Form ATF F 3312.1 ATF F 3312.1 National Tracing Center Trace Request

National Tracing Center Trace Request/ Solicitud de Rastreo del Centro Nacional de Rastreo

F 3312. 1 (February 2018)

National Tracing Center Trace Request

OMB: 1140-0043

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OMB No. 1140-0043

U.S. Department of Justice
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Phone:  1-800-788-7133	


National Tracing Center Trace Request	



Fax:  1-800-578-7223

Page 1 of 2 - Trace Request Information

NOTE:	*	- Required Entry Field (Must be completed for trace processing)
**	- Required Entry With Listed Data Response (See back for codes and options)
Part I - Trace Initiation Information
1a.	 Date of Request
1b.	Priorty**
Urgent (Justification required)	
1c.	 Special Instructions


For NTC Data Entry Only


Part II - Crime Code Information
2a.	 NCIC Crime Code**: 2b.	 Project Code, Project Title, or other Initiative (If you wish to obtain a Project Code, contact the Chief, Firearms Tracing 	
	 Branch, ATF National Tracing Center)**:
Part III - ATF Agent Requesting Trace
3a.	 Organization Code*
3b.	 Phone Number:

3c.	 ATF Special Agent’s Name (Last, first, middle)

Fax Number:
3e.	 ATF Case Number

3f.	 Field Office


3d.	 Badge Number

Part IV - Other Agency Requesting Trace
4a.	 ORI Number*
4b.	 Phone Number:

4c.	 Other Agency Officer’s Name  (Last, first, middle)

Fax Number:

4e.	 Other Agency Case Number

4d.	 Badge Number
4g.	 Mailing Address


Part V - Firearms Information
5a.	 Serial Number* (From Frame or Receiver)

5b. Obliterated (If yes, complete 5c.	 Firearms Manufacturer*
Part IX) Yes

5e.	Caliber*

5f.	Model*


5d.	Type*
5h.	 Importer*

4f.	 Department/Unit

5g.	 Country of Origin* (Importer required if other than U.S.)

5i.	 Additional Markings

Part VI - Possessor Information
6a.	 Name  (Last, First, Middle, Suffix)		

6c.  Alias Date of Birth

6b. Alias (If given) (Last, First, Middle, Suffix)
6d.	Height

6e.	Weight

6f.	 Sex

6g.  Ethnicity

Hispanic or Latino Yes

6i.	 Address - Route Number


6h.	 Race (Check one or more boxes)
American Indian or Alaskan Native

6j.	 Apt. Number 6k.	 Street No.

6l.	 Direction

6o.	County

6p.	 State

6s. Date of Birth

6t.	 Place of Birth

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Other (Specify)
6m.	Street Name

Black or African American

6n.	City

6q.	 Zip Code (Nine Digit Number)

6r.	Country

6u.	 Possessor’s ID Number

6v.  ID Type/State
ATF Form 3312.1
Revised (      )

Requestor’s Name*

Page 2 of 2 - Trace Request Information

Part VII - Associate Information
7a.	 Name  (Last, First, Middle, Suffix)	
7c.  Alias Date of Birth

7b. Alias (If given) (Last, First, Middle, Suffix)	
7d.	Height

7e.	Weight

7f.	 Sex

7g.  Ethnicity

Hispanic or Latino Yes

7i.	 Address - Route Number


7h.	 Race (Check one or more boxes)
American Indian or Alaskan Native

7j.	 Apt. Number

7k.	 Street No.

7l.	 Direction

7o.	County

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Other (Specify)
7m.	Street Name

7p.	 State
7t.	 Place of Birth

7s. Date of Birth

Black or African American

7n.	City

7q.	 Zip Code (Nine Digit Number)

7r.	Country

7u.	 Associate’s ID Number

7v.  ID Type/State

Part VIII - Firearm Recovery Information

8g.  Apt. Number

8b.	 Street Number

8c.	 Direction

8d.	 Street Name

8i. County

8h.	City*

8m.	Additional Information

8e.	 Suffix


8a.	 Recovery Date*

8j.	 State*

8k.	 Zip Code

8f.	 Route Number
8l. Country

Part IX - Obliterated Serial Number Information
9a.	 Serial Number Category (Check one of the following serial number categories)
Serial Number Restored

Partial Serial Number

Unable To Restore Serial Number

Attempt to Obliterate Serial Number

Research/Review Multiple
Serial Number Combinations

9b.	 Serial Number Being Submitted


Restoration Pending

NOTE: On partial serial numbers enter * where character was unable to be recovered.


9c.	 Obliteration Method Used  (Check all that apply)
AG - Worn by Age
FI - Filled In
GV - Grinder Concave
SB - Scratch Pointed/BROA

DR - Drill
GC - Grinder Course
PD - Peened
SN - Scratch Pointed/NARR

ES - Electric Scribe
GS - Grinder Smooth
PN - Punch
OR - Other

9d.  Additional Remarks, Firearms Markings, Possible Serial Number Combinations, or Other Special Instructions

ATF Form 3312.1
Revised (      )

Instructions For Completing ATF Form 3312.1 - National Tracing Center Trace Request
General Instructions - *Required Data Entry Fields And **Available Options/Codes Listed For Reference
The information requested on this form is needed to initiate a trace request.  All fields marked with an asterisk (*) indicate required data entry fields.  All areas so marked must
be completed in order to effectively and expeditiously execute the trace request.  Fields marked with a double asterisk (**) indicate areas of required data entry with available
options and codes listed for reference (refer to lists below to determine the appropriate entry and correct nomenclature).  
For more efficient and timely submission of firearms trace requests, law enforcement
agencies are encouraged to obtain access to ATF’s eTrace system.  eTrace allows for
the electronic exchange of crime gun incident data in a secure web-based environment.  The system provides real-time capabilities that allow law enforcement agencies
to submit firearms trace requests, monitor the progress of traces, retrieve completed
trace results, and query firearm trace related data.  For additional informatin regarding eTrace, please contact the National Tracing Center at or call
(304) 260-1540.

Required Entry Fields Include:
Question 1b** -  (Justify Urgent Trace)  See Priorities listed below
Question 2a** - Include Project Code and list NCIC Code
Question 3a* - Office Organizational Code For Use by ATF Requestor Only
Question 4a* - ORI - NCIC Originating Requestor Identifier
Question 5a*, 5c*, 5d*, 5e*, 5f*, 5g* & 5h* - Verify data
Question 8a*, 8h* & 8j* - Confirm Recovery data to be submitted

Question 1B - Trace Priority (Entered Numbered Qualifier to Justify Urgent Trace Request)
NOTE:  An urgent trace is deemed necessary when the violations are significant and circumstances warrant or require that the firearm be traced without undue delay.  Examples
of this are:  to hold a suspect, provide probable cause, officer and public safety, etc.  The following are examples of significant violations.
1 - Assault	
2 - Bank Robbery  

3 - Kidnapping	
4 - Murder/Suicide  

5 - Rape/Sex	
6 - Terrorist Act

7 - Terrorist Threat
8 - Other (specify circumstance)

Question 2C - NCIC Crime Codes  (Enter one code only.  For complete listing refer to NCIC Manual)
1301	 Aggravated Assault (Family)	
1311	 Aggravated Assault (Police)	
1399	 Assault	 	
1499	 Abortion	 	 	
1602	 Threat (Terroristic)	
1702	 Material Witness (Federal)	
2099	 Arson	 	
2199	 Extortion	 	 	
2299	 Burglary	 	 	
2399	 Larceny	 	
2411	 Unauthorized Use of Auto	
2499	 Stolen Vehicle	
2599	 Counterfeiting	
2699	 Fraud	 	
2799	 Embezzlement	

Question 5D - Type of Firearm

2899	Stolen Property	
2999	Damage Property	
3599	Dangerous Drugs	
3699	Sex Offense	
3799	Obscenity	
3802	Cruelty Toward Child	
3803	Cruelty Toward Spouse	
3999	Gambling	
4099	Commercial Sex	
4199	Liquor	
4899	Obstruction Police	
4999	Flight - Escape	
5099	Obstruct	
5199	Bribery	
5201	Altering Identification on Firearm	
5211	Explosives	


0098 Found Firearm	
0199	Sovereignty	
0299	Military	
0399	Immigration	
0907	Homicide (Police)	
0911	Homicide (Suicide)	
0999	Homicide (Street)	
1099	Kidnapping	
1101	Rape	
1199	Sexual Assault	
1201	Robbery (Business)	
1204	Robbery (Street)	
1211	Bank Robbery	
1212	Car Jacking	
1299	Robbery	

5212	 Possession of Weapon
5399	 Public Peace
5499	 Traffic Offense
5599	 Health - Safekeeping
5699	 Civil Rights	
5799	 Invade Privacy
5899	 Smuggling (Customs)
5999	 Election Laws
6099	 Antitrust
6199	 Tax Revenue
6299	 Conservation
7099	 Crimes Against Person
7199	 Property Crimes
7299	 Morals
7399	 Public Order Crimes
8100	 Escape (Juvenile)



C	 =	 Combination - A weapon designed to be fired from the shoulder which is fitted with both a rifled barrel 16” or greater in length and a smooth-bore barrel 18” or greater
	 in length with an overall length of 26” or more.
M	 =	 Machine Gun - A weapon of handgun, rifle or shotgun configuration designed to automatically fire more than one shot, without manually reloading, by a single function
		 of the trigger.
P	 =	 Pistol - A weapon which includes single shot and both single or double-action semiautomatic handguns fitted with a barrel(s) with an integral chamber design or having 	
	 a chamber(s) permanently aligned with the barrel.
PR	 = 	Pistol/Revolver - A weapon which includes both single and double-action handguns having a breechloading chambered cylinder designed with a repetitive function
		 based on rotation.
PD =	 Pistol/Derringer - A weapon which includes single barrel, super-posed (over/under) and multi-barrel configuration handguns based on a hinged or pivoting barrel small 	
	 frame pistol design.
R 	 =	 Rifle - A weapon designed to be fired from the shoulder which discharges a single projectile through one or more rifled barrels 16” or greater in length with an overall
	 length of 26” or more.
S	 =	 Shotgun - A weapon designed to be fired from the shoulder which discharge a single or multiple projectiles through one or more smooth-bore barrels 18” or greater in 	
length with an overall length of 26” or more.
Paperwork Reduction Act
This request is in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.  The information collection is used by Federal, State and local law enforcement officials to request that
the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco , Firearms and Explosives trace firearms used or suspected to have been used in crimes.
The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information is 6 minutes per respondent or recordkeeper, depending on individual circumstances.  Comments
concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this burden should be addressed to Reports Management Officer, Document Services Branch,
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Washington, DC  20226.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

ATF Form  3312.1
Revised (      )

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