Reciprocal Exchange Alumni Survey

Evaluation of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders

MWF Survey 2_US RE Alumni_Final 02-25-2020

Reciprocal Exchange Alumni Survey

OMB: 1405-0235

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Mandela Washington Fellowship Evaluation – Survey 2, U.S. Reciprocal Exchange Alumni Survey


Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Mandela Washington Fellowship evaluation!  The purpose of the independent evaluation is to review the Fellowship’s effectiveness in meeting its goals and objectives during its first five years of implementation, 2014 - 2018, assess the Fellowship’s impact on Alumni and other stakeholders, and determine areas for improvement and growth. We are not affiliated with IREX.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you wish to complete the survey in more than one session, you will only be able to return to your responses if you (1) use the same computer for each session, and (2) do not clear your cache or cookies.


Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may opt to withdraw from the survey at any time, choose not to answer select questions, or choose to not submit your survey responses.

By selecting the “I consent to participate in this survey” below, you are consenting to the following:

  • Aggregated responses or de-identified qualitative insights from open-ended questions may be included in the final report or publications resulting from the evaluation.

  • De-identified data files will be submitted to the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the U.S. Department of State upon completion of the evaluation (without names or any contact information).

  • The data you provide may be reanalyzed at a later date for a follow-up study or other purpose approved by ECA.


Your contributions are confidential and no individual identities will be used in any reports or publications resulting from the evaluation unless the individual provides consent to the Evaluation Team. 

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey or the Mandela Washington Fellowship evaluation more broadly, please reach out to the Evaluation Team at

  1. Please acknowledge if you consent to participate in this survey:

Answer Options

  • I consent to participate in this survey

  • I do not consent to participate in this survey [note: if ‘I do not consent’ is selected, survey will automatically close]


Survey Scope: Approximate completion time is about 30 minutes [estimate]

Logistics: Distribute Word version with email, so that respondents can see the survey questions in advance

Survey Navigation:

  • Skip Logic: Respondents may not see all questions in this survey. Some questions use “skip logic”, where the question being posed to the respondent is dependent on their response to the previous question. The jumps between questions will be a seamless process for respondents.

  • Save & Continue: Prior to submission, respondents will be able to save survey responses and return to them later. Survey responses cannot be changed after submission. Additional instructions will be provided to respondents in the email invitation.


Section 1: Basic Information


What year(s) did you travel for your Reciprocal Exchange Award?

Answer type: Drop-down menu. Select one.


  • 2014

  • 2015

  • 2016

  • 2017

  • 2018

  • 2019


Select other activities that you have participated in as part of the Mandela Washington Fellowship. (Select all that apply)

Answer type: Multiple selection


  • Professional Development Experience (PDE)

  • Academic and Leadership Institute

  • Institute Community Service Host

  • Mandela Washington Fellowship Summit

  • Professional/peer collaborator or mentor

  • Other (please describe)

Section 2: Reciprocal Exchange Project Information


In which country/countries did you conduct your Reciprocal Exchange project? (Select all that apply)

Answer type: List of countries

Options: All African countries


Provide a brief description of what occurred on your Reciprocal Exchange, including your project’s objectives and programming.

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


Select how you met the Mandela Washington Fellow(s) with whom you worked with as part of your Reciprocal Exchange. Select all that apply.

Answer type: Multiple selection

Options: I was a…

  • Institute Peer Collaborator

  • Institute Staff Member

  • Institute Speaker/Presenter

  • Institute community service event participant

  • Institute community service event organizer

  • Institute Networking Event Attendee

  • Summit Speaker/Presenter

  • Summit Expo Exhibitor

  • Summit Networking Reception Attendee

  • Professional Development Experience (PDE) Host

  • PDE Host co-worker

  • Other (please describe)


Do you still maintain contact with the Fellow(s) with whom you collaborated?

Answer type: Multiple choice (select one)


  • Yes – frequently (at least once a month)

  • Yes – somewhat frequently (at least a few times a year)

  • Yes – infrequently (maybe once a year)

  • No

  • Other (please describe)


Select the ways in which you stay in touch with the Fellows. (Select all that apply)

Answer type: Multiple choice. Please select all that apply

  • Phone calls

  • Email

  • Personal SMS

  • Group SMS

  • WhatsApp

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • Twitter

  • In-person visits

  • Other (please specify)

Section 3: Impact of Reciprocal Exchange experience on Awardees


Did your participation in the Reciprocal Exchange contribute to your professional development? Please provide a brief explanation for your selection.

Note: Professional Development is defined here as the development of professional knowledge, skills, competency, and effectiveness as a professional or leader.

Answer type: Multiple choice and short answer field


  • Yes

  • No

  • Neutral

  • I don’t know


Did your participation in the Reciprocal Exchange contribute to the achievement of your personal goals? Please give brief explanation for your selection.

Answer type: Multiple choice and short answer field


  • Yes

  • No

  • Neutral

  • I don’t know


Is the project you worked on during the Reciprocal Exchange still running?

Answer type: Multiple choice (select one)


  • Yes – I am still working on/leading this project (without the Fellow)

  • Yes – the Fellow(s) and I are still working on/leading this project

  • Yes – the Fellow(s) is/are still working on/leading this project (without the Awardee)

  • Yes – but neither the Fellow(s) nor I are still working on/leading the project (please describe)

  • No – the project is no longer running

  • No - the project is no longer running but the Reciprocal Exchange project has led me to new or other collaborations

  • I don’t know

  • Other (please describe)

Any “Yes” answers, go to Question 10a


If yes, were you and the Fellow able to secure additional funding for the continuation of the project?

Answer type: Multiple choice (select one)


  • Yes

  • No

  • Currently searching for additional funding

  • Not currently searching for additional funding

  • Other (please describe)


Briefly describe any short and long-term impact this project had, or is currently having, on the visited country or countries.

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1000 characters


Did your participation in the Mandela Washington Fellowship help you to make change in your home community or organization/company in the U.S.?

Note: Home community is defined here as the community where you are currently living.

Answer type: Multiple choice (select one)


  • Yes – the Fellowship helped me to make change in my home community

  • Yes – the Fellowship helped me to make change in my organization/ company

  • Yes – the Fellowship helped me to make change in both my home community and organization/ company

  • No – the Fellowship did not help me to make change in either my home community or organization/ company

  • I don’t know

If “Yes” selected, go to Question 12a


In what ways has participation in the Reciprocal Exchange allowed you to make changes in your home community or organization/company in the U.S. in both the short and long-term?

Note: Home community is defined here as the community where you are currently living.

Answer type: Multiple choice (Select all that apply)

  • Changes in the way I accomplish my work at my organization/company

  • Changes in the way my organization/ company accomplishes their work

  • My organization/company has expanded into new markets

  • My organization/company has entered into an agreement for future collaboration (MOU, etc.)

  • My community has benefited from the partnership from the Reciprocal Exchange in tangible goods or services

  • My community has benefited from what was created during the Reciprocal Exchange

  • My community has increased knowledge of African contexts, African markets/industries, African systems

  • My community has stronger global ties to Africa

  • Other (Please specify)


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “The Reciprocal Exchange has helped me build lasting and productive relationships with individuals and organizations in countries outside of the U.S.”

Answer Type: Likert Scale


  • 1 – Strongly agree

  • 2 – Agree

  • 3 – Neutral

  • 4 – Disagree

  • 5 – Strongly disagree

  • Don’t know / can’t ascertain


Optional: Please explain the reason(s) for your choice in the previous question

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1000 characters


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “The Reciprocal Exchange award contributed to my professional development by helping me develop job skills that transfer to my home community.”

Note: Professional Development is defined here as the development of professional knowledge, skills, competency, and effectiveness as a professional or leader. Home community is defined here as the community where you are currently living.

Answer Type: Likert Scale


  • 1 – Strongly agree

  • 2 – Agree

  • 3 – Neutral

  • 4 – Disagree

  • 5 – Strongly disagree

  • Don’t know / can’t ascertain


Optional: Please explain the reason(s) for your choice in the previous question

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1000 characters

Section 5: Suggestions/Recommendations


Looking back on your experience as a Reciprocal Exchange Awardee, how would you rate your satisfaction with your experience?

Answer Type: Likert Scale


  • 1 – Very satisfied

  • 2 – Satisfied

  • 3 – Neutral

  • 4 – Unsatisfied

  • 5 – Very unsatisfied

  • I don’t know / can’t ascertain


Optional: Please explain the reason(s) for your choice in the previous question

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1000 characters


Which aspects of the Reciprocal Exchange would you change? Select all that apply and include the rationale for each suggested change.

Answer type: Multiple Selection and short answer fields

  • Pre-departure process

  • Availability of support materials

  • Subject matter/topic areas of support materials

  • Nothing/I would not change anything

  • Other (please describe)


Is there anything else that you would like to share regarding how the Reciprocal Exchange award impacted your life (personally and/or professionally)?

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1000 characters


Please feel free to use the comment box below to share any web links (e.g., URLs) that will help further illustrate your survey feedback (e.g., news articles, videos, etc.)

Answer: Comment box


Please feel free to upload any media that will help further illustrate your survey feedback (e.g., news articles, Institute artifacts, social media posts, etc.)

Answer: File upload option

Section 6: Basic Demographic Information


List your city/state of residence.

Answer type: Short answer field


Check the option that best describes your gender. (OPTIONAL)

Answer type: Multiple choice (select one)


  • Male

  • Female

  • Non-binary

  • I do not wish to respond


Specify your highest level of education attained:

Answer type: Multiple choice (select one)


  • Secondary/High School

  • College/University

  • Masters

  • PhD/PsyD/DPhil/Other advanced degree (J.D., MD, etc.)

  • Other (please describe)


Which of the following best describes your current position?

  • Entry-level

  • Mid-level, non-supervisory

  • Mid-level, supervisory

  • Senior-level

  • Executive-level

  • Full-time student

  • Retired

  • Not previously employed

  • Other (please describe)


What is your current job title?

(Skip if full-time student, retired or not previously employed)

Answer: Short answer field


In what sector do you work?

(Skip if full-time student, retired or not previously employed)

Answer type: Multiple choice (select one)


  • Educational or Academic institution

  • Large-for-profit business or corporation

  • Small/medium business

  • International multilateral organization (e.g. UN, World Bank, etc.)

  • International non-governmental organization (NGO)

  • U.S. Non-profit/NGO

  • Government agency/public department (local or federal)

  • Medical facility

  • Self-employed

  • Other (please describe)


The Guidehouse Evaluation Team will be conducting follow-up one-on-one interviews and group discussions with Reciprocal Exchange Alumni. If you are interested in participating, please provide your name and email address.

Answer type: Three short answer fields

  • Surname/last name(s)

  • Given/first name(s)

  • Preferred email address

Thank you for your participation in the Evaluation of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders! We greatly appreciate your time. If you have any questions about this survey, please reach out to

OMB Control Number: 1405-XXXX

Burden Estimate:  30 minutes

Expiration Date: XX-XX-XXXX

PRA Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection.  You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number.  If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to:


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