OMB Control No: 0535-0088
ICR Reference No:
Status: Historical Inactive
Previous ICR Reference No: 201802-0535-001
Agency/Subagency: USDA/NASS
Agency Tracking No:
Title: Field Crops Objective
Type of Information Collection: No
material or nonsubstantive change to a currently approved
Common Form ICR: No
Type of Review Request: Regular
OIRA Conclusion Action: Improperly
submitted and continue
Conclusion Date: 01/23/2020
Notice of Action (NOA)
Date Received in OIRA:
Terms of Clearance:
Inventory as of this Action
Previously Approved
Expiration Date
Time Burden (Hours)
Cost Burden (Dollars)
Abstract: This is a non-substantive change
request to modify the Objective Yield docket. In March 2019 NASS
published the program changes that would be adopted following the
review of the 2017 Census of Agriculture. NASS will continue to
publish the other production, price, stocks, final yield, etc.
data. Only the mid-season objective yield surveys are being
impacted by this change request.
Authorizing Statute(s): US Code:
USC 1905 Name of Law: Disclosure of Confidential
US Code: 7 USC
2204 Name of Law: General Duties of Secretary
US Code: 7 USC
2276 Name of Law: Confidentiality of Information
Pub.L. 107 - 347 503(a) Name of Law: CIPSEA
Citations for New Statutory
Requirements: None
Associated Rulemaking
Stage of Rulemaking:
Federal Register Citation:
Not associated with rulemaking
Federal Register Notices &
60-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
82 FR
30-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
83 FR
Did the Agency receive public comments on
this ICR? No
Number of Information Collection (IC) in this
ICR: 2
IC Title
Form No.
Form Name
Field Crops Objective
QID 16392B, QID, QID , QID , QID , QID , QID, QID 163921, QID
163923, QID 163927, QID 163922, QID 163923, QID 150028, QID , QID,
QID , QID 120031C-2, QID 163923, QID 120034B, QID 120032E, QID
120034E, QID 120031E-W, QID , QID 120032A, QID 120032 B, QID
120032C-1, QID 120032C-2, QID 120033A-1, QID 120033B, QID 120033C,
QID 120033E, QID 120038 A, QID 120038B, QID 120038C51, QID
120038C11, QID 120038C31, QID 120038 92, QID 120038C82, QID
120038E, QID 120034A, QID 120034C-2, QID 120034C-2R, QID 120031
A-1W, QID 120031 B, QID 120031C-1, QID 120031, QID 120038Q-1W, QID
120034Q-3, QID 120032Q-6, QID
Form A Corn Yield
Survey , Form B Corn Yield Counts ,
Form C-1 Corn
Maturity Code-6 Lab Determination , Form C-2 Corn Final Pre-harvest
Lab Determinations , Form E Corn Yield Survey
Post-harvest Gleanings , Form B - Soybean Yield
Counts , Form C - Soybean Pre-Harvest
Lab Determinations , Form C-2R - Soybean Pre-Harvest
Lab Determinations , Form E - Soybean Yield Survey -
Post-Harvest Gleanings , Form A-1 - Winter Wheat - Yield
Survey , Form B - Winter Wheat Yield
Counts , Form C-1 - Winter Wheat Yield
Survey - National Laboratory Detereminations , Form C-2 - Winter Wheat Yield
Survey - National Laboratory Determinations , Form E - Winter Wheat Yield
Survey - Post-Harvest Gleanings , Form Q-1 Quality Check ,
Form Q-1W -
Potato Quality Check Weights , Form Q-3 - Laboratory Scale
Check , Form
Q-6 - Field Scale Check , Citrus Objective Measurement
Survey - Permission Form , Random Path Sheet - Citrus
Objective Measurement Survey , Size Card - Citrus Objective
Measurement Survey , Objective Yield Survey for
Florida Citrus (Phone Script) , Citrus Tree Inventory - Request
for Property Information - FL , Revision Sheet Citrus Tree
Inventory - FL , Form A Cotton Yield Survey
, Form B Cotton
Yield Counts , Form C Cotton Pre-harvest Lab
Determinations , Form E Cotton Yield Survey Post
Harvest Field Observations , Form A Potato Yield Survey
, Form B Potato
Yield Counts , Form C-1 Potato Yield Survey -
Pre-Harvest Lab Determinations - Round Potatoes ,
Form C-1 Potato Yield
Survey Pre-Harvest Lab Determinations - Long Potatoes - All States
but ME , Form C-1 Potato Yield Survey -
Pre-Harvest Lab Determinations - Long Potatoes - Maine Only ,
Form C-2 Potato
Yield Survey - Pre-Harvest Lab Determinations - Round Potatoes
, Form C-2
Potato Yield Survey - Pre-Harvest Lab Determinations - Long
Potatoes , Form E - Potato Yield Survey -
Post Harvest Gleanings , Form A - Soybean Yield
Survey , Limb Count - Limb Count and
Pre-selection Survey , Liasion Sheet - Citrus Tree
Inventory , Size and Drop Form - Citrus
Growth Survey , Maturity Cards fir Citrus ,
Almond Objective
Measurement Survey - Permission Form , Random Path Sheet - Almond
Objective Measurement Survey , Size Card - Almond Objective
Measurement Survey , Walnut Objective Measurement
Survey - Permission Form , Random Path Sheet - Walnut
Objective Measurement Survey , Hazelnut Objective Yield Survey
- OR , Form
B1 - Row and Tree Selection - Hazelnut Objective Yield Survey ,
Form B2 - Branch
Selection - Hazelnut Objective Yield Survey , Form C - Laboratory
Observations - Hazelnut Objective Yield Survey
Non Response
Burden increases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: No
Burden Increase Due to:
Burden decreases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: Yes
Burden Reduction Due to: Miscellaneous
Short Statement: Due to the five year review of
NASS programs that occurs after every Census of Agriculture the
Objective Yield's mid-season indications or Objective Yield surveys
were cut back.
Annual Cost to Federal Government:
Does this IC contain surveys, censuses, or employ
statistical methods? Yes Part B of Supporting Statement
Does this ICR request any personally identifiable
information (see OMB Circular No. A-130 for an
explanation of this term)? Please consult with your agency's
privacy program when making this determination.
Does this ICR include a form that requires a Privacy Act
Statement (see 5
U.S.C. §552a(e)(3) )? Please consult with your agency's privacy
program when making this determination.
Is this ICR related to the Affordable Care Act [Pub. L.
111-148 & 111-152]? No
Is this ICR related to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act, [Pub. L. 111-203]? No
Is this ICR related to the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)? No
Is this ICR related to the Pandemic Response?
Agency Contact: David Hancock 202-690-2388