0048 60 day notice

Native American Tribal Insignia 60 day notice.pdf

Native American Tribal Insignia Database

0048 60 day notice

OMB: 0651-0048

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Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 51 / Monday, March 16, 2020 / Notices

objectives and (B) modifications to Illex
fishery permitting and related
management measures, including a
potential requalification of permits that
could reduce the number of permits in
the Illex fishery. The Council is seeking
public input on all aspects of this
action. Details on potential
requalification criteria and other related
management measures under
consideration are available in the public
hearing document, available at http://
Special Accommodations
These hearings are physically
accessible to people with disabilities.
Requests for sign language
interpretation or other auxiliary aid
should be directed to M. Jan Saunders,
(302) 526–5251, at least 5 days prior to
any meeting date.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: March 11, 2020.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2020–05305 Filed 3–13–20; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XA078]

Pacific Fishery Management Council;
Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of a public meeting.

The Pacific Fishery
Management Council’s (Pacific Council)
Ad Hoc Sablefish Management and
Trawl Allocation Attainment Committee
(SaMTAAC) will hold a webinar
meeting, which will be open to the
DATES: The webinar meeting will be
held Wednesday, April 1, 2020, from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) or
until business for the day has been
ADDRESSES: A public listening station is
available at the Pacific Council office
(address below). To attend the webinar
(1) join the meeting by using this link:
(2) enter the Meeting ID provided in the
meeting announcement (see http://
www.pcouncil.org) and click JOIN, (3)
you will be prompted to either



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download the RingCentral meetings
application or join the meeting without
a download via your web browser, and
(4) enter your name and click JOIN.
NOTE: We require all participants to use
a telephone or cell phone to participate.
(1) You must use your telephone for the
audio portion of the meeting by dialing
the TOLL number provided on your
screen followed by the meeting ID and
participant ID, also provided on the
screen. (2) Once connected, you will be
in the meeting, seeing other participants
and a shared screen, if applicable.
Technical Information and System
Requirements: PC-based attendees are
required to use Windows® 10, 8; Mac®based attendees are required to use Mac
OS® X 10.5 or newer; Mobile attendees
are required to use iPhone®, iPad®,
AndroidTM phone or Android tablet (See
the RingCentral mobile apps in your app
store). You may send an email to Mr.
Kris Kleinschmidt (kris.kleinschmidt@
noaa.gov) or contact him at (503) 820–
2280, extension 412 for technical
Council address: Pacific Fishery
Management Council, 7700 NE
Ambassador Place, Suite 101, Portland,
OR 97220.
Jim Seger, Pacific Council; telephone:
(503) 820–2416.
meeting, the SaMTAAC will continue to
develop alternatives that address
obstacles to achieving the goals and
objectives of the groundfish trawl catch
share plan related to under-attainment
of non-sablefish shorebased trawl
allocations. The SaMTAAC’s work on
alternatives will be presented at the
June 2020 Pacific Council meeting.
Although non-emergency issues not
contained in the meeting agenda may be
discussed, those issues may not be the
subject of formal action during this
meeting. Action will be restricted to
those issues specifically listed in this
document and any issues arising after
publication of this document that
require emergency action under section
305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act,
provided the public has been notified of
the intent to take final action to address
the emergency.
Special Accommodations
The meeting is physically accessible
to people with disabilities. Requests for
sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to Mr.
Kris Kleinschmidt (kris.kleinschmidt@
noaa.gov; (503) 820–2412) at least 10
days prior to the meeting date.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.

PO 00000

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Dated: March 11, 2020.
Tracey L. Thompson,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2020–05304 Filed 3–13–20; 8:45 am]

Patent and Trademark Office
Native American Tribal Insignia
Notice of an extension of a
currently approved information
collection; request for comment.


The United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO), as required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995, invites comments on the renewal
of a currently approved information
collection: 0651–0048 (Native American
Tribal Insignia Database).
DATES: Written comments must be
submitted on or before May 15, 2020.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods:
• Email: InformationCollection@
uspto.gov. Include ‘‘0651–0048
comment’’ in the subject line of the
• Federal Rulemaking Portal: http://
• Mail: Kimberly Hardy, Office of the
Chief Administrative Officer, United
States Patent and Trademark Office,
P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313–
Requests for additional information
should be directed to Catherine Cain,
Attorney Advisor, Office of the Deputy
Commissioner for Trademark
Examination Policy, P.O. Box 1451,
Alexandria, VA 22313–1451; by
telephone at 571–272–8946; or by email
to Catherine.Cain@uspto.gov.
Additional information about this
information collection is also available
at http://www.reginfo.gov under
‘‘Information Collection Review.’’

I. Abstract
The Trademark Law Treaty
Implementation Act of 1998 (Pub. L.
105–330, § 302, 112 Stat. 3071) required
the United States Patent and Trademark
Office (USPTO) to study issues
surrounding the protection of the
official insignia of federally and staterecognized Native American tribes
under trademark law. The USPTO
conducted the study and presented a
report to the House and Senate Judiciary
Committees on November 30, 1999. One




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 51 / Monday, March 16, 2020 / Notices
of the recommendations made in the
report was that the USPTO create and
maintain an accurate and
comprehensive database containing the
official insignia of all federally and
state-recognized Native American tribes.
In accordance with this
recommendation, the Senate Committee
on Appropriations directed the USPTO
to create this database. The USPTO has
established a database to record the
official insignia of federally and staterecognized Native American tribes. This
database is available at the USPTO’s
website, as part of the Trademark
Electronic Search System (TESS). This
information collection includes the
information needed by the USPTO to
enter an official insignia for a federally
or state-recognized Native American
tribe into this database of such insignia.
The USPTO database of official tribal
insignias provides evidence of what a
federally or state-recognized Native
American tribe considers to be its
official insignia. This information
thereby assists trademark examining
attorneys in their examination of
applications for trademark registration
by serving as a reference for determining
the registrability of a mark that may
falsely suggest a connection to the
official insignia of a Native American
tribe. The database, included within
TESS,1 is available to the public, on the
USPTO website, and includes an online
help program for using the system. More
information about the program is
available on the website at https://
Tribes are not required to request that
their official insignia be included in the

IC No.

1 .................
2 .................


Totals .........

database. The entry of an official
insignia into the Trademark systems
does not confer any rights to the tribe
that submitted the insignia, and entry is
not the legal equivalent of registering
the insignia as a trademark under 15
U.S.C. 1051 et seq. The inclusion of an
official tribal insignia in the database
does not create any legal presumption of
validity or priority, does not carry any
of the benefits of federal trademark
registration, and is not a determination
as to whether a particular insignia
would be refused registration as a
trademark pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1051 et
Requests from federally recognized
tribes to enter an official insignia into
the database must be submitted in
writing and include: (1) A depiction of
the insignia, including the name of the
tribe and the address for
correspondence; (2) a copy of the tribal
resolution adopting the insignia in
question as the official insignia of the
tribe; and (3) a statement, signed by an
official with authority to bind the tribe,
confirming that the insignia included
with the request is identical to the
official insignia adopted by the tribal
Requests from state-recognized tribes
must also be in writing and include
each of the three items described above
that are submitted by federally
recognized tribes. Additionally, requests
from state-recognized tribes must
include either: (1) A document issued
by a state official that evidences the
state’s determination that the entity is a
Native American tribe; or (2) a citation
to a state statute designating the entity
as a Native American tribe.


Request to Record an Official Insignia of a
Federally Recognized Tribe.
Request to Record an Official Insignia of a
State-Recognized Tribe.

OMB Number: 0651–0048.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved information
Affected Public: State, Local, and
Tribal governments.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 5
respondents per year.
Estimated Time per Response: 1 hour
to complete a request to record an
official insignia, including time to
prepare the appropriate documents and
submit the information to the USPTO.
Estimated Total Annual Respondent
Burden Hours: 5 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Respondent
(Hourly) Cost Burden: $332. The USPTO
expects that the activity in this
information collection will be prepared
by the tribal counsel. According to data
from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’
Occupational Employment Statistics
program, the mean hourly earnings for
local government (excluding schools
and hospitals) lawyers (occupational
code 23–1011 2) is $51.02. USPTO
estimates a fully burdened rate of $66.32
(salary plus 30% for estimated overhead
and benefits).

Rate ($/hr)

Total costs



(a) × (b) / 60 = (c)


(c) × (d) =
(hourly cost burden)
















2 https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics4_

PO 00000

III. Data

burden hours

1 Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)

Jkt 250001

By email, mail, facsimile, or hand
delivery to the USPTO.


insignia for recording. However, this
information collection does have annual
(non-hour) cost burden in the form of
postage costs.

18:29 Mar 13, 2020

II. Method of Collection

time for

Estimated Total Annual Non-hour
Respondent Cost Burden: $38.25. There
are no capital start-up, maintenance, or
recordkeeping costs associated with this
information collection. There are also
no filing fees for submitting a tribal

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The USPTO enters insignia that have
been properly submitted by federally or
state-recognized Native American tribes
into the database and does not
investigate whether the insignia is
actually the official insignia of the tribe
making the request.

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IV. Request for Comments
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval. All comments will become a
matter of public record.




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 51 / Monday, March 16, 2020 / Notices

USPTO invites public comments on:
(a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) Accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden (including hours and cost)
of the proposed collection of
information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(d) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on
respondents, e.g., including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Kimberly Hardy,
Information Collections Officer, Office of the
Chief Administrative Officer, United States
Patent and Trademark Office.
[FR Doc. 2020–05312 Filed 3–13–20; 8:45 am]

14, 2020, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Eagle
River Town Center Community Meeting
Room, 12001 Business Blvd., Suite 170,
Eagle River, Alaska.
The dates and times of scoping
meetings will also be posted on the
project website and will be announced
in local newspapers of general
circulation no less than 15 days prior to
the meetings.
ADDRESSES: The project website (https://
JBER-PMART-EIS.com) provides more
information on the EIS and can be used
to submit scoping comments. Scoping
comments may also be submitted to:
JBER Public Affairs, JBER.PA@
US.AF.MIl, (907) 552–8151; (U.S. Post
Office) JBER Public Affairs c/o Matthew
Beattie, 10480 Sijan Ave., Suite 123,
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AK
99506. Comments will be accepted at
any time during the EIS process. To
ensure the USAF has sufficient time to
consider public input in the preparation
of the Draft EIS, scoping comments
should be submitted to the website or
the address listed above by April 26,
will evaluate the potential impacts
associated with the proposed action,
which includes indirect live-fire
training during all-seasons at the Eagle
River Flats (ERF) Impact Area on JBER,
a military base in Alaska, in order to
fully meet Army training standards. The
proposed action also includes
expansion of the ERF impact area by
approximately 585 acres. In addition,
the EIS will evaluate an action
alternative that would marginally meet
Army training standards, and would not
include expansion of the ERF impact
area. The no action alternative will also
be evaluated in the EIS, under which
the Army would continue to train with
the existing seasonal restrictions and
which would require JBER home station
units to deploy to other Armycontrolled training lands to conduct
required training. The USAF is the
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) lead agency and the U.S. Army
is a cooperating agency for this EIS
A Notice of Intent for a similar action
was issued in 2007; however, this
Notice of Intent supersedes the Notice of
Intent that was issued in 2007.
Additional review and consultation
which will be incorporated into the
preparation of the Draft EIS will
include, but are not necessarily limited
to consultation under Section 7 of the
Endangered Species Act and
consultation under Section 106 of the
National Historic Preservation Act.


Department of the Air Force
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement for
Proposed Mortar and Artillery Training
at Richardson Training Area, Joint
Base Elmendorf-Richardson, AK

Department of the Air Force,


Notice of Intent.

The U.S. Air Force (USAF)
and the U.S. Army, acting as a
Cooperating Agency, are issuing this
Notice of Intent to prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
to assess the potential social, economic,
and environmental impacts associated
with modifying the conditions under
which indirect live-fire weapons
training can be conducted at Joint Base
Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER), in order
to meet Army training standards at
home station.
DATES: The USAF will conduct formal
scoping meetings for the public to learn
more about the proposed action, and to
provide comments. Scoping meetings
will occur in Anchorage and Eagle River
on the following dates and times:
Monday, April 13, 2020, from 6 p.m. to
9 p.m., at Z.J. Loussac Library
(Anchorage Public library) Learning
Commons, 3600 Denali Street,
Anchorage, Alaska and Tuesday, April



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The proposed actions at JBER have
the potential to be located in a
floodplain and/or wetland. Consistent
with the requirements and objectives of
Executive Order (E.O.) 11990,
‘‘Protection of Wetlands,’’ and E.O.
11988, ‘‘Floodplain Management,’’ state
and federal regulatory agencies with
special expertise in wetlands and
floodplains will be contacted to request
comment. Consistent with E.O. 11988
and E.O. 11990, this Notice of Intent
initiates early public review of the
proposed actions and alternatives,
which have the potential to be located
in a floodplain and/or wetland.
Scoping and Agency Coordination: To
effectively define the full range of issues
to be evaluated in the EIS, the Air Force
will determine the scope of the analysis
by soliciting comments from interested
local, state, and federal elected officials
and agencies, Alaska Native
organizations, as well as interested
members of the public and others. This
is being done by providing a website
where the public can submit comments
and/or by having comments mailed to
the mailing address provided above.
Adriane Paris,
Acting Air Force Federal Register Liaison
[FR Doc. 2020–05265 Filed 3–13–20; 8:45 am]

Notice of Public Hearing
Defense Nuclear Facilities
Safety Board.
ACTION: Postponement of Public

Notice is hereby given that
the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety
Board has postponed the Public Hearing
previously scheduled for March 19,
2020, in Aiken, South Carolina.
DATES: The new date will be in
approximately three to six months and
will be announced in the Federal
Register and https://www.dnfsb.gov as
soon as possible.
ADDRESSES: The location of the Public
Hearing will be announced in the
Federal Register and https://
www.dnfsb.gov along with the new date.
Tadlock, Manager of Board Operations,
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board,
625 Indiana Avenue NW, Suite 700,
Washington, DC 20004–2901, (800) 788–
4016. This is a toll-free number.



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File Modified2020-03-14
File Created2020-03-14

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