CFR Title 5, Part 250

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CFR Title 5, Part 250

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Office of Personnel Management

§ 250.101

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(3) Former Federal employees eligible for reinstatement.
(e) Tenure of emergency-indefinite employees. (1) Emergency-indefinite employees do not acquire a competitive
status on the basis of their emergencyindefinite appointments.
(2) An emergency-indefinite appointment may be continued for the duration of the emergency for which it is
(f) Trial period. (1) The first year of
service of an emergency-indefinite employee is a trial period.
(2) The agency may terminate the appointment of an emergency-indefinite
employee at any time during the trial
period. The employee is entitled to the
procedures set forth in § 315.804 or
§ 315.805 of this chapter as appropriate.
(g) Eligibility for within-grade increases. An emergency-indefinite employee serving in a position subject to
the General Schedule is eligible for
within-grade increases in accordance
with subpart D of part 531 of this chapter.
(h) Applications of other regulations. (1)
The term indefinite employee includes
an emergency-indefinite employee or
an employee under an emergency appointment as used in the following:
parts 351, 353 of this chapter, subpart G
of part 550 of this chapter, and part 752
of this chapter.
(2) The selection procedures of part
337 of this chapter apply to emergencyindefinite appointments that use the
direct-hire authority under paragraph
(c) of this section.
§ 831.201(a)(11) of this chapter, an employee serving under an emergency-indefinite appointment under authority
of this section is excluded from retirement coverage, except as provided in
paragraph (b) of § 831.201 of this chapter.
(i) Promotion, demotion, or reassignment. An agency may promote, demote,
or reassign an emergency-indefinite
employee to any position for which it
is making emergency-indefinite appointments.

Subpart A—Authority for Personnel Actions
in Agencies
250.101 Standards and requirements for
agency personnel actions.
250.102 Delegated authorities.
250.103 Consequences of improper agency actions.

Subpart B—Strategic Human Capital
250.201 Coverage and purpose.
250.202 Office of Personnel Management responsibilities.
250.203 Agency responsibilities.

Subpart C—Employee Surveys

Survey requirements.
Availability of results.

AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 1101 note, 1103(a)(5),
1103(c), 1104, 1302, 3301, 3302; E.O. 10577, 12 FR
1259, 3 CFR, 1954–1958 Comp., p. 218; E.O.
13197, 66 FR 7853, 3 CFR 748 (2002).
Subpart B also issued under 5 U.S.C. 1401,
1401 note, 1402.
SOURCE: 58 FR 36119, July 6, 1993, unless
otherwise noted.

Subpart A—Authority for Personnel
Actions in Agencies
SOURCE: 73 FR 23013, Apr. 28, 2008, unless
otherwise noted.

§ 250.101 Standards and requirements
for agency personnel actions.
When taking a personnel action authorized by this chapter, an agency
must comply with qualification standards and regulations issued by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM),
the instructions OPM has published in
the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions, and the provisions of any delegation agreement OPM has made with
the agency. When taking a personnel
action that results from a decision or
order of OPM, the Merit Systems Protection Board, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or Federal
Labor Relations Authority, as authorized by the rules and regulations of
those agencies, or as the result of a

(5 U.S.C. 1104; Pub. L. 95–454, sec. 3(5))
[44 FR 54691, Sept. 21, 1979, as amended at 60
FR 3057, Jan. 13, 1995; 68 FR 35268, June 13,
2003; 69 FR 33275, June 15, 2004]


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§ 250.102

5 CFR Ch. I (1–1–12 Edition)

court order, a judicial or administrative settlement agreement, or an arbitral award under a negotiated agreement, the agency must follow the instructions in the Guide to Processing
Personnel Actions and comply with all
other relevant substantive and documentary requirements, including those
applicable to retirement, life insurance, health benefits, and other benefits provided under this chapter.
§ 250.102

§ 250.201

Delegated authorities.

OPM may delegate its authority, including authority for competitive examinations, to agencies, under 5 U.S.C.
1104(a)(2), through a delegation agreement. The delegation agreement developed with the agency must specify the
conditions for applying the delegated
authorities. The agreement must also
set minimum standards of performance
and describe the system of oversight by
which the agency and OPM will monitor the use of each delegated authority.
§ 250.103 Consequences
agency actions.


§ 250.202 Office of Personnel Management responsibilities.
(a) As the President’s chief human
capital officer, the Director of OPM
provides Governmentwide leadership
and direction in the strategic management of the Federal workforce.
(b) To execute this critical leadership
responsibility, OPM adopts the Human
Capital Assessment and Accountability
Framework (HCAAF) to describe the
concepts and systems for planning, implementing, and evaluating the results
of human capital management policies
and practices. See Appendix. In addition, OPM adopts the related set of assessment systems required by the
CHCO Act as the HCAAF Systems,
Standards, and Metrics (HCAAF–SSM),
also included in the Appendix. Each
such assessment system associated
with the HCAAF consists of:
(1) A standard against which agencies
can assess the results of their management of human capital; and
(2) Prescribed metrics, as appropriate, for organizational outcomes,
employee perspective, and compliance
measures with respect to relevant laws,
rules and regulations.
(c) Together, the HCAAF and the
HCAAF–SSM guide agencies in planning, evaluating and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of agency
human capital management with respect to:
(1) Alignment with executive branch
policies and priorities, as well as with
individual agency missions, goals, and


If OPM finds that an agency has
taken an action contrary to a law,
rule, regulation, or standard that OPM
administers, OPM may require the
agency to take corrective action. OPM
may suspend or revoke a delegation
agreement established under § 250.102 at
any time if it determines that the
agency is not adhering to the provisions of the agreement. OPM may suspend or withdraw any authority granted under this chapter to an agency, including any authority granted by delegation agreement, when OPM finds
that the agency has not complied with
issued, instructions OPM has published, or the regulations in this chapter. OPM also may suspend or withdraw these authorities when it determines that doing so is in the interest of
the civil service for any other reason.

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Coverage and purpose.

The Chief Human Capital Officers
(CHCO) Act of 2002 acknowledges the
critical importance of Federal employees to the effective and efficient operation of Government. As a part of
OPM’s overall leadership responsibilities in the strategic management of
the Federal civil service, and pursuant
to 5 U.S.C. 1103, OPM is responsible for
designing a set of systems, including
standards and metrics, for assessing
the management of human capital by
Federal agencies. In this subpart, OPM
establishes a framework of those systems, including system components,
OPM’s role, and agency responsibilities.

Subpart B—Strategic Human
Capital Management
SOURCE: 73 FR 23013, Apr. 28, 2008, unless
otherwise noted.


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Office of Personnel Management

§ 250.203
(ii) Workforce analysis. This analysis
of the agency’s workforce describes its
current state, projects the human resources needed to achieve the agency’s
program performance goals and objectives during the term of the agency’s
strategic plan, and identifies potential
shortfalls or gaps. An ongoing analysis
must, for relevant agency mission requirements, describe the occupation(s)
most critical to agency performance
(including associated managerial and
executive positions) and describe mission-critical competencies and key demographics (e.g., talent analyses, turnover, and retirement eligibility); and
for each such occupation, describe its
current and projected staffing levels,
attrition and hiring estimates, and proposed training and development investments.
(iii) Performance measures and milestones. One or more human capital
metrics, as well as appropriate program milestones, for each human capital goal or objective, provide a basis
for assessing progress and results, including compliance measures with respect to relevant laws, rules and regulations. These metrics must include,
but are not limited to, those described
in the HCAAF–SSM issued under
§ 250.202(b). These metrics and milestones must be specifically linked to
broader agency program performance
goals, to evaluate the impact of the
agency’s human capital management
on its overall mission performance.
(2) Human capital accountability system. This system provides for an annual
assessment of agency human capital
management progress and results including compliance with relevant laws,
rules, and regulations. That assessment is conveyed in an annual Human
Capital Management Report to OPM.
The human capital accountability system must:
(i) Be formal and documented;
(ii) Be approved by OPM;
(iii) Be supported and resourced by
agency leadership;
(iv) Measure and assess human capital management systems for mission
alignment, effectiveness, efficiency,
and compliance with merit system
principles, laws, and regulations;
(v) Provide for an independent audit
process, with OPM participation, for

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program objectives, including the extent to which human capital management strategies are integrated into
agency strategic plans and performance budgets prepared under OMB Circular A–11;
(2) Identifying and closing competency/skill gaps in the agency’s mission-critical
leadership continuity through the implementation of recruiting, development, and succession plans; sustaining
an agency culture that values, elicits,
identifies, and rewards high performance; and developing and implementing
a knowledge management strategy,
supported by appropriate investment in
training and technology; and
(3) Holding the agency head, executives, managers and human resources
officers accountable for efficient and
effective human capital management,
in accordance with merit system principles.
§ 250.203 Agency responsibilities.
(a) To assist in the assessment of the
management of human capital in the
Federal Government, and to help meet
the statutory requirements to prepare
that portion of the performance budget
for which agency Chief Human Capital
Officers are accountable as well as relevant portions of performance and accountability reports, heads of agencies
or their designees must maintain a current human capital plan and provide
OPM an annual Human Capital Management Report, as outlined below,
based on an approved human capital
accountability system. The HCAAF
and the HCAAF–SSM provide more specific information on coverage and content for the plan and report.
(1) Human capital plan. Using a format established by agreement between
the agency and OPM, at a minimum
the plan must include:
(i) Human capital goals and objectives.
These are a comprehensive, integrated
set of human capital goals and objectives, with detailed policy and program
priorities and initiatives as appropriate, consistent with agency strategic plans and annual performance
goals. These human capital goals and
objectives must address each of the
human capital management systems
included in the HCAAF.


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§ 250.301

5 CFR Ch. I (1–1–12 Edition)

periodic review of human resources
transactions to insure legal and regulatory compliance;
(vi) Ensure that action is taken to
improve human capital management
programs and processes and to correct
deficiencies; and
(vii) Ensure results are analyzed and
reported to agency management and
(3) Human Capital Management Report.
At a minimum, the agency’s annual
Human Capital Management Report
(i) Provide an evaluation of and report on the agency’s existing human
capital management policies, programs, and operations, as they relate
to the agency’s overall mission/program performance. The report must address the performance measures and
milestones contained in the agency
human capital plan including compliance measures with respect to relevant
laws, rules and regulations. The report
must also document actions taken to
correct any violations or deficiencies
that are identified.
(ii) Inform the development of human
capital goals and objectives during the
agency’s strategic planning and annual
performance budget formulation process, as well as the treatment of human
capital results during the annual performance and accountability reporting
(b) [Reserved]

§ 250.301 Definitions.
In this part—
Agency means an executive agency as
defined in 5 U.S.C. 105.
Executives are members of the Senior
Executive Service or equivalent.
Leaders are an agency’s management
team. This includes anyone with supervisory or managerial duties.
Managers are those individuals in
management positions who typically
supervise one or more supervisors.
Organization means an agency, office,
or division.
Supervisors are first-line supervisors
who do not supervise other supervisors;
typically those who are responsible for
employees’ performance appraisals and
approval of their leave.
Team leaders are those who provide
employees with day-to-day guidance in
work projects, but do not have supervisory responsibilities or conduct performance appraisals.
Work unit means an immediate work
unit headed by an immediate supervisor.
§ 250.302 Survey requirements.
(a) Each executive agency must conduct an annual survey of its employees
containing the definitions and each
question in this subpart.
(b) Each executive agency may include survey questions unique to the
agency in addition to the prescribed
employee survey questions under paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) The definitions and 45 prescribed
employee survey questions and response choices are listed in the following tables:

Subpart C—Employee Surveys
SOURCE: 71 FR 49981, Aug. 24, 2006, unless
otherwise noted.
Key terms


Agency ...............................................
Executives .........................................
Leaders ..............................................

An executive agency as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105.
Members of the Senior Executive Service or equivalent.
An agency’s management team. This includes anyone with supervisory or managerial
Those individuals in management positions who typically supervise one or more supervisors.
An agency, office, or division.
First-line supervisors who do not supervise other supervisors; typically those who are responsible for employees’ performance appraisals and approval of their leave.
Those who provide employees with day-to-day guidance in work projects, but do not
have supervisory responsibilities or conduct performance appraisals.
An immediate work unit headed by an immediate supervisor.

Managers ...........................................
Organization ......................................
Supervisors ........................................

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Team leaders .....................................
Work unit ...........................................


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Office of Personnel Management

§ 250.302

Employee survey questions

Employee response choices
Personal Work Experiences

(1) The people I work with cooperate to get the job done .........
(2) I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in my organization.
(3) My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment ....
(4) I like the kind of work I do .....................................................
(5) I have trust and confidence in my supervisor .......................
(6) Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by your
immediate supervisor/team leader?

Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree,
or Strongly Disagree.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree,
or Strongly Disagree.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree,
or Strongly Disagree.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree,
or Strongly Disagree.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree,
or Strongly Disagree.
Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor, or Very Poor.


Recruitment, Development & Retention
(7) The workforce has the job-relevant knowledge and skills
necessary to accomplish organizational goals.
(8) My work unit is able to recruit people with the right skills ....
(9) I know how my work relates to the agency’s goals and priorities.
(10) The work I do is important ...................................................
(11) Physical conditions (for example, noise level, temperature,
lighting, cleanliness in the workplace) allow employees to
perform their jobs well.
(12) Supervisors/team leaders in my work unit support employee development.
(13) My talents are used well in the workplace ..........................
(14) My training needs are assessed ..........................................

Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not


Nor Disagree, Disagree,

Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not

Agree Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Agree Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Agree Nor Disagree, Disagree,

Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,

Performance Culture
(15) Promotions in my work unit are based on merit .................
(16) In my work unit, steps are taken to deal with a poor performer who cannot or will not improve.
(17) Creativity and innovation are rewarded ...............................
(18) In my most recent performance appraisal, I understood
what I had to do to be rated at different performance levels
(e.g., Fully Successful, Outstanding).
(19) In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way.
(20) Pay raises depend on how well employees perform their
(21) My performance appraisal is a fair reflection of my performance.
(22) Discussions with my supervisor/team leader about my performance are worthwhile.
(23) Managers/supervisors/team leaders work well with employees of different backgrounds.
(24) My supervisor supports my need to balance work and
family issues.

Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree,
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not Know.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree,
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not Know.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree,
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not Know.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree,
Strongly Disagree, or No Basis to Judge.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not Know.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree
Strongly Disagree or Do Not Know.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not Know.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not Know.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not Know.
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not Know.


Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,

wreier-aviles on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CFR

(25) I have a high level of respect for my organization’s senior
(26) In my organization, leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce.
(27) Managers review and evaluate the organization’s progress
toward meeting its goals and objectives.
(28) Employees are protected from health and safety hazards
on the job.
(29) Employees have a feeling of personal empowerment with
respect to work processes.
(30) My workload is reasonable ..................................................

Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not


Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Nor Disagree, Disagree,


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§ 250.303

5 CFR Ch. I (1–1–12 Edition)
Employee survey questions

Employee response choices

(31) Managers communicate the goals and priorities of the organization.
(32) My organization has prepared employees for potential security threats.

Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not
Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither
Strongly Disagree, or Do Not

Agree Nor Disagree, Disagree,
Agree Nor Disagree, Disagree,

Job Satisfaction
(33) How satisfied are you with the information you receive
from management on what’s going on in your organization?
(34) How satisfied are you with your involvement in decisions
that affect your work?
(35) How satisfied are you with your opportunity to get a better
job in your organization?
(36) How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for
doing a good job?
(37) How satisfied are you with the policies and practices of
your senior leaders?
(38) How satisfied are you with the training you receive for
your present job?
(39) Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your
(40) Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your

Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neither
Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied.
Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neither
Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied.
Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neither
Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied.
Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neither
Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied.
Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neither
Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied.
Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neither
Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied.
Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neither
Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied.
Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neither
Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied.

Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied,
Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied,
Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied,
Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied,
Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied,
Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied,
Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied,
Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied,

Demographics (for agencies with 800 or more employees)
(41) What is your supervisory status? ........................................

(42) Are you .................................................................................
(43) Are you Hispanic or Latino? ................................................
(44) Please select the racial category or categories with which
you most closely identify (Please select one or more).

(45) What is your agency subcomponent? (If Applicable) ..........

wreier-aviles on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 250.303

a. Non-Supervisor: You do not supervise other employees.
b. Team Leader: You are not an official supervisor; you provide employees with day-to-day guidance in work projects,
but do not have supervisory responsibilities or conduct performance appraisals.
c. Supervisor: You are responsible for employees’ performance
appraisals and approval of their leave, but you do not supervise other supervisors.
d. Manager: You are in a management position and supervise
one or more supervisors.
e. Executive: Member of the Senior Executive Service or
a. Male.
b. Female.
a. Yes.
b. No.
a. White.
b. Black or African American.
c. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.
d. Asian.
e. American Indian or Alaska Native.
An agency provided list of major divisions, bureaus, or other
components one level below the agency/department.

(4) The survey questions and response
choices with the prescribed questions
(5) The number of employees surveyed and number of survey respondents; and
(6) The number of respondents for
each survey question and each response
(b) Data must be collected by December 31 of each calendar year. Each
agency must post the beginning and
ending dates of its employee survey
and either the survey results described
in paragraph (a) of this section or a
statement noting the decision not to
post no later than 120 days after the

Availability of results.

(a) Each agency will make the results
of its annual survey available to the
public and post the results on its Web
site, unless the agency head determines
that doing so would jeopardize or negatively impact national security. The
posted survey results will include the
(1) The agency’s evaluation of its survey results;
(2) How the survey was conducted;
(3) Description of the employee sample, unless all employees are surveyed;


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Office of Personnel Management

§ 251.101
establishment of policies that best
serve the public interest in accomplishing the mission of the agency.
(d) An agency’s consultation and
communication with organizations representing Federal employees and with
other organizations under this part
may not take on the character of negotiations or consultations regarding
conditions of employment of bargaining unit employees, which is reserved exclusively to labor organizations as provided for in Chapter 71 of
title 5 of the U.S. Code or comparable
provisions of other laws. The regulations in this part do not authorize any
actions inconsistent with Chapter 71 of
the U.S. Code or comparable provisions
of other laws.
(e) The head of a Federal agency may
determine that it is in the interest of
the agency to consult, from time to
time, with organizations other than
labor organizations and associations of
management officials and/or supervisors to the extent permitted by law.
Under section 7(d)(2) and (3) of Executive Order 11491, as amended, recognition of a labor organization does not
preclude an agency from consulting or
dealing with a veterans organization,
or with a religious, social, fraternal,
professional, or other lawful association, not qualified as a labor organization, with respect to matters or policies which involve individual members
of the organization or association or
are of particular applicability to it or
its members.
(f) Federal employees, including
management officials and supervisors,
may communicate with any Federal
agency, officer, or other Federal entity
on the employee’s own behalf. However, Federal employees should be
aware that 18 U.S.C. 205, in pertinent
part, restricts Federal employees from
acting, other than in the proper discharge of their official duties, as
agents or attorneys for any person or
organization other than a labor organization, before any Federal agency or
other Federal entity in connection
with any matter in which the United
States is a party or has a direct and
substantial interest. An exception to
the prohibition found in 18 U.S.C. 205
permits Federal employees to represent certain nonprofit organizations

agency completes survey administration. OPM may extend this date under
unusual circumstances.
(c) Each agency must submit its survey results to OPM no later than 120
days after the agency completes survey

Subpart A—General Provisions


Subpart B—Relationships With Organizations Representing Federal Employees
and Other Organizations
251.201 Associations of management officials and/or supervisors.
251.202 Agency support to organizations representing Federal employees and other

Subpart C—Dues Withholding
251.301 Associations of management officials and/or supervisors.
251.302 All other organizations.
AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 1104; 5 U.S.C. Chap 7; 5
U.S.C. 7135; 5 U.S.C. 7301; and E.O. 11491.
SOURCE: 61 FR 32915, June 26, 1996, unless
otherwise noted.

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Subpart A—General Provisions
§ 251.101 Introduction.
(a) The regulations in this part apply
to all Federal executive branch departments and agencies and their officers
and employees.
(b) This part provides a framework
for consulting and communicating with
non-labor organizations representing
Federal employees and with other organizations on matters related to agency operations and personnel management.
(c) The purposes of consultation and
communication are: the improvement
of agency operations, personnel management, and employee effectiveness;
the exchange of information (e.g.,
ideas, opinions, and proposals); and the


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