Attachment 4: SED Degree History Data Collection Method Test Condition C
Condition C: Current SED Degree Order (after doctorate and dissertation research questions)
Associate’s degree(s): Q21 – Q33
Bachelor’s degree(s): Q34 – Q53
Graduate Program Entry Date: Q54
Master’s degree(s): Q55 – Q66
Professional doctorate: Q67 – Q70
Joint degree(s): Q71
Have you ever earned college credit from a community or 2-year college? |
Yes |
No |
Go to Q22 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Have you received an associate's degree (e.g., AA, AS) or equivalent? |
Yes |
Go to Q23 |
No |
Go to Q34 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
How many associate's degrees have you received? |
Numeric textbox, range 1-9 |
Go to Q24 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
From which academic institution did you receive [IF Q23=1, FILL: your; IF Q23>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] associate's degree? |
Institution Name: |
Department: |
City or Town: |
State or Foreign Country: |
Go to Q25 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
What was the field of study for [IF Q23=1, FILL: your; IF Q23>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] associate’s degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the field of study in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches your degree field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the field of study in the text box below.] |
Field Name (FOSASSOC): |
Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed Condition B: Text entered gets auto-coded against the field names in the database |
Please specify your degree field in the box below. |
Field Name (FOSASSOCALT): |
[Text box] |
Go to Q26 when FOSASSOC is missing Go to Q28 when FOSASSOC is not missing |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Please review the list below and select one broad field of study category that best fits [IF Q23=1, FILL: your; IF Q23>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] associate degree field, [Fill: FOSASSOCALT]. |
Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6 |
2-digit CIP |
Go to Q27 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Next please select the specific field of study under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q26] that best describes this associate’s degree. If this list does not describe your major field of study, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category. |
List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q26 |
4-digit CIP |
Go to Q28 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
When did you start [IF Q23=1, FILL: your; IF Q23>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] associate’s degree and when was the degree awarded? |
Month/Year degree started: |
Month: |
Year: |
Month/Year degree awarded: |
Month: |
Year: |
Go to Q29 when Q23>1 Go to Q34 when Q23=1 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
From which academic institution did you receive your FIRST associate's degrees? |
Institution Name: |
Department: |
City or Town: |
State or Foreign Country: |
Go to Q30 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
What was the field of study for your FIRST associate’s degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the field of study in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches your degree field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the field of study in the text box below.] |
Field Name (FOSASSOC2): |
Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed Condition B: Text entered gets auto-coded against the field names in the database |
Please specify your degree field in the box below. |
Field Name (FOSASSOC2ALT): |
[Text box] |
Go to Q31 when FOSASSOC2 is missing Go to Q33 when FOSASSOC2 is not missing |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Please review the list below and select one broad field of study category that best fits your FIRST associate’s degree field, [Fill: FOSAASOC2ALT]. |
Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6 |
2-digit CIP |
Go to Q32 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Next please select the specific field of study under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q31] that best describes this associate’s degree. If this list does not describe your major field of study, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category. |
List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q31 |
4-digit CIP |
Go to Q33 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
When did you start your FIRST associate’s degree and when was the degree awarded? |
Month/Year degree started: |
Month: |
Year: |
Month/Year degree awarded: |
Month: |
Year: |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Have you received a bachelor's degree (e.g., BA, BS, AB) or equivalent? |
Yes |
Go to Q35 |
No |
Go to Q54 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
How many bachelor's degrees have you received? |
Numeric textbox, range 1-9 |
Go to Q36 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
From which academic institution did you receive [IF Q35=1, FILL: your; IF Q35>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] bachelor's degree? |
Institution Name: |
Department: |
City or Town: |
State or Foreign Country: |
Go to Q37 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
What was the field of study for [IF Q35=1, FILL: your; IF Q35>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] bachelor’s degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the field of study in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches your degree field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the field of study in the text box below.] If you had a double major, please enter one field here. You can report the second major field later. |
Field Name (FOSBACH) |
Condition A: Text entered pulls up a list that includes the text are displayed Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database |
Please specify your degree field in the box below. |
Field Name (FOSBACHALT) |
[Text box] |
Go to Q38 when FOSBACH is missing Go to Q40 when FOSBACH is not missing |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Please review the list below and select one broad field of study category that best fits [IF Q35=1, FILL: your; IF Q35>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] bachelor’s degree field, [Fill: FOSBACHALT]. |
Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6 |
2-digit CIP |
Go to Q39 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Next please select the specific field of study under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q38] that best describes your bachelor’s degree field. If this list does not describe your major field of study, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category. |
List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q38 |
4-digit CIP |
Go to Q40 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Did you complete a double major for [IF Q35=1, FILL: your; IF Q35>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] bachelor’s degree? |
Yes |
Go to Q41 |
No |
Go to Q44 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
What was the second major field of study for [IF Q35=1, FILL: your; IF Q35>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] bachelor’s degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the second major field in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches that degree field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the second major field in the text box below.] |
Field Name (FOSBACH2) |
Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database |
Please specify your degree field in the box below. |
Field Name (FOSBACH2ALT) |
[Text box] |
Go to Q42 when FOSBACH2 is missing Go to Q44 when FOSBACH2 is not missing |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Please review the list below and select one broad field of study category that best fits your second major field, [Fill: FOSBACH2]. |
Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6 |
2-digit CIP |
Go to Q43 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Next please select the specific field of study under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q42] that best describes your second major field. If this list does not describe your major field of study, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category |
List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q42 |
4-digit CIP |
Go to Q44 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
When did you start [IF Q35=1, FILL: your; IF Q35>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] bachelor’s degree and when was this degree awarded? |
Month/Year degree started: |
Month: |
Year: |
Month/Year degree awarded: |
Month: |
Year: |
Go to Q45 when Q35>1 Go to Q54 when Q35=1 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
From which academic institution did you receive your FIRST bachelor’s degrees? |
Institution Name: |
Department: |
City or Town: |
State or Foreign Country: |
Go to Q46 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
What was the field of study for your FIRST bachelor’s degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the field of study in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches your degree field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the field of study in the text box below.] If you had a double major, please enter one field here. You can report the second major field later. |
Field Name (FOSBACH_02) |
Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database |
Please specify your degree field in the box below. |
Field Name (FOSBACHALT_02) |
[Text box] |
Go to Q47 when FOSBACH_02 is missing Go to Q49 when FOSBACH_02 is not missing |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Please review the list below and select one broad field of study category that best fits your FIRST bachelor’s degree field, [Fill: FOSBACH_02]. |
Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6 |
2-digit CIP |
Go to Q48 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Next please select the specific field of study under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code titles selected in Q47] that best describes your FIRST bachelor’s degree field. If this list does not describe your field of study, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category |
List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q47 |
4-digit CIP |
Go to Q49 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Did you complete a double major for your FIRST bachelor’s degree? |
Yes |
Go to Q50 |
No |
Go to Q53 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
What was the second major field of study for your FIRST bachelor’s degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the field of study in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches the second major field of study for your FIRST bachelor’s degree.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the field of study in the text box below.] |
Field Name (FOSBACH2_02) |
Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database |
Please specify your degree field in the box below. |
Field Name (FOSBACH2ALT_02) |
[Text box] |
Go to Q51 when FOSBACH2_02 is missing Go to Q53 when FOSBACH2_02 is not missing |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Please review the list below and select one category that best fits the second major field of study of your FIRST bachelor’s degree, [Fill: FOSBACH2ALT_02]. |
Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6 |
2-digit CIP |
Go to Q52 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Next please select the specific field of study under the broad category: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q51] that best describes the second major field of your FRIST bachelor’s degree. If this list does not describe your major field of study, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category |
List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q51 |
4-digit CIP |
Go to Q53 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
When did you start your FIRST bachelor’s degree and when was the degree awarded? |
Month/Year degree started: |
Month: |
Year: |
Month/Year degree awarded: |
Month: |
Year: |
Go to Q54 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
In what month and year did you first enter any graduate program, even if you did not earn a degree? |
Graduate program first entered: |
Month: Year: |
Go to Q55 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Have you received a master's degree (e.g., MS, MA, MBA) or equivalent? |
Yes |
Go to Q56 |
No |
Go to Q67 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
How many master's degrees have you received? |
Numeric textbox, range 1-9 |
Go to Q57 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
From which academic institution did you receive [IF Q56=1, FILL: your; IF Q56>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] master's degree? |
Institution Name: |
Department: |
City or Town: |
State or Foreign Country: |
Go to Q58 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
What was the field of study for [IF Q56=1, FILL: your; IF Q56>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] master’s degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the field of study in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches your master’s degree field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the field of study in the text box below.] |
Field Name (FOSMAST) |
Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database |
Please specify your degree field in the box below. |
Field Name (FOSMASTALT) |
[Text box] |
Go to Q59 when FOSMAST is missing Go to Q61 when FOSMAST is not missing |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Please review the list below and select one broad field of study category that best describes the field of study for this degree, [Fill: FOSMAST]. |
Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6 |
2-digit CIP |
Go to Q60 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Next please select the specific field of study under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q59] that best describes your master’s degree field. If this list does not describe your major field of study, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category. |
List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q59 |
4-digit CIP |
Go to Q61 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
When did you start [IF Q56=1, FILL: your; IF Q56>1, FILL: your MOST RECENT] master’s degree and when was this degree awarded? |
Month/Year degree started: |
Month: |
Year: |
Month/Year degree awarded: |
Month: |
Year: |
Go to Q62 when Q56>1 Go to Q67 when Q56=1 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
From which academic institution did you receive your FIRST master’s degrees? |
Institution Name: |
Department: |
City or Town: |
State or Foreign Country: |
Go to Q63 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
What was the field of study for your FIRST master’s degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the field of study in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches your master’s degree field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the field of study in the text box below.] |
Field Name (FOSMAST2) |
Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database |
Please specify your degree field in the box below. |
Field Name (FOSMAST2ALT) |
[Text box] |
Go to Q64 when FOSMAST2 is missing Go to Q66 when FOSMAST2 is not missing |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Please review the list below and select one category that best describes the field of study for your FIRST master’s degree, [Fill: FOSMAST2ALT]. |
Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6 |
2-digit CIP |
Go to Q65 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Next please select the specific field of study under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q64] that best describes your FIRST master’s degree field. If this list does not describe your major field of study, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category |
List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q64 |
4-digit CIP |
Go to Q66 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
When did you start your FIRST master’s degree and when was the degree awarded? |
Month/Year degree started: |
Month: |
Year: |
Month/Year degree awarded: |
Month: |
Year: |
Go to Q67 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
In addition to your current doctoral degree, have you earned or are you earning a professional doctoral degree, such as an MD, DDS, DVM, JD, PsyD, PharmD, or EdD? |
Yes, I am currently earning a professional doctoral degree |
Go to Q68 |
Yes, I have already earned a professional doctoral degree |
Go to Q68 |
No |
Go to Q71 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
What type of professional doctoral degree have you earned or are you earning? |
MD |
JD |
PsyD |
DDiv |
Other degree−Specify: |
Go to Q69 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
From which academic institution have you earned or do you expect to earn your professional doctoral degree? |
Institution Name: |
Department: |
City or Town: |
State or Foreign Country: |
Go to Q70 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
When did you start your professional doctoral degree and when was the degree awarded or when is it expected to be awarded? |
Month/Year degree started: |
Month: |
Year: |
Month/Year degree awarded or expected: |
Month: |
Year: |
Go to Q71 |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Did you earn any of the degrees you reported as part of a joint degree program (sometimes referred to as a combined or dual degree program)? |
Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s |
Combined Master’s/PhD |
MD/PhD |
Other Joint Degree (e.g., DVM/PhD, JD/MBA, MD/JD, MA/MBA, etc.) −Specify |
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Cognitive Testing Probe Questions
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
Cognitive Testing Probe Questions This is the end of the survey. We will now ask a couple of questions about your overall experience with the survey.
|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|
This is the end of the survey testing. Your participation will help improve our survey. Thank you! |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Eckman, Stephanie |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |