Form 0 Summary Test Report (STR)

DHS S&T Project 25 (P25) Compliance Assessment Program (CAP)

Subscriber STR Template 20180501.xlsx

Subscriber STR Template

OMB: 1640-0015

Document [xlsx]
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General Info
Models & Software
"Model_Name" (1)

Sheet 1: General Info

Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program

SUMMARY TEST REPORT (STR) for [Vendor Name] Subscribers

STR Submitted based on [2016 or 2017] CAB [choose one, remove the other]

Month, Day, Year [date submitted or resubmitted to P25 CAP]

Summary Test Report Identifier STR - [VENDOR_NAME] - SUBSCRIBER

STR Template Version Subscriber STR Template 20180501

2016 CAB P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – August 2016
2016 CAB Filename [Insert the filename of the 2016 Test Requirements CAB document that was used for STR submittal]

2107 CAB P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – July 2017

2017 CAB Filename [Insert the filename of the 2016 Test Requirements CAB document that was used for STR submittal]

Contact Information Details

Company Name:

Company Website URL:

P25 CAP Contact Name:

P25 CAP Contact Phone Number:

P25 CAP Contact Email:


Revision Date STR Content Changes

[date submitted to P25 CAP] Initial submission

[date resubmitted to P25 CAP]

[add more rows if needed]


Laboratory [1] Details

P25 CAP Test Laboratory Name:

P25 CAP Test Laboratory Code:

Laboratory [2] Details

P25 CAP Test Laboratory Name:

P25 CAP Test Laboratory Code:

Laboratory [3] Details

P25 CAP Test Laboratory Name:

P25 CAP Test Laboratory Code:

Privacy Notice

Authority: 6 U.S.C. 314; 44 U.S.C. 3101; and 50 U.S.C. ch 15, § 401 et seq.

Purpose: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is requesting this information from you as a designated point of contact for a vendor/supplier participating in DHS’ P25 Compliance Assessment Program (CAP). P25 CAP provides public safety agencies with evidence that equipment they purchase is tested against and compliant with standards for performance, conformance, and interoperability.

Routine Uses: The contact information provided to DHS will be used by DHS to contact the vendor/supplier. The information will also be placed on the P25 CAP website as part of an equipment vendor/supplier’s profile and will be available to public safety agencies and others who view that profile. DHS may share the contact information provided as described in DHS/ALL/PIA-006 DHS General Contact Lists.

Disclosure: Furnishing point of contact information and participating in P25 CAP is voluntary. However, failure to provide point of contact information may be the basis for denying a vendor/supplier participation in P25 CAP.


The information contained herein has been provided by the supplier of the product with permission to make the information publicly available. The U.S. Department of Homeland security (DHS) is making this information available as a public service; however, DHS IS PROVIDING THE INFORMATION “AS IS.” DHS MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND SPECIFICALLY, DHS MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR USE OF THIS INFORMATION. Reference to any specific commercial products, processes, or services by trade name, trademark, supplier, or otherwise does not constitute an endorsement by or a recommendation from DHS. Dates in the following Burden Statement have no expiration bearing on the complying product’s formal declaration.


OMB NO: 6040-0015


An agency may not conduct or sponsor information collection and a person is not required to respond to this information collection unless it displays a current valid Office of Management and Budget control number and expiration date. The control number for this collection is 6040-0015 and this form will expire on 6/30/2019. The estimated average time to complete this form is 60 minutes per respondent. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate, you can write to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Washington, DC 20528.
DHS FORM 10056 – June 2009

Sheet 2: Models & Software

[Name of Subscriber Vendor] Interoperability Model Class: [Vendor_Name for Model Class] Subscriber Unit

Model Names Subscriber Type Tested Software Versions* Software Version Updates** Software Options/Frequency bands/Hardware Options

[Model_Name1] [portable or mobile] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] [Software Options], [List Frequency Bands Supported], [Hardware Options]

[Model_Name2] [portable or mobile] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] [Software Options], [List Frequency Bands Supported], [Hardware Options]

[Model_Name3] [portable or mobile] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] [Software Options], [List Frequency Bands Supported], [Hardware Options]

[add more rows if needed]

* Software versions used during P25 CAP testing.
** Software version updates that have been determined by engineering analysis to have no impact on the test case results.

[Name of Subscriber Vendor] Interoperability Model Class: [Vendor_Name2 for Model Class 2] Subscriber Unit

Model Names Subscriber Type Tested Software Versions* Software Version Updates** Software Options/Frequency bands/Hardware Options

[Model_Name4] [portable or mobile] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] [Software Options], [List Frequency Bands Supported], [Hardware Options]

[Model_Name5] [portable or mobile] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] [Software Options], [List Frequency Bands Supported], [Hardware Options]

[add more rows if needed]

Representative Conventional Subscriber Unit Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Conventional Interoperability
- Direct Mode [This table applies to both the 2016 or 2017 CAB]

Subscriber Vendor Model Tested Software Versions* Software Version Updates** Model Class
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s subscriber STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s subscriber STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s subscriber STR.
[add more rows if needed]

* Software versions used during P25 CAP testing.
** Software version updates that have been determined by engineering analysis to have no impact on the test case results.

Representative Conventional Base Station Repeater Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Conventional Interoperability
- Repeat Mode [This table applies to both the 2016 or 2017 CAB]
Base Station Repeater Vendor Model Tested Software Versions* Software Version Updates** Model Class
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[add more rows if needed]

Representative Conventional Base Station Repeater Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Conventional Interoperability
- FNE Dispatch Monitoring Console - Repeat Mode [This table applies to both the 2016 or 2017 CAB]
Base Station Repeater Vendor Model Tested Software Versions* Software Version Updates** Model Class
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[add more rows if needed]

Representative Trunked Base Station Repeater Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Trunked Interoperability
- FDMA [This table applies to both the 2016 or 2017 CAB]
Base Station Repeater Vendor Model Tested Software Versions* Software Version Updates** Model Class
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[add more rows if needed]

Representative Trunked Base Station Repeater Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Trunked Interoperability
- TDMA [This table applies to only the 2017 CAB]
Base Station Repeater Vendor Model Tested Software Versions* Software Version Updates** Model Class
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] [Tested Software Version] [Software Version Updates] For information on additional models and/or software versions covered by this representative model’s test results, see the model class table(s) on the ‘Models & Software’ tab of this vendor’s base station repeater STR.
[add more rows if needed]

Sheet 3: "Model_Name" (1)


Product Info Details

Model_Name: [Model Name] (Each Model Name must have its own 'Model_Name' tab, i.e., its own Excel worksheet. Label the Spreadsheet TAB with the 'Model_Name'.)

Hardware Capability/Options: [Examples: Full/Partial/No Display; Full/Partial/No Keypad; DTMF Microphone, Frequency Bands]

Software Options: [Examples: P25 Conventional, P25 Trunked, P25 TDMA Trunked, AES-256 Encryption]

TEST CASE RESULT NOTATIONS AND DEFINITIONS (Vendors may define additional notations/definitions)

Notation Test Case Result Definition

P (Pass) Test was passed and met stated requirements where listed

P1 Functionality requires product with DTMF keypad

P2 Functionality requires product with display capable of ID display

P3 Functionality requires DTMF microphone

P4 Functionality requires AES 256 encryption

P5 Interoperability verified with only one representative base station repeater

P6 Interoperability verified with only two representative base station repeaters

U (Unsupported) Test examines functionality the Product Under Test does not support

U1 37.5 millisecond slot times is not supported

U2 45 millisecond slot times is not supported

U3 Functionality is not supported by subscriber unit

U4 Functionality is not supported by the representative base station repeater tested with the subscriber under test

E (Exception) DHS OIC Approved Test Case Exception

E1 In accordance with the guidance given in TIA 102.CAAB-D §3.2.18, if the transmitter carrier output power rating is 6 watts or less, the mean frequency difference during t1 and t3, may be greater than ±12.5 kHz.

F (Fail) Test was failed and did not meet stated requirements where listed

Conventional Subscriber Performance (2017 CAB)
Conventional Subscriber Performance (2016 CAB)

P25 CAP Test Identification
P25 CAP Test Identification

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – July 2017, Section – Conventional Subscriber Unit Performance
P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – August 2016, Section - Conventional Mode Operations

Detailed Test Report Identification
Detailed Test Report Identification


The ‘test case’ number refers to the paragraph number for the test procedure found in the TIA-102.CAAA-E Digital C4FM/CQPSK Transceiver Measurement Methods for FDMA .

Conventional Subscriber Unit Receiver Tests (2016&2017 CAB)

Only display results for tested frequency band(s)

Test Case Test Case Description Requirement VHF

3.1.4 Reference Sensitivity – C4FM ≤ -116 dBm P P P P P

3.1.4 Reference Sensitivity – Standard Simulcast ≤ -116 dBm P P P P P

3.1.5 Faded Reference Sensitivity – C4FM ≤ -108 dBm P P P P P

3.1.5 Faded Reference Sensitivity – Standard Simulcast ≤ -108 dBm P P P P P

3.1.6 Signal Delay Spread Capability – C4FM ≥ 50 μs P P P P P

3.1.6 Signal Delay Spread Capability – Standard Simulcast ≥ 80 μs P P P P P Adjacent Channel Rejection – C4FM ≥ 60 dB P P P P P Adjacent Channel Rejection – Standard Simulcast ≥ 60 dB P P P P P Offset Adjacent Channel Rejection – C4FM ≥ 47 dB P P P P P Offset Adjacent Channel Rejection – Standard Simulcast ≥ 47 dB P P P P P

3.1.8 Co-Channel Rejection ≤ 9 dB P P P P P

3.1.9 Spurious Response Rejection ≥ 80 dB Mobile
≥ 70 dB Portable

3.1.10 Intermodulation Rejection ≥ 75 dB Mobile
≥ 70 dB Portable

3.1.11 Signal Displacement Bandwidth ≥ 1000 Hz P P P P P

3.1.17 Late Entry Unsquelch Delay: No Talk Group or Encryption ≤ 125 ms P P P P P

3.1.18 Receiver Throughput Delay ≤ 125 ms P P P P P

Conventional Subscriber Unit Transmitter Tests (2016&2017 CAB)

Only display results for tested frequency band(s)

Test Case Test Case Description Requirement VHF

3.2.8 Unwanted Emissions: Adjacent Channel Power Ratio* ≥ 67 dB (non-700MHz) P P P P P

3.2.12 Transmitter Attack Time ≤ 50 ms P P P P P

3.2.12 Encoder Attack Time ≤ 100 ms P P P P P

3.2.14 Transmitter Throughput Delay ≤ 125 ms P P P P P

3.2.15 Frequency Deviation for C4FM: High-Level Signal Deviation 2544 < ƒdev ≤ 3111 Hz P P P P P

3.2.15 Frequency Deviation for C4FM: Low-Level Signal Deviation 848 < ƒdev ≤ 1037 Hz P P P P P

3.2.16 Modulation Fidelity – C4FM ≤ 5% P P P P P

3.2.18 Transient Frequency Behavior: Time Interval [see t1 value in cell] |Δƒ| ≤ 12.5 kHz [t1=5ms]
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1

3.2.18 Transient Frequency Behavior: Time Interval [see t2 value in cell] |Δƒ| ≤ 6.25 kHz [t2=20ms]

3.2.18 Transient Frequency Behavior: Time Interval [see t3 value in cell] |Δƒ| ≤ 12.5 kHz [t3=5ms]
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1

*700MHz Adjacent Channel Power Ratio test is passed based on test results submitted for FCC equipment authorization.

Trunked Subscriber Performance - FDMA (2017 CAB)
Trunked Subscriber Performance (2016 CAB)

P25 CAP Test Identification
P25 CAP Test Identification

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – July 2017, Section – Trunked Subscriber Unit Performance - FDMA
P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – August 2016, Section - Trunked Mode Operations

Detailed Test Report Identification
Detailed Test Report Identification


The ‘test case’ number refers to the paragraph number for the test procedure found in the TIA-102.CAAA-E Digital C4FM/CQPSK Transceiver Measurement Methods for FDMA .

Trunked Subscriber Unit Receiver Tests - FDMA (2016&2017 CAB)

Only display results for tested frequency band(s)

Test Case Test Case Description Requirement VHF

3.1.4 Reference Sensitivity – C4FM ≤ -116 dBm P P P P P

3.1.4 Reference Sensitivity – Standard Simulcast ≤ -116 dBm P P P P P

3.1.5 Faded Reference Sensitivity – C4FM ≤ -108 dBm P P P P P

3.1.5 Faded Reference Sensitivity – Standard Simulcast ≤ -108 dBm P P P P P

3.1.6 Signal Delay Spread Capability – C4FM ≥ 50 μs P P P P P

3.1.6 Signal Delay Spread Capability – Standard Simulcast ≥ 80 μs P P P P P Adjacent Channel Rejection – C4FM ≥ 60 dB P P P P P Adjacent Channel Rejection – Standard Simulcast ≥ 60 dB P P P P P Offset Adjacent Channel Rejection – C4FM ≥ 47 dB P P P P P Offset Adjacent Channel Rejection – Standard Simulcast ≥ 47 dB P P P P P

3.1.8 Co-Channel Rejection ≤ 9 dB P P P P P

3.1.9 Spurious Response Rejection ≥ 80 dB Mobile
≥ 70 dB Portable

3.1.10 Intermodulation Rejection ≥ 75 dB Mobile
≥ 70 dB Portable

3.1.11 Signal Displacement Bandwidth ≥ 1000 Hz P P P P P

Trunked Subscriber Unit Transmitter Tests - FDMA (2016&2017 CAB)

Only display results for tested frequency band(s)

Test Case Test Case Description Requirement VHF

3.2.8 Unwanted Emissions: Adjacent Channel Power Ratio* ≥ 67 dB (non-700MHz) P P P P P

3.2.12 Power Attack Time ≤ 50 ms P P P P P

3.2.12 Encoder Attack Time ≤ 100 ms P P P P P

3.2.14 Transmitter Throughput Delay ≤ 125 ms P P P P P

3.2.15 Frequency Deviation for C4FM: High-Level Signal Deviation 2544 < ƒdev ≤ 3111 Hz P P P P P

3.2.15 Frequency Deviation for C4FM: Low-Level Signal Deviation 848 < ƒdev ≤ 1037 Hz P P P P P

3.2.16 Modulation Fidelity – C4FM ≤ 5% P P P P P

3.2.18 Transient Frequency Behavior: Time Interval [see t1 value in cell] |Δƒ| ≤ 12.5 kHz [t1=5ms]
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1

3.2.18 Transient Frequency Behavior: Time Interval [see t2 value in cell] |Δƒ| ≤ 6.25 kHz [t2=20ms]

3.2.18 Transient Frequency Behavior: Time Interval [see t3 value in cell] |Δƒ| ≤ 12.5 kHz [t3=5ms]
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1
P or E1

*700MHz Adjacent Channel Power Ratio test is passed based on test results submitted for FCC equipment authorization.

Trunked Subscriber Unit Trunked Tests - FDMA (2016&2017 CAB)

Test Case Test Case Description Requirement Result

3.3.1 Trunked Control Channel Slot Times - 37.5 ms Slot
Encode Attack Time
2.00 ≤ tslot ≤ 4.15 ms

3.3.1 Trunked Control Channel Slot Times - 37.5 ms Slot
RF Power Attack Time
0.00 ≤ tslot ≤ 4.15 ms

3.3.1 Trunked Control Channel Slot Times - 37.5 ms Slot
RF Power Turn Off Time
≤ 1.57 ms

3.3.1 Trunked Control Channel Slot Times - 45 ms Slot
Encode Attack Time
2.00 ≤ tslot ≤ 11.65 ms

3.3.1 Trunked Control Channel Slot Times - 45 ms Slot
RF Power Attack Time
0.00 ≤ tslot ≤ 11.65 ms

3.3.1 Trunked Control Channel Slot Times - 45 ms Slot
RF Power Turn Off Time
≤ 1.57 ms

3.3.2 Trunked Request Time - 37.5 ms Slot ≤ 160 ms

3.3.2 Trunked Request Time - 45 ms Slot ≤ 167.5 ms

3.3.5 Transmitter Time to Key on a Traffic Channel
Short Channel Form
RF Transmitter time to Key on a Working Channel
≤ 150.0 ms

3.3.5 Transmitter Time to Key on a Traffic Channel
Short Channel Form
Encoder Transmit Time
≤ 150.0 ms

3.3.5 Transmitter Time to Key on a Traffic Channel
Explicit Channel Form
RF Transmitter Time to Key on a Working Channel
≤ 171.1 ms

3.3.5 Transmitter Time to Key on a Traffic Channel
Explicit Channel Form
Encoder Transmit Time
≤ 171.1 ms

Trunked Subscriber Performance - TDMA
(2017 CAB only)
(leave test section empty for 2016 CAB)

Test Identification

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ –July 2017, Section - Trunked Subscriber Unit Performance - TDMA

Detailed Test Report Identification


The ‘test case’ number refers to the paragraph number for the test procedure found in TIA-102.CCAA-B Two-Slot Time Division Multiple Access Transceiver Measurement Methods for TDMA.

Trunked Subscriber Unit Receiver Tests - TDMA (2017CAB)

Only display results for tested frequency band(s)

Test Case Test Case Description Requirement VHF

3.1.4 Reference Sensitivity - HDQPSK ≤ -116 dBm P P P P P

3.1.5 Faded Reference Sensitivity - HDQPSK ≤ -108 dBm P P P P P

3.1.6 Signal Delay Spread Capability - HDQPSK ≥ 65 μs P P P P P Adjacent Channel Rejection - HDQPSK ≥ 60 dB P P P P P Offset Adjacent Channel Rejection - HDQPSK ≥ 47 dB P P P P P

3.1.8 Co-Channel Rejection ≤ 9 dB P P P P P

3.1.9 Spurious Response Rejection ≥ 80 dB Mobile
≥ 70 dB Portable

3.1.10 Intermodulation Rejection ≥ 75 dB Mobile
≥ 70 dB Portable

3.1.11 Signal Displacement Bandwidth ≥ 1000 Hz P P P P P

Trunked Subscriber Unit Transmitter Tests - TDMA (2017 CAB)

Only display results for tested frequency band(s)

Test Case Test Case Description Requirement VHF

3.2.8 Unwanted Emissions: Adjacent Channel Power Ratio* ≥ 65 dB (non-700MHz) P P P P P

3.2.12 Frequency Deviation H-CPM – High level Signal 2995 < ƒdev ≤ 3310 Hz P P P P P

3.2.12 Frequency Deviation H-CPM – Low Level Signal 998 < ƒdev ≤ 1104 Hz P P P P P

3.2.13 Modulation Fidelity ≤ 5% P P P P P

3.2.14 Symbol Rate Accuracy Not to exceed 10 parts per million P P P P P

3.2.15 H-CPM Transmitter Logical Channel Peak Adjacent Channel Power Ratio ≥ 35 dB P P P P P

3.2.16 H-CPM Transmitter Logical Channel Off Slot Power ≤ -57dBm P P P P P

3.2.17 H-CPM Transmitter Logical Channel Power Envelop

3.2.17 Max - On 4 dBc P P P P P

3.2.17 Slot Max 1 dBc P P P P P

3.2.17 Slot Min -3 dBc P P P P P

3.2.17 Max - Off 4 dBc P P P P P

3.2.18 H-CPM Transmitter Logical Channel Time Alignment ±25 microseconds or less P P P P P

*700MHz Adjacent Channel Power Ratio test is passed based on test results submitted for FCC equipment authorization.

Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability - Direct Mode
(2017 CAB)

Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability - Direct Mode
(2016 CAB)

Test Identification
Test Identification

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – July 2017, Section - Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability – Direct Mode
P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – August 2016, Section - Conventional Direct Mode Operation

Representative Conventional Subscriber Unit Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Conventional Interoperability
- Direct Mode

Subscriber Vendor Model Name Product No. Detailed Test Report #

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 1 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 2 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 3 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[add as needed]

The ‘test case’ number refers to the test suite paragraph number and test case number in TIA-102.CABA Interoperability Testing for Voice Operation in Conventional Systems.

Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability Tests - Direct Mode (2016&2017 CAB)

Test Case Description Product 1 Result Product 2 Result Product 3 Result Product x Result Add columns as needed

2.2.1** Matching NAC Operation and SU Unaddressed Voice Call**

 Test Case 1 – Unaddressed Voice Call

2.2.2** Matching NAC Operation and SU Routine Group Voice Call**

 Test Case 1 – Routine Group Voice Call

2.2.3** Monitor Mode – SU Group Voice Call**

 Test Case 1 – Receiving Group Call

2.2.8** Accept Any NAC in Normal & Selective Squelch Mode – SU Group Voice Call**

 Test Case 1 – Receiving Group Call with Receive NAC $F7E under Normal and Selective Squelch Modes

2.2.4 Emergency Call

 Test Case 1 – Emergency Call

2.2.5 Unit-to-Unit Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from SU 1

 Test Case 2 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from SU 5

2.2.6 Unit-to-Unit Voice Call – Receiving Units also in Monitor Mode

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from SU 1

 Test Case 2 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from SU 5

2.2.7 Encryption

 Test Case 1 – Call Privacy for Encrypted Call

2.3.1 Call Alert

 Test Case 1 – Call Alert (SU 1 to SU 5)

 Test Case 2 – Call Alert (SU 5 to SU 1)

2.3.2 Radio Check

 Test Case 1 – Radio Check (SU 1 to SU 5)

 Test Case 2 – Radio Check (SU 5 to SU 1)

2.3.3 Message Update

 Test Case 1 – Message Update (SU 1 to SU 5)

 Test Case 2 – Message Update (SU 5 to SU 1)

2.3.4 Status Update

 Test Case 1 – Status Update (SU 1 to SU 5)

 Test Case 2 – Status Update (SU 5 to SU 1)

2.3.5 Status Query

 Test Case 1 – Status Query (SU 1 to SU 5)

 Test Case 2 – Status Query (SU 5 to SU 1)

2.3.6 Radio Unit Monitor

 Test Case 1 – Radio Unit Monitor Initiated by SU 1 – Group Call

 Test Case 2 – Radio Unit Monitor Initiated by SU 5 – Group Call

 Test Case 3 – Radio Unit Monitor Initiated by SU 1 – Unit-to-Unit Call

 Test Case 4 – Radio Unit Monitor Initiated by SU 5 – Unit-to-Unit Call

** P25 CAP Minimum Feature Requirement - Test Case Result must be a Pass (P)

For further information:

Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability - Repeat Mode
(2017 CAB)

Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability - Repeat Mode
(2016 CAB)

CAB Test Section Identification
CAB Test Section Identification

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – July 2017, Section - Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability – Repeat Mode
P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – August 2016, Section -- [Table 7] -- Conventional Interoperability Tests - Repeat Mode

Representative Conventional Base Station Repeater Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Conventional Interoperability
- Repeat Mode

Base Station Repeater Vendor Model Name Product No. Detailed Test Report #

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 1 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 2 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 3 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[add as needed]

The ‘test case’ number refers to the test suite paragraph number and test case number in TIA-102.CABA Interoperability Testing for Voice Operation in Conventional Systems.

Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability Tests- Repeat Mode (2016&2017 CAB)

Test Case Description Product 1 Result Product 2 Result Product 3 Result Product x Result Add columns as needed

2.4.1** Matching NAC Operation and SU Unaddressed Voice Call **

 Test Case 1 – Matching NAC operation – Unaddressed Voice Call

2.4.2** Matching NAC Operation – SU Routine Group Call Mode **

 Test Case 1 – Matching NAC – SU Routine Group Call Mode

2.4.3 Transmit NAC Independent of Receive NAC – SU Unaddressed Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Independent NAC Operation – SU Unaddressed Voice Call

2.4.4 Transmit NAC Independent of Receive NAC – SU Routine Group Call

 Test Case 1 – Independent NAC Operation – SU Routine Group Call

2.4.5 Any NAC ($F7F) Operation – SU Unaddressed Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – NAC $F7F Operation – SU Unaddressed Voice Call

2.4.6 Any NAC ($F7F) Operation – SU Routine Group Call

 Test Case 1 – NAC $F7F Operation – SU Routine Group Call

2.4.7 Any NAC ($F7E) Operation with Fixed Transmit NAC – SU Group Call

 Test Case 1 – NAC $F7E Operation – SU Group Call

2.4.8 Emergency Call

 Test Case 1 – Emergency Call

2.4.9** Monitor Mode – SU Group Call **

 Test Case 1 – Monitor Mode – Receiving Group Call

2.4.10 Unit-to-Unit Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from SU 1

 Test Case 3 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from SU 1, No Co-Channel Interference Suppression

2.4.11 Unit-to-Unit Voice Call Co-Channel Interference Suppression by FNE

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from SU 1

2.4.12 Unit-to-Unit Voice Call – Receiving Units Also in Monitor Mode

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from SU 1

2.4.13 Encryption

 Test Case 1 – Call Privacy for Encrypted Call

2.4.14 Accept Any NAC in Normal and Selective Squelch Mode – SU Group Call

 Test Case 1 – Receiving group Call with receive NAC $F7F under Normal and Selective Squelch Modes

2.5.1 Call Alert

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Call Alert Request from SU 1

2.5.2 Radio Check

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Radio Check from SU 1

2.5.3 Message Update

 Test Case 1 – Message Update Initiated by SU 1

 Test Case 3 – SU 1 to Group Message Update

2.5.4 Status Update

 Test Case 1 – Status Update Initiated by SU 1

 Test Case 3 – SU to Talk Group Status Update Initiated by SU 1

2.5.5 Status Query

 Test Case 1 – Status Query Initiated by SU 1

2.5.6 Radio Unit Monitor

 Test Case 1 – Radio Unit Monitor Initiated by SU 1 – Group Call

 Test Case 3 – Radio Unit Monitor Initiated by SU 1 – Unit-to-Unit Call

** P25 CAP Minimum Feature Requirement - Test Case Result must be a Pass (P)

For further information:

Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability - FNE
Dispatch Monitoring Console - Repeat Mode (2017 CAB)

Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability - FNE Dispatch Monitoring Console - Repeat Mode (2016 CAB)

CAB Test Section Identification
CAB Test Section Identification

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – July 2017, Section - Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability - FNE Dispatch Monitoring Console - Repeat Mode
P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – August 2016, Section -- [Table 8] -- Conventional Interoperability Tests – FNE Includes Dispatch Consoles Mode

Representative Conventional Base Station Repeater Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Conventional Interoperability - FNE Dispatch Monitoring Console - Repeat Mode

Base Station Repeater Vendor Model Name Product No. Detailed Test Report #

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 1 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 2 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 3 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[add as needed]

The ‘test case’ number refers to the test suite paragraph number and test case number in TIA-102.CABA Interoperability Testing for Voice Operation in Conventional Systems.

Conventional Subscriber Unit Interoperability Tests - FNE Dispatch Monitoring Console - Repeat Mode (2016&2017 CAB)

Test Case Description Product 1 Result Product 2 Result Product 3 Result Product x Result Add columns as needed

2.6.1 Unaddressed Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Unaddressed Voice Call

2.6.2 Routine Group Call

 Test Case 1 – Routine Group Call

2.6.3 Emergency Call

 Test Case 1 – Emergency Call from SU

 Test Case 2 – Emergency Call from DMC

2.6.4 All Call (System-Wide Call)

 Initiate System-Wide Call to Collection of Talk Groups

2.6.5 Unit-to-Unit Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from DMC

 Test Case 2 – Initiate Unit-to-Unit Call from SU 1

2.6.6 Encryption

 Test Case 1 – Call Privacy for Encrypted Call

2.7.1 Emergency Alarm to Dispatch and/or other Monitoring Console

 Test Case 1 – Emergency Alarm

2.7.2 Call Alert

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Call Alert Request from DMC

 Test Case 2 – Initiate Call Alert Request from SU 1

2.7.3 Radio Check

 Test Case 1 – Initiate Radio Check from DMC

2.7.4 Radio Unit Inhibit

 Test Case 1 – Radio Unit Inhibit from DMC

2.7.5 Radio Unit Uninhibit

 Test Case 1 – Radio Unit Uninhibit from DMC

2.7.6 Message Update

 Test Case 1 – Message Update from DMC

 Test Case 2 – DMC to Group Message Update

 Test Case 3 – SU 1 to DMC Message Update

 Test Case 4 – SU 1 to Group Message Update

2.7.7 Status Update

 Test Case 1 – Status Update from SU 1 to DMC

 Test Case 2 – Talk Group Status Update Initiated by SU 1

2.7.8 Status Query

 Test Case 1 – Status Query Initiated by DMC

2.7.9 Radio Unit Monitor

 Test Case 1 – Radio Unit Monitor Initiated by DMC – Group Call

 Test Case 2 – Radio Unit Monitor Initiated by DMC – Unit-to-Unit Call

Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability - FDMA
(2017 CAB)

Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability - FDMA
(2016 CAB)

CAB Test Section Identification
CAB Test Section Identification

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – July 2017, Section - Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability – FDMA (Phase 1)
P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – August 2016, Section - Trunked Mode Operation

Representative Trunked Base Station Repeater Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Trunked Interoperability - FDMA

Base Station Repeater Vendor Model Name Product No. Detailed Test Report #

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 1 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 2 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 3 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[add as needed]

The ‘test case’ number refers to the test suite paragraph number and test case number inTIA-102.CABC-C Interoperability Testing for Voice Operation in Trunked Systems

Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability Tests - FDMA (2016&2017 CAB)

***Test case included in the 2017 Test Requirements CAB. Leave test case result empty if submitting under the 2016 Test Requirements CAB.

Test Case Description Product 1 Result Home Product 1 Result
Inter-SYS Roaming
Product 1 Result
Inter-WACN Roaming
Product 2 Result Home Product 2 Result
Inter-SYS Roaming
Product 2 Result
Inter-WACN Roaming
Product 3 Result Home Product 3 Result
Inter-SYS Roaming
Product 3 Result
Inter-WACN Roaming
Product x Result Home Product x Result
Inter-SYS Roaming
Product x Result
Inter-WACN Roaming
Add columns as needed
2.2.1 Full Registration

 Test Case 1 – Valid Registration

 Test Case 2 – Denied or Refused Registration

 Test Case 3 – Unverified Registration

2.2.2 Group Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Group Call Granted

 Test Case 2 – Group Call Denied

 Test Case 3 – Group Call Request Queued

 *** Test Case 4 – Group Call Interrupt ***

2.2.3 Unit-to-Unit Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Unit-to-Unit Call with Target Availability Check

 Test Case 2 - Unit-to-Unit Call with Target Availability Check- Denied by Target

 Test Case 3 – Unit-to-Unit Call Queued with Target Availability Check – Traffic Channel Assignment After Target Availability Check

 Test Case 4 – Unit-to-Unit Call Queued with Target Availability Check – Traffic Channel Assignment Before Target Availability Check

 Test Case 5 – Unit-to-Unit Call without Target Availability Check

 Test Case 6 – Unit-to-Unit Call Queued without Target Availability Check

 Test Case 7 – Unit-to-Unit Call Denied

2.2.4 Broadcast Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Broadcast Voice Call

2.2.5 Affiliation

 Test Case 1 – Radio Permitted to Affiliate with New Group

 Test Case 2 – Radio Denied Affiliation to New Group

2.2.6 Announcement Group Call

 Test Case 1 – Collection of Talk Groups Receive Call

2.2.7 Emergency Alarm

 Test Case 1 – Emergency Alarm

2.2.8 Emergency Group Call

 Test Case 1 – Emergency Call

2.2.10 Encryption

 Test Case 1 – Call Privacy for Encrypted Call

2.2.11 Intra-Location Registration Area Roaming

 Test Case 1 – Idle Radio

2.2.13 Deregistration ***

 Test Case 1 – Deregistration

2.2.14 System Call ***

 Test Case 1 – System Call

2.2.15 Call Alert ***

 Test Case 1 – Call Alert

2.2.16 Short Message ***

 Test Case 1 – Short Message

2.2.17 Status Query ***

 Test Case 1 – Status Query

2.2.18 Status Update ***

 Test Case 1 – Status Update

2.2.19 Radio Unit Monitoring ***

 Test Case 1 – Individual Non-Silent

 Test Case 2 – Individual Silent

 Test Case 3 – Group Non-Silent

 Test Case 4 – Group Silent

2.2.20 Radio Unit Disable/Re-Enable ***

 Test Case 1 – Radio Unit Disable

 Test Case 2 – Radio Unit Re-Enable

2.2.21 Radio Check ***

 Test Case 1 – Radio Check Successful

*** Test case included in the 2017 Test Requirements CAB. Leave test case result empty if submitting under the 2016 Test Requirements CAB.

Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability - TDMA
(2017 CAB)
(leave test section empty for 2016 CAB)

CAB Test Section Identification

P25-CAB-CAI_TEST_REQ – July 2017, Section - Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability – TDMA (Phase 2)

Representative Trunked Base Station Repeater Products tested with the Subscriber Unit for Trunked Interoperability

Base Station Repeater Vendor Model Name Product No. Detailed Test Report #

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 1 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 2 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[Vendor_Name] [Model Name] 3 [DTR-P25CAPxxxxxx]

[add as needed]

The ‘test case’ number refers to the test suite paragraph number and test case number inTIA-102.CABC-C Interoperability Testing for Voice Operation in Trunked Systems

Trunked Subscriber Unit Interoperability Tests - TDMA (2017 CAB)

Test Case Description Product 1 Result Home Product 1 Result
Inter-SYS Roaming
Product 1 Result
Inter-WACN Roaming
Product 2 Result Home Product 2 Result
Inter-SYS Roaming
Product 2 Result
Inter-WACN Roaming
Product 3 Result Home Product 3 Result
Inter-SYS Roaming
Product 3 Result
Inter-WACN Roaming
Product x Result Home Product x Result
Inter-SYS Roaming
Product x Result
Inter-WACN Roaming
Add columns as needed
2.2.1 Full Registration

 Test Case 1 – Valid Registration

2.2.2 Group Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Group Call Granted

 Test Case 3 – Group Call Request Queued

 Test Case 4 – Group Call Interrupt

2.2.3 Unit-to-Unit Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Unit-to-Unit Call with Target Availability Check

 Test Case 3 – Unit-to-Unit Call Queued with Target Availability Check – Traffic Channel Assignment After Target Availability Check

 Test Case 4 – Unit-to-Unit Call Queued with Target Availability Check – Traffic Channel Assignment Before Target Availability Check

 Test Case 5 – Unit-to-Unit Call without Target Availability Check

 Test Case 6 – Unit-to-Unit Call Queued without Target Availability Check

2.2.4 Broadcast Voice Call

 Test Case 1 – Broadcast Voice Call

2.2.6 Announcement Group Call

 Test Case 1 – Collection of Talk Groups Receive Call

2.2.8 Emergency Group Call

 Test Case 1 – Emergency Call

2.2.10 Encryption

 Test Case 1 – Call Privacy for Encrypted Call

2.2.14 System Call

 Test Case 1 – System Call

2.2.19 Radio Unit Monitoring

 Test Case 1 – Individual Non-Silent

 Test Case 2 – Individual Silent

 Test Case 3 – Group Non-Silent

 Test Case 4 – Group Silent

2.2.26 Transmitting Subscriber Forced Preemption

 Test Case 1 – TDMA SU Forced Audio Preemption

 Test Case 2 – TDMA SU Forced Emergency Call Ruthless Preemption

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