Professional Development Experience Host Survey

Evaluation of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders

MWF Survey 4_PDE Hosts_Final 02-25-2020

Professional Development Experience Host Survey

OMB: 1405-0235

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Mandela Washington Fellowship Evaluation: Survey 4 – Professional Development Experience Hosts


Thank you for taking the time to participate in the Mandela Washington Fellowship evaluation!  The purpose of the independent evaluation is to review the Fellowship’s effectiveness in meeting its goals and objectives during its first five years of implementation, 2014 - 2018, assess the Fellowship’s impact on Alumni and other stakeholders, and determine areas for improvement and growth. We are not affiliated with IREX.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you wish to complete the survey in more than one session, you will only be able to return to your responses if you (1) use the same computer for each session, and (2) do not clear your cache or cookies.


Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may opt to withdraw from the survey at any time, choose not to answer select questions, or choose to not submit your survey responses.

By selecting the “I consent to participate in this survey” below, you are consenting to the following:

  • Aggregated responses or de-identified qualitative insights from open-ended questions may be included in the final report or publications resulting from the evaluation.

  • De-identified data files will be submitted to the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the U.S. Department of State upon completion of the evaluation (without names or any contact information).

  • The data you provide may be reanalyzed at a later date for a follow-up study or other purpose approved by ECA.


Your contributions are confidential and no individual identities will be used in any reports or publications resulting from the evaluation unless the individual provides consent to the Evaluation Team. 

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey or the Mandela Washington Fellowship evaluation more broadly, please reach out to the Evaluation Team at

  1. Please acknowledge if you consent to participate in this survey:

Answer Options

  • I consent to participate in this survey

  • I do not consent to participate in this survey [note: if ‘I do not consent’ is selected, survey will automatically close]


Survey Scope: Approximate completion time is about 30 minutes [estimate]

Logistics: Distribute Word version with email, so that respondents can see the survey questions in advance

Survey Navigation:

  • Skip Logic: Respondents may not see all questions in this survey. Some questions use “skip logic”, where the question being posed to the respondent is dependent on their response to the previous question. The jumps between questions will be a seamless process for respondents.

  • Save & Continue: Prior to submission, respondents will be able to save survey responses and return to them later. Survey responses cannot be changed after submission. Additional instructions will be provided to respondents in the email invitation.


Section 1: Background


What is the name of your organization/business/agency?

Answer type: Short answer field


What is the sector of your organization/business/agency?

Answer type: Short answer field + Multiple choice (select one)


  • Educational or Academic institution

  • Large-for-profit business or corporation

  • Small/medium business

  • International multilateral organization (e.g. UN, World Bank, etc.)

  • International non-governmental organization (NGO)

  • U.S. Non-profit/NGO

  • Government agency/public department (local or federal)

  • Medical facility

  • Self-employed

  • Other (please describe)


Briefly describe the mission of your organization.

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


In which city and state did the Professional Development Experience (PDE) take place? If there was more than one, please list all locations.

Answer type: Short answer field


To the best of your knowledge, what year(s) has your organization hosted Fellows? Select all that apply.

Answer type: Multiple Selection

  • 2014

  • 2015

  • 2016

  • 2017

  • 2018

  • 2019


To the best of your knowledge, what is the average number of Fellows that your organization has hosted each year?

Answer type: Drop-down menu


  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • More than 5


In the last year your organization hosted Mandela Washington Fellows, which country/countries did the Fellow(s) that you hosted come from? Select all that apply.

Answer type: Multiple selection


  • All Sub-Saharan African countries,

  • I’m not sure/I don’t remember


Select the capacity(ies) in which you have interacted with one or more of the Mandela Washington Fellow(s). Please select all that apply.

Answer Type: Multiple selection


  • Supervisor

  • Mentor (Peer or Senior)

  • Colleague

  • Collaborated on joint research

  • Community service (volunteer work)

  • Reciprocal Exchange award recipient

  • Other (Specify)

Section 2: Impact of the Professional Development Experience (PDE) on the Fellows


Briefly describe the responsibilities or tasks the Fellows had within your organization during the PDE.

Answer type: Open ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


To the best of your knowledge, which of the following activities did the Fellows participate in during their PDE with your organization? Select all that apply.

Answer type: Multiple selection


  • Taking organization-sponsored training

  • Presenting on topics directly related to organization mission

  • Researching on topics related to organization mission or project objectives

  • Projects outlined in their PDE Work Plan

  • Participating in meetings with organization staff

  • Collaborating/working with organization staff on projects

  • Participating in organization social events

  • Participating in organization networking events

  • Attending/participating in conferences related to the organization’s mission

  • Obtaining career advice or counseling with staff

  • Discussing/developing future partnerships with organization staff

  • Grants, proposal writing and fundraising

  • Event planning and management

  • Financial management

  • Informational interviews with organization staff and others in the field

  • Site visits to other organizations

  • Other (Specify)


Of the activities selected above, which did the Fellows on average seem to find beneficial for their professional development? Select all that apply.

Notes: Options are carried forward from the previous question. Professional Development is defined here as the development of professional knowledge, skills, competency, and effectiveness as a professional or leader.

Answer type: Multiple selection


  • Taking organization-sponsored training

  • Presenting on topics directly related to organization mission

  • Researching on topics related to organization mission or project objectives

  • Projects outlined in their PDE Work Plan

  • Participating in meetings with organization staff

  • Collaborating/working with organization staff on projects

  • Participating in organization social events

  • Participating in organization networking events

  • Attending/participating in conferences related to the organization’s mission

  • Obtaining career advice or counseling with staff

  • Discussing/developing future partnerships with organization staff

  • Grants, proposal writing and fundraising

  • Event planning and management

  • Financial management

  • Informational interviews with organization staff and others in the field

  • Site visits to other organizations

  • Other (Specify)


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

In general, the PDE contributed to the professional development of the Fellow(s) my organization hosted.”

Note: Professional Development is defined here as the development of professional knowledge, skills, competency, and effectiveness as a professional or leader.

Answer type: Likert scale


  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

  • I don’t know / can’t ascertain


Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

In general, the PDE contributed to the professional and personal goals of the Fellow(s) my organization hosted.

Note: Professional and personal goals are defined as the objective the Fellow(s) expressed interested in achieving when undertaking the PDE.

Answer type: Likert scale


  1. Strongly agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neutral

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly disagree

  6. I don’t know / can’t ascertain


Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters

Section 3: Host Organization, Community & Public Diplomacy Impact


To the best of your knowledge, did the Fellow(s) provide any contributions to your organization? These could be cultural, academic, business or other types of contributions.

Answer type: Multiple choice (select one)


  • Yes (if selected, go to Question 12a)

  • No (if selected, skip to Question 13)

  • I don’t know (if selected, skip to Question 13)


If “Yes”, please give an example of one or two of the Fellow(s)’s most significant contributions during their time with your organization.

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


Did you learn anything from your engagement with the Fellow(s)?

Answer Type: Multiple choice (select one)


  1. Yes (if selected, go to Question 13a)

  2. No (if selected, go to Question 14)

  3. I cannot remember (if selected, go to Question 14)


If yes, select all options that best represent what you learned from your engagement with the Fellow(s) during their PDE. Select all that apply.

Answer type: Multiple selection


  1. Gained new practical knowledge or skills

  2. Enhanced my understanding of the culture(s) and customs of Fellow’s home country

  3. Shaped my understanding of the religious and/or ethnic diversity of the Fellow’s home country

  4. Enhanced my understanding of the business and economic context of Fellow’s home country

  5. Influenced my understanding of professions in countries other than the U.S.

  6. Influenced how I do my own work at my organization

  7. Learned how to work better in multi-cultural teams

  8. Affected my interaction with people from other cultures/countries

  9. Influenced me to encourage my and/or other organizations to host international Fellows or students

  10. Other (please describe)


To what extent did the activities of the Fellow(s) have any impact on the organization and its ability to execute its mission?

Answer type: Likert Scale


  1. Significant Positive Impact

  2. Some Positive Impact

  3. No Impact

  4. Some Negative Impact

  5. Significant Negative Impact

  6. I don’t know/can’t ascertain

If 1 or 2, go to Question 14a.

If 3, 4, 5, or 6,go to Question 15


Please give one or two highlights on the key areas of impact on the organization and its ability to execute its mission.

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


How could the PDE have a stronger impact on your organization?

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters

Section 4: Network and Relationships


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

The PDE benefited the local community.”

Note: Local community is defined here as the community in which your organization resides.

Answer Type: Likert Scale


  1. Strongly agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neutral

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly disagree

  6. I don’t know / can’t ascertain

If respondent answers 1 or 2 – move to Question 16a

If respondent answers 3, 4 or 5 – move to Q 17


To the best of your knowledge, how did the PDE benefit the local community? Select all that apply

Note: Local community is defined here as the community in which your organization resides

Answer type: Multiple selection


  • Fellows shared information about their culture with community members

  • Fellows provided new political or economic perspectives with community members

  • Fellows shared strategies, tools and/or models from their work in their home country that were useful for you and/or your community

  • PDE led to the creation of new opportunities for your organization/agency/business that have benefited the broader community

  • Fellows engaged in volunteer activities in the community

  • Fellow connected your organization/agency/business to other Fellows that the organization/agency/business could partner with to benefit the community

  • I don’t know / can’t ascertain

  • Other (please specify)


How could the PDE have a stronger impact on the local community?

Note: Local community is defined here as the community in which you organization resides

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


Were you a mentor to one or more Fellows?

Answer type: Multiple choice

  • Yes (if selected, skip to Q18a)

  • No (if selected, skip to Q19)

  • Unsure


If yes, please describe your role as a mentor and the impact mentoring had on your experience with the PDE.

Answer type: Open ended

(Character limit: 1,000 characters)


Have you stayed in touch with the Fellow(s) you have met at your organization?

Answer type: Multiple Choice


  • Yes (if selected, go to Question 19a)

  • No (if selected, go Question 20)


If “Yes”, select how frequently you stay in touch with the Fellow(s).

Answer type: Multiple choice.


  • Several times a month

  • Once every other month

  • A couple times a year

  • Once a year

  • Once every few years

  • Other (please describe)


Select the ways in which you stay in touch with the Fellows. (Select all that apply)

Answer type: Multiple choice. Please select all that apply

  • Phone calls

  • Email

  • Personal SMS

  • Group SMS

  • WhatsApp

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • Twitter

  • In-person visits

  • Other (please specify)


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

Hosting a Fellow helped my organization build lasting and productive relationships with individuals and/or organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa.”

Answer type: Likert Scale


  1. Strongly agree

  2. Agree

  3. Neutral

  4. Disagree

  5. Strongly disagree

  6. Don’t Know

If respondent answers 1 or 2 – move to Q 20a

If respondent answers 3, 4, 5, 6 – move to Q 21


Describe or give an example of any new formal relationships between individual/organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa and your organization.

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters

Section 3: Support of U.S. Foreign Policy Goals


To your knowledge, did the PDE result in any type of collaboration between personnel from your organization and the Fellows your organization hosted?

Answer type: Multiple choice


  • Yes (if selected, go to question 21a)

  • No (if selected go to question 22)

  • I don’t know (if selected go to question 22)


If you answered yes to the previous question, select from the following types of collaboration that resulted from the PDE between personnel from your organization and the Fellows your organization hosted. Select all that apply.


  • Visit to Alumni’s home country and/or workplace

  • Developed a joint program or project

  • Signed MOU between an Alumni’s home organization and your organization

  • Developed a joint program or project

  • Alumni became a consultant or employee of the Host back in their home country

  • Collaborated on a Reciprocal Exchange with the Alumni

  • Collaborated on joint publication of articles or research

  • Collaborated on joint grant applications or other complementary funding opportunities

  • Commercialization of a product resulting from joint research

  • Requested additional funding for a collaborative project

  • Presented at a conference

  • Alumni hosted Americans in their workplace

  • Your organization hosted Alumni after the Fellowship

  • Collaborated on joint seminars, courses, trainings, etc.

  • Other – Please describe


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

The PDE enhanced cross-cultural exposure within our local community.”

Note: Local community is defined here as the community in which your organization resides

Answer type: Likert Scale


  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Neutral

  • Agree

  • Strongly Agree

  • Don’t know


Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.

Answer Type: Open-ended


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

The PDE increased interest in international exchange/opportunities within our local community.”

Note: Local community is defined here as the community in which your organization resides

Answer type: Likert Scale


  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Neutral

  • Agree

  • Strongly Agree

  • Don’t know


Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.

Answer Type: Open-ended


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

The PDE increased interest in international exchange/opportunities within our organization.”

Answer type: Likert Scale


  • Strongly disagree

  • Disagree

  • Neutral

  • Agree

  • Strongly Agree

  • Don’t know


Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.

Answer Type: Open-ended


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

The PDE helped strengthen relations between U.S. residents and citizens of African nations”.

Answer type: Likert scale


  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

  • Don’t know


Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.

Answer Type: Open-ended


Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement:

The PDE helped Fellows to build their leadership skills that can be applied across government, civil society, and/or business.”

Answer type: Likert scale


  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

  • Don’t know


Optional: Explain the key reasons for your selection in the previous question.

Answer Type: Open-ended

Section 4: Next Steps, Suggestions, Recommendations


Does your organization want to, or plan to, host a Fellow(s) next year?

Answer type: Multiple choice


  • Yes (if selected, go to Question 27a)

  • No (if selected, go to Question 27b)

  • Unsure (if selected, go to Question 28)


If “Yes”, please describe your organization’s reason(s) for wanting to, or for planning to, host Fellow(s) next year.

Answer type: Open ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


If “No”, please describe your organization’s reason(s) for not wanting to, or not hosting, Fellows next year.

Answer type: Open ended

Character limit: 1000 characters


Rate your overall experience with the external management of the PDE component of the Fellowship. Management actions include:

  • Professional interactions

  • Promptness and effectiveness of managing problems

  • Quality of the solutions to problems

  • Clarity of goals and objectives

Answer type: Likert Scale


  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Neutral

  • Poor

  • Very poor

  • Don’t know


Please use the comment box below to provide any additional details related to the external management of the PDE component of the Fellowship.

Answer type: Open ended

Character limit: 1000 characters


Do you have any suggestions for improving or changing the PDE for Fellows?

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


Do you have any suggestions for improving or changing the PDE for your organization?

Answer type: Open-ended

Character limit: 1,000 characters


Please feel free to use the comment box below to share any web links (e.g., URLs) that will help further illustrate your survey feedback (e.g., news articles, videos, etc.)

Answer: Comment box


Please feel free to upload any media that will help further illustrate your survey feedback (e.g., news articles, Institute artifacts, social media posts, etc.)

Answer: File upload option

Section 5: Basic Demographic Information


Check the option that best describes your gender: (OPTIONAL)

Answer type: Drop-down menu


  • Male

  • Female

  • Non-binary

  • I do not wish to respond


What is your current title and/or role in the organization?

Answer type: Short answer field


What department/division do you work in?

Answer type: Short answer field


Has your role changed since working with the Fellows? If so, please explain how.

Answer type: Short answer field


Which of the following best describes your current position?

Answer Type: Multiple choice


  • Entry level

  • Mid-level, non-supervisory

  • Mid-level, supervisory

  • Senior-level

  • Executive-level

  • Retired

  • Other (please describe)


The Guidehouse Evaluation Team will be conducting follow-up one-on-one interviews and group discussions with PDE Host Organization supervisors and staff. If you are interested in participating, please provide your name and email address.

Answer type: Three short answer fields

  • Surname/last name(s)

  • Given/first name(s)

  • Preferred email address


The Guidehouse Evaluation Team is seeking feedback from all individuals and teams within PDE Host Organizations that hosted or interacted with Fellows. If you have colleagues who may be interested in providing feedback on their experiences with the Fellowship, please copy and share this survey link with them: Survey Link.

Thank you for your participation in the Evaluation of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders! We greatly appreciate your time. If you have any questions about this survey, please reach out to

OMB Control Number: 1405-XXXX

Burden Estimate:  30 minutes

Expiration Date: XX-XX-XXXX

PRA Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including time required for searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and reviewing the final collection.  You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control number.  If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to:


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