ASSUME: Random Screening Employee Perception Survey | Survey language (dependent on how actually conducted). | ||||
OMB control number 1652-0058; Exp. 9/30/2022 | |||||
Informed Consent | |||||
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey! Please do not include PII in open text boxes, even if optional. |
Participant Consent I hereby confirm my consent to participate in this survey. Entries made in response to questions in this survey will be stored separate from my personal data and are used exclusively for research and training purposes. |
Demographic Information & Employment Information I | |||||
How old are you? |
Please indicate your gender. Female Male |
Single Selection => Required Female Male |
Do you work at Airport in Question (XXX)? Yes No |
Single Selection => Required Filter Question: "Yes" => Continue with section "Employment Information II" "No" => Continue with "Screenout" |
Screenout | |||||
Thank you very much for completing the survey. This survey only applies to employees working at XXX Airport. Project Lead: |
Employment Information II | |||||
Is your place of employment landside or airside? Exclusively landside Both land- and airside Exclusively airside |
Single Selection => Required Exclusively landside Both land- and airside Exclusively airside |
How long have you been working at XXX airport? Six months One year Two years Three years Four years Five years More than five years |
Single Selection => Required Six months One year Two years Three years Four years Five years More than five years |
In which sector are you employed? ˃ Baggage Sorting ˃ Ramp ˃ Catering ˃ Food Service Industry ˃ Freight ˃ Sales ˃ Aircraft Maintenance ˃ Passenger Services ˃ Administration (Office) ˃ Aircraft Cleaning ˃ Warehouse & Logistics ˃ Transport Services ˃ Surface Maintenance ˃ Facilities Maintenance ˃ Facilities Cleaning ˃ Aircraft Crew ˃ Security ˃ Technology / IT ˃ No Response ˃ Other |
Single Selection via Dropdown Menu => Required Baggage Sorting Ramp Catering Food Service Industry Freight Sales Aircraft Maintenance Passenger Services Administration (Office) Aircraft Cleaning Warehouse & Logistics Transport Services Surface Maintenance Facilities Maintenance Facilities Cleaning Aircraft Crew Security Technology / IT No Response Other |
Are you employed part-time or full-time? Full-time (defined as working 80% or greater) Part-time (defined as working less than 80%) |
Single Selection => Required Full-Time Part-Time |
Instructions | |||||
At XXX airport, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Advanced Threat Local Allocation Strategy (ATLAS) Team conducts random screening checks of Aviation Workers (AW) through the ATLAS program. For this purpose, they set up mobile checkpoints where AW submit themselves or property for security screening. The types of security screening includes: On-Person, In-Property, Vehicle searches entering a Direct Access Point or K9 screening. The ATLAS program may take place anywhere at and around Name of Airport. The following questions pertain exclusively to such ATLAS Mobile security screenings. The questions do not pertain to regular aviation worker security screening conducted at the passenger security checkpoint that you pass through in order to reach airside areas or employee dedicated screening checkpoints. |
Deterrence | |||||
In your opinion, how likely are you, in general, to get stopped at a mobile ATLAS screening point at / around XXX Airport? | Sliding Scale => Required Extreme 1: Not at all likely Extreme 2: Very likely |
After being screened at a mobile ATLAS screening point, when would you most likely expect to experience the next ATLAS random screening point at / around XXX Airport (either as an observer or to be checked yourself)? The same day The next day Sometime next week Sometime next month Sometime in the coming six months or later Never again |
Single Selection => Required The same day The next day Sometime next week Sometime next month Sometime in the coming six months or later Never again |
BNA Added Question: Is it your expectation that when using your Employee SIDA badge to gain access into a Direct Access Point that you may encounter a ATLAS Mobile Team? |
Extreme 1: Not at all likely Extreme 2: Very likely |
During the past month, how often have you witnessed or encountered a mobile ATLAS screening point at / around XXX? Never Once 2-3 times 4-5 times 6-7 times More than 7 times Don't know |
Single Selection => Required Filter Question: "Never" => Skip "Unpredictability" Block Continue normally for all other response options. Never Once 2-3 times 4-5 times 6-7 times More than 7 times Don't know |
Please evaluate the following statement: "At XXX Airport some employees avoid mobile ATLAS screening points if they see or hear about one." |
Sliding Scale => Required Extreme 1: Disagree Extreme 2: Completely agree 3: Don't Know |
Refresh I Instructions | |||||
We would like to remind you that these questions pertain exclusively to mobile ATLAS screening points that may be set up anywhere at / around XXX. The questions do not pertain to regular aviation worker security screening conducted at the passenger security checkpoint that you pass through in order to reach airside areas. |
Unpredictability | |||||
How unpredictable do you consider mobile ATLAS screening points at the airport to be? | Sliding Scale => Required Extreme 1: Not at all unpredictable Extreme 2: Very unpredictable |
How unpredictable do you consider the manner in which on- person, in property, vehicle screening (while entering a DAP), or K9- screening when encountering a mobile ATLAS screening point are conducted at XXX? | Sliding Scale => Required Extreme 1: Not at all unpredictable Extreme 2: Very unpredictable |
To what degree do you agree with the following statements? • I know what to expect when I enter a mobile ATLAS screening point. • The type of screening I receive differs from one day to the next. • Mobile ATLAS screening procedures at XXX vary during different encounters. • TSA continuously varies their use of auxiliary measures (e.g., technical aids or dogs). |
Matrix with following Response Scale: => Required (1) Completely disagree (2) (3) (4) Agree (5) (6) (7) Completely agree |
Have you ever experienced something during a mobile ATLAS screening that was especially unpredictable to you? | Open Text Box => Optional | ||||
How unpredictable do you consider the point in time (time of day) at which mobile ATLAS screenings are conducted? | Sliding Scale => Required Extreme 1: Not at all unpredictable Extreme 2: Very unpredictable |
How likely do you consider the occurrence of a mobile ATLAS screening point at / around XXX during the following times of day: • In the morning • At midday • In the afternoon • In the evening • At night |
Matrix with following Response Scale: => Required (1) Not at all likely (2) (3) (4) Likely (5) (6) (7) Very likely |
How unpredictable do you consider the locations at which mobile ATLAS screening is conducted? | Sliding Scale => Required Extreme 1: Not at all unpredictable Extreme 2: Very unpredictable |
How likely are you to expect a mobile ATLAS screening point at the following areas of XYZ: (Please provide a response for each area.) • Bus Terminal • Parking Garage • Airport Center • Operation Center (OPC) • Check-In • Airside Center • Gate • Apron • Perimeter • Hangar • Freight • Baggage Screening | Sorting/Handling Area • Passageways for Authorized Personnel • Vehicle Entrance Gate • General Aviation Center (GAC) / Business Aviation Center (BAC) • Curbside • While entering a Direct Access Point |
Matrix with following Response Scale: => Required (1) Completely unlikely (2) Unlikely (3) Somewhat likely (4) Very likely (5) Don't know |
Subjective Evaluation | |||||
When you see or encounter a mobile ATLAS screening point at XXX, ... 1. You feel safe because you know that the ATLAS Mobile Team are present and that security checks are conducted. 2. You are worried because you assume that something happened. 3. You assume that the ATLAS Mobile Team are looking for a specific individual. |
Matrix with following Response Scale: => Required (1) Completely disagree (2) (3) (4) Neither agree nor disagree (5) (6) (7) Completely agree |
I feel that the mobile ATLAS screening process is effective at identifying threat items that employees may be carrying. Disagree Agree |
Matrix with following Response Scale: => Required (1) Completely disagree (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Completely agree |
How likely do you think it is that items prohibited from entering the sterile area are found on employees during TSA random screening. |
Matrix with following Response Scale: => Required (1) Not at all likely (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Very likely |
To what degree do you agree with the following statements? 1. I would like to see more effective unpredictable employee security screening measures in my airport. 2. Mobile ATLAS screening at/around XXX is necessary to enhance overall airport security. 3. Mobile ATLAS screening at/around XXX is effective and conducted with professionalism. |
Matrix with following Response Scale: => Required (1) Completely disagree (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Completely agree |
Proportionality (Risk / Security) I | |||||
In your opinion, how realistic is it that XXX could become the target for a terrorist attack? | Matrix with following Response Scale: => Required (1) Completely unrealistic (2) (3) (4) Realistic (5) (6) (7) Completely realistic |
How do you assess the ATLAS Mobile Team presence at XXX? | Matrix with following Response Scale: => Required (1) Insufficient (2) (3) (4) Appropriate (5) (6) (7) Excessive |
In your opinion, are there locations at XXX where an increase in ATLAS Mobile Team presence would make sense? | Open Text Box => Optional | ||||
Proportionality (Risk / Security) II | |||||
In your opinion, to what degree do mobile ATLAS screening points contribute to overall security at XXX? | Matrix with following response scale: => Required (1) Not at all (2) (3) (4) To a degree (5) (6) (7) To a very large degree |
To what degree are your colleagues at work accepting of mobile ATLAS screening points at XXX? | Matrix with following response scale: => Required (1) Not at all (2) (3) (4) Accepting (5) (6) (7) To a very large degree |
Please indicate to what degree you agree with the following statements: Note: We are interested in your personal assessment. • Given the current security situation, the efforts of the ATLAS Mobile Team at XXX act as a deterrence for nefarious acts by aviation workers. • As an employee at XXX, I feel safe. • Individuals working at XXX undergo thorough screenings before they are hired. • Security gaps are discovered quickly at XXX. |
Matrix with following response scale: => Required (1) Completely disagree (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Completely agree (1) Agree (2) Disagree (3) Don't Know |
Implicit Association Test (IAT) => Placeholder since content not yet defined, only for B-version of the online study | |||||
Evaluation & Feedback | |||||
During the past year, have you already participated in one or several survey(s) regarding ATLAS Mobile Team work at XXX? No Yes, once Yes, multiple times |
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us regarding this survey? | |||||
Concluding Page | |||||
Thank you very much for your participation. You have reached the end of the survey and may close the browser window. Project Lead: Name: Contact: |
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT: TSA is collecting this information to assess the perception related to the Random/Unpredictable screening they are subjected at Direct Access Points. The public burden for collecting this information is estimated to be approximately 10 minutes. This is a voluntary collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or collection to: TSA-11, Attention: PRA 1652-0058, Random Screening Perception Survey, 6595 Springfield Center Drive, Springfield, VA 20598. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and persons are not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number assigned to this collection is 1652-0058, which expires 09/30/2022. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |