Performance Measures |
Best Practice Area |
Mass-Reach Health Communication Interventions |
Number of monthly speaking opportunities by trained tobacco control spokespersons to educate decision-makers, stakeholders, and the public |
*Someone who is knowledgeable about the issues and can speak to the public, media, and interested groups to educate about science, programs and policies to help curb tobacco use. These people could be contractors, local advocates, coalition members |
Description |
Response |
How many times did a trained tobacco control spokesperson speak to educate decision-makers, stakeholders, and the public (including media) from [Date] to [Date]? |
Number of paid and earned media efforts targeting populations or areas with high concentrations of smoking prevalence, secondhand smoke exposure, and chronic disease |
Did any media efforts target population(s) or area(s) disproportionately impacted by tobacco use? |
Indicate which populations or areas were targeted, using drop down: |
African American |
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander |
Native American, Native Alaskan |
Hispanic / Latino |
Behavioral Health or Substance Abuse |
Rural |
Urban |
Low SES |
Pregnant Women |
Veteran/Military |
Other (please explain) |
Select the paid media channel(s) used for these targeted efforts, if applicable. |
Indicate which paid channels were used, using drop down: |
TV |
Radio |
Internet (paid, not free posts) |
Magazines |
Newspapers |
Billboards |
Other (please explain) |
Which earned media efforts have targeted disparately affected populations or areas (by program or designated spokesperson)? |
Indicate which earned media channels were used, using drop down: |
Letters to the Editors/Editorials |
Press Releases |
Interviews |
Other (please explain) |
Types of social media activities used to complement traditional paid and earned media efforts (e.g., social media campaign, posting content) and the reach of social media activities by social media site used (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) |
Indicate if the following social media activities that have been used to complement traditional paid and earned media efforts. If yes, describe reach, using quantitative data on number of posts, tweets, retweets, like/follows, or audience information, when available. |
Social media activities |
Indicate which social media activities were used using the drop-down: |
Facebook Posts |
Describe Reach using quantitative data on number of posts, tweets, retweets, likes/follows, if available: |
Provide additional details on audience, topic/message or information shared, if available : |
Tweets/Retweets |
Describe Reach using quantitative data on number of posts, tweets, retweets, likes/follows, if available: |
Provide additional details on audience, topic/message or information shared, if available : |
YouTube videos |
Describe Reach using quantitative data on number of posts, tweets, retweets, likes/follows, if available: |
Provide additional details on audience, topic/message or information shared, if available : |
Blogs |
Describe Reach using quantitative data on number of posts, tweets, retweets, likes/follows, if available: |
Provide additional details on audience, topic/message or information shared, if available : |
Buttons or other materials posted on website |
Describe Reach using quantitative data on number of posts, tweets, retweets, likes/follows, if available: |
Provide additional details on audience, topic/message or information shared, if available : |
Other: specify below |
Provide additional details on audience, topic/message or information shared, if available : |
Best Practice Area |
Surveillance and Evaluation |
Number and type of tobacco-related surveys implemented during the funding year (e.g., ATS, YTS), and type of tobacco-related modules implemented (e.g., BRFSS, YRBSS) |
What surveys providing data on tobacco use indicators were implemented in [Year] ? Check all that apply, including those where the program contributed funding to enhance data collection. |
Indicate which surveys were implemented by using the drop down: |
Adult Tobacco Survey |
Youth Tobacco Survey |
Youth Risk Behavior Survey |
Other tobacco-related state surveys, Explain: |
Number and type of tobacco-related surveys implemented during the funding year (e.g., ATS, YTS), and type of tobacco-related modules implemented (e.g., BRFSS, YRBSS) |
Description |
Response |
Describe any modules (e.g., Secondhand Smoke, Diabetes, mental Health) that were implemented or used, or additional methods (e.g., innovative sampling) that were used to enhance surveillance efforts. |
Number and type of tobacco-related indicators developed and implemented in state surveillance systems during the funding year (e.g., ATS, YTS, BRFSS, YRBSS) |
Are recent state tobacco use adult prevalence rates available for the following populations? |
Select the Appropriate Response (Yes/No/NA) for Each Category: |
African American |
American Indian/Alaska Native |
Asian American/Pacific Islander |
Behavioral Health/Substance Abuse |
Hispanic/Latino |
Low SES |
Rural/Urban |
Best Practice Area |
Infrastructure, Administration, and Management |
Percentage of funding (state, CDC, and other) used to meet CDC-recommended funding levels outlined in Best Practices - 2014 |
Description |
Response |
As of [DATE], how much funding was allocated to the state Tobacco Control Program (including all sources, state, CDC, and other)? |
Number and type of staff positions maintained throughout the entire funding year to support the tobacco control program (e.g., program director, policy coordinator, communications specialist, cessation coordinator, surveillance and evaluation staff, fiscal management systems staff, and administrative staff) |
Description |
Response |
How many months has a tobacco program manager/director been in place? (Round up if partial month) |
Indicate how many full-time staff members there are per category: |
Enter the number of staff members, using decimals if needed: |
Note: If staff fulfill more than one major role, you may include them in more than one categories, unless their title specifies one area, such as "Cessation specialist" |
Administrative |
Cessation |
Communications |
Disparities |
Fiscal management |
Policy |
Prevention |
Surveillance and Evaluation |