issued for Army MARS use.
(2) Failure to comply with the policies and directives of Army MARS.
(3) Conviction of a felony.
d. An Army MARS member may request their termination action be reviewed by the Chief, Army MARS if they
believe their membership termination was not justified.
3–5. Member reinstatement
a. Individuals who are terminated for administrative reasons or voluntarily resign will not be eligible for reinstatement for one year.
b. Members resigning from one Service MARS program to transfer to another Service program are allowed a onetime exemption to the one-year rule.
c. An individual terminated by any Service MARS chief may be eligible for reinstatement by the Chief, Army
MARS if there were substantive mitigating circumstances to be considered.

Chapter 4
Military Auxiliary Radio System Logistics
4–1. Equipment employed in the Army Military Auxiliary Radio System
Equipment used in support of the Army MARS program is categorized into the two broad areas discussed below.
a. Unit organizational equipment. The TDA or MTOE-accountable property is property that is installed in military
stations. Accountability will be in accordance with AR 710–2. Commanders may authorize the use of organizational
equipment in support of Army MARS when such use would not interfere with the assigned mission.
b. Non-appropriated fund property. This equipment may be acquired by Active Army, Reserve, and National Guard
MARS stations in accordance with AR 215–1.
4–2. Gifts and donations
All gifts will be processed in accordance with the provisions of AR 1–100 and on the advice of the servicing Staff
Judge Advocate.
4–3. Maintenance of Army property used in support of Military Auxiliary Radio System
a. Army MARS military station equipment will be maintained in accordance with AR 750–1 and managed in
accordance with Department of the Army Pamphlet (DA Pam) 750–8. The HF and VHF radios and associated property
that is authorized to an Active Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard unit and approved for Army MARS use
by the commander, which are not part of MTOE or TDA, will be maintained in accordance with AR 750–1 and DA
Pam 750–8. Responsibility for funding and maintenance support for military MARS equipment belongs to the
sponsoring activity.
AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014


b. Surplus or outdated Army MARS equipment from the Gateway station will be disposed of through supply
4–4. Use of modification table of organization and equipment or table of distribution and allowances
equipment for Army Military Auxiliary Radio System
a. Organizational MTOE or TDA equipment at Army units is authorized for use by military-owned and/or supervised Army MARS stations subject to—
(1) Prior written approval by the unit commander detailing the extent of use of required equipment.
(2) An Active Army, Reserve, or National Guard officer, noncommissioned officer, or Army civilian being appointed as the HF station director or custodian. This appointment will be in addition to other duties.
(3) Having trained radio communication operators and the station having an authorized Army MARS license.
(4) Organizational equipment remaining on the property records of the appropriate components of the Army.
b. Modification of organizational equipment authorized for use by a military unit owned or military supervised HF
station is prohibited without specific authorization of the unit commander.
4–5. Shipment of equipment used in the Army Military Auxiliary Radio System
a. Active Army, Reserve, or National Guard military MARS members having orders for permanent change of
station may ship radio communications equipment as professional books, papers, and equipment when necessary for
official duty. Such shipment is authorized under Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Volume 1.
b. A DOD civilian Army MARS member is entitled to shipment of radio communications equipment as professional
books, papers, and equipment during permanent change of station only when it can be established that the equipment is
necessary for official duty and the same or similar items would have to be obtained at Government expense for the
employee’s use at the new permanent duty station.

Chapter 5
Amateur Radio Operations
5–1. General
The HQDA acknowledges the value of radio amateurs as a source of—
a. Trained operating personnel during local or national emergencies.
b. Technological improvement in the area of communications-electronics.
c. Support for the National Defense.
5–2. Authority
a. Pursuant to the Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC Chapter 5), as amended, the FCC exercises authority over
amateur radio operations within the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the territories and possessions of the United
States. Regulations and rules governing amateur radio operations are promulgated by the FCC. They are available for
sale from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, or
downloadable from
b. An amateur radio station may be located on a military installation or other real estate under the direct control of
the Army activity. This includes Army Reserve Centers, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps Instructor Groups, and
National Guard Armories when authorized by the appropriate military commander or adjutant general.
c. The appropriate U.S. military commander exercises authority over amateur radio operations in foreign territories
under control of the U.S. military, or wherever DOD personnel are stationed.
(1) When authorized, such operations will be subject to provisions of base lease agreements and applicable host
nation reciprocal licensing agreements. Where such leases or other agreements do not provide for amateur radio
operation by DOD personnel subject to military control, approval of the host government will be obtained before
authorization is granted to establish an amateur radio station.
(2) Operating frequencies will conform to the International Amateur Radio Union spectrum allocations for the
region involved and are subject to any other limitation which may be imposed by the administration, foreign
government, international agreement, or U.S. command concerned.
(3) Each amateur radio station will be assigned a call sign by the FCC from the block allocated to the administration
or foreign government by the International Telecommunications Union.
d. Military commanders or OIC will suspend or revoke affected amateur station operations when international, FCC,
or local regulations have been violated.
e. The appropriate commander or State adjutant general may authorize the use of military radio equipment in
amateur frequency bands provided that:
(1) Such equipment is within the authorized allowances of the command.


AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014

(2) Such use will not jeopardize mission accomplishment.
(3) Such use will not cause excessive maintenance and replacement.
(4) The equipment remains under control of the accountable officer and is issued in accordance with established
supply procedures.
(5) Modifications to allow for amateur frequency bands are kept to a minimum, accomplished only with the
approval of the commander, and allow for ready return to original condition by operating personnel.
(6) Group use is emphasized to derive maximum benefit with minimum equipment.
f. Commanders may procure commercial amateur radio equipment using morale and welfare funds for this purpose.
Funding authorization for equipment is outlined in AR 215–1. If a military unit amateur radio station is affiliated with
the Army MARS program, the commercial equipment must also be capable of covering Army MARS frequencies in
their area.
5–3. Licensing requirements
a. Military unit amateur radio stations in other than FCC controlled areas will be licensed in accordance with local
administration or Government regulations.
b. Military unit amateur radio stations in FCC controlled areas will be licensed as follows:
(1) The appointed station custodian will be the license applicant. Applications will be made on the current version
FCC Form 605 (Quick-Form Application for Authorization in the Ship, Aircraft, Amateur, Restricted and Commercial
Operator, and General Mobile Radio Services). The form will be certified by the applicant. The appropriate military
commander or designated OIC will approve by signature on the form.
(2) A military unit amateur radio station license will be renewed or modified by submission of a revised FCC Form
605 when—
(a) A new station custodian is appointed.
(b) The station is physically relocated.
(c) The military unit is re-designated.
(d) Expiration of the license is imminent. To preclude expiration of the license, renewal or modification action will
be initiated prior to expiration.
c. The station custodian of each military unit amateur radio station will—
(1) Become familiar with 47 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 97 and other international, host nation, and local
(2) Ensure full compliance with all applicable requirements in operation of the station under their control.

AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014


Appendix A
Section I
Required Publications
Unless otherwise stated, all publications are available at: Department of Defense regulations
are available at:
AR 25–1
Army Information Technology (Cited in para 2–2a.)
AR 710–2
Supply Policy Below the National Level (Cited in paras 2–2c(5), 2–2d(8), 2–2e(6), 4–1a.)
DODD 3025.18
Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) (Cited in paras 2–1b, 3–1e(1).)
DODI 4650.02
Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) (Cited in paras 1–1, 2–2b(5), B–4a(1).)
Section II
Related Publications
A related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand this
publication. The U.S. Code is available at: The Code of Federal Regulations is available at:
ADP 3–28
Defense Support of Civil Authorities
AR 1–100
Gifts and Donations
AR 5–12
Army Use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
AR 11–2
Managers’ Internal Control Program
AR 25–2
Information Assurance
AR 25–30
The Army Publishing Program
AR 25–50
Preparing and Managing Correspondence
AR 25–51
Official Mail and Distribution Management
AR 135–180
Qualifying Service for Retired Pay Nonregular Service
AR 140–1
Mission, Organization, and Training
AR 140–185
Training and Retirement Point Credits and Unit Level Strength Accounting Records


AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014

AR 215–1
Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Programs and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities
AR 530–1
Operations Security (OPSEC)
AR 750–1
Army Materiel Maintenance Policy
DA Pam 750–8
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) Users Manual
Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Volume 1
Uniformed Service Members (Available at
Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management (Redbook)
(Available at
MIL STD 188–110
Interoperability and Performance Standards for Data Modems (Available at
MIL STD 6040
U.S. Message Text Format (USMTF) Description (Available at
NGR 680–2
Automated Retirement Points Accounting System (Available at
8 CFR 316.10
Good Moral Character
47 CFR 97
Amateur Radio Service
8 USC Chapter 12
Immigration and Nationality
32 USC
National Guard
47 USC Chapter 5
Wire or Radio Communication
Section III
Prescribed Forms
Unless otherwise indicated, DA forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate (APD) Web site at http://www. DD forms are available on the Department of Defense (DOD) Web site at
DA Form 4660
Military Auxiliary Radio System Station License (Cited in para 2–5.) (Available through S&I USACC, Fort Huachuca,
AZ 85613.)
DD Form 2350
Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) Disaster Support Identification Card (Cited in para 2–5.) (Available through
S&I USACC, Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613.)
Section IV
Referenced Forms
Unless otherwise indicated, DA forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate (APD) Web site at http://www.

AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014


DA Form 11–2
Internal Control Evaluation Certification
DA Form 1380
Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty Training
DA Form 2028
Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms
FCC Form 605
Quick Form Application for Authorization in the Ship, Aircraft, Amateur, Restricted and Commercial Operator, and
General Mobile Radio Services (Available at

Appendix B
Internal Control Evaluation
B–1. Function
The functions covered by this checklist are Army MARS and amateur radio operations. They include key controls for
Army MARS missions, responsibilities, administration, and logistics.
B–2. Purpose
The purpose of this evaluation is to assist HQDA, field operating agencies, Army commands, Army service component
commands, direct reporting units and installations in evaluating the key internal controls outlined below; it is intended
as a guide and does not cover all controls.
B–3. Instructions
Answers must be based on the actual testing of internal controls (such as document analysis, direct observation,
sampling, simulation). Answers that indicate deficiencies must be explained and corrective action indicated in supporting documentation. These key internal controls must be formally evaluated at least once every five years. Certification
that this evaluation has been conducted must be accomplished on DA Form 11–2 (Internal Control Evaluation
B–4. Test questions
a. Responsibilities (chapter 2).
(1) Has the Commanding General, NETCOM appointed, in writing, a Chief, Army MARS, to carry out the HQDA
responsibility in accordance with AR 25–6 and DODI 4650.02 for the management and direction of the Army MARS
and Amateur Radio Program?
(2) Has the Chief, Army MARS, analyzed the Army MARS mission and revised mission-related and administrative
work processes, as appropriate, relative to current requirements?
(3) Has the Chief, Army MARS, allocated resources in support of personnel administration, risk management,
logistics, training, and maintenance planning of Army MARS program?
(4) Is there a strategic plan and is it linked to the mission?
(5) Have OCONUS commanders appointed a command Army MARS director to carry out the policy and procedures
as outlined in AR 25–6 and other relevant publications?
(6) Have commanders ensured all other elements as identified in chapter 2 in administering the Army MARS
program are followed?
b. Army MARS logistics (chapter 4). Is property accountability maintained in accordance with applicable Army
regulations at all levels in the Army MARS program?
B–5. Supersession
This checklist replaces the checklist for the administration of Army MARS activities previously published in AR 25–6,
dated 1 May 2007.
B–6. Comments
Help make this a better tool for evaluating internal controls. Submit comments to HQDA, NETCOM, ATTN:
NETC–OPC, 2133 Cushing Street, Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613–7070.


AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014

Section I
Army Regulation
Code of Federal Regulations
Chief Information Officer
Department of the Army
DA Pam
Department of the Army pamphlet
Department of Defense
Department of Defense directive
Department of Defense instruction
Defense Support of Civil Authorities
Federal Communications Commission
high frequency
Headquarters, Department of the Army
information assurance
Military Auxiliary Radio System
military standard
Modification Table of Organization and Equipment
Network Enterprise Technology Command
nongovernment organization
National Guard regulation

AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014


outside the continental United States
officer in charge
operations security
standing operating procedures
table of distribution and allowances
United States
United States Code
very high frequency
Section II
Chief, Army Military Auxiliary Radio System
An individual appointed as the responsible operating official for the worldwide Army MARS and Amateur Radio
Command Military Auxiliary Radio System director
An individual appointed by OCONUS commanders, responsible for the management, direction, and operation of the
Army MARS and Army Amateur Radio Program within the major subordinate command’s geographic area of
The person charged with oversight and general management of a military unit MARS station.
Defense Support of Civil Authorities
Support provided by U.S. Federal military forces, DOD civilians, DOD contract personnel, DOD Component Assets,
and National Guard forces (when the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Governors of the affected states,
elects and requests to use those forces in title 32, United States Code, status) in response to requests for assistance from
civil authorities for domestic emergencies, law enforcement support, and other domestic activities, or from qualifying
entities for special events. Also known as civil support. (DODD 3025.18)
Individual affiliate member
An individual holder of an FCC amateur license who has been granted membership in the Army MARS program.
Individual auxiliary member
An individual who has been granted membership in the Army MARS program not authorized on-air-privileges.
Military activity or auspice amateur radio station
A military activity or auspice amateur radio station licensed by the FCC to a military activity or group operating as a
radio club, serving installation military personnel and not operated as military unit amateur radio station.
Military Auxiliary Radio System call sign
A distinctive set of letters and figures assigned to an individual MARS member or MARS station that is used as
identification when transmitting radio signals.


AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014

Military Auxiliary Radio System club station
A station established, operated, and maintained by volunteers under the auspices of a properly constituted military or
civilian amateur radio club.
Military Auxiliary Radio System gateway station
An HF station serving a major geographic area, command, region, or state through which incoming and outgoing
record traffic is processed.
Military Auxiliary Radio System station
A privately owned HF and/or VHF radio station (licensed by the FCC and/or host authority) operated by an individual
who is affiliated with and licensed by Army MARS.
Military unit amateur radio station
A military unit amateur radio station licensed by the FCC to a military activity.
Military unit Military Auxiliary Radio System station
An HF radio station located at Army National Guard, U.S. Army Reserve, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps facilities,
or an Active Army unit. It may or may not be located on a military installation.
State Military Auxiliary Radio System director
An individual who is an FCC licensed amateur and an Army MARS member who serves on a volunteer basis, without
remuneration, under the direct supervision of the area MARS director.
Section III
Special Abbreviations and Terms
This section contains no entries.

AR 25–6 • 3 January 2014



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