Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary
Education Data through EDFacts
August 2016
Revised January 2017
Revised May 2017
Revised August 2017
Attachment C
EDFacts Data Set
SY 2017-18 and 2018-19 Changes from SY 2016-17
OMB No. 1850-0925 v.2
This attachment lists the substantive changes to the EDFacts Data Set between the data set proposed in this submission for school year (SY) 2016-17 and the data set proposed for SYs 2017-18 and 2018-19.
Explanation of markings in red font in this document:
New! 60 are newly proposed additions made to the 60-day package.
New! 30 are newly proposed additions made to the 30-day package.
New for SY 2018-19! are newly proposed additions to be implemented beginning in the 2018-2019 School Year.
Revised! 30 have proposed changes to already existing elements, and were revised prior to the 30 day comment period based on feedback from the 60 day comment period and/or technical edits and corrections.
Revised! 60 were revised prior to the 60 day comment period.
Retired! are no longer being collected in SYs 2017-18 and 2018-19, under the ESEA, as amended by ESSA.
Final! have been revised in the final package in response to the 30 day public comment feedback received as well as the change in the status of ESSA regulations.
Revised TA! changes made as part of technical amendments.
In order to see the comprehensive proposed collection, please review the B attachments.
This document is a supplement to assist reviewers; it should not be used as a substitute for reviewing the detailed attachments.
This section explains the data groups that are proposed as additions to the data set. The additions are generally organized according to the data steward office within ED.
ED anticipates the need for metadata from the state to allow ED to understand and interpret data submitted for the new data groups. See new Metadata Survey described in Attachment B-1. Note that information in the new data groups was revised to align with ESSA and to adjust for the removal of ESSA regulations.
Group Name: Graduation rate indicator status table New! 60 |
DG: 834 |
Definition Revised! 30 |
A school’s performance on the Graduation Rate Indicator. |
Permitted Values Final!
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment Revised! 30 |
Education Unit Total means the status for all students. Report only for schools with a 12th grade. |
Scope Comment |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
199 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Academic achievement indicator status table New! 60, Revised! 30 |
DG: 835 |
Definition Revised! 30 |
A school’s performance on the Academic achievement Indicator for both Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts. |
Permitted Values Final! |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment |
Education Unit Total means the status for all students. |
Scope Comment |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
200 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Other academic indicator status table New! 60, Revised! 30 Revised TA! |
DG: 836 |
Definition Revised! 30 Revised TA! |
A school’s performance on the Other Academic Indicator. |
Permitted Values Final!
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment |
Education Unit Total means the status for all students. |
Scope Comment |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
201 |
CATEGORY SET Revised! 30 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Group Name: Progress achieving English language proficiency indicator status table New! 60, Revised! 30 |
DG: 837 |
Definition Revised! 30 |
A school’s performance on the progress in achieving English Language proficiency indicator. |
Permitted Values Final!
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment |
Education Unit Total means the status for all students. |
Scope Comment |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
103 |
Group Name: School quality or student success indicator status table New! 60 |
DG: 838 |
Definition Revised! 30 |
A school’s performance on the state-specific indicators of school quality or student success. |
Permitted Values Final!
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total Revised TA! |
Comment Revised TA! |
Subtotal 1 is the status for all students for each indicator. |
Scope Comment |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
202 |
CATEGORY SET Revised! 30 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Category Set D |
Revised TA! |
Subtotal 1 |
Group Name: Teachers table New! 60 |
DG: 839 |
Definition Revised! 30 |
The number of full-time equivalent teachers. |
Permitted Values Revised! 30 |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment |
Scope Comment |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
203 |
CATEGORY SET Revised! 30 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Category Set C |
Group Name: Comprehensive support and targeted support schools New for SY 2018-19! |
Definition |
An indication the school is designated by the state as a comprehensive support or targeted support and improvement school. |
Permitted Values
Reporting Period |
Current School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment |
Scope Comment |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
Group Name: Comprehensive support identification New for SY 2018-19! |
Definition Final! |
The reasons for identification for comprehensive support and improvement school. |
Permitted Values Revised! 30
Reporting Period |
Current School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment |
Scope Comment Final! |
Report only for schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement. |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
Group Name: Targeted support identification New for SY 2018-19! |
Definition Revised! 30 Final! |
The reason for identification for targeted support and improvement. |
Permitted Values Revised! 30, Final! |
Reporting Period |
Current School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment Revised! 30 |
For each school identified for targeted support and improvement, the SEA will report one Identification Type and one or more Identification Subgroups. |
Scope Comment |
Report only for schools identified for targeted support |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
CATEGORY SET Revised! 30 |
Category Set A |
Category Set B |
Group Name: Title III English learners not proficient within five years table New! 30 Revised TA! |
DG: 840 |
Revised TA! |
The number of English learners who have not attained English language proficiency within five years of initial classification as an English learner and first enrollment in a local educational agency that receives Title III of ESEA, as amended, funds. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment |
Scope Comment |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
204 |
Group Name: Title III English learners exited table New! 60 |
DG: 841 |
Definition Revised! 30 |
The number of English learners in programs receiving Title III funds who have exited a language instruction educational program as a result of attaining English language proficiency. |
Permitted Values |
Reporting Period |
School Year |
Reporting Levels |
School |
State |
Education Unit Total |
Comment |
Scope Comment |
Duplication Comment |
File Specification # |
204 |
This section identifies the data categories that are proposed as additions to the data set.
Note that information in the new categories was revised to align with ESSA and to adjust for the removal of ESSA regulations
Category Name: Foster Care Status New! 60 |
Steward: OESE/OSS |
Comments Final! |
Definition |
An indication that students are in foster care. |
Permitted Values |
Data Groups |
Category Name: Military Connected Student Status New! 60 |
Steward: OESE/OSS |
Comments Revised! 30 Final! |
Definition Revised! 30 Final! |
An indication that the students are military connected. |
Permitted Values |
Final! |
Data Groups |
Category Name: Indicator Type New! 60 |
Steward: OESE/OSS |
Comments |
Not all permitted values need to be used. Data should only be reported for indicators used within the state. Metadata on indicators will be collected. |
Definition |
The label for the School Quality or Student Success Indicators used by state for Accountability under ESEA, as amended by ESSA. |
Permitted Values |
Data Groups |
Category Name: Inexperienced Status New! 60, Revised! 30 |
Steward: OESE/OSS |
Comments |
Definition Revised! 30 |
An indication of whether teachers have been identified as inexperienced as defined by the state |
Permitted Values Revised! 30 |
Data Groups |
Category Name: Emergency or Provisional Credential Status New! 60 |
Steward: OESE/OSS |
Comments |
Definition Revised! 30 |
An indicator of whether teachers have been identified as having emergency or provisional credentials. |
Permitted Values Revised! 30 |
Data Groups |
Category Name: Out of Field Status New! 60 |
Steward: OESE/OSS |
Comments |
Definition Revised! 30 |
An indication whether teachers have been identified as teaching a subject or field for which they are not certified or licensed as defined by the state. |
Permitted Values Revised! 30 |
Data Groups |
Category Name: Qualification Status (Special Education Teacher) New! 60 |
Steward: OSEP |
Comments |
States should report teachers in this category consistent with the description of fully certified special education teachers in the IDEA Part B formula grant assurance. |
Definition |
An indication of whether special education teachers are fully certified in the State. |
Permitted Values |
Data Groups |
Category Name: Language Instruction Educational Program Type New! 60 |
Steward: OESE/OSS/Title III |
Comments |
Definition |
The types of English instruction educational program. |
Permitted Values Revised! 30 |
Data Groups |
Category Name: Identification Type New! 30 |
Steward: OESE/OSS |
Comments |
Definition |
The reasons for identification as a targeted support and improvement school. |
Permitted Values |
Data Groups |
Category Name: Identification Subgroup New! 30 |
Steward: OESE/OSS |
Comments |
States are not limited to the student subgroups listed below. States can use any student subgroup listed in the state’s accountability plan. |
Definition |
The student subgroups identified for targeted support and improvement. |
Permitted Values |
Data Groups |
The following Data Groups have a revised title in the technical amendments (changing “migrant” to “migratory”).
DG 110 Migratory students eligible regular school year
DG 634 Migratory students eligible 12 month table
DG 836 Other academic indicator status table
The following Data Groups have language revisions to titles prior to the 30 day comment period:
Title in the 60 day package |
Revised title in the 30 day package |
Consolidated academic achievement indicator status table |
Academic Achievement Indicator Status Table |
Consolidated academic progress indicator status table |
Academic progress indicator status table |
Summative rating status table |
Summative determination status table |
English learners not proficient |
English learners not proficient after five years table |
Progress in achieving English language proficiency indicator status table |
Progress achieving English language proficiency indicator status table |
The following Data Group had the EUT changed to a subtotal to allow for collection of all students for each indicator type:
DG 838 School quality or student success indicator status table
The following Data Groups had the data category “School Year Attendance Status” deleted in the technical amendments. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.
DG 583 Academic achievement in mathematics table
DG 584 Academic achievement in reading/language arts table
DG 588 Assessment participation in mathematics table
DG 589 Assessment participation in reading/language arts table
The following Data Groups had data categories changed in the technical amendments to correct errors by aligning to how the Data Groups have been collected:
DG 151 Title III English language proficiency results table
DG 598 Children with disabilities (IDEA) disciplinary removals table
DG 585 Academic achievement in science table
The following Data Groups had added, deleted, or revised data categories in the final package. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.
DG 676: English language proficiency results table
DG 674: English language proficiency test table
DG 668: Title III former EL students table
DG 648: Title III ELs served table
DG 840: Title III English learners not proficient within five years (formerly Title III English learners not proficient after five years)
DG 841: Title III English learners exited table
DG 635 MEP students eligible and served summer/intersession table
The following Data Groups had added, deleted, or revised data categories prior to the 30 day comment period. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.
DG 629: N or D academic achievement table – LEA
DG 784: N or D academic and vocational outcomes exited programs table – LEA
DG 782: N or D academic and vocational outcomes in programs table – LEA
DG 657: N or D participation table – LEA
DG 670: Title I participation table
DG 648: Title III ELs served table
DG 826: Other academic indicator status table (formerly Academic progress indicator status table)
DG 838: School quality or student success indicator status table
DG TBD: Summative determination status table
DG 839: Teachers table
DG 840: Title III English learners not proficient within five years (formerly Title III English learners not proficient after five years)
The following Data Groups had added, deleted, or revised data categories prior to the 60 day comment period. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions. Revised! 60
DG 151: Title III EL English language proficiency results table
DG 486: Special education teachers (FTE) table
DG 583: Academic achievement in mathematics table
DG 584: Academic achievement in reading/language arts table
DG 585: Academic achievement in science table
DG 588: Assessment participation in mathematics table
DG 589: Assessment participation in reading/language arts table
DG 590: Assessment participation in science table
DG 648: Title III ELs served table
DG 674: EL English language proficiency test table
DG 675: Title III EL English language proficiency test table
DG 695: Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 696: Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 697: Regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 698: Cohorts for regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 739: HS graduates postsecondary enrollment table
DG 755: Regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 756: Cohorts for regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
The following Data Group has a revised definition in the technical amendments; the reference to specific diplomas was removed.
DG 739 HS graduates postsecondary enrollment table
The following Data Groups have a revised definition in the technical amendments changing migrant to migratory.
DG 102 MEP students served 12 month table
DG 110 Migratory students eligible regular school year
DG 634 Migratory students eligible 12 month table
DG 635 MEP students eligible and served summer/intersession table
DG 684 MEP services table
DG 796 MEP students priority for services table
The following Data Group has a revised definition in the technical amendments; the word charter was removed from the definition:
DG 829 Management organization type
The following Data Group has a revised definitions in the final package; the reference to SIG was removed.
DG 668 Title III former EL students table
DG 743: Reconstituted status
DG 840: Title III English learners not proficient within five years (formerly Title III English learners not proficient after five years)
The following Data Groups have revised definitions prior to the 30 day comment period. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.
DG 698: Cohorts for regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 696: Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 756: Cohorts for regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 697: Regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 695: Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 755: Regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 834: Graduation rate indicator status table
DG 835: Academic achievement indicator status table
DG 836: Other academic indicator status table (formerly Academic progress indicator status table)
DG 837: Progress achieving English language proficiency indicator status table
DG 838: School quality or student success indicator status table
DG TBD: Summative determination status table
DG 839: Teachers table
DG TBD: Teacher effectiveness table
DG TBD: Targeted support identification
DG 840: English learners not proficient within five years (formerly Title III English learners not proficient after five years)
DG 841: Title III English learners exited table
The following Data Groups had revised definitions prior to the 60 day comment period. Many of these revisions are updated language and program titles while others are updated definitions based on ESEA, as amended by ESSA. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.
DG 519: Immigrant table
DG 614: REAP alternative funding status
DG 695: Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 697: Regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
DG 699: State poverty designation
DG 739: HS graduates postsecondary enrollment table
DG 755: Regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table
The following data groups had their titles and definitions updated to revise “Limited English Proficient” to “English Learners:”
DG 151: Title III EL English language proficiency results table
DG 422: Title III teachers table
DG 648: Title III ELs served table
DG 668: Title III former EL students table
DG 674: EL English language proficiency test table
DG 675: Title III EL English language proficiency test table
DG 676: EL English language proficiency results table
DG 678: EL enrolled table
The following Data Groups have revised permitted values in the final package. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.
DG 834: Graduation rate indicator status table
DG 835: Academic achievement indicator status table
DG 836: Other academic indicator status table (formerly Academic progress indicator status table)
DG 837: Progress achieving English language proficiency indicator
DG 838: School quality or student success indicator status table
The following Data Groups had revised permitted values prior to the 30 day comment period. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.
DG 803: Virtual school status
DG TBD: Comprehensive support identification
DG 839: Teachers table
DG 836: Other academic indicator status table (formerly Academic progress indicator status table)
DG 837: Progress in achieving English language proficiency indicator status table
DG 838: School quality or student success indicator status table
DG TBD: Summative determination status table
DG 834: Graduation rate indicator status table
DG TBD: Academic achievement indicator status table
The following Data Groups had revised permitted values prior to the 60 day comment period. Virtual school status permitted values were revised as a result of input received by the CCD team in the summer of 2016. See also Attachment D for Directed Question about reporting virtual school status. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.
DG 676: EL English language proficiency results table
DG 803: Virtual school status
The following Data Groups have revised reporting levels. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.
DG 151: Title III EL English language proficiency results table
DG 674: EL English language proficiency test table
DG 675: Title III EL English language proficiency test table
The following Data Groups had revised reporting levels prior to the 30 day comment period.
DG 840: English learners not proficient within five years (formerly Title III English learners not proficient after five years)
The following Data Groups had revised reporting periods in the technical amendments to align to Attachment B-1 .
DG 628 N or D academic achievement table - State Agency
DG 629 N or D academic achievement table – LEA
DG 635 MEP student students eligible and served summer/intersession table
DG 656 N or D participation table – State Agency
DG 657 N or D participation table – LEA
DG 782 N or D academic and vocational outcomes in programs table – LEA
DG 783 N or D academic and vocational outcomes in programs table – State Agency
DG 784 N or D academic and vocational outcomes exited programs table – LEA
DG 785 N or D academic and vocational outcomes exited programs table – State Agency
The following Data Groups had revised reporting periods prior to the 60 day comment period. These are corrections identified during file specification review in SY 2016-17.
DG670: Title I participation table
DG548: Title I SWP/TAS participation table
The following data categories have revisions to definitions:
Migratory Status (formerly Migrant Status)
Continuation (Only)
MEP Services
The following data categories have revisions to permitted values:
Migratory Status (formerly Migrant Status)
The following data category has a name revision:
Migrant Status to Migratory Status
Migrant Priority for Services (Only) to Priority for Services (Only)
The following data categories have revisions to definitions:
Military Connected Student Status
Former English Learner Year
The following data categories have revisions to permitted values:
Disability Category (IDEA)
Cohort Status
Former English Learner Year
The following data category has a name revision:
Monitored English Learner to Former English Learner Year
The following data categories have language revisions to titles and definitions:
Age/Grade (w/o Out of School)
Experienced Status to Inexperienced Status
Emergency or Provisional Credential Status
Out of Field Status
Military Connected Student Status
The following data categories have revisions to permitted values:
Major Racial and Ethnic Groups
Participation Status (MS)
Participation Status (RLA)
Cohort Status
Inexperienced Status
Emergency or Provisional Credential Status
Out of Field Status
Effectiveness Level
Monitored Former EL Students
Language Instruction Educational Program Type
The following data categories have language revisions to titles and definitions prior to the 60 day comment period:
English Learner Status (RLA)
LEP Status (Both) to English Learner Status (Both)
LEP Status (Only) to English Learner Status (Only)
Full Academic Year Status to School Year Attendance Status
Title III Accountability to English Learner Accountability
Monitored Former LEP to Monitored Former EL Students
Mobility Status (12 months)
Mobility Status (Regular School Year)
The following data categories have revisions to permitted values prior to the 60 day comment period:
Participation Status (MS) (permitted values deleted)
Participation Status (RLA) (permitted values deleted)
Cohort Status (permitted values added)
Basis of Exit (permitted value added)
English Learner Status (Both) (permitted values revised)
English Learner Status (Only) (permitted values revised)
The following Data Groups were proposed as new in either the 60 or 30 day comment period but have been deleted in the final package:
DG TBD: Summative determination status table
DG TBD: Teacher effectiveness table
DG TBD: English learners not proficient after five years table
The following Data Groups will be retired in SY 2018-19. in the 60-day package, ED proposed retiring the DG in 2017-18:
DG 34: Improvement status – school – retiring in SY 2018-19
DG 34: Improvement status – school (see change in Final Package)
DG 662: Improvement status – LEA
DG 686: Corrective actions table
DG 687: Restructuring action table
DG 693: School Improvement Funds status
DG 741: Persistently lowest achieving school
DG 795: School Improvement Funds 1003(g)
DG 780: State interventions used in focus schools
DG 781: State interventions used in priority schools
DG 789: Funds allocated to priority and focus schools
DG 549: Title I TAS services table
DG 550: Title I TAS staff funded (FTE) table
DG 752: Baseline indicator status
DG TBD: Mathematics academics progress indicator status table
DG TBD: Reading/Language Arts academics progress indicator status table
DG TBD: Mathematics academic Achievement status table
DG TBD: Reading/Language Arts academic achievement status table
Corrective Action
Restructuring Action
Faculty/Admin Performance Level
Discipline Reason (Safe and Drug-Free)
Staff Category (Title I)
Title I Instructional Services
Title I Support Services
School Level (Accountability)
Proficiency Status (field testing)
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Attachment C |
Author | |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |