National Animal Health Monitoring System
2150 Centre Ave, Bldg B
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Form Approved
OMB Number 0579-0354
Approval expires:
NAHMS Goat 2019
Pre-deworming (Kit A)
Collection Record
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Kit contents:
25 small Whirl-Pak® bags, lubricant, 2 ice packs, 1 liner bag, 1 medium insulated cooler, and paperwork that includes submission form, labels, and 1 UPS airbill addressed to LSU in Baton Rouge, LA. You will need to provide you own gloves. Use clean gloves for each goat.
Collection Instructions
Collect samples Sunday-Wednesday. Sample goats that have not been dewormed in the previous 60 days. We recommend deworming animals at time of collection.
The number of samples collected is based on the number of resident goats on the operation. Goats sampled should represent the goats and kids on the operation in terms of age, sex, breed, and use. We recommend including goats that the owner believes are likely to have worms. Use the following chart for determining sample numbers:
Number of Goats on an Operation |
Sample Number |
1 to 19 goats |
Sample all goats |
20 to 49 goats |
Sample 20 goats |
50 or more goats |
Sample 25 goats |
3. From each goat, collect 5-6 fecal pellets. Collect samples from the rectum when possible. Rectal retrieval might not be possible on some goats (e.g. preweaned kids), and fresh off the ground samples are acceptable. On each label, write the goat’s name or ID and attach the label to the sample bag.
4. Samples must be fresh (not petrified). Do not exclude diarrhea samples.
5. If the sample cannot be associated with a specific goat, write NO INDIV GOAT in column for name on ID, but complete as much of the other information as possible. However, only identified goats with a pre-deworming sample submission will be tested post-deworming.
6. If deworming at time of collection, please include the used dewormer tube, label, or insert in the sample shipping box that is sent to the lab.
7. Cool samples down as soon as possible (in a refrigerator or cooler).
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-0354. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2.0 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
RECTAL RETRIEVAL To avoid contamination from common organisms on the ground, rectal retrieval is best. Rectal retrieval might not be possible on some goats (e.g. preweaned kids), and fresh off the ground samples are acceptable. |
1. Apply lubricating jelly to the glove before entering the rectum.
2. Retrieve a minimum of 5-6 pellets per animal.
3. Place pellets in a Whirl-Pak® bag. On each label, write the goat’s name or ID and attach it on to the bag.
4. Continue collecting samples from other goats using a clean glove for each. |
Collection Record Form Instructions
Using a ballpoint pen, record samples on the appropriate lines and complete all information requested.
Send the original white collection form to the lab and leave the yellow copy with the producer. Place the producer’s yellow collection form copy in the post-deworming kit so that the producer can reference this copy and match IDs when they collect the post-deworming samples.
Shipping Instructions
Ship on Monday-Wednesday. Keep samples cool and ship within 24 hours of collection. Wednesday collections must be shipped the same day. Do not collect or ship samples Thursday through Saturday.
Place all the samples in the liner bag and tie shut. Place an ice pack on the top and bottom of the samples. Add filler to box if necessary. Close the insulated cooler box and place the white collection record on top of the cooler box lid. The yellow copy stays with the producer.
Secure the box and ship to LSU, in Baton Rouge, LA, within 24 hours. A shipping airbill is provided in the kit. Ship only Monday-Wednesday.
NOTE: Remove or black out all extraneous labels on outside of box.
Total sampling time: _____________
Sample # |
Goat name or ID |
Goat Type
1=pregnant doe 2=nursing doe 3=preweaned kid 4=weaned kid 5=open doe 6=buck 7=wether
If goat type= 1 or 2 provide date kidded or expected to kid |
Breed [See codes below] |
FAMACHA score |
# of times dewormed in last 12 months [Not including today] |
Dewormer used at last deworming prior to this study [Enter codes from reference card] |
Dewormer used at time of this fecal collection [Enter codes from reference card] |
Body condition score
1=thin 2=normal 3=fat |
1 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
2 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
3 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
4 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
5 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
6 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
7 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
8 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
9 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
10 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
Sample # |
Goat name or ID |
Goat Type
1=pregnant doe 2=nursing doe 3=preweaned kid 4=weaned kid 5=open doe 6=buck 7=wether |
If goat type= 1 or 2 provide date kidded or expected to kid |
Breed [See codes below] |
FAMACHA score |
# of times dewormed in last 12 months [Not including today] |
Dewormer used at last deworming prior to this study [Enter codes from reference card] |
Dewormer used at time of this fecal collection [Enter codes from reference card] |
Body condition score
1=thin 2=normal 3=fat |
11 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
12 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
13 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
14 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
15 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
16 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
17 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
18 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
19 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
20 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
Sample # |
Goat name or ID |
Goat Type
1=pregnant doe 2=nursing doe 3=preweaned kid 4=weaned kid 5=open doe 6=buck 7=wether |
If goat type= 1 or 2 provide date kidded or expected to kid |
Breed [See codes below] |
FAMACHA score |
# of times dewormed in last 12 months [Not including today] |
Dewormer used at last deworming prior to this study [Enter codes from reference card] |
Dewormer used at time of this fecal collection [Enter codes from reference card] |
Body condition score
1=thin 2=normal 3=fat |
Continue collection if there are 50 or more does and kids on the operation. |
21 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
22 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
23 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
24 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
25 |
___ mo OR ___ yr |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | pasture.PDF |
Author | Unknown |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |