Attachment 3 SED Degree History Data Collection Method, Doctorate and

SRS-Generic Clearance of Survey Improvement Projects for the Division of Science Resources Statistics

Att 3 PhD Research Qs

NCSES - Methodological Study to Test Education Data Collection Methods for the 2021 Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED)

OMB: 3145-0174

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Attachment 3: SED Degree History Data Collection Method

Doctorate and Dissertation Research Questions

Doctorate and Dissertation Research

Test conditions C, D and E will begin with the doctoral degree and dissertation research FOS questions first as in the current SED questionnaire.

Doctoral Degree: Q2 – Q 12

Dissertation Research Field(s): Q13 – Q20



The National Center for Science and Engineering (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) designs, conducts, and sponsors surveys on science, engineering, and technology. In order to produce the best information possible, the NCSES routinely evaluates its surveys.

You have volunteered to take part in a study to improve the education questions on the NCSES’ Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED). This study is being conducted by RTI International, a not-for-profit research firm serving as the contractor on behalf of the NCSES.

This survey will ask about your educational history including any associate’s, bachelor’s, masters’, doctoral, and professional doctoral degrees you may have earned. Please answer the questions on your degrees as best as you can.

We want to understand any issues you may experience as you respond to the questions. Particularly, we want to know if the questions are clear and how easy or difficult the questions are for you to answer.

As you go through the survey, you will see some open-ended questions where we will ask you to describe how you came up with the answers to the question(s). There are no right or wrong answers. Your responses will help us improve the survey questions.

The average time to complete this survey is about 15 minutes. Actual time may vary depending on your circumstances. Your responses will be used for research purposes only and will be kept strictly confidential and safeguarded in accordance with the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended, and the Privacy Act of 1974. This study is authorized by law (42 U.S.C. 1862 Section 3.a.6). The OMB control number for this study is 3145-0174.

If you agree to participate in this study, please click NEXT to begin.

Go to AGE



The National Center for Science and Engineering (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) designs, conducts, and sponsors surveys on science, engineering, and technology. In order to produce the best information possible, the NCSES routinely evaluates its surveys.

You have volunteered to take part in a study to improve the education questions on the NCSES’ Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED). This study is being conducted by RTI International, a not-for-profit research firm serving as the contractor on behalf of the NCSES.

This interview will take approximately one hour to complete. During the interview we will ask you to complete a web survey asking about your education history details. As you review the survey, I’d like you to read the instructions and questions aloud and then “think aloud” as you answer each question. This may feel a little unnatural, but it will help us understand how you think about and answer each question. Here’s an example:

Question: Have you received a bachelor's degree (e.g., BA, BS, AB) or equivalent?

Answer: Well, I graduated in 2006 with Sociology and Anthropology. I had two majors for my BA.

As you go through the survey, there will be screening questions asking you to stop so the interviewer can ask you follow-up questions. Questions will be about how you arrived at your answers and how easy or difficult it was to answer the question. Throughout the interview you can help us by describing anything in the questions you find confusing or difficult to understand. In appreciation for your participation in this survey, you will receive $40 at the end of the interview.

Your interview session will be audio recorded in order to have a complete record of your comments. We plan to use the recording to improve the survey questions. Staff directly involved in this research project will have access to the recording. You may also be asked for permission to allow SED project staff to observe the interview in person.

Your responses will be used for research purposes only and will be kept strictly confidential and safeguarded in accordance with the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended, and the Privacy Act of 1974. This study is authorized by law (42 U.S.C. 1862 Section 3.a.6). The OMB control number for this study is 3145-0174.

If you have any questions about the study you may contact Ms. Jamie Friedman of RTI, at 1-877-256-8167. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant in this study, you may contact the Office of Research Protection at RTI International at 1-866-214-2043, a toll-free number.

If you agree to participate in this study and consent to be recorded for the purpose stated above, please click NEXT to begin.

Go to AGE

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|

(PHASE 2 TEST) Interviewer Notes

  • Note how extensively the participants views/reads the questions

  • Note any difficulties the participant has viewing/reading the questions

  • If participant expresses uncertainty with comprehending any question (e.g. says “I have no idea”), wait to see whether they leave the question blank or guess.

If they do not seem to know what to do, ask: If you were completing this survey on your own and I wasn’t here, what would you do? [IF NEEDED: Would you skip the question, or would you guess?]

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|



What is your age?

Under 21

Go to TERM


Go to HISP


Go to HISP

55 or older

Go to HISP

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

Yes, of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

Go to RACE

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


What is your race? Mark one or more

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Go to SEX

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Are you male or female?



Go to Q2

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|



Do you have or are you pursuing a doctoral degree (e.g. PhD, DSc, EdD)?


Go to Q3


Go to Q21

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Please provide the following information about your doctoral degree.

Doctorate Type (e.g. PhD, DSc, EdD):

[Drop down]

Institution Name

[Drop down]

School or College Name:

[Drop down]

City or Town:

[Text box]

State or Foreign Country:

[Drop down]

Go to Q4

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Which department (or interdisciplinary committee, center, institute, etc.) of the university supervised your doctoral degree? Please use the full department name and avoid acronyms.

Go to Q5

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


What was the primary field of study for your doctoral degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the primary field of study in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches your degree field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the primary field of study in the text box below.]

Field Name (PHDFIELD):

Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed

Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database


Please specify your primary field of study in the box below.


[Text box]

Go to Q6 when PHDFIELD is missing

Go to Q8 when PHDFIELD is not missing

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|

Cognitive Test Probe QuestionS

(PHASE 1 TEST) Probe questions will be programmed as an open-ended textbox question.

(PHASE 2 TEST] Instruction page will be programmed to direct the respondent’s attention to the interviewer.

  1. [If PHDFIELD is missing and PHDFIELDALT is missing] Just as a reminder, there is no right or wrong answer. Was there a particular reason why you left the field of study blank? Did you have difficulty in providing your doctorate field of study?

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Now we need your help to assign a standardized education code to the primary doctoral degree field that you just reported. Please review the list below and select one broad field of study category that best fits the degree field, [Fill: PHDFIELDALT]

Agricultural, Animal, Plant, Veterinary Science and Related Fields


Architecture and Related Services


Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender, and Group Studies


Biological and Biomedical Sciences

26, 41

Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services


Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs

09, 10

Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services


Construction Trades




Engineering or Engineering Technologies

14, 15

English Language and Literature, Letters


Family and Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences


Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics


Health and Medical Professions and Related Programs

51, 60, 61



Legal Professions and Studies


Library Science


Mathematics and Statistics


Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians


Military and Homeland Security Science, Technology and Leadership

28, 29, 43

Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies, and Liberal Arts and Sciences

24, 30

Natural Resources and Conservation


Parks, Recreation, Leisure, Fitness, And Kinesiology


Personal and Culinary Service


Philosophy, Religious Studies, Religious Vocations, and Theology

38, 39

Physical Sciences

40, 41

Precision Production




Public Administration and Social Service Professions


Social Sciences


Transportation and Materials Moving


Visual and Performing Arts


Other fields not listed above


Go to Q7

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Next please select the specific field of study under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q6] that best describes the primary field of your doctoral degree. If this list does not describe your primary degree field, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category.

List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q6

4-digit CIP

Go to Q8

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Do you have a secondary field of study for your doctoral degree?


Go to Q9


Go to Q12

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


What was the secondary field of study for your doctoral degree? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the secondary field in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches that degree field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the secondary field of study in the search box below.]

Field Name (PHDFIELD2):

Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed

Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database


Please specify the secondary field of study in the box below.

Field Name (PHDFIELDALT2):

[Text box]

Go to Q10 when PHDFIELD2 is missing

Go to Q12 when PHDFIELD2 is not missing

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|

Cognitive Test Probe Question

  1. [If PHDFIELD2 is missing and PHDFIELDALT2 is missing] How would you describe your field of study in your own words?

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Now we need your help to assign a standardized education code to the secondary field of study that you just reported. Please review the list below and select one category that best fits the secondary field of study, [Fill: PHDFIELDALT2].

Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6.

2-digit CIP

Go to Q11

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Next please select the specific field of study under the broad category: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q10] that best describes the secondary field of your doctoral degree. If this broad field of study list does not describe your degree field, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field category.

List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q10

4-digit CIP

Go to Q12

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|

Cognitive Test Probe Questions

  1. (Phase 2 Test Only) [If R did not do read aloud while answering the survey] Please describe how you selected your answers to the field of study questions.

  2. How easy or difficult was it for you to report the field of study for your research doctoral degree?

  • Very easy

  • Easy

  • Neither easy nor difficult

  • Difficult

  • Very difficult

  1. [If Difficult or Very difficult] What made it difficult to answer the question about your doctoral degree?

  2. [If Difficult or Very difficult] How could we change the questions to make it easier to select an appropriate answer?

  3. [If R was asked Q6 and Q7] Why did you decide to provide specific field of study name rather than choosing from the list of fields in the search box?

  4. Are there any other issues you had regarding these field of study questions?

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


When did you start your doctoral degree and when was the degree awarded or when is it expected to be awarded?

Month/Year degree started:



Month/Year degree awarded or expected:



Go to Q13

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|

Dissertation Research field


Did you complete a dissertation for your doctoral degree?


Go to Q14


Go to Q21

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


What was the primary field of study for your dissertation research?

[If Condition A, fill: Please type the primary dissertation research field in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches your research field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the primary dissertation research field in the text box below.] If your dissertation research was in more than one field, you can enter a secondary field in a later question.

Field Name (PHDDISS):

Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed

Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database


Please specify your primary dissertation research field in the box below.

Field Name (PHDDISSALT):

[Text box]

Go to Q15 when PHDDISS is missing

Go to Q17 when PHDDISS is not missing

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|

Cognitive Test Probe Questions

  1. [If PHDDISS is missing and PHDDISSALT is missing] How would you describe your field of dissertation research in your own words?

  2. Please describe how you selected your answers to the field of research questions.

  3. How easy or difficult was it for you to report the field of your dissertation research?

  • Very easy

  • Easy

  • Neither easy nor difficult

  • Difficult

  • Very difficult

  1. [If Difficult or Very difficult] What made it difficult to select an appropriate answer?

  2. [If Difficult or Very difficult] How could we change the questions to make it easier to select an appropriate answer?

  3. What factors did you consider in reporting the field of study for your dissertation research?

  4. [If R was asked Q6 and Q7] Why did you decide to provide specific field of study name rather than choosing from the list of fields in the search box?

  5. Are there any other issues you would like to raise regarding these field of dissertation research questions?

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Now we need your help to assign a standardized education code to the primary field of dissertation research that you just reported. Please review the list below and select one category that best fits your primary research field, [Fill: PHDDISSALT].

Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6

2-digit CIP

Go to Q16

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Next please select the specific field of dissertation research under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q15] that best describes your primary research field. If this list does not describe your primary dissertation research field, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field category.

List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q15

4-digit CIP

Go to Q17

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Do you have a secondary field of study for your dissertation research?


Go to Q18


Go to Q21

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


What was the secondary field of study for your dissertation research? [If Condition A, fill: Please type the secondary dissertation research field in the search box below and choose the field name that best matches your research field.] [If Condition B, fill: Please type the secondary dissertation research field in the text box below.]

Field Name (PHDDISS2):

Condition A: Based on text entered, field names that include the text are displayed

Condition B: Text entered are auto-coded against the field names in the database


Please specify the secondary field of research in the box below.

Field Name (PHDDISS2ALT):

[Text box]

Go to Q19 when PHDDISS2 is missing

Go to Q21 when PHDDISS2 is not missing

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Please review the list below and select one broad field category that best fits your secondary field of dissertation research.

Display same 2-digit CIP code titles as in Q6

2-digit CIP

Go to Q20

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


Next please select the specific field of study under: [Fill 2-digit CIP code title selected in Q19] that best describes your secondary research field. If this list does not describe your major field of study, click the "Previous" button and select a different broad field of study category.

List 4-digit CIP code titles under 2-digit CIP code(s) selected in Q19

4-digit CIP

Go to Q21

|-----------------------------------------------------NEXT SCREEN----------------------------------------------------------------|


TERM (If AGE = Under 21)

Thank you for completing the screening survey, but you are not eligible to participate in this study.



File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSanders, Herschel Lisette
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-15

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